
[fàn yǔ]
One of the Indian languages
zero Useful+1
Sanskrit language, Devanagari Written: स्कृतावाक्, latin alphabet Transcribed: sa ṃ sk ṛ t  v  k, referred to as स ् क ृ त ्, sa ṃ sk ṛ tam), Indian language one of.
Chinese Buddhism It is called Brahma Therefore, it is called Sanskrit.
modern linguistics Research shows that Sanskrit is Indo European Indic It is one of the oldest languages in Indo European language family Sino Tibetan language family It has a great impact.
Sanskrit is now the statutory 22 languages in India official language It is one of the most popular languages in India, but it is no longer the language of daily life. In 2001, only 14000 people mastered the language, which is the least widely used language among the official languages of India. Strictly speaking, Sanskrit and Latin Ancient Chinese It has been studied by linguistics living fossil
Modern Sanskrit is written from left to right Pinyin characters In the early 19th century, European scholars developed Devanagari into Mechanical printing Standard body of alphabet It consists of 48 symbols, 34 of which are consonants and 14 are vowels or Diphthong
In the late 18th century, Sanskrit was already used latin alphabet The most commonly used system today is IAST (International Sanskrit Transcription).
With modern times computer technology The standardized Sanskrit can not only be input conveniently computer system It can also be translated into multiple languages, facilitating the study of linguistics and religion.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Sanskrit language
Indo European A language of
Representative works
Eight Chapters
official language
One of the official languages of India
Classic language
Language code
Usage time

