Xinxiang City

Prefecture level cities under the jurisdiction of Henan Province
zero Useful+1
Xinxiang City, Henan Province It governs a prefecture level city, located in the north of Henan Province and adjacent to the south Yellow River , and Zhengzhou Kaifeng Across the river; Beiyi Taihang Mountain And Hebi Anyang Adjacency; Xilian Jiaozuo And Shanxi Border; East to Oil City Puyang And Shandong Connected, with a total area of 8249 square kilometers. [53] By 2022, Xinxiang City has jurisdiction over 4 municipal districts, 5 counties and 3 entrusted county-level city [83] By the end of 2023, Xinxiang City Permanent population 6.125 million. [117]
Xinxiang City belongs to North China Plate, located in Yellow River Haihe River Two major river basins, terrain The north is higher than the south, and the north is mainly Taihang Mountain Mountainous and hilly land, the Yellow River in the south Alluvial fan plain The plain accounts for 78% of the total land area of Xinxiang City. In the early days of the founding of New China, Xinxiang was Plains Province Provincial capital, yes North Henan Important central city [1] Central Plains important Industrial city Central Plains Economic Zone and Central Plains Urban Agglomeration One of the core cities, North Henan The center of economy, education and transportation. In 2023, it was rated as the third-class cities [100] Xinxiang has a long history, Yangshao Culture Longshan Culture There are ruins left, yes《 The Book of Songs 》One of the important places of origin, Battle of Makino Zhang Liang, the Assassin of Qin Dynasty Chenqiao Mutiny There are 20 national cultural relics protection units, 1 national 5A scenic spot and 10 national 4A scenic spots. [53]
Xinxiang City Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area Important components North Henan The first batch of national highway transport hub cities are National Civilized City National Health City National Garden City National Forest City National Intellectual Property Demonstration City National Circular Economy Demonstration City, National Rural Reform Pilot Zone Zhengluoxin National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone [53] In 2023, Xinxiang City will achieve a regional GDP of 334.76 billion yuan, ranking the fourth in the province. [108]
Chinese name
Xinxiang City
Foreign name
area number
four hundred and ten thousand and seven hundred
Administrative Region Category
Prefecture level city
Henan, China
geographical position
North central China, north Henan Province
8291 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 municipal districts, 5 counties, and 3 county-level cities
Government residence
A1 Renmin East Road, Hongqi District
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and fifty-three thousand
climatic conditions
Warm temperate continental monsoon climate,
population size
6.125 million [88] [116] (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
License plate code
Yu G
334.765 billion yuan [108] [117] (2023)

