Taocheng District

Xiaxia District, Hengshui City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Taocheng District, subordinate to Hebei Province Hengshui City It is located in the southeast of Hebei Province. In July 1996, Taocheng District was established. Taocheng District covers an area of 591 square kilometers. Taocheng District belongs to temperate continental monsoon climate zone, which is warm and semi-arid. The average annual sunshine hours are 2642.8 hours, the annual evaporation is 1295.7 - 2621.4 mm, and the average annual precipitation is 496.4 mm. As of October 2021, Taocheng District has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 3 towns and 1 township. [1] In 2023, Taocheng District will have a permanent population of 608000 and a registered population of 616000. [14]
In 2023, the GDP of Taocheng District will be 25.98 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year. The added value of the primary industry is 1.01 billion yuan; The added value of the secondary industry was 5.72 billion yuan, up 6.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 19.25 billion yuan. [14]
Chinese name
Taocheng District
Foreign name
Taocheng District
area number
one hundred and thirty-one thousand one hundred and two
Administrative Region Category
Municipal district
Hengshui City, Hebei Province
geographical position
West of Hengshui City
591 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets, 3 towns and 1 township
Government residence
Zhonghua Street
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
population size
608000 [14] (2023)
train station
Hengshui Station
License plate code
Ji T
25.98 billion yuan [14] (2023)

Historical evolution

Hengshui Railway Station
Taocheng District of Hengshui City, formerly Hengshui City at the county level, evolved from Hengshui County.
In the Western Han Dynasty, it was Taoxian County, and in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Taocheng Posthouse was set up.
In the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (596), Hengshui County was first established. Although the ownership of Hengshui County has changed repeatedly in the past dynasties, the territory has not changed in general.
After the founding of New China, Hengshui County belonged to Hengshui Special Area. The Commissioner's Office is located in Hengshui County.
In November 1952, the Hengshui Special Administration was revoked, and Hengshui County was under the jurisdiction of Shijiazhuang Special Administration.
In December 1958, Wuyi County, Zaoqiang County and Jixian County were abolished and incorporated into Hengshui County.
In May 1960, Shijiazhuang Special District was abolished and Hengshui County was incorporated into Shijiazhuang City.
In May 1961, Hengshui County was under the jurisdiction of Shijiazhuang, which was restored in the same year. In July 1961, Hengshui County was analyzed and Jixian County was restored (including the former Zaoqiang County Local).
In March 1962, another analysis of the restoration of Hengshui County Wuyi County , still belong to Shijiazhuang area. In June 1962, Hengshui Special District was restored and Hengshui County belonged to it.
In January 1982, Hengshui Town was divided from Hengshui County to establish a county-level Hengshui City, which is subordinate to Hengshui District.
In March 1983, Hengshui County Withdrawal, the jurisdiction was incorporated into Hengshui City.
In July 1996, Hengshui District was abolished and a prefecture level Hengshui City was established. The original county level Hengshui City was changed to Taocheng District.

administrative division

As of October 2021, Taocheng District has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 3 towns and 1 township: Hexi Street Hedong Subdistrict Lubei Subdistrict Zhonghua Street Zhengjia Heyan Town Zhaojiaquan Town Dengzhuang Town Hejiazhuang Township [1]

geographical environment


Location context

Taocheng District is located in the southeast of Hebei Province, between 115 ° 25 ′ 17 ″~115 ° 51 ′ 12 ″ east longitude and 37 ° 36 ′ 10 ″~37 ° 49 ′ 55 ″ north latitude. North, West and Shenzhou Border, south and Jizhou District Adjacent, southeast and Zaoqiang County Connected, east to Wuyi County Bordering. It covers an area of 591 square kilometers (2013).
Taocheng District


Taocheng District belongs to the continental monsoon climate zone, which is warm and semi-arid. The climate is characterized by four distinct seasons, with large differences in cold, warm, dry and wet weather. Influenced by the southerly air flow at the edge of the Pacific subtropical high in summer, it is humid and hot, with concentrated precipitation. Influenced by the northwest monsoon in winter, it is dry and cold, with little rain and snow. It is dry and rainy in spring, with more wind and faster warming. It is sunny and cool in autumn, sometimes with continuous rainy weather.
The average annual sunshine hours in Taocheng District is 2642.8 hours. The annual evaporation is 1295.7~2621.4 mm. The average annual precipitation is 496.4 mm. The annual southerly wind is dominant, and the average wind speed is 3.0m/s. The annual average temperature is 12.7 ℃. The annual average ground temperature is 15.1 ℃, and the annual variation is generally between 13.7 ℃ and 16.7 ℃. The annual average snowfall days are 8.1 days.