Historical evolution

Modern research shows that Sanskrit and Phoenician (Modern Europe Original form of characters), both of semitic Text system.
Around 700 BC, Indian merchants and Mesopotamia The local people (a branch of the Semitic people) contacted and transmitted the 22 Semitic letters to India.
About 400 BC, after the Indian collation, about 40 letters were made, namely Brahmi( latin alphabet Transcription: Br  hm ī, English: Brahmi Brahmilipi、Bragmi) Handwriting
Brāhmī script It is not strictly Sanskrit, but a common saying, but it is indeed the first written evidence of Sanskrit, and most of it Hindi Origin of.
In early Sanskrit, there was no written form of expression Brahmanism In the process of secularization, the language taught orally by means of religious codes and ceremonies had a written form around the 4th century BC, and Jainism Buddhism hinduism etc. Religious Text And literature.
In the 6th century BC, when Sakyamuni founded Buddhism, as a new religious doctrine against the tradition of Brahmanism, it clearly stipulated the use of Buddhism Pali (pali) Missionary.
In the 14th century BC, Sanskrit followed Aryan Entering the Indian mainland and gradually spreading, developing and influencing South Asia Central Asia Southeast Asia , even East Asia Regional culture.
According to the literal meaning of Sanskrit, it is "completely sorted", that is, well sorted language, which is an elegant and pure expression rather than secular language.
To Sanskrit Evolution process Should not be separated from others Ancient India As a special language, the ability to correctly listen to and speak Sanskrit at that time was indeed one of the symbols of the high hereditary class in ancient Indian society.
Sanskrit has always maintained its oral tradition for a long time. But research shows that even so, there are still four major dialects in classical Sanskrit, namely pa ś cimottar ī (northwest), madhyade ś ī (central), p ṣ rvi (east) and dak ṣ i ṇ (south, in Classical period Rise). The predecessor of the first three can even the Vedas Sanskrit The first one is the most authentic.
In the early use of Sanskrit, on the one hand, it tried to maintain its elegance, on the other hand, it had to cooperate with various ancient India The coexistence and evolution of the colloquial expressions of written language Only at this time can Sanskrit be synonymous with Sanskrit.
When Sanskrit was written down, it was first used for administrative, literary or scientific texts. The religious text of Brahmanism is still passed down orally, and it was "unwillingly" written down quite late.
At the same time, Prakrit is also popular in the north and west of India, which originally means a common saying and is considered to be Pali The origin of the Pali language Written form It is not earlier than Brahmi, so it can be concluded that early Buddhism also adopted oral teaching, and the earliest written records should start from Third Episode Period.
In India, the choice of Sanskrit writing system is influenced by the region where the scribe is located.
With the different times and places, calligraphy and font also gradually produce differences.
Around the first century AD, Sanskrit characters in the north gradually became square, and Sanskrit characters in the south gradually became round.
By the fourth century, the differences between the two had become extremely obvious, and eventually evolved into various languages belonging to the Indo Aryan branch.
Roughly speaking, the square font evolved from the 4th to 8th century A.D Gupta script (Gupta)。
In the 7th century, it evolved into Nagari style, and was finally Devanagari Instead, Sanskrit is frozen.
In fact, there are many variations in the evolution from Gupta to Tiancheng, which have the greatest impact on China Shi Tanwen , which will be further discussed below. The interaction between Sanskrit and various northern Indian sayings has resulted in the following modern Indian official languages: Hindi , Bengali Marathi Gujarati Nepali Etc.
The round font is in the south Dravidian languages (Dravida, also known as Dravidian languages )These modern Indian official languages are derived from the regional use and the interaction with the slang in the south: Tamil (evolved from Grantha) Telugu Kannada Malayalam Etc. and in Sri Lanka National Sinhalese
The Gupta text mentioned above is right Chinese Buddhism Great impact, Eastern Jin Dynasty A large number of Buddhist scriptures translated by Kumarash during the period, and the following Faxian When Dharma Masters went to India to seek Dharma, they used this style of Sanskrit. And this kind of writing is popular in qiuci , Khotan, etc Fuhuolu (in the 6th – 8th century AD), became Yanqi qiuci nomadic people living in Central Asia , Kangju Ferghana Etc Languages In short, the formation of ancient characters in Central Asian countries was greatly influenced by Sanskrit.
In the 6th century AD, derived from Gupta characters Epiphyllum body (Siddham), which means "achievement" in Sanskrit, is one of the main trends in the evolution of Sanskrit writing Transitional state But it is the Sanskrit popular in India during Master Xuanzang's westward journey in the early Tang Dynasty. It was named after Master Xuanzang's "Xitan Zhang", which was introduced to India for Sanskrit teaching, and has remained in China and Japan until now, becoming a unique genre of Sanskrit.
Later Buddhism Esoteric Sect strictly required that true words be recited in Sanskrit pronunciation, which triggered the study of Sanskrit pronunciation after the Sui and Tang dynasties. By analyzing the structure of Sanskrit initials and vowels, scholars produced the pronunciation of Chinese characters Reverse phonetic notation Thus expanding the spread of Chinese.
In the Song Dynasty Devanagari Sanskrit was once popular in Han, Liao and Dali, and now it is completely preserved in Jingyou Tianzhu Ziyuan printed in 1035 AD, and spread to South Korea and Japan.
Thick and beautiful Lanzati Letters are popular in Tibet and Nepal , and along with the Chinese Qing Dynasty Ruling class yes Tibetan Buddhism The belief of "Li" is popular in the Han Dynasty of China.
Tibet also uses a letter called Wade script to write Sanskrit, which is actually a headless variant of Lanza script. Tibetan, Mongolian Totemun Manchu script Each has its own system of writing Sanskrit.
As we all know, many Chinese words are derived from Sanskrit Buddhist scripture Directly transliterated. At the beginning of the 20th century, these phonetic materials provided materials for the study of determining the pronunciation of ancient Chinese characters, and became an important tool of Chinese phonology -- one of the basic phonetic materials of phonetics.
As a palace language, Sanskrit attaches great importance to the standardization of language Declaratology It is the grammatical theory of Sanskrit.
The oldest existing Sanskrit grammar is Bojuni (written in Tiancheng style: पाणनननन, transliterated from Latin alphabet: P ṇṇ ini)《 Eight chapter book 》(A ṣṭṭṭ dhy  y ī), formed in about the 4th century BC, Master Xuanzang《 Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty 》This is described in. Bojuni Grammar is normative in nature, which defines rather than describes the correct use of Sanskrit.
Some of the following Indian Epic , terminology deviation Bojuni The rules of Sanskrit grammar should be interfered by the common sayings or innovated, which reflects the characteristics of the development of Sanskrit grammar. but Bojuni The basic paradigm formulated is still the basis of Sanskrit grammar today.
Written by Master Xuanzang in the 7th century《 Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty 》Volume II, and Yijing Written by a mage《 Nanhai Guigui Neifa Zhuan 》In Volume IV, it is recorded that Xitanzhang is an enlightenment book for Indian children aged 6-7 to learn Sanskrit, including learning first Sanskrit Letter (47 records of Xuanzang, 49 records of Yijing), and then through the method of "combining things and changing things" to teach grammar, there are 12 chapters (Xuanzang) or 18 chapters (Yijing) of different textbooks, which need to study for 6 months Conclusion
The study of Sanskrit grammar is Indo European Comparative linguistics The foundation of.

