Pulitzer Prize

The highest international award in the field of journalism
zero Useful+1
The Pulitzer Prizes, also known as the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism. According to the American newspaper giant Joseph Pulitzer (Joseph Pulitzer) was established in 1917 by his will, and later developed into the United States The press The highest honor award of. After continuous improvement of the selection system, the Pulitzer Prize has become the highest international award in the field of journalism, known as the " Nobel Prize ”。
For a century, the Pulitzer Prize has been the benchmark of the journalism industry, and has gone through war smoke, political scandals and intricacies with the American society social problem From the initial news award to the later comprehensive awards including literature and art, its influence has been enduring. [1]
The Pulitzer Prize consists of Columbia University The Pulitzer Prize Selection Committee composed of 16 people, including the president, selects the prize once a year, and the results are generally selected by Columbia University The president announced the award in May.
The Pulitzer Prize includes 15 news awards, 7 creative awards and 1 special praise award. The winners of news awards are not limited to nationality, but must have published works in American media; The winners of creative awards must be American citizens. The only exception is the History Writing Award. Foreign writers whose works involve American history are eligible for awards. [1]
John Kennedy He is the only American president to win this award. In December 2018, World Brand Lab Publish《 2018 World Top 500 Brands 》The Pulitzer Prize ranked 453 in the list. [2]
On May 6, 2024 local time, the Pulitzer Prize for 2024 was announced at Columbia University in New York, USA. [29]
Chinese name
Pulitzer Prize
Foreign name
The Pulitzer Prizes
Pulitzer Prize
Nature of awards
The highest international award in the field of journalism
Time of establishment
Joseph Pulitzer

Award History

On May 4, 2020, the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for News was announced, adding the "Audio Report Award". [3]
On May 8, 2023 local time, the winners of the 2023 Pulitzer Prizes were announced. [26]
On May 6, 2024 local time, the Pulitzer Prize for 2024 was announced at Columbia University in New York, USA. [29]

Review system

The Pulitzer Prize consists of Columbia University The Pulitzer Prize Selection Committee composed of 16 people, including the president, selects the prize once a year, and the results are generally selected by Columbia University The president announced the award in May. [4]
Pulitzer Prize
The Pulitzer Prize includes 15 news awards, 7 creative awards and 1 special praise award. The winners of news awards are not limited to nationality, but must have published works in American media; The winners of creative awards must be American citizens. The only exception is the History Writing Award. Foreign writers whose works involve American history are eligible for awards. [30]

Award setting

The Pulitzer Prize includes 15 news awards, 7 creative awards and 1 special praise award. Every year, more than 2000 works are selected to compete for the Pulitzer Prize. At the beginning of the year, 102 outstanding judges were appointed and divided into 20 Jury Organize selection. [30]
The prize of Pulitzer Prize is 7500 dollars, of which the public service contribution award is not set as a prize, but awarded to the Pulitzer gold medal of the winning newspaper. Pulitzer The fund bequeathed at the beginning was $500000, and later the fund management organization raised more than $1 million.
Pulitzer Prize
The first Pulitzer Prize for Photography was awarded in 1942. Since then, it has been issued once a year except 1946. Since 1968, photography has added special topics News Photography A winning work usually consists of a group of photos. With the development of computer photo editing technology, the Commission stipulated in 1995 that "any works with processed or modified contents, except for the usual newspaper cutting and editing, will not be accepted".

News Awards

Pulitzer Prize for Live News Photography (Established in 1942, divided into Live news And close-up)
Pulitzer Prize for Close up Photography (Established in 1942 and divided into live news and features in 1968)
Pulitzer special contribution Writing Award

Creation Award

Pulitzer Prize for Poetry (Established in 1922)
Pulitzer Prize for Non fiction (Established in 1962)
Pulitzer Prize for Music (Established in 1943)

Review criteria

1. By newspapers through the use of their News resources as editorial , comics and photography, as well as reporting to provide commendable outstanding public services;
2. Outstanding sudden local news reports;
3. Outstanding work done by individuals or groups in the form of single or series reports Investigative report
4. Expounding a meaningful and complex theme, demonstrating a good grasp of the theme, fluent writing, and outstanding expression Interpretative reporting
5. Continuous, knowledgeable and outstanding work on specific topics or activities Special report
6. Outstanding reports on national affairs;
7. Include the United Nations Outstanding reports on international affairs including;
8. Pay special attention to the high quality and Originality Outstanding feature report of;
9. Outstanding critical articles;
10. Outstanding Literary criticism article;
11. An outstanding editorial that is clear, has a moral purpose, has solid reasoning, and has the ability to influence public opinion when the author believes that the guidance is correct;
12. Outstanding cartoons or selections of cartoons published annually with originality, critical effect, high painting level and visualization effect;
13. Color, single or multiple, and outstanding sudden news photography composed of related group photos or photo collections;
Picture and language of Pulitzer Prize for News
14. Or color, single or multiple, and outstanding close-up photography of related group photos or image collections.

Award Impact

Pulitzer Prize
Gold medal Will grant public service Award winners. In addition to certificates, other categories of winners also have cash awards that were raised to $7500 in 2001, up from $5000. Each of the four places recommended to the professors of the School of Journalism will be provided with a Pulitzer scholarship of $5000. These scholarships can enable three outstanding graduates to travel, write reports and study abroad, and another scholarship will be awarded to one who is engaged in drama, music, literature, film or TV Commentary Graduates.
For most of the winners, the cash award is only secondary to the prestige that the Pulitzer Prize brings to them and their works. There are many more competitions for prizes, but none of them can be compared with the Pulitzer Prize in the public mind.
And on Stockholm and Oslo Well prepared Nobel Prize The awarding ceremony is different from the royal banquet. In May every year, in the round hall of the Low Library of Columbia University, Pulitzer Prize winners only spend one noon Potluck I received the prize and certificate from the president of the school. Only family members, professional peers, committee members and teachers from the School of Journalism were present. The committee rejected the request to publicize the event on television.


Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph Pulitzer (Joseph Pulitzer), born on April 10, 1847 Hungary A Jewish family. He ran away from home at the age of 17 and wanted to join the army, but was rejected because of poor eyesight and weak health. Later US Army He was recruited as a cavalry soldier and became an American in 1867. Became in 1868 German Reporter of Western Post. He relied on the strong Thirst for knowledge With abundant energy, he tirelessly explored all kinds of news, and later became the wholly-owned operator of the newspaper.
By 1878, Pulitzer was proficient in English, and on December 9 of that year, he paid 2500 dollars to buy the St. Louis Telegraph, which was later merged with the local Post to become the St. Louis Post. In 1883, he took 34 $60000《 New York World 》。 He created the editing and writing system - that is, the materials collected and written by journalists are polished, sorted and integrated into manuscripts for publication by editors. This writing rule is still the whole The press Of Universal principles
Pulitzer is unique in managing and editing newspapers. He stressed that the newspaper should publish news truthfully and accurately, the text should be simple and popular, and efforts should be made to write well editorial
Pulitzer died in 1911. He made a will and donated his property to Columbia University , set up the Pulitzer Prize, which became the highest prize in American news.
Pulitzer began his journalism career in 1868 American newspapers Its development has a great influence, and it is known as the pioneer and model of modern American newspapers. In 1903, Pulitzer wrote his will and decided to fund the establishment of Columbia Journalism Institute and Pulitzer Prize. The board of directors of Columbia University will take charge of the fund he bequeathed. Pulitzer died on October 29, 1911. According to his will, he opened the Columbia Journalism Institute in 1912 and established the Pulitzer Prize in 1917.

Winner List

Stacy Schiff [24-25]


News Awards
Public Service Award: Mississippi Biloxi The Sun Herald( Katrina Hurricane) New Orleans Civic (New Orleans)
Breaking News Award: New Orleans Civic (Hurricane Katrina)
Award for investigative reporting:《 Washington Post 》(Disclosure of lobbyists Abramov Scandals)
Interpretative Reporting Award:《 Washington Post 》(David Finkel Yemen )
Exclusive Report Award:《 Washington Post 》(Dana Prester, CIA Secret Prison)
Domestic Report Award:《 New York Times 》(James Risen, Eric Letterb, National Security Agency eavesdropping incident)
Copley Newspaper San Diego Alliance Tribune (investigation on Representative Randy Ningham)
International Reporting Award:《 New York Times 》(Yusuf Kahn and Jim Yardley report on China judicial system Evolution)
Feature Award: Rocky Mountain News (Jim Shearer, "The Last Funeral")
Comments:《 New York Times 》Nicholas Christophe of
Critical reporting Awards:《 Washington Post 》Robin Givenne of the fashion category.
Editorial Writing Award: Rick Attig, Doug Barthes' Report on Mental Illness, Portland Oregonian
Editorial Cartoon Award: Mike Lukovich, Atlanta Constitution Daily
Burst News Photography Awards:《 dallas morning news 》(Hurricane Katrina)
Close up Photography Award: Rocky Mountain News (the last funeral) [5]
2007 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography
Creation Award
Fiction Award: Forward by Glardna Brooks
Drama Award: Vacancy
History Award: Polio: The Story of an American by David Osinsky
Biography Award: Prometheus of America: Oppenheimer's Victory and Tragedy, by Kay Beard Martin Sherwin
Poetry Award: "Old Wife" by Claude Emilson
General Non fiction Award: Imperial Revenge: The Secret History of English Gulag in Kenya, by Kaolina Elkins
Music Award: Piano Concerto Chiavi in Mano 'by Wyner


News Awards
Pulitzer Public Service Award:《 Wall Street Journal 》Journalists
Pulitzer Prize for breaking news reporting: reporter of Oregon People, Oregon portland
Pulitzer Prize for Investigation and Reporting: The Birmingham (Alabama) News Brett Blaki (Brett Blackledge)
Pulitzer paraphrase News Awards:《 Los Angeles Times 》Kenneth R. Weiss Usha Lee McFarling、 Rick Loomis
Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting: The Miami Herald Derby ·Sensep( Debbie Cenziper
Pulitzer Prize for Domestic Reporting : Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe
Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting : Reporter of Wall Street Journal
Pulitzer Review Award : Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution
Pulitzer Prize for Criticism : Johnson Gerd of the Los Angeles Weekly( Jonathan Gold
Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography: associated press Of Odi Baliti (Oded Balilty)
Pulitzer Prize for Close up Photography : Renee C. Byer in Sacramento Bee
Creation Award
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction : The Road, Cormac McCarthy (Alfred A. Knopf)
Pulitzer Prize for Drama :《 Rabbit hole 》, David Lindsey Abel( David Lindsay -Abaire)
Pulitzer Prize in History : The Whip Driving History: News Media, Civil Rights Movement, National Awakening, Gene Roberts( Gene Roberts )And Hank Klibanoff (Alfred A. Knopf)
Pulitzer Prize for Biographical Literature: The Most Famous Man in America: The Biography of Henry Wade Beecher, Debby Applegate (Doubleday Press)
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry : Native Guard, Natasha Trethewey (Houghton Mifflin Press)
Pulitzer Prize for Non fiction : The Approaching Fortress: Agade and the Road to 911, Lawrence Wright (Alfred A. Knopf Press)
Music Awards
Voice Grammar, Ornette Coleman, released on September 12, 2006


