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Lidian Township

Lidian Township, Tongwei County, Gansu Province
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Lidian Township is located in Dingxi City, Gansu Province Tongwei County Tongwei County borders Qin'an in the east, Gangu County and Wushan County in the south, Huining County and Jingning County in the north, Longxi County and Dingxi County in the west. The terrain is high and steep, the land is barren, and the natural conditions are harsh. Lidian Township is an arid township, and the groundwater is bitter and salty. With the development of society and economy, the villages and township governments in this township have completely solved the irrigation of drinking water for people and livestock, and some food and vegetables with rainwater collection cellars.
In 1999, Dingxi County of Gansu Province built 38 rain collecting cellars and 15 efficient solar energy conserving greenhouses on the 10000 square meters of the western suburbs of the county seat by using the technology of water collection and storage, and developed high-tech and cost-effective modern agriculture to become Dingxi County High tech agriculture Window.
Chinese name
Lidian Township
Administrative Region Category
Xiazhi Township, Tongwei County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province
Northwest China
geographical position
South of Tongwei County
101 km²
Government residence
Lidian Village
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and thirteen
climatic conditions
Temperate semi humid and semi-arid monsoon climate
population size
Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport
train station
Tongwei Station
License plate code
Gan J
Qinlong dialect

geographical position

Tongwei County is located in the southeast of Gansu Province, 108 ° 48 to 105 ° 39 east longitude and 34 ° 30 north latitude. It borders Qin'an in the east, Gangu and Wushan counties in the south, Huining and Jingning counties in the north, Longxi and Dingxi counties in the west. It is 78 kilometers long from east to west, 64 kilometers wide from south to north, and covers a total area of 2908.5 square kilometers. The cultivated land is 1.853 million mu, including 1.32 million mu of grain fields, cash crop 238000 mu.
Lidian Township


The county has jurisdiction over 332 administrative villages, 1 neighborhood committee and 2440 cooperatives in 21 townships and 2 towns, with a total number of 92125 households and a total population of 442451, including 427000 agricultural population and 15000 non-agricultural population.

administrative division

Tongwei County governs 6 towns and 12 townships: Pingxiang Town, Maying Town, Jichuan Town, Bangluo Town, Changhe Town, Yigang Town, Longyang Township, Longshan Township, Longchuan Township, Xinjing Township, Biyu Township, Xiangnan Township, Lidian Township, Shichuan Township, Sanpu Township, Hualing Township, Sizi Township and Beicheng Township.


The villages have basically achieved electricity, mail, telephone, radio and television, and road access. 3412 households have electricity, accounting for 100% of the total farmers. There are 2388 televisions, 0.7 per household, 283 installed telephones, mail to the village, 63 to the community, 12 villages have cars, and 9554 irrigation pits have been built for the Rainwater Harvest Festival, 2.8 per household. The total number of labor resources is 9736, and the number of employees is 8983, including 3049 people with high school education or above, accounting for 34%, 5489 people with junior high school education or primary school education, accounting for 61%, and 445 people with illiteracy or semi illiteracy, accounting for 5%. Among the employees, 3857 are engaged in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, accounting for 42.9%, 1262 in industry, accounting for 14%, and 3000 in construction, accounting for 33%. There are 476 students aged over 16 and 204 domestic workers. It has jurisdiction over 18 party branches, including 6 government branches, 12 rural branches, 464 CPC members, 332 peasant party members, 110 on-the-job employees, 18 under the age of 25, and 179 over the age of 60.


It has jurisdiction over one ordinary high school (Lidian Middle School), 1082 students, 64 full-time teachers, 2 independent junior high schools, 14 primary schools, 3285 students and 163 full-time teachers. The scale of teachers and teaching level rank first in neighboring towns. There are 2217 school-age children in rural areas, and the enrollment rate of school-age children is 98.6%. There is a township health center with 18 medical staff, and the functions of outpatient service, laboratory test, fluoroscopy, epidemic prevention, treatment and first aid are complete. There are 12 village clinics with 16 employees, basically meeting the medical needs of local people.
The total number of enterprises is 44, with 141 employees. In 2006, the added value was 460000 yuan, the profit was 60000 yuan, and the tax paid was 60000 yuan. Commodity trading, handicrafts and building materials processing are the leading industries. From scratch, from small to large, the township enterprises that have been growing year by year have played a good role in promoting the local economic development.

