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King of the Carolingian Empire of Frank, founder of the Charlemagne Empire
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synonym Charlemagne (Frankish king, Charlemagne emperor) generally refers to Charlemagne (Frankish Carolingian king, founder of Charlemagne empire)
Charlemagne (French: Charlemagne, German: Karl der Gro ß e, English: Charles the Great; April 2, 742 – January 28, 814), or called charlemagne ("Man" means the Great Emperor). Frankish Kingdom Carolingian dynasty King (768-814, January 28), Charlemagne Empire Created by.
In 768, in the father Piping the Dwarf After his death, Charlemagne and his brother Kaloman were crowned kings and divided up the Frankish Kingdom. [1] After the death of Carolman in 771, Charlemagne merged all the territory of Frank. In 774, Charlemagne, in the name of assisting Pope Hadrian, sent troops to destroy the Lombardy Kingdom, expanding his influence to the north and central Italy. From 772 to 804, he aimed at Saxony Launch many wars, conquer Bavaria and defeat Slavic Awar people , bringing Charlemagne's empire to the north the Baltic , south to Adriatic Sea Western Eastern Europe. In 800, the Pope Leo III Was crowned "Emperor of the Romans". In 806, Charlemagne made a will to divide the empire equally among his three sons, Charlie, Pippin and louis the pious In 814, Charlemagne Aachen He died at the age of 72. [2]
Charlemagne made outstanding achievements in administration, justice, military system and economic production, and vigorously developed cultural and educational undertakings. It was he who introduced European civilization and shifted the cultural focus from the Mediterranean Greece to Europe near the Rhine River. He is considered by later generations as one of the most important rulers in European history and enjoys the honor of "Pater Europae" [3]
Picture in overview: Albrecht Durer Charlemagne painted in 1511 [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Charlemagne (French), Karl der Gro ß e (German), Charles the Great (English)
Frankish Kingdom
Ethnic groups
date of birth
April 2, 742
Date of death
January 28, 814
Key achievements
conquer Western Europe In most areas Frankish Kingdom The territory reached its peak
Attach importance to cultural development and promote Carolingian Renaissance
one's native heath
Burial place
In office time
January 28, 768-814

Character's Life


Family background and succession

Bust of Charlemagne, in Aachen Cathedral, photographed by Beckstet
In 741, Charlemagne [5] , "Man" means "great" in French, that is, "the great emperor") probably was born in what is now Herstal, Belgium, and his father was the court minister of the Frankish Kingdom Piping the Dwarf (Piping III). Grandfather Charlie Matt acquired Battle of Tours Victory of [41] , crushed Arab Empire The plan to conquer France. In 751, Pippin declared himself king of Franks, and ended Merovian Dynasty Under the rule of Charlemagne, a new dynasty was established, which is now called the Carolingian Dynasty, according to Charlemagne's grandfather Charles Martel (Charles Martel).
On September 24, 768, Piping, a dwarf, died in Saint Denis. Before he died, he still pressed Merovian Dynasty The tradition of sharing the land of the Frankish Kingdom equally between the two sons: Charlemagne Ostrasia and Newstria and aquitaine In the north, his brother Kaloman got south of Aquitaine, Burgundy, Provence and Septimania. [6] [34] In October, Charlemagne and Kaloman were in Nuwayong and Suvason Be crowned king. [1]
At the beginning, the brothers got along well, but when the Aquitaine uprising occurred, Kaloman refused to help Charlemagne suppress the uprising (one said that he came late after the chaos subsided). [34] Through similar events, the contradiction between the two became more and more. But in 771, Kaloman died suddenly. This unexpected change made Charlemagne, 29, merge the whole country and become the only monarch of the Frankish Kingdom. [2] [7-8]
Biographer of Charlemagne Einhard He is described as a tall man, nearly 7 feet tall, with big and bright eyes, a slightly long nose, a ruddy face and a happy expression. Charlemagne's private life habits are not all good, but he strictly observes religious ceremonies, and is very concerned about the missionary undertakings and schools held by the church. Although he never learned to write, he knew German and Latin, and could understand Greek, although he did not speak well. Charlemagne admired learned people very much, and did a lot of work to encourage learning research. [9]

