Joseph Pulitzer

American journalist and editor
zero Useful+1
synonym Pulitzer (Pulitzer) generally refers to Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph "Joe" Pulitzer (April 10, 1847 October 29, 1911), Hungary American, the father is Jewish and Hungarian, and the mother is German Austrian. Editors of American newspapers publisher The iconic figure of the American mass press, Pulitzer Prize and Columbia University Founder of the School of Journalism.
Chinese name
Joseph Pulitzer
Foreign name
Joseph "Joe" Pulitzer
one's native heath
date of birth
April 10, 1847
Date of death
October 29, 1911
Journalists and editors
Key achievements
establishment Pulitzer Prize
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism a founder member

brief account of the author's life

Joseph Pulitzer
Born on April 10, 1847 Hungary Middle class family, father Philip Pulitzer is Hungary magyar jewish Descendants of Austria Before marriage, he was named Louis Jaber. Pulitzer used to be four brothers, but two died, leaving him and Albert brothers alone. Pulitzer has been well received since childhood Schooling , received good German and French Training. Later, his father died of illness, and his mother remarried. Due to a disagreement with her stepfather, she left home at the age of 17. At the same time, he joined the army because of his worship of Napoleon. However, due to the problems of eyesight and physical strength, the Austrian conscription office did not succeed. stay Austrian troops After failing to sign up, he went to the residence again Mexico French army and garrison India The British Army Registration Office was still unsuccessful. Later, he joined the US "Lincoln Cavalry" in Hamburg. Civil War After retirement, he wandered around the United States in order to find a job. In 1865, he settled down in St. Louis, a new city in the Midwest.
Pulitzer was naturalized in the United States in 1867, and later obtained Lawyer qualification In 1868, he met a person who helped him in Saint Louis—— Carl Schurz (A German born politician and journalist who once served in the US Spain Minister, Senator and Interior Minister, who was then the boss of the German newspaper Western Post). He was hired by Schultz as a reporter of Westiche Post, and was elected as a state legislator a year later to establish the "Anti Corruption Act". Joined in 1872 the Democratic Party of the United States
In 1878, at the age of 31, Pulitzer founded his first newspaper, the St. Louis Express Post, thus starting his newspaper career. During the operation of this newspaper, Pulitzer criticized the ugly phenomenon on the one hand, and advocated Social reform By sensationalism and a series of social problem Three years later, it became the local newspaper with the largest circulation. In 1882, it was acquired from Gushi Tesco with 346000 dollars《 New York World 》, recruited journalists Nelly Bly (real name Elizabeth Cochrane), Richard F. Outault and others to improve the sales of the newspaper industry, with 100000 copies sold.
Joseph Pulitzer
In 1883, under the instigation of Pulitzer's Le Monde and himself, he launched the welcome Statue of Liberty The fund-raising campaign has made great contributions to the successful completion of the Statue of Liberty. New York World 》And Pulitzer won the respect and love of the American people. In 1889, beside Hyde Park, Frankfort Street, New York, he spent 630000 dollars to buy the French Building and built a new office building for Le Monde on its site. At the same time, vision declined and was completely lost in 1890. The day before the opening ceremony of the newly completed New York World Building, Pulitzer went to Europe to recuperate. Le Monde announced his resignation editor-in-chief Title. Farewell to the press.
In 1892, the morning and evening publications totaled 347000 copies and attracted a large number of advertising sources. Pulitzer's most well-known contribution is to establish various columns and other models for American newspapers. At that time, newspapers began to use comics and became fashionable. The famous comics include Yellow Kid, which is the world's first color cartoon Yellow newspaper Origin of. 1892 was also the first time Pulitzer sent Columbia University He offered to donate to establish the Journalism Institute, but was declined.
In 1901, Pulitzer was tired of competition and cancelled the yellow part of Le Monde which was the most attacked part, Yellow News The trend gradually declined. It is recognized as the founder of "journalism" in the 1970s and 1980s.

