
[róu rán]
Local regimes established by ethnic minorities in ancient China
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Rouran, from the late fourth century to the middle of the sixth century Mongolia grassland Successor Hun Xianbei The tribal khanate that rose after was the direct descendant of Donghu Xianbei [11] , the supreme ruling tribe (Khan Yu Jiulu's Family (Headquarters) is a branch of the other departments of Xianbei.
Central Plains was experiencing The Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty In the later period, the Southern and Northern Dynasties were in dispute and confrontation. From the late fourth century to the mid-1930s, Rouran and Northern Wei Dynasty and Southern Dynasties It has formed a long-term coexistence. The main nomadic area of Rouran is today Mongolia The whole territory Russia federal Lake Baikal In the west, it can reach the west foot of Altay Mountain, and in the east, it can reach Erguna River In the west bank, the core area is in today's Mongolia, and sometimes the Khanate's westward force can reach ancient times Western Regions Now Central Asia and China Xinjiang , southward forces can reach China Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region In the north.
The relationship between the Rouran people and the so-called Awar people has not been determined by the Chinese and foreign historians, and this issue needs further study.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Rouran Khaganate
Peristaltic slender Ruru Creep Sandalwood
time frame
Rouran Khanate
official language
Rouran language
Political system
National leaders
Major ethnic groups
Rouran people High car driver etc.
Major religions
land area
3.73 million square kilometers (449 years) [1]
Language family
Chelu Club
Donghu Xianbei [11]


At the beginning of the 4th century AD, when Mu Gulu was separated from the tribal alliance of Tuoba Xianbei, Rouran's predecessor was only a clan tribe. Cheluhui has become a "ministerial commander" of the Tuoba Xianbei Tribal Alliance since it was called Rouran. With their powerful cavalry, they constantly conquered and annexed neighboring clans and tribes. The leaders and chiefs of Rouran tribal alliance accumulated a large number of slaves and wealth and became hereditary nobles. The succession of the throne was basically father son succession. In about five generations from Cheluhui to Helun, the Rouran clan and tribe gradually changed. In the war of plunder, many new clans and tribes were incorporated into the Rouran Tribal Alliance, while the original clans and tribes gradually collapsed or regrouped under the attack of Tuoba Xianbei, the original blood relationship was damaged to some extent, and the clan became a military administrative unit based on regional and economic relations. [3]
Within Rouran, class differentiation and the gap between rich and poor are also growing. The hereditary khans, chiefs, adults, and some civilians have gained a lot of property and slaves through the plundering war. But some civilians are increasingly poor, forced to attach themselves to the nobility, or even become slaves. Therefore, the ruling class and the ruled class gradually formed. At the beginning of the 5th century, after Helun unified Mobei, it established military laws and established official systems, which initially had the characteristics of early slavery countries. [3]
The supreme ruler of Rouran was called Khan, which was equivalent to Shan Yu of the Huns. Its subordinate ministers assisted Khan in managing internal and external affairs. Every khan has a number according to his line. For example, Shelun is the leader of Rouran's founding, so it is called "Qiudoufa", which means "controlling the opening". Ministers also have names, such as Mofu (Mohe, meaning brave and vigorous, chief), Moyuan (meaning sage), etc. The official positions of senior officials include minister of state, national teacher, Yilifa Vomit bean hair Yili , Tudoudeng Irkin Etc. State ministers, such as the Southern Qi Dynasty Book, Biography of Ruiruilu, recorded that State ministers Xili Liao and Xing Jizhi Luohui. Mainly in charge of administration and diplomacy, he is the head of the civil service, equivalent to the prime minister of the Central Plains. The national teacher, who is a monk, is mainly in charge of religious affairs. According to the eighth Shifayuan Biography of the Tripitaka · Biography of Eminent Monks, the second brother of Fayuan, "Faai", is also Shamen, who interprets scriptures and teaches skills slender National teacher, salary of 3000 households ". As soon as profits are paid After hiding , held a high position for the Khan clan, and held the military power of one side. This official title was inherited by the Turks. Spitting bean hair is also used to spit hair and spit village hair, which is second only to the official post of Yilifa, and is held by the Rouran royal family. For example, in 546, "Anahuan sent him to spit beans and make Yu Jiulu sweat, and married his concubine to send his daughter to Jinyang", which was mentioned in the "Northern History · Biography of Worming", and he married Gao Huan. Book of Northern Qi Dynasty 》And Wei Shu also contain "hair spitting and Yujiulu like extension", "Anahuan sent him Ancestor Spit beans and get rid of them. ". Houlli《 Dialectics of Ancient and Modern Surname Books 》As the saying goes, "The officials who follow the interests are just like the Chinese Fang Bo." They are located below the interests and beans. For example, as mentioned in "Northern History, Vermillion Biography", Yili Yipu Digs and so on. Tudoudeng, once said to be the error of Tudoufa, or the same as Tutun, is located below Yilifa, Tudoufa, and Yilifa. When Jin is called Qijin, it first became an official name, which was rotated to take the surname of Tutun. Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》Volume 84, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty Xiao Yan In the December note of the 16th year of the Tianjian era, it was recorded that the Wei Hou Jin was sent to pay tribute. Hu Sansheng said, "Wait for Jin, the minister Rouran. Wait, Qu Xifan." [3]
To sum up, the official title and rank of Rouran are relatively simple. Except that the prime minister and the national teacher are mainly in charge of administrative and religious affairs, other official positions are in charge of military and civil affairs. All the adult men were organized as cavalry to herd livestock in peacetime and fight with weapons in wartime. During the march, they rode with their own livestock, property, wives and children, that is, "when fighting, they arrived with their property, and when running, they fled with their livestock". From the khan, ministers to the grass-roots level, it is a nomadic regime combining military and civil affairs. Under the leadership of all the officials, Rouran followed the system of the Northern Wei Dynasty and set up an army of thousands of people and a general of hundreds of people Chuang Shuai According to the Wei Shu, the Biography of Worming, "the first military law was established: one general for a thousand people, one general for a hundred people, and one commander for a building; the first one who ascended the building was granted the capture, and the coward who retreated from it killed the first person with a stone, or temporarily beat the tarts. Without written records, the general counted the number of troops with sheep's dung, and later knew that wood carving was the record". The leaders of the Rouran ministries often met in the north khanate court of Dunhuang and Zhangye to discuss matters. If there is a problem with the succession of the khans, they have the right to dismiss or establish a new khan. [3]
Rouran was also affected by Central Plains Culture The influence, especially the rules and regulations of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was quite profound. From 464 (the fifth year of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the peaceful period), after being granted the title of Khan Central Plains Dynasty Year of construction“ Yongkang ”Later, other khans used the titles of "Taiping", "Tai'an", "Shiping", "Jianchang", etc. In addition to being equal to other countries, Anahuan imitated the official system of the Central Plains Waiter eunuch Etc. [3]