Voice system

36 classical Sanskrit Phoneme But because the Sanskrit writing system shows some Allophone , so 48 voices are distinguished.
phoneme Traditionally, according to the vowel (aC), Diphthong (haL), anusv  ra and visarga, Stope (Spar ś a) and nasal sounds (moving forward from the back of the mouth), and the final Streaming sound And Fricative Order of.
Vowel system
consonant system
Non stop sound
Non stop sound
Sanskrit, Hindi and all others Indian language There is a whole group of stops, which appear as Dullness And voiceless, with or without aspiration.
For Indian natives, English speaking alveolar /T/and/d/sound more like retroflex sound Instead of dental
In addition, Sanskrit has another feature different from other Indo European languages, that is, sandhi, that is, when a final letter of a word is together with the first letter of a word in a sentence, corresponding changes will occur; In a word, if a letter and a letter conform to a certain positional relationship, the corresponding inflection should also be carried out. In Sanskrit, there are many and long compound words. When writing, they should be basically connected. When writing, the letters should become connected, with the middle inflection.


Sanskrit Grammar and Other Ancient Times Indo European Language (e.g Latin And Greek )Grammatically similar, Inflectional change Complex.
Nouns have three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), three numbers (singular, even and plural) and eight cases( nominative Binge instrumental case dative , competition Genitive , case and vocative )。
Verb transposition Including singular, even and plural numbers; There are first, second and third person; Time is divided into present tense, unfinished tense, perfect tense, indefinite past tense, future tense and assumed tense; voice There are initiative (for others), middle (for oneself) and passivity; The tone can be divided into direct tone, praying tone and commanding tone.

Temporal system

Verb tense (The use of this word is not precise, because Sanskrit is more different than simple tenses.) intransitive verb Root) difference Stemming And organized into four systems( Gerund and Infinitive Same, and evolved from more basic form to enhanced form( intensive )/Iterative form( frequentative ), wishful style( desiderative ), Causative( causative )And benedictive). The four temporal systems are:
Present tense (present tense, unfinished tense, Imperative , praying)
perfect tense
Indefinite past tense
Future tense Futuristic , conditional)
Present tense system
The present tense system includes present tense and unfinished tense, imperative tense and imperative tense, and some remnants of the ancient virtual tense. The tense stems of the present tense system are formed in various ways. The number is given by local grammarians.
The present tense stem can be formed as follows:
2. No change at all, such as ad from ad“ eat Eat ".
3. The root word is repeated as a prefix, for example, juhu comes from hu "sacrifice".
7. Add before the final consonant of the root word Infix Na or n (with appropriate connection Sound change )For example, rundh or ru ṇ adh comes from rudh "obstruct blocking".
5. nu (gu ṇ a form no) suffix, for example, sunu comes from su“ press Out squeezing juice ".
8. u (gu ṇ a form o) suffix, for example, tanu comes from tan“ stretch Stretching ".
9. n A (zero level n ī or n) suffix, such as kr ī ṇ a or kr ī ṇ ī from kr ī“ buy Buy ".
For thematic verbs, the present tense stem can be formed in the following ways:
1. The word dry vowel a suffix, with gu ṇ a force, for example, bhava comes from bhru "be in, have".
6. The word stem vowel a suffix, with the stress transferred to this vowel, for example, tuda comes from tud "thrust".
4. The ya suffix, for example, divya comes from div "play".
As for the tenth kind of formation, it is a form that can be naturally derived, so it is not the true formation of tense stems. It is formed by adding force to the final vowel gu ṇ a of the root word or lengthening v ṛ ddhi plus the suffix ya. For example, bh  vaya comes from bh, "be in, have".
System at completion
At completion, the system only includes the completions. The word stem is formed by repetition like the present tense stem.
The perfect tense system also divides verbs into "strong" and "weak" forms: the strong form is used for the singular active , and the weak form is used for other forms.
Indefinite past tense system
The indefinite past tense system includes real indefinite past tense (with the meaning of past statements, such as abh ḥḥ "you were") and some forms of ancient prohibitions (specifically used in prohibitions through m ḥ, such as m ḥ bh ḥ "don't be"). The fundamental difference between the two is with/without augment, that is, a - prefixed to the stem. In fact, the stem of the indefinite past tense system has three different forms: simple indefinite past tense, sibilant past tense, and semantically Causative verb The related repeated past tense.
Future tense system
The future tense system is formed by the suffix sya or i ṣ ya and gu ṇ a. The verbs then transpose, as if they were thematic verbs in the present tense system. The unfinished form of the future tense is used as a conditional form.
Verb transposition
All verbs have three voice : active voice passive And the middle voice (that is, the reflexive voice). There is also the non personal voice, which can be described as intransitive verb The passive voice of.
Sanskrit verbs have three moods, namely, the direct tone, the praying tone and the imperative tone. The ancient forms of this language include subjunctive , but it was no longer used in the classical Sanskrit era.
Basic deflection Suffix
In Sanskrit, the inflection suffix conveys person, number and voice. Different forms of suffixes are used according to what tense stem and mood they are attached to. The verb stem or suffix itself may be changed or blurred due to the connected sound change.