Historical evolution

  • Ancient times
Xinxiang is one of the cradles of the ancient Chinese culture. It is adjacent to Taihang in the north. With mild climate and lush vegetation, it is suitable for human survival and reproduction. In ancient times, human ancestors lived and worked here, making this area gradually developed. From the discovery of ancient cultural sites, in the middle of the primitive society, most of Xinxiang has entered the Yangshao and Longshan cultural periods. At the end of the primitive society, that is, the legendary Yao and Shun periods, China was divided into Jiuzhou, Xinxiang County, Huojia, Weihui, Huixian, and Xinxiang City Jizhou Yanjin Fengqiu The west of Yuanyang belongs to Yanzhou, and the east of Changyuan and Yuanyang belongs to Yuzhou. [66]
  • Xia Shang Period
In the Xia Dynasty, Xinxiang Prefecture was the center of Xia activities. In the era of Xia Hou, the ancient state of Fengqiu was in Fengqiu County today. [66] Famous in late summer The Battle of DengTiao It was in Fengqiu that Jie was defeated and Xia died.
Xinxiang City in the Shang Dynasty was mostly located in the hinterland of the city. At that time, there were herdsmen in the small town (today Weihui City North), Fan (now Nanfancheng, Huixian City), Ning (now Huojia County West), Mingtiao (today Fengqiu County East), Fengfu (now Fengqiu County West), etc. posthumous title of the Zhou-dynasty founder Yin was divided into three vassal states in the interior of Yin's neighborhood to supervise the people of Yin, known as the "three prisons" in history. The younger brother of King Wu Guan Shu It was sealed in Yongcheng (today's urban area, Xinxiang County, Weihui City), Uncle Cai It was granted to Wei (today's Huaxian County and Qixian County), Uncle Huo Feng Yu( Tangyin County East). After the death of King Wu, the "Three Prisoners" rebelled against Zhou. Duke Zhou pacified the "Three Prisoners" and granted all their land to his brother Uncle Kang Uncle Kang lives in Wei (today's Qi County), and Xinxiang City is called Weidi. At that time, there were also small vassals and cities in the region all , (today's Hui County and City), Zuo (today's Dacheng Village, 35 miles east of Yanjin City) and Father Etc. [66]
  • Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period
spring and autumn During this period, Xinxiang District, Xinxiang County, Weihui City huixian , Huojia, Fengqiu, Changyuan and the northern part of Yanjin belonged to Wei, while the southern part of Yanjin and Yuanyang belonged to Zheng. In the 20th year of King Xiang of Zhou Dynasty (632 BC), Jin Chu battle of Cheng Pu After, Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Gradually dominate the Central Plains, and the whole area belongs to Shanxi Province.
the warring states In the 23rd year of King Weilie of Zhou (403 BC), Han, Zhao and Wei Divided by three families Now Xinxiang District, Xinxiang County, Weihui City, Huixian City, Huojia, Yuanyang and Yanjin belong to Wei, Fengqiu and Changyuan belong to Han first, and Jier belongs to Wei. After the 49th year of King Nan of Zhou (266 BC), Xinxiang belonged to Qin Dynasty. [66]
  • Qin and Han Dynasties
Cliff Canyon in Guoliang Village
Qin At that time, there were 8 counties in the territory, which belonged to Sanchuan County and Dongjun County respectively. genus Sanchuan County There are Xiuwu (today's Jiahe Xinxiang District and the southwest of Xinxiang County), Ji (today's Weihui City and the north of Xinxiang County, also known as the east of Dongjun), Gong (today's Huixian City), Juan (today's Yangxi) and Yang Wu (Today Yuanyang). Belonging to the east Wild jujube (Now Yanjin, in addition to Sanchuan, then Dongjun), Pingqiu (now Qiudong), Changyuan.
Western Han Dynasty During the period, Xinxiang City was divided into 12 counties, which belonged to 2 ministries and 4 prefectures. Under the jurisdiction of Hanoi Prefecture (under the jurisdiction of Huai County), there are Ji (today's Weihui City and Xinxiang County), Gong (today's Huixian City), Huojia (originally established, today's Xinxiang District and the southwest of Xinxiang County) Cultivate martial arts (Today Be commended )4 counties. There are Yuanwu (now Yuanyang) and Yangwu (now Yangwu Yuanyang Southeast) and volume (today's Yuanyangxi) 3 counties. There are four counties under the jurisdiction of Chenliu County, the governor of Yanzhou, namely Fengqiu (part of today's Fengqiu), Pingqiu (east of today's Fengqiu), Suanzao (today's Yanjin) and Changyuan. Youyan (now the northeast of Yanjin City) belongs to the Dongjun (county system Puyang) of Yanchuan Governor's Department [84] Xinxiang originated from Xinzhong Township, Huojia County in the Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Jin Dynasty It was built in Xinxiang in the fifth year of Taihe (370) Xinle City. Historical records and doubts 》It said: "Happy is the village, and the ancient characters are universal." Xinle is also the meaning of Xinxiang.