Rouran, Xiongnu and Xianbei were mainly nomadic, supplemented by hunting. Later, they knew a little about farming, and the main crop was millet. It has been mentioned many times in the Chinese historical records that Rouran "follows the water and grass for animal husbandry"; "The house is the yurt of the dome... horses and livestock are fat, and the planting is prosperous"; "Without a city wall, we pursue water, grass and animal husbandry, live in yurts, and move with others" and so on. The north and south of the desert is a good place for nomads. "The land is deep and the mountains are covered with snow in summer, and the flat land is thousands of miles away. There is no grass in the wild. The air is cold and the horses and cattle are covered with dry snow, which is naturally fat and healthy.". The livestock are mainly horses, cattle and sheep. It can be seen from the fact that hundreds of thousands or even millions of horses, cattle and sheep are often intercepted by the other side, and hundreds of thousands of cavalry can be mobilized each time to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty. The horse industry is particularly developed. Horses are not only the main tools for nomadic hunting, but also important military equipment for conducting military campaigns and defending the enemy gently. At the same time, they can also be used as gifts and trade items. For example, in 407, the society "offered 8000 horses to Yao Xing ”In order to tie the knot with the Later Qin Dynasty. When Anahuan's eldest daughter married Emperor Wen of the Western Wei Dynasty, she carried "ten thousand horses" and a thousand camels, all of which were examples. [3]
Hunting also occupies a certain position in Rouran's social economy. Rouran's annual tribute to the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Southern Qi Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty, or the square goods exchanged with the mainland, in addition to horses, are mainly leather goods obtained in hunting, such as marten fur, turtle fur, tiger fur, lion fur pants pleats and other wild animal fur products. [3]
In the later period, Rouran also used the captive Han people to drive farming, and the main crop was millet. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, Anahuan was placed in the north of Huaishuo Town, and after Brahman was in the West Sea, although seeds were also given to "cultivate fields for self supply", it was still hungry. It can be seen that agriculture did not occupy a certain position in the Rouran economy. However, due to the communication with the Central Plains, the Northern Wei Dynasty gave "new rice", "pockmarked rice", "wheat flour", "millet", etc. to Anahuan and other people for many times, especially the upper class of Rouran has gradually learned about "grain food". [3]
Rouran's handicrafts mainly include iron smelting, car making, armor making, dome building, felt making and fur processing. According to the Book of Zhou · Turkic Biography, Anahuan once scolded Turkic leaders Ashner Tumen For“ Forge slave ”He knew that Turks were once iron workers under Rouran's slavery. Then the sun of Altai Mountain naturally becomes an important iron smelting hand of Rouran industrial base , producing iron tools, weapons, armor, etc. to supply Rouran Royal Court. Rouran can also produce a large number of cars. Anahuan's Daughter Married Emperor Wen of the Western Wei Dynasty Yuanbaoju The number of accompanying cars reached 700. [3]
As the animal husbandry economy is relatively simple and the handicraft industry is not very developed, Rouran needs to strengthen economic ties with neighboring areas, especially the Central Plains. By means of tribute and exchange, livestock and animal products are exchanged for food, silk, ironware and other daily necessities. On the issue of relieving Anayao, Yuan Han once pointed out: "The trade movement started in ancient times, and the trade was carried out in the middle ages. The Han Dynasty and Hutong also set up the customs market. Today, the northerners (Rouran) are fighting against hunger, and their lives are hanging in the ravine. In addition to public giving, they must seek market change. If they want to ask, they should see and listen to permission.". When the market is easy to forbid, it often leads to war. On the other hand, Rouran nobles who entered the early slavery also inevitably used plunder as an important means to increase wealth and slaves. Therefore, Rouran, like other nomads, kept moving southward and had a series of peaceful relations with the Northern Wei Dynasty and other nationalities. [3]




The Ruling Group of Rouran originated from Eastern Hu Tuoba Xianbei , language is basically the same as Xianbei language , genus Altaic Mongolian Branch However, after the establishment of political power, the clan and tribe were numerous and complicated, and they were not exempt from belonging Turkic language subfamily The Chilean language and other influences. Rouran had no words in her early stage, and she didn't know Deed The Book of the Song Dynasty, the Biography of Suolu, said: Rouran "didn't know the documents, but carved wood to remember things. Later, he gradually learned about the deeds of books, and until now there are quite a few scholars". However, some ministers may write letters in Chinese later. For example, according to the Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty, Biography of Ruiruilu, Xing Jizhiluo, the minister of Rouran State, sent envoys to present the table to the Southern Qi Dynasty. The table is probably written in Chinese, and its format and allusions seem to be the hands of Han literati. There are two possibilities. One is that Xing Ji was brought back to master Chinese; Second, it was written by the Han literati in Rouran. This shows that Chinese culture has had a certain impact on Rouran. The Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty also mentioned that in the Liu Song Dynasty, the State Minister Xili Xuan "solved the star counting and numeracy skills, and communicated with Hu and Chinese". Because during the Northern and Southern Dynasties Northern Wei Dynasty or Beiqi Northern Zhou Dynasty All speak Chinese, and Chunyuqin, a native of Nanqi, was appointed from Anahuan Secretary Supervisor Huang Menlang . It can also be seen that you are specialized in writing and ink. [3]

religious belief

Rouran, in addition to preserving the popular Shamanism Besides, it also worships Buddhism. Rouran people worship nature and are popular with witchcraft and witch doctors. Wizards are usually held by women to pray for the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. The Liangshu Ruirui Biography mentions that "its country can sacrifice its skills to heaven and cause snow and wind." The Weishu Wuwen Biography records witches and witch doctors in detail It's bean curd Diwan The story of. Twenty years ago, the design will be soft and sweaty Ugly slave Brother Zuhui Take it away. Then he said to the Ugly Slave, "This son is in the sky today, and I can shout." The Ugly Slave's mother and son were happy. In the middle autumn of the next year, they set up a tent in the big river, and fasted for seven days, praying to heaven. After one night, Zu Huihu appeared in the tent. Confused, Ugly Nu called Di Wan the Holy Mother and Ke Houdun. Later Wan was killed by Lu Lin, the mother of Chou Nu. It shows that in Rouran, witches often ask gods and ghosts to offer sacrifices to heaven and pray for gods, and witches heal people, so it is also called witch doctor. [2-3]
Later, influenced by the Western Regions and the Central Plains, Rouran people also gradually believed in Buddhism. According to historical records, in 511 (the fourth year of Yongping in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Rouran Khan sent Shamen Hongxuan to offer the pearl statue. The monk Fa Ai once served as the national teacher in Rouran regime. Some monks from other places also went to Rouran, such as monks from the Southern Dynasties Dharma offering In 475( Liu Song Yuan emblem Three years) from Jinling , Journey to the West Bashu As far as Tuyuhun is concerned, the Taoist scripture is gentle, and as far as Tian is concerned. In addition, from Indian Buddhism It can also be seen that Rouran Buddhism was quite popular at that time. [3]

