Zhu Yizun

Poets, scholars and book collectors in the Qing Dynasty
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Zhu Yizun (1629-1709), styled Xichang, named Zhucha, Jinfeng Tingchang [4] 醧醧 [5] Xiaochanglu Fisherman is from Xiushui, Zhejiang Province (today's Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province). Writers of the Qing Dynasty [4] Poet, scholar, bibliophile. [5]
When Zhu Yizun was a cloth clother in his early years, he focused on ancient studies, read extensively, traveled north and south, and specialized in searching and sorting out the gold and stone records. [6 ] In the seventh year of Shunzhi's reign (1650), he went to Jiaxing Nanhu Ten County Community. In the 13th year of Shunzhi's reign (1656), Gaoyao Zhixian of Guangdong was accepted Yang Yongjian "Lingnan Poetry Anthology". Since then, he has wandered around Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Shandong, and Beijing, helping others make a living. In the 18th year of Kangxi (1679) Erudite Hongci Examination Review of Imperial Academy , participate in repair《 Ming History 》。 In the 20th year of Kangxi's reign (1681), the Jiangnan Provincial Examination was held [4] , in straight South study In the 23rd year of Kangxi's reign (1683), he privately brought his servants to the inner court to copy letters, and was impeached and dismissed. [7] In the 31st year of Kangxi (1692), he resigned his post and returned to his hometown. In the 48th year of Kangxi (1709), Zhu Yizun died at the age of 81.
Zhu Yi respected Bo and supported Yuan Ya, His academic contributions covered various fields such as classics, history and geography, literature and bibliography, Written by《 Textual research on confucian classics 》It is the first specialized catalog of Confucian classics in ancient China. [4] He has made outstanding achievements in the creation and theory of poems, essays and ci poems, which have a profound impact on later generations. His poems were famous for their talent and boldness Wang Shizhen They are also known as the "King of Southern Zhu and Northern Zhu", [7] The founder of the poetry of Zhejiang School, and Check carefully Both of them were the two masters of the early Zhejiang School. Their poems were refined and elegant, and they tried to reverse the decadent trend of Ming poetry Chen Weisong Jointly known as "Zhu Chen", he co published "Zhu Chen Village Ci" and created West Zhejiang Ci School In the Qing Dynasty, [8] His works include Jingyi Kao, Rixia Jiuwen, Mingshi Zong, etc. [7]
Full Name
Zhu Yizun
Tin lock
Zhucha, Yufang, Xiaochanglu Fisherman, Jinfeng Tingchang
the Qing dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Zhejiang Xiushui
date of birth
October 7, 1629
Date of death
November 14, 1709
Key achievements
Creating the West Zhejiang Ci School