Lombardy Conquest

Head of Charlemagne on silver coins in the early 9th century, taken by PHGCOM
At the time of Charlemagne's accession to the throne, the Frankish Kingdom mainly included many regions of today's France, Belgium and Switzerland, as well as today's Netherlands and Germany. along with Feudal system With the further development of, the military and church nobles urgently demanded to expand outward to seize land and labor. Under this situation, Charlemagne commanded the Frankish army to start large-scale campaigns for several years. [2]
After the death of Kaloman, his widow and two sons had Lombardy Kingdom takes refuge. Lombardy, 773 Leutpurand dynasty The last king, Desiderius, sent troops to attack those who did not obey his orders the pontiff Hadrian I , arrival Rome Downtown. Charlemagne, after divorce from his Lombardy wife, Tisaidrata, had no scruples and decided to send troops to Italy. In 774, Charlemagne led his army across the Alps to attack Lombardy Kingdom in the name of assisting the Pope after receiving the appeal from the Holy See. He adopted the tactics of surprise attack, siege and forced landing, captured all the territory of Lombardy, captured Desiderius, and became the king of Lombardy. [2] [27] [37] Carolman's widow and children fell into Charlemagne's hands and never appeared again. [35]
In 774 Easter While the war was still going on, Charlemagne went to Rome to reiterate the promise made by his father Piping in 756 to the Pope (see entry Piping offered soil ), that is, to dedicate central Italy to the Pope. He was awarded the title of "Roman Elder" by the Pope. From then on, northern and central Italy was under Charlemagne's control. [2]
In 776, Adelcis, the son of Desiderius Benevento With the support of Duke Arechis, Charlemagne launched a rebellion. Charlemagne attacked Italy again in 780, pacified the rebellion, took the Principality of Benevento as a vassal, and established his 5-year-old son Piping as the king of Italy. [31] [37]
In the western part of the Frankish Kingdom, Charlemagne pacified the resistance of the Aquitan nobles after three wars, and in 778, established his son Louis (namely louis the pious )King of Aquitaine. [34] [37]

Eastern expansion

  • Saxony quagmire
Main term: Saxony War
In 785, Charlemagne (the horse rider) accepted the surrender of the Saxons [10]
The largest military operation in Charlemagne's military career was Saxony The conquest of. [34]
Saxons live between the lower reaches of the Rhine River and the Elbe River. In the 8th century, fashion was in the disintegration stage of the primitive commune, and they believed in the primitive Polytheism In order to bring Saxony into the territory of the Frankish Kingdom, from 772 to 804, Charlemagne launched several attacks in the name of spreading Christianity. The Saxons resisted the invasion and enslavement of the Franks tenaciously. The war lasted until 804, and the total number of attacks was no less than 18. Sometimes Charlemagne led the troops himself, and sometimes sent nobles to lead the attacks. Although it has paid a great price, it has never won a complete victory, nor has it gained a firm foothold in the area where Saxons live. [2-3]
With the war going on, Saxony's social structure and political power were divided. The weakened nobles surrendered to Charlemagne and regained their land as vassals. The free farmers in Saxony, dissatisfied with being dependent farmers who became vassals, launched an uprising in 792 to oppose the land annexation between the Franks and the Saxony nobles who had already surrendered. In 803, Charlemagne Regensburg A meeting was held to clearly demarcate Saxony as the border in the east of Franks. In 804, the free people uprising that lasted for more than ten years was completely suppressed, and Saxony was completely included in the territory of Charlemagne Empire. [3]
In the war, Charlemagne took a cruel means of repression, massacred a large number of Saxons and forced them to migrate. For example, during the Battle of Verdun in 782, Charlemagne executed 4500 Saxon hostages in one day, and later forced 10000 Saxons to move to Gaul and Flanders to prevent rebellion. [34] However, he paid more attention to the use of the Christian Church as a means to consolidate his conquest, established a large number of churches in Saxony, forced all Saxons to believe in Christianity, and stipulated that those who violated churches and priests, did not believe in Christianity, did not abide by religious rules, and retained pagan habits could be executed. Residents everywhere must provide land, houses, labor and contributions to the church Tithe tax [2] In the course of these forced conversion movements, it is estimated that as many as a quarter of Saxons were killed. [35]
Charlemagne pushed the feudal system of Western Europe to Saxony and vast areas of central Europe through conquest. [2]
  • Occupy Bavaria
While fighting with the Saxons, Charlemagne also went to southern Germany and southwest France to consolidate his control over these areas. In 787, he sent troops to Bavaria , deposed the Duke of Bavaria and divided Bavaria into several earl districts, which were governed by the earls appointed by him. [2] [34]
  • War with Slav and Aval
Charlemagne in European Copperplate in the 16th Century [11]
In order to ensure the security of the empire and the eastern border area, Charlemagne and Elbe River East coast Slavic Fight to make some tribes surrender. [2]
From 788 to 796, Charlie lived together in the middle reaches of the Danube Pannonia Belt Awar people A large-scale war was carried out. Awar Khanate is a nomadic tribe in Asia roen People moved to countries established in Europe. In 791, Charlemagne was enraged by the support of the Awal people for the Bavarian uprising, and personally led the army to defeat Chakan, the leader of the Awal people, and fought from the Enshe River to the Labu River. In 796, the Frankish army led by Pippin of Italy captured the circular barrier surrounded by earth and wood fences, which the Alvars claimed to be indestructible, and captured a large amount of wealth that the Alvars had plundered for a long time. Through the Frankish army in the west and the east Bogar Khanate The Awar Khanate gradually disintegrated due to the continuous attack of the war. [12] From 799 to 803, the Awar people launched an uprising against the rule of the Franks, but it ended in failure. [2] [13] [37] Charlemagne established the Pannonia Mark ("Mark" means "border area") in this area to strengthen control. [34]
Although the countries east of Saxony and Bavaria were not occupied by the Franks, the countries in a wide area from eastern Germany to Dalmatia recognized the sovereignty of Franks. After several wars, the influence of the Frankish Kingdom extended to the Baltic Sea in the north, the Adriatic Sea in the south, and the Danube Plain in the east. The influence of Christianity was also spread in these areas. [2] [37]

