trojan horse

[mù mǎ jì]
Historical allusions of ancient Greece
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Around the 13th century BC, it is said that Sparta One family gave birth to a daughter, named Helen The little girl is very beautiful and gradually becomes a rare beauty in the world. Everyone agrees that she is the most beautiful woman in all Greece. The sons and grandsons of all Greek countries have pursued her in succession, and those who fail to pursue her also regard seeing her beauty as their greatest wish in life. Helen has become an idol of the sons and grandchildren of all countries and a treasure carefully protected.
Chinese name
trojan horse
Discipline classification
political science
Scope of application
Computer virus Between countries
Troy War

Myth and legend


Choose a husband

Later, Helen's unmarried people reached an agreement: let Helen choose her husband by herself, and everyone promised to respect her choice and protect her husband's rights together. Later, Sparta Menez, the son of King Atreus, took Helen's fancy and they married. Before long, Menez became king. They loved each other and were a happy couple. [1]

Distinguished guests

One day, a distinguished guest came to the palace of Menez. He is Paris, the son of the King of Troy. Troy is asia minor peninsula A small kingdom on (today's Turkey) that faces Greece across the sea. Menez gave Paris a warm reception, and even the young Queen Helen came out to meet him in person. Paris is charming and charming, and is very popular with women. Helen fell in love with him at first sight be possessed Earth and Paris fled back to Troy. Paris also took many treasures from the palace.
Menez, the king of Sparta, felt that this was a great insult. He rushed to the city of Mycee overnight and asked the king Agamemnon His brother also helped him take revenge. Agamemnon was the hegemon of the Greek countries at that time. He immediately invited the kings of many small countries in Greece to a meeting. At the meeting, everyone decided to unite and destroy the city of Troy by force. Agamemnon was elected commander in chief. [1]