Character experience


Smuggling in the United States

Joseph Pulitzer
Pulitzer was born on April 10, 1847 Hungary A small town called Makou. It's near here Romania At the border, there is a fertile land. His father was a cultured Jewish grain merchant, and his mother was a beautiful woman of German origin catholic Pulitzer is the second. The eldest is dead. The third is Albert, and the fourth is a girl named Emma. The three brothers and sisters have been private tutor Responsible for discipline, especially receiving strict training in German, French and other languages.
When Pulitzer was young, he had a well-off family and did not worry about food and clothing. But soon, his father heart disease After his death, his life changed a lot. When his mother remarried, he did not get along well with his stepfather, Blau, which made him suffer a lot at home, so he wanted to go out and be independent. Pulitzer, 17, left like this Budapest
Joseph Pulitzer
At first, Pulitzer wanted to be an Austrian soldier, but because he was too young, his eyesight was poor, and his body was thin, he was rejected. So he went back Paris London , asked to join the foreign corps, but still ran into difficulties everywhere. Then he went to Germany hamburger There, a German guy said to him, "Young man, I can let you go to the United States by boat to serve as a soldier." Pulitzer thought, at that time, a large number of people appeared everywhere Unemployed It's hard to find a job. Only when young people become soldiers can they get enough. The United States is far away, but the Germans boast of the treatment of American soldiers, so he readily agreed.
In 1864, the American Civil War It is in full swing, and the tense atmosphere permeates North America Every corner of. On the north east coast Boston Port In the middle of the night, there was a dead silence, and nothing could be seen on the dark water except the glimmers on the boat. On a ship in the harbor, a 17-year-old boy looked around for a while, and quickly jumped into the cold water when the people on the ship did not notice. He dived into the water and swam far away from the ship before sticking out his head to take a breath. In the afternoon, when the ship was approaching the coast, he had already seen the position of the land in advance. He began to swim towards the shore. After swimming for a while, he was exhausted. He floated on the water and rested for a while, cold all over. He could hardly support it. He wanted to shout "help", but this cry, US Coast Guard The soldiers would shoot at him. Even if he is not killed, the coast guard will send him back to the ship. Wouldn't that be a waste of all his previous efforts? So he gritted his teeth and swam forward. Suddenly, something hard hit him and made him feel painful. Ah, isn't this a stake on the bank? At last he reached his destination. The 17-year-old boy who took the plunge into the sea was named Joseph Pulitzer. This is how Pulitzer, who later became a millionaire and founder of the press in the United States, set foot on the American mainland.

