Yin ruins

[yīn xū]
National key cultural relics protection units
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Yin Ruins, China Shang Dynasty Later capital ruins, located in Henan Province Anyang City Northwestern suburban Huan River On both sides of the north and south, with Xiaotun Village as the center, it covers an area of about 30 square kilometers. In the late Shang Dynasty Northern Mongolia , also known as Yin , 14th century BC Pan Geng The capital was moved here to Zhou When the country was conquered, there were 8 generations and 12 kings, which lasted for 273 years. After Zhou exterminated Yin, he was granted the son of Zhou Wu Geng Later, because Wu Geng rebelled and was killed, Yan people moved away and gradually became ruins, so it was called Yin Ruins. [30]
The ruins of Yin Ruins mainly include the foundation site of the city wall, the big ash ditch, roads, the foundation site of rammed earth buildings, underground caves and semi underground cave dwellings, ash pit pits, wells, sacrificial relics, handicraft workshop sites, royal tombs, family graves, horse pits, etc. [7] Yin Ruins is the first capital site in Chinese history that can be examined in literature and verified by archaeology and oracle bone inscriptions, so Anyang, the capital of Yin, ranks first in the ancient capital of China. Become the carrier of Chinese civilization Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture Continue to pass on. [27] [51]
On March 4, 1961, Yin Ruins was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [26] On July 13, 2006, Yin Ruins was listed as a world cultural heritage《 World Heritage List 》。 [27]
Chinese name
Yin ruins
Foreign name
Yinxu、 은허、Иньсюй
geographical position
No. 1, Yinxu Road, Yindu District, Anyang City, Henan Province
area covered
About 30 km ²
Protection level
The first batch of national key cultural relics protection units
Opening Hours
08:00-18:00 from May 1 to October 31; November 1 - April 30 of the next year 08:00-17:30 [19]
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
Scenic spot level
National AAAAA Tourist Attraction [27]
Ticket Price
70.00 yuan [2]
Famous scenic spot
Yin Ruins Mausoleum Site Yin Ruins Palace Temple Site Huanbei Shangcheng Site Oracle bone pit
Recommended travel time
1 day
Suitable travel season
Suitable for all seasons
Approved by
State Council of the PRC