social customs and habits

Marriage customs are slightly similar to those of the Huns and Xianbei. Extraclan marriage is practiced, for example, Dou marries Hou Lulin (also called Hou Luling, Hou Lulin) as his wife. At the same time, step-up marriage and sister-in-law marriage prevailed, and children married non biological mothers and younger brothers married widows and sister-in-law (or older brothers married widows and sister-in-law) occasionally occurred. After Ru Gao Huan died, Zi Gaocheng "From the law of creeping country to the princess", Na Gaohuan married Crawling Princess As a wife. You Dou Dies, Younger Brother Voltagram "Nadu's wife, Hou Luling, gave birth to six people, including Chou Nu and Ana Huan.". [3]
Other customs of Rouran are also related to Nomadic life Closely related. If the east side is the most important, "cover the place where the sun shines". According to the Northern History, Biography of Empress Concubine, Anahuan's eldest daughter married Emperor Wen of the Western Wei Dynasty Yuanbaoju At that time, because "the east is the most important place for creeping customs, and when the camp comes, all the camps and households will face the east".
Rouran still keeps the bad custom of killing enemies as wine vessels. Ru Chou Nu captured Mi Otu, the king of chariots, and "tied his feet on the horse, dragged him to kill him, and painted his head as a drinking utensil". Clothes, food, housing and transportation are similar to those of the Huns. Rouran people "weave left lapels", wear sleeved robes, trousers and boots, which is recorded in the Biography of Rui Rui in Liangshu: "Braid hair, brocade, small sleeved robes, small pants, and deep Yong boots." Brocade is suspected to refer to the clothing of Rouran nobles, and most herdsmen wear fur products, such as fur fur, leather pants pleats, etc. [3]
Rouran people do not like to clean because they save water, do not bathe, do not wash their hair, and women use their tongues to lick clean tableware [10] I was scared away Yuebang Country king. According to the Northern History, the Biography of Yuebang State, when entering more than a hundred miles into its territory, people in its family did not wash their clothes, trip their hair, or wash their hands, and women licked their utensils. The king said to his followers, "You Cao will lie to me and join me in this country of dogs." But he hurried back. [10]
Former residence of Rouran nationality


  • ---- Northern Wei Dynasty and Rouran's Early Campaign --
The following is part of the statistics, which is copied from the expert paper - Northern Wei Dynasty's northern defense and Rouran's war relations
Emperor Daowu Times - Rouran invades - 2 - Northern Wei counterattacks - 3 - Rouran pays tribute - 0 - Rouran feigns surrender - 1
Emperor Yuan of the Ming Dynasty Times - Rouran invades - 3 - Northern Wei counterattacks - 4 - Rouran pays tribute - 0 - Rouran feigns surrender - 1
Taiwu Emperor Times - Rouran invades - 4 - Northern Wei counterattacks - 13 - Rouran pays tribute - 6 - Rouran feigns surrender - 4
The era of Emperor Wencheng - Rouran invaded - 0 - Northern Wei Dynasty fought back - 3 - Rouran paid tribute - 0 - Rouran pretended to surrender - 1


Modern genetic science has confirmed that, Eastern Hu Xianbei , Rouran Murakami It comes down in one continuous line with Hun Turkic It doesn't matter. Donghu and Xianbei people have direct genetic contributions to Rouran people [11]
Rouran, also known as Peristaltic slender Ruru , creep, etc. Northern Dynasties Of Epitaph In miscellaneous music, it is often called“ Ghost prescription ”, "猃狁", "Beilu"“ Beidi ”Etc. The name "Rouran" began Chelu Club It refers to itself. The name of "wriggle" is Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty Tuobatao People who believe that Rouran tribe Mental retardation Therefore, they were mocked as worms who could not think, and the military and civilians all over the country were ordered to change their name to "wriggle". [1-2] Northern Wei Dynasty Later Rouran took "Ruru" as her own name or surname. The word "Rouran" is considered to mean "smart and wise", or to contain the meaning of "etiquette, justice and law", or to originate from Altaic "Foreign people" or "wormwood", etc. [3]
As for the origin of Rouran people, due to the different and brief historical records, Rouran is Hun It is wrong to say that there are many people outside the Great Wall [11] Rouran and Donghu Xianbei come down in one continuous line《 Wei Shu ·The Biography of wriggle mentioned that wriggle was "the Miao descendant of Donghu" and "originated from the Wei Dynasty". [2] Northern History 》Only their "surname" is recorded Yu Jiulu's Family ”。 [4] In addition, European history Rouran is called "Avars" in his works [3] In fact, in the middle of the eighth century AD Asia The Rouran people who moved to Europe and established in what is now eastern Bavaria Awar Khanate Awar Khanate End with Frank king Charlie It was destroyed after eight years of war.
Rouran reached its peak from about 410 to 425 AD, and its power spread from north to south of the desert: north to north Lake Baikal By the bank, to the south Yin Mountain North foot, northeast to the Great Khingan Mountains, and Ground bean Connected, southeast and Xilamulun River Of Kovacs Adjacent to Khitan, far to the west Junggar Basin and Ili River Watershed, and once entered Tarim Basin , make Tianshan Mountain The southern foot is the national clothing. In the process of Rouran's development, it gradually integrated other ethnic elements. [3]
According to《 Wei Shu 》、《 Northern History 》As well as other relevant historical records from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there are more than 60 kinds of surnames under the jurisdiction of Rouran, among which the ethnic groups and tribes belonging to Rouran are Yu Jiulu's Family , Hou Lulin Ermian , adjacent part of Jordan Avogan's Image Department 胏胏胏; Those belonging to Donghu Xianbei are Tuoba , Qiu Dun, Wu Luzhen, Shu Gegan, Wei Chi, Gu Hun Pilou's , Bediyen Monalou's , Chidouhun Kuduguan's surname Wenpan, Shuli Ubbelohde Wuluohou ); belong to Chile They include Yi Zhan Hulu , sub voltage Roche (Ministry), Dabugan House guide Shi, Tamogu, Qijin, Qifuli and Dongdong High car Etc; Those belonging to the rest of the Huns Baye Audit Department (It is said that it belongs to Chile), Hezhuya Bone Department, Uloran family; belong to Turkic Ashner's family; The Longshi, who belonged to the Western Regions Coates (First said to be Han), Xili Gui, Xing Jizhi, Luo Hui, Hou Yi Gui, etc. In addition, there are some Han people in Rouran. There are also some reasonable factors in the theory of Donghu people and Xianbei people. [3]
But the ruler's Hereditary aristocracy From Tuoba Xianbei Tribal alliance Separated from. Rouran, a leader attached to the Northern Wei Dynasty Anahuan He once told Emperor Xiaoming of Wei Yuan Xu He said, "The minister came from the great Wei Dynasty before the world." Yuan Xu replied, "I already have it" to show his approval. Therefore, some history books call Rouran Khan Helun For Xianbei Shilun or Hexi Xianbei Shilun. It shows that Rouran and Tuoba have a common ancestor, both of which are Xianbei offspring [11] Rouran noble is from Tuoba Xianbei A branch separated from. With the development of Rouran forces in the north and south of the desert Central Plains Tuoba Xianbei went his separate ways, and the differences were growing. [3]
Rouran people

