Bixing Technique

A Traditional Way of Expression in Chinese Poetry
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Bixing Is a tradition in Chinese poetry Expressive technique , Song Dynasty Zhu Xi He accurately explained the basic characteristics of "comparison and prosperity" as a means of expression; "Xingzhe first speaks of other things in order to arouse the chanted words." Popularly speaking, "Bi" is a metaphor, which is a vivid metaphor of people or things to make their characteristics more distinctive. Some poems use comparison in individual places, while others use comparison in the whole image, just like the chanting poems of future generations; "Xing" means "Xing", which is to use other things as the starting point of poetry to cause the content to be sung. Some "Xing" has dual functions of origination and metaphor, so later the word "Bixing" is often used together to refer to the meaning of sustenance in poetry.
The Book of Songs It is the earliest poetry collection in China, among which Fu and Bixing are Writing technique
Chinese name
Bixing Technique
A Traditional Way of Expression in Chinese Poetry
Related figures
Song dynasty Zhu Xi
Related poems
The Book of Songs


Bixing technique first appeared in《 The Book of Songs 》。 Guanju 》In the first chapter, there is the sentence "Guanguan Jujiu is on the river island. My fair lady is a gentleman's good match". It is a gentleman's good spouse to use the birds singing in harmony on the river island to raise a lady, and there are some meanings and atmosphere connections between the two, which are close to comparison; Another example《 Hooligan 》Chapter 3 begins with the traditional Bixing“ mulberry Before it falls, its leaves are luxuriant ". First, we use verdant and lush mulberry trees to depict our youth, and then use attractive Mulberry It is a metaphor for intoxicated love. The young girl in love is compared to a greedy and happy bird, earnestly warning that you should not indulge in love. Otherwise, the outcome will be tragic and it will be too late to regret.
Chapter IV Tight bearing The beginning of the last festival was "The mulberry leaves are falling, and they are yellow and falling". The withering and withering of trees are compared with the youth taken away by fleeting years. The once brilliant girl wasted her beautiful face in the years. In addition, she lived in poverty for a long time after marriage. The fate of being abandoned naturally fell on her at this time. 3、 The fourth chapter contrasts the changes of the heroine's love life with the natural phenomena by using the rising poems, which lead to the expression Emotional life To express the resentment of the heroine against her husband's new and old behaviors.
In the last chapter, "Qi is the shore, Xi is the pan" is used to describe his endless misfortune. "Xi" is a low humid place that can be seen everywhere, and "Qi" is the river that the heroine must pass through before marriage, during marriage and after being abandoned. It is very appropriate and meaningful for comparison. This not only stimulates the readers' association, but also enhances the meaning, resulting in vivid and poetic artistic effect Not only inherited《 The Book of Songs 》And further developed its tradition of "imitating poetry and introducing analogy"《 LiSao 》。
The Book of Songs 》Bixing is mostly simple, and it is often a true description under the circumstances. Bixing materials are only natural objects or daily necessities that are familiar to human beings Qu Yuan Of《 LiSao 》The original materials of the Book of Songs, such as vegetation Fish worm , birds, animals, wind, clouds, thunder and lightning have all given life to let them move, and even let them have the will of people to place the poet's Thoughts and feelings As the saying goes, "Good birds and herbs match loyalty; evil birds and smelly things match slander and flattery", the poet "Huikuai", "Lanzhi", and "Keeping the lotus as clothing" lotus "I think clothes", decorate myself with different flowers and herbs, and express my beautiful spiritual world. In this way, Bixing is combined with the expressed content, which makes the whole poem have the symbolic nature, and at the same time, expands the artistic conception and expressiveness
Secondly, Bixing in the Book of Songs is often just a fragment of a poem, which is a simple metaphor and association. Lisao systematically expresses its content one by one. For example, a poet compares himself to a woman relations between the two sexes Relationship between monarch and minister; To be jealous of the beauty of all women is more jealous of the virtuous than the others; Seeking communication through media comparison King of Chu People; The engagement is better than that of the monarch and the minister.
Other aspects also use metaphors, such as governing the country by driving horses, comparing the laws of the country by rules, etc., so that emotions have more specific attachment and sustenance. On《 LiSao 》From the perspective of the image itself, "bi" and "xing" in Chinese are fiction and imagination, but from the perspective of the content, thoughts and feelings expressed, they are completely realistic. This has opened up the expression technique of "placing one's feelings on the scenery" and "expressing one's aspirations by relying on things" in later generations, making the whole poem appear vivid, Rich and colorful Poetry of the South 》This romanticism mode of artistic creation , for our country Ancient literature , especially for later generations Poetic creation Has a great impact.