Taocheng District is part of the alluvial plain of Hebei Province, which is the ancient Yellow River, the ancient Zhanghe River, the ancient Hutuo River Fuyang River The north and west of the alluvial proluvial area belong to the Fuyang River basin, and the southeast belongs to the Heilonggang basin. [2]


Taocheng District
The terrain in Taocheng District is relatively flat, and the terrain inclines slightly from southwest to northeast. The elevation is about 22.4 to 26.4 meters, the elevation difference is about 4 meters, and the ground slope is generally 1/8000 to 1/10000. The terrain is affected by the historical Ancient channel The impact of frequent diversion, flood, scouring and silting.
There are shallow flat closed depressions in Taocheng District. The deepest points of these shallow flat depressions are about 3 meters below the general ground (Qianqingwa), and some are only about 1 meter below the ground (Hujiawa, Hutangwa). There are many highlands, the low ones are about 1 meter higher than the ground, and the high ones are 3 to 4 meters higher than the ground. The area ranges from several mu, ten mu to dozens of mu. Ditches and natural drainage ditches are all over the territory.

natural resources


water resource

In 2013, the underground water resources in Taocheng District were 92 million cubic meters, and the total amount of underground water in the whole district was 107 million cubic meters, adding 2 g/L-3 g/L and 3 g/L-5 g/L brackish water. Hengshui Lake, located in the southern suburb of the city, covers an area of 75 square kilometers and has a storage capacity of 188 million cubic meters.

mineral resources

In 2006, the identified mineral resources in Taocheng District included four minerals, including oil and gas, geothermal, mineral water and clay for bricks and tiles. The oil and gas distribution area is about 9 square kilometers, the verified oil reserves are about 3 million tons, and the daily output of crude oil is about 35 tons. The type of oil and gas reservoir belongs to buried hill oil and gas reservoir and Tertiary oil and gas reservoir.


In 2022, the permanent population of Taocheng District will be 609000, an increase of 0.3% over the previous year. Among them, the urban permanent population was 544000, up 0.4%; The rural permanent population was 65000, down 0.1%. The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 89.38%, an increase of 0.05 percentage points over the previous year. The number of registered households at the end of the year was 196000. At the end of the year, the registered population was 599000, an increase of 19000 or 3.2% over the previous year. From the perspective of urban and rural structure, the urban registered population was 509000, an increase of 3.9%; The rural registered population was 90000, down 0.8%. The urbanization rate of registered population was 84.98%, 0.61 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. In terms of gender, the male population is 285000, and the female population is 314000. The total population gender ratio (100 females) is 90.6, 0.6 percentage points lower than the previous year. The annual birth population was 3986, with a birth rate of 6.76 ‰; 1085 people died in the whole year, with a mortality rate of 1.84 ‰; The natural population growth rate was 4.92 ‰, 0.84 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. [3]
In 2023, the permanent population of Taocheng District will be 608000, 10000 fewer than the previous year. Among them, the urban population is 545000, and the rural population is 63000. The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 89.57%, 0.19 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 206000 registered households in the district, 10000 more than the previous year; The total registered population was 616000, an increase of 17000 or 2.8% over the previous year. From the perspective of urban and rural structure, the urban registered population was 527000, an increase of 3.5%; The rural registered population was 89000, down 0.8%. The urbanization rate of registered population was 85.51%, 0.54 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. In terms of gender, the male population is 292000, and the female population is 324000. The gender ratio of the total population (100 females) is 90.1, down 0.5% from the previous year. The annual birth population was 3910, with a birth rate of 6.44 ‰; 1153 people died in the whole year, with a mortality rate of 1.90 ‰; The natural population growth rate was 4.54 ‰, 0.38 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. [14]