Foolish soldier

Joseph Pulitzer
Moreover, after Pulitzer crossed the shore illegally, he found that the farmland scenery in the United States was quite different from that in Hungary. Although the land was sparsely populated, everything was in order. The life of American farmers was much better than that of their hometown. It took Pulitzer almost a week to arrive in New York. New York is not bigger than some European cities, and it is not very beautiful, but everywhere is a thriving scene. There are many commercial buildings, and new houses are rising to the sky. He loves the quick way people talk. Here he can feel the leap and growth of life. New York City is like him, young and energetic. Pulitzer seriously learn English , because he has a flexible mind, memory Strong, and soon mastered some simple conversations. Pulitzer felt that it was not a long-term solution to earn a living by doing odd jobs, so he found the coalition headquarters and signed up to be a soldier. A sergeant from the Lincoln Cavalry received him. Sergeant sees him Speaking English He was very awkward, and suddenly asked him in German: "Can you ride a horse, son?" At this time, Pulitzer's heart was beating hard. For a child growing up in a rural town in Hungary, riding a horse was his favorite and best. When he asked the meaning of "cavalry", he nodded happily. The sergeant took him to an officer. The officer patted him kindly on the shoulder: "If you want to fight for this country, you must have just got off the ship. You must prove that you can also be a genuine American, right? That's great. You have found the right place. The members of the Lincoln Cavalry here are all from German noble families, and they will take care of you like brothers." So, At the age of 17, Pulitzer became the youngest soldier in the Lincoln Cavalry.
Joseph Pulitzer
Military discipline is strict. Pulitzer rode very well, but he did not behave like a soldier. He could not stand straight or walk well. Once the monitor scolded him, but he kept talking back and was slapped heavily by the monitor. Pulitzer's strange appearance and nervous expression often make commanders look bad. Once, the commander shouted angrily, "Get him out of here! There is no such fool in our army." This remark deeply hurt Pulitzer's heart, making him farther and farther away from the soldiers. Later, he realized that in the eyes of veterans who have been through many wars and suffered from war, he is a little turnip. The veterans watched helplessly as their relatives, friends and comrades in arms lost their lives in the flames of war, and the pain in their hearts can be imagined. But the young Pulitzer did not understand the war at all, but he often talked about it with arrogance. How could the veterans and officers not hate him? The food for the cavalry was good. The growing Pulitzer looked like a man every day, strong and tall. Gradually Captain Lansai, the company commander, began to like him and called him to the tent to play chess with him when he was free. Captain Lansai told him that his broad interests and erudite inquiry were advantages after the war, but they could not be found in the barracks Personal behavior It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. If someone asks you to move forward, you can't back down. The officer will think for you. To guess what the cavalry captain will do, or what President Lincoln will decide, these are not Private Pulitzer. The captain of the basketball game praised him Equestrianism It is one of the best in a row. Pulitzer nodded frequently and seemed to understand a lot.
But the next morning, Pulitzer was in trouble again. When he gathered early in the morning, he was late, and Disheveled The monitor on duty roared and ordered him to go out and scolded him loudly. All the vicious words were moved out, even his ancestors and the motherland were scolded. Pulitzer was so angry that he beat the monitor in the face with all his strength. His personality is that whoever hurts his self-esteem will be furious. The soldiers were all dumbfounded. They didn't go up and pull him away until they came to their senses. At this time, a platoon leader came to me. Hearing that the soldiers dared to beat the officer, he couldn't believe his ears. Pulitzer was taken to the headquarters building and guarded in the confinement room by armed soldiers. This was the most terrible experience of his life. During the war, he might be shot. But he did not regret what he had done. If someone dares to insult him, he will do so. Soon Captain Lansai came. Pulitzer asked, "Did you take me out and shoot me?" Captain Lansai said, "You are dreaming again. The army will not deal with a child under 18 like this. But the squad leader who was beaten by you wants to kill you. Fortunately, many soldiers intercede for you." Pulitzer looked at the captain gratefully, with tears on his cheeks. Captain Lansai said, "I have come to say goodbye to you. I will be transferred to another army. You must remember what I said. Don't challenge the army before the war is over."
Pulitzer returned to the company after being released from detention. He remembered Captain Lansai's advice. Since then, in this last time of the army, he has never made a mistake. He is no longer an optimistic and lively boy. This experience left an indelible wound in his life, which made him unwilling to look for friendship in anyone in the future. On May 23, 1865, the last march of the coalition forces was held in Washington, D.C. President Lincoln announced that the United States Civil War end. Pulitzer received his last pay. Like many homeless soldiers, he decided to stay in New York.