Character's Life

The portrait of Mr. Zhucha painted by Yu Zhiding in the Qing Dynasty
Zhu Yizun was born in Biyifang, Jiaxing, on August 21 (October 7) in the second year of Chongzhen (1629) of the Ming Dynasty [1]
In the seventh year of Chongzhen era (1634), he entered a private school.
In March of the eighth year of Chongzhen (1636), his grandmother Xu died. In June, my grandfather Zhu Dajing died.
In the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638), Wei Zhongxian Remaining party Ruan Dacheng He lived in Nanjing and worked with Ma Shiying, the retired governor. Fushe ”All beings Huang Zongxi One hundred and forty people were listed and posted to expose Ruan Dacheng Infamy , including Jiaxing Mansion Eight people. However, Zhu Maoshu thought that "it is not advisable to treat small people too aggressively", and did not do anything about it. From his uncle Zhu Maowan (Management Park).
In 1641 (the 14th year of Chongzhen's reign), Zhejiang suffered a severe drought, with locusts covering the sky. The Zhu family had a hard life, but they were cut off from cooking.
Zhu Yizun's Inkstone with Wind Characters
In February of the 15th year of Chongzhen's reign (1642), the Qing soldiers went down to Songshan and became governor of Jiliao in the Ming Dynasty Hong Chengchou And Jinzhou garrison general Zu Dashou came to Qing Dynasty Zhu Maowan, the teacher of Zhu Yizun, believed that "Hebei's' bandits', the friends of China and the DPRK, are going to be in chaos. Why should we take the current literature as a guide? It's better to learn from the past!" So he abandoned the current literature stereotype and《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》《 Poetry of the South 》Yi Zun was awarded in Wenxuan.
In the spring of the second year of Shunzhi (1645) in the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Yizun and Gui'an County Confucian teachings Feng Fuzhen, the daughter of Feng Zhending, gets married. Fu Zhen is fifteen years old. Because the Zhu family was poor and unable to marry, Yi Zun's great grandfather Wenke was adjacent to the old one. In Xia, Zhu and Feng both left their homes to take refuge in the war. Yi Zun followed his father-in-law Feng Zhending to live in Feng Village, east of Lianpu Pond. one 's own father Zhu Maoshu Take refuge in summer tomb. In September, his mother fell ill and died. Book Exposing Pavilion Collection 》This is the beginning of the chronicle.
In the third year of Shunzhi (1646), Zhu Yizun still stayed in Feng Village, and his father Zhu Maoshu moved to the north of Tangqiao.
In the fourth year of Shunzhi (1647), his grandmother Cai died.
Zhu Yizun's Qin style Duan inkstone
In the fifth year of Shunzhi (1648), Wumuqiao Village was studied. In the same year, the eldest son De Wansheng.
In the sixth year of Shunzhi's reign (1649), his wife, Feng, went to Tangqiao to take care of his father, Zhu Maoshu. Because he lives in a narrow place, he moved to Meihuili to welcome his father Maoshu to his home. Tongli Wang Hong Zhou Xuan Miao Yong Shen Jin Li Shengyuan , Li Liangnian, Li Fu and other friends wrote poems. Zhu Yizun's poems and essays are influenced by Cao Rong Appreciation of. At that time, Yi Zun's poems and essays were as famous as Shen Jin's, and the local people were called "Zhu Shen". The family is poor, and when visitors arrive, they will leave the cloth robe pawn Poets from far and near often come to visit and discuss poetry together.
In the seventh year of Shunzhi's reign (1650), he taught apprentices in Lizhong to earn a living. In the same year, scholars from Jiangsu and Zhejiang gathered in the South Lake of Jiaxing, and they were called "Ten Counties Society". Wu Weiye You Dong Xu Qianxue Zou Zhimo Cao Erkan Mao Qiling Zhu Yizun and others attended the meeting. The meeting will last for three days, and all the people will agree to leave.
In the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652), the eldest son Dewan died young, and Yi Zun had a poem to mourn. In August, the second son Kuntian was born.
Tour in the 10th year of Shunzhi (1653) Huating (Today Shanghai city Songjiang County Is the maternal family of Yi Zun).
Zhu Yi Zun's inscription carries the inkstone according to the shape
In the 11th year of Shunzhi's reign (1654), you visited Wumen (Suzhou) in spring and returned to Wumen in autumn. In Jiaxing, I met Wei Bi, an anti Qing scholar.
In the 12th year of Shunzhi's reign (1655), Feng Zhending, his father-in-law, elected him Shaoxing Mansion Learn to teach. In March, I visited Shanyin (Shaoxing). Guoshanyin Meishi , Interview Qi Biaojia Son of Qi Lishun Qi Bansun brother. In October, I traveled with the Qi brothers to Keshan Mountain, and named it Temple Wall.
Haining people in the 13th year of Shunzhi (1656) Yang Yongjian For Guangdong Gaoyao County Zhixian, Zhu Yizun was hired this year A tutor Teach his son. Summer, to Lingnan
In the 14th year of Shunzhi (1657), Cao Rong was in Guangdong Chief Executive After arriving in Guangdong, Zhu Yizun returned to the past and selected Selected Lingnan Poems for Cao Rong. Cao Rong returned to Jiaxing, and Yi Zun sent off with poems. In the same year, with Guangdong poets Qu Dajun Communication is rewarded with poetry. It collected more than 130 poems from Guangdong travel and 32 poems from Cao Rong and published them as a volume of "Nanche Grass". Those who have more than sugar cane should write the preface.
Zhu Yizun's own seal
In April of the 15th year of Shunzhi's reign (1658), Yizun left for home. En route visit Nanxiong prefect Lu Shikai In May, I went to Nanxiong with Lu Tong Yang Liyan Watch the waterfall. In June, we visited Xiangwang Temple via Wujiang River (in He County, Anhui Province). After returning home, his wife Feng has moved to Xihe Village. In November, they still moved back to Meili. notes Ouyang Xiu History of the Five Dynasties.
In the early spring of the 16th year of Shunzhi's reign (1659), Qu Dajun visited from afar. Yi Zun's Works《 Xi Luo Fu Qu Wu Visits 》。 Qu Dajun left Jiaxing for Nanjing. Traveling in the mountain, counting to Meishi, and Qi Lishun Qi Bansun Brothers are close friends. In July, Cao Rong came to the meeting. Write《 Works by Cao Shilang Yao and Wang Si Li Shi Zhen Qiuliu 》,
In the autumn of the 17th year of Shunzhi (1660), Qu Dajun Visit from Nanjing. Go to Fanghe Island together, and make an appointment to visit the mountain. In October, we went to the mountain to visit Ningwan, Ningshaotai Road, Zhejiang Province. When Yi Zun was in the mountains, he often went to the Qi brothers' home in Meishi and met at the Qi seat Wei Geng , for《 Mei Shi Feng Wei Bi 》Poetry. Qu Dajun also went to Shanyin to participate in the anti Qing activities of the Qi brothers.
In the spring of the 18th year of Shunzhi (1661), Zhu Yizun stayed in the mountain. Summer, Hangzhou, West Lake Zhaoqing Temple With Cao Rong Shi Runzhang And Qi Lishun, Ban Sun and other brothers went to the lake to sing with each other. In November, his stepmother died. In winter, send Qu Dajun back to Guangdong.
In the first year of Kangxi (1662), Wei Geng, Qi Bansun, Qian Zhanbai, Qian Zanzeng, Pan Tingcong and others were arrested for "Tonghai" because of informants. In April, Yi Zun came to Hangzhou. In June, Wei Geng, Qian Zhanbai, Qian Zanzeng, Pan Tingcong and others were killed in Hangzhou, and Qi Ban and Sun Xiu Ningguta Summer, and Cao Erkan , Yang Yongjian, etc. September, to Gui'an (Huzhou) Visiting his father-in-law Feng Zhending. In October, in order to avoid the involvement of Wei Geng case, we went to Yongjia (Wenzhou) with Wang Shixian, Cao Rong Yu Jiang On Zhu Congxing. Canoe meridian Qililong Yan Ziling's Fishing Platform and Lanxi Jinhua Jinyun Lishui In other places, there are poems about it. Feng Zhending, his father-in-law, died in Gui'an School at the age of 74.
Zhu Yi Zun Statue