Iberian War

The statue of Charlemagne beside Notre Dame in Paris, photographed by Larry Johnson
Charlemagne also tried to secure his southern frontier. In 777, he led his army Pyrenees , Attack Iberian Peninsula Islamist Caliphate of Cordoba , press Zaragoza Under the city, but after a long attack, he failed. Later, because of the Saxons' uprising again, they decided to withdraw and return home. On August 15, 778, the Basque ambushed the Franks' rearguard force, Charlemagne's nephew (a nephew), at the pass of Lonceswayes in the Pyrenees Roland Fight bravely until you die. [29] This story was woven into a famous epic《 Song of Roland 》。 [2]
After this defeat, Charlemagne went out again in 793 to defeat the Basque and the Emir of Cordoba Hisham I , get the Moors Ebro River to the south of. In order to consolidate the frontier, Charlemagne established Spanish Mark In 801, after a long siege, the Franks occupied Barcelona And took it as the capital of the Spanish border area. [2] [28-29]
At the same time, Charlemagne's fleet defeated the Moors in the Mediterranean and occupied Corsica and Sardinia On the Atlantic coast, for uniforms Brittany Peninsula In 786 and 799, Charlie, a Brittany from the Middle Kingdom, launched two expeditions and annexed part of the land on the peninsula. During this period, he took control of Frisian and fought normans The invasion of. [2] [34]
Thanks to Charlemagne's victories in many wars (the Franks made 54 expeditions during his 45 year rule), most of Western Europe was successfully brought under his unified leadership. His empire actually covered most of France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the lowlands today, as well as one area and many border areas in Italy. since Imperium Romanum Since its decline, Europe has not had such a vast territory controlled by a single country. [34-35]

Crowned emperor

Charlemagne tried his best to safeguard and improve the rights and interests of the Roman Church with the attitude of protecting people. [14] At its peak, the title of barbarian king could not meet the needs of Charlemagne's rule. The Pope, who always used Charlemagne's power to expand the power of the church, solved this problem for him. [2]
In 795, Leo III He ascended the papal throne by means of conspiracy, which was opposed by some great nobles in Rome. Leo sent messengers to ask Charlemagne for help, and presented the key of Peter's Hall and the flag of Rome to Charlemagne to show his obedience and loyalty. He was supported by Charlemagne and thus kept his position. [14]
In April 799, the Roman nobles used Leo III's dissolute life and bad conduct as an excuse to launch a coup and imprison him. Leo III escaped luckily and went straight to the front line of Saxony to ask Charlemagne for help. But Charlemagne was engaged in a fierce battle with the Saxons, and had no time to get out of the war. After a slight turn in the war, he personally led the army south in the summer of 800, forcing the Roman nobles to release Leo III. In November, Leo III, who was grateful, personally visited Charlemagne for dozens of miles and connected him to the city of Rome. December 25th Christmas Charlemagne is St. Peter's Cathedral In the rectangular hall mass Leo III suddenly put a crown on Charlemagne's head and declared him "Emperor of the Romans". [3] [7] [9] [15] In the main, this means that Charlemagne became the successor of the ancient Roman Empire and the protector of the Christian world, Augustus Caesar The legal heir of. From then on, the system of the dual rule of the Holy See and the royal court over Western Europe was established. [2]
In 802, Charles issued a decree at the Imperial Conference held in Aachen, requiring all vassals, whether secular or church, to swear allegiance to him again in the name of "Nomen Caesaris". [3]
However, the Charlemagne Empire was not the Roman Empire, but just a continuation of its glory. First, the scope of the two empires is quite different. At its peak, Charlemagne's empire was about half the size of the Western Roman Empire. The two empires successively ruled the same areas including Belgium, France, Switzerland and northern Italy. But Britain, Spain, southern Italy and northern Africa - which together formed part of the Roman Empire - were not under Charlemagne's control; Germany, which formed an important part of his territory, was never under Roman rule. Second, Charlemagne was not a Roman in any way, in terms of blood, appearance and upbringing. Franks are a Teutonic tribe. Charlemagne's mother tongue is an ancient Germanic dialect, although he learned to speak Latin. Charlemagne spent most of his life in northern Europe, especially in Germany. He has only paid four visits to Italy. The capital of his empire was not Rome but Aachen. Moreover, Charlemagne did not give up his original title of king after he was crowned emperor. His full title is "Charles Augustus, the great and peaceful emperor crowned by God, who ruled the Roman Empire, and at the same time was favored by God, and was the king of Franks and Lombards". [7] [35]
Charlie's talents and achievements were not limited to military conquest. He carried out a series of measures in administrative, judicial and military systems, economic production and management systems, church organization regulations, culture and education, which to a large extent laid the foundation for the development model of Western European feudal society. [2] These characteristics of governance are reflected in the famous Charlemagne Collection of Acts. In fact, these are not laws in the true sense, but a compilation of decrees, rulings and instructions involving various civil, religious, public and domestic affairs. [27]
Charlemagne's sword
However, under the prosperity, the empire itself lurked a crisis that Charlemagne could not overcome personally. There are many tribes and tribes in the huge empire. Their cultural and social development levels are different, and there is no unified economic foundation and necessary economic and cultural ties between regions. In the process of imperial expansion, the secular feudal lords became more powerful than ever before, and their economic and political dominance was also greatly consolidated. They no longer needed strong monarchy, but became its opponents. Charlemagne took many measures in the later period of his rule to fight for economic and political control with local feudal lords, but under the social conditions where natural economy was dominant at that time, the central government did not maintain a long-term unified socio-economic foundation and strength. [2] The History of France, edited by French scholar George Dolby, believes that "in the last 13 years of Charlemagne's rule, the empire has been on the way to disintegration: the land border is ambiguous, the sea border is threatened, and the management of huge territory is powerless. More importantly, the foundation of the concept of national unity is not solid." [7]