Fight for the West

Joseph Pulitzer
In New York after the war, a large number of veterans made the unemployed army that was difficult to find jobs even larger. If there is a job opportunity, hundreds of people will apply for it. Pulitzer English is still poor and has no expertise. It's hard to find a job. His life became more and more difficult. Later, his coat had holes and he couldn't afford to buy a new one. Nonetheless, Pulitzer tried to look as clean as possible. As long as he had a dime in his pocket, he would still go to a small shop attached to a French hotel to find someone to clean his shoes. One day, the shoeshine man said to him, the soldier, that he would not clean shoes again after asking him to help. Pulitzer asked why? The shoeshine man had to say that the rich man in the French hotel did not want to sit with him, a poor boy, to clean his shoes. Pulitzer looked at his shabby clothes and looked at the scornful eyes of the rich man, and immediately understood what was going on. This embarrassing situation made Pulitzer determined to leave the city; And he swore that one day he would return here, buy this French hotel, and then raze it to the ground, and build a unique skyscraper here again.
Pulitzer happened to meet a comrade in arms of the Lincoln Cavalry that day. His comrades in arms persuaded him to go to the west, which was the real America, so Pulitzer decided to go Missouri Of St. Louis Go. He was convinced that his hopes would come true there. Pulitzer left New York with only a few coppers. He sold his only valuable thing - a silk handkerchief. He went to St. Louis on foot and by train. When he saw Mississippi River At that time, he not only had no money, but also sold some clothes. The distance he has traveled is equivalent to that from Budapest It's so far from Paris to London. He took the beautiful photos of his mother with him and took them out from time to time. This was the only short moment when he could get comfort.
Pulitzer arrived in the evening of October 10 that year Mississippi River At the bank, a thunderstorm happened. He was cold and hungry. He looked at the lights in the opposite house, but could do nothing. There is no bridge and no money to take a ferry. He was trembling all over and did not know how to survive the night. He stood on the bank and watched the ferry come and go. The boatman told him to go away, but he pretended not to hear. Pulitzer waited for another ferry to dock, and then he asked the boatman, "Do you need help? I have to go to St. Louis, but I have no money. If I stay here, I will be frozen to death..." The boatman carefully looked at his face, which turned purple because of the cold, and finally pleaded with the captain on his behalf. The captain promised to let him go aboard and burn the boiler, so that he could cross the river free of charge. The ship finally docked. Pulitzer shoveled the coal all night. His limbs were weak and his whole body ached. He almost fell down when he got off the boat. The captain gave him some money and told him where to find a place to eat and live. He found the cheapest inn and fell asleep.
In the afternoon, Pulitzer was awakened by the noisy voices. When I got up and looked out of the window, I saw the bright sun shining on the broad Mississippi River, St. Louis It is so lively. He went to the street and bought a loaf of bread to eat while walking. At the moment, the streets are full of hunters and businessmen, as well as graceful ladies and poor workers. New commercial buildings, banks and schools can be seen everywhere. These beautiful images make Pulitzer believe that St. Louis is a city that can seek a bright future.
Pulitzer found a job the next day. Due to his weak body, he can't do rough work, has a bad temper, and is somewhat arrogant. He is not willing to do things that people ask him to do, so he has changed jobs one after another, working as a mule driver, sailor, construction worker, wharf coolie, restaurant be a waiter And the coachman, but none of them was his sincere joy.