In the second year of Kangxi (1663), Yi Zun worked in Wenzhou《 Dream of seeing Qi Liu out of the pass 》Poetry. In the spring, the younger Yi learned from Yongjia. Yi Zun's "She Di Yi Jian Visits East Ou from afar and writes a poem" implicitly refers to Yi Jian telling Wei Geng about the prison case. His father Zhu Maoshu was sick, and Yi Zun died after returning home.
In May of the third year of Kangxi (1664), Yi Zun was going to Yunzhong (Shanxi da tong )Invest Cao Rong (when Cao was in charge of Shanxi Deputy Inspector )。 On the 20th, he returned to Jiaxing from Hangzhou and walked with Gao Nianzu (as high as Beijing). June, to Yangzhou , cast poems to Wang Shizhen. When Wang Shizhen went to Jinling, he didn't see each other. The Empress Wang wrote "Answering Zhu Xichang when he passed Guangling to see his bosom". On June 22, we took a boat from Yangzhou to Tianjin. August 21, from Tianjin to Beijing. Depart Beijing in early September and arrive on the 19th Datong, Shanxi All things are in the same spring pavilion.
In January of the fourth year of Kangxi (1665), he traveled with Cao Rong and others Ying State (Today's Shanxi Ying County )Wooden Pagoda Temple. In February, he left Yanmen Pass with Cao Rong. On the fifth day of April, the younger generation of the Yi people took part in the appraisal. In autumn, once again Yanmen Pass to Taiyuan. swim jin memorial temple Note《 History of the Five Dynasties 》In Shanxi, I often ride horses and see the inscriptions on the ruins, tombs and ancestral halls monastery Tablets are widely collected for textual research. Compile "Ji Jin Zhen Shi Zhi", etc.
In the spring of the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1666), Keshan West Chief Executive Wang Xianzuo Curtain. In February, visit Jinci Temple again and climb the Dragon Mountain. In March, you can visit Fengyu (in the west of Taiyuan) and watch the stone Buddhist scriptures. meeting Gu Yanwu , Tongyou Sun stone table by Qian Qianyi At the end of the anthology, there is a poem titled "Ji Du", and there is a sentence of "Wen Bo at home, Tai Shi Gong of Zhou Nan", praising the poem of Qian.
In February of the sixth year of Kangxi's reign (1667), you visited the western suburbs of Taiyuan? Temple. In March, revisit Jinci Temple. In autumn, Wang Xianzuo fell from office. Zhu Yizun returned to Yunzhong to visit Cao Rong. In Cao Rong's tent, he often reconciled with Cao with ci. From early August to Xuanfu (Now Hebei Xuanhua )Visiting Li Liangnian, he stayed in the garrison of Yan Weimu. To Beijing, with my cousin Tan Jicong Living together. Visit Wang Shizhen. Preface to Wang Shizhen's poetry collection (Preface to Wang Libu's Poetry). interview Sun Chengze After a return visit to Zhu Yizun's residence, Sun said to people, "I see visitors who are safe in Chang'an and strive for sound and profit. They do not abandon the authors, but only eleven Zhu people in Xiushui."《 Quiet aspiration and interest in playing the piano 》Cheng.
In the spring of the seventh year of Kangxi (1668), from Beijing to Shandong, the guest governor Liu Fangle Curtain.
In the spring of the eighth year of Kangxi (1669), Deng Yishan (i.e. Zoushan); too Zou County To call Mencius Temple swim Qufu To call Kong Lin In May, visit Lianzi Lake( Daming Lake in Ji'nan )。 It was Shandong Ichow Yi Zun wrote a poem about the disastrous earthquake in other places. In autumn, he returned to Jiaxing and buried his father Zhu Maoshu and his mother Tang at Loujiaqiao. Buy a house next door. Zhaixi There are bamboos, so we call them "bamboo Cha". Marry son Kuntian. Winter, and Zhou Xuan Shen Chuanfang Visits Jiaxing Xu Shan Bring your son back to Kuntian Jinan In the same year, I wrote a long poem《 Two hundred rhymes in the wind 》。 Press: Fake Guangsheng Xiao San Wuting's Ci 》"The legendary" Two Hundred Rhymes in the Wind "by Zhucha was written by his wife and sister."
In August of the ninth year of Kangxi's reign (1670), he entered the capital from Jinan, visited Sun Chengze again, and asked him to write "Zhucha". And Pan Lei Give a poem as a gift. Pan Lei's poem "Gives Zhu Shi" praised the Yi people's respect for "Nanzhou is full of clothes, and the son is the leader"; Zhu Yizun《 Reward Pan Lei 》The poem said, "Hurt a bird and take off its wings, and call a deer to seek its friends", and each other was a comrade. Later Pan Leiwei《 Book Exposing Pavilion Collection 》Preface.
In January of the 10th year of Kangxi's reign (1671), he traveled with Pan Lei and Li Liangnian to the Western Hills and wrote poems on the wall. In March, I left the capital to Yangzhou. Cao Zhenji , Li Liangnian, etc. In Yangzhou Wei Xi Scheduled delivery. Every Zhou Lianggong , wrote two poems, including "Farewell to the West Lake music, meet again for another ten years. Difficulty increases travel words, and dumps poems" and "Landing Clog Yes, there are no drinkers. In the white light, flying is indispensable. (See "Two Pieces of Waiter Liang Gong in Every Week")
In February of the eleventh year of Kangxi (1672), the eldest Sun Guisun was born. In April, return to Jiaxing. June, travel to Fuzhou Gushan August, to Beijing. give Wang Wan still Cheung Chau (Today's Jiangsu Wuxian County ), for《 Send Wang Hubu Wan back to Changzhou 》Poetry. Compiled from the collection of words "The Collection of Wine in the Jianghu". Cao Erkan and Ye Shuchong are the preface. Cao Xu called the Yi Zun Ci "Qianmian is warm and beautiful, and Zhou Lang is good at it. It is complex and solemn at the time, and it is close to the Qin Fou and Yan Zhu. It is the elegant tune in the boudoir? It is the plug Above Feather sound? In the prime of life, Qibi is made to be more profound, which is suitable for all kinds of things. "
The 12th year of Kangxi (1673), Beijing Xuanwumen Outside. Compile Ci Zong. In February, I traveled with Liu Fangle, a waitress, and others Dafangshan Send Xu Qianxue back to Kunshan. Autumn, guest house Luhe River (Now Hebei Tongxian County )Gong Jiayu, the minister, is in the act. Gong Dingji Pawn. There are eight poems in Yi Zun's works, which contain the words "memory is only public, and I will listen to you when you pass" and "the tears will burst out again, and the wind will burst into autumn". And Nalanxingde Correspondence communication. Nalan was nineteen years old.
At the beginning of the 13th year of Kangxi's reign (1674), the two met for the first time when they visited Nalanxingde in Beijing. Stay in Luhe. Yearly homesickness《 Yuanyang Lake Boat Song 》One hundred songs, prefaced by Tan Jicong and rhyme, Miao Yongmou, etc. with Qian Chengzhi Chen Zuoming Yan Shengsun get together for dinner Fengtai Medicine garden.
In the 14th year of Kangxi (1675), Zhu Maohui, the heir father, died. In September, I went back to Tongzhou for mourning.
In the 15th year of Kangxi's reign (June, 167), he returned to Tongzhou. He wrote a preface to Uncle Ye Jing's poetry collection, saying: Poet Every time he imitates the ancients, or follows the sound and the shadow to become the best in the world, his temperament will not appear. " Put forward the proposition that poetry should value innovation and avoid similarity.
In the 16th year of Kangxi (1677), Gong Jiayu promoted Jiangning Chief Secretary Zhu Yizun accompanied him to Jiangning. Zhucha Literature (26 volumes) was published. Wang Shizhen and Wei Xi are preface.
In the 17th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1678), the Qing government opened Erudite Hongci , recruiting celebrities. Li Yong insisted on his illness and refused until he pulled out his sword and stabbed himself. Gu Yanwu was elected and never went to Beijing. Zhejiang Jue Lv Liuliang And will not go. Minister of Household Waiter Yan Hang In the process of official division Li Zongkong Zhu Yizun was recommended to take the exam to learn Hongci. In summer, Jiangning was summoned to the capital. The collection of poems "Fan Jin Collection" (a collection of Tang poems) was completed, Ke Weizhen Preface. "Ci Zong" was compiled, Wang Sen It was revised and supplemented (original 26 volumes, Wang Sen added 4 volumes, which is 30 volumes. Yi Zun wrote "The Origin of Ci Zong" at the beginning of the volume, and Wang Sen wrote the preface).