News Awards
Public Service Award: Washington Post
Breaking News Award: Washington Post
Award for investigative reporting: New York Times reporter
Investigative report: Chicago Tribune
Interpretative Reporting Award: New York Times reporter
Local News Report Award: Milwaukee News Sentinel reporter
Domestic News Report Award: Washington Post reporter
International News Report Award: Washington Post reporter
Feature Report Award: Washington Post reporter
Best Column: Washington Post reporter
"Rock Poet": Bob Dylan
Commentary Award: Boston Globe reporter
Editorial cartoon award: reporter of Investor Business Daily
Burst News Photography Award: Reuters reporter
Works that won the picture story award
Photo Story Award: reporter of Concord Monitor
Creation Award
Bob Dylan, "Rock Poet"
especially Nomination Award : Bob Dylan
Novel Award: Junot Diaz (Oscar Waugh's Wonderful Biography)
Drama Award: Tracy Letz(《 August: Orange County 》)
Historical Literature Award: Daniel Hall (What God Created)
Autobiographical Literature Award: John Mattson (The Expediator of Eden)
Poetry Award: Robert Hass (Time and Things)
Poetry Award: Philip Schultz (Failure)
Non fiction Award: Saul Friedlander (Years of Genocide)
Music Award: David Lang (Passion of a Match Girl)


News Awards
Public services:《 Las Vegas Sun 》Especially the brave report of its reporter Alexander Bosson.
Sudden news report: All employees of the New York Times.
Investigative news report: David Bastau of the New York Times.
Explanatory news Report:《 Los Angeles Times 》Bettina Bosio and Julie Carter.
Local news reports: employees of the Detroit Free Press, especially Jim Schafer and M L. Eric.
Arizona mesa Wynn Gabilsson and Paul Kipling of Donggu Tribune.
National news report: employees of the St. Petersburg Times.
International news reports: employees of the New York Times.
Special report: Lian Deggoli of the St. Petersburg Times.
Fact: Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post.
Comment: New York Times Netherlands ·Cote.
editorial: New York Mark Mahoney of The Post Star in Glens Falls.
Editorial cartoon: Steve Brin of the San Diego Joint Tribune.
Breaking news photography: Parker Farrell of the Miami Herald.
Special report photography: Damon Winter of the New York Times.
Creation Award
Novels: Elizabeth Straut Olive Gittrich( Langdon Bookstore Press)
Drama: Destruction by Lin Nortaki
History: Ernest Gordon Reid's Monticello of Hermiones: An American Family (W. W. Norton Press)
Biography or autobiography: The American Lion: President Jackson in the White House by John Mitcham (Random House Press)
Poetry: W.S. Merwin's Shadow of Sirius (TongCanyon Press)
Non fiction: Douglas A. Blackmon's Slavery with a Different Name: Re enslavement of African Americans from the Civil War to World War II (Doubleday Press)
Music: Double Sextet by Steve Ritchie (Busey&Hawkes) [6]


The American Pulitzer Prize Jury announced the list of winners of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in 2010.
The jury announced the winners of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize
The Washington Post won four awards and became the biggest winner, two News website Each won an award, setting a precedent for the Pulitzer Prize to be awarded to online media and becoming the biggest highlight.
A special award was also awarded—— musician Lifetime Achievement Award
Among the 14 news awards, Virginia The Bristol Herald Messenger, a local media Revelatory report And won the most important public service award.
Anthony Shadid, a reporter of the Washington Post Iraq A series of reports on the situation won the International News Report Award. The newspaper also won three awards, namely, the Feature News Award, the News Comment Award and the Criticism Comment Award.
The series of reports that won the domestic news report award discussed the dangers of using mobile phones, computers, etc. while driving.
In addition《 seattle times 》Because of its Washington State The report that four policemen were shot and killed in the coffee shop was obtained Breaking news Raquel Ratledge of the Milwaukee Sentinel won the local report award《 dallas morning news 》Three of them won the editorial award.
Des Moines Register 》Mary Chind of Denver Post won the Sudden News Photography Award for her works reflecting the moment when construction workers saved women from drowning. Craig Walker of Denver Post won the close-up photography award for her works depicting a minor child who joined the army in Iraq.
The Pulitzer Prize began to expand its selection range, and all awards were allowed to be evaluated by online media, which received 65 nominations, but failed to win.
Under the categories of literature, drama and music, seven awards were awarded, including novel, drama, history, biography, poetry, non fiction literature and music. American composer Jennifer Higden made her debut in February 2009 Violin Concerto Won the only music award. The Pulitzer Prize awarding ceremony is usually held at Columbia University, the birthplace of the Pulitzer Prize, about one month after the announcement of the results. In the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, the public service award is a gold medal, and other winners can receive a $10000 prize and certificate. [7]


