Wulingyuan Scenic Area

Part of Zhangjiajie National AAAAA Tourist Attraction
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synonym Wulingyuan (Scenic Area) generally refers to Wulingyuan Scenic Area
Wulingyuan Scenic Spot, located in Jundiping, Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, consists of Suoxiyu, Tianzi Mountain, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Yangjiajie and other scenic spots. [1]
Wulingyuan Scenic Area covers an area of 369 square kilometers, with more than 3000 strange mountains and peaks, including 243 at an altitude of more than kilometers. A large area of limestone karst landform in the north of the scenic spot has formed countless karst caves, sinkholes, skylights and springs after hundreds of millions of years of river vicissitude, downfall, erosion and dissolution. Wulingyuan is located at the junction of quartz sandstone and limestone. A large area of limestone karst landform in the north of the scenic spot has formed countless karst caves, sinkholes, skylights and springs after hundreds of millions of years of river vicissitude, downfall, erosion and dissolution. Wulingyuan Scenic Area has a forest coverage rate of 67%. There are more than 400 kinds of wild animals, more than 850 kinds of woody plants, 3 kinds of first-class protected animals, leopard, clouded leopard and yellow bellied horned pheasant, and 25 kinds of second-class protected animals, such as giant salamander, macaque and pangolin. There are five national first class protected plants, such as Davidia involucrata, Bole tree, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, and 16 second class protected plants, such as Taxus chinensis, Eucommia ulmoides, and Magnolia officinalis. [1-3]
Wulingyuan is the real scene shooting place of the American film "Avatar" and the Chinese classical classics "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", "Zhong Kui Subdues the Devil", and "Catch the Demon". Wulingyuan Scenic Area has been listed in the World Natural Heritage List of the second batch of national key scenic spots, the first batch of world geological parks in China, and national AAAAA tourist attractions. [4-5] [8] [20]
Chinese name
Wulingyuan Scenic Area
Foreign name
Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area [6]
geographical position
Jundiping Wulingyuan Scenic Spot, Wulingyuan District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province
climatic conditions
The prototype monsoon humid climate in the middle subtropical mountains
Opening Hours
8:30-17:30 all year round
Scenic spot level
Ticket Price
248.00 yuan
area covered
500 km²


"Wulingyuan" is a appellation full of cultural details, and its name can be summed up in three aspects. [23]
  • history
Historically, Wulingyuan was a border area in ancient times. At that time, the traffic was blocked, the boats and cars were cut off, and people were rarely seen. Later, Changde was called Wuling County. Before the Qin Dynasty, the current Wulingyuan was located in Qianzhong County, which had been under the jurisdiction of Wulingyuan County for a long time since the Han Dynasty. In the period of the Republic of China, it belonged to Wuling Road at first, and then to the second, fourth and eighth administrative supervision areas of Hunan Province. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was under the jurisdiction of Dayong County, Sangzhi County and Cili County in Changde Prefecture of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture. [23]
  • Geography
Geographically, today's Wulingyuan is located in the extension of Wuling Mountains. [23]
  • Culture
From the perspective of cultural communication, many literati wrote "Wulingyuan" in their works. Wang Wei wrote that "people live together in Wulingyuan, but also from outside the countryside"; Li Bai also wrote, "Go back to Wulingyuan after your success"; Wang Anshi, a litterateur of the Song Dynasty, wrote in "Warm Path": "When I came back, I thought it was Wulingyuan." Their "Wulingyuan" is synonymous with the transcendental and refined paradise. The landscapes mentioned in Wang Wei's poem "A Journey to the Peach Garden", such as streams, caves, canyons, villages, and woodcutters, are closest to Wulingyuan today. [23]

Historical evolution

In 1978, Wulingyuan was discovered by the world, known as a scenic pearl "raised in purdah and unknown to people". [24]
In 1982, the State Council of the People's Republic of China approved the construction of China's first national forest park in Zhangjiajie - Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.
In 1984, Hu Yaobang, then General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, named Zhangjiajie, Suoxiyu and Tianzi Mountain as "Wulingyuan" [7]
In August 1988, Wulingyuan Scenic Spot was listed in the second batch of national key scenic spots. [8]
In November 2010, the quartz sandstone peak forest canyon landform was officially named "Zhangjiajie landform" by the international geological academia. [24]
 Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area Wulingyuan Scenic Area
Wulingyuan Scenic Area

