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New citizens

People who receive civic power education and develop civilized lifestyle and habits
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New citizen is a newly emerging term in recent years. It broadly refers to people who migrate from country A to country B to work or live for some reasons. In the narrow sense, it refers to a group of Chinese people who want to live in a very large area of China because their hometown or place of origin cannot be confused with their own and their families. Beijing is the largest group of people. Another view is that new citizens accept Civil rights Education, cultivate civilized lifestyle and habits, and citizens with basic "trust awareness", "rule awareness" and "right awareness". It is mainly advocated by public welfare institutions that carry out the cultivation of new citizens based on community development.
Chinese name
New citizens
Foreign name
The new citizen
Civil rights education
Civilized lifestyle and habits

New citizen background

These new citizens are usually peasant household Born and married, they have to travel around China's provinces and cities because their work is not enough to make a living. Their families usually accompany them to take care of them.

New citizens

Although some new citizens can make their families better, and then settle down; However, some of them still cannot, but most of these new citizens will not give up themselves or their families. Most of them will find better places to work and live. Some families have lived and settled in as many as ten provinces in China. The goal for them is usually to be stable and eat enough.
There is no official statistics to calculate the number of such new citizens, but there are as many as thousands of children and teenagers from new citizens' families in a New Citizens School in Beijing. Their families are just mixed.
However, this new citizen school has a special feature that there are a lot of social workers stationed there. On the one hand, they will care about the situation of the school students, and on the other hand, they will also fight for the interests of these new citizen families and work for them. This school will provide students with compulsory education, which first eliminates the difficulties of the government's actual compulsory education in schools.

Government attitude

As new citizens begin to gather in groups, their parents work to earn a living and their children study, the provincial governments intend to gradually provide compulsory education in schools to provide them with a solid material foundation and environmental protection, hoping to create the next generation of new citizens who they believe have infinite potential to become future pillars of the country.

New citizen cultivation

The cultivation of new citizens is a long-term task. Anhui Province Linquan Aibo Community Development Center For example Committed to the cultivation of new citizens, based on the hometown background, promote the development of county communities and improve the living environment of parents and fellow villagers The strategy is to cultivate "trust awareness, rule awareness, and right awareness", and the three methods are "supportive environment construction, follow-up support, and the combination of theory and practice"; With the three carriers of "youth service, elderly service and harmonious but different bookstores", 13 regular services and six theme activities are provided free of charge, and a semi annual meeting and annual meeting are held every year; The work and financial report of the previous year will be released at the beginning of each year. It comes from the influence of community building and elderly youth services in the United States during the visit of AIDS worker Chang Kun to the United States, and his reflection on public welfare behavior over the years“ Civil rights education starts from hometown ”Concept. We hope to see results in a few years through persistent work. Before and after, scholars, experts and journalists from several countries came to exchange visits.