Historical evolution

In the 14th year of Pan Geng, the 19th monarch of the Shang Dynasty Pan Geng Move its capital to Northern Mongolia (now Anyang, Henan)“ Northern Mongolia ”Named "Yin" [3]
In the 15th year of Pan Geng, construction began Yindu [1] since Pan Geng moved to Yin , to 1046 BC Dixin After Pan Geng Xiao Xin Xiaoyi Wuding Zu Geng Zujia Linxin Condin Wuyi Wen Ding Diyi , Dixin, a total of eight generations of 12 kings, ruled for 273 years [4] Yin has always been China Shang dynasty The later political, economic, cultural and military center. [5]
In the 25th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1899), the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions in Yin Ruins, along with the Dunhuang Relics in the Dunhuang Sutra Cave, the Han slips at Juyan Beacon Torch Site, and the archives of the Qing Cabinet, are the four major discoveries of historical materials in modern China, presenting precious original materials in four different historical periods of China. Among them, the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions in Yin Ruins is of the highest value and the most far-reaching significance. In the 34th year of Guangxu's reign (1908), Luo Zhenyu confirmed that the oracle bone inscriptions were unearthed in Xiaotun Village, Anyang, Henan Province.
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the Institute of History and Language of the Central Academy of Research appointed Dong Zuobin to carry out a trial excavation in Xiaotun Village, Anyang. In the following 10 years, relics such as the foundation site of the palace and the temple, the tomb of the king, and the sacrificial pit were found in the Yin Ruins, and a large number of oracle bone inscriptions, bronzes, and jade articles were unearthed.
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Li Ji, then the head of the Archaeological Group of the Institute of History and Language, who had presided over the excavation of the Xiyin Village site in Xia County, Shanxi, arrived in Anyang and personally presided over the excavation of the Yin Ruins.
In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), Liang Siyong, the second son of Liang Qichao, who also studied in the United States and received special archaeological excavation training, also joined the excavation team of Yin Ruins.
In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), a large oracle bone burial pit with the number YH127 was found, and more than 16000 pieces of inscribed oracle bones were unearthed at one time.
In 1950, the Archaeological Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (now the Archaeological Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) resumed the archaeological excavation of the Yin Ruins, which had been interrupted for 13 years, and Guo Baojun presided over the excavation of the famous tomb of Wuguan Village.
In 1958, the Chinese Academy of Sciences set up the Anyang workstation of the Archaeological Research Institute in Anyang, which was specially responsible for the field exploration and excavation of Yin Ruins.
In March 1961, the State Council announced that Yin Ruins were among the first batch of key cultural relics under national protection.
In 1987, the Anyang Cultural Relics Team (now Anyang Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute) was established, specializing in the archaeological excavation and research of the outer edge of the Yinxu Reserve.
In December 1989, the Henan Provincial Government demarcated the Yinxu Reserve.
In 1995, the Anyang Yin Ruins Management Office was established to take charge of the protection and daily management of Yin Ruins. In the same year, the Anyang Municipal Government issued the Measures for the Protection and Management of Yin Ruins in Anyang City.
In 1998, a seal with animal face was cleared from the rammed earth foundation site in the water conservancy bureau of Anyang City, southeast of the Yin Ruins. [44]
In March 2001, Yin Ruins in Anyang was selected as one of the "100 major archaeological discoveries of the 20th century in China" with the highest number of votes. In September of the same year, the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress of Henan Province reviewed and passed the Regulations on the Protection and Administration of Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Province, which came into force on October 10, 2001.
In June 2003, the Henan Provincial Government approved the Overall Plan for the Protection of Anyang Yin Ruins, and issued it for implementation.
On July 13, 2006, the 30th UNESCO World Heritage Conference decided that Anyang Yin Ruins was approved to be included in the World Heritage List, becoming the 33rd World Heritage Site of China. [10] [29]
In 2009, a text seal was unearthed from the tomb of Zhenren in Wangyukou Village, southwest of the Yin Ruins. [44]
In 2010, a seal with Kui dragon pattern was found in the sacrificial pit of Liujiazhuang in the south of Yin Ruins. [44]
In November 2022, Archaeologists found a large east-west road on the north bank of the Huan River at the Yin Ruins in Anyang, and the road grid bureau on the north bank of the Huan River showed its "true face". [37]
On November 10, 2022, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage held a press conference on the progress of the "Archaeological China" major project in Beijing, which reported the latest achievements and progress. At the briefing, it was officially announced that a large pool garden relic was newly found in the Zongmiao District of Xiaotun Palace, covering an area of more than 60000 square meters. [38-39]
On December 21, 2023, Cui Zongliang of Anyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology introduced in his report at the 2023 Henan Archaeological Work Achievement Exchange Meeting that a family cemetery in the late Shang Dynasty was found at Anyang Dapo Site, and 28 tombs of the Shang Dynasty were found, including three types of tombs of different sizes and structures. Among them, the large tombs M16, M17, and M18 have double south and north passages in the shape of "middle", which is the first time that large "middle" shaped tombs have been found in the peripheral areas of the Yin Ruins. [47]

Site characteristics

Yin Ruins is composed of the ruins of the royal tombs of Yin Ruins, the ruins of the imperial palaces and temples of Yin Ruins, the ruins of the Huanbei Shang City, etc. It is roughly divided into palace area, royal tombs area, general burial area, handicraft workshop area, civilian residential area and slave residential area. The geographical coordinates are 114 ° 18 ′ 50 ″ E, 36 ° 07 ′ 36 ″ N, with an altitude of about 80 meters. The core area of the heritage reserve is 414 hectares, and the buffer area is 720 hectares. Yin Ruins is the first capital site in Chinese history that can be examined in literature and verified by archaeology and oracle bone inscriptions, so Anyang, the capital of Yin, ranks first in the ancient capital of China. [27]

