Outline design

Computer terminology
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Outline design is a design process based on user interaction and user demand To form an interactive framework and a visual framework, and the results often reflect the layout of interactive controls interface element It is presented in the form of group and overall board type page frame diagram of the interface. This is a User research Build a bridge between and design, so that user research and design can be seamlessly combined, transforming user goals and needs into concrete Interface design An important phase of the solution. [1]
The main task of the outline design is to requirement analysis System expansion obtained Use Case Diagram Convert to software structure and data structure The specific task of designing the software structure is: complex system Divide modules according to functions and establish module hierarchical structure And call relationship, determine the interface between modules and interface Etc. data Structural design It includes the description of data characteristics, the determination of data structure characteristics, and the design of database. Obviously, the preliminary design establishes the target system logical model , not related to the computer.
Chinese name
Outline design
Logical model of the target system
Modularization method, function decomposition method
Current situation
object-oriented Design method of


There are many ways to outline design. In the early days Modular approach , Function decomposition method In the late 1960s data stream And data structure oriented design methods; In recent years Object oriented design Methods, etc.
The format of the outline design is as follows:
1 Introduction
1.1 Compilation purpose
1.2 Background
1.3 Definitions
1.4 References
2 Overall design
2.1 Requirements
2.3 Basic design concept and Processing flow
2.4 System architecture
2.5 Relationship between functional requirements and procedures
2.6 Labor Processing
2.7 Unresolved problems
3 Interface design
three point one User interface
three point two External interface
3.3 Internal interface
4.1 Operation module combination
4.2 Operation control
four point three Run Time
5 System data structure design
five point one Logical structure design main points
5.2 Physics Structural design main points
5.3 Relationship between data structure and program
6 System error handling design
6.1 Error information
6.2 Remedial measures
six point three system maintenance Design


Explain the preparation of this Outline Design Specification To point out the intended readers.


a. To be developed software system The name of;
b. List the task proposer, developer, user of the project and the computing station (center) that will run the software.


List the definitions of special terms used in this document and the original phrases of foreign acronyms.

reference material

List relevant reference documents, such as:
a. Approved Plan Assignment Or contract, approval of superior authority;
b. Other published documents belonging to the project;
c. Documents and data quoted everywhere in this document, including those used software development Standards. List the title, document number, publication date and publishing unit of these documents, and indicate the source of these documents.

overall design



Explain the main input and output items of the system and the functional performance requirements of processing.

Operating environment

Briefly describe the operating environment of the system (including hardware environment And supporting environment).

Concept and processing flow

Explain the basic design concept and processing flow of the system, and try to use the form of chart.
The basic concepts of programming include program, data subroutine Subroutine Coroutine routine , modules and sequencing Concurrency Parallelism ,, and distribution.

system architecture

Describe the hierarchy of the system, call relationship, and specific implementation technique Type.

Manual processing

Description in this software system Of working process The manual processing (if any) that must be included in.

Unresolved problems

Explain the problems that have not been solved in the preliminary design process but that the designer thinks must be solved before the system is completed.

interface design


User interface

Explain the commands to be provided to the user and their syntax structure, as well as the answer information of the software.

External interface

Explain the arrangement of all interfaces between the system and the outside world, including interfaces between software and hardware Support software Interface relationship between.

Internal interface

Describe each System Elements Arrangement of interfaces between.

Operational design


Operation module combination

Describe various operation module combinations caused by applying different external operation controls to the system, and describe the internal modules and Support software

Operation control

Explain the methods and operation steps of each external operation control.

Run Time

Explain the time that each combination of running modules will take up various resources.

data structure


Key points of design

Give each data structure Name of identifier And every one of them data item , records Document The identification, definition, length of and system, and the hierarchical or tabular relationship between them.

Key points of physical structure

Give each of the data structures used in this system data item Storage requirements, access methods, access units, access physical relationships (indexes, devices Storage area ), design considerations and confidentiality conditions.

Relationship with procedure

Describe each data structure and the form of accessing these data structures:

Error handling


Error message

The form, meaning and processing method


Describe possible workarounds after the failure, including:
a. Backup technology describes the backup technology to be used, the technology to establish and start the replica in case of loss of the original system data, such as periodically turning the disk Information record Tape is a backup technology for disk media;
b. Efficiency reduction technology describes the backup technology to be adopted, and uses another system or method with lower efficiency to obtain some parts of the required results, such as a Automatic system The efficiency reduction technology of can be Manual operation And manual recording of data;
c. Recovery and restart technology Description of the recovery and restart technology to be used to make the software from Failure point The method of resuming execution or making software run again from the beginning.

System maintenance design

Explain the arrangements made in the internal design of the program for the convenience of system maintenance, including the inspection points and special modules specially arranged for the inspection and maintenance of the system in the program. The corresponding relationship between each program can be as follows Matrix The form of;

Graphic Tools

(1) Hierarchy diagram. Hierarchical diagrams are used to describe the hierarchical structure A rectangular box represents a module, and the lines between the boxes represent the calling relationship. As shown in the figure, the top box represents the main control module of the text processing system, which calls the lower module to complete all functions of text processing. Each module in the second layer completes one of the main functions of text processing.
Outline design
(2)H IPO Diagram HIPO diagram is IBM The "hierarchy diagram plus input/processing/output diagram" invented by the company. Hierarchical charts with numbers are called H-charts. On the basis of the hierarchy diagram, each box is numbered except the top box. Each box in the hierarchy diagram has a corresponding IPO diagram (representing the Processing )。 The number added to each IPO diagram shall be consistent with the number of the (corresponding) hierarchy diagram. IPO diagram is the abbreviation of input/processing/output diagram.
(3) Structure diagram The structure diagram is the implementation software proposed by Yordon Structural design The structure diagram is similar to the hierarchy diagram. A box represents a module, and the name or main functions of the module are indicated in the box. The line (arrow) between the boxes indicates the calling relationship of the module. Annotated arrows are used to indicate the information passed back and forth during module invocation. The tail is empty, indicating that data is passed, and the solid indicates that control is passed.