Yan Shu

Politician and litterateur in Northern Song Dynasty
zero Useful+1
Yan Shu (991-1055), with the same name as Uncle, Jiangnan West Road Linchuan County, Fuzhou (now Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jinxian County [59] China Northern Song Dynasty Politicians and litterateurs. [55]
Yan Shu has been able to write articles since he was young. In the second year of Jingde (1005) Child prodigy Call for a test Scholarship background , Ren Secretariat Province Orthography Retrogression official in charge of secretarial matters hanlin academician Because people are cautious Song Zhenzong Appreciation. Song Renzong After assuming the throne, he suggested Empress Dowager Liu He listened to the government from behind the curtain and lectured for Renzong in Chongzheng Hall Privy deputy envoy Later, she became known because she offended Empress Dowager Liu Ying Tianfu Later, he was recalled to the central government and served successively Imperial Minister Chancellor of the Treasury Enquiry into political affairs Grade. After Renzong took power in person, he became more and more important. In the second year of Qingli (1042) Know the Privy Council Enter the official ranks Great Scholar of Jixian Hall Same story Concurrent Privy Council Chief Executive in late Tang , official worship. Two years later, I will stop taking photos because of something minister of public works Take out knowledge Yingzhou , moved to Chenzhou, Xuzhou Yongxingjun , Henan Province and other places, successively sealed Linzi Duke. In the first year of Zhihe (1054), Yan Shu asked himself to enter the imperial court due to illness. The following year (1055), he died at the age of 65. Receive Sikong Concurrent Waiter Posthumous title "Yuan Xian" is known as "Yan Yuan Xian" in the world. [55-56]
Yan Shu attaches great importance to the development of the Academy and vigorously supports it Ying Tianfu Academy , Invitation Fan Zhongyan He gave lectures in the Academy and trained a large number of talents. Historical title“ Five Dynasties Since then, the world school Abandonment, starting learning from (Yan) [35] Yan Shugong is good at poetry and literature, especially Words The most outstanding achievements [55] He is good at ci Xiaoling It mostly expresses poetic and wine life and leisure sentiment, and its language is graceful and beautiful, which is popular in Southern Tang Dynasty Feng Yansi The impact of, and Ouyang Xiu Syndication“ Yan Ou ”。 Its《 Huanxi Sand · One New Song Wine 》In words“ The flowers fall out of nowhere The two sentences of "The Swallow Returns from the Past" have been widely read. There are more than ten thousand poems and writings written in my life, which are the only ones left today《 Yuan Xian's posthumous essay 》《 Pearl jade words 》; Edited again Category book Class to 》There are abundant ancient books before the Song Dynasty. [56]
Full Name
Yan Shu
Yan Yuanxian Uncle Yan Tong
Posthumous title
Yuan Xian
Seal number
Linzi Duke
Northern Song Dynasty metaphase
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Jiangnan West Road Fuzhou Linchuan County [59] (Jinxian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province today)
date of birth
Date of death
February 27, 1055
Key achievements
Poetry creation
Support Ying Tianfu Academy and cultivate a large number of talents

Character's Life


Early and wise

Yan Shu was born in 991, the second year of Chunhua, Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty Jiangnan West Road Linchuan County, Fuzhou( To Dao In three years, the road will be changed into a road. He was smart and eager to learn from an early age. He could write articles at the age of seven, and was known as a "child prodigy". Jiangnan Massage Zhang Zhibai After hearing of Yan Shu's reputation, he recommended him to the imperial court as a child prodigy in the first year of Jingde (1004). [4] In the second year of Jingde (1005), Yan Shu and more than 1000 Jinshi attended the ceremony together Palace examination , he looked fearless, quickly completed the answer sheet, and was Song Zhenzong Reward From the same Jinshi background [4-5]
According to《 Continuation of Zizhi Tongjian 》, Prime Minister Kou Zhun He discriminated against people in the south of the Yangtze River and wanted to suppress Yan Shu. Zhenzong said, "The imperial court only seeks talents. How can one family from all over the world be famous? Just like the previous generation zhang jiuling Generation, why do you abandon it as humble? " [4] (However, the Record of Xiangshan Wilderness records that Kou Zhun was very appreciative of Yan Shu when he was in the Tianfu, which is different from that [6] )Two days later, there was another exam for poetry, fu and argumentation. Yan Shu said, "I have done these questions ten days ago. Please test them with other questions." His sincerity and talent were even more appreciated by Zhenzong. He was awarded as the official character of the secretary province, and left imperial palace depository for confidential files Read books. [57] He studies hard, makes friends carefully and gains Zhishiguan Chen Pengnian The praise of. [5]
In the third year of Jingde (1006), Yan Shu was Call for an examination Yu Zhongshu, later transferred to Taichang Temple Fengli Lang [7]

