Poetry of the South

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synonym Chu Ci Style (New style poetry created by poets of Chu State in the middle and late Warring States Period) Generally refers to Chuci (literary genre)
Chu Ci, also known as "Chu Ci", is the warring states period Chu State poet Qu Yuan A new poetic genre. Qu Yuan's Lyric Poems《 LiSao 》, with romanticism Style is the representative work of Chuci, so Chuci is also called“ Sao style ”。
Chinese name
Poetry of the South
Sao Sao style
Poetic genre
representative figure
Qu Yuan
Representative works

Genre evolution

The works of Chuci or the style of imitating Chuci are called“ Chu Ci Style ”Or“ Sao style ”。 The name of "Chuci" was first seen in Western Han Dynasty At the time of Emperor Wu, "Chuci" had become a kind of literary genre "Songs of Chu" refers to the use of melody dialect Poems and fu created by famous objects. Furthermore, the direct source of Chu Ci should be《 Nine Odes 》It is the representative folk song of Chu. Nine Songs was originally a sorcery song at the time of sacrifice, but it was preserved after processing by Qu Yuan, while other works such as Lisao were developed on this basis. Because of the original relationship between Chu Ci and Han Fu, Qu Yuan's works have“ Qu Fu ”It is called.
Songs of Chu were originally songs of Chu. Qu Yuan of Chu in the Warring States Period absorbed its nutrition and created《 LiSao 》Later generations followed the example of great works such as Chuci, which became a kind of literary works with characteristics, commonly known as Chuci. Western Han Dynasty Liu Xiang Edited into Chu Ci, Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Yi There is also some gain, which is added as《 Chapters and Sentences in Songs of Chu 》。 Tang Dynasty meng haoran Accompany Prime Minister Zhang from Bozhu Palace in the east of Songzi River 》Poetry: "The wax rings and startles Yunmeng The fishing songs stimulate the songs of Chu. " Zhuzi Genre 》Volume 139: "Chu Ci is easy, but it is difficult for later generations to learn it." Song Wei Qingzhi "Poet's Jade Dust - Poetic Style": "There are Chuci, Qu Song The following is the style of Chuci, which is called Chuci. " Yao Hua The Later Edition of the Thesis in the Catalog: Although 'Feng Xi' and 'Cang Lang' have been published in the previous book, Sao is particularly profound. Its words are like a strange god, and its thoughts are linked with compassion. Therefore, it can combine the meaning of Feng, Ya, and body first Ci Fu Therefore, Chu Ci became popular on behalf of Poetry and became a family. "
"Sao", because of its works《 LiSao 》It is called "later generations or" Sao ", [1] And cause 15 Guofeng And called "wind"《 The Book of Songs 》Relative, respectively Chinese realism And the ancestor of romanticism. Later generations also often use "coquettish" to refer to poetry, or call poets "poets".
For example: Jing Ke Of《 Yi Shui Song 》, we adopted this genre.


The original meaning of Chu Ci refers to the songs of Chu, which gradually became fixed into two meanings: one is the genre of poetry, and the other is the name of poetry collection. The creative technique of Chuci is romanticism It has unrestrained feelings, peculiar imagination, and strong local characteristics and mythical color of Chu.
In terms of poetic genre, it is Late Warring States Period with Qu Yuan As a representative poet, it is a new poetic style created on the basis of Chu folk songs. From the name of the collection, it is the Western Han Dynasty Liu Xiang A collection of poems in the form of "Chuci" compiled on the basis of predecessors, which was included in Qu Yuan, a Chu native in the Warring States Period Song Yu And the Han Dynasty Jia Yi Huainan Hill Strict taboo Dongfang Shuo , Wang Bao and Liu Xiang. The name of "Chuci" is first seen in《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of cruel officials 》。 It can be seen that the name had been given in the early Han Dynasty at the latest. Its original meaning, when referring to the songs of Chu, later became a special name, referring to the new poetic style represented by Qu Yuan's creation of Chu in the Warring States Period. This poetic style has a strong Regional culture Color. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiang compiled the works of Qu Yuan and Song Yu, as well as the works of Han people imitating this poetic style. The title of the book is "Chu Ci". This is《 The Book of Songs 》Later, there was another collection of poems with profound influence in ancient China. In addition, because Qu Yuan's Lisao is the representative work of Chuci, Chuci is also called "Sao" or“ Sao style ”。 People in the Han Dynasty also generally called Chuci "Fu". Redords of the Grand History of China 》Zhong has said that Qu Yuan "wrote the ode to Huaisha"《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》There are also "Qu Yuan Fu", "Song Yu Fu", etc.
In the Han Dynasty, Chuci was also called Ci or Cifu. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiangjiang's works of Qu Yuan and Song Yu and the Han Dynasty Huainan Hill Dongfang Shuo , Wang Bao, Liu Xiang and others inherited the works of Qu Yuan and Song Yu, and a total of 16 pieces were collected into a collection, which was named "Songs of Chu". Chu Ci became the name of poetry collection again. because Qu Yuan Li Sao is the representative work of Chu Ci, with 373 sentences. It is the longest lyric poem in ancient China, so Chu Ci is also called Sao or Sao style.


