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late rice

[wǎn dào]
Rice with late transplanting or maturity
Late rice refers to rice that is late in transplanting or maturity.
On November 2, 2020, the third generation hybrid rice new combination experimental demonstration base located in Hengnan County, Hunan Province ushered in the late rice yield measurement, and the average yield per mu of late rice was 911.7 kg. [1]
Chinese name
late rice
wǎn dào
Meng Xi Bi Tan
Rice with late maturity

Lexical concept

Headings: late rice
Pinyin: wǎn dào
Basic explanation
Late rice
Those who mature in October are called late rice—— Song Dynasty· kuo Meng Xi Bi Tan
Citation explanation
1. A kind of rice with a long growth period and a late maturity period is generally harvested after frost.
Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi Seventy Rhymes of Li Yang's Books: "In the yellow field, late rice is piled, and the green fence shows the winter flowers." Tang Dynasty Tang Yanqian The poem "Crab": "In October, the frost falls in the lake field, and the early fragrance of the late rice is like a tiger." Mao Dun The Lin Family Shop 2: "The late rice harvested by the rural people more than a month ago has already been exhausted by the landlords and usurious creditors."
2. It refers to late season rice.
3. Generally, the early rice is reaped and then ploughed again. The rice planted has a longer production cycle and tastes better than the early rice, but not as good as the middle rice. [2]

Period division

According to the growth period, sowing date, growth period and maturity period: early rice, middle rice and late rice. Generally, the growth period of early rice is 90~120 days, that of middle rice is 120~150 days, and that of late rice is 150~170 days. Early rice generally has larger belly white, fewer hard grains, loose quality and poor quality, while late rice has better quality on the contrary.

Planting distribution

At present, rice planting is mainly distributed in the south of China, and rice production is increasingly concentrated in advantageous regions. In recent years, China's rice production has gradually concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Heilongjiang rice producing areas. At present, the rice planting area in the south accounts for about 94% of the rice planting area in China, of which the rice planting area in the Yangtze River basin accounts for 65.7% of the country, and the rice planting area in the north accounts for about 6% of the country. Taking 2005 as an example, the provinces with large rice planting area and yield include 12 provinces (regions), including Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Yunnan, whose planting area and yield account for about 85% of the country.
There are 13 provinces of early rice production, all of which are distributed in the south. The sown area of Hunan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other four provinces accounts for more than 75% of the country.
The production of medium and single season rice is distributed all over the country except Guangdong, Hainan and Qinghai. The sown area of 8 provinces (cities) including Sichuan, Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Hubei, Yunnan, Hunan and Chongqing accounts for more than 70% of the country.
The production of late rice is distributed in 15 provinces in the south, similar to that of early rice.

cultivation techniques

Select appropriate seedling strengthening agent [3] The varieties with multiple panicles, strong tillering ability, short growth period, strong resistance and good rice quality shall be selected, and the varieties with large panicles shall not be used as far as possible, and the hybrid late rice shall be popularized; In terms of sowing technology, pay attention to sowing date, seed consumption, fungicides, water management, etc [3] The management adopts the measures of "early management for seedlings, skillful management for panicles in the middle period, and diligent management for grains in the later period".

Variety Introduction


Tianyou 998

Jiangxi Province approved variety (approval number: Ganshendao 2005041), a new super three line hybrid rice combination promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is cultivated as late rice in Jiangxi, Hubei and other Yangtze River basins, with a full growth period of 130~135 days (similar to Shanyou 46 and Guofeng No.1).
1. High yield. The field cultivation of this variety is generally 667 square meters (1 mu), yielding about 600 kg, and the high-yield cultivation can reach 700 kg.
2. The rice is of good quality. In 2003, it was tested by the Rice Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the main indicators of this combination reached the national standard of Grade II high-quality rice. It is the first choice to replace Jinyougui 99, Zhongyougui 99, etc. as the middle grade rice.
3. The plant type is compact, the population grows neatly and beautifully, the leaves are dark green, the sword leaves are short and straight, the tillering ability is medium, the grains are many, the seed setting rate is high, the 1000 grains are heavy, the fertilizer is tolerant, the color falls well in the later stage, the resistance is strong, and the adaptability is wide. Resistant to rice blast and moderately resistant to bacterial blight, it is a new combination of rice that is suitable for both plain and hilly areas and lake areas. In production and cultivation, the base fertilizer should be heavily applied, and the tillering fertilizer should be applied early to promote early tillering; Proper close planting; Others are the same as Shanyou 46.