Main attractions


Palace Temple

Yin Ruins Palace Temple Site
The ruins of the palace and ancestral temple of Yin Ruins are mainly distributed in the northeast of Xiaotun Village, Anyang, with a length of 1 km from north to south, 0.65 km from east to west, and a total area of about 0.65 square kilometers. After nearly 90 years of excavation, more than 80 large-scale building sites in the late Shang Dynasty have been found. Most of these large-scale building sites in the Yin Ruins are quadrangles. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), the Institute of History and Language of the Central Research Institute of the National Government excavated 54 palace building sites in the north and northeast of Xiaotun Village. At that time, they were divided into three groups: A, B, and C, of which Group A was located in the north of the palace area, known as the "back bedroom", and Group B was located in the middle of the palace temple area, It is a "former dynasty" with grand scale and rigorous layout. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a large number of palace sites were found. The planning of the architectural sites of the imperial temples of the Yin Ruins palaces is grand, which basically conforms to the architectural pattern of the palaces of "the former dynasty and the later, the left ancestor and the right society". The palace building is large in scale, built on the rammed earth platform, and has several types of square, rectangular and "concave" shapes. The building shape is a large rammed earth building group of "Maozi Terrace, Four Arab Heavy Houses". The construction method of the building foundation site is: first dig a rectangular vertical hole foundation pit under the temple foundation, which is the same size as the temple foundation, and then fill and compact it layer by layer with relatively pure loess. The compacted soil thickness of each layer is about 9 cm, and the compaction pits are dense. When the tamping foundation is built to a certain height above the ground, then according to the needs of the palace building structure, the round vertical hole column foundation pit will be excavated, and the column foundation stone and vertical column will be placed. It is worth noting that the plinths of some large palaces are actually made of copper. In particular, the phenomenon of useful people "laying the foundation" was also found. After the foundation of the rammed earth platform of the palace was built, a rectangular vertical hole was dug out on the foundation of the rammed earth platform, and then the person who was used as the "foundation" was rolled up with a mat to fill the hole and tamped. The victims of these "foundation laying" were mostly prisoners of war and slaves. In Xiaotun and its vicinity, many palace building sites of different sizes and shapes have also been unearthed. These large and regularly distributed palace buildings are located on the highlands within the natural meander of the Huan River, and constitute the core of the Yin Ruins site. In 1987, Anyang City restored the base site of B 20 according to archaeological and documentary data, which became the main building in the imperial palace temple area of Yin Ruins. [34]

Yin Ruins Mausoleum

Yin Ruins Mausoleum Site
The royal mausoleum site is located in Anyang City, Henan Province Huan River Hou Family Village and Wuguan Village The northern highland is about 450 meters long from east to west and 250 meters wide from south to north. Here, 13 large tombs and larger tombs, more than 2500 sacrificial pits, 12 large tombs and more than 1400 sacrificial pits have been excavated.
The royal mausoleum is divided into east and west districts. There are mainly 8 large tombs in the western area; The eastern area is dominated by sacrificial pits, which are mainly distributed in the middle of the southern and northern parts of the eastern area. In addition, there are 1 large tomb and 4 large tombs. There is no sealed soil on the ground of 13 large tombs or larger tombs. The tombs face south from the north. The large opening and small bottom of the tombs are square bucket shaped, and the tomb plane is in the shape of "sub", "middle" or "A".
These large tombs and large tombs are arranged in an orderly and densely distributed manner. Although some tomb passages have broken the relationship, there is no overlap in the tombs, which fully shows that the location of the 13 tombs in the royal cemetery area is arranged according to the corresponding planning. Among the 13 tombs, there are 8 "sub" shaped tombs. Each tomb has 4 passages, which is regarded as the highest standard tomb. For a long time later, imperial tombs have taken this shape. There are three "middle" shaped tombs, with one tomb path in the north and one in the south. There is one A-shaped tomb, with only the south tomb path.
The prominent feature of the tombs of the Yin Ruins is the prevalence of the system of sacrificing human beings and animals for human beings. The sacrificial pits in the tomb area of the Yin Ruins are mainly distributed in the eastern area, with a centralized and regular arrangement. These sacrificial pits are divided into several groups according to the size, direction, depth, burial content, skeleton posture and number, and the distance between pits. Each group of sacrificial pits has a row of pits or several rows of pits. The number of sacrificial pits varies, and many have tens of pits. The same group of pits should belong to the same sacrificial activity. According to the burial contents, the sacrificial pits can be divided into human pits, animal pits and artifact pits. [33]