In 2023, Taocheng District's GDP will be 25.98 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year at constant prices. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 1.01 billion yuan, up 0.1%; The added value of the secondary industry was 5.72 billion yuan, up 6.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 19.25 billion yuan, up 6.0%. The proportion of the first, second and third industries is 3.9:22.0:74.1. The per capita GDP was 42680 yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year. The energy consumption of the 10000 yuan regional GDP decreased by 2.05% over the previous year. [14]
In 2022, Taocheng District will register 10800 new market entities, including 4700 enterprises and 6100 self-employed households. At the end of the year, there were 69700 market entities, including 30800 enterprises and 38900 self-employed households. [11]
March 24, 2023, Taocheng District, Hengshui City Carry out the pilot work of "individual to enterprise". [12]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2023, the investment in fixed assets (including farmers' investment) of the whole society in Taocheng District will increase by 11.9% year on year, of which the investment in fixed assets (excluding farmers) will increase by 11.9%; The investment of farmers decreased by 24.4%. In terms of fixed asset investment (excluding farmers), urban and rural construction projects increased by 47.8% and real estate investment decreased by 12.1% in terms of construction fields; In terms of industries, the investment in the primary industry decreased by 70.1%, the investment in the secondary industry (industry) increased by 223.5%, and the investment in the tertiary industry (service industry) increased by 7.7%. Investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 226.4%; Private investment fell by 15.7%. [14]
In 2023, the general public budget revenue of Taocheng District will be 1.71 billion yuan, down 3.8% year on year. Total fiscal expenditure was 2.58 billion yuan, down 8.6%. [14]
People's life
In 2023, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Taocheng District will be 45866 yuan, an increase of 5.3% over the previous year; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 23640 yuan, an increase of 6.5% over the previous year. The income of urban and rural residents was 1.94, 0.02 less than that of the previous year. [14]

primary industry

Taocheng District
In 2023, the sown area of grain crops in Taocheng District will be 398000 mu, a decrease of 0.5% over the previous year, including 176000 mu of summer grain, an increase of 0.3%; The sown area of autumn grain was 222000 mu, down 1.1%, and the sown area of corn, the main autumn grain crop, was 215000 mu, down 0.2%. The oil planting area was 12000 mu, down 9.8%; The vegetable planting area was 40000 mu, up 2.5%; The sown area of melons and fruits was 3000 mu, up 0.7%. The orchard area was 23000 mu, down 1.7%. The total grain output was 176000 tons, a decrease of 4.4% over the previous year, including 83000 tons of summer grain (wheat), an increase of 0.6%; The total output of autumn grain was 94000 tons, down 8.5%, and the output of corn, the main autumn grain crop, was 92000 tons, down 7.6%. Oil production was 3000 tons, down 10.8%; Vegetable output was 188000 tons, up 2.7%; The output of melons and fruits was 10000 tons, up 0.6%. The output of garden fruits was 20000 tons, up 3.3%. The total output of pig, cattle, sheep and poultry meat was 12000 tons, an increase of 4.2% over the previous year; Milk output was 6000 tons, down 1.5%; The output of eggs was 7000 tons, up 2.0%. The output of aquatic products was 660 tons, up 1.4%. 77000 pigs were sold throughout the year, an increase of 1.0% over the previous year; At the end of the year, the number of live pigs on hand was 30000, down 1.7%. [14]

the secondary industry

In 2023, the total industrial added value of Taocheng District will be 4.16 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 7.3% year on year; Operating revenue was 16.57 billion yuan, up 1.7%; The total profit was 150 million yuan, down 11.7%. The added value of high-tech industries above designated size increased by 13.2%, accounting for 3.4% of the total added value of industries above designated size, 1.4 percentage points lower than that of the previous year. [14]
construction business
In 2023, the added value of the construction industry in Taocheng District will be 1.57 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2% over the previous year. The total output value of construction general contracting and professional contracting enterprises with above qualification level was 6.46 billion yuan, up 11.0% year on year; The total profit was 130 million yuan, up 71.1%. [14]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