Location context

Wulingyuan Scenic Spot is located in the northwest of Hunan Province in central China, between 110 ° 20'30 "~110 ° 41'15" east longitude and 29 ° 16'25 "~29 ° 24'25" north latitude. It is composed of Zhangjiajie Forest Park in Zhangjiajie City, Suoxiyu Nature Reserve in Cili County and Tianzishan Nature Reserve in Sangzhi County. The total area is about 500 square kilometers. [9]
Wulingyuan Scenic Area

geographical environment



Wulingyuan area is located in the third uplift belt of Neocathaysia in the regional tectonic system. During the geological history period, it roughly experienced Wuling Xuefeng, Indochina, Yanshan, Himalayan and neotectonic movements. Wuling Xuefeng movement established the basement structure of Wulingyuan area. The Indosinian movement shaped the basic tectonic geomorphic framework of Wulingyuan area, and the Himalayan and neotectonic movements are one of the most basic internal factors to form the unique quartz sandstone peak forest geomorphic landscape of Wulingyuan.
The strata forming the sandstone peak forest landform are mainly composed of the Yuntaiguan Formation and Huangjiadun Formation of the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Paleozoic, showing the characteristics of coastal facies clastic rocks. The rock is pure, thick, flat bottom, vertical joints are developed, and the rock is exposed in the syncline outline, reflecting the special geological structure environment and basic conditions for the formation of sandstone peak forest landscape. The water erosion, gravity collapse and biological biochemical and physical weathering caused by external geological activities are the essential external conditions to shape the Wulingyuan landscape. [10]


  • Landform of Zhangjiajie
Zhangjiajie landform is a unique type of sandstone landform. It is a landform landscape mainly composed of straight edges and tall stone pillar forests formed by water erosion, gravity collapse, weathering and other forces, with quartz sandstone as the landscape parent rock. It is a "geomorphic landscape in the tectonic setting of the South China plate and the subtropical humid area, which is formed by the near horizontal occurrence of the Middle and Upper Devonian quartz sandstone as the landscape parent rock, water erosion, gravity collapse, weathering and other forces, dominated by tall stone pillar forests with straight edges and corners, and represented by deep cut valleys, stone walls, Tianshengqiao, Fangshan, platforms and other modeling landforms". [9] [11]
  • Quartz sandstone
Under the action of intermittent uplift and tilt of regional neotectonic movement, water erosion and cutting, gravity, physical weathering, biochemistry, root splitting and other external forces, the mountain forms peak forest according to the complex natural evolution process, showing the characteristics of high, flat top, steep wall, etc. [11]
  • Tectonic dissolution landform
Wulingyuan tectonic dissolution landform is mainly exposed in the Permian and Triassic carbonate distribution area, with an area of 30.6 square kilometers, which can be divided into five sub categories, and can be called the typical representative of "Xiangxi type" karst landscape. The main forms are karst lines, karst traces, karst buckets, karst ditches, clints, stone forests, holes, depressions, sinkholes, shafts, skylights, underground rivers, karst springs, karst caves, karst grooves, stone films, buried clints, funnels, etc. The karst caves are mainly concentrated in the north side of Suoxiyu River Valley and the south edge of the east of Tianzi Mountain, with a total number of dozens. Huanglong Cave is the most typical, known as the "treasure house of speleology research", and has special value in speleology for sightseeing and exploration. [11]
  • Denudation tectonic landform
The denudation tectonic landform is distributed in the Silurian clastic area, and three subtypes can be seen: the clastic rock mountain with one side mountain landform, distributed in the area from Majin to Baihutang and Chaotianguan to Dajian around the quartz sandstone peak forest landscape; Carp Ridge V Valley Zhongshan landform, distributed in Huping, Shijiayu, Huangjiaping and other places; Clastic rock low mountain landform, distributed at the outer edge of the middle mountain, with a gentle slope and an open V-shaped river valley. [9] [11]
  • Valley landform
River valley landform can be divided into piedmont alluvial fan, terrace and high flood plain. The former is distributed in Shaping Village and developed in the area of Chaqiyu Shijiayukou; Two terraces are developed on both banks of Suoxi River. The second terrace is the base terrace, which is 3~10 meters higher than the river surface; The military terrace Yujiazui high floodplain is developed, covering an area of 4-5 square kilometers. [9]
  • Geological relic landscape
The sand veins in the Devonian strata on the Echo Wall of Wulingyuan Scenic Spot and the ripple marks on the rock paintings beside the Tiaoyutan are rare geological relics, which are not only for visitors, but also evidence for studying the ancient environment and sea land changes. Coral fossils distributed in the Permian strata of Tianzishan Mountain are shaped like tortoise back patterns, so they are called "tortoise stone". [9]