Old age and death

The coffin made for Charlemagne in the period of Frederick II [16]
In 806, Charlemagne made a will to divide the empire equally among three legitimate legitimate children: Charlie, Piping (known as "Italian Piping") and louis the pious (Louis the Pious)。 According to his decision, Charles, the eldest son, acquired all the Gaul territory in the northern part of the empire and north of the Loire River, the second son Pi shared Bavaria and Alamannia equally, and the youngest son Louis shared southern Gaul. This decision was broken by the death of Charles and Pippin in 810 and 811 respectively, and finally the pious Louis alone obtained the inheritance right of the entire empire. [7]
In 813, Charlemagne crowned Louis in Aachen. In the winter of the same year, when the weather was extremely cold, Charlemagne insisted on going hunting and contracted wind chill (Einhard believed that he died of chest pain and high fever [32] , with pleurisy [17] ), and finally died at the Aachen Palace on January 28, 814, aged 72. Buried after death Aachen Cathedral [40] His son Louis succeeded to the throne. [2] [27]
Shortly after Charlemagne's death, the empire split. 843, according to《 Treaty of Verdun 》(French: Le trait é de Verdun). His three grandsons were kings, and the empire was divided into three parts: Charles the Bald ruled West Francia Is the embryonic form of France; Louis ruled East Frankish Kingdom Germany later; The region between the east and west became the future Italy, which was ruled by the last grandson, Lothai. The language of Franks also appeared obvious differentiation, forming French, German and other languages Western European countries National language. [14] [18] [27]
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustrating the Treaty of Verdun
Half a century after Charlemagne's death, various legends about him were widely spread first in the West and then in the East. More and more legends gradually sanctified the image of Charlemagne, and some fictional martial arts and fabricated myths, such as "the apostle of Saxony" and "the defender of the Holy City of Jerusalem", were attributed to him. By the 12th century, Charlemagne had become a saint. [23] In 1165, the Pope alexander iii According to the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I He respectfully called Charlie "Pater Europae". [3]