be snatched from the jaws of death

Pulitzer was lucky enough to rent a good house and live with a German family. The landlord advised him to find a permanent job. If you want to find a regular decent job, you must learn English well first. He went to the library and found a job. He worked for the library for 2 hours every day in exchange for the convenience of borrowing books at will. Every morning, Pulitzer rushed to the library and read hungrily while working. When the office time came, he rushed to a law firm to work. In the library, he met a professor named Thomas. Pulitzer, who was modest and eager to learn, won Thomas' favor. They became friends at first sight and talked very congenially. Thomas had a great influence on Pulitzer's life in the future.
In 1868, after Pulitzer became a lawyer, because he had no money to set up Law firm , plus his young age and poor English, ask him for help Litigate The business has never improved. One night, two people were playing chess in the library. One of them was hesitating. Pulitzer, who stood behind him and watched, reminded him, "Don't take that step!" Both of them looked at him with open mouths. One of them said, "Man, if you take that step, you will lose." Pulitzer stood on the other side again, picked up the pieces and took a few steps, saying, "Sir, if you deal with him like this, you will still win." The two men looked at Pulitzer and the chessboard. It seemed that the chess skill of the strange young man was suppressed. When Pulitzer was about to leave, one of them stopped him and said, "Young man, I want to know you, a chess expert, and introduce a good friend of mine to you by the way. This is Mr. Amir, and my name is Suze." Pulitzer couldn't help sticking out his tongue. He didn't know how powerful he was. He dared to proudly guide two celebrities to play chess. In St. Louis, no one doesn't know Emil and Suzy, especially Suzy. He is republican party One of the founders who helped Lincoln Run for president. Suzi, a native of Germany, once served as an American in Spain minister During the Civil War Major General , now Mississippi Of senator The two men jointly owned the West Post in St. Louis.
When Suzy heard Pulitzer say that he had served in the Lincoln Cavalry, she exchanged eyes with Emil. At the same time, they thought that this young man who was only 20 years old had been a cavalry, a handyman, and a lawyer. It was rare that he was knowledgeable and could play chess well. Just as a reporter of the Western Post quit his job, he had to find someone to fill the vacancy. Suzy and Emil thought of Pulitzer. They asked Pulitzer if he would like to be a reporter? Pulitzer said, of course, he wants to be, but he has never written an article, so he is afraid that he is not competent. They encouraged him to learn while doing, saying that he was very clever and would soon be competent. On Pulitzer's first day at work, the editor in chief sent him to interview a theft case. When he arrived at the theft site, many other newspaper colleagues had already arrived. Pulitzer not only interviewed in detail, but also helped investigators analyze the case. As a result, the case was solved quickly, and Pulitzer also wrote a wonderful report. Even the editor in chief, who had great doubts about his ability, had to admire this young man.
Joseph Pulitzer
Over the next few weeks, Pulitzer wrote many reports. The reason why he can write so many reports at one time is that he writes fast and does not waste a minute. After he accepted the task, the streets and alleys ran everywhere. He not only reported the difficulties faced by the municipal government, but also wrote about the fights of the dock workers, and even the trivial things that were not mentioned in other newspapers. He believes that newspapers are for citizens to read, and they should report interesting stories around citizens. If Suzi had not supported his views, he would not have been able to publish these manuscripts. As soon as his article was published, readers scrambled to circulate it good writings make people copy them The sales volume of the Post soared. The newspaper owner Suzi transferred Pulitzer to Jefferson City , served as a newspaper office in the city Special correspondent , specially interviewed the news of the meeting of the state legislature. In the first month of his political interview in the capital, he broke into the political core of the parliament. Thanks to Mr. Suzi's edification and cultivation, Pulitzer entered a new world. Suzi thinks that this young man is a genius in journalism and will one day keep pace with himself.
As Suzi said, in December 1869, Pulitzer was elected to the state legislature through the election. After he entered the parliament, he dared to speak out, especially against corrupt officials, just like publishing articles in the newspaper. When Pulitzer learned that the large amount of tax collected by the St. Louis municipal authority had disappeared, he proposed a bill to pursue it. At that time, some members of parliament strongly opposed and even overtly threatened his personal safety. Friends also advised Pulitzer not to fight with these powerful people, saying that they would kill you. But he still adhered to the principle, and while fighting with them in the parliament, he wrote inside stories and published them in the Post. Due to the pressure of public opinion, the authorities were forced to investigate and bring to justice the officials who embezzled and accepted bribes. Because of this, Pulitzer was appointed one of the three police officers in St. Louis by the governor. He was only 23 that year. He came to St. Louis from penniless, and soon became a well-known figure in the city.
Now Pulitzer is a man with a small fortune. He took time to return to his hometown. go back to Budapest Later, he, a well-dressed wanderer, rushed to his mother's arms, and the mother and son hugged each other tightly, and tears rolled down. In nine years, a homeless poor child became a rich boss of the newspaper and a government official. Pulitzer's stepfather could not believe it.
When Pulitzer returned to the United States, he went straight to St. Louis. During this period, he did a business and made a lot of money. The reason for making money was that he bought a newspaper and sold it to the then news giant McLaren, making a net profit of 20000 dollars. The residents of St. Louis have to admit that Pulitzer is also a man with business vision. One day Pulitzer suddenly told his friend that he was going to the capital Washington , as《 New York Sun 》Of Special commissioner He has good reason to go to Washington. When he returns Europe When he came back, he stayed there for a few days and met a girl who moved him. The girl's name is Katie.
When Pulitzer arrived in Washington, he gradually fell in love with Katie. But Katie's parents found it hard to accept Pulitzer. In their minds, journalism is not worth working for a lifetime. Pulitzer was determined to work hard, hoping to make a name for himself in journalism. He is convinced that this industry can also make a mark.
On June 19, 1878, Pulitzer and Katie finally got married. After marriage, the young couple went to Europe spend honeymoon The couple's life has always been very happy. After traveling in Europe for 10 months, they returned to St. Louis.