Huanbei Shopping Mall

Huanbei Shopping Mall is located in the northern suburbs of Anyang City, Henan Province. It is named "Huanbei Shopping Mall" because it is located on the north bank of the Huan River. The city site is square, overlapping with the traditional Yin Ruins. The foundation trench of the city wall built by rammed earth has been confirmed around, 2200 meters long from north to south and 2150 meters wide from east to west. The total area is about 4.7 square kilometers. 13 degrees north by east. The Palace Zongmiao District is located in the south section of the north-south central axis of the city site. Dozens of rammed earth foundation sites have been found in the palace area. The largest base site has a total area of 16000 square meters. It is the largest single building site of the Shang Dynasty found in China. A large area of residential addresses are distributed around the palace area. Among them, a large number of house foundations, wells and cellars have been cleared out after local exposure of the residential address in the northwest. Some tombs were also found around the settlements.
The discovery of Huanbei Shang City undoubtedly rewrote the traditional concept of "Yin Ruins". The cultural relics, architectural relics, relevant stratigraphic relationships, and the carbon-14th age found in the city site indicate that it is a city site of major relics and relics within the scope of the "Yin Ruins" that is slightly older than the past. Scholars speculate that this city site and the traditional Yin Ruins centered on Xiaotun were the capital of the Shang Dynasty. [10]

Hun Tomb

In May 2017, archaeologists found 18 Hun a burial. These Hun tombs are arranged in order and have the same shape. Judging from the unearthed artifacts, these tombs were later than the Yinxu period, and were different from the tombs in the Central Plains in terms of shape and content. Its age should have arrived at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty Wei-Jin period About 1800 years ago. [9]

Cultural relics



It is understood that since 90 years of scientific excavation, Yin Ruins have a wide range of relics, and the number is extremely considerable. Among them, 150000 pieces of oracle bone inscriptions, tens of thousands of pottery, about 1500 bronze ritual vessels, about 3500 bronze weapons, about 2600 jade articles, more than 6500 stone articles and more than 30000 bone articles have been unearthed. [7]
 Pictures of Yin Ruins Pictures of Yin Ruins Pictures of Yin Ruins Pictures of Yin Ruins Pictures of Yin Ruins
Some cultural relics unearthed in Yin Ruins


Oracle bone inscriptions, which are carved on tortoise shells or animal bones to record the contents of divination activities, are also called Zhen Bu characters, inscriptions on oracle bones, and Yin Ruins deeds. As early as the end of the 19th century, farmers in Xiaotun Village, Anyang, Henan Province, constantly found oracle bones when plowing land and used them as "keels" of traditional Chinese medicine. In the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1899), Wang Yirong, the son of the Imperial College, first determined its literal value, and then studied and determined that it was the oracle bone used for divination in the Shang Dynasty. Later, Wang Xiang, Luo Zhenyu and other scholars revealed the mystery of oracle bones and found the Yin Ruins. More than 150000 pieces of oracle bones have been found, with about 4500 unique words. Each oracle bone inscription word is basically composed of dots and dashes with long and short lines matching each other, and the shape is square or rectangular. From the perspective of the rules of the structure of Chinese characters, oracle bone inscriptions are mainly pictographic, pictophonetic and borrowed characters, which shows that it is a relatively mature character and can be called the ancestor of Chinese characters. Oracle bone inscriptions, cuneiform characters of Sumerian people in the ancient two river valley, and Phoenician letters are called three ancient characters of mankind. Oracle inscriptions contain the world's earliest records of solar and lunar eclipses, the world's earliest medical records, and a complete decimal digital system. According to archaeological excavations, oracle bone inscriptions existed as early as the end of the primitive society, which were mainly popular in the Shang Dynasty, and gradually replaced by inscriptions on bronze in the Western Zhou Dynasty. [32]


Compared with the bronze culture in other parts of the world, the bronze ware in the Yin and Shang period is characterized by more emphasis on bronze containers. It's a ritual vessel. The various bronzes unearthed from the Yin Ruins are exquisite in workmanship and exquisite in decoration. They are rare art treasures. Its smelting technology was extremely sophisticated, which was the highest level in the world at that time, demonstrating the highly developed smelting technology of the Shang Dynasty in China. More than 3000 years ago, businessmen had known the alloy composition of bronzes. Craftsmen cast bronze products for different purposes through the proportion of copper, lead and tin. Bronze weapons were naturally the main weapons used by the Yin and Shang Dynasty to consolidate and expand the country's power in the war. Bronze ware was also a symbol of the power, wealth and status of the Shang royal family. Many groups of bronze funerary objects were unearthed at the Yin Ruins Mausoleum site. The collocation and quantity of utensils can indicate the social status of the tomb owner. [36]