  • Selected for examination
In the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1679), he used erudite and excellent words, and Li Yindu , Yan Shengsun, Pan Leitong, as cloth clothes Review of Imperial Academy , participate in revision《 Ming History 》。 In March, the erudite Hongci will have an exam. One hundred and forty-three people participated in the exam. The exam was entitled "Xuan Ji Yu Heng Fu" Juxtaposition , Twenty Rhymes of Five character Rhythm in Provincial Cultivating Poems. Fifty people were admitted. Zhu Yizun, Yan Shengsun, Pan Lei, Li Yindu, Chen Weisong, Wang Wan Tang Bin Mao Qiling, Shi Runzhang, You Dong, etc Admitted Among them, Zhu, Yan, Pan and Li were selected with cloth clothes, which was called the "four cloth clothes" at that time. After admission, the four were given the Imperial Academy to review and enter the History Museum to compile the History of the Ming Dynasty. July, emigration Hufang Bridge , and Xu Xuan Living together. "The Collection of Wine in the Jianghu" and Li Liangnian's "Autumn Brocade Poetry", Li Fu《 Lei bian word 》, Shen Youri's "Tea Star Pavilion Ci", Shen Andeng's "Black Butterfly Room Ci", and Gong Xianglin's "Red Lotus Village Ci" were jointly carved in Jinling“ Six in West Zhejiang ”, Chen Weisong wrote the preface. Compile "Ancient Records of Yingzhou Taoism".
In the 19th year of Kangxi (1680), he was seriously ill in summer and autumn. I want to ask for leave and go back home later, Imperial Academy Not allowed by the leader. It was favored by the imperial court at that time. In July, Kangxi bestowed lotus roots, which Zhu Yizun wrote down in poems. In winter, he wrote Biography of Wenyuan in the History of Ming Dynasty and Biographies of Jiajing Officials.
In the 20th year of Kangxi's reign (1681), at the age of 53 Daily speaking, daily living, registration officer In the autumn of the same year, he was the deputy examiner of Jiangnan Rural Examination. Zhu Yizun was one of the eight members appointed by the Qing court to add the "Daily Lecturer's Daily Living Note". In April, I was appointed as a test paper officer. May, attend the Hall of Preserving Harmony Catering. In July, he took the Jiangnan Rural Examination. When crossing the river, he wrote the "Message to the God", vowing not to "accept favouritism and bribe others and abandon true talents". After arriving at the post, he wrote the "Official Oath", which has "destiny" Lower On the th day, all teachers, friends, relatives, and friends should refuse to be honest. If they are cynical, they can restrain the true talents, show respect to one person, accept bribes from one word, connect the joints of one word, seize the calculation of God, and kill the soul. Autumn, with Zhou Xuan Wang Hui He and his younger brother Yi Jie traveled together to Sheshan (today's Nanjing Qi Xiashan )Wang Hui painted and Yi Zun wrote poems to remember.
In the spring of the 21st year of Kangxi's reign (1682), the Jiangnan Classic was completed. Qi's wife, Feng, went north by water to Beijing. No furniture, only Book publishing The two main arguments. In December, the second grandson Daosun was born. On New Year's Eve, attend a banquet at the Hall of Preserving Harmony. Zhucha Literature (25 volumes) was published. Gao Youxuan and Yan Ding were prefaced.
In the 22nd year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1683), he entered the South Study and granted a special license the Forbidden City Ride a horse, live in the Forbidden Wall (north of Jingshan, southeast of Huangwamen), and feast Palace of Heavenly Purity In January, he attended many palace banquets. Call in Sacrificed in South Study It is forbidden to ride a horse. In February, it was given the Forbidden Wall (north of Jingshan, southeast of Huangwamen). In March, Kangxi bestowed many things, which Zhu Yizun wrote down in poems. On New Year's Eve, attend the banquet given by the Palace of Heavenly Purity.
Zhu Yizun's Courtyard Painted in the Painting of Tang Land and Scenic Spots
  • Devote oneself to historiography
Zhu Yizun
In the 23rd year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1684), a banquet was held in the south study and food was given to the family. Zhu Yizun edited the Ancient Records of Yingzhou Road and copied the books paid by the local government without permission Bull button An impeachment demotes an officer to one rank. A banquet on New Year's Day. Kangxi gave Zhu Yizun's family two dishes and fruits. January, due to carrying regular script Copying the books entered by the four sides in the private access ban is Master's Degree Niu Niu was impeached, "demoted to one rank" and relegated to official rank. In March, he moved out of Forbidden City and moved to Guteng Bookstore, Haibosi Street, outside Xuanwu Gate. In August, his wife Feng was ill and returned to Jiaxing by boat. In autumn, Shen Haori (Ronggu) went to the guest county to be appointed, and Yi Zun and Hongsheng , Xu Shan, Gong Xianglin both wrote "Chaotianzi", and worked with Yan Shengsun Peng Sunxuan , Cao Zhenji and Zi Kuntian wrote a poem "A Branch of Flower" to say goodbye.
In the 24th year of Kangxi (1685), Zhou Xuan came to Beijing to visit Yizun and lived in Zhuyu. Cao Rongzu. In his long poem "Sixty four Rhymes of Mr. Cao's Elegy", there is a sentence that "there is no reason to borrow the words, and people will break up the harp from here. There is endless hatred for the ages, and people will die.". The day after the Double Ninth Festival, the same as Jiang Chenying Liang Peilan Check carefully It's the same as visiting Changchun Temple and composing poems in couplets. Send Liang Peilan back to Guangdong and bid farewell at Guteng Bookstore. Tang Youzeng and Zha Shenxing were the same as those who saw them off. They wrote poems together. Yi Zun also wrote the poem "Send Liang Peilan back to the South China Sea", and also mourned Nalanxingde
Zhu Yi Zun Statue
In the spring of the 25th year of Kangxi (1686)《 Tengxiao Collection 》Published. Check the order carefully. Xia, "Old News of the Sun"《 Textual research on confucian classics 》。 With Jiang Chenying Gu Zhenguan Sun Zhimi Zhou Xuan In the future, I will sing poems. Send Mao Qiling back to Zhejiang with a poem. There is a sentence of "relying on a bosom friend alone, feeling old and alienated". December, Shandong Governor When Zhang Peng started to transfer to Beijing, Kuntian, the son of Yi Zunzi, joined the capital.
In the 26th year of Kangxi's reign (1687), Mi Fu's inkstone was obtained, which was combined with Zhou Xuan to write "Inkstone Mountain of Baojin Zhai". Works by Wang Shizhen《 Mi Haiyue studies folk songs for Zhu Zhucha's calligraphy 》。 In late spring, with Zhou Xuan, Jiang Chenying, Qian Junfu Check carefully It is equivalent to watching flowers and composing poems in Jolai Peak Thatched Cottage. In August, Zhou Huanan returned and bid farewell to Zha Shenxing at Xiaozicun Village. (On the way back to his hometown, Zhou Xuan Suqian Death.) "Old News of the Day" is composed of 42 volumes. The minister Xu Qianxue donated money to pay for carving and became the preface, Feng Pu Chen Tingjing Xu Yuanwen Zhang Peng Gao Shiqi , Jiang Chenying, etc. Winter, start engraving. younger male cousin Zha Sixuan Go to Beijing, stay in Gutian Bookstore, and give each other poems. Yi Zun said in a poem: "When the salt official was approaching his old age, he gave me ten liang cotton of Wuxing. After the muscles were calm and warm, he looked at each other at the side of his temples. When he was drunk, he would drink a cup of wine circularly, and when he was tired, he would settle down in bed." carpenter 's square Sleep. What happened in Yugui? In the beginning of spring, we are bound together to send the poor ship. " In winter, I traveled with Xu Yuanwen and Jiang Chenying in the snow to Dafangshan in the suburbs of Beijing.
