
A family of nettles
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Moriaceae consists of 53 genera and about 1400 species throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the world. China is very rich in mulberry plant resources, including genera, mulberry, banyan Euphorbia , jackfruit, cudra, hydrangea, Huancao, Morus aurantia, Celastrus Querenia There are more than 150 species in 11 genera. [1] Morus and its constituent plants of Morus family are the main landscaping trees. Among them, white mulberry is planted in all provinces and cities, and these tree species are mainly planted in places such as people's leisure and entertainment, fitness squares, etc. [6]
It is mainly distributed in the tropics, subtropics and some temperate regions. The mulberry plants are divided into 12 genera. Among them, there are 98 species of Ficus in China, which is the largest genus of Moriaceae, mainly distributed in southeast Gansu, northeast Guizhou, southern Yunnan, southwest Guangxi, southern Taiwan and western Hainan. [5] Due to the constraints of climate, topography and other factors, the mulberry plants applied and cultivated in northern China mainly include the fig plants of the genera Morus, Morus, Cudrania, Humulus and Ficus. [6]
The seeds are large or small, wrapped in the endocarp; Testa membranous or absent; Embryo pendulous, curved or straight; The young root is long or short, leaning back against the cotyledon and clinging closely; cotyledon Folded, folded or flat, leafy or thickened, equal or polar. The majority of mulberry plants are perennial deep rooted woody plants, which have strong adaptability to soil, light, water, temperature and other natural environmental factors, and have good water and soil conservation characteristics. Moreover, most mulberry plants have broad crowns, luxuriant branches, stretched branches, diverse leaf shapes, pleasant flowers and fruits, and easy management. Therefore, mulberry plants have many characteristics to become excellent landscaping trees. [6]
Chinese name
Latin name
Moraceae Gaudich.
Angiosperma [2]
Magnolia [8]
urticales [9]
Rosa [8]
Rosa Superorder [8]
Distribution area
Mainly distributed in provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River
sāng kē
Chinese scientific name

Key Features

Woody, often with milk. Single leaf alternate. The flowers are small, unisexual, integrated with various inflorescences, single perianth, 4-cardinal. Nuts and drupes are collected into various kinds of aggregates. [3]

morphological character

Trees or shrubs, vines, rare herbs, usually with latex, with or without thorns.
Leaves alternate, sparsely opposite, entire or serrate, divided or undivided, veins palmate or pinnate, with or without stalactites; Stipules 2, usually falling early.
Flowers small, unisexual, monoecious or dioecious, apetalous; The inflorescences are axillary, typically in pairs, racemose, paniculate, capitate, spicate or pot shaped, rarely cymose, and the inflorescences are sometimes fleshy, thickened or closed, and become cryptocephalic or open, capitate or cylindrical.
Male flowers: perianth segments 2-4, sometimes only 1 or more to 8, separate or connate, imbricate or valvate, persistent; The stamens are usually opposite to the perianth segments in the same number, the filaments are folded inward or erect in bud, the anthers are pointed, or small and bifid without a tip, from crescent to gyroscopic (with transverse equatorial slits), and the pistillodes are present or absent.
Female flowers: perianth segments 4, sparse more or less, persistent; Ovary 1, sparsely 2-celled, superior, inferior or semi inferior, or buried in the pit on the inflorescence axis, each room has an inverted or curved ovule, which is attached to the top or near the top of the ovary; Style 2-lobed or simple, with 2 or 1 stigma arm, stigma not capitate or peltate.
The fruit is achene or drupe shaped, surrounded by a fleshy thickened perianth, or hidden in it to form a cyme, or hidden in the inner wall of a pot shaped receptacle to form a crypto fruit, or trapped in a developed inflorescence axis to form a large cyme.

Distribution range

About 53 genera, 1400 species. It is rich in tropics and subtropics. A few are distributed in temperate regions. Among them, Ficus Linn There are about 1000 species, generally distributed in the tropics and subtropics. Many species are epiphytes, which form a tight root network around the stem of the host, and eventually strangle the host. Morus Linn. is mostly arbor, distributed from temperate zone to tropical mountain area in the Northern Hemisphere; Morus alba, a mulberry native to China, was cultivated in a very early period. It was introduced into Europe after the 12th century and grew well in the Mediterranean region; Morus nigra is native to Iran in western Asia and was cultivated in Asia and Europe before the 16th century. About 40 species of Artocarpus J. R. et G. Forst, from Sri Lanka to China via India. There are about 12 genera, 153 species and subspecies, and 59 varieties and forms in the whole family in China. [4]

Subordinate classification

Polymyaceae Subfam. ARTOCARPOIDEAE R. Br. [2] , Subfam CANNABIOIDEAE


Antiaris Artocarpus Broussonetia Cannabis Cudrania
Fatoua Ficus Humulus Morus Maclura Malaisia Morus, [2] Streblus.

