
[gài niàn]
The construction unit in the thinking system recognized by human beings
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Idea; Notion; Concept know In the process, from Perceptual knowledge Rise to Rational knowledge It is an expression of self cognition consciousness to abstract and summarize the common essential characteristics of perceived things, forming conceptual thinking inertia. In human cognition thinking The most basic construction in the system Company
In psychology, concept is the reflection of human brain on the essence of objective things, which is marked and recorded by words. Concept is the result and product of thinking activities, and also the unit through which thinking activities are carried out. The language form of expressing concepts is words or phrases. All concepts have connotation and extension, that is, their meaning and scope of application. The concept changes with the development of social history and human cognition. National Standards of the People's Republic of China GB/T15237.1-2000: "Concept" is a knowledge unit formed by unique combination of features. DIN 2342 defines the concept as a " Abstraction A thinking unit that reflects the common characteristics of a group of things. [1]
Broadly speaking: things can change Model Of nature It is called the concept of things.
Chinese name
Foreign name
reflect Of the essential attributes of an object Thinking form
gài niàn
words whose meaning is similar
Five strokes
Part of speech
Nouns and adjectives
Phonetic transcription


Overview In ancient times, a measuring tool was used to calibrate the full state of the ancient measuring tool 'Hu'.
It was originally defined as: when measuring rice and millet, use a board to scrape on the bucket tree to keep it within a certain range, so as not to be too full.
Clarify the meaning of words: limit things so that they do not go beyond the scope.
The modern meaning is: within a certain range, such as: general, concept, generalization.
Within the scope, such as overview, overview, overview, overview, probability, accuracy, generality and probability.
quantification , such as conceptualization, leveling, and leveling.
Simultaneous quantification, such as: generalizing.
Quantification refers to a clear state within a certain range, such as winning, far and fierce.
The intrinsic value and characteristics mainly refer to the intrinsic value and characteristics of things formed after quantification, such as masculinity and spirit.
Under certain conditions, it can be expressed as the value limitation of things, such as generalizing from one part to the whole.
Or to limit things and define them, such as summary and outline.
It can also refer to the positive annotation, the main quantitative annotation and the main value quantification in a certain state, such as the fault.
Read 1. Today's mind, the power of the mind, and the mind's thinking. Think naturally and often.
2. Understanding, thinking through, thinking through, thinking together. Consciousness gathering and thinking.
Modern definition: thinking, such as miscellaneous thoughts, local thoughts, concepts.
Keeping something refers to keeping thinking, such as missing, remembering, believing, nostalgia, thinking, breaking the mind, obsessing, and never forgetting. Another: chanting Buddhism and studying (keeping nonverbal expression of thinking).
Thoughts, such as thoughts and thoughts.
The state embodiment of conscious thinking mainly refers to language expression, such as reading, chanting Buddha, reciting words, and reciting.
Concept, Chinese meaning: the understanding of things arising from being judged, (probably here it mainly refers to quantification and thinking consciousness, but both words have no clear direction, so the condition of "being judged" needs to be added)

Modern definition

Concept {connotation/extension}:
Concept connotation {any mark/category position}; The cognition of the position of arbitrary markers in category structure.
Or it can be expressed as: concept {S/close {positive/negative}}: close {positive/negative} is the structural form of category, in which positive, negative and close are three fixed category structure positions, S is an arbitrary mark, S can be placed in different positions to obtain different category meanings and is defined as a concept with some abstract meanings. For example, we can put the signs such as "a stick of incense, three seconds, the full moon, and the earth's rotation" in the anti conceptual position of the time {time/time period} category "on the time period", and give these signs the essence of "time period" as its connotation to recognize these signs. For another example, we can put "3, one pair, two pieces, 5 yuan, ten pieces", etc. on the "numerical value" position of value {quantity value/numerical value}, and obtain the connotation definition of these marks to make them become concepts.
Concept extension {connotation property Extension type}.
In extension, it includes: connotative property {property Category}, denotative category {individual Type}. Concepts can be divided into four basic types: "nature, category, individual and category". In set theory, any element of a set can and can only belong to these four categories of concepts and other sets (excluding the set itself).
Because the extension of a concept is derived from its connotation, all elements in the extension have the same essential attributes.