Eastern Han Dynasty During the period, except for the Sili Department, it was changed into the Sili Xiaowei Department, Henan County It was changed to Henan Yinwai, and the rest was basically the same as that of the Western Han Dynasty. [66]
  • Three Kingdoms Western Jin Dynasty
three countries During the period, Xinxiang City was under the jurisdiction of Wei There are 12 counties, which successively belong to 3 prefectures, 3 counties, 1 county and 1 country. Four counties, Ji, Huojia, Gong and Xiuwu, were under the jurisdiction of Si Prefecture (Luoyang was governed by the prefecture) Kawachi Emperor Wei Wen In the middle of the Yellow River, Hanoi Prefecture was set up Chaoge County (County government Qi County )Belong to Jizhou (governing today's Jixian County in Hebei Province), the four counties were subsequently changed to Hanoi and later returned to Hanoi. Youjuan, which belongs to Henan Yin of Sizhou Yuanwu Yangwu County. genus Yanzhou (The state governs Linqiu, which is now northeast of Juan County, Shandong Province) Fengqiu Wild jujube Pincio Changyuan 4 counties, Yanzhou Dongjun has Yan.
Western Jin Dynasty During the period, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties, which belonged to 2 prefectures, 3 prefectures and 1 country. Four counties, namely, Ji, Gong, Huojia and Xiuwu, belonged to Ji County of Si Prefecture, and two counties, namely, Ji, Gong, Huojia and Xiuwu, belonged to Xingyang County of Si Prefecture. Belongs to Yanzhou Chenliu County There are three counties of Suanzao, Fengqiu and Changyuan, and Dongyan (now in Yanjin) belongs to Puyang State of Yanzhou. [66]
  • Sixteen Kingdoms Period
the Sixteen Kingdoms ”During the period, Xinxiang City successively belonged to Former Zhao Hou Zhao Qianyan Pre Qin Hind swallow In other countries, wars were still frequent at that time, and there was little change in prefecture and county divisions, mostly along the Jin system.
Northern Wei Dynasty During the period, there were 11 counties in Xinxiang City, which belonged to three counties in Sizhou (governing Luoyang). genus Kejun There are four counties: Ji, Huojia, Gong and Nan Xiuwu (now Huojia). There are wild jujube Nanyan , Fengqiu and Changyuan. genus Xingyang County There are three counties of Yuanwu (Xiaochangzhong), Quan and Yangwu. Wuding In the first year (543), the Northern Wei Dynasty was divided into the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty, and Xinxiang City was under the jurisdiction of Eastern Wei Dynasty 11 counties are divided into 3 states and 6 counties. There are three counties of Ji, Huojia and Nanxiuwu under the jurisdiction of Ji County (today's Junxian County Fangcheng) of Si Zhou (governing Ye, today's Anyang City), and there are three counties of Yougong under the jurisdiction of Linli County (governing Lin County) of Si Zhou. There are three counties, Suanzao, Nanyan and Changyuan, belonging to the East County of Sizhou (the old town of Zhihua County). Fengqiu is a county in Liangzhou (Zhidaliang). Youjuan County belongs to Xingyang County of Si Prefecture. genus North Yuzhou (Governing Chenggao) Yuanwu and Yangwu are in Guangwu County. In addition, in the second year of Xinghe, Zeng Qiaozhi set up Yizhou and Wucheng Prefecture in Ji.
Northern Dynasties Of Qi During the confrontation between the Zhou Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty, Xinxiang City was divided into 5 counties and 3 counties. There are Wucheng (the abandoned Yizhou, the provincial military city) and Gongxian under the jurisdiction of Ji County. Xiuwu County belongs to Guangning County (governing the former Shanyang County), and now Xiuwu County is under the jurisdiction of the former Xiuwu County( Beiqi It was abandoned in the Northern Xiuwu County and Shanyang County, and now it is returned to Xiuwu County in the Southwest of Xinxiang County. genus Guangwu County Yangwu (the Northern Qi Dynasty was involved in Xingyang, and the former Qi Dynasty was abandoned into Yangwu). genus Dongjun Of Nanyan (The Northern Qi Dynasty abolished Fengqiu, and wild jujube entered Nanyan), Changyuan. Later in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Guangning County was abolished, and Xiuwu County was set up in the south (now honored), and Yangwu belonged to Zhengzhou. [66]
  • Sui and Tang Dynasties
