Meilegeng Scenic Spot

Scenic spots in Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
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Meilegeng (meaning "intelligent" in Mongolian) natural ecological scenic spot nestles in Yinshan Mountains Wula mountain Nanlu, 30km west of Baotou (the terminal of No. 9 bus), overlooking Jiuqu in the south Yellow River And Bayannur League in the west. It is a natural scenic spot with many huge spherical granite mountains, waterfalls and plant landscapes. In the scenic spot, there are some magnificent canyons, such as Meilegeng Valley, Shibaoketu Valley, Xigou Valley, etc. The mountain is magnificent and strange, deep and dangerous, and the main peak is Big birch back The altitude is 2324m. With a protection area of 56.7 square kilometers, the scenic spot is a national AAAA level tourist scenic spot and an autonomous region level nature reserve.
Chinese name
Meilegeng Scenic Spot
Meilegeng Natural Ecological Scenic Spot
geographical position
Jiuyuan District, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [1]
Scenic spots
Meligeng Waterfall, Meligeng Calling
Autonomous Region Level Natural Reserve
Protection area
56.7 km2


Meilegeng Natural Ecological Scenic Spot is located 30 kilometers west of Baotou City at the southern foot of Wula Mountain in Inner Mongolia. The scenic spot is adjacent to the main peak of Dahuabei in Wula Mountain in the north, overlooking the Jiuqu Yellow River in the south, connecting the Daqing Mountain in the east, and connecting Wulatqian Banner in Bayannur City in the west. It is a natural scenic spot with many huge spherical granite mountains, waterfalls and plant landscapes. In the scenic spot, there are such magnificent canyons as Meilegeng Valley, Shibaoketu Valley and Xigou Valley. The mountain is magnificent and unique, deep and dangerous. The main peak, Dahuabei, is 2324 meters above sea level.
Meili Geng Natural Ecological Scenic Spot can be called the gene treasure house of biodiversity. There are 65 families and 360 species of plants, including 18 species of rare and endangered plants under national and autonomous region protection; There are 52 species of mammals in 12 families of 6 orders and 111 species of birds in 28 families of 14 orders.

Scenic Area Features

Mei Li "Strange pines in the forest, waterfalls, pools and springs, sea of clouds, strange peaks and rocks" It is famous for its four wonders. In the scenic area, there are many magnificent and vigorous peaks, camel like camel peak, lifelike "Shougui Stone", "Double Scarlet Watching Watching Watch", "Nuwa Showing" and other wonders. There are countless waterfalls and flowing springs between the rocks, which are connected in series, and the scenery is beautiful and strange. Meili has abundant rainfall and luxuriant trees. The natural scenery is unpredictable. The annual average temperature is 5 ℃. The climate is cool and pleasant. The scenery is different in four seasons. Birds sing and flowers smell in spring, the sea of clouds and springs in summer, the mountains are covered with red leaves in autumn, and icicles grow in winter.

Meligen Waterfall

Meilegeng Scenic Spot
Meligen Waterfall It is a rare spring waterfall in the north. It is the fissure water formed due to geological compression, which converges into a large waterfall with a drop of 66 meters. A flying waterfall pours into a deep green pool, as if falling from the sky, with the potential of the Milky Way falling into the valley in nine days. The deep pool under the waterfall is called the "pool of wisdom". It is said that people who have drunk the water of wisdom are as wise as fairies. In the deep winter, when the snow is heavy and the ice is frozen, the spring water is formed under the dark green pines and cypresses glacier On the cliffs and in the canyon, a crystal clear ten thousand feet long drill is formed, just like an ice dragon, and the cheerful spring flowing under the ice is the pulse of this dragon! This particularly enchanting northern scenery is the unique magical landscape that nature has given us.

Development prospect

Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, it has also brought serious environmental pollution. The whole mankind is facing the challenge of environmental degradation, and the environmental crisis has become an indisputable fact. Under such a background, Baotou, as a heavy industrial city, can still maintain the Eden with blue sky, clear water, green trees and green mountains, and can keep the representative original natural landscape given by nature from being disturbed, which is a great blessing for the people of Baotou.
A green treasure land where people and nature live in harmony;
A beautiful world bathed in sunshine and washed the soul;
A place for leisure and vacation to feel the natural classic of life;
A healthy home carefully built for you!
Here is a pure land, a natural oxygen bar! It is an ideal place for you to stay away from downtown and embrace healthy green!