Sanskrit is rich in Inflection Grammatically, it has three characters (masculine, feminine and neuter) and three numbers (singular, even and plural).
It has eight squares: nominative (physique) Binge (Qualification, check), specific qualification( instrumental case ), and case (case) Digression ablative case , take the case) Genitive , Bitcase( locative case , Yige, Chuge) and vocative
actual Variable lattice The number of is controversial. Bojuni Identify six k  rakas, which correspond to the nominative, objective, instrumental, dative, deviant and azimuth lattices. Bojuni They are defined as follows (Ashtadhyayi, I.4.24 – 54):
Kart  ("agent"): "the agent in action". It is equivalent to the main lattice. (On the basis of Scharfe, 1977: 94)
Karman ("died/object"): "The agent mainly seeks the achiever". It is equivalent to the accusative.
Karaṇa(“ instrument ”)"Use it to achieve results". Equivalent to tool lattice.
Sampradāna(“ bestowal ”): "Target of the object". It is equivalent to dative, and it represents the acceptor of giving or similar actions.
Apādāna(lit. take off ”): "When leaving (occurring) (in) a fixed person". It is equivalent to an off grid and represents the fixed object from which the motion starts.
Adhikara ṇ a ("location"): or "substratum". It is equivalent to the orientation lattice.


Because Sanskrit has a complicated ending change system, its word order It is free. There is more subject object predicate (SOV) tendency in use, which is derived from the Vedas The first in prose structural system However, with certain exceptions, not every pair of words can be transposed at this time.

