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Yin Gefei

Responsible for the founder of Tianxia (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd
Yin Ge is not an internationally renowned expert on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development [1] , Chief Expert of Honeybee Think Tank [2] , responsible for the founder of Tianxia (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd [3] Co Secretary General of the ISO 26000 Stakeholder Global Network [1] ESG Research Institute of Northwest University of Political Science and Law Director of Academic Committee [10] Brandenburg University of Applied Technology Master of Science in Technology and Innovation Management focuses on the research and promotion of corporate social responsibility, and takes the lead in proposing the concept of corporate responsibility competitiveness in China.
Chinese name
Yin Gefei
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Responsible for Yang Tianxia (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Founder, Chief Expert of Golden Bee Think Tank

Personal position

Internationally renowned experts in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development [1] Chief expert of honeybee think tank [2] , responsible for the founder of Tianxia (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd [3] Co Secretary General of the ISO 26000 Stakeholder Global Network [1] Director of Academic Committee of ESG Research Institute of Northwest University of Political Science and Law [10] , focusing on the research and promotion of corporate social responsibility, and taking the lead in proposing the concept of corporate responsibility competitiveness in China. It has provided consulting, training and special research services on corporate social responsibility for many enterprises and public institutions and government institutions such as the World Bank, the Ministry of Commerce, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the China Enterprise Confederation, the State Grid, CNPC, China Huaneng, China Huadian, PepsiCo (China), etc.

social activities

On April 20, 2024, the lecture on sustainable development and ESG ESG Research Institute of Northwest University of Political Science and Law The unveiling ceremony was held in Northwest University of Political Science and Law. Vice President of ESG Research Institute Wang Xiaoxuan Yin Gefei, the chief expert of the Golden Bee Think Tank, was present. [10-11]


Independent author: Responsibility and Competitiveness Decoding the Sustainable Development of Enterprises [4] And Corporate Social Responsibility Management: Decoding Responsibility Competitiveness [5] Editor in chief: Research on the Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Honeybee China (2018) [3] 、《 Corporate Social Responsibility Action Guide [6] And other related works.
1 Sequence
Publication date
Research on the Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of Honeybee China (2018) [7]
Social Sciences Academic Press
December 2018
Editor in Chief
Corporate Social Responsibility Management: Decoding Responsibility Competitiveness [5]
China Three Gorges Publishing House
April 2018
Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Honeybee China (2017) [8]
Social Sciences Academic Press
January 2018
Editor in Chief
Responsibility and Competitiveness Decoding the Sustainable Development of Enterprises [4]
Enterprise Management Press
June 2014
Guidelines for Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report [9]
China Renmin University Press
April 2010
First Chief Editor
Corporate Social Responsibility Action Guide [6]
Enterprise Management Press
March 2006
First Chief Editor

Publishing books

  • Author name Yin Gefei
    Work time 2006-3-1
    Corporate Social Responsibility Action Guide is a book published by Enterprise Management Publishing House in 2006. The authors are Yin Gefei and Yu Zhihong.
  • Responsibility and competitiveness - decoding the sustainable development of enterprises
    Author name Yin Gefei
    Work time 2014-6