Wulingyuan Scenic Area belongs to the prototype monsoon humid climate of the subtropical mountains. The average annual precipitation within the territory is 1380.0~1450.0 mm. The monthly precipitation is unevenly distributed, mainly from April to July, with 49 precipitation days, accounting for 32% of the annual precipitation days. The heavy precipitation concentration period is from May to July, and the precipitation reaches 650mm, accounting for 46% of the total annual precipitation. The precipitation from December to January is less, about 56 mm, accounting for only 4% of the annual total. In a year, April to July is the relative wet season, and August to September is the relative dry season. The annual average sunshine is 1297.2 hours. The average sunshine is 202.5 hours in August; February is the least, with an average of 55.7 hours. The annual average wind speed is 1.1 m/s, which is 1.3~1.5 m/s from February to April, and 1.0~1.2 m/s in other months.
The snowfall in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot is mainly concentrated from December to February of the next year. The 30 year average frost period in the territory is 91 days, of which the actual frost days are 24.5 days, and the annual average frost free period is 274 days. Frost starts in November at the earliest and ends in March the next year at the latest. The maximum is in January, with an average of 9.8 days; December and February are followed by 7.2 days and 5.3 days respectively. The annual average glaze day is 1.3 days, the longest continuous time is 8 days, and the maximum icing diameter is 9 mm (February 16, 1964), mostly in December. [12]

natural resources


Forest resources

Wulingyuan Scenic Area
The forest coverage rate of Wulingyuan Scenic Area is 85%. The distribution of plants in Wulingyuan Scenic Area is characterized by diversity, transition, perpendicularity and antiquity, as well as luxuriant and varied vegetation on the stone peak. The tree species are mainly arbors, and arbors, shrubs and grass are mixed; Mainly evergreen, evergreen, semi evergreen and deciduous co-exist; Mainly natural forests, with natural forests alternating with artificial forests; Broad leaved forest is dominant, and broad-leaved forest is mixed with coniferous forest. [3]
According to the List of National Key Wild Plants issued in 1988, there are 21 national Class I and Class II protected species in Wulingyuan Scenic Area, including 5 species of Davidia involucrata, Bole (Calyx camphora), fragrant fruit trees, Taxus chinensis var. mairei and Taxus chinensis var. mairei; In the second category, there are 16 species of taxus chinensis, Cephalotaxus fortunei, Manglietia padungensis, Liriodendron chinense (Liriodendron chinense), Torreya grandis, Phoebe minnanensis, Myrtle palmatum, Purple stem, Sorbus spinosa, Umbrella, Pseudounisexual magnolia, Toona pubescens, Magnolia officinalis, Magnolia officinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, and Zelkova.
According to the preliminary investigation in 1988, there are 55 ancient trees belonging to 25 species and 17 families in the scenic spot. Among them, 7 are Liquidambar formosana, 6 are Pistacia chinensis, 4 are Pterocarya stenoptera, 3 are Apcalyx formosana, Camphor tree, Osmanthus fragrans, Cypress and Wuling pine respectively, 2 are Ginkgo biloba, Choerospondias axillaris, Sorbus spinosa and Nightingara flavescens respectively, and 1 is each of the other 12 kinds of trees. [2]