In the 27th year of Kangxi (1688), Yang Yongjian returned home, and Yi Zun and Zha Shenxing sent off with poems. There is a sentence in the poem, "It refers to East China nine years ago, and it is still too late to return to plan after being dismissed from office". Give it back to Wujiang with poems. In September, the printing of Old News under the Sun was completed.
In February of the 28th year of Kangxi's reign (1689), Gu Teng Shuwu moved to Xiejie, Huai City. In March, Zha Shenxing and Liang Peilan paid a visit. Zha He wrote a poem titled "Drinking Zhu Shi's Cousin's New Residence in Xiejie Street, Huai City, on an obscure day in March": "In three rooms under the shade of an ancient vine, I was drunk and intoxicated for a while again. I was disappointed that my old friend would drink again, and I read the poems in Luoyang on a small note." In the same year, Yi Zun and Zha Shenxing sang back many times. In spring, he traveled with Wang Shizhen, Xu Qianxue, Jiang Chenying and Chen Tingjing to the black kiln factory in the suburbs of Beijing and wrote poems together. In May, I visited the South Park of Hufang with Xu Qianxue, Jiang Chenying and Chen Tingjing and wrote poems together. In August, Hong Sheng performed in the middle of the mourning period for Empress Tong《 Hall of Longevity 》The matter is punished. Hong was banished Tai student Zhu Dian, Zhao Zhixin, Weng Shiyong and Zha Shenxing and Chen Yipei were also expelled from Beijing Normal University. Yi Zun was in Beijing at this time, and seemed to have nothing to do with him. In September, with Zha Shenxing, Wei Kun, Gao Youxuan, Zhu Maoqing Zhu Shan Wait to visit the Tianning Temple and write poems together. Huang Zongxi's 80th birthday. Yi Zun wrote the Preface to the Longevity of Huang Zhengjun in response to the feelings of the hundreds of families of Xi Zi. The preface said: "It's a shame for you to give it away.... I will return next year. I will borrow books when I visit your residence. A hundred families will tell me what to say, and Mr. Ji will refuse." Huang Zongxi Respect and regret for becoming an official in the Qing Dynasty.
In the 29th year of Kangxi's reign (1690), he replaced the former officials. I will soon return to my old age. Resumption of office and replacement of former officials. Zha Shenxing was returned from his post to the south and said goodbye to Yi Zun. Hong Sheng toured the mountain and wrote the poem "Climbing the Moon hanging Peak to Send Zhu Zhucha to Review": "Each of the five peaks competes for beauty, and the Moon hanging Peak is the only one. Looking up at the floating chart, the sky is close, and looking down at the lower world, the dust turns. Jiliao East town of the old country, north gate of the mountains and seas. I hate not to take you with me, but to howl at the cloud roots in the wind. " Xu Qianxue's Dismissal, Still Leading《 Unified annals 》Compilation, set up a book company in Dongting Dongshan , please Jiang Chenying to accompany us. Yi Zun sent Chen Ying off with poems.
In the thirtieth year of Kangxi (1691), Kangxi ordered Confucius to be worshipped and Zhu Yizun served as the official of ten philosophers. His wife Feng returned to Beijing. The 36 volumes of "Ci Zong" supplemented by Wang Sen are published in this journal.
In January of the 31st year of Kangxi's reign (1692), he was reinstated. In March, I left Beijing with my family. Wang Hui painted landscapes as a farewell. July Arrive in Jiaxing on the 28th. In August, he married his eldest son, Guisun. September, to Hangzhou. Nephew Wu Huaizu goes together. October to Quzhou , You Lankeshan In November, Changshan Jade Mountain , Nanchang to Ganzhou Arrive in Guangzhou in December. Shizi Kuntian is in Governor of Guangdong Zhu Hongzuo is in the act.
In the 32nd year of Kangxi (1693), in Guangzhou, with Qu Dajun Chen Gongyin , Liang Peilan, etc. He also visited Wuyang Temple with Qu Dajun and Guangxiao Temple with Chen Gongyin. In February, his son Kuntian returned to Jiaxing from Guangzhou. Qu, Chen, Liang, etc. are farewell parties. Liang Peilan presented Luo Fu with two butterfly cocoons. October to Danghu (In today's Zhejiang Province Pinghu County). Again Shanghai The Huangpu River Dongzhigaoqiaoli (today's Shanghai Chuansha County Gaoqiao Town )Sacrifice his dead friend Qian Jinfu And wrote a preface to his poetry collection, "Collection of Baoshutang".
Exposure kiosk
In February of the 33rd year of Kangxi (1694), his wife Feng died. Wrote "The Story of the Dead Wife Feng Ruren". Go to Kunshan, pay a visit to Liu Guo's tomb, a poet of the Song Dynasty, and write poems to remember it. In autumn, Zha Shenxing should be instructed to honor the "Little Changlu Painting" by Yi Inscribe a poem Three songs. The third said: "The white head left the worship class at the beginning, and he doesn't like to be idle. Many Jianghu wives are scattered, and friends are like father and son."
At the end of the 34th year of Kangxi's reign (1695), I visited Suzhou with Xu Xuan.
In the early summer of the 35th year of Kangxi (1696), he went to Kunshan. Visit Liu Guo's Tomb again. There is a poem: "Ten volumes of songs and poems are kept, Volume Vigorous and vigorous. When thinking about the Central Plains at night, blood and tears often burst out. " Pay tribute to Liu Guo. In summer, a pavilion with exposed books was built in the south of the lotus pond where I lived. In October, you can visit the mountain.
In March of the 36th year of Kangxi (1697), Pan Lei paid a visit. Give You Dong a cane of ten thousand years from Tiantai Mountain, and write a Review on Giving You a cane of ten thousand years in Song to remember it. Zhao Zhixin sent it as a gift with a fan inscribed with a new poem, saying, "I am always a fisherman and a fisherman, and I am free to go on a passenger ship to estimate the number of birds and barbarians. Each of them has a piece of prose to stay in the future, and who will pass it on?". Yi Zun's answer to the poem says, "The Chu Duan Suo Yuan retreats each other, and they are both exiled officials of Chengming A thousand li month , to find shrimp dishes in the Five Lakes Spring ". November, visit Pinghu Li Yan Yu. Li presented 2500 volumes of the books he collected. So far, Yizun has collected 80000 volumes of books. In the Preface to the Description of the Book Pavilion, Zha Shenxing said: "It's enough to have 80000 volumes of books!"《 When I heard that Li Chenshan collected many books, I returned to Zhucha 》As the poem goes, "Ten thousand volumes have added three suitcases of wealth, and a thousand gold coins have turned into two fleets. I wish I could borrow a cup of water from the canal if I had a false confidant in my life."(《 Jingyetang Poetry Collection 》Volume 23)
In April of the 37th year of Kangxi (1698), he entered Fujian together with Zha Shenxing and Chang Sun Guisun. Canoe meridian The Fuchun River , Qililong, Lanxi, after entering Jiangxi Plum Hill , to Hukou Login, degrees watershed To Fujian Chong'an Visit Wuyi Mountain. June, to Fuzhou. July, to Jianning He slipped and fell into the water when boarding the boat. suffer from malaria degree Xianxia Mountain To Quzhou Yuxi (In today's Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County) and Zha Shenxing. Later Yi Zun wrote a poem(《 Book Exposing Pavilion Collection 》Volume 18), Zha Shenxing recorded his trip to Fujian in three volumes of poetry (Volume 24 of Jingyetang Poetry Collection, Gathering of Guests, Volume 25 of Ice and Snow in Summer, and Volume 26 of Chuiguo Poetry Collection). He arrived home at the beginning of August, but he was still ill. Zi Kuntian is also ill. In winter, my younger brother Yi Jie died.