The concept has two basic characteristics, that is, the connotation and extension of the concept. The connotation of a concept refers to the meaning of the concept, that is, the unique attributes of the object reflected by the concept. For example, "commodities are labor products for exchange". Among them, "labor products for exchange" is the connotation of the concept of "commodity". The extension of a concept refers to the scope of objects reflected by the concept. That is, things or objects with attributes reflected by concepts. For example, "forests include shelter forests, timber forests, economic forests, firewood forests, and special purpose forests", which explains the concept of "forests" from the perspective of extension. The connotation and extension of a concept are inversely proportional, that is, the more the connotation of a concept, the smaller the extension; vice versa. Easy to understand explanation: the connotation of the concept refers to the meaning of the concept. All have necessary conditions, namely objective things (objective objects), of which there is only one necessary condition and N sufficient conditions. The more conditions, the smaller the concept extension. Conditions are functional. For example, the cup must have space to carry. It is also used to hold water, wine and other liquids. Moreover, it is a kind of vessel (the defined item cannot be directly or indirectly included in the definition item), so the meaning of the cup concept is: vessel used to hold water, wine and other liquids. And if we know the sufficient conditions, we can roughly deduce the things or objects to which we belong. Because it must be related to the objective existence of things. The function of concept also includes: judgment, description, attribute, category, definition (concept clarity) and other differences.
In China, the concept is described as avant-garde, novel, trendy, with future trends, background and pictures. The concept has strict fixed content, but also has some fuzziness. Concepts are not real, but imaginary. Think with concepts, and show their authenticity with concepts. The patterns of consciousness are endless. The more thoroughly the images are distinguished, the more conducive it is for us to enter a delicate and infinite field. Otherwise, we always attribute one thing to another.
From the perspective of form: ideas are higher-level, concepts appear in words, and ideas usually appear in a complete sentence. However, the form is the same; Both take language and symbols as carriers. Therefore, it can be understood that a concept is a brilliant idea that condenses more information. Therefore, a concept is vivid and pictorial, while a scientific concept is systematic. The concept must also be mutually understandable, so it has universality and objectivity.
Logical method for clarifying concepts:
To clarify a concept is to clarify its connotation and extension. Definition is a logical method to clarify the connotation of a concept, and division is a logical method to clarify the extension of a concept


In some philosophical theories, the definition of concept scope and concept content is different. The concept scope (extension) refers to all things included in the concept, for example, the concept scope of "white" refers to all white things. The concept with the same scope is called equivalent. In logic research, especially in mathematical logic, the concept of equivalent is often regarded as the same.
When dividing a concept into sub concepts, we should pay attention to the application of dichotomy to prevent the occurrence of logical fallacies.
In logic, the definition of a concept is considered appropriate if the scope of the definition is the same as the scope of the concept. For example:
square It is a rectangle with four equal sides.
Is an appropriate concept.
The content (connotation) of a concept includes the characteristics and relationships of all the things that make up the concept. For example, the content of "feeding technology" includes all the characteristics of this technology. But when defining this concept, people select the most critical of these characteristics, such as: "breeding technology is the technology of breeding, feeding, captive breeding and using agricultural animals and extracting valuable products".
Concept is restricted by logic. The reason why logic is not tenable is not a concept but a subjective misinterpretation.
The definition obtained after the concepts of ancient Greece and Rome were defined as abstract and different.
In the Middle Ages, the concept was defined as“ thing Universal post res, to explain that a concept includes all the things it defines.
Descartes and Leibniz The conceptual definition And resolution are called characteristics of concepts.
Kant Distinguish between concepts and insights: he believes that insights are the imagination of individual things, while concepts are the imagination of the common points of many things.


Philosophically, there is a dispute about whether there are other ideological, thinking or abstract entities such as "thinking unit", connotation, extension, etc. besides the language noumenon used to describe and the things described.
stay epistemology The concept of "middle" is seen as a response to the characteristics of the existence of facts unrelated to human beings. The change and expansion of concepts reflect the expansion of human cognition of the world.


cognitive science And concepts in artificial intelligence are used as models of human knowledge.


Concepts can be big or small. For multiple concepts, first of all, it is necessary to clarify their size, whether they are primary or secondary concepts, and whether they are parallel or inclusive. You'd better draw this first Concept Map Only by clarifying the relationship between concepts can we better understand Concept.


(The application of the following rules takes the definition of health - "health is a state of non disease and non sub-health" as an example.)
First, the concept awareness of defined items is higher than that of defined items.
Violation of this rule is called obscure definition. In the definition, the item (object) used to define must be more popular than the defined item. In the theoretical system, defined concepts and undefined concepts should be used. If a concept with low recognition must be used in the definition item, it must be defined first. Obviously, in this case, our awareness of the concept of "sub-health" is lower than that of "health", so the definition does not meet the requirements.
Second, the defined item cannot be directly or indirectly included in the definition item.
If it is directly contained, it is called tautology; If it is indirectly contained, it is called a loop definition. For example, the definition of "smart person" is "smart person", which is tautology. "Health is a state of non disease and non sub-health" is also a tautology. "Life is the metabolism of organism" is the definition of cycle, because "organism" is defined as "living individual".
Third, the defined items should be properly classified.
Violation of this rule is called improper attribution. For example, "China belongs to the United Nations", where the United Nations is an organization and China is a country, should be changed to "China belongs to a member state of the United Nations".
Fourth, the extension of the definition item and the defined item (extension is to classify an object, and extension can be understood as scope, for example, the extension of "people" is men and women) must be the same relationship.
If the extension of the defined item is larger than the defined item, the definition is too wide. Otherwise, the definition is too narrow. For example, "love is an emotion between men and women" is defined too broadly, because there are feelings between mother and son but not love. "Love is the emotion of men and women based on sexual desire", and sexual desire is only the function of a certain stage of human life, but love can accompany for life, which belongs to a narrow definition.
Fifth, the definition is generally affirmative statements, but it is not impossible to use negative statements.
When a negative statement is used, that is, when A is defined as non B, AB must complement each other. The error of "health is a non disease state" is because they are mutually exclusive rather than complementary, because they can also be said to be in a sub-health state.