natural resources

Lidian Township is located in the south of Tongwei County, bordering Xiangnan Township, Changhe Town and Pingxiang Town from east to north. The township government is 36 kilometers away from the county seat. The annual rainfall is 300 mm, the frost free period is 145 days, the average temperature is 8.2 degrees, and the altitude is 1600-1800 meters. Drought and little rain, scarce vegetation, serious water and soil loss, frequent wind and sand disasters, large mountains and deep gullies, belong to the typical gully region of the Loess Plateau.
The total area of Lidian Township is 101 square kilometers, with 6071 mu of residential construction land, 1203 mu of traffic land, 1297 mu of water area, 20825 mu of farmland, 23288 mu of grassland, 689 mu of bare land, 11770 mu of forest land (7000 mu of which are converted from farmland to forests), 74684 mu of arable land, 4.4 mu per capita (41000 mu of terraced fields). specialty starch , vermicelli, monosodium glutamate, straw weaving, potato carpet threshing machine Granite Plate, Chaihu Codonopsis pilosula , birthplace Astragalus membranaceus
Lidian Township of Tongwei County is a dry township, and the groundwater is bitter and salty. The villages and township governments in this township have completely solved the irrigation of human and livestock drinking water and some food and vegetables with rainwater collection cellars. In 1999, Dingxi County of Gansu Province built 38 rain collecting cellars and 15 efficient solar energy conserving greenhouses on the 10000 square meters of the western suburbs of the county seat by using the technology of water collection and storage, and developed high-tech and cost-effective modern agriculture, becoming the window of high-tech agriculture in Dingxi County.