Important categories

Fig Ficus carica Linn
Fig Originated from the Mediterranean coast, it was introduced into China in the Tang Dynasty, and cultivated in both the north and south, especially in southern Xinjiang. Deciduous shrub with many branches and stout twigs. Leaves alternate, thick paper, broadly ovate, usually 3-5-lobed, with irregular serrated edges, rough surface, dense white pilose hairs and stalactites on the back, near heart-shaped base, and three basal veins, Dioecious , the fig has solitary leaf axils, male flowers and gall flowers are born in the same fig; Perianth segments 4-5, stamens 3, rarely 1 or 5; Female perianth is the same number as male flower, ovary is ovoid, style is lateral. The fig is big and pear shaped. Edible. Fresh fruits and leaves are good medicine.
Mulberry Morus alba Linn. Sp
Mulberry originated in central China and has been cultivated for about 4000 years. Deciduous tree with obovate crown. The leaves are ovate or broadly ovate, with a sharp or tapered apex, a round or heart-shaped base, rough and blunt serrations. The leaves of young trees often have shallow cracks and deep cracks, without hair on the top, sparse hair along the veins below, and clustered hair in the vein axils. Myrica (mulberry) is purple black, light red or white, juicy and sweet. Flowering in April; The fruit ripens from May to July. The leaves, fruits, wood and branches of mulberry can be used to raise silkworms, eat, brew wine, weave baskets, make paper and make various utensils, while its leaves, roots, skins, twigs, ears, wood and parasites can also be used as medicine.
Ficus pumila Ficuspumila
Ficus pumila
It is distributed in the north and south of China, and is born on rocks in the mountains. Climbing or creeping shrub with two types of leaves, rooting on fruitless branches, small, papery, ovate and heart-shaped leaves; Results The branches do not take root, the leaves are leathery, oval in shape, with yellowish brown pilose on the back, the reticular veins on the back are honeycombed, and the stipules are yellowish brown pilose. Dioecious , unisexual, male flowers and gall flowers are born on the inner wall of the same plant, the fig is big pear shaped, 4-6 cm long, the male flowers are pedunculate, and the stamens are 2; Female flowers and neutral peanuts are on the inner wall of another plant's ficus. The female ficus is spherical, with many achenes and mucus. Achene can be used as jelly when washed, so it has the names of water noodle, jelly fruit, manglietia, etc; Roots, stems and leaves are used as medicine.
paper mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera
Broussonetia papyrifera is wild or cultivated throughout China. Deciduous trees, twigs densely gray pilose. The leaves are broadly ovoid divided or undivided, with serrated edges, rough hairs on the surface, and densely pilose on the back. The basal leaf veins are three, and the lateral veins are 7-8 pairs. Dioecious, male inflorescence spicate, male tepals 4, stamens 4, filaments folded inward in the bud; Female inflorescence globose capitate, bracts clavate, perianth tubular, ovary ovoid. The cymose is fleshy, orange red when mature, and the small drupe is oblate and spherical, projecting out of the perianth when mature. bast fiber High quality Papermaking raw materials , seeds and root bark are used for medicine.
Cudra tree Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.)Bur.
Cudra tree
Cudra tree : Cultivated or wild in north and south China. Deciduous shrub or small tree with grayish brown bark and thorns. Leaves ovoid, often 3-lobed, entire, Dioecious , male and female inflorescences are spherical, axillary, male perianth 4, adnate to bracts, stamens 4, filaments erect in the bud, perianth is the same number as male flower, ovary is trapped in the lower part of perianth. Myrica, fleshy, red when mature. The root bark is used for medicine, the leaves can feed silkworms, and the wood is yellow dye, so it is also called yellow mulberry.
pineapple Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam
pineapple It is native to India and is often cultivated in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and Yunnan of China. Evergreen trees, old trees often have plank roots, and bark is dark brown with obvious stipules. The leaves are leathery, entire, elliptic to obovate, three leaves of young trees or sprouting branches are often split, the surface is smooth, the back is rough, and the veins are pinnate. The flowers are unisexual, the male inflorescence has twig top or leaf axil, rod shaped, the male perianth is tubular, the top is 2-lobed, the stamen is 1, and the filament is upright; Female inflorescence is cylindrical, perianth is tubular, the top is toothed, the base is trapped in the fleshy inflorescence axis, and the ovary is 1-celled. The cymose is ellipsoid or irregular isomorphic, with a length of 30-70cm, and most of its surface is hexagonal tuberculous convex body and coarse hair. The aggregate fruit is oval, sweet and fragrant, which is a famous fruit in the south. The hard yellow wood can be used as furniture, and the yellow dye morin can also be extracted. Drupe is rich in starch and can be cooked and eaten.
breadfruit tree Artocarpus incisa (Thunb.) L.
breadfruit tree
breadfruit tree It is native to the Pacific Islands, and is cultivated in Hainan and Taiwan of China. Evergreen tree, with grayish brown bark, thick, thick twigs. The leaves are large, wide ovate, with 3-8 pinnate deep cracks on both sides, and the petiole is 8-12 cm long; Stipules broadly lanceolate, Monoecious Perianth tubular, upper 2-lobed, stamen 1, female perianth tubular, ovary ovate. The aggregate fruit is obovate to nearly spherical, yellow green to dark green after maturity. The drupe is ovoid to oblate, and the fruit is the main food in the tropics.
Seeing blood sealed the throat Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.
Seeing blood sealed the throat
Seeing blood sealed the throat It is produced in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and southern Yunnan of China. Trees with dark gray bark. Leaves are long elliptic, slightly asymmetric on both sides of the base, and lateral veins are pinnate; The petiole is short. Monoecious The stamen inflorescence is in a tray shape, surrounded by many bracts, and the stamen perianth segments are 3~4 with the same number of stamens; Female flowers solitary, hidden in pear shaped inflorescence stipe surrounded by most bracts, without perianth, ovary 1-locular. The fruit is fleshy and pear shaped. With persistent bracts, mature bright red. The tree sap is highly toxic and is known as Asian arrow poison. Stem skin fiber can be used as gunny bag.
Humulus scandens Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr.
Humulus scandens
Humulus scandens It is cultivated all over China. Annual or perennial herbs. Plants with hooked bristles. The leaves are opposite, palmately divided into 3-5 lobes, with rough surface and serrated edges. Unisexual heteroecies; Male inflorescences are axillary Panicle Male flowers: perianth segments 5, stamens 5, erect in bud; Female inflorescences are cone shaped, and every two flowers are born in the axils of membranous bracts, and the style extends out of the bracts. The ear is about 1.5 cm long; Achenes oblate and mature outside bracts. The whole grass is used as medicine, the seed oil is used as stomach tonic, and the ear can be used as the raw material for brewing beer instead of hops.
Indian Banyan Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem.
Indian Banyan It is native to India and Malaysia, and cultivated all over China. Trees, smooth bark, epiphytic when young. The leaves are thick leathery, long elliptic, entire, with many lateral veins, obvious on both sides, and parallel; Stipules red, lanceolate, 15 cm long. It is monoecious. The banyan fruit is born in the axil of the fallen branches and is oval. The basal bracts are united to form a hood. The male flower, gall flower, female flower or neutral flower are born in the same banyan fruit. The perianth is 4, the stamen is 1, and the filament is very short. Achenes are numerous, ovoid, with a tuberculous convex body on the surface. Flowering in winter. Emulsion used to be the raw material of rubber, and later Brazilian rubber Replaced by.
hops Humulus lupulus
Hops are cultivated all over China. Perennial twining vegetation, the plant body is covered with barbed bristles and densely covered with fine hairs. Leaves opposite, ovate, undivided or trilobate, base cordate or round, margin coarsely serrate, abaxial surface sparsely covered with small hairs and oil spots; The petiole is as long as the blade. It is unisexual, with conic male inflorescences, 5 perianth segments and 5 stamens respectively, and the filaments erect in the bud; The female flower has 2 bracts in each axil, and the bracts are imbricated to form a round spike. The membranous bracts increase in size, and each bract has 1-2 achenes. Ear is an important raw material for beer brewing, and female flowers are used for medicine.