Development history


Rouran Rise

In the middle of the 3rd century AD, the ancestor of Yu Jiulu, the highest ruling group of Rouran Sapwood stay Tuoba Liwei At that time, he was captured as a slave by Tuoba Xianbei, and was later exempted from being a cavalry. At the end of the third century, Tuoba Yilu When taking charge of the three Tuoba tribes, Mu Gulu and Yu Jiulu just "hid among the wide desert valleys" because of the crime of "sitting in the late stage and being beheaded", and gathered more than 100 fugitives to attach themselves to the nomads Yin Mountain The adjacent part of Hetu in the area of Xinshan Mountain in North Italy. Because "Mu Gulu and Yu Jiulu have similar voices, the descendants took this surname". [1-2] Wood Bone Soldier, Son Chelu Club Xiong Jian, who constantly annexed other tribes, owned many tribes and wealth, became a hereditary aristocrat and claimed to be gentle. The service belongs to Tuoba Xianbei, "the old tribute horse, animal and mink skin. In winter, they migrate Inner Mongolia , Xia Ze still lives North of the Gobi desert ”。 just as Cui Hao As the saying goes, "In summer, people will be scattered and livestock will be released. In autumn, fat will be gathered. The back will be cold and the back will be warm. The invaders will come from the south to copy." After the Chelu will die Slave puppet , Ba Di, to Su Yuan Zu, part of which is two: Di Su Yuan Changzi A waiting postscript Stepfather lives in today's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hetao Northeast Yin Mountain The original Rouran nomadic land to the north. Double image The western part of the region has expanded westward from Hetao to today Inner Mongolia Ejina Banner One Belt. On behalf of the state Fu Jian After extinction, Rouran once attached herself to the north of the Great Wall Liu Weichen Commander Tiefu Hun Ministry. [3] [5]
Rubbings In 391 (Northern Wei Dynasty To enter the country Six years) launched an attack on Rouran, and Pihouba and Qiehe raised the rate of reducing Wei. Houbi Image Extract Helun Kill the horses and march to the west of the Five Plains. At this time, at the beginning of the founding of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tuoba Forge ahead in the Central Plains, and Later Qin Dynasty Hind swallow , Western Qin Dynasty and Nanyan Nanliang Such regimes competed with each other and had no time to go north, which gave Rouran an opportunity to develop. She Lun attacked all the tribes of the Chiles, and made full use of them Orhun River Tula River The area with abundant water and grass is becoming more and more powerful. Then it broke Mongolian Plateau The rest of the Huns in the northwest, Bayeji, merged with the rest of the Huns. The entire Mongolian plateau and the surrounding nationalities have surrendered. After Reran unified the desert, the forces reached: "The west is the land of Yanqi, the east is the land of Korea, the north is the crossing of the desert, the poor sea, and the south is the Great Moraine." That is to say, starting from the Great Khingan Mountains in the east, facing the desert in the south, facing the Northern Wei Dynasty Altai Mountains , occupying Junggar Basin, bordering Yanqi in the south of Tianshan Mountains Lake Baikal "The Huns are all in the ancient court, and the Western Regions are respected". Rouran "often meets the court to the north of Dunhuang and Zhangye", that is, to the east of today's Orhun River He Shuo Near Qaidam Lake. [3]
In 402 AD (the fifth year of Tianxing in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Helun claimed Kedou Fakhan In order to meet the needs of military expedition, we followed the Northern Wei Dynasty, established military laws, set up battle fronts, reorganized the army, and established the khan court, so that Rouran quickly entered the early stage from the tribal alliance Slavery Stage, also known as Rouran Khanate Cavalry like“ Gallop When birds go, they come and go ", forming a powerful force in northern desert. [3]
From 402 (the fifth year of Tianxing) to 487 (the eleventh year of Taihe, Rouran Doulun In the third year of the Taiping period), the prosperity of Rouran came when the Chilean Deputy Voluo Division broke away from Rouran. On the one hand, Rouran rulers continued to take close attack and distant friendship, and united with Later Qin, Beiyan Northern Cool , the strategy of jointly dealing with the Northern Wei Dynasty; On the other hand, they constantly harassed and plundered the northern boundary of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Northern Wei Dynasty adopted the policy of "crusade" against Rouran to remove the threat from the north, unify the north and south of the desert and plunder wealth. Therefore, in the past 80 years, Rouran harassed the south and the Northern Wei attacked the north for more than 20 times. [3]
Before and after she Lun claimed Khan, it was Northern Wei Dynasty Move the capital Pingcheng Soon [6] The rise of Rouran became a worry for the Northern Wei Dynasty to forge ahead in the Central Plains. The prosperity of the Northern Wei Dynasty was an obstacle to the gentle southward march. In order to concentrate on dealing with the Northern Wei Dynasty, Rouran and Later Qin Dynasty , Beiyan, etc. formed an anti Wei alliance. For example, in 407 (the fourth year of Tianci in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Shelundi Qughursu Offer 3000 horses to Beiyan Feng Ba , married Feng's daughter Princess Lelang. Dalbergia odorata During his reign as Khan (414-429), he sent envoys to Beiyan, offering 3000 horses and 10000 sheep to the Liu Song regime in the Southern Dynasty. Before entering the Northern Wei Dynasty in 424, Rouran was not in the vanguard at all. [6]
Warrior figurines