Houmu Wuding

Houmu Wuding Unearthed from Wangling District in 1939, it is 1.33 meters high, 1.10 meters long, 0.78 meters wide and weighs 875 kilograms. It is the largest piece of bronze in the world and our national treasure. It is very difficult to cast such a heavy tool. It is estimated that the manufacturing of such heavy equipment requires a clear division of labor and cooperation. More than 130 people are required to work at the same time from the casting of copper smelting to the mold making to the demoulding. The proportion of copper, tin and lead in bronzes is basically the same as that of copper, tin and lead in modern bronzes. You can imagine how superb the refining technology was at that time. Ding was originally used as a pot for cooking meat. Later, with the development of productivity, it gradually became a symbol of power. [30]

Tomb of Fu Hao

Tomb of Fu Hao
The tomb of Fuhao is 7.5 meters deep, and a large number of burial objects totaling 1928 were unearthed. There are more than 400 pieces of bronze ware, more than 750 pieces of jade ware, more than 560 pieces of bone ware, as well as stone ware, ivory ware, pottery, clam ware, conch, seashells, etc. More importantly, many of the unearthed bronze wares are inscribed with the word "Fu Hao", and even a weapon has the name "Fu Hao". After research, scholars, It was learned that this was Wu Ding's wife, Fu Hao, who appeared more than 200 times in oracle bone inscriptions.
Among the funerary objects, in addition to exquisite bronzes and jades, there are also ruler bones in the niches, which are the slaves who were buried at that time. A total of 16 human bones and 6 dogs died in these ulnas. Among them, there were 4 males, 2 females and 2 children who were martyred, and the rest had been amputated, so they could no longer distinguish between men and women. [30]


In 1998, a seal with animal face was cleared from the rammed earth foundation site in the water conservancy bureau of Anyang City, southeast of the Yin Ruins.
In 2009, a text seal was unearthed from the tomb of Zhenren in Wangyukou Village, southwest of the Yin Ruins.
In 2010, a seal with Kui dragon pattern was found in the sacrificial pit of Liujiazhuang in the south of Yin Ruins. [45]