Language spread

European interest in Sanskrit began in the 16th century.
When European missionaries and businessmen began to learn Sanskrit, they gradually realized that there were extensive similarities between Indian Sanskrit and European Latin, Greek and other languages.
From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, sanskrit literature The work attracted the attention of European scholars and began to use modern science method study Sanskrit. In fact, Indian ancient grammarians Bojuni (Panini) As early as the 4th century BC Language characteristics It is analyzed and summarized.
It is generally believed that Bojuni lived in the 4th century BC and was born today Pakistan Of Peshawar Nearby.
The earliest extant record of him can be found in the famous monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty《 Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty 》In the second volume, Xuanzang said that a city in Gandhara "was the birthplace of Bo Youni Immortal in the" Statement Theory ". He went on to say that in ancient times, the characters were numerous and varied, and it was difficult for learners to study them in detail. When we reach the age of 100, we will pay attention to the words of others as Calligraphy There are a thousand chants and thirty-two words of praise, Ultima In modern times and ancient times, classical Chinese is included. But yes Bojuni I didn't talk about my life in detail.
Before Pojni, India Grammar It has a long history, and Pokyuni is a master. He left behind a book, "The Sutra of Bo You Ni", because it has eight chapters, also known as《 Eight chapter book 》That is, Xuanzang's so-called "Statement Theory" is a study of Sanskrit Standard
The nearly 4000 pithy formula in the Boyouni Sutra contains a complete and scientific grammar system. The arrangement of letters is also very scientific. Vowels followed by consonants, according to Articulatory site and Pronunciation method Arrangement (the same is true for Sanskrit dictionaries today). This sort of order is better than Greek, Latin Arabic And all the Western languages Language system Of alphabet It is more reasonable.
With regard to the grammatical structure of Sanskrit, Pokyuni is characterized by analysis.
He came from Voice analysis First, do not analyze sentences, only analyze words; Regardless of the semantics, the analysis object is the form.
He analyzes root, stem, suffix, prefix, suffix Derivative Compound words wait.
At the end of the analysis is the root word, that is, the so-called "boundary". When it is added to "jie" to make it a word, or to make it show all the relations of nouns, verbs, etc., it is called "yuan", that is, a direct suffix. Therefore, the basic formula of word formation is boundary+edge=word.
The final root of this analysis is all verbs. In other words, only the root of the verb is the final component. Nouns are derived from verbs. The process of an action is expressed with a verb. Once the action is completed and the action is fixed, it becomes a thing and is expressed with a noun. Nouns are derived from verbs Universal principles He was soon challenged by Jaroga. He objected to such a blunt application etymology
Jaroga pointed out that if a śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś. If nothing should be named after its action, then existence (bh  va) should precede things.
As for Jaroga's opposition, Bo Youni made some concessions and excluded words that are difficult to derive from form and meaning, such as a śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśś. This kind of original nouns had been collected as a list before Pokyuni, and they were forced to form by the root of the verb plus some special suffixes. The first suffix of this kind is u, the proper name u ṇ, the full name u ṇ di, "Unadi". Bojuni said that such words are ready-made stems Word formation irrelevant.
Since Bokuni's book acquired its classical value very early, it has lasted for at least 2000 years. It has always been the standard for the use of Sanskrit and the foundation for learning it.
Later, with the development of grammar, people began to make amendments and supplements to its rules. For example, Anonymous's "Shi Du" was the first book to give a systematic and accurate explanation of it. [1]

Language influence

In modern times, Indo European system historical comparative linguistics The emergence of Sanskrit is also closely related to the study of Sanskrit, which focuses on Indo European The phonetic system of various languages.
18th century English Orientalism scholar Jones Sir William Jones proposed the famous "Indo European Hypothesis" to explain the Similarity
In 1786, he Asia In an academic speech of the Research Association, it was pointed out that Sanskrit and Greece Latin Contact. He said: "The root of the Sanskrit verb and Grammatical form It is no accident that it resembles Greek and Latin.
Anyone who has examined these three languages linguist It is necessary to think that all three come from the same source. However, the original language may no longer exist in the world. At the same time, there are reasons to assume (although the reasons are not enough), gothic Celtic Although different from Sanskrit in appearance, it is still homologous with Sanskrit, and farsi It also belongs to the same language family. " This "original language" is what people later said Proto-Indo-European
Later, European linguists raised Jones' empirical insights to scientific arguments.
Denmark R K. Lasker He explored the Origin of Old Norse and Icelandic Language (1818).
F. Bopp, a German scholar, on Sanskrit verb displacement system and Greek Latin A Comparison of Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin, and German (1816) is the first time that Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin, and German all came from the same source.
Jones called“ Similarities ”By this time, it had developed into a corresponding relationship.
German linguist J. Green Brothers Green His brother)《 Deutsche Grammatik 》(1819 – 1837) Sound change The law, after being revised, makes the phenomenon originally considered as an exception get a unified explanation.
These three people are recognized as the founders of historical comparative linguistics.
German scholar A. Schleicher is a historian Comparative linguistics Of A master He absorbed Hegel's Historical philosophy and Darwin He wrote Introduction to Comparative Grammar of Indo European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin (1874 – 1877), and was the first person to put forward the concept of language pedigree.
K. Brugman and B Delbruk The five volume Compendium of Comparative Grammar of Indian Germanic Languages (1886 – 1900), co authored, is a masterpiece of this discipline.
All the above scholars started from the field survey of languages, especially Sanskrit, Persian Lithuanian And other ancient languages.
It can be said that Indo European languages Comparative linguistics The emergence and development of Sanskrit benefited from the study and research. Its greatest achievement is to genetic relationship Have a clear understanding, especially in Indo European languages Pedigree classification On the other hand, quite conclusive evidence has been obtained.
Another is to help people understand the original mother tongue Manifestation For example, European scholars now generally believe that the original Indo European mother tongue originated from Black Sea The area to the north.
In terms of literature, the oldest Direct material It can be traced back to the 14th century BC or earlier Hittite Of Cuneiform Written, but found Hittite and interpreted Mycenae in the early 20th century Linear B Previously, it was generally believed that the Vedas One of the classics, Rigveda, is the oldest document in the Indo European language family.