Main impacts



  • administrative division
Charlemagne on horseback, in St. Peter's Cathedral, photographed by Myrabella
Charlemagne carried out a series of measures in administrative, judicial and military systems, economic production and management systems, church organization regulations, culture and education, and to a large extent, established the development model of Western European feudal society.
Charlemagne divided the empire into many earl districts, and appointed earls from among the nobility. The Earl has full administrative authority, executes the king's edicts, collects taxes, maintains public order, collects materials and labor, and convenes and commands the army. Under the count, there are assistants such as the deputy count. Earls were originally appointed and removed by the king, but gradually developed into tenure and even hereditary. There were some border defense areas with greater power on the border of the empire, and the jurisdiction was called marquis. Some people who have greater local power and command the army are called dukes. Archbishop, bishop and abbot often have similar local administrative power. At the same time, there were also a large number of fiefs granted to military and church nobles within the empire, some of which had "special privilege", that is, independent administrative judicial and financial tax power. Charlemagne's system of organization and conferment became the origin of many secular feudal lords in Western Europe. [2]
  • Military service system
Due to years of war, a strict military organization is needed. Charlemagne made many strict and specific provisions on this, requiring those who owned a certain amount of land to bring their own weapons, armor, horses, food, and clothing, which were collected by the count, and to serve in the army on the designated days. Those who did not have the amount of land specified had the obligation to equip several people to join the army. The nobles, bishops and abbots of each manor have the responsibility to lead their vassals and subordinates to join the army, check equipment, collect materials, supervise military discipline and command operations. Charlemagne's military service system promoted the development of the later feudal hierarchy. [2]
  • Bureaucracy
Charlemagne on the stained glass window of Mace Railway Station, Fab5669
The main officials in Charlemagne's court were the court administrator, followed by the imperial dining officer, the chamberlain and the royal stables officer, each with many subordinates. Charlemagne also had court clergy, secretaries, Gong Bo and other assistants in government affairs. Because of the variety of affairs in the empire, Charlemagne often assigned his trusted followers to be in charge of financial, clerical, military, police, judicial, religious and other affairs, so that the nature of these posts began to evolve and developed into full-time ministers under the central royal power. Charlemagne, in accordance with the ancient tradition of the Franks, convened a public meeting called the "May School" every year, but this military democratic institution has now become a meeting for the king and the national nobility, officials and priests to discuss and decide important matters and issue important decrees. At the same time, Charlemagne often sent patrolling missions composed of earls and bishops or abbots to inspect the imperial territory, supervise the implementation of imperial decrees, monitor whether officials are loyal and competent, whether priests comply with religious rules, and accept and adjudicate major judicial cases. These measures of Charlemagne strengthened the control of the central government over the vast empire. Many of these officials and institutions were later developed by the feudal countries in Western Europe. [2]
  • Judicial reform
Charlemagne also reformed the judicial system. At that time, all ethnic groups and regions in the empire had their own customary laws, and many remnants of clan system and slavery were preserved. Charlemagne customary law It has been supplemented and revised to require judges to have legal knowledge, to conduct trials according to the written code and true evidence, and not to accept bribes or commit fraud. It has also established some jury testifying systems and corrected some backward and bad habits. These reforms became the beginning of the development of common law in the Middle Ages. Charlemagne's revised laws had clear feudal hierarchy principles, and the legal status of nobles, civilians, semi freemen, serfs and slaves differed greatly in all aspects. The judicial power was manipulated by feudal lords at all levels, who enforced feudal laws to maintain the feudal hierarchy and serfdom that exploited and oppressed the vast number of workers. [2]
  • Combination of royal power and religious power
charlemagne [5]
The combination of secular regime and church is an important feature of Charlemagne's regime. Strengthening the alliance with the church is one of the important reasons for Charlemagne's success. Charlemagne tried his best to safeguard and improve the rights and interests of the Roman Church with the attitude of protecting people. Every time he conquered a place, he strengthened the Christian force, for example, he forced Saxons to convert to Christianity after conquering them. Not only reuse bishops and abbots, enfeoffment their land, let them participate in national dignitaries, but also strive to maintain the ruling position of the Pope. In 800, Leo III crowned Charles as "the great Roman emperor". Since then, the Frankish Kingdom has become the Charlemagne Empire. [14]


  • Military Reform and Thought
In military affairs, Charlemagne unified the military system, strictly observed military discipline, and used novel siege techniques and excellent logistics organization. [19] During his reign, the Frankish army used horses extensively, Heavy Cavalry With the development, the empire can transport troops in a fast and long-distance way, and consolidate its huge territory. [20] His idea of building the army has a certain influence in Europe. [38] While fighting on land, Charlemagne also attached great importance to coastal defense and built fleets and fortifications. [2]
  • military conquest
During Charlemagne's reign, he carried out more than 50 wars, mainly including:
  • In 771, he occupied his brother Kaloman's East Frankland;
  • In 772, he invaded Lombardy Kingdom, and two years later, he merged northern Italy into Franks;
  • From 772 to 804, the war lasted for 32 years to conquer Saxony;
  • In 777 and 793, they entered Spain twice, seized the land in the northeast corner of Spain from the Moors, and established the "Spanish Border Region";
  • In 786, yes Brittany Carry out punitive war;
  • From 787 to 788, he conquered Bavaria and waged a five-year war against the Awar people;
  • 800 years later, it launched an attack on the Byzantine Empire;
  • In 805, he conquered the Bohemians;
  • In 806, he conquered the Slavonic people;
  • From 808 to 810, he fought with the Danes in Northern Europe. [31]
Through the continuous campaign, Charlemagne made the territory of the Frankish Kingdom start from the Elbe River and the Danube River in the east, face the Pyrenees and the Atlantic Ocean in the west, start from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in the north, and reach the Apenning Peninsula in the south, becoming a great empire that dominates Western Europe and faces the sea on three sides. [2-3]