During the Sui Dynasty, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties and 4 prefectures. There were 3 counties belonging to Hanoi Prefecture, namely Huojia (at the beginning of the Emperor's reign, Xiuwu County was abolished, and Huojia was renamed. Later, Huojia refers to today's Huojia County), Xinxiang (at the beginning of the Emperor's reign, Xinxiang County was established, and Xinle City was ruled), and Gongcheng (in the sixth year of the Emperor's reign, Gongxian County was changed to Gongcheng County in 586). There are three counties belonging to Dongjun (governing Baima County, now Huaxian County), namely Fengqiu, Zuocheng (formerly called Dongyan, renamed in 598, the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang) and Changyuan (once called Kuangcheng). There are three counties in Xingyang County: Suanzao, Yangwu and Yuanwu. There are two counties under the jurisdiction of Ji County (the county governs Wei County, which is now the east of Qi County), namely Ji (changed Wucheng to Ji) and Suixing (today's Ji County, which was established in the 16th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, that is, in 596, Yangyuan County was established after seeking and analyzing, and Daye was initially provincial).
Tang dynasty At that time, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties, belonging to 2 roads and 7 states. genus Hebei Road Huaizhou Du Ji Dao )Huojia County Weizhou (Prefecture governs Weixian County, which is now Qi County, Zhenguan Transferred in the first year Ji County )There are three counties of Ji (from Suixing in the province), Gongcheng and Xinxiang. (In the first year of Wude, that is, 618, he ruled Yizhou in Ji County, governed Ji County and Xinxiang, abolished Yizhou in four years, and established Yizhou in Huojia Yinzhou , jurisdiction Be commended , Xinxiang, Gongcheng and other counties were abolished in 627 in the first year of Zhenguan.) Belongs to Henan Road Huazhou Youzuocheng, wild jujube Kuang City , Changyuan (in the eighth year of Zhenguan period, that is, in 635, Changyuan was abandoned and entered Kuang City), 4 counties. Yuanwu County and Yangwu County belong to Zhengzhou, Henan Province (governing the city, that is, today's Zhengzhou, once belonged to the Gynecological Path) Dredger , today Kaifeng There are Fengqiu in the northwest).
Five Dynasties During the period, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties, 4 prefectures and 1 prefecture. genus Huaizhou Of which are Huojia and Gongxian, belonging to Huazhou Zuocheng, Yuanwu, Zhengzhou, Jixian and Xinxiang, Weizhou, Kaifeng( Later Tang Dynasty At that time, it belonged to Huazhou, Yangwu (later Tang Dynasty), Fengqiu and Changyuan (once with Kuang Chengzhi). [66]
  • Song and Yuan Dynasties
Song dynasty Xinxiang City is divided into 10 counties, 3 roads, 1 government and 3 states. Fengqiu, Yangwu and Yanjin belong to Kaifeng Mansion, Jingji Road( Political peace Seven years, i.e. 1117, from Suanzao County), Heqiu( Jianlong In the first year, 960, in order to avoid the taboo of Taizu, Kuang City was changed to Heqiu, and Changyuan was found. Youyuanwu, belonging to Beijing Northwest Road, Zhengzhou Beijing Northwest Road There is a city in Huazhou. genus Hebei West Road In Weizhou, there are Ji, Xinxiang, Huojia and Gongcheng.
gold During the period, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties, which belonged to 2 roads, 1 government and 2 states. Nanjing Road Kaifeng Mansion Fengqiu, Yangwu, Yanjin( Zhenyou Three years later, in 1215, it was upgraded to Yanzhou, governing Yanzhou Village in the northeast of the former Yangcheng, and governing Yanjin, Yuanwu, Yangwu), Changyuan( Mingchang Five years later, in 1194, the Yellow River changed its course to Kaizhou, Daming Prefecture). genus Nanjing Road You Yuanwu from Zhengzhou. Ji, Xinxiang and Sumen belong to Xiluwei Prefecture of Hebei Province, Dading In the 29th year (1189), it was changed to Heping, and in the 3rd year of Mingchang (1193), it was changed to Sumen and Zhenyou, and in September 1216, it was upgraded to Huizhou), Huojia, Zuocheng (at first it belonged to Kaifeng Prefecture, later it belonged to Weizhou, and in the 5th year of Zhenyou, it was named Weizhou Yiguo in 1218).
In the Yuan Dynasty, there were no nine counties in Xinxiang City, which were directly under the jurisdiction of Zhongshu Province and Xingzhong Shushu Province. There are 4 counties, Xinxiang, Jixian, Huojia, Zuocheng, and Huizhou (from Sumen County to Huizhou) under the jurisdiction of Weihui Road, Zhongshu Province, Zhili. Belonging to Zhongshu Province Daming Road There are Changyuan and Yuanwu, Yangwu, Yanjin and Fengqiu counties, which belong to Zhongshu Lianglu (once called Nanjing Road) in Jiangbei, Henan. [66]
  • Ming and Qing Dynasties
In the Ming Dynasty, Xinxiang City was divided into 10 counties, which were subordinate to the Henan Administrative Commissioner Kaifeng Mansion Wei Huifu And Kaizhou. The Kaifeng Prefecture includes Yangwu, Yuanwu, Fengqiu and Yanjin counties, and the Weihui Prefecture includes Ji County , Zuocheng, Xinxiang, Huojia, Huixian (Huizhou was changed in the Yuan Dynasty). Changyuan County is where Kang Jing learned from Kaizhou.
Yuan Wu, Qing Dynasty( Yongzheng In the second year, namely 1724, it came from Kaifeng Prefecture, and Yangwu (in the 48th year of Qianlong's reign, namely 1783, it came from Kaifeng Prefecture) belonged to Huaiqing Prefecture, Henan Province. Ji County, Xinxiang, Huixian, Huojia, Yanjin (in the second year of Yongzheng, i.e. since 1724, and in the fifth year, i.e. since 1727, when Zuocheng was abandoned to enter Yanjin) and Fengqiu( Qianlong It belongs to Henan Province since 1784 Wei Huifu Changyuan County Zhili Province Daming Mansion. [66]