In March of the 38th year of Kangxi's reign (1699), Kangxi made his third southern tour to Suzhou and Hangzhou Zhu Yizun "greets" Wuxi. On October 21, Zi Kuntian died. Ten volumes of Flute and Fishing Draft were prepared for the dead son Kuntian. (Later engraved in the Collection of Exposing the Book Pavilion)《 Textual research on confucian classics 》Three hundred rolls. Chen Tingjing and Mao Qiling are the preface. The Book Pavilion Description is composed of eight volumes, with its own preface, describing the process of reading, loving books, acquiring books and collecting books. He sighed: "Things cannot be gathered together for a long time. Those gathered together will be scattered. Things are reasonable. I don't know who's holding my book, or Assorted raids Zhen Zhi, or Tu Ju, looks at it, but I don't know if the book is unlucky. "
Travel in the 39th year of Kangxi (1700) Qingpu , climbing Dianshan Temple; To Pinghu Lake, you can visit Danghu Lake; Also to Hangzhou, visit the West Lake and other places.
In February of the fortieth year of Kangxi (1701), I visited Suzhou. In March, when visiting Hangzhou, Mao Qiling, Xu Xuan, Wang Riqi and others all went together. Hong Sheng in Hangzhou, and the past. Yi Zun presented poems to Hong Sheng, saying "Hong Yufu, a poet in the sea, was forbidden to use Liu Tuntian in the Yuefu. The night rain on the Indus tree was very sad, and the pearl on the job tears slandered the occasional". Return when checking carefully. Check carefully《 After illness, I went to Mr. Zhucha's room 》、《 Mr. Xi Zhucha arrives 》Etc.
In the first month of the 41st year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1702), Sun Zu was severely punished. Yi Zunwei Writings epitaph In March, he married his second grandson Daosun Shou. In April, the two grandsons "analyzed the chopsticks" (family separation). At that time, the Yi Zun family planned Xiaoran, only a few acres of farmland. It was written for Hong Sheng《 Hall of Longevity 》Preface《 The Legend of Tihong Shangshe 》A poem is a gift. Ming poetry synthesis 》It is compiled and attached to the book "The Poems of Quiet Zhiju". Start carving in Suzhou.
In the spring of the 42nd year of Kangxi (1703), Kangxi made his fourth southern tour. In March, Zhu Yizun went to Wuxi to "welcome". Visit Suzhou in late spring Wooden blasphemy Sick feet, stay in Suzhou. In November, Zeng Sun Zhenzu (son of Gui Sun) was born.
In February of the 43rd year of Kangxi (1704), I visited Taihu Lake Dongting West Mountain Yu Suzhou Lingyan Mountain Visit Han Shizhong's tomb. In November, visit Jiangning (Nanjing) and Chengen Temple. The sculpture of Ming Poetry Collection was completed. yes Book collection More than 3400 Ming poems were selected, and“ Interlace He described his skills in poetry. ", Danggu All the people, and those who are in the wilderness of the adherents, are recorded here. Yi Zun said that the purpose of his compilation was to "steal the meaning of the national history, so that those who read it can understand the reasons for his gains and losses". This year, Hong Sheng, You Dong Han Xuan He died one after another to write an epitaph.
In the forty fourth year of Kangxi (1705), Kangxi made his fifth southern tour. In March, Zhu Yizun went to Wuxi again to "meet and greet" and made an appearance at the Xingdian Hall. In April, Kangxi went to Zhejiang. Zhu Yizun made a pilgrimage at the Hanging Hall in Hangzhou and wrote《 Textual research on confucian classics 》Book of Changes. Kangxi expressed appreciation for Shao Zhan Shi Check up (Zha Shenxing) said: "Zhu Yizun's book is very good. He can finish it and present it in the south study as soon as possible." And he gave it to Zhu Yizun with a plaque with four characters: "Studying Scriptures and Natural History". Autumn, to Zhenzhou (now Jiangsu Yizheng )Visiting the Minister of General Affairs Cao Yin Cao Yin ordered to compile the Salt Pod Book of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River. In December, the great grandson gave birth to a book (the son of the rice grandson).
In the 45th year of Kangxi (1706), he lived in Suzhou as a guest. Write a preface to Cao Yin's "Melia Pavilion Poetry Notes".
In the 46th year of Kangxi (1707) Suzhou Tianping Mountain , call Fan Zhongyan Ancestral temple; swim lingyanshan temple Kangxi The sixth southern tour. Zhu Yizun went to Wuxi again to welcome him. When Kangxi arrived in Hangzhou, Zhu Yizun met at the West Lake Hall. When Kangxi left Zhejiang, Yi Zun "sent his car" to Wuli Pavilion despite the recurrence of foot disease. During Emperor Kangxi's tour to the south, Zhu Yizun repeatedly met him in Wuxi, summoned him to the palace, and entered his books. Emperor Kangxi granted a plaque of "studying scriptures and natural objects". In Hangzhou with Tong Fahai Jia Guowei And Zha Shenxing and Sixuan brothers went boating on the West Lake. In the investigation, I carefully walked in the apartment and drank together, and wrote poems to remember it. Memories in poetry Central Fujian During the trip, there was a sentence of "Ten years old bonlight words, this night the ark moors the fishing platform". Summer, return home. Autumn, to Yangzhou. to Pingshan Hall Send Cousin Zha Sicheng to the capital.
The Republic of China, Zhuang Yi's third series, The Biography of Jiaxing's Ancestors, Zhu Yi's Statue, collected by Jiaxing Art Museum
In the 47th year of Kangxi (1708)《 Book Exposing Pavilion Collection 》80 volumes, Pan Lei wrote the preface. Compile 20 volumes of Salt Pod Book of Huaihe River and Huaihe River. Pan Leiyi Square bamboo stick Yi Zun thanked him with a poem. Zha Shenxing sent poems to celebrate his 80th birthday. As the poem goes, "Longmen is very popular in modern times. Why do you want to be an official Li Mi Immortal bone, the name of the museum of Emperor Xi and Zhang Hua. There are no common guests in the Mingwan Temple, and there are students in the Lanyu Road. Yinyu does not erode the words of longevity, and the eyes of the old reading towel box are bright. " Another poem said: "Since I returned to my first clothes, I don't remember the spring for ten years a staff with a pigeon-like handle And take it with you. One hundred percent of the books are full, and you will not be drunk. More books will benefit the poor. The smell of fresh perch cooked with silver grass fire, and the spirit of crane blown by pine wind. Suddenly he came out of hiding and became the first person in Jiangdong. "
In April of the 48th year of Kangxi (1709), he went to Yangzhou. Then to Cao Yin, the minister of Tongzheng, the Salt Pod Book of Huaihe River and Huaihe River compiled by Zhenzhou Stock Exchange. Cao Yin donated money to publish the Collection of Exposing Book Booths. In June, I crossed the Yangtze River from Yangzhou. In July, the book "Exposing the Book Pavilion Collection" opened. Yi Zun deletes and supplements the school journal every day to forget his fatigue.
At midnight on October 13 (November 14) in the 48th year of Kangxi, he died without illness at the age of 81. A few days before he died, he said to Cisun Daosun, "I don't know when I will finish the engraving of my collection? The elderly can't stay long, why not?" On the evening of the 13th, he still asked about the engraving.
In the 53rd year of Kangxi's reign (1714), five years after Zhu Yizun's death, the publication and engraving of the Collection of Exposing the Book Pavilion was completed, and Zha Shenxing wrote a preface.
In the third year of Yongzheng era (1725), 17 years after Zhu Yizun's death, he was buried in Baihua Village, Jiaxing Great ancestor Zhu Guozuo Five miles south of the tomb. Check carefully He sent the funeral and wrote a poem that said, "I have spent my whole life with him as a minister. Ten thousand volumes of books have been left in the good historical residence, and the Hundred Flowers Villa is near the official tomb of the minister. It is said that there is a worthy arrow, and tears fall from the sky, and the servant has failed. In the past 17 years, I have been in pain, waiting to see the perennial grass to comfort my feelings." Chen Tingjing wrote an epitaph for me. [2]