foreign trade
In 2023, the actual use of foreign capital in Taocheng District will be 200000 dollars, down 59.2% from the previous year. [14]
Service industry
In 2023, the added value of the wholesale and retail industry in Taocheng District will be 3.07 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 2.48 billion yuan, up 2.5%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 280 million yuan, up 15.0%; The added value of the financial industry was 2.38 billion yuan, up 6.0%; The added value of the real estate industry was 1.27 billion yuan, up 5.0%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size was 3.97 billion yuan, up 4.7% year on year; The total profit was 180 million yuan, up 67.5%. [14]
Domestic trade
In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Taocheng District will be 13.19 billion yuan, up 11.9% over the previous year. According to the statistics of the places where the business units are located, the retail sales of social consumer goods in urban areas reached 11.35 billion yuan, up 9.8%; Rural retail sales reached 1.84 billion yuan, up 26.7%. According to the consumption pattern, the retail sales of goods reached 12.66 billion yuan, up 11.6%; Catering revenue was 530 million yuan, up 17.5%. [14]
In 2023, among the retail sales of wholesale and retail units above the designated size in Taocheng District, the retail sales of grain, oil and food decreased by 0.6% year on year, beverage increased by 5.2%, tobacco and alcohol increased by 7.2%, clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles increased by 25.1%, cosmetics increased by 10.8%, gold, silver and jewelry increased by 46.4%, daily necessities increased by 2.6%, and household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 24.7%, Chinese and western medicines increased by 0.2%, cultural and office supplies by 20.5%, furniture by 55.6%, communication equipment by 11.0%, oil and products by 20.2%, and automobiles by 4.9%. [14]
In 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Taocheng District will be 185.11 billion yuan, an increase of 14.2% over the end of the previous year; The loan balance was 109.08 billion yuan, up 9.6%. The deposit loan ratio in local and foreign currencies was 58.9%, 2.5 percentage points lower than that at the end of the previous year. [14]


Beijing Jiulong Railway, Shide Railway and Handan Huanghua Railway in Taocheng District; Daguang, Shiheng, Hengde and Xingheng expressways crisscross, one of the eight high-speed railways in China Beijing Kowloon High Speed Railway Qingdao Taiyuan high-speed railway meets here.

social undertakings



hengshui university
In 2023, Taocheng District will manage 137 basic education schools, 3 less than the previous year; There were 144000 students at school, an increase of 0.2% over the previous year; Enrolled 33000 students, up 13.1%; 33000 graduates, up 10%; There were 92000 full-time teachers, up 0.9%. 6 high school education schools, including 5 ordinary high schools and 1 vocational high school; There were 28000 students at school, down 15.2% from the previous year; 7000 students were enrolled, down 17.0%; 12000 graduates, up 14.9%; There were 23000 full-time teachers, down 8.9%. At the stage of compulsory education, there are 68 schools, including 17 junior high schools and 51 primary schools, with 2 junior high schools increased and 2 primary schools decreased; There were 106000 students at school, an increase of 5.9% over the previous year, 40000 junior high school students, an increase of 3.3%, and 66000 primary school students, an increase of 7.6%; There were 26000 new students, up 24.5%, 14000 junior high school students, up 21.4%, and 13000 primary school students, up 28.0%; There were 21000 graduates, up 7.5%, 11000 junior high school students, up 1.0%, and 10000 primary school students, up 16.2%; There were 6000 full-time teachers, up 6.6%, 28000 junior high school teachers, up 9.0%, and 31000 primary school teachers, up 4.6%. 63 kindergartens, 3 fewer; There were 10000 children in kindergarten, down 6.7% over the previous year; There were 1000 full-time teachers, down 5.7%. [14]

Science and technology

In 2023, there will be 435 effective invention patents in Taocheng District, an increase of 22.2% over the previous year; There were 7.14 valid invention patents per 10000 people, an increase of 1.28 over the previous year. [14]