Outstanding Public Service Award
Winners:《 Los Angeles Times
Award winning report: exposure California Officials of the small town Bell Misappropriation of public funds The report of paying high salaries to itself eventually led to the arrest of the officials involved in the incident and prompted the city of Bell to carry out relevant reforms.
Emergency Report Award
The breaking news award has been vacant for the first time since the establishment of the Pulitzer Prize. Director of the Pulitzer Prize Jury Sig Gissler He said that although there were many major events in 2010, such as haiti earthquake and Gulf of Mexico Oil spill accident, etc., but the Pulitzer Prize jury finally decided to leave the breaking news award vacant for the first time since the award was founded 95 years ago, but he did not give specific reasons.
Investigative Reporting Award
Winner: Page John of the Sarasota Herald Tribune.
Award winning report: Page John disclosed in detail Florida The Owner has important influence property insurance The dark curtain of the system provides convenient insurance companies Reliability Data and urge regulators to take action.
Explanatory Reporting
Winners: Mark Johnson, Cattelian Gallagher, Gary Potter, Lou Sardival and Alison Sherwood of the Milwaukee Sentinel.
Award winning report: they use the easy to understand Language pair use Gene technology The process of saving a 4-year-old boy suffering from a strange disease was reported, using text, charts, videos and other presentation methods.
Local News Report Award
Winners: Frank Mann, Mark Cohen Cole and John King from the Chicago Sun Times.
Award winning report: they made a detailed record of the violence in the Chicago community and conducted a comprehensive investigation victim The life of criminals and detectives.
Domestic News Report Award
Winner: folk news website ProPublica Jesse Eisenger, Jack Bernstein
Award winning report: they disclosed the suspicious finance of Wall Street Operation behavior , and these behaviors may lead to economic disasters. The report also uses digital tools to explain complex financial behaviors to readers.
International News Report Award
Winners: Clifford Levy and Ellen Barry of the New York Times.
Award winning report: their Russia The humanistic interpretation of the collapsing judicial system has greatly affected the discussion of this issue in Russia.
Feature Writing
Winner: Amy Iris Nate of the Star Chronicle.
Award winning report: Nate reported in depth that a commercial fishing boat Atlantic The mysterious sinking caused six deaths.
Commentary Award
Winner: David Leonhardt of the New York Times.
Award winning report: He elegantly and deeply discussed the complicated economic problem Comment from the Federal budget deficit reach Medical reform
Critical Report Award
Winners:《 Boston Globe 》Sebastian Smee.
Award winning report: He writes on art topics vividly and vividly, often bringing great works full of love and praise to life.
Editorial Writing Award
Winners:《 Wall Street Journal 》Joseph Rego of.
Award winning report: His delicate and out of tune editorial challenged the health care reform advocated by President Obama.
Editorial Cartooning
Winner: Mike Kiefer of Denver Post.
Award winning report: Mike Kiefer's works with a wide range of subjects use a loose expressiveness To convey a strong and interesting message.
Burst News Photography Award
Winners: Caor Guz, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti of the Washington Post.
Award winning report: Their works fully reflect the pain and despair brought by the earthquake in Haiti.
Feature Photography
Winners:《 Los Angeles Times 》Barbara Davidson.
Award winning report: her works are very helpful to the trapped Los Angeles The innocent victims of gang violence are described in detail. [8]


Public Service Award
Winner: Philadelphia Enquirer
Reason for winning the award: Philadelphia Ubiquitous Campus violence The Philadelphia Inquirer has described in detail the phenomenon and even crimes of bullying children on campus with powerful written descriptions and video materials, which inspired the reform to improve the safety of teachers and students.
Burst News Award
prize winner: Alabama The reporter of Tuscaloosa News.
Reason for winning the award: The reporter of this newspaper has a fatal tornado They reported bravely and boldly, and adopted Social media And traditional reporting methods provide real-time news updates to help locate missing persons and force them to travel 50km away in case of power interruption printing plant When printing, the depth of Printed edition
Investigative Reporting Award
Winners: Associated Press reporter Matt Upzo, Adam Goldman, Irene Sullivan, Chris Holly and《 seattle times 》Journalists Michael J Berens, Ken Armstrong
Reason for award: Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong, reporters of the Seattle Times, exposed that a little-known government department in Washington State changed the medication of vulnerable patients without authorization, replacing cheap but dangerous drugs with safe but slightly expensive drugs. The report triggered a nationwide health alarm in the United States.
Associated Press reporters Matt Apzo, Adam Goldman, Irene Sullivan, and Chris Holly exposed that the New York police were secretly monitoring the daily life of Muslim communities. The report triggered a congressional investigation and aroused concerns about domestic Intelligence gathering Role debate.
Interpretative Reporting Award
Winner: David Kosieniewski, reporter of the New York Times.
Reason for winning the award: David Kosieniewski, a reporter of the New York Times, through the complex legal jungle with a series of clear reports, clearly exposed how the richest citizens and companies in the United States often drill Legal loopholes How to avoid taxes.
Local News Report Award
prize winner: Pennsylvania capital Harrisburg Sara Ganin and the reporter of Patriot News.
Award reason: Sara Ganin and the reporter of Patriot News bravely exposed the Sex scandal
Domestic Report Award
Winner: online media《 Huffington Post 》Reporter David Wood.
Award reason: Huffington Post reporter David Wood Iraq War and Afghanistan War The physical and emotional challenges faced by the seriously injured American soldiers in the war were explored in depth.
International Reporting Award
Winner: Jeffrey Gatman, reporter of the New York Times.
Reason for winning the award: Jeffrey Gatman, a reporter of the New York Times, regardless of the danger East Africa Famine and conflict in this neglected but increasingly strategically important region were vividly reported.
Feature Writing
Winner: Seattle Weekly《 stranger 》Eli Saunders of.
Reason for award: Eli Sanders of Strangers, a weekly magazine in Seattle, based on the brave testimony and case details of a woman who survived a brutal attack, wrote the story of the woman and her unfortunately murdered boyfriend in an unforgettable way.
Commentary Award
Winners:《 Chicago Tribune 》Mary Schmidge of.
Reason for winning the award: Mary Schmidge of the Chicago Tribune, with her practical and extensive columns, demonstrated the character and culture of Chicago.
Critical Report Award
Winners:《 Boston Globe 》Wesley Morris.
Award reason: Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe Film criticism Wisdom, ingenuity and precise writing, its comments penetrate between art theaters and box office.
Editorial Writing Award
Winner: vacant
Editorial Cartooning
Winner: Matt Woolkor of Politician.
Reason for award: Matt Woolkor's editorial cartoon of Politician is fresh and interesting, and satirizes the party conflict sweeping Washington in an unforgettable form.
Sudden News Photography Award
prize winner: AFP Masood Hosseini of.
Award reason: December 6, 2011, Afghanistan capital Kabul A crowded place Sacred Place After being attacked by a suicide bomber, the AFP's Masood Hosseini took a picture of a girl crying on her body.
Feature Photography
Winner: Craig F., Denver Post Walker.
Reason for award: Craig F. of Denver Post Walker used a set of moving pictures to record the trauma experienced by an Iraqi war soldier after returning home sequela Painful, this group of pictures enables the audience to better understand such a national problem. [9]


