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Final product

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The final product has different definitions and regulations at different levels and in different research categories. For an enterprise, the final product refers to the product that is put into storage or waiting for sale out of the enterprise's production or processing process. For the whole national economy, due to the different research objects, the final product has the following definitions and regulations: Final consumption And the products used. include Personal consumer goods , public consumer goods (such as weapons and defense facilities), consumer goods of social groups (such as articles and facilities used by cultural and educational, health, sports, non production scientific research institutions and national institutions), new fixed assets and products that increase social reserves, net exports, etc. The value of all final products is equal to national income plus depreciation. The final product in this sense is generally used for the assessment and calculation of a country or region's GNP. (2) It refers to all means of life and means of production for expanded reproduction that reflect the final results of the entire national economy in a certain period of time. The final product in this sense reflects the production status of national income. (3) It refers to consumption materials directly serving individuals and society. Including substances cultural life And so on. [1]
Chinese name
Final product
Foreign name
Finished Products


The final product is“ Intermediate products ”Symmetry of, which is produced in a certain period of time but not processed and available in the same period Final consumption And the products used. It is an important indicator of economic work achievements from the perspective of national economy input-output balance, and is also the basis for calculating the gross national product.


Its contents include: personal consumer goods, public consumer goods Investment in fixed assets Products, products used to increase reserves, products used for national defense and Net exports Products.
The final product is strictly defined as "the product for living consumption". In practical application, the final products are divided into individual final consumer goods and collective products consumer goods


hold primary products Defined as being obtained from natural resources through labor and processed as Object of labor Products; hold Intermediate products It is defined as taking primary products as raw materials and acting as Labor materials Products. This classification method has certain innovative significance in national economic statistics and social product classification method, and provides a scientific basis for making plans from the final product.
It usually includes: ① consumer goods and military products of individuals and social groups; ② Accumulation and reserve of fixed assets; ③ Net exports( Import and export balance )。 The final product is Total social product A part of, equal in value to national income Plus depreciation. It reflects the final results of the entire national economy in a certain period, and is the most important and basic indicator to measure the level of economic development. The final product is also a basic concept in the input-output method. In practical application, the final product is usually used as the starting point for formulating economic plans to enhance the purpose and scientificity of the plans, avoid wrong production and marketing, make production meet the final needs of society, maintain a reasonable proportional relationship between various departments, and coordinate development.