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Wireless data transmission

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Bidirectional paging belongs to wireless data transmission service
The wireless data transmission service refers to the end-to-end data transmission service provided in a wireless manner, which is not included in the aforementioned basic telecommunication service entries. The service can provide roaming service, which is generally regional.
Chinese name
Wireless data transmission
Refers to the basic telecommunication service items mentioned above
Bidirectional paging belongs to wireless data transmission service
Wireless data transmission service
The systems providing such services include Cellular data Grouping data (CDPD), PLANET, NEXNET, Mobitex and other systems. Bidirectional paging is an application of wireless data transmission service.
The operator of wireless data transmission service must set up wireless data by himself Transport network Operators without the operation right of domestic communication facilities service business shall not build domestic transmission network facilities, and must rent the transmission facilities of operators with corresponding operation right to set up business networks.