Burst News Award
Winner: USA Alabama The staff of the Tuscaloosa News.
Reason for award: Commend them for a series of dedicated reports when the deadly tornado hit.
Burst News Picture Award
Winner: AFP Photojournalist Masud Hosseini.
Reason for winning the award: Hussaini recorded an incident in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan Suicide bomb Explosion Of News pictures Won this award. [10]
Fiction Award
prize winner: Adam Johnson Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Reason for award: America Stanford University A novel describing the life of Korean residents written by Adam Johnson, a professor and writer《 orphanage The Dean's Son( The Orphan Master's Son , and translated《 The Orphan Master's Son 》), describes in detail the life of a fictional character who grew up in a Korean orphanage run by his father. In the process of growing up, he experienced all kinds of hardships, and finally his heart was healed because he fell in love with an actress. [10]
Public Service Award
Winner: Sun Sentinel.
Interpretative Reporting Award
Winner: New York Times
Reason for award: because of a series of reports on how rich people and groups in this country find loopholes to avoid taxes. [10]
Local News Award
Winner: Patriot News
Award reason: pennsylvania Patriot News Penn State University rugby The revealing report of team sex scandal won the prize. [10]
International Reporting Award
Winner: New York Times
Feature Award
Winner: Seattle Weekly Stranger
Commentary Award
Winner: Chicago Tribune
Criticism Award
Winner: Boston Globe
Winner: Vacant. [10-11]


News Awards
Public Service Award: UK《 The Guardian 》Washington Post [12]
Burst News Report Award: The Boston Globe team
Investigation Report Award: from the Center for Public Integrity in Washington Investigative reporter Chris Hamby
Explanatory Reporting Award: Eli Saslow of the Washington Post
Local News Report Award: America Florida Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of Tampa Bay Times
Domestic News Report Award: America Colorado David Philipps of Koizumi Gazette
International News Report Award: Jason Szep and Andrew Marshall (AndrewR.C.Marshall)
Feature Report Award: Vacancy
News Review Award: Stephen Henderson of the Detroit Free Press
Criticism Award: Inga of Philadelphia Inquirer Saffron
Editorial Writing Award: Oregon, USA portland The editorial staff of the city's Oregonian Daily.
Editorial Cartoon Award: Kevin Siers of the Charlotte Observer
Breaking News Photography Award: Tyler Hicks of the New York Times
Close up Photography Award: Josh Haner of the New York Times
Creation Award
Fiction Award: Donna Tartt Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch
Drama Award: Annie Baker's The Flick
History award: Alan Taylor's The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832
Biography award: Megan Marshall's Margaret Fuller: A New American Life
Poetry Award: Three Sections by Vijay Seshadri
Documentary literature Award: Samuel Langhen Clemens and Alexei Maximovich Bishkov by Stanley Yin
Non fiction award: Dan Fagin's Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation
Music Award: BecomeOcean by John Luther Adams [13]


News Awards
Public service: The Post and Courier, Charleston USA South Carolina
Breaking news:《 seattle times 》Employees
Investigative report: Eric Lipton and《 Wall Street Journal 》Employees
Local report: Rob Kuznia, Rebecca Kimitch and Frank Suraci of Daily Breeze California
National report:《 Washington Post 》Carol D. Leonnig
International report: employees of the New York Times
Special writing:《 Los Angeles Times 》Diana Marcum
News comment: Lisa Falkenberg of Houston Chronicle
Criticism: Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times
Editorial writing: Kathleen Kingsbury of The Boston Globe
Editorial cartoon: Adam Zyglis of Buffalo News
Shooting of breaking news: St. Louis Post Dispatch Photography Employee
Special shooting: Daniel Berehulak, freelance photographer of the New York Times [14]
Creation Award
All the Light We Can not See, Anthony Doerr
Drama Award: Between River and Crazy by Stephen Adly Guirgis
Historical Works Award: Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People by Elizabeth A. Fenn (Hill and Wang)
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe by David I. Kertzer (Random House)
Poetry Award: Poetry : Digest by Gregory Pardlo (Four Way Books)
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert (Henry Holt)
Music Award: Anthracite Fields by Julia Wolfe (Red Poppy Music/G. Schirmer, Inc. [15]


News Awards
Public Service Award- associated press (Associated Press)
Burst Report Award-《 Los Angeles Times 》(Los Angeles Times) Team
Investigative Reporting Award - Leonora LaPeter Anton, Anthony Cormier, Tampa Bay Times; Michael Braga, Sarasota Herald Tribune
Interpretative Reporting Award – ProPublica's T Christian Miller and marshall plan Ken Armstrong of The Marshall Project
Local Reporting Award - Michael LaForgia, Cara Fitzpatrick and Lisa Gartner of Tampa Bay Times
Domestic Report Award-《 Washington Post 》(The Washington Post) Team
International Reporting Award-《 New York Times 》(The New York Times) Alissa J. Rubin
Special Writing Award-《 New Yorker 》(The New Yorker) Kathryn Schulz
Commentary Award-《 Boston Globe 》(The Boston Globe) Farah Stockman
Criticism Award - The New Yorker Emily Nussbaum
Editorial Writing Award – John Hackworth, Sun Newspapers, Charlotte, Florida
Critical Cartoon Award- Sacramento Bee News (The Sacramento Bee)Jack Ohman
Funny Report Award - The Southlake
Breaking News Photography Award - The New York Times Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev, Tyler Hicks and Daniel Etter; Thomson Reuters (Thomson Reuters) Photography team
Special Photography Award - The Boston Globe Jessica Rinaldi
Creation Award
Novel Award The Sympathizer, written by Viet Thanh Nguyen (Grove Press)
Drama Award - Hamilton by: Lin-Manuel Miranda
History Award - Custer's Trials: A Life on the Frontier of a New America, by T.J. Stiles (Alfred A. Knopf)
Biographical Literature Award - Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan (Penguin Press)
Poetry Award - Ozone Journal by Peter Balakian (University of Chicago Press)
Non fiction Award - Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS by Joby Warrick (Doubleday)
Music Award - In for a Penny, In for a Pound, by Henry Threadgill (Pi Recordings)
About YinXiangYu, Author: Stanley Yin (JiaLI dun) [16]