Cautious detector

Statue of Yan Shu
In the first year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1008), due to the eastern seal of Zhenzong Mount Tai , Yan Shu was called Guanglu Temple Official , reappointment Jixian School Manager He returned to Linchuan to mourn his father's death. Before the end of the mourning period, he was recalled to his post and went with Zhenzong Taiqing Palace Sacrifice. Later, he was ordered to edit the Baoxun, "The same sentence is too common Courtyard ”。 Soon, because of his mother's death, he asked to wait until the end of the service period before taking office, but was not allowed. Posttune Taichang Temple Official [9]
In the second year of Tianxi (1018), Zhao Yiyi, the sixth son of Zhenzong, was awarded the title of King Shengwang, and Yan Shu was elected as the title of King Shengwang Mansion Joining the Army , and then move to Zuo Zhengyan , Zhishiguan. In September of the same year, Zhao Yiyi was named Crown Prince and changed his name Zhao Zhen Yan Shu was also promoted to Minister of Household Wailang , and The prince laid down a man , give gold and purple. Later official in charge of secretarial matters , Judgment Jixian Academy After a long time, they were successively transferred to hanlin academician , acting as Jingling Palace Judges Prince Zuo Shuzi , and judge Taichang Temple and Zhi Courtyard [8] Every time Zhenzong asked Yan Shu for advice, he wrote his questions on a small piece of paper in small words. After Yan Shu wrote his proposal, he put it together with the small piece of paper and presented it to Zhenzong, who appreciated his caution. [9]
Qianxing In the first year (1022), Zhenzong died, and Zhao Zhen ascended the throne, that is, Song Renzong. Renzong's young heir, the first mother Empress Dowager Liu Hearing politics. Prime Minister Ding predicate , Privy Envoy Utilization of Cao In order to monopolize the power, the courtiers talked about it one after another. Yan Shu proposed to "listen to the government from behind the curtain", which ended the matter. Later, he was promoted to the right official in charge of admonition and arbitration Concurrent Hanlin Bachelor of Attendance Empress Dowager Liu thought that he was an old minister of Emperor Renzong in the Eastern Palace, so she gave him extra favor and granted him an official In progress , Jingling Palace Deputy Envoy, Judge Department Flow inside spring Later, he participated in the compilation of the True Record of Buddhism, and taught the Book of Changes to Renzong at Chongzheng Hall. He was promoted to the rank of minister of rites Court of inquisitors , Suburb Ritual and Honor Guard Envoy, Relocation Privy deputy envoy , delegated by the courtesy waiter assistant minister of ministry of punishments [10-12]

To be demoted beyond conviction

Later, he objected to the granting of Xingchen Zhang Qi As an emissary in chief, Yan Shu violated the will of Empress Dowager Liu and was impeached by the Imperial Historian when he broke the front teeth of an attendant with Chao Hu in Yuqing Palace [10] In the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027), he was demoted as a minister of the Ministry of Punishment Xuanzhou , which will be known in a few months Ying Tianfu [13] When he was a local official, he once set up large schools to train talents. [14]