Charlemagne took various measures to consolidate the unity of the empire. He stipulated that all men over the age of 12 in the empire must swear allegiance to him, and issued edicts to unify the currency, set certain prices, implement certain unified taxes and labor, protect commercial circulation, and manage foreign trade. But at that time, the self-sufficient natural economy of Western Europe had an absolute advantage, and the commodity economy was very weak. Charlemagne supported the economic power of the royal power and the court, mainly the widely distributed royal territories in the empire. The basic unit of the territory is the manor which is independently organized for production and consumption. [2]
Charlemagne attached great importance to the organization system and production management of the manor, and issued a 70 article "manor edict". It fully reflected the economic and social conditions at that time. The manor is a combination of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, and various handicraft and processing industry production organizations. From raw material production to finished product processing, it is carried out inside the manor. The steward of the manor is responsible for management. Producers have different identities, such as free men, serfs, and slaves. Most of them attach themselves to a certain manor share for small production, and bear the obligation to perform various labor services and pay various products. Charlemagne stipulated the quantity, quality, processing method and production period of various products, property registration details, the number of days of labor service and the number of products paid by personnel with different identities and divisions of labor in the imperial edict, and there were courts and churches in each manor, which stipulated the judicial system and church system of the manor in order to strengthen the rule. Charlie often led the court and officials to patrol from one manor to another, and the manor provided all kinds of goods needed for food, clothing, use, shelter, transportation and war. [2]
The manor is a self-sufficient natural economic production unit. All production mainly provides means of livelihood for the lord and his servants, and secondly provides limited means of production and livelihood for producers. Most of the producers engaged in agriculture and handicraft industry in the manor are serfs or dependent farmers. The land of the manor is generally divided into two parts: the best land is the self operated land of the lord, and the other part is the land of farmers. The lord's self camp is farmed by the peasants who serve in the army. They usually serve for 2 to 3 days a week, up to 4 days. The harvest belongs to the lord. In addition to free farming for the lord, the serving farmers also have to bear various chores such as cutting firewood, building roads, building houses, and transporting. In addition, the peasants must pay various kinds of goods and various other expenses to the lord. Ecclesiastical Tithe tax It is also a heavy burden for farmers. As a result of the cruel exploitation of the secular feudal lords, the peasants were in a very difficult situation, so peasant uprisings often broke out. [14]


  • Religion
Charlemagne regarded himself as the supreme protector of the Christian faith. The Pope controlled and used it for him, which became his tool to promote the unification of the empire. Where Charlemagne conquered, paganism and heresy were eradicated. He convened a Europe wide religious conference, formulated and unified dogmas and regulations, and tried to consolidate the dominance of the Catholic Church in Western Europe. Charlemagne more systematically strengthened the church organizations at all levels in the archdiocese, diocese and diocese throughout the empire, personally appointed the archbishop, bishop and abbot. He stipulated that residents must donate land, houses, property and slaves to the church, and repeatedly ordered the church to pay tithes. Charlemagne himself donated a large amount of land and wealth to the church. Bishops and abbots not only enjoy various rights of secular feudal lords, but also have the power to control the people's ideology and daily social life of the exclusive church. [2]
Charlemagne wanted to use the church to strengthen his rule, but he laid the foundation of the highest authority enjoyed by the church in the Middle Ages. [2]
  • literature
Charlemagne's Crown
In order to consolidate the feudal system and promote Christianity, Charlemagne devoted himself to the promotion of culture and education. He sent famous scholars from all over Europe, such as Arquin in England, Paul, the deputy chief mourner in Italy, and others to give lectures at the court. He took the lead in studying diligently, mastered ancient German, ancient French, Latin and Greek, studied grammar, rhetoric, debate and arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, and studied the theories of early Christian scholars. [2]
Charlemagne set up some schools in the court and all over the country to train noble children and a small number of civilians, and to train church personnel. He also issued many edicts urging churches and monasteries to teach and learn culture. The monastery set up a library to collect the works of the Godfather and ancient Greek and Roman writers. Charlemagne also invited the best architects, sculptors and painters in Europe to build monasteries and churches for the empire. Charlemagne had a large number of classical and early Christian works copied and preserved, so that they have survived to this day. [2] The words copied are in the so-called Caroline cursive script, which is a beautiful Latin alphabet, and has been used since then with slight modifications. [14]
Charlemagne's cultural and educational policies have made positive contributions to the restoration of classical civilization and the improvement of the cultural standards of the Germanic people. His cultural achievements during his reign have been hailed as the "Carolingian Renaissance" by later generations. [2]

International Relations

  • And the Byzantine Empire
When Charlemagne accepted the title of emperor, he claimed that he was the only successor of the Roman Empire Byzantine Empire The parties were extremely dissatisfied and delayed in recognizing it. [34] In 803, Charlemagne seized Byzantium's territory in Dalmatia, and the two countries clashed constantly. Between 803 and 808, Charlemagne and the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros I A series of contracts were signed, known as the "Pax Nicephori Peace Treaty". Nicephorus did not recognize Charlemagne as the Emperor of Western Rome, but he maintained the peace between the two great powers in Italy for a certain period of time. In 812, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire Mihale I Send envoys to call Charlemagne“ Barcelona (A translation of Bartheleus, the title of the supreme ruler of the Byzantine Empire at that time) ". These messengers also called Charlemagne the religious brother of the Byzantine emperor. These titles are equivalent to recognizing the equal status of Charlemagne and the Byzantine emperor. [4] [21]
  • And the Arab Empire
To unite against Spain Caliphate of Cordoba Charlemagne is willing to Abbasid caliphate Communication. In 797, out of curiosity about "the Sudan of the East, the Muslim caliph and the leader of the believers", Charlemagne sent a delegation to the East to visit the Abbas caliph with his own personal letters and gifts Harun al-Rashid [5] It is said that one of the delegation sent was alive Baghdad , was warmly received by the caliph. In 801, the return visit mission sent by Harun Rashid arrived Pisa The Arabs also gave Charlemagne an elephant when they met him. The elephant was named Ab Abbas and became one of Charlemagne's favorite animals. [30]
  • other
Charles Empire shocked overseas, Spanish Kingdom of Asturias Willing to submit to Charlemagne, some kings of the British Isles respected Charlemagne as their patriarch and sent envoys to court. [2] [34]

