
[qí yì]
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Ambiguous sentence It refers to a sentence that has two or more possibilities in understanding, and some words are easy to be misunderstood, but only one meaning is used in the context at that time. In other words, it is a sentence that can be understood in this way or that way, but it is not sure what kind of meaning it is expressing. It is also called Languages There are two or more possible explanations for the ambiguous meaning of. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
qí yì
Comprehension will produce two possible sentences
We work in groups of three

Definition of words

If a sentence has two or more interpretations, there will be ambiguity, and some words will lead to misunderstanding by others. Reasons for ambiguity: understanding after operation sequence or association with something word meaning Unclear, uncertain syntax, unclear hierarchy, unclear era or dynasty, and the use of tone can also lead to ambiguity.

Ambiguous words

Leaving: Generally speaking, it means leaving, saying goodbye, or leaving the world.
Laozi: Usually refers to the father taoist culture Laozi in.
Brother: Generally, it refers to the relatives among brothers, and also refers to the weak and inferior people.
Miss: Generally speaking, it refers to young girls, and can also refer to prostitutes and prostitutes.
Old Mother tiger Generally, it refers to female tiger animals, and also refers to women who are irritable and not easy to provoke.
Lingbento : It refers to the death of the film and television characters, also refers to the actors getting paid, or refers to people eating shit.
Cool: It can refer to people who hang up or fail to do something.
Nerve: generally refers to the brain nervous system , can also refer to abusing people with abnormal brain.
Goblins: Generally, they refer to creatures such as monsters and ghosts, and can also refer to attractive women.
The fox spirit: generally refers to the demon that the fox cultivates into a spirit. It can also refer to the mistress who seduces men.

ambiguous type

Ambiguous sentences are mainly composed of oral and written language Written language is mainly caused by Polysemy It is also caused by language combination. The ambiguity of combination includes the ambiguity of grammatical combination and the ambiguity of semantic combination.
(1) Different combination levels cause ambiguity
① "Three of us in a group" can be understood as "we/three in a group" or "three of us/a group".
② "I can't write this report well" can be understood as "I can't write this report well (limited ability)" or "I can't write this report well (possibly due to identity and other factors)".
(II) Structural relationship Different causes ambiguity
① "Imported color TV" can be understood as verb-object combination , can also be understood as a positive relationship.
② "Student parents" can be understood as Juxtaposition relation , can also be understood as a positive relationship.
(3) Ambiguity caused by ambiguous semantics
① "Her father did the surgery", which can be understood as her father did the surgery surgeon It can also be understood that her father was ill and the doctor operated on him.
② The "women's barber shop" may be a barber shop run by women or a barber shop serving women.
③ "Poetic demeanor" may or may not refer to a poet.
(4) Ambiguity caused by different parts of speech
① "I want to fried shredded pork ”, "speculation" can be understood as a verb or adjective.
② "The food is not hot", "hot" is a verb, which means that you can eat the cold food without hot food; "Hot" is an adjective, meaning that the food is cold.
③ "He used to live here", which means that he used to live here; The adverb "yuan yuan" means that he didn't expect to live here.
④ "The county has informed that the head of Zhao Township will report before the 15th of this month"; "Qian", as a verb, means to go forward, and you can only go to the county on the 15th.
(5) Ambiguity caused by multiple meanings of words
① "After lying in bed for a short time, he remembered", which can be interpreted as that he remembered something, or that he was going to get up.
② "Please have a dish", "dish" can refer to both vegetables and dishes in general.
③ "The Ministry of Trade has allocated materials to the northeast of North China", "to" can be understood as "from", can also be understood as "to", the meaning is very different.
(VI) Sentence element Incompleteness causes ambiguity
① Everyone is right Forest ranger Expose forestry bureau The problem of taking the lead in the smuggling of timber is very indignant. Because the word "de" is omitted at will after "exposure", so that the center of meaning can move forward, causing ambiguity. It can be understood that everyone is angry with the Forestry Bureau for taking the lead in smuggling timber; It can also be understood as anger at the behavior of forest rangers who exposed this problem. With the addition of the word "de", the center is limited to "the problem of the forestry bureau taking the lead in smuggling timber", and the meaning of the text is clear.
② Buying cars, boats Meal ticket stay Reception This sentence is ambiguous because the word "ticket" is dropped after "vehicle" and "ship". It can be understood as train ticket, ship ticket and meal ticket; It can also be understood as buying a car, a boat and a meal ticket.
(7) Different accents in spoken English can also cause ambiguity
For example, "he wrote three letters in one morning", "just" Light reading He writes quickly; Re read "just" and say he work efficiency Low, Write only Three letters.

Example of meaning

1. It's heartbreaking to give up a beautiful woman. Explanation: First, it is heartbreaking for a man to give up a beautiful woman. If it is understood that a woman has given up the right to pursue beauty, it is really heartbreaking.
2. I asked him to go. Explanation: "Call" can be understood as "let, make, send", and this sentence means "I send him"; "Shout" can also be understood as "shout, shout, move" and so on. This sentence is“ what the hell Call him "or" I'll call him ".
3. It was his father who operated. Explanation: "The surgeon" can be the doctor who performs the operation, or it can be understood as "the patient who has been operated".
4. The school leaders were fully prepared for his criticism. Explanation: "Criticism of him" can be understood as the school leader criticizing him, or he criticizes the school leader.
5. "He did a lot of things behind his daughter-in-law's back" explains that the "back" in this sentence is inextricably linked, but this sentence can also be understood as that he did things without letting his lover know.
6. "Birds don't fight" explanation: whether birds don't fight or people don't fight. It's very interesting for birds to fight. It really makes good people sad.
7. He left his job and went to the park with his sister. Explanation: Maybe he left his job and his sister and went to the park alone, or maybe he left his job and went to the park with his sister.
8. In the debate, it refers to " Linguistic sign It may be reasonably interpreted in two or more ways. "
9. Ambiguity is the phenomenon that a language form can convey two or more kinds of language information. For example, "the dog that killed the hunter" has two understandings: A "The hunter's dog was killed"; B. The hunter was killed by the dog. An unambiguous sentence: The exam was not difficult, but he almost failed because he did not prepare enough.