Cultural undertakings

National level cultural center: Hengshui Mass Art Museum. National tertiary cultural centers: Hengshui Taocheng District Cultural Center [4]
In 2023, Taocheng District will have 1 art performance group, 3 museums, 1 cultural center and 1 library in charge of culture and tourism system. The collection of paper books in the district public library was 899000, an increase of 8.4% over the previous year. The district library and cultural center were rated as Level 3. Throughout the year, 1000 cultural benefit cards and 28000 cultural benefit coupons were issued. 58 cultural benefit performances were held. Excavate and sort out 17 representative projects of the fourth batch of intangible cultural heritage. Build 8 research, learning and tourism bases. [14]

medical and health work

In 2023, there will be 905 medical and health institutions in Taocheng District. Among them, there are 31 hospitals, including 6 general hospitals, 4 TCM hospitals, 1 integrated Chinese and Western medicine hospital, and 20 specialized hospitals; There are 864 primary medical and health institutions, including 65 community health service centers (stations), 6 health centers, 339 village clinics, 24 outpatient departments, 430 clinics, health clinics and infirmaries; There are 8 professional public health institutions, including 2 disease prevention and control centers, 2 specialized disease prevention and control centers, 2 maternal and child health centers, 1 blood collection and supply institution, and 1 health supervision institute. At the end of the year, there were 11861 health technicians, including 5296 licensed doctors and assistant licensed doctors, and 5151 registered nurses. There are 6632 beds in medical and health institutions, including 6129 in hospitals and 228 in grass-roots medical and health institutions. A total of 7.932 million outpatient visits were made throughout the year. [14]

social security

In 2023, 137000 people in Taocheng District will participate in the basic pension insurance for urban employees, an increase of 6000 over the previous year, including 111000 on-the-job employees, an increase of 5000. 97000 people participated in basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, the same as the previous year. 69000 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 4000 people, and 5000 people received unemployment insurance benefits. 85000 people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 3000 people. [14]
In 2023, 484000 people in Taocheng District will participate in basic medical insurance, an increase of 31000 over the previous year. Among them, 83000 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees, an increase of 11000 people; 401000 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, an increase of 21000 people. 67000 people participated in maternity insurance, an increase of 10000 people. At the end of the year, 585 people enjoyed the urban minimum living security, 1183 people enjoyed the rural minimum living security, 107 people enjoyed the urban special poverty relief, and 722 people enjoyed the rural special poverty relief. At the end of the year, there were 31 social service institutions providing accommodation and 2846 social service beds. Throughout the year, 3164 ex servicemen and other entitled groups received state pensions and subsidies. [14]

famous scenery

Anji Bridge
Hengshui Anji Bridge
Anji Bridge, located in Shengli East Road, Taocheng District, Hengshui City, spans the Fuyang River from east to west. It was built in the 30th year of Qianlong's reign (1765) in the Qing Dynasty, and was named "Anji" to protect water and help the people. It is a seven hole multi arch stone bridge with a total length of 116 meters. There are 58 hopeful pillars on both sides. Each pillar has a stone lion with different shapes on its top, and there are stone balustrades between the pillars. One of the Eight Sceneries of Ancient Hengshui, and“ Lugou Xiaoyue ”Comparable. It is one of the largest existing ancient stone bridges in Hebei Province. The stone lions on the bridge and the high relief scroll moire bottle patterns reflect the superb carving level of craftsmen at that time, which has high historical and artistic value. In March 2013, it was announced as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [10]
Baoyun Pagoda
Baoyun Pagoda
Hengshui Baoyun Pagoda (formerly known as Optimus Tower) is located in Taocheng District, Hengshui City Zhengjia Heyan Town To the east of the Old Town Village, an early building of the Song Dynasty, facing south, is an octagonal pyramid pavilion style brick tower. In 2006, it was announced by the State Council as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In June 2012, the Baoyun Tower protection and repair project was approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. On August 1, 2013, the first phase of the main body project was officially started.

Honorary title

In April 2020, it was selected as one of the outstanding counties (cities and districts) for 2019 sports work in Hebei Province. [5]
On June 30, 2020, it was included in the "Second Batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Area and County List". [6]
In November 2020, it was selected into the list of the third batch of counties (districts) meeting the standard of water-saving society construction. [7]
On December 22, 2020, it was selected into the list of the fifth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that took the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of the whole process of main crop production. [8]
In December 2020, it was awarded the title of "The Second Civilized City of Hebei Province". [9]
In December 2023, it will be publicized as the target of commendation for the advanced unit of national fertility friendly work. [13]