The songs of Chu were developed through processing and refining on the basis of the folk songs of the State of Chu, with strong local characteristics. Chu Ci occupies an important position in the history of Chinese poetry. Its appearance broke《 The Book of Songs 》The silence of the next two or three centuries was brilliant in the poetry world. Later generations also called the Book of Songs and the Songs of Chu as wind and Sao. Wind finger Fifteen Country Style , representing the Book of Songs, full of Realism Spirit; Coquettish fingers《 LiSao 》, stands for "Songs of Chu", full of romantic flavor. Wind and Sao become Chinese classical poetry Realism and romanticism are two major genres of creation.
Qu Yuan
This note was written by Wang Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty《 Chapters and Sentences in Songs of Chu 》。 General Contents of Siku Quanshu 》He said, "At the beginning, Liu Xiangwei collected Qu Yuan's Lisao, Jiuge, Tianwen《 Chapter Nine 》... and each note. " However, the original 16 volumes of Chu Ci compiled by Liu Xiang have been lost. "Chapters of Chu Ci" is based on Liu Xiang's "Chu Ci", which not only gives a more complete explanation of Chu Ci, but also provides information about the original. On the basis of Chu Ci Zhang Ju, Southern Song Dynasty Hong Xingzu Again《 Supplementary Notes to Songs of Chu 》。 Since then, the Southern Song Dynasty Zhu Xi He was the author of Chu Ci Ji Zhu, early Qing Dynasty Wang Fuzhi Written《 A General Interpretation of the Songs of Chu 》, Qing Dynasty Jiang Ji Yes《 Notes on Chuci in Mountain Belt Pavilion 》, etc. According to their own opinions, they have done a lot of compilation, examination, annotation and comment work.

influence factor

The formation of Chu Ci, from the direct factor, is closely related to the songs of Chu. As mentioned above, Chu is a place where music and dance are well developed. We can also see the names of many Chu songs from books such as Chuci, such as Shejiang, Cailing, Laoshang Nine debates Nine Songs Xielu , Yangchun, Snow, etc. Also included in Liu Xiang's Shuoyuan《 Yueren Song 》It is said that it was translated by Chu people Vietnam Zhouzi's lyrics:
The boat flows in the middle of the stream. When is the day today? I have to go with the prince. Be shamed and treated well. Don't criticize. I was so upset that I knew the prince. There are trees in the mountain You are happy, but you don't know.
This kind of ballad Qin and Han Dynasties It is still very popular. as Liu Bang yes Wind Song Nape feather yes Gaixia Song However, it is worth noting that although Chu Ci originated from Chu ballads, it has undergone significant changes. In the Han Dynasty, Chu Ci was called Fu, and its meaning was "Fu without singing" ①(《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》)。 Qu Yuan's works, in addition to Nine Songs, Lisao, Evocation and Tianwen are all long and huge; Comparison of Nine Chapters《 The Book of Songs 》It is also much longer. They are obviously not suitable for singing and should not be treated as songs. At the same time, this "Fu" of "chanting without singing" is not the same reading method as prose. According to ancient books, it needs to be read with a special tone. This is "Yin". (The so-called "chanting" is a form between "reading" and "singing", which is to chant a complete article in a relatively simple tone.) Ballads are always short in length and simple in language. It is by getting rid of the form of ballads that Chuci can use colorful words, accommodate complex connotations, and express rich thoughts and feelings.
In addition to the Chu ballad culture itself, other factors also played a role in the form of Chu Ci. After the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Chu noble Yes《 The Book of Songs 》Already quite familiar, this becomes their Cultural literacy Part of. Ju Song in Qu Yuan's Nine Chapters uses four character sentences, and the word "Xi" is used at the end of every sentence, which can be seen as the penetration of the style of the Book of Songs into the style of the Songs of Chu. stay the warring states Times, Strategist The lobbying was very active. They "wanted to play with kisses on their lips, so they competed for beautiful words and moved people". "The aftereffects spread and gradually spread to the literary garden, and the words and sentences were not contained in the simple style of Poetry."—— Lu Xun Outline of the History of Han Literature This section correctly points out the influence of the magnificent and extravagant words of the strategists in the Warring States Period on the formation of the "Songs of Chu". [2]
Of course, "Without Qu Yuan, how can I see Lisao"(《 Literary Mind and Carving Dragon, Differentiating Sao 》)。