Reentry centre

Since then, Yan Shu has been called to the court again, and he is also the minister of the Ministry of Punishment. In February of the seventh year of Tiansheng's reign (1029), he was granted the title of Military Department Assistant Bachelor of Zizheng Temple Imperial Scholar Concurrent Secretary Supervisor Renzong specially gave him embroidery ° F to show his special favor. [38] In addition, Yan Shu was also appointed to preside over the ceremony of the eighth year of Tiansheng (1030) Tribute lift [15-16]
Yan Shu's portrait and inscription in the Ming Dynasty's "Tang and Song Dynasty famous officials bust album" are collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing [60]
Yan Shu was promoted in the ninth year of Tiansheng (1031) Chancellor of the Treasury Later, he served as Deputy Envoy in Council for the second time. He has not yet taken office Mingdao First year (1032) Enquiry into political affairs (secondary phase), plus Shangshu Zuo Cheng [15-16]
In the second year of Mingdao (1033), Empress Dowager Liu was going to pay a visit to the Imperial Ancestral Temple. Someone suggested that she wear robe embroidered with dragons and crown worn by emperor in sacrificial ceremonies go to. After the empress dowager consulted Yan Shu, Yan Shu pointed out a section of "Zhou Guan" (Official of the Zhou Dynasty), which was taken by the empress dowager. [17] In March, the Empress Dowager passed away, and Ren Zong was in charge. At the beginning, Yan Shu was instructed to write about the birth mother of Renzong Concubine Li Chen The epitaph said that Concubine Li Chen had only one daughter who died early. After the death of Empress Dowager Liu, Renzong learned the truth of her birth mother, and at the same time, he showed the Zhiwen written by Yan Shu to the minister to investigate her responsibility Lv Yi Bamboo Slips Yan Shu was still released as Minister of Rites , know Jiangning Mansion , immediately change the knowledge Bozhou , rear band minister of punishment Chen Zhou is known by his migration. [18-19] [36] [51] Later, Yan Shu was called back to the court and served as the minister of punishment Imperial Minister For the second time. [19]
In the first year of Baoyuan (1038), the leader of the Communist Party of China in the northwest Li Yuanhao Proclaim the emperor and establish Xixia Regime, and sent troops to Shaanxi, the war is unfavorable, and the border situation is urgent. Yan Shu analyzed the situation and stated four important things to strengthen armaments: to remove the internal ministers from overseeing the army, so that the commander has the right to decide major military events; To recruit and train archers for use in combat; Clear up the long-term backlog of property in the palace and subsidize the border military pay; Recover the materials occupied by various departments and enrich the national treasury. His suggestion was adopted by Renzong. [13] [20]
Kangding In the first year (1040), Yan Shu was moved to the Privy Council, and was added to the school in September of the same year Taifu , officially acting as the Privy Envoy. [37] Later, the chief inspector of the Qabai inspection Tongzhongshu Family has a flat story In March of the second year of Qingli (1042), Yan Shu sent a minister of punishment Great Scholar of Jixian Hall , The Privy Counselor Jia and Tongzhong Shumen were appointed as the Prime Minister [21] [22-23]

Old age life

Yan Shu
In September of the fourth year of Qingli (1044), Yan Shu was admonished Sun Fu Cai Xiang Impeach minister of public works Knows nothing Yingzhou The accusation of striking the prime minister included the objection of the admonitor Ouyang Xiu When he was a transfer envoy of the Hebei Capital, he deliberately refused to allow, mobilized officers and soldiers to repair his own residence, and was too weak to the Western Xia Dynasty. There may also be an old account of the epitaph of Concubine Li Chen and the Eight Kings Zhao Yuanyan On his deathbed, he told Renzong that Yan Shu's "name lies in prophecy" and other factors. [24] [52-54] Later, it was known successively by the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Punishment Chenzhou Xuzhou Etc. At the age of 60, he was a minister of the Ministry of Household Guanwendian University Bachelor Take office Yongxingjun (Today's Xi'an, Shaanxi) envoy, deployed all the way Appeasement envoy Postinterrogation Henan Province Concurrent Xijing left behind , turned to the Minister of War, Order Go to Kaifu Yitong Third Division The State of Shangzhu was granted the title of Linzi Duke (12000 food towns, and 3700 food towns). [25-26]
In June of the first year of Zhihe (1054), Yan Shu requested to return to Kaifeng Prefecture for medical treatment due to illness, and then left Beijing to work after recovery. Yan Shu was left by Renzong to explain the sutra for him, and he met with Renzong every five days, still treating him according to the specifications of the prime minister. [27]
In the first month of the second year of Zhihe (1055), Yan Shu became seriously ill, and Renzong wanted to visit him. When Yan Shu knew about it, he immediately sent someone to report on his behalf, saying, "I am old and ill, and will recover soon. It is not worth worrying about by Your Majesty." On the 28th of the first month (February 27), Yan Shu died of illness at the age of 65 [28] Although Renzong went to the memorial ceremony in person, he still felt sorry for not being able to visit him when he was ill, especially for him suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune Two days; Presented to officials Sikong Serve as a servant, give Posthumous title "Yuan Xian", and wrote four words "Stele of Old Learning" in the first seal of Yan Shu's inscription. [27] [39]