press baron

Pulitzer, a newspaper magnate
Pulitzer found that the St. Louis Express, an old newspaper in St. Louis, was going to sell because of poor management, so he bought the Express for 25000 dollars. In this way, Pulitzer, 31, finally had his own newspaper. But the circulation of this newspaper is only 24. In order to change its old face, Pulitzer changed its name to the St. Louis Express Post. He published the distribution purpose on the front page of the new newspaper - this newspaper does not serve any political party except the people; This newspaper is not the spokesman of the Republican Party, and only reports the real things; This newspaper will not support the President or Congress, but only give criticism fairly and carefully; This newspaper will attack all crimes and corruption
The Express Mail is open to the general public. It publishes daily reports that are closely related to the public, as well as articles and pictures that are popular with the public. Its circulation has soared. Pulitzer also likes to publish some thought-provoking and controversial articles, such as an article related to taxation. It publishes the tax paid by the rich and big businessmen, as well as the tax paid by workers and small businessmen. Readers can clearly see that the rich pay little tax, while the poor pay more. As soon as the article appeared in the newspaper, the newspaper was snapped up within a few hours. Pulitzer nailed the last newspaper in the window at the gate of the newspaper office, while he hid to listen to the response of the crowded readers to the newspaper.
Pulitzer would naturally offend people by doing so. Some big businessmen became angry with embarrassment, linked up those tax evaders and withdrew their advertisements in the Express Mail. Pulitzer's loss was not small, but his determination to challenge the evil forces did not waver. What Pulitzer hated most in his life was political corruption. He once wrote in the Express Mail: "What is the biggest destroyer of our political life? Of course, it is corruption. Why does it cause corruption? Of course, it is greed. Who is the biggest instigator of greed?... Money is the biggest temptation in the world today. Some people sell their soul for it, others sell their body for it, and some people regard money as omnipotent..."
As the issuer and editor in chief, Pulitzer is very busy. As our career expands day by day, we must have a capable assistant. He almost ran all over the country, and finally found a man named Kirkley, who was similar to him in character and was very courageous. Pulitzer appointed him editor in chief. In this way, Pulitzer can concentrate on being the boss of the newspaper. In 1881, the sales of the Express Mail increased greatly, and Pulitzer made a lot of money. He took out a portion of the profits for employees to share. In addition to the high salary, the chief editor also participated in the bonus distribution at the end of the year. Extraordinarily industrious newsboy , you can get a gold watch or a silver watch. annually Christmas All employees can enjoy the whole chicken dinner. By this time, Pulitzer was the father of three children. Although his marriage and career went well, Pulitzer's health was much worse than before.
In the autumn of 1882, just as he and his family were preparing to go California During the holiday, the newspaper office had a big event that caused a sensation in the whole city. A lawyer named Schleibeck, who was angered by an article that was against him in the newspaper, came to the newspaper office with a gun to make trouble. In order to defend himself, Kirkley shot and killed him. This case almost destroyed Pulitzer and his newspaper. Enemies from all directions gathered in front of the newspaper office and threatened to put Pulitzer to death. The crazy crowd even threw the lighted torch into the window. Pulitzer believed that, no matter what, killing is absolutely bad, and everyone does the same. The west is changing day by day, and is moving from barbarism to civilization. We should rely on the legal system to solve problems. He was in a great deal of trouble about it. He first asked Kirk to be bailed out of prison pending trial. He himself and his family went to New York.
At that time, New York was quite different from the time when he just retired from the cavalry. It had become a very prosperous metropolis. In order to gain a foothold in New York, Pulitzer thought it better to run a newspaper. So he bought a heavily indebted Le Monde. On May 11, 1883, the first new Le Monde was printed, which immediately caused a stir. Many newspaper editors shook their heads and thought that such a newspaper would not work in New York. But it's published every week, written by Pulitzer himself editorial The editorial spoke out the aspirations of workers and launched a fierce attack on the rich and influential people in New York.
"Le Monde" said profound truth in the most simple and understandable language, and soon won readers. Pulitzer also made use of the newspaper to support Grover Cleveland Run for president. Le Monde listed four reasons to support him: 1. He is an honest man; 2. He is an honest man; 3. He is an honest man; 4. He is an honest man. Later, in just a few years, Le Monde became the leading newspaper in the American press, and its shock made people have to look at it differently. Pulitzer was enthusiastic about politics. In 1885, he was elected as the representative of New York City a member of the House of Representatives
However, Katie is not happy. The busier her husband is, the less time he has to spend at home with her and her children. One day Katie joked with Pulitzer and said, "Joseph, you haven't been home all day. Is there another woman out there?" Pulitzer nodded and said, "Yes, she is much more beautiful than you, and I like her very much..." So Pulitzer said“ Statue of Liberty ”。 He heard in Congress that the French had raised a huge sum of money to build a Statue of Liberty, which was to be presented to the American people as a gift. The statue has been shaped and is waiting to be shipped to the United States. It is suggested that she be placed in Aquidneck Island The higher ground is so that everyone who enters the New York port can see it, but Congress has been slow to pass the budget.
Pulitzer is going to raise a sum of money so that the French gifts can arrive in New York as soon as possible. He then appealed for donations through Le Monde. The cry of Le Monde was immediately responded. In October 1886, when the Statue of Liberty Port of New York Immediately, Pulitzer stood in the procession of presiding over the ceremony with celebrities and dignitaries from all over the country.
In 1887, Pulitzer was busy with an election in New York City. He kept making speeches, writing articles and planning elections day and night. His health is getting worse and worse. One night, Chief Editor Kirkley walked into Pulitzer's office and saw him looking straight at himself with two lines of tears hanging on his face. It turned out that Pulitzer could see nothing, and his eyes were blind.
In order to recuperate, Pulitzer and Katie started a long and leisurely round the world tour India China and Japan After returning to the United States, Pulitzer planned to build a new building for Le Monde. The land he bought was the location of the French hotel where the rich people looked down on him when he retired wearing old military uniforms, and even the shoeshine man drove him away.
On December 10, 1890, the New Pulitzer Building, the highest building in New York, was completed. This is a 20 story building. The basement is used for printing plant The first floor is the sales department, and the second floor to the tenth floor are for rent Office Building Above the 10th floor is the hub of Le Monde. The gilded round top is Pulitzer's office. The eleventh floor is a beautiful bedroom suite for editors who cannot go home after working overtime. Pulitzer has no debt to build this building. The building worth 2 million dollars belongs to him personally.