representative figure

Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), yes history of Chinese literature The first patriotic poet to appear on the. In the 16 volumes of the first edition of Chu Ci, Qu Yuan's works account for the vast majority, collecting more than 20 poems in 8 volumes. include Lisao Nine Songs (11) Tianwen Nine Chapters (9) Yuanyou Buju Fisherman Zhaohun Etc. The other 8 volumes are Song Yu's Nine debates Scene difference Of Big Move , and Jia Yi's Cherish Oath , Huainan Hill Recruit the Recluse , Dongfang Shuo's Seven Admonitions , strictly prohibited Aishiming , Wang Bao's Nine Huais, Liu Xiang's Nine Sighs Etc. On this basis, Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty compiled Chu Ci Ji Zhu, which was added to Jia Yi's "Fu on Birds" "Ode to Suspend Qu Yuan" Two articles; delete Seven Admonitions , Jiuhuai Nine Sighs Zhu Xi believes that these works lack authenticity Thoughts and feelings He also classified Qu Yuan's works as "Li Sao", and other works as "Continued Li Sao", which were divided into 8 volumes in the original chapter order. Qu Yuan's works can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the political lyric poems written in exile, such as Lisao and Jiuzhang; One is represented by Nine Songs Sacrificial songs And reflect the poet's world outlook outlook on life Tianwen. Li Sao, Qu Yuan's representative work, is the longest romantic lyric poem in ancient China, and also the representative work of "Chuci". Therefore, people call "Chuci"“ Sao style poetry ”, and with《 The Book of Songs 》It is also called "Poetry and Sao". "Sao style poetry" was created by Qu Yuan. Its sentence pattern can be long or short, its length is large, and its connotation is rich and complex; It breaks the system of "The Book of Songs", which is mainly composed of neat four character sentences, short and simple. Lisao is a poem full of“ Believe and see doubts The grievance of "being loyal and being slandered" was written in writing with sorrow, indignation and emotion. This 2500 word long poem describes the poet's life experience and ambition. It reflects the tragedy of the Chu State by showing the poet's untiring struggle and determination throughout his life Ruling class The sharp struggle between the upright and evil forces exposed the dark reality and political crisis of the Chu State, and expressed his spirit of fighting unyielding for the country and the people, and "nine deaths without regret".

Exemplary works

Nine Odes : Donghuang Taiyi Dongjun Jun in the cloud deity of the Xiang River nymph of the Xiang River   Big Siming   Shao Siming   Hebo   Mountain ghost   The Ode to the Fallen   Ritual spirit
Heaven asks
A long journey
Nine Debates
Big move
Seven remonstrances : Shen Jiang resents the world for the first time Lament one's life Fallacious admonition
To mourn the fate of time
Jiuhuai : Kuang Ji Tong Lu Wei Jun Zhao Shizun Jia Yu Ying Si Zhong Tao Ju Zhu Zhao
Nine sighs : When there is a dispute, you should complain about your death and think about your past. You should cherish your virtue and care for your life. You should think about your past travel
Nine thoughts : Every time you complain about Ji Shiming and feel sorry for him when he is grieved and injured
[East Emperor Taiyi]
Good days come, and Mujiang is happy to go to the emperor. I gently stroke a hilt of a long sword decorated with a jade with my hands, and jades I wear are making jingle sound due to body movement and slight clash. Yao Xi Yu (Wang+Zhen), the saying goes, "Xi Qiongfang will be brought to the throne.". Steamed dishes are blue, and drink wine is chili paste. Yang is short of the drums, and the festival is easy to sing. Chen Yu is good at singing. Good clothes, beautiful flowers and beautiful flowers are everywhere. Exquisite music with melodious five tones (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La) is offered to wish Taiyi, the East Emperor, good mood and health.
Choose a good day to celebrate; Sacrifice respectfully, and let me go to the emperor.
Wearing a long sword, caress Bi Yuer; Attire Jade ornament Ah, it's ringing and jingling.
The altar is paved with Yao mats, jade Zhenping Exhibition; More importantly, the famous flowers are fragrant.
Hybrid cooking Sacrifice meat Ah, with orchids as lining; Cinnamon wine is served as a memorial ceremony, with pepper paste.
Raise Drumstick Ah, ring the sacrificial drum; The beat is slow. Don't panic when singing.
You are standing in line, making music sonorous.
Dancing witches, with gorgeous costumes; The fragrance is full of fragrance.
The five tones are numerous and melodious; The emperor is happy, happy and healthy.
Appreciation The composition of the original poem is six words except two sentences and five words. "Xi" is used as an example for the third word of five characters and the fourth word of six characters. The most distinctive thing is that it basically rhymes every other sentence, and marks Masculine rhyme The rhyme is unique among the eleven chapters of Nine Songs. In the face of such a rhythmic poem, the translation also adopts the corresponding strict structure. That is to translate six words or five words into one sentence of the original text with nine words and two sentences, replace "xi" with "ah" at the end of the first sentence, and use yang rhyme at the end of the fourth sentence. The problem is the word "advocate" in the original "Chen Yu Xi Hao advocates"《 unabridged dictionary 》It is interpreted as "making fun", not singing; Read "ch à ng" and "ch á ng". Consider using rhyme in the whole article, and the latter is "yes". Other special terms, such as "Yuer", "Yao Xi", "Jiaojiang", are explained in the notes and may not be translated in the translation.

Grade of ancient books

October 30, 2020, selected into the sixth batch《 National List of Precious Ancient Books 》。 [3]