Cultural relic value

  • Archaeological influence
  1. one
    The excavation of Yin Ruins is a Chinese tradition Epigraphy And the West Field Archaeology The combination product is Modern China The symbol of the rise of archaeology. [11]
  2. two
    The excavation of the palace area and royal mausoleum area of the Yin Ruins, and the discovery of a large number of precious cultural relics such as bronzes and jades, have attracted the attention of Chinese and foreign academic circles, and established the international status of Chinese archaeology;
  3. three
    In 1931, Liang Siyong was in Anyang Hougang Site The discovery of "Triassic" is the first time to divide Yangshao Culture Longshan Culture And Business culture The relative chronological relationship of is Chinese archaeology Has laid a foundation for the formation of
  4. four
    The excavation site of the Yin Ruins has become the cradle for cultivating Chinese archaeological talents, from which Li Ji Dong Zuobin Shi Zhangru Go to find a leading archeologist Guo Baojun Yin Da Xia Nai Hu Houxuan And the first generation of Chinese archeologists.
  5. five
    The excavation of Yin Ruins has made a positive response to the prevailing skepticism in Chinese academic circles in historical research since the early 20th century. As the existence of the Shang Dynasty was confirmed by archaeology, the Chinese academic community was able to carry out“ Xia Dynasty ”To explore. [12]
  • Oracle bone inscriptions illuminate the brilliant China
The discovery of oracle bone inscriptions is a beacon illuminating Chinese civilization. Xu Guangde, a researcher at the Archaeological Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that oracle bone inscriptions were not only a symbol of civilization and a symbol of culture, but also confirmed the authenticity of a series of documents, including the Records of the Historian, which pushed the recorded history of Chinese civilization forward for nearly five centuries.
Among the four major ancient Chinese font systems in the world, only the ancient Chinese character system represented by the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells in the Yin Ruins has continued through thousands of years of evolution and written a broad and profound history of Chinese civilization. [31]
  • Bronze World
Bronze processing industry in Shang Dynasty was developed, but there was no high-grade copper ore and tin lead ore necessary for bronze smelting around Anyang. Some scholars speculated that craftsmen at that time had learned to smelt and rough process in the ore producing area, and then transported the processed crude copper, crude tin and crude lead here for proportioning smelting. At that time, copper deposits were probably mined in Jiangxi, Anhui and other areas along the Yangtze River, while tin and lead deposits were mainly in Jiangxi. Some scholars speculate that the frequent wars in the Shang Dynasty may also be related to the competition for mineral resources
The stone and jade wares of the Shang Dynasty can also be described as a dazzling array. The jade wares unearthed from the Yin Ruins reflect the superb craftsmanship and artistic imagination of the Bronze Age in China. Scholars believe that most of the jades unearthed in the Yin Ruins are made of Hetian jade in Xinjiang and Xiuyu jade in Liaoning. It can be assumed that as early as 3000 years ago in the Shang Dynasty, there was a "golden and stone road" to Xinjiang. This is more than 1200 years earlier than the "Silk Road" that began in the second century BC. [31]
  • Yin Ruins fill the archaeological gap
The discovery of the Huanbei Shang City and the rammed earth buildings near its central axis has epoch-making significance in the archaeological history. This is a Shang Dynasty capital site discovered by archaeologists after years of field investigation and analysis of a large number of ancient cultural relics and ancient geomorphological data, filling the gap between the early Shang culture represented by Erligang in Zhengzhou and the late Shang culture represented by Yin Ruins, thus improving the chronological framework of the Shang Dynasty.
Archaeologists have found more than 110 palace temples. These buildings are arranged in groups, either as ancestral temples or as community altars, and have already taken the shape of the planning of the Chinese palace architecture "former dynasties and later dynasties, left ancestors and right societies". [13]
  • Yin calendar is used by the lunar calendar
The natural science and technology during the Yin Ruins period reached the world's advanced level in many fields. The records in oracle bone inscriptions show that the Yan people have been able to accurately record solar eclipses, lunar eclipses and astrological phenomena, and have an early understanding of supernovae and other astronomical phenomena. Yin calendar adopts the combination of Yin and Yang, dividing the year into 12 months, and adopts the method of adding leap months to solve the contradiction with the actual solar day in the regression year. These methods are still used in the current Chinese lunar calendar.
In terms of mathematics, Yin people had already known the number concepts of "individual", "ten", "hundred", "thousand" and "ten thousand", and adopted the decimal system.
In terms of medicine, the late Shang Dynasty has been able to recognize more than 10 kinds of human diseases. In addition to drug treatment, acupuncture, massage and other treatment methods can also be used, reaching a high level.
Archaeological excavations show that the handicraft industry in the Yin Ruins period was unprecedentedly developed, not only with complete categories, but also with a very high level of craftsmanship. Some major handicraft production sectors, such as bronze casting, jade making, pottery making, bone making, car making, textile, have reached a considerable scale. Among them, white pottery and primitive porcelain of this period played an important role in the history of Chinese ceramics.
The carriages of the Shang Dynasty unearthed from the Yin Ruins have used a large number of bronze components, with a single shaft and two sets of double wheels. The structure is exquisite and complex, which reflects superb mechanical, bronze casting and other composite technologies.
The highly developed science and technology during the Yin Ruins period made an important contribution to the development of human science and technology. [13]

Historical culture


The discovery of oracle bone inscriptions

In the autumn of the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1899), Wang Yirong, an official of the Qing Dynasty who was then the Imperial College offering sacrifices to wine, accidentally found characters similar to characters on the bought back medicinal materials called "dragon bones" (tortoise shells and animal bones). With his profound knowledge of philology, he presumed that it was a long lost ancient writing, and sent his servants to buy back all the "medicinal materials" in the pharmacy for research. In the 26th year of Guangxu's reign (1900), the Eight Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, and Wang Yirong committed suicide. However, the news that there were ancient characters on the "keel" was widely spread in Beijing, where there was a strong trend of gold and stone at that time. Luo Zhenyu, a gold and stone expert at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was greatly encouraged by the news. Obsessed with the study of epigraphy, he sent his family to Zhangde Mansion (today's Anyang City), the place of origin of the "dragon bone" medicinal materials at that time, to find the exact site of its excavation. In order to monopolize the purchase channels of medicinal materials, crafty businessmen claimed that the origin was in Neihuang and Tangyin, which made them spend a lot of time exploring the origin of oracle bones. After many setbacks, Luo Zhenyu finally found out that the oracle bone was unearthed in Xiaotun Village near Anyang. So far, the origin of oracle bones has finally become known to the world. [28]