Beautiful Myth

Soon, an army of 100000 people and more than 1000 warships went to attack Troy. The war between the Greeks and Trojans broke out. The Greeks believed that everything in the world was arranged by God, and they made up a beautiful myth about the cause of the war.
According to the myth, the king, the father and mother of Achilles, the hero Peleus She married Thetis, the daughter of the sea goddess, and many immortals on Olympus were invited. The banquet was very lively. Suddenly, an angry goddess came, and she put a Golden apple Throw it on the table, engraved with a line: "For the most beautiful goddess". The goddess throwing apples is the "goddess of quarrel". King Peleus had never dared to invite her, but she came by herself and caused a quarrel. Because the goddesses all want to get the golden apples to prove that they are the most beautiful.
So Zeus, the leader of the gods, ordered the goddesses to go to Troy and invite a shepherd boy named Paris to judge. In order to get the golden apple, the goddesses gave Paris the greatest promise: Hera promised to make him a king; Goddess of Wisdom Athena promised to make him the wisest person; Goddess of Love and Beauty Aphrodite Swore that he would marry the most beautiful woman in Greece.
Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite, because he did not want wisdom, did not want to be a king, but only the most beautiful wife. Paris is not really a shepherd boy, but a prince of Troy. With Aphrodite's help, Paris abducted Helen, the most beautiful woman at that time, the queen of Menez, the king of Sparta. Thus, the war between Greeks and Trojans was triggered. [1]
Trojan Horse Plan
Although the Greeks united to attack the city of Troy, Troy was a very solid city, and the Greeks had not beaten it for nine years. In the tenth year, a resourceful general in Greece Odysseus Came up with a clever plan. This morning was very strange. The warships of the Greek coalition suddenly set sail and left. The normally noisy battlefield became silent. The Trojans thought that the Greeks had withdrawn and returned home. They ran outside the city, only to find a huge wooden horse left on the beach.
The Trojans were surprised to surround the wooden horse. They didn't know what it was for. Some people want to pull it into the city, some people suggest burning it or pushing it into the sea. Just then, some shepherds caught a Greek, who was bound to see the King of Troy. The Greek told the king that the wooden horse was used by the Greeks for sacrifice Athena Goddess. The Greeks estimated that the Trojans would destroy it, which would cause the wrath of the gods. But if the Trojans pulled the wooden horse into the city, they would bring God's blessing to the Trojans. So the Greeks built the wooden horse so huge that the Trojans could not pull it into the city. [1]
The king of Troy believed this and was about to pull the horse into the city when the priest Laokong of Troy ran to stop him. He asked to burn the horse and stab it with a spear. The wooden horse made a terrible noise, and then two terrible snakes sprang out of the sea and jumped on Laocoon and his two sons. Laocoon and his son fought with the giant snake desperately, but they were soon killed by the snake. Two giant snakes calmly reached Athena Under the statue of, disappeared.
The Greek said, "This is because he wanted to destroy the gift for the goddess, so he was punished." The Trojans quickly pulled the wooden horse to the city. But the wooden horse was too big. It was higher than the city wall. The Trojans had to tear down the city wall for a while. That night, the Trojans celebrated their victory with joy. They danced and sang, drank up barrels of wine, and did not go home until late at night to rest, dreaming of peace.
Late at night, there was silence. The Greek who persuaded the Trojans to pull the horse into the city was actually a spy He went to the wooden horse and knocked three times gently, which was the secret signal of the agreement. The fully armed Greek soldiers hiding in the wooden horse jumped out one by one. They quietly touched the city gate, killed the sleeping guards, quickly opened the city gate, and ignited fires everywhere in the city. A large number of Greek troops hiding nearby flooded into Troy.
The ten year war is finally over. The Greeks plundered Troy and burned it to ashes. Most of the men were killed, most of the women and children were sold as slaves, and the treasures of Troy were loaded into Greek warships. Helen was also brought back to Greece by Menes. [1]
The idiom "worried about the gift made by Greek people" is circulating in many countries around the world. It reminds people to be vigilant, prevent being cheated by the enemy's disguise, and make the enemy get into their heart. This sentence comes from Trojans "Trojans" has become synonymous with "heart digging war" in 2013, which is a metaphor for the tactics of hitting the enemy's heart.

Other information

Computer virus Trojan horse virus Its name also comes from this story. The Trojan Horse Plan is selected from Homer's Epic· Iliad 》One book, Iliad, tells the story of the last year of the Trojan War and describes the deeds of ancient heroes.
The English word "Helen of Troy" comes from this story.

True or False

Turkish archaeologists say they found fragments of a Trojan horse.
It is reported that Turkish archaeologists found a large wooden structure object on the hill of Hisalik when excavating the ruins of the historic city of Troy.
It was reported that dozens of fir wood planks and beams up to 15 meters long were found during the excavation. This large wooden structure object is located in the wall of the ancient city of Troy, and the debris is assembled into a strange shape. Archaeologists revealed that this structure is highly consistent with the description of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, the founding monarch of the Roman Empire Augustus and the Greek epic poet Quintus Smyrnaeus. He also said that a broken bronze plate found at the scene said: "The Greeks offered this sacrifice to Athena in order to go home." It happened that Kundus's Posthomerica mentioned this special bronze plate.
Therefore, historians and archaeologists agree that this large wooden structure object is the relic of the legendary Trojan horse.
The two archaeologists who led the excavation, Christian Morris and Chris Wilson, professors of Boston University, said that they highly believed that this large wooden structure object was indeed related to the legendary Trojan horse. All the tests done have confirmed their theory.
Professor Morris said: "Radiocarbon dating and other analyses show that these wooden artifacts and other cultural relics can be traced back to the 12th or 11th century BC. This is similar to many ancient historians, such as the Greek scientific writer Eratosthenes or the Greek neo Platonic philosopher Proclus The date of the Trojan War quoted matches, and the assembly of objects matches the description of many sources. I don't want to appear overconfident, but I'm pretty sure we've found the original! " [2]