1. The varieties approved by Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces (Guangdong Shendao 2003003, Jiangxi Shendao 2005018) are planted as late rice in Jiangxi, with a full growth period of 120~123 days (equivalent to Shanyou 46); The whole growth period is 130~135 days for medium rice planting. It can be planted as one season rice in Hubei and Anhui.
2. The quality of rice is excellent. According to the analysis of the Rice and Product Quality Inspection Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, nine indicators reached the first grade quality rice standard issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, and one indicator reached the second grade quality rice standard. Its rice grains are long and thin, with transparent appearance, medium amylose, soft gel consistency, low gelatinization temperature, soft, smooth and fragrant rice. Its rice quality index is equivalent to that of Ganwanxian 30 (923).
3. High yield. Generally, 667 square meters of field planting can yield 500~550 kg, and high yield cultivation can reach more than 650 kg. Under the same conditions, the yield of 667 square meters is 75~100 kg higher than that of Ganwan Indica 30 (923).
4. The plant is compact, with strong tillering power, thick and straight leaves, slightly rolled up, good color, large panicles and more grains, and good fullness. The overall resistance ratio to rice blast was 82%, showing resistance to rice blast and good resistance to stress.
5. In terms of production and cultivation, it is required to sow at the right time and early (this variety is sensitive to low temperature. It is sown in northeast Jiangxi before June 15, and in southern Jiangxi before June 20, with the seedling age controlled within 30 days). In the later stage, ear fertilizer should be added, and enough seedlings should be dried in the field. In the later stage, it is forbidden to cut off water too early. In the later stage, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of rice planthopper and sheath blight (because the combination has fragrance).

Gan Xin 688

1. The variety approved by Jiangxi Province (approval number: Ganshendao 2006032) is a new mid maturity hybrid rice combination with high yield and good quality. In Jiangxi, Hubei and other Yangtze River basins, it is suitable to plant medium and late rice. The whole growth period of two night cultivation is 120~125 days (1.4 days longer than Shanyou 46); The whole growth period of mid season rice is about 135 days.
2. The yield, quality and characters of rice are obviously better than those of Jinyougui 99, which is an ideal combination for developing medium grade fragrant rice. In 2004 and 2005, it was planted as a demonstration in Ji'an, Ganzhou, Yichun and other cities and counties in Jiangxi Province, showing high and stable yield. Generally, the yield of 667 square meters is about 600 kg, and the yield of high-yield cultivation can reach 750 kg. The rice quality is excellent, especially the rice yield is high, and the appearance and taste are obviously better than that of Jinyougui 99.
3. The plant type is compact, the growth is neat, the leaf color is thick green, the sword leaf is broad, the growth is vigorous, the stem is strong, the tillering ability is strong, the effective panicles are many, the number of grains per panicle is many, the grains are dense, the color turns well at maturity, and there is fragrance. It has strong resistance to rice blast and bacterial blight.
4. In terms of production and cultivation, it is required to sow thinly and evenly, cultivate strong seedlings with more tillers, re apply base fertilizer, apply tillering fertilizer early, promote early tillering, and properly plant closely. Others are the same as Shanyou 46 or Jingui 99.

Xiangwanxian 13

Characteristics: The second class high-quality rice variety in Hunan Province has a total growth period of about 123 days, 1-2 days longer than Weiyou 46. The stem is strong and tough, and the sword leaf is long. The tillering ability is weak, the panicle rate is high, the grain is long, with top awn, susceptible to rice blast, not resistant to bacterial blight, and the cold tolerance is strong in the later stage, relatively resistant to fertilizer and lodging. Suitable planting area: this variety is suitable for planting double late or single late rice in areas with mild rice blast and bacterial blight [4]

Tianlong Fragrance 103

Characteristics: The second class high-quality rice variety in Hunan Province has a total growth period of about 118 days, 3 days shorter than the control Weiyou 46. The plant type is relatively compact in the early stage, moderately tight in the later stage, with straight and thick leaves, short sword leaves, good color fall and lodging resistance in the later stage. Susceptible to rice blast, moderately susceptible to bacterial blight, and moderately weak cold tolerance. Suitable planting area: non rice blast area or light rice blast area should be selected to plant in the north of central Hunan for one season late rice cultivation [4]

Xiangwanxian 11

Characteristics: The second class high-quality rice variety in Hunan Province. It is a mid maturity high-quality late indica rice variety. The whole growth period was about 120 days in 1997, 4 "-'5 days longer than Shanyou 64. The plant type is moderate, with dark green leaves, erect sword leaves, and good grain fall in the late stage. The tillering ability is medium, the panicle type is large, and the grain length is long. It is highly susceptible to rice blast and bacterial blight. Suitable planting area: It can be planted in areas where rice blast and bacterial leaf blight occur lightly [4]

Xiangwanxian 12

Characteristics: Third class high-quality rice varieties in Hunan Province. This variety belongs to conventional indica rice. The average growth period of double cropping late rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is about 115 days, 2-3 days later than Shanyou 64. The stalks are small, the leaves are dark green, and half leaves are used for harvesting. Strong tillering ability, high panicle rate, susceptible to rice blast, medium resistance to bacterial blight. Suitable planting area [4]


In July 2020, the early rice high-yield research field in Hengnan Base carried out yield testing and acceptance, and the average yield per mu of early rice was 619.06 kg. On November 2, the average yield per mu of late rice was 911.7 kg. Early rice plus late rice will achieve the goal of 1500 kilograms per mu. [1]