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Rubber products industry

Production of various rubber products from synthetic rubber
In recent years, the rapid development of China's non tire rubber products industry has greatly boosted the market's Nitrile rubber Hydrogenated nitrile rubber Neoprene EPDM etc. synthetic rubber Demand. However, due to capacity constraints, China's ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber and other products can not meet the market requirements in terms of both output and performance, and the annual import volume is still large.
On October 27, 2017, world health organization The list of carcinogens published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer is preliminarily collated and referenced, and the rubber manufacturing industry is included in the list of Class I carcinogens. [1]
Chinese name
Rubber products industry
Foreign name
Rubber manufacturing industry
Raw materials
Nitrile rubber, hydrogenated nitrile rubber
Production of various rubber products from synthetic rubber
China imports 1.412 million tons of synthetic rubber

brief introduction

Natural and synthetic rubber The activities of producing various rubber products for raw materials also include rubber products reproduced from waste rubber.


In 2007, China imported 1.412 million tons of synthetic rubber, an increase of 8.4% over the previous year; The average price reached US $2011/ton, up 10.2% over the previous year, and both the import volume and the average price reached a record high. It is estimated that China's imports of synthetic rubber will reach 1.9 million tons in 2010. The huge market has attracted the world's largest synthetic rubber producers, who have increased their efforts to develop the Chinese market. During the 2008 China International Rubber and Plastics Exhibition held recently, Sun Jiazao, the Asia Pacific market manager of Lanxess Industrial Rubber Products Business Department, said in an interview: "Although we have not set up a production base in China, we are absolutely interested in entering the Chinese market. The rapid development of China's rubber industry has provided Langsheng industrial rubber products with huge space for business growth and profitability. "
Market: attract international giants
In recent years, the production of non tire rubber products in China has increased significantly year by year, and the rubber consumption has also increased continuously. according to China Rubber Industry Association It is estimated that in 2007, the output of non tire rubber products in China was: 170 million square meters of conveyor belts, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year; The V-belt is 990 million A meters, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year; 550 million standard meters of rubber hose, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year; 1.8 billion pairs of rubber shoes, up 13.1% over the previous year.
Take the rubber hose and belt industry as an example. As the second largest rubber product industry in China, it accounts for a large proportion of non tire rubber products. According to the calculation of the Pipe and Tape Branch of China Rubber Industry Association, the total rubber consumption of the pipe and tape industry in 2007 was about 173000 tons. In the next few years, the market demand for rubber pipe and belt will continue to rise year by year. If calculated by an annual increase of 7%, it is estimated that the output of conveyor belts in China in 2008 will be 182 million square meters, the output of V-belts will be 1.285 billion A meters, and the output of rubber hoses will be 560 million standard meters. It is estimated that in 2010, the output of conveyor belts in China will be 210 million square meters, the output of V-belts will be 1.5 billion A meters, and the output of rubber hoses will be 640 million standard meters. Driven by the development of the automobile industry, China's special V-belts and special rubber hoses for automobiles will increase significantly. According to the prediction of the output of the three major pipe and tape products, the consumption of rubber pipe and tape in 2008 will be about 185000 tons, of which the consumption synthetic rubber About 100000 tons; In 2010, rubber consumption will reach about 212000 tons, including 112000 tons of synthetic rubber.
In 2011, the European debt crisis continued to spread, the international market responded sensitively, and the domestic macro-economy was depressed. The rubber products industry, which is widely used in the national economy and plays an important role, was inevitably affected. At the same time, the three upstream Natural rubber Exporting countries have formed a strategic alliance to raise the price of rubber, resulting in production reduction and suspension of rubber products industry due to increased production costs; The downstream automobile manufacturing industry is facing policy control risks, while the macro-control policies of the real estate industry have not been relaxed. Under the combined effect of many factors, the development speed of the rubber products industry has slowed down. The Forecast of Market Demand in China's Rubber Products Industry and the Analysis and Prospect of Investment Strategic Planning statistically analyzed the production and operation of 10 key domestic and foreign tire enterprises in January 2013: the tire output decreased by 0.53% month on month, with a year-on-year growth of 32.22%, of which the radial tire output increased by 44.28% year on year; The export delivery of tires increased by 30.55% year on year; The inventory value of finished products decreased by -7.46% year on year.
The data in January was better than that in the same period of previous years, and the industry recovered significantly: in January, China's tire production increased significantly year on year, the export situation improved significantly, and the value of finished products showed negative growth for the first time. Since the Spring Festival is in January in some years, there are fewer effective working days, resulting in a low base and a large increase. The output of radial tires in recent months has basically maintained an increase of more than 10%, and the value of finished products has continued to decline, indicating that China's tire demand continues to improve. [2]