  • the Republic of China era
Republic of China In January of the first year (1912), Republic of China Establishment, nationwide Abolish the government and save the county , easy to be directly subordinated to the province. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), Henan was founded North Henan Road In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), it was changed to Hebei Road (Dao governs Ji County), which governs 8 counties including Xinxiang County, Huojia County, Ji County, Huixian County, Yangwu County, Yuanwu County, Yanjin County and Fengqiu County. Changyuan belongs to Daming Road of Zhili Province. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), it was ordered to revoke the Dao level organizational system. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), the Nanjing National Government adjusted the local administrative divisions, and Henan Province set up an administrative supervision area. Except that Changyuan belongs to the 11th Administrative Supervision District of Hebei Province and Ji County belongs to the 3rd Administrative Supervision District of Henan (Zhianyang), the rest belong to the 4th Administrative Supervision District of Henan (Zhixin Township).
At the end of February in the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), most of the county towns in Xinxiang City were occupied, and the coexistence of the Japanese puppet regime, the Kuomintang regime and the Communist Party appeared: the Kuomintang regime was mostly in exile; The Japanese puppet regime belonged to North Henan Province and South Hebei Province respectively; Anti Japanese democratic regime Taihang Military Region Seven Special Zones, Eight Special Zones, Taiyue Four Special Zones Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Area 4. Jurisdiction of special areas.
Counter-Japanese War After the victory, the Eighth Taihang Special Area was changed into the Fourth Special Area, which governs a part of the area that has won the commendation. Huixian, Jixian, Xinxiang, Yuanyang and Huojia are under the jurisdiction of the Taihang Five Special Districts. Yanjin and Fengqiu are under the jurisdiction of the four special regions of Hebei, Shandong and Henan. After the surrender of the Japanese army, the Kuomintang army seized most of the counties and villages in Xinxiang City in September 1945, and restored the former Office of the Administrative Inspector, which governs the ground in the Kuomintang ruled area. In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Yanjin, Fengqiu and Changyuan were liberated. In 1948, Huojia, Jixian, Yuanyang and Xinxiang Counties were liberated. On January 7, the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), Ji County was changed to Weihui City (abolished the next year). In November 1948, Xinxiang was set up in Xinxiang County (governing the county seat of Xinxiang, temporarily working in Xiaoji, Xinxiang County). Since then, the Xinxiang organizational system has been born and led by the Xinxiang Special Administration of Taihang Executive Office.
In May of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), Xinxiang County was liberated, and the CPC Xinxiang Committee and Xinxiang People's Government began to work in the city. Since then, Xinxiang City has been completely liberated. On August 20, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to abolish Taihang, Taiyue and Hebei Shandong Henan regions and establish Plains Province , governing Xinxiang, Puyang, Anyang Heze Liaocheng And Huxi, and Xinxiang and Anyang. Xinxiang Plains Province The provincial capital. The fourth special zone of Taihang was changed to Xinxiang District (Jiaozuo), 7 counties including Huojia, Huixian, Jixian, Xinxiang, Yanjin, Yuanwu and Yangwu are under its leadership, and Fengqiu and Changyuan are under its leadership Puyang District [66]
  • New China
administrative division
In 1952, Pingyuan Province was abolished, and Xinxiang, Anyang and Puyang Special Districts were changed to Henan Province, and Xinxiang was directly under the jurisdiction of Henan Province. At the same time, Xinxiang Special Administration moved to Xinxiang, and all counties under its jurisdiction belong to Xinxiang Special District except Fengqiu and Changyuan which belong to Puyang Special District.
In 1958, Xinxiang District and Anyang District were merged into Xinxiang District, which belonged to the whole territory.
In 1967, Xinxiang District was renamed Xinxiang District.
In February 1986, Xinxiang District was abolished and Xinxiang City was established. Xinxiang City governs 8 counties, including Xinxiang County, Jixian County, Huojia County, Huixian County, Yuanyang County, Yanjin County, Fengqiu County and Changyuan County. [66-67]
Muye Lake in Xinxiang