Main impacts



Yan Shu
When Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty just ascended the throne, his mother Zhang Xianming took charge of the affairs of the state. The prime minister Ding Yu and the envoy in chief Cao Liyong wanted to see the empress dowager alone. They were in a stalemate for a while. Yan Shu stepped forward and advised the empress dowager to listen to the government behind the curtain. Neither Ding nor Cao could see them. This suggestion played an important role in stabilizing the political situation at that time. [29]
Song Xia War After the outbreak, Yan Shu advised Renzong to stop supervising the army and not to give the generals the array diagram, so that the generals could adapt to the situation when facing the enemy; He also suggested that the financial system should be rectified. These suggestions were adopted by Renzong. [13]
Yan Shu is willing to reward talents and become a world famous person Fan Zhongyan Kong Daofu Wang Anshi All of them come from their door; Han Qi Ouyang Xiu All of them were cultivated and recommended by him, and were put in high position. And recognize Fubi Yang Cha Yu Hansu married his daughter to them. [40] When Yan Shu was in power, Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi and Fu Bi were all put in important positions, and they were called "as for the Taige, there were many talents". [43]


  • Words
Yan Shu was eager to learn from his youth and was good at poetry. In his later years, he studied diligently and tirelessly, and made many achievements and contributions in literature. The achievement of Ci is the most outstanding. [55] Yan Shu's Ci absorbed the Southern Tang dynasty Huajian Sect ”And Feng Yansi The elegant and elegant style of Ci created a graceful style of Ci in the Northern Song Dynasty, Feng Xu On Ci of Hao An 》It is called "the first ancestor of the voice dependent family in the Northern Song Dynasty", and together with Ouyang Xiu, "opened a school in Jiangxi". [3] [31] Chinese classical poetry expert Ye Jiaying It is believed that Yan Shu's position in the history of Ci poetry is mainly a link between the past and the future. As a famous official and a great minister, he has driven the prosperity of the ci poetry world with a large number of excellent ci poems, that is, "Linchuan (Yan Shu) Zhuyu Jiyangchun, further expand the ci poetry artistic conception New ". [47]
On the one hand, most of Yan Shu's Ci poems are for entertaining and lingering guests. Some Yan Ci poems describe the love between men and women, spring flowers and autumn moon, and some describe the sadness of spring, parting from love and hatred. Most of them are fresh and elegant. His words also incorporate his own subjective feelings and life experience, and have the temperament of a scholar bureaucrat, which can be described as a transition from "words of Linggong" to "words of scholar bureaucrats". Yan Shu was also an expert in the Northern Song Dynasty Lingci The first person who is famous for this. [2]
In 2012, China Post issued Huanxi Sand by Yan Shu among the special stamps of Song Ci [55]
On the other hand, Yan Shu's Ci poems are gentle, elegant, elegant, beautiful and natural in language, graceful and harmonious in rhythm. He is good at capturing instantaneous scenes, conveying feelings on the spot, and constructing sentimental love words. Most of them inherit the style and form of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and are especially influenced by Feng Yansi's style of poetry. He learns from Feng's poetry, which is bright and clear, and removes the smudge of Huajian School, and has many innovations. Liu Xizai According to the "Outline of Arts, Ci and Qu", "Feng Yansi's Ci is the best, Uncle Yan Tongshu is the best, and Uncle Ouyang Yongshu is the best."《 Huanxi Sand · One New Song Wine 》《 Butterflies in Love with Flowers - Curtained Chrysanthemum Worries about Smoke, Orchid Weeps and Dews 》《 Breaking the Array - Yanzi Laishi News Agency 》。 [2] His famous sayings, such as "I can't help but fall flowers, and it seems that I once knew Yan came back" ("Huanxi Sand"), "The west wind withered the green trees last night. I went up to the tall buildings alone, and looked at the ends of the world" ("Butterfly Loves Flowers"), "Red candles in Nianlan Hall, heart long, flame short, and tears to people" ("Shaking the Court in Autumn"), are widely spread. [3] [31] Modern scholars Wang Guowei Human ci hua 》He believes that "people who want to accomplish great things and ask questions in ancient and modern times must pass through three realms", while "the west wind withered the green trees last night. Going up the tall buildings alone and looking at the ends of the world" belongs to the "first realm". [32]
  • poems
Yan Shu's article is rich in content, gorgeous in diction, and "is the religion of the world"; He also wrote tens of thousands of "elegant and sentimental" poems, whose poems have elegant interest and sentimental thoughts. [3] [31] Song Qi According to the Notes, "Yan Xiangguo is one of the most famous poets in this world. At the end of the year, there were more than ten thousand collections of poems, which have never been compiled since the Tang Dynasty." [48]