Language research

Sanskrit, an Indo European language Indic An ancient language.
Sanskrit in broad sense includes three kinds:
Vedic ——The language of ancient India's four Vedas;
Epic Sanskrit - the language of two epic poems;
Classical Sanskrit - many literary works, including Kali whirlpool As well as the language of religious, philosophical and scientific works.
Sanskrit in a narrow sense only refers to classical Sanskrit.
It is said that Sanskrit is standardized by the Eight Chapters of the great Indian grammarian Bojuni in ancient times literary language This is incorrect. The grammar book of Pokyuni is not a branch of Veda, it does not speak Vedic, and it does not speak classical Sanskrit. Compared with classical Sanskrit, the grammatical rules in the book are closer to Sanskrit Upanishads And the language of scriptures. The successor of Bojuni Kazhanyan It speaks classical Sanskrit.
From the original name of Sanskrit sasktam (sorted), Sanskrit seems to be an artificial language. Others believe that Sanskrit was once Living language
In ancient Indian dramas, the gods, kings, Brahmans and other noble figures spoke Sanskrit. However, women and other low-level figures talking to them are only allowed to speak dialects and slang. There is no consensus on this issue up to now.
The second volume of Tang Xuanzang's "Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" said: "See the details of its writing, which was made by Brahma, the original vertical rules, and 47 words" (47 letters).
The word Sanskrit may represent Indian language Scholars have long had the idea. However, the word Sanskrit did not exist in China from the beginning. The first volume of Biography of Eminent Monk Liang, Biography of Anqing, said, "So we translated many sutras and changed Hu into Chinese." Ming Ben Make "Brahman". Replacing "Hu" with "Sanskrit" indicates that Chinese scholars have a further understanding of Sanskrit.

Linguistic features

Sanskrit has used some different letters in history.
What is popular in India is Devanagari Devanagari, the words used in the pronunciation system of this entry.
Sanskrit vowels are divided into simple vowels diphthong triphthong , consonants are divided into throat, palate, crest dental Labial sound Semivowel , sibilant sound, breath sound, etc.
As shown in the picture "Rigveda": Sanskrit written by hand in the 19th century《 Rig Veda 》Note that the orthodox Sanskrit writing is that there is no space between words.
Nouns have changes in gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular, even, plural), and case (physique, karma, specific, positive, subordinate, genitive, dependent, vocative).
The verb conjugation includes singular, even and plural, and the person has the first, second third person , time minute Present tense , unfinished, completed, indefinite past Future tense When assuming, the voice can be active, intermediate, passive, and the mood can be declarative, subjunctive, imperative imperative mood (The subjunctive mood of the indefinite past tense). There are two kinds of endings: primitive and derivative.

Ancient calligraphic style

During the Tang Dynasty in China, China and India had close exchanges. For example, the famous Master Xuanzang went to the Western Heaven to learn scriptures Epiphyllum body The Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures written in letters were then introduced into the Central Plains, and later in Buddhism Secret Division After it was introduced into India, the sect strictly required to recite the mantra in Sanskrit, which led to the study of the syllable table for teaching in India《 Xitan Character Record 》Medium.
Later, it was spread to Japan, whose teachings can be found in Xitan Bu in Dazheng Zang. Therefore, China and Japan still keep the Sanskrit letter Xitan, which is no longer used.
In the Song Dynasty of China Devanagari Sanskrit was once popular in Han, Liao and Dali, and now it is completely preserved in Jingyou Tianzhu Ziyuan printed in 1035 AD, and spread to South Korea and Japan.
Thick and beautiful Lanzati Letters are popular in Tibet and Nepal , and along with the Chinese Qing Dynasty Ruling class yes Tibetan Buddhism The belief of "Li" is popular in the Han Dynasty of China.
Tibet also uses a letter called Wade script to write Sanskrit, which is actually a headless variant of Lanza script. Tibetan, Mongolian Totemun Manchu script Each has its own system of writing Sanskrit.


