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Moon based optical telescope

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optical instrument
The moon based optical telescope consists of a main body and a mirror turntable. The light first enters the telescope scanning mirror, and then enters the telescope lens through the reflector. The moon based optical telescope has achieved two "human firsts": first reliance Extraterrestrial objects The platform carried out independent astronomical observation and the first joint lunar base ground-based astronomical observation.
Chinese name
Moon based optical telescope
Foreign name
Moon based optical telescope
Main body, reflector turntable

News background

In China Chang'e-3 Moon detector Before the fall of the moon, human beings never Moon Set up the telescope. The stars in human eyes have been filtered by the earth's atmosphere. If Chang'e-3 falls on the moon successfully, one of its payloads, the moon based optical astronomical telescope will take you to look up at the stars on the moon. [1]
At 21:11 on December 14, 2013, Chang'e-3 probe Successful landing at Moon Rainbow Bay Area , marking the first time that China has achieved Extraterrestrial objects Of soft landing Chang'e-3 at 4:35 on the 15th Lander Separate from the viewer“ Yutu ”The rover arrived at the moon surface smoothly. After the two rovers photographed each other, the rover would patrol and survey, and the lander would detect at a fixed point. [2]
As one of the payloads of the lander, the ultraviolet lunar based optical telescope will bear Month base optics Astronomical observation This is the first time for human beings to rely on Extraterrestrial objects The platform carries out independent astronomical observation. According to Yang Jianfeng, deputy director of the moon based optical telescope of Xi'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics, the ultraviolet moon based optical telescope will make "watching stars in the daytime" a reality.

Performance characteristics



Observing deep space on the moon has two advantages. First, the moon rotates more slowly than the earth. It takes more than 27 days for the moon to rotate a week, and it can carry out continuous tracking of a target for more than 300 hours. The second is to avoid the influence of atmosphere, which can obtain extremely accurate observation data. Especially on the earth, it is impossible to realize deep space observation in the near ultraviolet band, which is absorbed by the atmosphere. [1]
The moon based optical telescope is installed at Chang'e-3 On the lander. The moonlit night is very cold. Chang'e-3 sleeps at night and works during the day. It is impossible to see stars in the daytime on the earth, but it will be realized on the moon through the efforts of scientific researchers.

Technical performance

Moon based optical telescope
The telescope has the following characteristics: strong ability to resist the interference of stray light; It has strong adaptability to the environment, and can work at temperatures from minus 20 ℃ to 40 ℃; High degree of automation, it can realize the pointing control of the telescope frame at any attitude.
The moon based optical telescope is composed of the telescope body and the mirror two-dimensional turntable, weighing more than 10 kg. The turntable is equipped with a mirror to realize two-dimensional rotation, so that the target in the designated airspace can be imaged in the telescope body, which can achieve long-term continuous observation of the same target, and can also scan the deep space to achieve observation of different sky regions.
The moon based optical telescope works in the ultraviolet band, and the moon based optical telescope works synchronously with the telescope on the earth. The data of visible light and infrared bands can be obtained on the earth, and the data of another band can be obtained on the moon. This can obtain the observation data of stars from short wave to long wave, which is very meaningful for scientific research. [2]

Operating mode

The moon based optical telescope has achieved two "human firsts": the first independent astronomical observation relying on the extraterrestrial celestial platform, and the first joint moon based ground-based astronomical observation. It takes half a month for the day night alternation on the moon. The temperature difference between day and night is more than 300 ℃, and the temperature at night is only - 180 ℃. The continuous low temperature is not conducive to lunar exploration. So the moon based optical telescope worked with Chang'e day and month, and went to sleep at night. When the long cold night comes to an end, the moon based optical telescope will be automatically awakened to start its continuous half month observation. [3]
Three types of lunar based optical telescopes Operating mode
one Standby pattern
It is in the state of power on but no detection data is obtained and no pointing adjustment is made
2. Pointing adjustment mode
In the state of pointing adjustment
3. Detection mode
When it is in the state of power on to acquire detection data, when the moon based optical telescope points to the observation sky and meets the conditions of power on imaging, it will enter the detection mode
At the end of the long night, when the moon comes, the moon based optical telescope will receive Electric control panel Command power on, and then enter the initial mode to start working with default parameters. After the injection of the ground observation plan event table, the moon based optical telescope will stop the initial mode according to the injection event table and switch to the routine observation task required by the event table.
When Chang'e-3 is allowed to start working after landing or entering the lunar day, instrument calibration observation is required before the cover plate of the module where the lunar based optical telescope is located is opened; After the cover plate of the cabin is opened, the shafting calibration observation needs to be carried out first, and the collected data is used to match the astronomical coordinates and the turret shafting coordinates on the ground; After the shafting calibration is completed, the moon based optical telescope can enter the official astronomical observation, including fixed-point/flow calibration observation and Celestial survey Finally, before entering the lunar night, it is necessary to close the cover plate of the cabin in advance, and finish the work of the moon based optical telescope after the instrument calibration observation.