plant resources

Wulingyuan Scenic Area
There are 1630 species of vascular plants belonging to 730 genera and 193 families in the natural vegetation in Wulingyuan Scenic Area. There are 107 families, 250 genera and 700 species of woody plants and 879 species of herbs. There are 17 species, 11 genera and 7 families of gymnosperms in woody plants; There are 734 species of angiosperms belonging to 286 genera and 96 families. [3]
The angiosperm families formed from the Cretaceous to Tertiary of Mesozoic Era in Wulingyuan Scenic Area account for 29.8% of the world's angiosperm families, including 5 genera and 11 species of the most primitive exoderms. Mesozoic Cretaceous plants include Hamamelidaceae, Lauraceae, etc; The Cenozoic Tertiary plants include Illicidaceae, Aesculaceae, Camelliaceae, Stigmaceae, Orchidaceae, etc. Among them, there are 16 families of ancient plants, including Illicidaceae, Schisandraceae, Ranunculaceae, Jinsiliaceae, Salicaceae, Betulaceae, Hazeliaceae, Fagaceae, Moriaceae, Ulmaceae, Eucommiaceae, Campanulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Davidia involucrata, Scutellariaceae, Walnut, etc. The famous Tertiary relict plant Liriodendron chinense (Liriodendron chinense) is scattered in the original secondary forest. [3]

Animal resources

Wulingyuan Scenic Area
In 1988, the wild animals in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot belonged to the western mountain plateau subregion of central China in the Oriental boundary (Professor Zheng Zuoxin's flora), connected to Shennongjia in northwest Hubei in the northeast, and bordered on the world biosphere reserve network of Fanjing Mountain in northeast Guizhou in the southwest. It is located on the left edge of the border between the western mountain plateau and the eastern hilly plain subregion in China. [11]
According to the investigation of the South China Expedition Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980, there are 149 species of terrestrial vertebrate wild animals belonging to 22 orders, 58 families in Wulingyuan area. Birds are the majority, accounting for 46.9% of the species; The second is mammals, accounting for 28.9%; Reptiles account for 16.1%; Amphibians accounted for 8.1%. It belongs to three species under national first class protection: leopard, clouded leopard and yellow bellied horned pheasant; 25 species under national second class protection: rhesus monkey, macaque, Sumen antelope, pangolin, black bear, civet cat, otter, forest musk deer, wild deer, jackal, mandarin duck, kite, sparrow eagle, sparrow eagle, red bellied horned pheasant, white crowned pheasant, red bellied golden pheasant, brown winged crow azalea, grass owl, spotted headed owl, short eared owl, long eared owl, tiger frog, giant salamander. Among them, 18 species are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora. There are 54 species of deer under provincial protection in Hunan, such as roe, hairy deer and red billed acacia. There are also such animals as the crispy snake lizard, the beautiful snake, the fish snake, and the transparent blind fish in the savage well in Suoxiyu Scenic Area. [3]
There are 43 species of mammals belonging to 21 families and 8 orders in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot, 13 species of which belong to the first and second categories of national protection. There are 10 orders, 24 families and 70 species. There are mainly resident birds and also migratory birds. There are 13 species under national protection, accounting for 18.6% of the total number of birds in the territory. Amphibians: 2 orders, 6 families, 12 species. [3]

Azimuth layout

Wulingyuan Scenic Spot consists of Suoxiyu, Tianzi Mountain, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Yangjiajie and other scenic spots, covering an area of 369 square kilometers. There are more than 3000 strange mountains and peaks, of which 243 are above 1000 meters above sea level. A large area of limestone karst landform in the north of the scenic spot has formed countless karst caves, sinkholes, skylights and springs after hundreds of millions of years of river vicissitude, downfall, erosion and dissolution. [1]