Historical evaluation

Historian of the Frankish Kingdom, once served as Charlemagne's secretary Einhard Evaluation: (Charlemagne) Never refuses to undertake or engage in any cause because of the hard work that needs to be paid, nor does he shrink back because of fear of danger. He knows the true nature of every work he undertakes to complete, so he never suffers setbacks due to failure, nor loses his direction due to luck. [2]
French thinker in the Age of Enlightenment Montesquieu On《 On the spirit of law 》Evaluation: No monarch has ever been able to face danger as he did, and no monarch has ever been able to avoid danger more than he. He laughed at all evils, especially those that almost all great conquerors would encounter, that is, conspiracy. This magical monarch is very generous, gentle, simple, and likes to mix with his courtiers. [33]
Germany Ranke School Representative William Giselbrecht《 History of German Emperors 》Middle evaluation: Few people can integrate many great rulers like Charlemagne; There is hardly any genius who can get the right opportunity like Charlemagne to go down in history. [37]
German thinker Karl Marx In his poem "Charlemagne", he praised that the great Charlie waved the mighty scepter Muse Once more active, beauty has become more noble, and the flower of art is also competing for glory and opening. By means of education, he changed the barbarism in the cruel kingdom, made the hut enjoy rights, and made everyone strictly abide by laws and disciplines. On his way to the war, blood flowed into a river. The victory of suffering was more fruitful than that of the war. It was obtained by the giant hands of heroes. His contribution to mankind won our praise. In the barbaric era, he won the beautiful crown of education. He will grow on the earth forever, and will be immortal in history. The earth will weave an immortal laurel for him, and the storms of the times will not wash it away. [36]
German writer Emil Ludwig a german 》Charlemagne was one of the three or four talented rulers in Germany... However, although he did not want to, he was the seed of the division of the Germanic nation. [5]
The General History of the World by Philip Van Ness Miles, an American scholar, believes that "among the many achievements during the reign of Charlemagne, the following two aspects deserve attention":
  • First, he did for Germany what Caesar did for Gaul, brought this barbaric country into the dawn of civilization, and built it into a part of the newly formed Roman Germanic world.
  • Second, Charlie integrated the elements of various ethnic groups to form a pluralistic society under his rule. During his long and powerful reign, the Romans and Germans merged rapidly. Indeed, Charlie failed to unite all races in the huge empire to form a permanent political unity, but he created an unbroken religious, intellectual and social bond in it. In a word, since then, there has been the Western Christian World. [27]
Written by American scholar Michael H. Hart《 The list of 100 people who influence the process of human history 》Middle evaluation: Although Europeans overestimated Charlemagne's influence to some extent, to be fair, his short-term influence is indeed huge. First, he destroyed Lombardy and Aval, conquered Saxony, and killed thousands of people in the war he launched. In addition, in a positive sense, there was a short-lived Renaissance period during his rule, although it soon disappeared with his death. [35]
Encyclopedia x Knowledgeable: Illustrated Charlemagne
Chinese scholar Guo Fangzai, editor in chief Zhu Tingguang《 Biographies of foreign historical celebrities 》Middle evaluation: Although the existence of Charles Empire was short-lived, it played an important role in connecting the past and the future in the history of Western Europe, making the whole of Western Europe take a key step in the process of feudalization. The influence left by the empire in political system, economic system, cultural and religious traditions ran through the whole Middle Ages in Western Europe. Charles, as the most powerful feudal monarch in Western Europe, was able to accomplish the historical mission entrusted by his class and social status, which should be partly attributed to his "natural wisdom" and "firm will". [2]

Anecdotes and allusions


The Curse

It is said that Charlemagne mourned the death of his beloved wife for several years. The beloved wife once lost a magic ring at the pool of the Imperial Palace of Shapele in Aikesla, so Charlemagne often sat in silence for a long time at the pool where the ring was lost. [5]

The paladin

Paladin Also known as paladin, paladin, paladin, etc., in fact, it does not refer to one person, but refers to the twelve soldiers who followed Charlemagne in his expedition (13 if Charlemagne is added). "Holy" is because their stories are widely spread in the official history of Christianity, and Charlemagne is a faithful defender of Christianity, and their deeds are mostly in the war between Christian countries and Saracens (Arabs who invaded Europe in the Middle Ages); They are called "knights" because they are all knights. [18] The reason why there are 12 paladins is from Jesus in Christianity twelve apostles In fact, the 12 in refers to Charlemagne's guards and close servants. The most common 12 paladins are:
1. The greatest knight Roland (Italian version), or Orlando (French version), is a distant relative of Charlemagne;
2. Rinaldo or Lennart Renault, a barbarian whose reputation is second only to Roland's Montalban, is a distant relative of Roland;
3. Archbishop Turpin, second only to Merlin's magician;
4. The magician and the demon Malagigi;
5. Danish prince Ogier blessed by the six fairies;
6. King of Brittany, Solomon;
7. Astolpho, a beautiful man in England;
8. Namo or Nami, Duke of Favaria;
9. Fierambras or Ferumbras of Saxon;
10. Florismart, the lord of the Forest Tower and one of the greatest knights;
11. Roland's friend from childhood to childhood, Oliver
12. The traitor Ganelon (Ganelon or Gaen Gan). [18]
Of course, in other myths, there are also the names of another group of paladins: Ivon, Ivory, Otton, Berengier, Anseis, Gerin, Gerier, Engelier, Samson and Gerard. [18]
The paladin was the later crusader Temple Knight The predecessor of. [18]