News Awards
Public Service Awards: New York Daily News and ProPublica
Burst Report Award: California Auckland Staff of the East Bay Times, Oakland, CA
Investigative Reporting Award: Eric Eyre of the Charleston Gazette- Mail (WV) )
Local Report Award: The Salt Lake Tribune Staff
Domestic Report Award: David A. Fahrenthold of The Washington Post
International Reporting Award: The New York Times Staff
Special Writing Award: C.J. Chivers of The New York Times
Comments:《 Wall Street Journal 》Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal
Criticism Award:《 New Yorker 》Hilton Als of The New Yorker
Editorial Writing Award: Art Cullen of The Storm Lake Times (IA)
Critical Cartoon Award: The Miami Herald Jim Morin (Jim Morin of the Miami Herald)
Breaking News Photography Award: a freelance photographer of the New York Times Daniel Berehulak (Daniel Berehulak, freelance photographer, The New York Times)
Special Photography Award:《 Chicago Tribune 》E. Jason Wambsgans of the Chicago Tribune
Creation Award
Fiction Award: Colson Whitehead Mass Transit Railway. Published by Dobleday Publishing House. (The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead ,Doubleday)
Drama Award: Sweat by Lynn Nottage
History award: Heather Ann Thompson's Blood in the Water: The Rise of Attica Prison in 1971 and Its Legacy. Published by Pantheon Publishing House. (Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy by Heather Ann Thompson ,Pantheon)
Biography or autobiography award: Return: Father, Son and the Middle Zone by Hisham Matar. Published by Random House. (The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between by Hisham Matar,Random House)
Poetry Award: Oreo by Thiem Bar Jess. Issued by Inspur Publishing House. (Olio by Tyehimba Jess ,Wave Books)
Non fiction Award: Matthew Desmond Evictions: Poverty and Wealth in American Cities. Published by Crown Publishing House. Evicted : Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond,Crown) [17]


News Awards
public interest Service award: New York Times Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey The New Yorker Ronan Farrow
Breaking News Award: California Santa Rosa Newspapers《 Democratic News
Investigative Reporting Award: Washington Post
Interpretative Reporting Award:《 Arizona Republic 》And《 USA Today Newspaper
Local Report Award:《 The Cincinnati Enquirer
National Report Award: New York Times and Washington Post
International Reporting Award: Clare Baldwin, Andrew R.C. Marshall and Manuel Mogato
Special Writing Award: Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah, a GQ freelance journalist
Commentary Award: Alabama Birmingham John Archibald, Media Group
Literary Criticism Award: Jerry Saltz, New York Magazine
Editorial Writing Award:《 Des Moines Register 》 Andie Dominick
Editorial Cartoon Award: freelance writer of New York Times Jake Halpern and Free Cartoon Home Michael Sloan
Breaking News Photography Award: Virginia Charlottesville Daily Progress Ryan Kelly
Close up Photography Award: Reuters [18]


News Awards
Public Service Award: The South Florida Sun Sentinel for its coverage of the shooting of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
Award for breaking news report: the winner is《 Pittsburgh The Post confirmed its impact on Pittsburgh's tree of life synagogue A report of the shooting.
Investigative Report Award: awarded to《 Los Angeles Times 》Yes University of Southern California Gynecologists have reported aggression against young women for more than 20 years.
Interpretative reporting award: the winners are three reporters from the New York Times, who Donald Trump The financial situation of.
Creation Award
Fiction: The Top, by W. W. Norton, Narrative structure It's very ingenious. The branches and canopies are like the core trees of the story Connectivity It echoes the human beings living in it.
Drama: Fei Meiyou, written by Jay Sibabulis Drury, is a very powerful dramatic work In a highly conceptualized and hierarchical structure, it verified the racial problem, and finally replaced the audience into the actors' community, making them face deep-rooted discrimination.
History:《 Frederick Douglas: A Predictor of History 》, Author David W. Bright (Simon&Schuss Publishing House), this is an amazing historical writing, in-depth research Frederick Douglas His works, intellectual changes and his social relations show how much his influence is.
Biography:《 The New Black: Alan Locke 》, Author Jeffrey C. Stewart Oxford University Press ), a pair Harlem The Renaissance His father's personal efforts and artistic achievements, as well as the panoramic writing of the movement he triggered.
Poetry: Accompanied by Forrest Gander (New Direction Publishing House), a collection of elegy, accurately captures the sudden sense of loss, the difficulty of expressing grief and the missing of the dead.
Non fiction:《 Friendship and Prosperity: A Family and a Broken America 》Eliza Grisword (Farrell, Strauss and Giroux), a classic American story, tells a compelling story Appalachia The story of the family struggling to maintain its middle class status under the shadow of the disaster caused by the company's oil fracturing.
Music: Prism, written by Ellen Reed, a bold New Opera The work uses very precise vocal music and prominent instrument timbre to describe very difficult things: sex and Mental abuse Impact. The script was written by Roxie Perkins. [19]


Evan Vucci [33]
Winner: Evan Vucci, the chief photographer of the Associated Press in Washington, D.C. In 2020, he took photos in several cities in the United States by Freud The protests and riots caused by his death won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism in 2021. [33-34]


Close up Photography Award: Reuters Adnan Abidi (Adnan Abidi)、 Sonna Ilshad Matu (Sanna Irshad Mattoo)、 Amit Dave (Amit Dave) and the dead Danish Siddiki ( Danish Sid diqui)。 [23]