Gentle decline

For more than 20 years from Helun, Hulu to Datan, Rouran attacked the northern border of the Northern Wei Dynasty almost every year. The Northern Wei Dynasty also sent troops to the Northern Expedition, and even personally marched or patrolled the border, and strengthened the reclamation of farmland and set up military towns along the border, garrisoned heavy troops, and defended the city. Tuobatao, the Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was fighting for extinction Herrenxia , Beiyan Northern Cool In the process, seven separate attacks were gentle. 429 (Northern Wei Dynasty God In the second year, Tuobatao led his army to attack Rouran from east to west and defeat it. Datan led his army to go west. Rouran "scattered the country, rushed into the valley, and livestock spread wild, and no one watched". Tuobatao led his army to Tuyuan River Mongolia Tuqin River), and then "divide the army to search and discuss, east to Hanhai, west to Zhangyeshui (today's Gansu Province Weak water ), North Yanran Mountain Hang Aishan )More than 5000 miles from east to west, and 3000 miles from north to south "," every captive and livestock truck house is filled with mountains and rivers, covering millions ". At that time, all departments of Gaoche also took the opportunity to get rid of Rouran's fetters and "plunder Rouran". There were more than 300000 people in Gaoche and Rouran who successively belonged to the Northern Wei Dynasty. [3]
Since then, Rouran has greatly damaged his vitality, and Datan is so angry that he has died quickly Wu Ti Jili, No Chilian Khan In 431 (the fourth year of the Northern Wei Dynasty's Shenxuan), envoys were sent to pay tribute to the horse. During this period, the Northern Wei Dynasty controlled the Song soldiers in the south and destroyed the Northern Yan in the east; The west eliminates summer and the north is cool, roughly unifying the north. In order to achieve peace in the north, we also adopted a policy of amity. [3]

War with Wei

since the Sixteen Kingdoms Later, Northern Wei Dynasty Is expanded Sphere of influence In order to unify the north, Rouran Khan attacked and fought with each other year after year in order to plunder the food resources in Wei territory and occupy the north and south of the desert. The Northern Wei Dynasty defended the capital Pingcheng (today's Datong, Shanxi Northeast), built the Great Wall From Chicheng (now Hebei) in the east to Wuyuan (now northwest of Baotou, Inner Mongolia) in the west, it stretches more than 2000 miles, and has military towns and garrisons. Rouran also established a set of military laws to meet military needs. In August of the first year of Shiguang in the Northern Wei Dynasty (424), Ruran Khan Dalan (i.e Mou Hanhe Shenggai Khan )Smell Emperor Weiming of the Yuan Dynasty Tuoba Siji He died and led 60000 cavalry into Yunzhong (now Hollinger Northwest), killing and looting officials and people, and capturing the old capital Sanlo , lived in Shengle Palace, surrounded Tuobatao and his subordinates who came to resist the Northern Wei Dynasty Taiwu Emperor. Later, because the general Yu Zhijin was shot by the Northern Wei Army, Fang Yinjun retreated. In October of the next year (425), the Northern Wei Dynasty attacked Rouran on a large scale, and divided its forces into five ways. The more desert it hit, the more frightened Rouran fled to the north. [3]
Great Wall of Northern Wei Dynasty [6]
The Great Wall built during the Wei, Ming and Yuan Dynasties
Emperor Wei Tuobatao In order to completely get rid of the northern Rouran and Southern Dynasties Of Song Dynasty The threat of double attack, and the shame of being encircled in the snow cloud, defeated Helenia and conquered the capital Tongwan (Today's Shaanxi Jingbian northeast Baichengzi )Later, he decided to concentrate his strength on Rouran. In April of the second year of Shendang, Wei Tingyi attacked Rouran, the minister and Queen Mother Protector Worried about the Song army's attack, they tried to dissuade them. Cui Hao, Taichang Qing, believes that Song Wenke is in control of the whole country. He is afraid and will not dare to move; Rouran believes that she is far away, which means that she can't control her strength, and her defense has been lax for a long time. Therefore, in summer, she scattered herding, and in autumn, she gathered people to roam south. Now she can take advantage of her unprepared herding to attack. The Emperor of the Wei Dynasty was very appreciative of his views, so he decided to keep the Taiwei Chang Sun Song Guard Loufulian Guarding Kyoto; Ming Situ Chang Sun Han Led by West Road To Da'e Mountain, from the east to Montenegro (now Inner Mongolia Bahrain Right Banner north Hanshan Mountain ), cross the desert and strike together at Ruoran Khan Court (today's Mongolia Halhelin Northwest). In May, Emperor Wei play a leading role Go to Monan (the area south of today's Mongolian Plateau Desert), abandon the baggage, and lead a light horse (every horse has both Accessory horse )Rush to Lishui (today's Wengjin River). Gentle and unprepared, in the face of war, people and animals run away in fear; Da Tan burned the dome and disappeared to the west. Peter Li, the younger brother of Datan, first heard about the arrival of the Wei army in the east, and led the soldiers to save his brother. On the way, he was intercepted by the cavalry of Chang Sun Han and defeated. Several of his commanders were killed. In June, Emperor Wei led the army westward along the Lishui River to the Tuyuan River (today's picture Yinhe )The troops were divided into several groups to search and discuss, which was very powerful and widespread. Many prisoners were killed. Original subordinate gentleness High car The various ministries took the opportunity to revolt, plunder Rouran, and attach themselves to the Northern Wei Dynasty. More than 300000 people were defeated by the Rouran tribes. The Wei army captured more than one million military horses. The Emperor of Wei traveled westward along the weak waters to Zhuoxie Mountain (About today Altai Mountains In July, he sent troops to the east and returned to Montenegro, where he was rewarded with his troops. Da Tan died of indignation due to his fiasco. son Wu Ti It was established as the imperial edict of Khan. In August, the Emperor of Wei sent thousands of cavalry to attack Zini Po (now the southeast of Baikal Lake), and hundreds of thousands of people from the east came down. In October, the Emperor of the Wei Dynasty returned to Pingcheng and moved the people who were gentle and attached to the city Inner Mongolia , east to Ruyuan (today Fengning, Hebei Northwest), Xida Yinshan (now Inner Mongolia Yinshan Mountains ), make them cultivate and herd, and harvest them Tribute fu Long life Sun Han Shangshu Decree Liu Wei Left Minion Shooting Anyuan , Waiter Gu Bi Common pacification. [3] [7-8]
In 434 AD (the third year of Yanhe in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Wu Ti married Princess Xihai As his wife, Tuobatao also appointed Wu Timei as his wife, and later came to Zuo Zhaoyi Wu Ti ordered his brother Tulu Gui and hundreds of other people to send his sister to the Northern Wei Dynasty and offer 2000 horses. Tao also answered politely. However, the rapprochement did not last long, and armed conflict occurred between the two sides around the issue of competing for the Western Regions. [3]
In 460 AD (the first year of the Northern Wei Dynasty and Heping Period), Rouran annexed Gaochang In 470 (the first year of Huangxing in the Northern Wei Dynasty), he attacked Khotan. Khotan appealed to the Northern Wei Dynasty for help, but the Northern Wei Dynasty did not send troops far away. [3]
From 472 to 473 AD (the second to third year of Yanxing in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Rouran attacked again Dunhuang , trying to break the trade route from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Western Regions. So the Northern Wei Dynasty sent troops to Mobei for nine consecutive times to attack Rouran. In only 470 years (the fourth year of Huangxing), "50000 people were decapitated, and more than 10000 people were demoted. Military equipment cannot be counted". Rouran's power weakened again, Predestination Khan repeatedly sent envoys to "ask for marriage". Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty Metamacro After enthronement, Queen Mother Feng When he was in power, he slightly changed the strategy of Tuobatao's armed attack on the issue of meekness. Yuan Hong once said:“ Soldier lethal weapon The sage has no choice but to use it. The former emperors who went out on expeditions repeatedly thought that there were some prisoners who had not yet arrived. Today, I undertake the business of peace. How can I change my army without reason? " Rouran also changed his policy, mainly making peace with the Northern Wei Dynasty, sending envoys to each other, "paying endless tribute at the end of the year". [3]
In the second half of the 5th century AD, the enslaved tribes within Rouran continuously resisted and fled, greatly weakening the strength of Rouran. In 487 (the 11th year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty), it was originally the subordinate Voluo tribe of Rouran Afu Luo He led more than 100000 people to move westward and break away from the rule of Rouran Carman Front northwest, established High car country , stand up as the king. Rouran lost control of the Western Regions and fought with each other for more than 30 years. Rouran went from prosperity to decline. [3]