Cherish children

Charlemagne allowed his daughters to love each other and recognized their children as grandchildren, but he refused to marry them off. This was mainly because of the chaotic relationship between the court and the complex international situation at that time, plus Charlemagne hoped to be with them for life. [5] Charlie's daughter Lotta was engaged to the Byzantine emperor, but ended up dead because of political problems. Later, she had an affair with Lorugen, the Earl of Maine, and gave birth to an illegitimate son named Louis. Beltrama, on the other hand, had an affair with Charlie's friend Angel Bert, who was 30 years older than himself, and also gave birth to two illegitimate children.

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Charles Martel (688-741)
Phrase of the Frankish Kingdom (715-741). Established fiefs , and on Battle of Poitiers Defeat the Arabs.
Piping the Dwarf (714-768)
Also known as P é pin III. Royal Palace of Franks (741-751), Carolingian dynasty (751-768).
Bertrada of Laon
He lived with Charlemagne until he was old.
younger brother
Kaloman (? - 771)
King of Franks (768-771).
Long lived in a monastery, years before Charlemagne died.
In 766, she married Charlemagne, and then dissolved the engagement for political and religious reasons. Born Piping with a hunchback.
Daughter of Deshidrius, king of Lombardy. He married Charlemagne in 768 and divorced in 771.
Born in Swaben. In 771, he married Charlemagne and had nine sons, including Charles II, Pippin of Italy and Louis the pious.
Fastrada (? - 794)
germanic people. He married Charlemagne in 784. It is said that his personality is quite cruel.
Born in Alemanni nationality. He married Charlemagne in 794.
Piping (767-813)
It is called "humpback Piping". In 792, he attempted to murder Charlemagne, and was sent to the monastery for the rest of his life after the incident was revealed.
Piping (771-810)
It is called "Pepin de Italia". King of Italy (781-810) who died before Charlemagne.
charles ii (Charle II,771-811)
Newstria And the king of Frankia (790-811), who died before Charlemagne.
Louis (778-840)
Is called“ louis the pious ”Louis the Pious, or Louis I, king of Franks (814-840).
Lotta Zeng
Note: Charlemagne had many children in his life, and this table only lists the main ones. In addition to five wives, Charlemagne had five concubines. The pedigree in this table ends with Charlemagne's grandfather and his children.

Commemoration for future generations


Burial place

Charlemagne was buried in Aachen, the capital of Charlemagne's empire Aachen Cathedral It is said that in 1000, the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III He ordered to open Charlemagne's tomb and found that Charlemagne's nose had decayed and fallen off, but his nails were still growing. [40]
In 1988, German archaeologists found some remains in a golden reliquary in the church. After the reliquary was opened, the scientists preliminarily identified that these bones were a tall and emaciated old man. After 26 years of research, they were inferred to belong to Charlemagne. [32]
By studying these bones, the scientists redraw Charlemagne's body shape: 1 m 84 high, 78 kg weight, 22 body mass index, thin. Previously, archaeologists inferred from historical data that Charlemagne's height was between 1 meter 79 and 1 meter 92, which was regarded as the head of a giant at that time. Scientists also found bone spurs on a knee bone and a bone near the heel Einhard The description of Charlemagne's lameness in his later years is consistent. [32]


Heart K
But in traditional games poker Charlemagne is the prototype of Hearts K. The first person to carve his portrait with a chisel on a board accidentally slipped the chisel and shaved off the beard on the upper lip. Since then, this painting has been the standard in the K of Hearts, so only the king in the K of Hearts has no beard. [24] [32]

Commemorative album

Charlemagne: Sword and Cross
In March 2010, British actors and singers Christopher Lee The heavy metal album Charlemagne: Sword and Cross was released. In 2013, he also released the metal album Charlemagne: Signs of Death. [25-26]

Literary image

French Heroic Epic in the 11th Century《 Song of Roland 》Charlemagne, the king of Franks, is a 200 year old man with white hair and silver beard. He is dignified and thoughtful. He is able to fight frequently and is a model of soldiers. His expedition to Spain was invincible. After Roland died in the war, he was very sad. He led the army to defeat the reinforcements of Mashil and Baligant, the leader of the Moors, and fought with Baligant. He killed him himself, killing Mashil who had fled into the city. After returning to China, he severely punished the traitor and his brother-in-law Ganelon and dismembered him. This is an ideal king image, reflecting the unity of France and an ideal feudal kingdom that does not yet exist. [39]