When Yan Shu was a local official, he attached great importance to the development of the Academy. He strongly supports Ying Tianfu Academy Fan Zhongyan was strongly invited to give lectures in the Academy, and a large number of talents were trained. The Academy (also known as "Suiyang Academy"), together with Bailu Cave, Shigu and Yuelu, was called the early Song Dynasty Four Academies Since the Five Dynasties, after the school was repeatedly banned and abolished, Yan Shu pioneered the large-scale education.
In the third year of Qingli (1043), when he was appointed as the prime minister, he advocated state and county schools and reform the teaching content together with Fan Zhongyan, the Deputy Envoy in Council. The official schools set up professors. Since then, there have been official schools from the capital to the counties. This is famous“ Qingli School ”。 [13] Ouyang Xiu said, "Since the Five Dynasties, learning has been abolished and prosperity has been initiated since the beginning" [30] It is not a false reputation. [14]

Historical evaluation

Zeng Zhiyao "Yan's courtesy will be very expensive in the future, but I can't see my son as a minister." [44]
  • The royal officials and courtiers are appointed as prime ministers. For more than 50 years, people who support the noble virtues, care about the country, have the old and have the labor, from the beginning to the end. [1]
  • Since he was young and devoted to learning, he has never let go of his illness It is a sensitive government, and its task is to simplify its people. He is strict in his family. Sometimes when his children see him, he is filial and scrupulous. He never asks for favors for his children. [1]
Yan Shu
Liu Zhi "At the beginning of my benevolent ancestors, I also served as a disciple in the prime of life, and read with Li Wei and Yan Shu, and told with Feng Yuan and Sun Shi. But there are several people here, all of whom are known as Ru Shude, the best in the world." [42]
  • He is rigid and simple in nature, and upholds purity and thrift. The officials and people are afraid of the state Emergency He is good at knowing people,... his articles are beautiful, and his applications are endless. His poems are especially elegant and have feelings. [35]
  • Shu, Ji, Sui, and Dexiang are all born alone, and will be the prime minister. By knowing laws and regulations and practicing civil affairs, you can use your strengths. However, it is hard to find a talent who will eventually be punished and dismissed. It is like being generous and tolerant. It likes to recommend people, and is always good. It is the best way for all people! [35]

Anecdotes and allusions


Dare not overstep one's duty

According to Yan Shu, when he was Zhizhigao, he was wrongly declared to be in the Forbidden City. At that time, Song Zhenzong was seriously ill and presented a paper document to Yan Shu, including the imperial edicts of some ministers. Yan Shu said: "I am External system I dare not overstep my duty. " Zhenzong nodded and agreed to summon Hanlin Scholars Qian Weiyan (Hanlin Bachelor is called In-house Yan Shu also told Chen: "I am worried about the disclosure of this matter, please stay here Bachelor's College 。” In the morning of the next day, Xuanma sent it out of the palace. Its content was the same as the Daxiangting Path he saw yesterday. Yan Shu was deeply shocked, but he dared not tell others. [45]

Simple and unrestrained

When Yan Shu entered the imperial court, it was just at the time of Chengping, when there was nothing to do in the world, so officials were allowed to choose places of interest for feasting, and scholars and officials were allowed to have their own feasts and parties, so that the pubs in the city hall set up curtains to provide convenience for feasting and recreation. Yan Shu was very poor at that time. He had no money to go out to play and feast. He taught poetry and books with his brothers at home. One day, when the prince was selected as a lecturer in the imperial palace, Emperor Zhenzong of Song suddenly ordered Yan Shu to take office. The ruling minister somehow turned to heaven to reply. Zhenzong said: "Recently, I heard that the ministers of the pavilion are all playing and drinking, and they are intoxicated with it all day long. Only Yan Shu and his brothers are studying behind closed doors. Such a prudent and honest person can teach the prince to read." After Yan Shu took office, he had a chance to meet the sage. Zhenzong told him the reason for his appointment in person. Yan Shu's language was simple and unrestrained, He said: "I don't dislike feasting and playing, but my family is poor and has no money to go out to play. If I have money, I will also go to dinner, just because I can't go out without money." So Zhenzong appreciated his honesty and loved him more and more. [57]
When Yan Shu was the prime minister, Fu Bi, his son-in-law, was the deputy envoy in chief. He asked to resign from his post as the emissary in chief. Song Renzong did not allow him, and he was trusted and favored by Renzong to such an extent.