Afterlife influence

Joseph Pulitzer
After his death in 1911, the will stipulated that Le Monde should never be sold. In accordance with his will, later generations donated 2.5 million dollars to Columbia University , founded the second journalism college in the United States, and has been established since 1917 Pulitzer Prize (Pulitzer Prize), awarded annually to the American press and Literary circles In fiction, poetry, biography, history, drama, music News interview Report people who have made outstanding contributions.
In 1931, Pulitzer's son Herbert was in the economy Great Depression When selling Le Monde to Scripps To this end, Herbert also hired a lawyer, after a lot of trouble judicial process , revised Pulitzer's will. In 1931, Pulitzer spent his whole life to establish the New York World, which collapsed in the wave of economic panic. The New York World Building was also demolished for road construction. Today, only the St. Louis Express Mail is still in the hands of the Pulitzer family, and is still one of the most influential newspapers in the United States.
Pulitzer, as a newspaperman of the generation, has left many legacies for journalism. For example, it is generally believed that《 New York World 》It has three characteristics: the article is interesting, the text is simple and vivid, and the layout is novel and lively. Pulitzer's journalistic life has always been seeking a style of reporting that is concise, vivid and clear in meaning.
It is through attractive reporting content, simple and lively style of writing and lively layout , matching social movement His newspaper readers are increasing day by day and his sales are expanding day by day. At the same time, Management of Newspaper Industry It is also improving day by day. The symbol of its prosperity is the completion of the New York World Building, which was completed in 1890.
Pulitzer also had a particularly prominent impact on journalism education. In 1892, Pulitzer made the first donation to Columbia University in New York to establish the Journalism Institute, but was declined. At that time, people didn't regard news as a knowledge, but only as a skill. And many newspaper editors laughed at Pulitzer's idea. In 1904, he published an article in《 North American Review 》"The purpose of founding the Journalism School is" to train better journalists and let them run better newspapers to better serve the public... I hope to launch a campaign to raise journalism to an academic and professional level. "Later, he joined President C W. Elliot discussed the matter. "According to their discussion, Eliot and Pulitzer proposed a set of all the courses of journalism school, that is, to emphasize social sciences and humanities Courses, supplemented by courses in journalism skills. "
Later, at Pulitzer's repeated request, Columbia University finally accepted his donation and plan. According to his will when he died in 1911, the total donation to the University was 2 million dollars, and Columbia University increased this amount by 500000 dollars.
But Pulitzer himself did not witness Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Founded. One year after his death, the college was founded. Now it has become a journalism college with a long history and good reputation in the United States, and enjoys a high reputation in journalism and the industry. In addition, the college also presides over the selection of the annual Pulitzer Prize