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simulation training

Terms in the field of military science
Simulation training, also known as simulation, is a method of modeling in the military and then using simulation technology to simulate the battle situation, strategy and tactics. This method applies the viewpoint of system theory, and uses mathematical modeling and other modeling methods. In practice, simulation training plays a very important role in directing military operations.
Chinese name
simulation training
Analog simulation
application area
On the military side
Applied System Theory

joint operations

Military simulation can play a great role in joint combat capability. In the latest definition provided by the United States, the so-called joint operations include 12 items in total: information superiority, precision strike force, combat identification, theater joint missile defense, urban military operations, joint combat readiness, joint anti mine laying, electronic warfare, information warfare, biological and chemical warfare agent detection, real-time logistics management, and prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. To achieve this goal, we can focus on modeling and simulation, data fusion, visualization technology, bionic technology, mechatronics technology and other aspects, of which modeling and simulation is the most important and basic, In particular, the ability to rapidly transform technology into joint operations through early technology demonstration and early concept technology demonstration. Therefore, almost all projects selected for experimental verification use modeling and simulation technology. For example, in terms of information advantage, real-time analytical modeling and simulation of military and military combat plans, distributed fault-tolerant modeling and simulation for mission preview, exercises and training, etc., and in terms of precision attack, simulation systems such as "joint precision attack demonstration" can be used. In other types of joint operations, modeling and simulation technology has also been important applications.

Scope of application

In the development and application of new weapons and equipment, military simulation can also achieve great benefits. For example, during the large-scale air raid on Bosnia and Herzegovina by NATO from August to September 1995, the Surveying and Mapping Bureau of the US Department of Defense once established a combat simulation facility in the Italian air base, and combined the high-resolution images taken by reconnaissance satellites with the digital maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina provided by the surveying and mapping data to create a spiritual environment through combat simulation, Simulate the flight of fighters over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the training of this simulation environment, the success rate of actual combat and the adaptability of pilots have been greatly improved. Another example is that in the first demonstration phase of cruise missile defense, the combat capability against BVR cruise missiles is explored through demonstration. The US Central Command, the Air Force, the Ministry of Defense, the Advanced Research Projects Agency and other units participated in the combat simulation of this plan. When the US Army launched the famous "Patriot" missile, it also used a lot of simulation and modeling methods, which greatly improved the reliability of this missile in actual combat.

personnel training

Simulation training can also be applied to combat training and personnel training. The application of these aspects is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, thoroughly check the training strategy of the army, and update the traditional training concept; The second is to discuss the development trend. In addition, on the basis of successful combat simulation systems in the past, continue to develop towards integrated and joint combat simulation systems; More operational exercises including operational simulation facilities. Take the training of inspection forces as an example. Modern science and technology have allowed the army to train tactical, operational and strategic officers in a way that was completely unimaginable in the past. This method is the virtual battlefield method. For example, in the United States, the Army has set up a training course of "simulated immersion" in the "Senior Military Tutorial". Such courses can train combat forces facing the 21st century war. In terms of personnel training, we can improve our actual combat ability, adaptability and rapid decision-making ability through comprehensive and systematic simulation training in the process of continuous practice. Through multi-party simulation training, talent training is realized.