Important scenic spots


Main scenic spots

zhangjiajie national forest park
zhangjiajie national forest park
Zhangjiajie, also known as Qingyan Mountain, with an area of 130 square kilometers, is the first national forest park in China, which is located in Wuling Mountain. Zhangjiajie has a unique landform. There are more than 2000 stone peaks with different shapes, luxuriant trees and 88% forest coverage. It is most famous for the Huangshi Stronghold, Shadaogou, Jinbianyan, Jinbianxi, etc. There are seven main tourist routes, namely, Huangshi Stronghold, Jinbian Stream, Yaozi Stronghold, Pipa Stream, Shadaogou, Chaotian Temple and Back Garden. [22]
Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area
Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area is located in the north of Wulingyuan, and is adjacent to Zhangjiajie and Suoxiyu mountains and waters. [22]
Yangjiajie Scenic Spot
In 1992, a new scenic spot Yangjiajie was found in the northwest corner of Zhangjiajie. The new scenic spot covers a total area of 3400 hectares. [22]
Suoxiyu Scenic Area
There are more than 2000 mountains, 19 gullies and 6 streams in Suoxiyu Natural Scenic Area. The main scenic spots are Shili Gallery, Yuanyang Waterfall, Nantianmen, Huanglong Cave, etc. [13] [22]

Other attractions

Southern sky column
Southern sky column
One pillar in the southern sky, 300 meters high, holds the sky at one end and stabs the earth at the other, as straight and solid as Optimus Prime Stone. Nantianyizhu is located in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, near the Huangshizhai tourist line. Through the South Tianmen Gate, a stone peak rises from an unfathomable valley. It is as thick as up and down, like a guard of the mountain. Sleek and unrestrained, extraordinary and refined. There are many strange rocks in Wulingyuan, which is a typical example. When weathering causes the rocks to dissolve and break, and water erosion causes them to collapse along the fracture surface, it forms isolated stone pillars rising from the ground. [14]
Pipa Stream
With luxuriant trees and jagged rock peaks, Pipaxi is another wonderful scenic spot of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. The main scenic spots include Jiuzhong Fairy Pavilion, Wanglang Peak, Couple Rock, Chaotian Temple, etc. [13]
key stand
The Sea Immortal Needle is located along the Huangshi Village tourist line. There are five peaks, whose seats are like pins in the ground. According to legend, the brother of the Monkey King, the Macaque King, borrowed five embroidery needles from the Dragon King of Donghai to become five peaks, reaching three thousand feet. [13]
Overpass pier
The remaining piers of the overpass are six round stone columns with a height of more than 200 meters, which are located in the valley and stream in the west of Huangshi Village. They are 300 meters apart from each other and are arranged in a straight line. They rise from the first stone column in turn, and lower from the fourth stone column in turn, forming an arched arc, very like a group of piers. [13]
Fog Sea Turtle
On the platform at the top of this stone peak, an oval rock with a length of about 5 meters, a width of 1 meter and a height of 2 meters slightly rises, much like a turtle. [13]

Cultural Activity


Folk customs

At the age of, on the morning of the first day of the first month of the first lunar month, I opened the door and bowed to the East; The returnees kneel down to worship their elders and pay New Year greetings every day. Those who pay a New Year's call call it pro kindness if they haven't been out for nine days. Nine days later is the late year. The woman greeted Zigu God at night, saying "please seven girls". On the 15th night of the first lunar month, I took the branches of my shirt and burned them outside my house, which is called "burning". The children called out to chase them, which was called "Chasing Mao Jiu". It is night, with lanterns and decorations, acting, lantern playing, dragon dancing, lion lantern, clam shell lantern, all night long, both in urban and rural areas. It is called "Celebrating the Lantern Festival". On the seventh night of July, women tie colored silks and weave on the moon, and Chen melons and fruits are used to worship the cowherd and weaver girl. On the Mid Autumn Festival, Tujia people do not like to watch the moon. The Han people call it "moon flower". Eating moon cakes is a common custom of Tujia and Han people. Tujia people have their own characteristics about the Mid Autumn Festival. Dressed in the bright moonlight, they steal melons from the winter melon garden and send children to childless couples. [15]
Clothes & Accessories
Since the Republic of China, Tujia men and women have worn headscarves all the year round. Men are mainly made of blue, blue, white or striped cloth, with a length of 23 meters. They are wrapped around their heads in circles, covering the human road; Women are mostly green silk handkerchiefs or self printed headscarves. The silk handkerchiefs are as thin as cicada wings, up to seven or eight meters long. They are women's lifelong companions. After death, they must be buried with their handkerchiefs sewn together; Children like to wear Bodhisattva hats and tiger hats.
The staple food of Tujia people is mainly corn, rice, sorghum, sweet potato, potato and beans. The dishes are sour, spicy and fragrant, which is another feature of Tujia diet. [15]