On May 8, 2023 local time, Columbia University announced the winners of The Pulitzer Prizes in 2023. Among the 15 news awards, 2 are related to photography. Including:
  • Burst News Photography Award
Winner: Associated Press Photography Team [28]
The photography team of the Associated Press won the Breaking News Photography Award by virtue of a group of photos about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. These shocking photos show the huge damage caused to civilians by the war.
  • Special Photography Award
Winner: Christina House
Published on: July 13, 2022 [28]
The Feature Photography Award was awarded to Christina House, a reporter of the Los Angeles Times. In order to learn more about the life of a 22-year-old pregnant woman living in a tent on the street, House recorded her vulnerability when she tried to raise a child but failed.
  • Public Service Award
The Pulitzer Prize for Public Service was awarded to the Associated Press team for their series of reports on the Russian Ukrainian war.
  • Award for breaking news report
The Breaking News Reporting Award was awarded to the team of the Los Angeles Times. The report focused on the leakage of the secret conversation recording of the city government officials about racist remarks, followed up the incident and the public opinion shock it generated in a timely manner, and made in-depth reports on racial issues affecting local politics.
  • Investigative Reporting Award
The Investigative Reporting Award was awarded to the reporters of the Wall Street Journal. They made a sharp accountability report on the financial conflicts of interest among 50 federal agency officials, exposing their moral violations in stock trading and undermining public interests by taking advantage of agency authority [27]
Fiction Award
The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction has always attracted much attention. In 2023, the American writer Barbara Kingsolver and Hernan Diaz shared the award, which is the first time since its establishment that the award has welcomed double winners. Kinsovo's "Devil's Bronze Head" tells the story of a little boy living in rural Appalachia who successively encountered poverty, drug addiction, institutional failure and moral disillusionment. Diaz's award-winning work Trust focuses on a financier who has experienced the "1929 U.S. stock market crisis" but is still thriving. Diaz reveals the whole process of how he replaced power with capital, and then distorted reality with power. The organizing committee commented that this novel is "a complex examination of power and love in a country where capital is king". [26]


Fiction Award: Night Watch, Jayne Anne Phillips
Drama Award: Primary Trust, Eboni Booth
General non fiction awards: A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy, Nathan Thrall
History award: No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston's Black Workers in the Civil War Era, Jacqueline Jones
Biography award: King: A Life, Jonathan Eig; Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom, Ilyon Woo
Autobiography Award: "Liliana's Invincible Summer: Sisters Seeking Justice", Cristina Rivera Garza
Poetry Award: Tripas: Poetry, Brandon Som
Music Award: Adagio (for Vadada Leo Smith), Tyshawn Sorey [29]
Pulitzer Prize for local reporting: "Missing in Chicago", reporter of "City Bureau" and "Invisible Research Institute". [31]
Pulitzer Public Service Award: ProPublica
Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News: Lookout Santa Cruz (California)
Pulitzer Prize for Domestic Reporting: Washington Post, Reuters
Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting: New York Times
Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting: Hannah Dreyer, a reporter of the New York Times
Pulitzer Prize for Interpretative Reporting: Sarah Stillman, reporter of The New Yorker
Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing: Washington Post reporter David E. Hoffman
Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography: Reuters
Pulitzer Prize for Special Photography: The Associated Press
Pulitzer Prize for Audio Reporting: "Invisibility Institute" and "USG Audio"
Pulitzer Prize for Comments: Vladimir Kara Murza, Writer of the Washington Post
Pulitzer Prize for Criticism: Justin Chang, a reporter of the Los Angeles Times
Pulitzer Prize for Writing: Katie Engelhart, Special Writer of the New York Times
Pulitzer Prize for Illustrated Reporting and Review: Medar de la Cruz, Writer of The New Yorker [32]