Among all the ancient languages in the world, the number of Sanskrit documents is second only to Chinese, far more than Greek and Latin, which is extremely rich in content and can be called the treasure shared by mankind.
Sanskrit texts in a broad sense include the four Vedas:《 Rig Veda 》、《 Sama Veda 》、《 Yerouveda 》And《 Adavaveda 》, including a large number of Sanskrit , Scripture Upanishads , two epic poems:《 Mahabharata 》And《 Ramayana 》, as well as a large number of ancient records.
In addition, it also includes a large number of grammar books fable story And medicine, natural science Literary theory And other works.
India written in classical Sanskrit (that is, Sanskrit in a narrow sense) Classical literature His works are even more brilliant and influential. Many famous writers, such as Paso, Shoutulaja, Kalita dandin , Bona, Subandu, Bodhi, etc., in India Literary history Up, Can Ru constellation
Most of the classics of Mahayana Buddhism are also written in Sanskrit. There are several Primitive Buddhism The classics of Sanskrit, originally written in common sayings, gradually became Sanskrit, forming a special language - Buddhist Sanskrit or mixed Sanskrit.
Europe and America Sanskrit Studies of
From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, Sanskrit literature attracted the attention of European scholars method study Sanskrit, from now on.
On the one hand, the most important Emerging disciplines One—— Indo European Comparative linguistics;
On the other hand, it helped German scholars call it Comparative literature The discipline of history. From the latter, the comparative literature appeared almost all the rage in the world.
Sanskrit Studies in Ancient China
China has a history of more than 1000 years of translating Buddhist scriptures Language characteristics Of course, great attention is paid, but systematic research is very scarce. Neither translated Sanskrit grammar nor wrote Sanskrit grammar.
In the Tang Dynasty, there appeared a number of books about Sanskrit, such as Zhiguang《 Xitan Character Record 》, Yijing By《 Sanskrit Thousand Word Script 》, holomorphic set《 Tang Sanskrit 》, Ritual Collection《 Sanskrit Miscellaneous Names 》, Sang Hang Duo Teng Duo, Polo Quna Misesha Collection, Tang Sanskrit Two Language Double Pair Collection, etc. The purpose of these books is to translate Buddhist scriptures. But some of these books only study letters, while others imitate popular Chinese characters《 The Thousand Character Classic 》The first kind of books only list the words in Sanskrit and Chinese, and do not speak grammar at all.
Yijing said in the preface of Sanskrit Thousand Word Script: "It is not important to use words on the way, but if you learn this, you will be able to understand the rest of the language, which is different from the old thousand word script. If you also know the Tanzhang and read the Sanskrit version, you will be able to translate it in a year or two." However, this is difficult to do.
Then there are some books, such as《 Translate Sanskrit 》、《 Translation nominal collection 》And so on, it is just a kind of book for word translation.
From《 gaosengzhuan 》It can be seen that some Buddhist temples in the Tang Dynasty taught Sanskrit, but we are not clear about what textbooks to use and how to teach them.
Tang dynasty And some before the Tang Dynasty Buddhist Biography There are some records about Sanskrit grammar in the middle of other books, such as《 Biography of the Tripitaka Master of the Great Ci'en Temple of the Tang Dynasty 》But the record is almost limited to noun changes.

