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Infinite approach

Terminology of mathematical science
open 2 entries with the same name
Let x, y ∈ R *, if x-y is infinitely small, say that x is infinitely close to y, and write it as x ≈ y.
Chinese name
Infinite approach
Foreign name
infinitely close
Scope of application
Mathematical Science

brief introduction

Let x, y ∈ R *, if x-y is infinitesimal, say x is infinitely close to y, and write it as x ≈ y.
More generally, let X be a Hausdorff topological space, and * X be the image of X under the * - mapping. p. Q is two points in * X. If p and q belong to the same monad, it is said that p is infinitely close to q, and recorded as p ≈ q.


Infinitesimal Infinitesimal Is a number whose absolute value is less than any positive real number.
Let x ∈ R *, if | x |<r for every positive real number r, then x is said to be infinitesimal.
If there is a real number r and | x |<r, then x is said to be finite.


Monads, also called halos, are collections of points that are infinitely close to each other,
Let x ∈ R, the set M (x)={y ∈ R * | x ≈ y} be called the monad where x resides.
Any two lists are equal or not handed in. [1]