A brief revival

At the beginning of the 6th century AD, the Rouran ruling group fought against each other for the throne. 520 (Northern Wei Dynasty Ortho light First year), Khan Ugly slave Killed by his mother and minister. His younger brother Ana Huangang, who had just succeeded to the throne for 10 days, was killed by his clan brother Issuance After being defeated in the war, he was returned to the Northern Wei Dynasty and received a grand reception Yanran Hall He was granted the title of Duke Shuofang and King Wuwen. Miscellaneous Songs "Anahuan" describes its Luoyang The grand occasion of the trip said: "When I heard of the Hun master, I rode on the dust to watch Changpingban and drive the horse to Weiqiao Bridge.". Hou Ana Huancong Brahman He also led tens of thousands of people to defeat Shifa and claimed to be the Khan of the Sporadic Community. He was expelled by the imperial edict and returned to the Northern Wei Dynasty with 100000 cavalry. [3]
In the face of the situation at that time, the Northern Wei Dynasty adopted the strategy of preserving Rouran and dividing its forces to contain and resist the increasingly powerful Gaoche State. Place Anahuan in Huaishuo Town (Today Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Guyang County In the north (southwest) is Turoshi Spring, where Brahman is located Juyan Sea Near fault Xihai County (To the southeast of Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia today). 522 (Northern Wei Dynasty Ortho light Three years), Brahman defected from the Northern Wei Dynasty, plundered Liangzhou, and wanted to defecte Hephthalites (The three wives of Kuda Khan, all Brahman sisters), were captured by the Northern Wei Dynasty and returned to Luoyang, and died in Yanran Hall in the second year of Yue Dynasty. The next year, Anahuan was also there Rouxuan Huai Huang The two towns gathered 300000 soldiers, detained envoys of the Northern Wei Dynasty, drove away "two thousand good mouths, and hundreds of thousands of public and private post horses, cattle, sheep," and returned them to Mobei. In the same year, the Northern Wei Dynasty broke out Six Town Uprising In order to maintain its own rule, in 525 (Northern Wei Dynasty Xiaochang The first year), called Anahuan to lead 100000 troops from Wuchuan Town Westward Woye Town , rout Breaking Six Han Baling Led by the Rebellion. Anahuan seized the opportunity to plunder and expand his strength, occupying the desert area north of the Great Wall. "The tribes are harmonious, and the soldiers and horses are a little prosperous", claiming that Chi Liantou Bingdou attacked Khan , defeat the increasingly weakened Gaoche country due to civil strife. [3]
The Northern Wei Dynasty perished, the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasty split and revived gently. Gao Huan Yu Wentai In order to alleviate the northern disaster, they are competing to get well with Anahuan. As Anahuan circled, he intermarried with the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty and received gifts from both sides. Such as Emperor Wen of the Western Wei Dynasty Yuanbaoju Take Yuanyi as the female Princess Huazheng Marry Anahuan's younger brother Tahan. Yuan Baoju married the elder daughter of Anahuan, Yu Jiulu, as the empress (after Wei Mou), and abolished the former empress Yifu as a nun. Soon, he forced Yifu to commit suicide. [3]
In 540, Gao Huan of the Eastern Wei Dynasty took the title of Changshan King and Gao Zhimei Princess Le'an (Re sealing Lanling County Long Princess )Marry Ana Huanzi An Luochen Anahuan's granddaughter Linhe Princess His wife Gao Huan's ninth son Gao Zhan Gao Huan also married Anahuan's beloved daughter as the main house Crawling Princess "He Qi received Zen from the Eastern Wei Dynasty and kept coming and going at the age of". Their political, economic and cultural ties have been further strengthened. [3]
When military conflict After easing up, Rouran gradually paid attention to rectifying internal affairs and learned from various sources Han culture , change the official system and establish a new year. After the restoration of Anahuan, the Han Chunyu Qin was put in the important position Secretary Supervisor Huang Menlang And master the writing and ink ". Rouran also paid attention to absorbing the Production technology It lives by water and grass, and there is no city boundary. Celestial supervisor In the middle (around 510 years), it began to break Ding Ling The old soil was restored and the city wall was built, which was called Muwei City. It was used as a gathering place for living in winter or summer to guard against high cars. Mumo City About Zhangye To the southwest of Hanting in the north of Dunhuang. At the same time, Rouran once sent an envoy to Jiankang (Today Jiangsu Province Nanjing City ), asked the Southern Qi Dynasty to send doctors, brocades Guide car Go to Mobei with the craftsmen who missed the carving. Rejection indicates that Rouran needs doctors and craftsmen from the Central Plains. Rouran was influenced by the Han nationality, and in its later period, it gradually developed agriculture. For example, in 522 (the third year of Zhengguang in the Northern Wei Dynasty), Anahuan was placed in the north of Huaishuo Town. He once "begged for millet, thought it was a kind of field, and ordered to give it to Wanshi". Rouran is not only politically connected with the Northern Wei Dynasty, but also attracted by the economy and culture of the Central Plains. [3]
Rouran not only had contacts with the Northern Dynasties, but also sent envoys to the Southern Dynasties. As early as the 1930s, Rouran kept in touch with the Song Dynasty to establish an alliance against the Northern Wei Dynasty. At that time, although the Song Dynasty threatened the "Northern Expedition", it was really unable to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty, so it also "Jimi" the envoys sent by Rouran. Until 478 (the second year of Song Shengming), in order to get rid of internal and external difficulties with the help of external forces, Song sent Warrior General Wang Hongfan sent Rouran as an envoy, and the next year, he arrived in Mobei. Rouran Khan led 300000 cavalry to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty in the same year and reached the frontier. After the establishment of the Southern Qi regime, Rouran sent envoys one after another to contribute mink skin, lion skin pants pleats, horses, gold and other things in an attempt to unite Qi to attack Wei, and asked for doctors and craftsmen. But because Xiao Daocheng I am new to the throne and dare not rush out. [3]
In 485 AD (the third year of Yongming in the Southern Qi Dynasty), the envoy of the Southern Qi Dynasty to Rouran was killed because he did not worship Khan, which led to mutual hatred between the two sides. [3]
515( South beam In the 14th year of Tianjian, Rouran sent envoys to Nanliang to offer horses, sable furs and other things. Due to the blocking of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the route of Rouran envoy to and from Jiangnan and Mobei could only reach Yizhou via the Western Regions and Tuyuhun, and from Yizhou to Jiankang. In addition, Rouran and Wuda, Wusun Pleasant And Wuluohou, Didouyu Kovacs , Khitan, etc. [3]