Good women

Fu Hao, the wife of King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty, is deeply loved by Wuding. She has participated in national affairs for many times and made great contributions to Wuding's country. According to oracle bone inscriptions, she led many expeditions to the east and the west, and led more than 13000 soldiers, many men under her command. Once, Fu Hao led the army to attack Pakistan. Because she planned a strategy, she set an ambush at a place in advance and cooperated with the frontal attack to fight a beautiful ambush. Fu Hao not only led the army, but also presided over major court sacrifices, playing a pivotal role in the royal family. As a result of years of war, Fuhao finally died before Wuding due to overwork. Wu Ding was very sad. He made an exception and buried her in the palace area, and built a hall on the grave to commemorate her. [30]

Yin Ruins Museum

Yin Ruins Museum is the only professional underground museum that systematically displays the cultural relics of the Shang Dynasty in China. The museum is planned and designed in strict accordance with the standards of science, environmental protection, safety and site protection, and is coordinated with the Yinxu site landscape as much as possible. From the plane, the Yin Ruins Museum resembles the word "Huan" in oracle bone inscriptions, which means that the Yin Ruins are attached to the Huan River, symbolizing the important role of the Huan River in breeding the civilization of the Shang Dynasty. A series of cultural relics excavated by the Archaeological Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the Yin Ruins since the founding of the People's Republic of China are on display in the museum. The exhibits not only have a high academic level, but also many palace sites and sacrificial pits displayed in the open air along the scenic spot, showing the style and features of the Shang Dynasty palaces and ancestral temples. [35]

Domestic evaluation

Guo Moruo : "The Central Plains culture was founded in Yin Dynasty, which is better than reading ancient books.". "Anyang on the Huan River is famous, and it was the imperial capital three thousand years ago.". "The discovery of Yin Ruins is the beginning of new historiography." [14]
Chen Yunhe :“ Oracle Happy to jump out of the Yin Ruins, bronzeware Happy to jump out of Yin Ruins and see the sun again Anyang Xiaotun Village The great joy of ".
Xia Nai "Yin Ruins are not only rich in cultural relics, but also of high academic value. The treasures it contains are far from exhausted."“ Shang dynasty Yin Ruins culture is really a splendid civilization, with three elements: city, writing and bronze ware. And it is also a splendid Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization has its own personality, its special style and characteristics. In terms of the above three elements, it has its own particularity of Chinese color. In other aspects, such as jade carving, horse driven cars, carved white pottery and primitive porcelain, oracle bones Otsuge Uranainandesu It also has its own characteristics. The art of Yin Ruins also has its own style. " [15]
Jiang Zemin "This place is very knowledgeable and promising." [16]
Xi Jinping: "I have been longing for Yin Ruins for a long time." [49]

Foreign evaluation

In 2006 Lithuania The 30th session World Heritage Conference On, World Heritage Committee Considering that Yin Ruins "have outstanding universal value", the following comments were made:
II、 Yin Ruins as the Shang Dynasty national capital , showing ancient China at its peak, including the writing system Bronze Culture
III、 The cultural relics of the Yin Ruins provide extraordinary evidence about the cultural traditions of the late Shang Dynasty, including rich scientific inventions and technological achievements, such as the astronomical calendar based on the observation of the sun and the moon Oracle bone The earliest written characters in China.
IV、 The ruins of palaces, ancestral temples and royal tombs of the Yin Ruins left outstanding examples of ancient Chinese architecture and laid the foundation for the early form of the ancient Chinese palace system and cemetery system, which is of great significance.
VI、 The archaeological discoveries of Yin Ruins have left material evidence for the language of Chinese characters, ancient beliefs, social systems and some important historical events. [17-18]