historical event

historical event
Specific section
Huangchi League
Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest recluse in Huixian County
Yue Fei Xinxiang Kangjin

administrative division


Division evolution

In 1950, Yuanwu and Yangwu were merged into Yuanyang County.
In 1954, Puyang District was revoked, and Fengqiu and Changyuan were changed to Xinxiang District.
In 1955, Changyuan County was incorporated Anyang District
In 1960, Xinxiang County and Huojia County were abolished and incorporated into Xinxiang County.
In October 1961, the two counties of Xinxiang and Huojia were restored, and Xinxiang and An'an were separately governed. Xinxiang and Huojia, Huixian, Xinxiang, Jixian, Yuanyang, Yanjin and Fengqiu belong to Xinxiang Special Area. Changyuan County belongs to Anyang District.
In September 1983, Xinxiang County and Ji County were under the leadership of Xinxiang County. Huojia, Huixian, Yuanyang, Yanjin and Fengqiu are still under the jurisdiction of Xinxiang.
In 1983, Anyang District was revoked, and Changyuan belonged to the newly established Puyang City.
In November 1988, Jixian County was changed into Weihui City and Huixian County into Huixian City, with the same affiliation.
In December 2003, the State Council approved Xinhua District to be renamed as Weibin District, Beizhan District to be renamed as Fengquan District, and the suburbs to be renamed as Muye District.
In February 2010, the overall plan for the construction of Xinxiang Plain New Area was approved by the Henan Provincial Government.
In 2012, Xinxiang High tech Development Zone and Xinxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone were upgraded to national level development zones.
In 2014, Changyuan County It is classified as a county directly under the jurisdiction of the province.
On August 29, 2019, with the approval of the State Council, it was agreed to revoke Changyuan County and establish county-level Changyuan City. The administrative region of the original Changyuan County was the administrative region of Changyuan City Puxi Street No. 368, Renmin Road. Changyuan City is directly under the jurisdiction of the province, and Xinxiang City is the custodian. [66-67]
On September 20, 2024, according to the press conference of the Information Office of the People's Government of Henan Province, Xinxiang was identified as a big city. [121]

Zoning Details

As of December 2022, Xinxiang City has jurisdiction over 9 counties and districts, 1 urban-rural integration demonstration zone, 2 national development zones, and 3 county-level cities, respectively Weibin District Hongqi District Muye Fengquan District huixian Weihui City Changyuan City [3] Xinxiang County Huojia County Yuanyang County Yanjin County Fengqiu County [83] Xinxiang Municipal People's Government is located at No. A1, Renmin East Road, Hongqi District. [53]
Standard Map of Xinxiang City
List of Xinxiang Administrative Districts
place name
Area (square kilometers)
area number
Postal code
Xinxiang City
Hongqi District
eight thousand six hundred and twenty-nine
four hundred and ten thousand and seven hundred
four hundred and fifty-three thousand
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and three
four hundred and fifty-three thousand
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and two
four hundred and fifty-three thousand
one hundred and fifteen
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and four
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and eleven
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and eleven
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and two
eight hundred and eighty-two
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and eighty-one
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and one hundred
two thousand and seven
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and eighty-two
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and six hundred
three hundred and sixty-five
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-one
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and seven hundred
Chengguan Town
four hundred and seventy-three
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-four
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and eight hundred
one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-five
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and five hundred
Wanshou Street
nine hundred and forty-six
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-six
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and two hundred
Chengguan Town
one thousand two hundred and twenty
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and three hundred
one thousand and fifty-one
four hundred and ten thousand seven hundred and eighty-three
four hundred and fifty-three thousand and four hundred [3-4]
Zoning Details
Weibin District
Township (1)· Pingyuan Township
Hongqi District
Township (1)· Guandi Township
Fengquan District
Town (2)· Dakuai Town
Town (1)· Wangcun Town
Township (1)· Muye Township
Weihui City
Street (2) · Chengguan Street· Huqiao Street
Xinxiang County
Township (1)· Hehe Township
Huojia County
Yuanyang County
Town (3) · Chengguan Town· Yuanwu Town · Shizhai Town · Taiping Town
Yanjin County
Fengqiu County
Changyuan City

geographical environment


Location context

Xinxiang City is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, Henan Province In the north, the geographical coordinates are 113 ° 23 ′~115 ° 01 ′ E, 34 ° 53 ′~35 ° 50 ′ N, the center is located at 35 ° 18 ′ N, 113 ° 54 ′ E, and the south is adjacent Yellow River , and Zhengzhou Kaifeng City Across the river; Beiyi Taihang , and Hebi City Anyang City Adjacency; Xilian Taiji Hometown Jiaozuo City , bordering southeast Shanxi; East to Oil City Puyang City and Luxi to be connected. The total area is 8249 square kilometers. [53]
Xinxiang City