Rouran perishes

Rouran once revived in Anahuan Khan. Soon afterwards, a revolt broke out between enslaved tribes and slaves. By the middle of the 6th century, the former Rouran blacksmith who lived at the southern foot of today's Altay Mountains—— Turkic The Ministry is becoming stronger and stronger. 552 years( Beiqi Tianbao 3rd year), Turkic leader Tumen Yili Khan )After being rejected for proposing marriage to Anahuan, he joined forces with Gao Che and attacked Rouran. Anahuan was defeated and committed suicide. Rouran Royal Nu Luochen and others fled to the Northern Qi Dynasty, and those who stayed in the desert were also divided into two parts: the eastern part was dominated by the rest of the people who made iron cutting; The rest of the people in the west are standing Uncle Deng Mainly. Rouran in the east returned to the Turks after defeating and defecting to the Northern Qi Dynasty, and was settled in Mayichuan (today's Shanxi Province Shuo County )One Belt. The next year, An Luochen and others returned to Mobei after betraying the Northern Qi Dynasty. After being pursued by the Northern Qi Dynasty, Rouran in the east basically collapsed, and Anluochen's whereabouts were unknown. 555 (the sixth year of Tianbao in the Northern Qi Dynasty), Turkic Wood Khan After Jin led the army to defeat Rouran in the west, Uncle Deng led thousands of others to the Western Wei Dynasty. Although the Western Wei Dynasty met Uncle Deng favorably and "preached to the front and rear Yubao and gave him six thousand pieces of miscellaneous colors", under the repeated threats of the Turkic envoys, it handed over more than 3000 people under Uncle Deng to the Turkic envoys and killed them outside the Qingmen Gate in Chang'an. Middle aged men and men below were exempted and were accompanied by the royal family. Rouran Khanate perished, and others moved westward. Some scholars believe that Byzantium The Awar people in history are the Rouran people who moved westward after the demise of the Turks. The remaining Rouran people in Mobei gradually merged into the Turkic and Khitan tribes. [3]
During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, hundreds of thousands of Rouran people who were captured in the war and dispersed in the Central Plains, such as those who actively attached themselves and married with relatives. In order to enrich the northern frontier defense, the Northern Wei Dynasty successively moved Rouran, Chile and the Han people in the interior who were captured by the imperial court to Six towns And Pingcheng and other places, live together with Tuoba Xianbei's army and people, and make them pretend to be Affiliated household and Business households For the purpose of displacement. In order to prevent escape, some of them were moved into the mainland. The Rouran tribe often rebelled against the oppression of the Northern Wei Dynasty by fleeing back to Mobei, and launched a struggle against the rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty. For example, in 509 (the second year of Yongping in the Northern Wei Dynasty), moved to Jeju Rouran people of the Northern Wei Dynasty used to ride the governor of Jizhou and the king of Jingzhao Yuanyu During the uprising, start the uprising and get through Yellow River And went north to capture the counties. Six Town Uprising Later, Rouran, who stayed in the north, also responded and attacked Mayi. [3]
The Northern Wei Dynasty drove and oppressed the general Rouran people who were captured or surrendered, but oppressed the upper class of Rouran noble However, he was awarded the title of official and became a member of the ruling class. This is certainly because the rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty believed that they had the same origin and noble blood, so they were willing to intermarry with the Rouran royal family; On the other hand, it is also to weaken and divide the Rouran regime itself, so as to reduce the threat from the north. Cui Hao once said, "When the wriggling children come to visit, the noble will honor the princess, and the humble will be the general and doctor. They will live in the Manchu Dynasty." This reflects the preferential treatment of Rouran nobles in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Most of the Rouran people who moved to the mainland first merged into Xianbei and finally were assimilated into the Han people in the Central Plains through various ways such as living together and intermarrying with each other. from Henan Luoyang Shanxi Yanmen Daijun The Lu surname, Yu Jiulu surname, Ruru surname, Ru surname and other surnames in other places confirmed that their ancestors were indeed Rouran people. [3]

social formation

The theoretical analysis of the bipolar world points out that in the Rouran society, from the khans, state ministers, national teachers, ministers at all levels, as well as the officials and generals of various ministries, they have a large number of livestock and property, and the social identity of the original tribe began to show the characteristics of serfs, that is, they began to have personal subordination and economic dependence with the former. However, as the most important land resource in agricultural practice, it is still at least legally public. This determines the semi tribal and semi feudal nature of Rouran's social form. [9]

Khanate lineage

full name
In office time
cause of death
Kedou Fakhan
Behind Wood Bone Lu
Illness and death
Bitterness covers perspiration
She Lun's younger brother
Killed by Bei Yan
Yu Jiulu Bulu Zhen
Hu Lv's nephew
four hundred and fourteen
Hang Yu Jiulu Da Tan
Mou Hanhe Shenggai Khan
She Lun's cousin
Illness and death
Chilian Khan
Son of Da Tan
Lose and die
Churo Khan
Wu Ti's Son
Illness and death
Ruobo Genkhan
True Son of Tuhe
Illness and death
Fumingdun Khan
The Son of Premature
Killed by the general
Houqi Fudaiku Khan
Uncle Doulun
Illness and death
Tuohan Khan
Son of Nagai
Killed by Gao Che King
Douluofuba Doufa Khan
Son of Volta
Killed by his mother
Mizuke Heju Khan
Brother Anahuan
He died of illness after returning to the Northern Wei Dynasty
Chi Liantou Bingdou attacked Khan
Ugly Slave's Brother
Killed by the Turkic leader
Nephew of Anahuan
Killed by Khitan
Father of Tiefa
five hundred and fifty-three
Killed by clansmen
Register and hold
five hundred and fifty-three
After being abandoned, he didn't know what to do
Son of Anahuan
He ran away and didn't know what to do
Uncle Anahuan
After fleeing to the Western Wei Dynasty, he was handed over by the Western Wei Dynasty to the Turks for execution
Note: It is uncertain whether Prince Rouran changed the yuan in the current year or the next year. The change in the next year shall prevail.