agricultural development

Lidian Township
Lidian Township, according to the proposal of the county party committee and the county government Comprehensive management of small watershed The idea and goal of "focusing on improving the basic agricultural conditions", "planning once and building year by year according to the goal of 4.5 mu terraces per capita, and striving to achieve terraced counties in five to seven years or by striving for projects in a shorter time", starting from reality, finding the right development orientation, set off a new upsurge of terraced construction, and the whole township raised 1.2 million yuan in total, A total of 25 bulldozers and 6120 mu of terraces have been built.
Lidian Township
The main measures are as follows: First, increase publicity and mobilization, improve farmers' awareness by comparing accounts, and implement the policy of "one case, one discussion" financing The method has strengthened villagers' determination and confidence to change the basic conditions of agriculture; The second is to make reasonable planning and achieve "five combinations", that is, to combine terraced field construction with Conversion of farmland to forests Promote the whole village, "double cultivation and double belts", combine potato planting and small watershed comprehensive management. A total of 10060 mu terraces are planned to be built in the township, including 2 2000 mu terraces, 3 1000 mu terraces and 6 100-600 mu terraces; Third, reasonable use of resources Finance In management, special account management, closed operation and single machine accounting are implemented to ensure the normal operation of terrace construction.
Lidian Township is a traditional Agriculture Daxiang has jurisdiction over 18 villages with a total population of 46000 and a cultivated area of 39725 mu. Agricultural production has always been highly valued by the township party committee and government, which has both a deep mass base and rich experience accumulated over the years. At present, based on its own reality, and based on the "three early days", taking high standard and high-quality autumn sowing as an important measure for the township's disaster relief and self rescue planning, the guiding ideology of autumn sowing production is: market-oriented, with increasing farmers' income as the core, with structural adjustment as the main line, with rice and garlic continuous cropping base as the focus, with food security as the guarantee, and with full planting as the premise, Improve crop coverage in winter. Based on early mobilization, early planning and early implementation, do a solid job in autumn sowing production.
Lidian Township
Faced with the current situation of aging garlic varieties, low comparative efficiency and shrinking planting area in the township, six village garlic growers and village leaders were successively organized to visit Jinxiang, Shandong Province, and Jinxiang No.1, which mainly produces garlic, was introduced and tested garlic And built a 300 mu demonstration base in Zhangyang. Description of two-year trial planting, Jinxiang Garlic It can fully adapt to the local climate and soil conditions, with considerable benefits. Through the questionnaire survey of more than 40 garlic growers in Zhangyang, Lidian, Macheng and other villages, the Agriculture Office found that the minimum benefit of Muping was more than 2000 yuan, and the maximum benefit was up to 3000 yuan. The village wide autumn sowing production mobilization meeting was held, and a special team for autumn sowing was established to guide the autumn sowing production specifically, and the reward and punishment mechanism was strictly enforced to promote the autumn sowing work to be implemented. Mobilization meetings have been held at all levels, and corresponding special work teams have been set up to implement the leadership, tasks and measures. If leaders do not attach importance to autumn sowing, policies are not implemented, work is not effective, progress is not achieved, and the task is not completed, the whole township will circulate a notice of criticism, and the relevant leaders will be strictly held accountable.
The whole township focused on the "Four Ones": a survey and research on the adjustment of autumn sowing planting structure, a field meeting on autumn sowing production, a demonstration model of rice and garlic continuous cropping in Yingdian, and a inspection and supervision of autumn sowing production. Dispatch publicity vehicles, establish propaganda columns for autumn sowing production, post slogans in natural bays of villages, print and distribute publicity materials, publicize the advantages of rice and garlic continuous cropping, and publicize the typical and experience of autumn sowing. At the same time, a typical demonstration mechanism of rice and garlic continuous cropping has also been established. Each member of the township party committee has set up a 20 mu demonstration site, and six key villages, namely, Gold, Yingdian, Macheng, Feiyue, Wanxin and Tianzishan, have set up 50 mu demonstration sites respectively. Cadres and party members of each village have planted 1 mu garlic samples, making the sample demonstration area account for more than 60% of the total area of autumn sowing, It promoted the balanced promotion of autumn sowing production in the whole township. Implementation of autumn sowing throughout the township“ Jinxiang No.1 ”The garlic planting area is 5000 mu, the traditional garlic planting area is 10000 mu, and the high-quality rape planting area is 5000 mu.
Main plant in Lidian Township grain crops by Wheat , potato, sorghum, millet Corn , lentils, and the economic crops are flax and medicinal materials. In 2006, the total agricultural output value was 18.1185 million yuan, the added value was 11.7532 million yuan, the total grain output was 5202 tons, the per capita grain output was 308 kilograms, and the oil production was 580 tons. The planting area of medicinal materials increased year by year, and the development prospect was good.
Grass braid The processing involves thousands of households, and the processed straw is sold to Henan, Qinghai and other provinces, with 850000 plates of straw braids annually, 120000 pieces of straw braids processed, and sales revenue of more than 500000 yuan. Rich in river sand resources, it is the main source of sand for citizens' construction in four neighboring towns. The average annual sales volume of river sand is 45000 cubic meters, and the income is more than 360000 yuan. Porcelain sand is rich in resources and of high quality. It is the main raw material for making decorative materials such as floor tiles. It has been reasonably exploited and utilized, and has broad prospects for development. The export of labor services has become the main channel of farmers' income, with an annual output of more than 4000 people and a labor income of more than 6 million yuan.
Lidian Township increased Conversion of farmland to forests Efforts should be made to reforest and plant grass on the slope farmland, barren hills, barren slopes, saline alkali land and sandy land in the township as far as possible to improve the ecological environment and increase farmers' income; In combination with the conversion of farmland to forests, selectively implement terraced farmland consolidation, and strive to achieve terraced farmland in the whole township in three years; Build eight 48 km roads to the village community to reach the community bus; Complete the construction of the teaching buildings of Lidian Middle School and Qizui School, and improve the teaching environment; Actively organize labor export to effectively increase farmers' income; Develop resources rationally and cultivate local financial resources; Strengthen the development and construction of poverty alleviation led by the whole Qizui Village, and realize the leap of the whole township from basically solving food and clothing problems to stably solving food and clothing problems; Plan and implement street reconstruction to speed up the construction of small towns.
The township party committee and government Terrace construction As an important measure to improve the basic conditions of agricultural production and enhance the stamina of agricultural development, we carefully summarized and learned from the good experience and practices of brother towns and villages, made a detailed classification of the land plots suitable for terracing in all villages of the township, and made an annual implementation plan. From the start of construction, it took three months to complete 3600 mu, accounting for 90% of the task of 4000 mu. It is expected that the task will be fully completed by the end of November. The main approach to the construction of terraced fields in Lidian Township is to follow the basic working idea of "early planning, large scale, fast progress, high quality, solid quantity, and promotion of the whole village and community", break the usual practice of starting construction in autumn, deploy early, act early, and strive for initiative in work. In the first half of the year, special personnel from the township and technical personnel from the water conservancy department were assigned to carry out comprehensive planning and fixed-point, implement the plot and planning area, and make full preparations for large-scale machine repair. After the summer harvest, all villages immediately took action and allocated vehicles to organize the construction, which won time and vehicle guarantee to ensure the completion of the task. In accordance with the principle of comprehensive management of mountains, rivers, fields, forests and roads, the combination of man and machine, the combination of new and old terraces, the combination of point and area, the whole village, the whole community and the rectification area are promoted, and the centralized and contiguous management is carried out. On the basis of scientific planning, break the social and land boundaries, adopt the form of soft ridge terraces, and strictly construct, so that the newly built terraces can truly reach the level of the field surface, the width and direction are standardized and reasonable, and the optimization rate is more than 90%.
In the newly built terraced fields, six combinations have been achieved, namely, terraced field construction and conversion of farmland to forests, comprehensive watershed management, whole village promotion Rural road construction , structural adjustment“ Double cultivation and double belt ”The comprehensive benefits of terraced field construction shall be brought into full play by combining the projects. Most of the young people in Lidian Township are perennial Migrant workers The simple organization of labor to build terraces does not conform to the actual situation of the township, and the way out is to learn from the experience of brother towns, focus on contiguous areas, and increase the intensity of machine repair. Through exploration, a path of "government subsidies+farmer loans" has been found. In view of the fact that most of the people are in financial difficulties, the Rural Coordination Credit Cooperatives have implemented micro credit of 160 yuan per mu of newly built terraces, with a total of 436000 yuan of credit funds. Government subsidies can be solved through two channels: one is to strive for special funds for poverty alleviation; Second, through the method of "one case, one discussion, and voluntary choice", according to the provisions of compulsory labor after the reform of rural taxes and fees, make full use of the "two workers", and raise funds in a wide range of publicity, full mobilization, with each village committee as the unit, laying the foundation for comprehensively promoting machine repair terraces.