Main impacts


Ci Poetry and Ci Theory

Zhu Yizun was the leader of the poetry world in the Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty Ci Medium impact is huge. He and Chen Weisong Also known as "Zhu Chen", he took charge of the world of poetry and created a new pattern of Qing poetry. He thinks Ming Ci Specialized study《 Interspecific set 》《 Cao Tang Poems 》It has the disadvantages of weak style and weak language, which is marked by "Emptiness" and "Elegance" (it is said from Zhang Yan). He advocated the patriarchal clan system, especially the Southern Song Ci Metrical school poet Jiang Kui Zhang Yan He also selected the words of Tang Zhiyuan people as《 Lexicon 》, so as to deduce his claim. This idea has been advocated by many people, especially West Zhejiang The Ci writers accepted it and followed it. "For decades, the writers in western Zhejiang have had white stones and jade fields"( "Jingtitang Word Order" )。 after Gong Xianglin Zhu Yizun Li Liangnian , Li Fu Shen Haori , Shen Andeng and myself《 Six Ci Poems of Western Zhejiang 》, hence“ West Zhejiang Ci School ”Name. Its influence covered Kangxi, Yongzheng Qianlong Three dynasties, more than 100 years of poetry.
Zhu Yizun's《 Exposing Pavilion Words 》It is composed of several word sets. Emphasis strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme Strict workmanship, dense and fresh words, the best of which is mellow, elegant, clean and bright, extremely exquisite.
The moon on the Chenghu Lake sounds like countless fishing hammers. All of a sudden, the waves are flowing through the soft oars, passing the rainbow pavilion, talking to the duck bridge, and the fence roots are blooming, and the morning glory is spat out. At the moment when the Red Chamber is thinking about this, Xie Nu Tanlang, several residual lamps are in the window. I fell asleep with every minute, and the Wu song on my pillow was still in my voice, and my dream was light and heavy. It also wins and whips in the mountains, listens to the wind and waves, and rushes through the fog.
In the morning of the quiet Jiangnan water town, the feeling of setting out by boat is described very carefully. Along the way, the moon is fresh and soft, flowers are growing on the edge of the fence, and the lights on the roof of the building are broken. The people in the boat wake up in the sound of Wu songs, and write a kind of quiet taste.
Zhu Yizun is said to have written some love poems for his wife and sister, most of which are written in a gentle and gentle way, sometimes with sad and beautiful words. Here is one of them《 Eyes are flattering 》:
That year's whisper Small window Edge, the moon has not been round. Shy several times, several throw far, suddenly close to people. Heartlessness is the most cold water. Urge Ferry Ship. He went back, sat down before leaving, and suddenly fell asleep.
Give up your first love and show your restlessness when you leave after passionate love. The writing is simple and fresh, but you can also enjoy the skills of solitary accomplishments.
Among Zhu Yizun's poems, there are also some nostalgic and historical works, which are quite desolate. Such as《 Jinmingchi Yantai Nostalgia and Shensui ShuHanlin 》At the end of the poem, "Counting Yanyun, the sixteen divine regions, how many gardens and tombs there are, and how many broken walls and steles there are. The stone horses are rustling, the golden immortals are crying out, and the ancient water is barren and the valley is cold." But such words lack a strong and majestic sentiment, and they are not the main ones in Zhu Yizun's place. He praised a group of poets before and after the Southern Song Dynasty's subjugation, and their characteristics were precisely to use refined language forms to construct empty and vague artistic conception, as a spiritual refuge to escape from reality, where there were similarities in times, situations and psychology. Later generations criticized that: "Since Zhu Zhucha( Zhang Yan )Selected for Zong《 Lexicon 》, meaning is dull; Later generations followed it, which was particularly tedious. with Two windows He is the ancestor of you, the enemy of Xin and Liu Ruo, and his family law is just like this Wenting style "Preface to the Cloud Rising Pavilion")

Poetic creation

Zhu Yizun and Wang Shizhen At the same time, it was famous in the poetry world“ King of Southern Zhu and Northern Zhu ”It is called, Zhao Zhixin They are also honored as two great masters (see《 On Dragon Record 》)。
Zhu Yizun's comments on poetry, the early patriarch of Tang Dynasty and the ouster of Song Dynasty Lu You Critics were particularly sharp, calling his poems "syntactically dense" and "disgusting"( "The Southern Part of Book Sword" )In his later years, he moved from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, Poetry worship Huang Tingjian [3] But on the whole, his poems are scholarly, talented and elegant, lacking the vigorous and unrestrained spirit of early and high Tang poetry. Such as《 Send Yuan Jun back to Wu Clan 》:
Yuan Lang came back frustrated, and answered his grief with a long song. It's cold to lie down to Runan, who will meet Heshuo cup after drinking. In the maple forest on the far bank, Pingjiang The autumn water and the sunset are open. To leave Through the tomb, I know that I miss you several times.
Feng Yuan's clip Yuan An Wo Xue, Liu Song and Yuan Shao Children drink hard to avoid summer heat Gaobotong Burial Liang Hong Yu Yaoli and other allusions beside the tomb show the understanding and friendship of friends, from which we can see the general characteristics of Zhu Yizun's poems.
In some of his poems expressing personal grievances, the language is more lively, such as Lonely Line; There are also some short scenery poems and ballad His poems, such as "Twenty Yongjia Miscellaneous Poems" and "One Hundred Boat Songs on Mandarin Duck Lake", are also relatively light and agile. The following record is "Solitary Island" in "Twenty Yongjia Miscellaneous Poems":
Solitary Island Poetry Inscription Office, Nakagawa Ji Turbulence Look at the wind and dusk. You can't cable the boat.
People in the Qing Dynasty spoke highly of Zhu Yizun's poems, which was related to the culture of valuing learning.


Zhu Yizun is proficient in the history of epigraphy. He traveled from north to south, from Yunshuo in the north, across the sea in the east, through Ouyue, to Cong Temple Wasteland mound, broken furnace Remnant stele All articles are searched and verified, and Historical Biography Enrollment Similarities and differences. The family is rich in books. After the general collection, the collection is rich Li Yanshi Collect books in 50 cabinets, 2500 volumes, more than 3000 volumes, and then collect Xiang's surname "Wanjuanlou" Cao Rong Xu Qianxue Home, copy by its book collection, the better its book collection. Also borrowed from Wanping Sun's Wuxi Qin Kunshan Xu Jinjiang Huang Qian Tang Gong's family and other old collections have received a total of 80000 books. The book collection office is named "Exposed Bookstore", "Guteng Bookstore", "Hidden Mining Hall". It has collected 30 casks. It was once demoted for stealing the books in the History Museum, so there was an inscription on the book collection saying: "Take my seven grade official and write me countless number of books 。” The books in the collection are printed with "It's not easy to buy this book, and I hope that descendants will not abandon it", "Zhu Family in Meihuili", "Qiancaitang Collection", "Seven grade Official Ear", "I was born when the moon fell on the 14th day of Juzhuang Village in Tuwei Desert", "Zhu Yizun Xichang Family in Xiushui"“ South study Historical Records of Relegation "," Old Lecturer in the South Study "," Little Changlu Fisherman "," Well deserved to pass on the truth "“ Alternative employment In the east of Hushan Mountain in the south of Xiaochanglu Xixia North of the Hengshan Mountains, big and small stones ", etc.
He first wrote the "Examination of the Existence and Disappearance of Confucian Classics", which has been revised continuously《 Textual research on confucian classics 》300 volumes is the first specialized catalogue for the unified examination of ancient classics. Taking the title of the book as the key link, refer to the books of Shuojing written in the catalog of previous dynasties, and note the number of volumes, authors, and annotations first, and then note the notes of storage, loss, absence, and missing below, which are unparalleled since ancient times. It is a collection of books for two thousand years. It studies the history of ancient Chinese philosophy cultural history A necessary reference book for academic history, Mao Qiling It is said that the compilation of the book "is not a comprehensive group of books, and cannot have this". Emperor Kangxi wrote an inscription of "studying scriptures and natural objects" for him during his southern tour. This item was published in the fortieth year of Kangxi (1701) and the twentieth year of Qianlong (1755) respectively. In the last years of Qianlong, Weng Fanggang He wrote 12 volumes of "Supplement and Correction of the Confucian Classics".