Historical records


Southern Qi Shu

Rui Ruilu, a mixed beard outside the Great Wall, weaves the left lapel. After Shiyigui of the Jin Dynasty entered the Great Wall of China, Rui Rui chased the water and grass, and the ancient court of the Huns prevailed in the Western Regions. The climate is early and cold, and the residence is a yurt tent of Qionglu. Carve wood to remember things, but do not know documents. Horses and livestock are fattened, and their breeding is prosperous. He often made enemies with Wei Lu.
The State Minister of Song Shiqi, Xi Li, understood star counting and numeracy, and knew Hu and Chinese. It is often said that there should be Qi in the south, and his people should be popular. In the second year of Shengming, Taizu assisted in the administration and sent Rui Rui, a cavalry general named Wang Honggui, to conquer Wei Lu. In August of the first year of Jianyuan, Rui Rui sent 300000 cavalry to invade the south and went seven hundred miles to Pingcheng. Wei Lu refused to fight. Rui Rui returned from hunting at the foot of Yanran Mountain. At the beginning of my career, let's not mention graduation. In two or three years, Rui Rui sent envoys to contribute mink sundries. He wrote to Wei Lu that he wanted to fight against Wei Lu, calling himself "my foot". The leather pants pleats of Shizi are like tiger skin with short white hair. At that time, Jia Hu saw it in Shu. It was said that this was not a master's skin, but a hand pulling skin.
State Minister Xing Jizhiluo replied, saying:
The four phenomena are in power, the two instruments are modified, and all things are born. It is natural that the losses and profits of Stevie are repeated. In the late Jin Dynasty, Chu Huan stole his life because Wu Kuang of the Song Dynasty had helped to help the weak and settle down. Nine leaves flowed from the throne, but the national heirs did not succeed. Today, the emperor brought disaster on the top, and the Song Dynasty guessed that it was chaotic. Although the officials were far away from home, they had a rough look at books. Since the number of difficulties, the stars and inscriptions have changed, the heart of the house has changed, and the place is in danger. The Song Dynasty destroyed Qichang. The water transportation is in the village, the wood morality is in line with the transportation, and the crops are cut in the next year, Liu Muzhi It is recorded that there is a mountain with no official position in the Guiling Mountain. The prophecy of the capital house said: "The sixteen Maojin, the grass should be in line with the king." The calendar view of Tuwei, and the rest of the battle against Feiyi, all of them are the Xiao family in Qingzhong, who represented Qi in the Song Dynasty. There will be powerful efforts to measure and speak against the country's envoys, interview the saints, and test the posture of heaven. Therefore, it can take advantage of the emperor's throne and light power to set the business; The skill of shining wings on the sky can help the Lord. Shuxun, the capital teacher, inspires overseas. The service of upholding justice, Mou trace Tang, Wu. After the achievements are made, the precious life will return to you, and the experience of receiving the end will return to you. Kuang Fu Emperor's impermanent family has virtue and will be prosperous. The number of times comes, and the spirit is the only one. Your majesty has taken the opportunity to take advantage of the dragon. Ji Yingfu's revolutionary title has been practiced for a long time, and his descendants are inclined to wear it. If the dragon is not flying, it is not suitable to rush into the air. It is against the heart of the heaven and the people, and the hope of the common people is obedient.
Huang Rui Chengxu, born in Eryi, expanded the land to carry the people, crossed the sea, a hundred generations of people, and made great achievements. Although Wu and Han are different regions, they have the same meaning as lips and teeth. During the period of Fang Yu's conquering the Central Plains, Gong Xingtian punished them. Cure the soldiers and repair their armour. It vibrates the frost and fights in combination and generation, and rings the bell of harmony in Qin and Zhao. It sweeps away the waste and evils, and cuts down the villains. Then Huangyu moved to fortune, recovered China, Yongdun was a good neighbor, and Mou followed Qi and Lu. Let the whole world have worship, and the common people will live in salt, and the waste will return to worship. Isn't it rich!
In the first year of Yongming Dynasty, Wang Honggui returned to Beijing and traveled more than 30000 li. Flood track, Qi County Linzi People were trusted by the Taizu. In Jianwu, he was a governor of the Qing and Hebei provinces. He privately occupied Ding and invaded the foreign territories.
King Rui Rui asked for medical treatment and other materials. The Emperor Shizu issued an imperial edict, saying, "Knowing the need to heal and weave into brocade works, guide cars, and leaky engravings are not loved. The treatment of diseases in the south is different from that in the north. Weaving into brocade works and women can't go far. Although guide cars and leaky engravings have their own tools, the craftsmen have not survived for a long time, and it is wrong not to copy them."
Since Ruirui lived in the old court of the Huns, ten years ago, Ding Linghu attacked Ruirui to the south and gained its old place. Rui Rui moved to the south slightly, and Wei Lu, the leader of Yuan Hong, sent the puppet king of Ping Yuan to drive Luhun General Long Xiang Yang Yan rode hundreds of thousands of horses to fight Ruirui. The snow was very cold, and many people died. First, Liu Jian, the governor of Yizhou, sent Jiang Jingxuan, the envoy, Ding Ling, to proclaim the country's prestige. Daojing Shanshan, Khotan, Shanshan was destroyed by Ding Ling, and the people scattered. Khotan believes in Buddhism. Ding Ling arrogated to be the Son of Heaven. He took Jingxuan's envoy and rebelled against his orders.
Rui Ruichang Henan Road And Yizhou.

Liang Shu

Ruirui State, covering other species of Xiongnu. In the Wei and Jin dynasties, the Huns were divided into hundreds of thousands, each with its own name, one of which was Ruirui. He moved south from the Yuan Dynasty to the Wei Dynasty because he was unauthorized in his hometown. There is no city wall, and livestock are raised with water and grass, and people live in Qionglu. Braid hair, brocade, small sleeve robe, small mouth hakama, deep Yong boots. The land is bitter cold. In July, the river flows through the river. During the rising of the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, Wang Honggui was sent to make Yan an envoy and lead him to attack Wei altogether. In the first year of Jianyuan of Qi Dynasty, the flood track began to arrive in his country. The king led 300, 000 cavalry and traveled more than three thousand miles south of Yanran Mountain. The Wei people closed their doors and dared not fight. It is slightly weakened later. In Yongming, it was destroyed by Ding Ling. It was a smaller country and moved to the south. In the prison, Ding Ling was broken and the old soil was restored. It began to build a city, called Mumo City. In fourteen years, he sent envoys to present black sable furs. In the first year of the ordinary year, an envoy was sent to offer things. It's the last few years. In the seventh year of Datong, another horse and a jin of gold were offered. Its country can sacrifice its skills to the sky to cause wind and snow. In the front, it faces Kyauri, and in the rear, it is muddy and crosscurrent. Therefore, its defeat cannot be traced. Or do it in midsummer, and it will not rain. Ask why, and warm the clouds.