cultivation techniques


Site selection

Mulberry plants have strong adaptability and do not require high soil quality. They can be planted in green space, roadside, waterside, etc., but sufficient water and rich nutrients can promote the growth of mulberry plants, which is conducive to their aesthetic value and ecological benefits. Therefore, it is better to choose a place with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, flat ground and convenient irrigation and drainage to plant mulberry plants. Clay soil is preferred to provide a good environment for its growth. [6]

soil preparation

After the plot is selected, leveling and deep ploughing shall be carried out. Deep ploughing requires that the depth of the soil layer be more than 0.5m. Organic fertilizer shall be applied during the deep ploughing process to provide nutrition for the growth and development of seedlings. The land preparation shall be fine and flat to keep the soil loose and free of gravel, weeds, roots, straws, etc., so as to enhance the permeability of the soil and promote soil oxidation. Then dig drainage ditches around and in the middle of the plot to facilitate drainage. [6]


Seedlings are usually planted in winter or early spring. When the soil temperature is stable at 10~12 ℃ and the soil water content is about 70%~80% of the maximum soil water holding capacity, the survival rate of planting is high. [6]
When planting, first bury the root of the seedling into the soil, pour enough root setting water, cover the soil lightly to make the root stretch and contact the soil tightly, and then cover a layer of loose soil, which is required to exceed the root stem by 3cm. The seedling shall be cut within 2 days after planting, and the height of the seedling shall be about 15cm. The tip of the plant shall be cut off to make the height of the seedling reach the unified height. [6]

Disease and insect control



The main diseases include mulberry rust, mulberry yellow atrophy, mulberry mosaic atrophy and mulberry blight. [6]

Insect pest

The main pests are longicorn beetle, aphid, thorn moth, American white moth, etc. [6]

Key values


Edible value

Undergraduate plants are of great significance in national economic construction. Some fruits can be eaten, such as Artocarpus heterophyllus, which is native to India, and Bread Tree A., which is native to Malay Islands incisa, And Ficus carica, a fig native to the Mediterranean coast. Mulberry of Morus ssp. is also a famous fruit. In addition, the flowers and fruit ears of Humulus lupulus, which is widely distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, contain humulus lupulus, which is the raw material for brewing beer (hops). [4]

economic value

Some species produce rubber, such as Ficus elastica and Streblus tonkinensis; The bark of Morus ssp. and Broussonetia ssp. can be used for papermaking; Cannabis sativa's stem bark fiber is important Textile raw materials The young leaves of Morus ssp. can feed silkworms, and the leaves of Cudrania Trec. can also feed young silkworms; Some kinds of wood can be used as musical instruments, furniture, farm tools, etc. [4]

Ornamental value

Compared with other tree species, the leaf shape of mulberry plants changes greatly and grows fast, belonging to the medium fast growing tree species. With its beautiful split leaves and full and rich tree shape, it is planted alone in the lawn or in the central flower bed with purple red fruits in summer and golden yellow leaves in autumn, along with colorful leaf trees such as purple leaf dwarf cherry and red leaf plum, or emerald green leaf plants such as acacia and ligustrum lucidum, Form a beautiful seasonal landscape effect. In terms of variety selection, varieties with peculiar branches and high ornamental value are mainly selected. For example, the branches naturally droop like the "drooping mulberry" with beautiful hair and the "dragon mulberry" with winding and circling like flying dragons. They can be unique in the garden landscape both during the leaf growing period and after falling leaves [52]. It can also be used as a transition tree species for landscape matching and bushes, trees and grasslands. [6]
Mulberry family plays an important role in landscaping. It can not only beautify the city, beautify the environment, but also set off buildings and garden landscape composition. It has a good effect on regulating air temperature and humidity, producing oxygen and absorbing harmful gases, and killing bacteria. [6]

Prevention and control methods

Formulate annual prevention and control plan and collect disease and insect information. Pest prevention and control work runs through the four seasons. In the annual greening and maintenance work, pest prevention and control plans, such as annual plans, quarterly plans, monthly plans and even weekly plans, are carefully and carefully arranged. During the implementation of the plan, timely adjustments are made according to the actual situation, and the maintenance diary is kept on time, which can provide valuable reference for future maintenance work. In addition, the rainy season in the first half of July is a period of high incidence of pests due to high temperature and humidity, such as aphids and scale insects. Therefore, prevention work should be done before the rainy season comes, and inspection should be carried out immediately after the end of the rainy season. If prevention and control is carried out in time, the epidemic situation can be strictly controlled to prevent the occurrence, development and spread of pests. Thirdly, collect more information about diseases and pests, and obtain information about new drugs and new prevention methods from the Internet, newspapers, books and magazines, so as to increase knowledge and accumulate experience. [6]