Historical evaluation

Chen Tingzhuo Bai Yuzhai's Ci ·Volume III: Bamboo mound There are dense words in the sparse words. When the words are alone, they are slightly thick. The Collection of Wine in the Jianghu is well organized, and the Collection of Tea and Tobacco Pavilion Bodies is well organized. But《 Quiet aspiration and interest in playing the piano 》In the first volume, Chen Yan's words are completely swept away, and he has his own ideas. This is true of erotic words, which can't be seen by Yan and Ou alone Li Houzhu Niu Songqing has never dreamt of it. It is really unique in ancient and modern times, and the body is not elegant. The first volume of "Quietly Aspirating to Live on the Piano" is full of fragrance and color, which is unprecedented! The front and back order can be understood slightly, and there is no need to go through it. [9 ]
Tan Xian : Xichang, its year( Chen Weisong Word), and the Ci school of this dynasty began to form. Gu Zhu was hurt by the broken pieces, and Chen was disgusted with the rate. The abuses also gradually changed over the centuries. Xichang has deep feelings, and its years of writing are heavy, which is hard for future generations to find. Before Jiaqing, there were seven or eight prisoners in ten houses. (《 Middle case word 》II) [10 ]

Main works

Its《 Exposing Pavilion Words 》, which is defined as "The Collection of Wine in the Jianghu"《 Quiet aspiration and interest in playing the piano 》There are four kinds, including Collection of Tea and Tobacco Pavilion Bodies, Collection of Tibetan Brocade, etc Li Fushun Note. [1]
Book Exposing Pavilion Collection 》Alternative set name. Zhu Yi's masterpiece. Eighty volumes, edited by the author. One volume of Fan Fu, twenty-two volumes of poetry, seven volumes of Ci, fifty volumes of Wen, appendix《 Ye Er Yuefu 》One volume. Another Fu Qizi Kuntian《 Flute fishing manuscript 》4 volumes.
Textual research on confucian classics Its initial name was "Examination of the Existence and Death of Jingyi", and it was later renamed today. Written by Zhu Yizun, 300 volumes. The first list of books written by the imperial government, Secondary menstruation The classification of classics is attached with "Wei", "Xi Jing", "Cheng Shi" Journal stone , book wall, engraving, description, general description, family studies, and autobiography. Collect books explaining Confucian classics in previous dynasties, indicate the lost, number of volumes, name of the author, and attach the original book Preface and postscript The theories of various Confucians, or textual research, are to study the ancient Chinese school of Confucian classics Version directory Important reference books.
Old News of the Day Geographical works of the Qing Dynasty, written by Zhu Yizun. Forty two volumes. It records Beijing's anecdotes from ancient times to the end of the Ming Dynasty. The content is divided into 13 categories, including Xingtu, Shiji, Xingsheng, Palace, City, Suburb, Jingji, Qiaozhi, Bianzhang, Huyou, Fengyu, Properties, and Miscellaneous, which are later listed by the stone drum. All the works of predecessors are cited and compared one by one. Quoted classics, history, novels, anthologies inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets 1649 species. The collection is profound and the records are detailed. Zhu Kuntian, his son, wrote the Addendum. Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty ordered Dou Guang, a minister Zhu Jun Wait and add《 A textual research on the old news of the day 》。
Ming poetry synthesis 》Total set name. Edited by Zhu Yizun. One hundred volumes. The works of more than 3400 adherents from poets in the early Ming Dynasty to the death of the Ming Dynasty were recorded, and there were biographies of writers and comments from various schools, with poetic comments attached. The editor said that his compilation intention was to "steal the meaning of the national history, so that those who can see it can see the reasons for their gains and losses". The book is rich in materials, and there are many works involving the social and political situation at that time. The characteristics of each school of Ming poetry are also reflected.
Ci Zong The name of the word set. Edited by Zhu Yizun in the Qing Dynasty, Wang Sen Addition. Thirty volumes, with six volumes left. More than 600 ci poems of the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties were selected. The second volume of Supplement, a continuation of Hou Wang Chang《 Ming Ci Zong 》Twelve volumes《 Guochao Ci Zong 》Forty eight volumes, and eight volumes of The Second Collection of Ci Poetry of the Guochao Dynasty. Combined with "Ci Zong", it became "Ci Zong of Past Dynasties". later Huang Xieqing Edit《 Continuation of the National Poetry Collection 》Fifty eight volumes, supplemented by eight volumes.
Shi Xianhong Secret 》Recipes. Written by Zhu Yizun. This book is divided into two volumes. It is a monograph introducing the processing, preparation and cooking of various foods.

Selected Poems

Out of Juyong Pass
Su Xiaoxiao's Tomb

selections of ci

High Balcony · Ye Yuanli of Wujiang

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Great ancestor
In the 11th year of Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1583), he became a scholar of imperial examination, and became a minister of the Ministry of Household and a great scholar of Wuying Hall. He was presented to Taifu with the posthumous title of "Wen Ke". There is a biography in Ming History.
Zhu Dajing
He was once the prefect of Chuxiong Prefecture in Yunnan Province.
He died in 1647, the fourth year of Shunzhi's reign.
Heir father
The eldest son of Dajing was awarded the scholar of the Middle School Book Section by Yin. Late Ming Dynasty“ Fushe ”One of the important members of. Having no son, he took Yi Zun, the eldest son of Mao Shu, as his heir.
He died in the 18th year of Shunzhi's reign (1661).
one 's own father
Great competition for the second son, Xiushui County students After his death, his private posthumous title was "Mr. Andu".
Zhu Dewan
He was born in 1648, the fifth year of Shunzhi. He died young in the ninth year of Shunzhi's reign (1652).
(1652-1699), inherited the collection of books in the "Exposing Pavilion". It remained unchanged for decades.
Zhu Shi
He was born in 1650, the seventh year of Shunzhi, and later married Zhou Nengcha of Wujiang.
Zhu Shi
He was born in 1655, the 12th year of Shunzhi, and later married Qian Yan of Tongxiang.
younger brother
Born in 1635, the eighth year of Chongzhen.
Zhu Yijie
Born in 1639, the 12th year of Chongzhen.

Commemoration for future generations

Zhu Yizun's Tomb Zhejiang Jiaxing Tanghui Township Baihua Village , no longer exists today. His former residence Exposure kiosk Today Wangdian Town Guangping Road South end, covering 6500 square meters Zhejiang Province a key Cultural relics protection unit