Language status

Sanskrit is not extinct in India and Nepal. Sanskrit is still one of the officially recognized languages in India (different from official language Indian Constitution It is stipulated that "the official language of the Federation is the one using the letters of Tiancheng Hindi English is the second most popular language.
There are 22 officially recognized languages in India, which are local languages recognized and valued by Indian officials, although some of them have not gained the status of official languages in any state (different states have different official languages, and the official language of the federation is Hindi). [2]
Sanskrit is the second official language in Uttarakhand (listed after Hindi).
Until the beginning of the 20th century, Sanskrit was one of the official languages of Nepal. Sanskrit and Sanskrit were the "Buddhist world" and“ hinduism The communication language of "Jie" senior monks.
Because there are few oral speakers, Sanskrit writing and publishing are mainly religious and academic, and many Sanskrit can be found in bookstores Religious Text Sudharma is the only daily newspaper in Sanskrit.
The results of the 1961 Indian census are in Sanskrit Second language 194433.
In 1991, the Indian census found that the population of Sanskrit as its mother tongue was 49736.
However, according to the survey in 2001, there are only 14000 people who think that their mother tongue is Sanskrit, which is the lowest among the 22 scheduled languages. The number of mother tongue users who are the second to last is more than one million. [3]
In contrast, the survey data of 1991 has been a special peak.
In 2011, the first World Samskrit Book Fair (स स ् क ृ त स ् य व र ा ट - र ू प म), the World Sanskrit Book Fair, was held in Bangalore It proves that Sanskrit is still widely recognized in India Classic language
It is said that "308 new Samskrit titles" were released at the book fair, and 128 publishing units and more than 200 schools participated in the fair, which should be said to be an unprecedented success. [4]
Generally speaking, Sanskrit is the first of the four classical languages in India (in 2004, the Indian government announced that the language that meets certain conditions can be identified as "classical language", which was determined in 2004 Tamil It is a classic language. Sanskrit was determined as a classic language in 2005, and it was determined in 2008 Telugu And Etna German as the classical language), still has a pivotal position in India, its position is equivalent to that of Latin in Italy.

Chinese literature

1、 Tang Xuanzang《 Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty 》Volume II says: "See the text for details Brahma It is made of 47 letters.
2、 Ximing Temple in Tang Dynasty Daoshi The mage (? – 683)《 Fayuan Zhulin 》There is such a record in the book: "There were three people who were the masters of the book making in the past. The book is long named Fan Right row The next is Khartoum, whose book Left row The few who are Cang Jie, their books go down. " (Dazheng Zang, Volume 53, Page 351, middle and bottom)

Sanskrit Letter

Most Representativeness Of Sanskrit Letter There are three kinds, Epiphyllum body Lanzati And the most popular and well-known Devanagari The Tianchengti alphabet is called Sanskrit alphabet by the people of the contemporary world because it has a long history of spelling Sanskrit and its scope of use continues to expand in India today. Tianchengti letter is obtained Indian Buddhism The standard letter for writing Sanskrit is internationally recognized.
According to literature records, the Sanskrit alphabet was created by the god of the universe, "Great Brahman". Brahma, commonly known in China“ Four sided buddha ”, or "Great Brahma King". Sanskrit letters are words used by the gods in the sky. Each letter in the Sanskrit letter represents a source of strength. When Indian people practice "yoga", they often meditate on the Sanskrit letter. Chinese Sanskrit experts“ Qian Wenzhong ”I copied the "Heart Sutra" in Sanskrit.
The pronunciation of Buddhist "mantra" is required to be correct. Because the Sanskrit word spelling and pronunciation are absolutely regular, the mantra spelled with Sanskrit letters can not only say and write, but also maintain the pure Sanskrit pronunciation of the mantra, so it is the best choice for people who read the mantra with Sanskrit letters, Brahma The established writing format is from left to right, horizontal writing, no space left between words, and continuous spelling of a sentence from beginning to end. So in ancient times, when writing Sanskrit and copying India's sacred Veda and other documents, there was no space between words. Until modern times, there was no space between orthodox "Sanskrit" and "Hindi" words. Since the modern Western writing format was introduced into India, India began to imitate the Western format, and words were separated by spaces.

orthographic rule

Sanskrit Great Compassion Mantra
Take the most popular Tiancheng style as an example
Since the 12th century, Sanskrit has been used Devanagari Letters, each Consonant letter All contain fixed Short vowel When spelling a, consonant and other vowels, put the vowel symbols in front of, behind, above or below the letter.
Use independent when vowels appear in front of words vowel Means pure consonant nasal consonant It is indicated by symbols.
There is a horizontal line at the top of each Sanskrit letter, which connects the letters together when spelling.

Sanskrit anagram

Consonant string letters (Sanskrit combination words) If there are more than two consecutive pure consonants in Sanskrit, use half of the consonant letters or Consonant letter Some of them are closely combined to form consonant string letters. The number of consonants in the consonant string letters is from two to five. The consonant string letters can generally identify the included consonants, but some consonant string letters are difficult to identify, and must be memorized. There are more than 1000 consonant string letters in Sanskrit, and consonant string letters are the main difficulty in learning Sanskrit spelling.