Cultural relics protection

Yin Ruins Protection Plan
On March 4, 1961, Yin Ruins was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [26]
In 1982《 Law of the People's Republic on the Protection of Cultural Relics 》After the announcement, Henan Province and Anyang City The government also issued management regulations related to the protection of Yin Ruins, bringing the protection of Yin Ruins into the legal track, and delimiting the protection scope and building control zone of Yin Ruins.
In 1987, Anyang City Government purchase of Xiaotun Northeast( Yin Ruins Palace Area )With nearly 80000 square meters of farmland, effective protection measures have been taken for the site, and a site type museum has been built here( Yin Ruins Museum )It shows the layout and architecture of the royal palaces and halls of the Yin Dynasty, and becomes a resort integrating archaeology, gardens, ancient buildings and tourism.
In 2001, the Anyang Municipal Government used Application for World Heritage It expropriated nearly one thousand mu of land from the Yin Ruins Palace and the royal mausoleum sites to the state, made them under the direct control of the government, effectively prevented the expansion of Xiaotun and Huayuanzhuang to the Palace Reserve, and invested a huge amount of money to relocate the residents in the key reserve outside the reserve. President of China Yin Shang Association Wang Yuxin He spoke highly of this and praised that "the protection of Yin Ruins is the first great contribution of Anyang".
In 2006, Anyang City The government has invested more than 1.5 billion yuan to comprehensively control the surrounding environment of Yin Ruins, explore the display method of the site, and built Yin Ruins Museum , collect, protect and display the unearthed Yin Ruins Movable Historical Relics
On July 13, 2006 Lithuania Convening World Heritage Committee At the 30th session, Yin Ruins World Heritage Site (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) of《 World Heritage List 》, become World Cultural Heritage [27]
In 2010, Yin Ruins were listed in the first batch of 12 Archaeological Park
In October 2018, the 90th anniversary of scientific excavation of Yin Ruins and the Forum on the Development and Archaeology of Yin Ruins were held. [7]
In 2020, the China World Cultural Heritage Annual Conference and the World Cultural Heritage Cities Mayors Forum won the 4-star rating for heritage protection and management in 2019. [8]
On October 12, 2021, Yin Ruins was listed by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as a major site during the 14th Five Year Plan period. [24]

Honorary title

In 1997, Yin Ruins were listed as one of the first hundred Patriotism Education Demonstration Base [27]
In 2000, Yin Ruins was selected as "China's 100 Archaeological Discoveries in the 20th Century" by the archaeological community. [27]
On March 19, 2011, Yin Ruins passed the national review and acceptance and became a national 5A tourist attraction. [27]
In October 2018, Yin Ruins was included in the list of "National Research and Practice Education Bases for Primary and Middle School Students". [6]
In August 2021, Yinxu was recognized by the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese as the ninth batch of overseas Chinese international cultural exchange bases [20]
In September 2021, Yin Ruins was selected as one of the top 100 archaeological discoveries in Henan. [21]
In October 2021, Yin Ruins was rated as "One Hundred Archaeological Discoveries in a Century". [23]
In June 2022, Yinxu was included in the first batch of Henan provincial "white list" enterprises of culture and tourism. [25]
On December 24, 2022, three new archaeological achievements of Xindian, Taojiaying and Shaojiapeng sites outside the Yin Ruins were selected into CCTV's Top Ten Archaeological News at Home and Abroad in 2022. [40]
In December 2022, Anyang Yinxu Scenic Area was included in the list of Top 100 AAAAA Scenic Spot Brands in November 2022. [41]
In December 2022, "New Progress in Yin Ruins Archaeology and Oracle Research" was selected as "Top Ten Archaeological News in China in 2022". [42]
In February 2023, "General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Anyang Yin Ruins" and "Anyang Yin Ruins Archaeology and Oracle Bone Inscriptions Research Achieved Important Achievements" were selected as "Top Ten News of Henan Cultural Relics Archaeology in 2022". [43]
On March 28, 2023, "Shang Mausoleum of Yin Ruins and Its Surrounding Remains" was selected as one of the top ten new archaeological discoveries in 2022 Now. [46]
In February 2024, it was selected as one of the top ten archaeological innovations in Henan Province in 2023 hair Now. [50]

Tourism information


geographical position

Yin ruins

Traffic information

Tourists can arrive in the following three ways:
  1. one
    Self driving: along Beijing Zhuhai Expressway At the exit of Anyang, turn right along Renmin Avenue to the Fifth People's Hospital.
  2. two
    Bus routes: Che No. 1, 15, get off at Yinxu Station and walk for 5 minutes, and get off at the end of Bus No. 18. [48]
  3. three
    Train: get off at Anyang Station, take No. 1 bus at the Cultural Palace Yinxu Station, turn right and walk for 5 minutes.

favoured policy

From February 16 to March 31, 2022, the first ticket will be free for tourists to participate in the activity of "Spring Foresight · Huiyou Hometown". [22]