Bixing's works

There are many descendants of works that use the technique of metaphor in writing, such as《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》At the beginning, "peacocks fly to the southeast and wander for five miles" was used to arouse the imagination of readers with specific images. People could not help thinking of the separation of husband and wife from the love of beautiful birds, which shrouded the whole poem in a tragic atmosphere and played a role in dominating the whole poem and causing the following story. Another example《 Guiyuantianju 》Chinese compare themselves to "birds in captivity and nostalgia for the old forest, Pond fish thinking Ancient abyss ”To show the poet's aversion to officialdom and return to nature. There are also Single sentence There is no comparison technique, but the whole image is comparison, such as《 Altair far away 》The whole poem uses the folktale that Niulang and Zhinv face each other across the river and cannot be reunited to describe a man who is full of sadness of separation Young woman The feeling of lovesickness is implicit and sorrowful.
In short, the use of Bixing technique has strengthened Ancient poetry Vividness and Distinctiveness , which increases the charm and image appeal of ancient poetry, and makes our ancient poetry always exude charming artistic charm

example sentence

I want to know you. I will live forever. There are no mountains, rivers are exhausted, thunder shocks in winter, rain and snow in summer, and heaven and earth are united, so I dare to break away from you.
Five kinds were used natural phenomena , show your deep love.
Jiangnan uses metaphor Pun It is a euphemism and implicit way to express men and women's private feelings. For example:
Jiangnan Can pick lotus, Lotus leaf He Tiantian, Fish play Between lotus leaves: fish playing with lotus leaves to the east, fish playing with lotus leaves to the west, fish playing with lotus leaves to the south, fish playing with lotus leaves to the north.
In ancient times, the word "fish" was a symbolic Yu language used by men and women to call each other when they fell in love. Fish playing among lotus leaves ”One sentence uses the fish to play as a metaphor for the happy scene of men and women flirting and showing their love in the depths of the lotus grove.
Guanju 》The "Guanguan Jujiu is on the river island; a fair lady is a good match for a gentleman" in is Bixing.
Hooligan 》"Before the mulberry leaves fall, the leaves are rich.". The method of "comparison" is adopted.
Take The Book of Songs, Qin Feng, Jianjia as an example
Tracing back and following it, the path is long and obstructed;
Tracing back and swimming from it, you are in the middle of the water.
Suspected to be frost on the ground,
look at the bright moon,
Bow your head and think about your hometown.
The water flows from east to west, north to south, and from east to west.
If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there is a fairy; The water is not deep, If there is a dragon, there will be a spirit
There are fifty strings in the brocade without any reason. One string and one column are missing the Chinese year

Bixing meaning

Bixing ”It is a concept with rich meanings and many ambiguities. Western Han Dynasty Maoheng The so-called "Xing" includes two situations. One meaning refers to the "origination" function. According to the Commentary on Mao's Poems, "Xing, Qi" is the function of emotion triggered by images. Images and emotions are not necessarily linked by content, but sometimes only by phonology. Mao Chuan 》The word "Xing" has another meaning. It refers to a complex and obscure metaphor. Zhu Xi On《 Biography of Poetry 》The Chinese saying "compare one with another, and compare one with another" and "Xing means to say other things first, so as to arouse the chanted words." It simply and accurately explains the meaning of Bi Xing. "Comparison" refers to the introduction of figurative objects by analogy or association in any case, "writing things to attach meaning"; "Xing" means "touching things to arouse feelings". "Other things" are the scenery described in poetry, and this scenery must contain the feelings aroused by the poet's touching things. "Xing" is more implicit and euphemistic than "Bi" Expressive technique
The Book of Songs 》It is the oldest collection of poems in China, most of which begin with Bixing. Including《 Zhou Nan, Guan Ju 》A poem successfully uses the technique of metaphor. This is a song love poem If a poem wants to write about the "female" A turtle dove The two sentences of "Guanguan Jujiu is on the island of the river" are both prosperity and comparison. Jujiu is gentle in nature and can be compared with a lady; Jujiu is a common bird in the "river island", which can remind people of the girl who often comes to the river to pick up birds; "Guan Guan" is the voice of the female and male of a turtle dove singing in unison, which can evoke the feeling of "gentleman" thinking about "Qiu". It can be seen that the rise of poetry itself has the functions of association, sustenance, symbol, and so on, which in itself brings great space to the understanding of poetry.

Bixing classification

It originally includes "bi" and "xing" rhetorical devices , but people talk about Classical poetry It is often associated with folk songs by "comparing", which should be mainly "xing" and have a figurative effect, sometimes referring to "xing". Because "Qixing" has the function of triggering and association, it is often placed at the beginning of a text. The Book of Songs, Wei Feng, Rogue 》At the beginning of the two chapters, the technique of "Xing" is used: "The leaves of mulberry are fertile before it falls." "The leaves of mulberry fall, but they are yellow and fall." The Book of Songs · Wei Feng· Felling sandalwood 》The content satirizes the ruler who eats without labor. Each paragraph of the poem begins with cutting Sandalwood Rise. Han Yuefu Poetry《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》At the beginning, "peacocks fly to the southeast and wander for five miles" is used to stimulate the atmosphere, stimulate readers' imagination and create a sentimental mood, which can also lead to the following stories and play a role in commanding the whole story.