Folk art

Three stick drum
Three stick drum
The three stick drum, known as the three battle drum in the Tang Dynasty, was introduced into Wulingyuan around the Ming Dynasty. The three stick drum is usually composed of three to five people, one playing the lyrics, one playing the music of gongs and drums, and one playing the flower stick. There are three flower sticks, one foot long. The dancers hold one on each side and throw the other one in the air. They hit the flower stick in the air to keep it from falling. There is also the art of replacing sticks with knives and replacing three sticks with five knives. [15]
Tujia Lyrics
Da lute, commonly known as "Da guy", is a unique folk instrumental music of Tujia nationality. The whole set of lutes is composed of four percussion pieces, namely, small gongs (also called gongs), head cymbals, two cymbals, and big gongs. The key to playing lute is to cooperate tacitly, and also according to the hints of Qupai melody.
Tima God Song
Tima, in local language, is commonly known as a chieftain, meaning a person who respects God. Tima is in charge of the Tujia people's annual worship and sacrifice activities of "adjusting the year and waving hands". In the process of sacrifice, Tima sings a song of worship called "Tima God Song". The music melody of Tima God Song originates from the horn horn of the ancient Tujia tribe, and its dance of waving hands originates from the "Bayu dance" of the ancient Ba people. [16]

Film and TV

Wulingyuan is the location of some live scenes of American film "Avatar" and Chinese classical classics "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", "Zhong Kui Subdues the Devil", "Catch the Demon" and other films and TV programs. [24]

Honors won

In 1992, Wulingyuan Natural Scenic Spot, composed of three scenic spots, including Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, was included in the World Natural Heritage List by UNESCO. [4]
In February 2004, Wulingyuan Scenic Area was listed as one of the first world geoparks in China. [5]
In 2007, Wulingyuan Tianmen Mountain Tourist Area in Zhangjiajie, including Wulingyuan Scenic Area, was listed as a national AAAAA tourist attraction. [20]
In 2008, Wulingyuan Scenic Area was rated as the National Civilized Scenic Area. [24]
In 2012, Wulingyuan was selected into the "2012 Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics". [24]
On November 25, 2021, Wulingyuan core scenic spot was identified as the national sports tourism demonstration base by the General Administration of Sport and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. [17]
In December 2022, it was included in the list of the top 100 brands of AAAAA scenic spots in November 2022. [18]

Important events

During the May Day holiday in 2024, the eight huge air film "flowers" hanging on the nine storey tower of the landmark ancient building at the east gate of Wulingyuan Scenic Area (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park) attracted netizens' heated discussion, and many netizens reported that this kind of decoration was eye-catching. [19]

Tourism information


Tourist routes

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park → Huangshi Village → Jinbianxi → Bailong Sky Ladder → Yuanjiajie → Wulong Village → Tianbo Mansion → Old House Farm → Tianzi Mountain → Helong Park → Shili Gallery

Traffic routes

You can reach Zhangjiajie Railway Station by train. At the South Railway Station, there is a bus to the scenic spot, which takes about 40 minutes.
You can go to Changsha by bus, and then transfer to Zhangjiajie at Changsha West Bus Station and Changsha East Bus Station. You can also directly arrive at Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station and take the bus to the scenic spot after leaving the station.
Self driving
Self driving is not allowed to enter the scenic area. You need to transfer to the environmental protection vehicle. It usually stops outside the ticket station of Zhangjiajie Forest Park or Wulingyuan. [21]