News stories

Pulitzer Prize in 1971
Returning to the United Nations, Qiao Guanhua laughs
It's the 26th session in 1971 United Nations General Assembly The Chinese delegate on the. The first on the left is Qiao Guanhua, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, and the first on the right is China Permanent Representative to the United Nations Huang Hua
On October 25, 1971, the 26th United Nations General Assembly Albania Algeria Wait for 23 countries to restore The People's Republic of China Everything at the United Nations legitimate right And immediately vote on the proposal to expel the representatives of the Kuomintang group from the United Nations and all its affiliated institutions.
The United States still refused to admit defeat. Before the last round of voting, Nixon gave Bush He called and said, "We want to win, we want to win." Bush ran to the platform with a dark face and asked to delete the content of the proposal to expel the Kuomintang authorities from Taiwan. Bush finished his speech with a serious expression, but the representatives from the audience cheered and laughed Africa When the national representatives knocked on the table, Bush had to step down embarrassed to the sound of "No.".
Iraq The representative walked up to the platform and said, "If the United States still wants to reserve a seat for Chiang Kai shek, I have a suggestion. We very much welcome the American representative to bring him and let him sit on a chair in the American delegation seat." The bitter humor caused a burst of laughter. Malik ruled that Bush's proposal was not accepted. So far, after several rounds of contests, the final voting result is no longer in doubt.
The electronic counting board showed the results: 76 in favour, 35 against, 17 abstentions, and the proposal was passed by an overwhelming majority. Suddenly, the conference hall seethed. China's legal rights in the United Nations have finally been recognized. This is a major victory achieved by China and many other countries that uphold justice in a long-term struggle.
On November 15, when the elegant Qiao Guanhua appeared in the United Nations conference hall, it immediately became the 26th U.N.General Assembly The focus of. Journalists layers of clothing Surrounded by him, a reporter asked, "Chief Joe, can you tell me your mood at this moment?" The beaming Qiao Guanhua looked up and laughed, his proud, hearty smile infected everyone present. A moment later, he only said such a sentence: "My expression has already answered your question." Joe laughed and was present Photojournalist I snapped it and won the Pulitzer Prize at one fell swoop. [20]
2016 Pulitzer Prize
Among the various awards of Pulitzer in 2016, those who won the "Public Service Award" were associated press A group of, including seven long surveys and two video reports, tells a story about an earth shaking Oscar The true story of the award-winning film. This story is not far away from you and me. Every fish and shrimp we eat every day may be stained with the blood and tears of the protagonists of this story.
This group of reports, which took a whole year to write and risked their lives, revealed Thailand Marine water There have been decades of criminal acts in the product fishing industry, which have saved more than 2000 illegal immigrants who have been imprisoned, abused and enslaved for several years or even decades, and made the governments of the United States and Europe begin to consider legislation.
In 2014, several journalists from the Associated Press learned that some Thai fishing companies were Myanmar Cambodia Laos Poor neighbors, such as Lianmeng, cheat and even kidnap, took local strong laborers to their boats and forced them to go fishing. After the tedious Intelligence gathering After that, these journalists finally found a clue: an Indonesian fishing village called Benjina. So the reporters set out to come to this isolated island hanging in the ocean. After seeing it with their own eyes, they were shocked: there were hundreds of enslaved fishermen living on the island, and their living conditions were 1000 times worse than expected.
The island where the village is located is controlled by a fishing company called Pusaka Benjina Resources. They have a five story office on the island, which contains many cages for slave fishermen. This company is in Indonesia Registration There are 90 fishing boats under its control, but the captain and the main person in charge are all Thai. The Indonesian government is investigating whether there is something fishy about them.
In fact, Thai fishery companies have been recruiting workers from poor neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos for many years. At the beginning, they may cheat with high salary - the so-called high salary is actually hundreds of dollars for several months of work; But this money is enough to feed Myanmar families for a whole year.
When they got on the ship, they found that they could not get the high salary they had promised. The Thai fishing boss threatened them to work and redeem themselves. They could only get 10 dollars a month. Many people could not even get a penny.
Because the Thai government forbids illegal workers without identity, the fishing bosses gave these Burmese fake Thai identities, except for photos, names and Other information They have nothing to do with themselves.
Thailand Marine fishing The annual output value of the industry is up to 7 billion yuan, 20% of which is exported to the United States; The number of migrant fishermen employed has reached 100000, and Bangina Village is just one corner of this bloodstained industry.
In Bangina Village, in addition to interviewing slave fishermen, the Associated Press reporters also wrote down the name of the ship that came here to transport fish back to Thailand. Then they use Satellite tracking With the whereabouts of these ships.
A dozen days later, one of the ships named "Silver Sea Line" arrived at a Thai port, and the journalists followed. They found a truck On the dock I stopped for four days to observe the whereabouts of the fish. Why hide in the truck? Because there are fishing companies on the dock mafia Patrol with guns.
Later, the fish were loaded into 150 trucks, and the reporters followed the trucks to the freezing plant and Aquatic product processing Factory.
Later, by searching the database, the reporters tracked the trading companies that distributed and exported aquatic products, and then tracked the dealers in the United States.
In this way, the reporters completed a round the world journey with the blood stained fish until they finally arrived Wal-Mart , Sysco, and so on Shopping Mall
It is a long chain from Bangina Village to Wal Mart; And every company and every person tied to this chain earned money with the blood, sweat and tears of Myanmar fishermen.
Associated Press reporters then interviewed these American companies, including Wal Mart. Many companies refused to interview; Some of them sent a grandiose statement, saying that they were firmly opposed to enslavement of labor and would put pressure on suppliers to ensure that there was no enslavement of labor; Some companies admit privately that they have known about these things for a long time, but it is difficult to ensure 100% cleanliness, and it is also difficult to control what happened in Thailand.
After the release of the blockbuster report of the Associated Press, it aroused strong repercussions worldwide, especially in the United States. Under these pressures, U.S. Department of State They began to put pressure on the Burmese government to take back the Burmese fishermen stranded in Thailand.
In order to ensure the Personal safety The Associated Press did not publish the report after it was completed, but Direct contact Has International Organization for Migration And the Thai and Indonesian governments, asking them to go to the rescue.
Thai police sent people to Bangina Village to investigate. Surprisingly, Lieutenant General Saritchai Anekwiang of the Thai police reported that the fishermen on the island were in good condition. They were all Thai. Except for some homesick people, others were happy and there was no abuse.
Part of the reason why it is difficult to eradicate the phenomenon of illegal slave labor is that it is complicated Chain of interests Many law enforcement officials at the grass-roots level in Thailand accept bribes, even involving themselves.
The Indonesian government came to the island again the day after the Thai police left. After investigation, the Indonesian government confirmed the authenticity of the information provided by the Associated Press reporters. They announced that they would immediately take away the Myanmar fishermen who had suffered inhuman abuse.
The news spread quickly. Burmese workers who had been hiding in the dense forest for many years came to the shore one by one and boarded the Indonesian government's ship with surprise or hesitation.
The first batch of workers from Myanmar is 320, and the second batch is 560
A total of more than 2000 Burmese workers have been rescued, many of whom have returned to their homes in Myanmar.
The Associated Press released this group of reports after determining the safety of Burmese fishermen.
Among the more than 40 Burmese fishermen interviewed by the Associated Press, 30 year old Hlaing Min said to the reporter, "Americans and Europeans, please remember us when you eat these fish. There are mountains of our bones under the sea... They can form an island, that's all." [21]

Disputed events

In June 2021, the US Buzzfeed News Network wrote a group of articles in 2020 that discredited China's Xinjiang policy A series of reports , obtained American News The Pulitzer Prize, the highest honor in the world. [22]
In August 2020, after Buzzfeed published this group of reports that discredit Xinjiang Chinese netizens And the media raised extremely sharp doubts about the authenticity of the report almost at the first time. In an interview, local residents of Xinjiang even said that the approach of Buzzfeed reporters is equivalent to "a picture of the beginning, and the rest depends on compilation". [22]

Social evaluation

The Pulitzer Prize was once praised by some Chinese who "worship" the United States American News The award "once again" proved its "quality" with its actions - in terms of international reporting, the award is not awarded to journalists who are objective and neutral and seek the truth at all, but to journalists who serve the "big publicity" cause of the United States and use fictional facts and inverted reports to blacken the "enemy" and "ideological" opponents of the United States. (commented by Global Times) [22]