Xinxiang City belongs to the North China plate, which crosses the North China Depression in the middle section of the second subsidence zone of the NNE trending structure of the New Cathaysian System and the Taihang Uplift in the middle section of the third uplift. In addition to the Taihang Mountains and piedmont in the north, the terrain of the vast Yellow River alluvial plain in the south is high in the west, high in the south, and low in the east and north from the Shanxi Henan border to the southeast, It generally inclines from southwest to northeast.
There are mountains, hills, intermountain basins, plains and other geomorphic types distributed in the urban area of Xinxiang, which are distributed in a northeast southwest belt. Controlled by the deep and large active fault zone in front of the Taihang Mountains of the Neocathaysian system, the Taihang Mountains, which have been uplifted since the Cenozoic era, lie to the west of the Beijing Guangzhou Railway in the north. The terrain is complex. The highest point, Shiziling, is 1732 meters above sea level, and is the bedrock outcrop area, accounting for 23% of the city's area; The rock types are mainly Archean gneiss, Proterozoic quartz sandstone and Paleozoic marine carbonate rock; Affected by the landform and rock formation, there is abundant karst fissure water in the appropriate part where the karst fissure is well developed. For others, the water yield is generally poor due to the lack of aquifer or the leakage of groundwater runoff. The southern part is an alluvial proluvial plain area with subsidence since Cenozoic era. The terrain is flat, accounting for 77% of the city's area. It is mainly covered by loose alluvial deposits, mostly gravel mixed layers or sandy soil and clay interbedding.
The regional tectonic activity of Xinxiang City is strong, mainly consisting of NNE trending fault structures, which are mainly distributed in the east and west of the city. It is both a fault zone and a seismic zone. There is Dongpu depression in the Liaocheng Lankao fault zone in the east and Tangyin graben in the Taihang piedmont fault zone in the west, between which is Neihuang uplift with weak seismic activity in the subsidence area of North China depression; The NW trending faults are followed by the Xinxiang Shangqiu fault and the Yuhe Xinxiang fault; In addition, there is the east-west Pangu Temple Xinxiang fault. Affected by tectonic activity, the west of Beijing Guangzhou Railway and the northern mountainous area are in the zone with weak seismic activity; The vast plain area in front of the mountain belongs to the North China Depression, which is located at the southern end of the Hebei Plain seismic belt in the North China seismic region, with frequent and strong seismic activities. [80]

topographic features

Xinxiang City Yellow River Haihe River There are two major basins, the Taihang River in the north and the Yellow River in the south. The terrain is high in the north and low in the south Taihang Mountain Mountainous and hilly land, and the Yellow River alluvial fan plain in the south, which accounts for 78% of the total land area of Xinxiang City. [5]
In addition to the Taihang Mountains in the northwest corner and the inclined plain in front of the mountain, the terrain of Xinxiang City descends from the Shanxi Henan border to the southeast in a stepped manner. The vast Yellow River alluvial fan plain is high in the southwest and low in the northeast. It generally leans from the southwest corner of the area under its jurisdiction to the northeast. There are many geomorphic types, such as middle mountains, low mountains, hills, intermountain basins and plains. The distribution of soil is closely related to it. The distribution pattern and extension direction of various landforms are mostly controlled by the NNE-NE structural pattern of the New Cathaysian system, except that the southern Yellow River area is controlled by the east-west active structure of the Qinling system. With the NNE-NE Taihang piedmont active fault as the boundary, since the Cenozoic, except for the continuous uplift of the northwest corner of the crust, the rest of the region has continued to decline to become the Yellow River alluvial fan plain. [62]


Xinxiang City has a continental monsoon climate of warm temperate zone, with four distinct seasons. It is cold in winter and hot in summer, cool in autumn and early in spring. The average temperature over the years is 14 ℃. July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 27.3 ° C; January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 0.2 ° C.
The average annual precipitation in Xinxiang City is 573.4mm, and the variation range among counties is 549.9-644.4mm. The center of less rain is Yuanyang, the center of more rain is Huixian Mountain in the northwest, and the center of more rain is Changyuan in the eastern plain. The seasonal distribution of precipitation is extremely uneven, roughly consistent with the advance and retreat of winter and summer monsoon. The frost in the city usually starts in late October and ends in early April. The average annual frost free period is 205 days. In 2021, the annual average temperature of Xinxiang City will be 15.8 ℃. The average annual precipitation is 1377.7mm. [54]


