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Gregory IX

Italian Pope of the 13th Century
Pope Gregory IX (about 1145~August 22, 1241) Italy Nationality the pontiff (reigned from 1227 to 1241). Its original name was Ugolino di Conti. He was one of the most powerful popes in the 13th century when the church reached its peak. [1] master Ecclesiastical law and theology , to create Heretical sanction station And the preservation of papal privileges.
Chinese name
Gregory IX
Foreign name
Pope Gregory IX
Native place
the pontiff
1145~August 22, 1241
research field
Ecclesiastical law and theology

Life experience

In 1198, he was poped by his uncle Innocent III Stand as a pivot Auxiliary sacrifice , and then participated in the peace negotiations in which the Holy See agreed to the Southern Italian monarch Mark Walter. In 1206, Innocent III promoted him to cardinal He ascended the throne in 1227. Like the popes of the past generations, they firmly support crusade Before he ascended the throne, he had already told the former pope Honorius III Dissatisfied with the moderate policy of Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich II Growing disappointment. Frederick delayed in launching the crusade and tried to both defend the throne and lead the throne of Sicily, which had already aroused the opposition of people inside the Holy See. Shortly after Gregory was elected as the religious queen, Frederick's crusaders finally left, but because of the popularity plague And was forced to return Brindisi So the differences between the Holy See and Frederick became apparent. Gregory had suspected Frederick of having two minds, so in 1227 he announced that he was sentenced to Excommunication And issue a circular to explain the reason. Frederick claimed that the punishment was unreasonable and condemned Holy See But Frederick still led his army eastward and attacked Cyprus And Jerusalem Same problem Egypt Sudan Conduct negotiations. Frederick launched the crusade without authorization, which greatly angered Gregory. Gregory claimed that Frederick was stationed Kingdom of Sicily The envoy provoked the Holy See and used it as an excuse to send troops to attack Sicily. Frederick returned to defeat the papal army. In 1230, the two sides signed the Treaty of San Germano, but after that, the two sides faced each other with hostility and were wary of each other. [1]

A collection of papal decrees

Gregory ordered Lemmon, a canon jurist, to compile the canon code《 A collection of papal decrees 》。 The code was promulgated in 1234, and its contents are as follows: A manual According to, the book is divided into 5 volumes, which are used the First World War Since then, it has been Catholic Church The fundamental document of ecclesiastical law.
Gregory reiterated the absolute punishment of Frederick in 1239, because Frederick led an army to invade the papal territory of Sardinia, intending to make his son King of Sardinia. Gregory managed to find support in northern Italy. When fighting resumed, both sides blamed each other. Frederick invaded the papal territory, and Gregory held a meeting in Rome on Easter in 1241. Allied with Frederick Republic of Pisa Many bishops were captured by the army on the way to the meeting, and Gregory's plan was broken. He died shortly afterwards.