Tough and simple

Yan Shu is resolute and straightforward. Once, a thief sneaked into Yan Shu's house to steal. After being caught, he was hit by Yan Shu with "s". He didn't send him to the official until he passed out. As a result, the thief died of serious injuries just after being helped to Kaifeng Mansion. He has been a state official for many times, and officials and people are afraid of his impetuous character. [41]
Yan Shu lived a simple life. Although already distinguished, it still maintains a clean and simple style. [41]

interpersonal relationship



Yan Shu's relatives (part)
Name and year of birth and death
brief introduction
High grandfather
Yan Yong (835-891)
Tang Yizong In the tenth year of Xiantong (869), he became a scholar, and finally observed the court in Jiangnan West Road, and settled in Gao'an.
High grandmother
Wang Shi (839-895)
His life is unknown.
Yan Yanchang (861-926)
The whole family moved to Linchuan. Later, he presented Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Grand Shifu, Zhongshuling and Shangshuling.
great grandmother
Zhang Shi (861-930)
Later, it will be presented to Mrs. Chen Guotai.
Yan Gao (891-971)
Later, it was presented to Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Grand Shifu, Zhongshuling and Shangshuling, and the Duke of England.
Fourier (894-963)
Later, it was presented to Madam Xu Guotai.
Yan Gu (944-1013)
Later, he presented Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Grand Shifu, Zhongshuling and Shangshuling, and Duke of Qin.
Wu's (946 -?)
She is the wife of Tang Guotai.
In the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, he was once the official in the palace. Posthumous gift Doctor Jin Ziguang Lu
younger brother
In the fourth year of Dazhong Xiangfu of Emperor Zhenzong of Song Dynasty (1011), he was granted a Jinshi family background and died early.
vice minister of public works Li Xuji Daughter of. Or die young.
The daughter of Lang Meng Xuzhou, a member of the garrison, was granted the title of wife of Julu County.
Jianxiong Jiedu Envoy Wang Chao Daughter of Feng Rongguo.
eldest son
Yan Juhou
When officials arrive at great justice to judge matters, they die early.
second son
Yan Chengyu
One was Yan Chengyu, who was once a minister in charge of garrison work.
Yan Xuanli
He was once a doctor of Zanshan.
Yan Chongrang
In the first year of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty (1049), he entered the imperial examination. Song Zhezong When tired, officials know Yingzhou. It is considered to be the only one among Yan Shu's scholars who can guard his family.
The five sub
Yan Mingyuan
He once worked as a judge in Dali.
Yan Zhide
He once worked as a judge in Dali.
Seven sons
Yan Jidao (1038-1110)
Song Ci wanyue style Representative, also known as Yan Shu“ Two Yan ”。 He used to be a judge of Kaifeng Prefecture.
Eight sons
One said that he was Yan Shu's ninth son. He once served as Taizhu of Taichang Temple.
eldest daughter
Yan Shi (? - 1087)
Marry Tongping Chapter Fubi , the wife of Zhou State.
Second daughter
Yan Family
Marry the Third Secretary Envoy Yang Cha
According to Ouyang Xiu's "To Sikong and Shizhong, the Inscription of Lord Yan's Shinto", Yan Shu has six women and twelve grandchildren.
(Table Reference [1] [34-35] [46]
Table of Eryan Series [46]

Make friends

full name
Relationship with Yan Shu
Zhang Zhibai (961-1028)
When pacifying Jiangxi, he found Yan Shu's talent and recommended him to the imperial court in the name of "child prodigy".
Chen Pengnian (961-1017)
Yan Shu is here imperial palace depository for confidential files When he was studying, Chen Pengnian was ordered to "look at his studies" and praised Yan Shu.
Wang Qinruo (962-1025)
Yan Shu often "swims in" Wang Qinruo's museum with Wenhan.
Qian Weiyan (962-1034)
When Yan Shu was appointed as the Third Secretary Envoy, he asked Peony to give Qian Weiyan, who was staying in Luoyang at that time, a poem with flowers, to Yan Shu.
Yang Yi (974-1020)
When Yan Shu was twelve years old, Yang Yi once worked for him Yanyu
Lv Yi Bamboo Slips (979-1044)
The two have been colleagues for many years, and they sing poetry and prose to each other. After the Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty came to power, Lv Yijian once said to rescue Yan Shu.
Fan Zhongyan (989-1052)
Yan Shu knew that when he met the Tianfu, he invited Fan Zhongyan to set up a government school. When Fan Zhongyan had difficulty defending the border, Yan Shu helped him. They were friends all their lives, and Fan Zhongyan always "made troubles with his family".
Zhang Xian (990-1078)
He once served as the screen guest of Yan Shu and wrote a preface to his Collection of Pearl and Jade.
Song Xiang (996-1066)
Song Xiang and Yan Shu were ranked in the ranking. He once studied Yan Shu's poetry, and had poetry and letters with him.
Song Qi (998-1061)
At the time of Song Qi and Yan Shu, he was ranked the first in the arrangement. He studied Yan Shu's poetry and was highly valued by him. He was very close to him.
Mei Yaochen (1002-1060)
In Chenzhou and Yan Shu, there were many poems of harmony, and the imitative ancient poems created during this period may also be influenced by Yan Shu.
Wen Yanbo (1006-1097)
Wen Yanbo was Yan Shu's guest, and Yan Shu wrote an epitaph for his father.
Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)
Yan Shu helped Ouyang Xiu, and Ouyang Xiu was deeply grateful. The two men exchanged poems and letters, but Yan Shu did not like Ouyang Xiu [58]
Han Qi (1008-1075)
He got a lot of help from Yan Shu.
Shao Kang (1014-1075)
Yan, the governor of Yingzhou, paid special attention to him when he was in charge of the group training and promotion in Yingzhou.
Han Wei (1017-1098)
Han and Yan have a deep relationship. Han Wei was Yan Shu's screen guest in Yingzhou and Henan, and they had poems and essays to sing together. After Yan Shu's death, Han Wei wrote an article to mourn.
Wang Xuan (1019-1085)
Wang Xuan was Yan Shu's screen guest.
Su Song (1020-1101)
Su Song was Yan Shu's screen guest.
Wang Anshi (1021-1086)
Yan Shu appreciated Wang Anshi very much when he arrived.
Fu Yaoyu (1024-1091)
Yan Shu praised Fu Yaoyu, the supervisor of the Xijing Taxation Court, as the prime minister when he was staying in Xijing.
Table Reference [49]

Main works

Yan Shu's words of Huanxi Sand mean "wandering alone in a small garden", painted by Dai Dunbang
According to《 Dongdu Strategy 》It is recorded that Yan Shu has 240 volumes of anthologies and 94 volumes of Zhongxing Bibliography《 General examination of literature 》It contains 30 volumes of Linchuan Collection, none of which is passed on. He wrote more than 10000 words in his life, most of which have been lost《 Pearl jade words 》3 volumes. Ji Gu Pavilion is a volume《 Sixty famous poets in Song Dynasty 》The first episode, 131 words. Yan Yuan's Last Essay, which was compiled by the people of the Qing Dynasty, has been popular in the world. [31]
The modern collation of Yan Shu's poetry collection includes Tang Guiqiong's Complete Song Ci and Yan Shu's Ci, Wu Linxing's Zhu Yu's Ci, Bai Han's Er Yan's Ci Selections, Wang Ruichen's and Yuan Xin's Zhu Yu's Ci Notes, Zhang Caozui's Er Yan's Ci Notes, etc; For poetry and prose, please refer to《 Complete Song Poetry 》(160 poems, 59 incomplete sentences and 3 preserved titles)《 Complete Song Dynasty prose 》(53 essays saved). [3]
Reference materials for the selection of Yan Shu's ci poems: [33]

Film and television image

Yan Shu as Yu Entai
1989 TV series《 Fan Zhongyan, a famous official of the generation 》: Meng Yuan as Yan Shu;
2020 TV series《 Qing Pingle 》: Yu Entai As Yan Shu. [50]

Historical data index

Wenzhong Collection 》Volume 22: An Inscription to the Goddess of Yan Gong, Sikong and Shizhong [1]
History of the Song Dynasty 》Volume 311 Biography of Yan Shu [35]