Xinxiang City Branch Haihe River Yellow River The two major river systems are areas with less water sources. It is located on the north bank of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, mostly on the north wing of the Yellow River alluvial fan plain. The main tributaries of the Yellow River system are Natural, Wenyan Canal and Jindi River. The Jindi River system includes the Dasha River in the west branch and the Wenming Canal in the east branch. The former is a section of the old course of the ancient Yellow River (Shahe River, a tributary of the Yu River). To the west of Hehe Village, Xinxiang County, Weihe River is also known as Grain River, Sand Canal and Xiaodan River. [62]
The Yellow River enters from Yaokou Village, Yuanyang County to Wawuzhai Village, Changyuan City. The river is 165 kilometers long and the dike is 153 kilometers long. The rivers on the surface alluvial fan in the territory are divided by the ancient Yellow River (Yu River), which flows from the southwest to the northeast during the Western Han Dynasty. The ancient river channel is 2-4 meters above the ground, on the line of Yuanyang Zhulou, Heiyang Mountain - Baliushu in Xinxiang County, Guguzhai - Dongtun in Yanjin - Weihui Pangzhai - Fengzhuang in Yanjin.
The Haihe River system is located in the northwest of Xinxiang City, with a drainage area of 3985 kilometers, and the Yellow River system is located in the southeast, with a drainage area of 4184 square kilometers. [80]

natural resources


mineral resources

There are 27 kinds of minerals found in 4 categories in Xinxiang City, including 5 kinds of energy minerals: coal, oil, natural gas, coal-bed gas, and underground hot water; 5 kinds of metal minerals: iron, copper, lead, zinc and gold; 16 kinds of non-metallic minerals: limestone for cement, clay for cement proportioning, chemical limestone, dolomite, barite, peat, phosphorus, refractory clay, quartzite, facing granite, facing marble, building stone, building sand, shale for bricks, crystal, iceland stone; One kind of water vapor mineral: mineral water. Among them, limestone for cement, coal, limestone for building stones, geothermal, mineral water and other minerals are the dominant mineral resources of Xinxiang City.
There are 14 large deposits, 10 medium deposits and 12 small deposits found in Xinxiang City. Among the proved mineral resources reserves, 2.495 billion tons of coal, 1.194 billion tons of limestone for cement, 362400 tons of barite, 126 million cubic meters of limestone for building stones, and 52.63 million tons of clay for cement ingredients. [82]
In 2021, there will be 28 kinds of minerals found in Xinxiang City, 6 kinds of minerals with resource reserves identified, and 8 kinds of minerals developed and utilized. [54]

water resource

Xinxiang City Yellow River And Haihe River, with the plain area accounting for 78%. The reservoir has a capacity of 199 million cubic meters. The Yellow River flows 170 kilometers through Xinxiang, Drainage area 4558 square kilometers. From Nanyang“ south-to-north water diversion ”The middle line project is 77 kilometers long in Xinxiang, with a total investment of about 5.2 billion yuan. After the South to North Water Transfer Project is opened, the city can obtain 400 million cubic meters of high-quality water every year. [6]

Biological resources

In 2021, the afforestation area of Xinxiang City will be 175000 mu, including 129800 mu of artificial afforestation area. At the end of the year, there were 2 nature reserves, including 2 national nature reserves. 7 forest parks. [54]
There are about 480 kinds of wild animals in Xinxiang City, including about 174 kinds of vertebrates. Otters, macaques and leopards are under national protection. There are 85 kinds of birds. Black cranes, white tailed sea eagles, spotted beaked pelicans and red crowned cranes are the first class national protected animals, and swans, golden eagles and vultures are the second class national protected animals. 50 species of fish. There are 10 kinds of reptiles. 5 species of amphibians; The plant species belong to temperate type, with 476 species of main tree species belonging to 79 families, 193 genera, including 8 families, 16 genera and 28 species of gymnosperms. There are 448 species of angiosperms in 177 genera and 71 families. There are 999 kinds of medicinal plants. In addition, there are 60 kinds of starch and sugar plants, 40 kinds of aromatic plants, 50 kinds of fiber plants, about 48 families and 225 kinds of feed plants, and 100 kinds of herbs. [81]
Yuanyang elk free range farm is one of the only four remaining in China. As of September 2015, the number of milu deer in Yuanyang Milu Free range Breeding Base was 41. [7]
Natural Reserve (National Park) in Xinxiang City
National Nature Reserve
Provincial Forest Park
Xinxiang Yellow River Old Course Forest Park Xinxiang Baiyun Temple National Forest Park
Other forest parks


By the end of 2023, the city's permanent population will be 6.125 million, including 3.675 million urban permanent population and 2.45 million rural permanent population; The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 60.00%, 0.99 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. There were 43000 births throughout the year, with a birth rate of 7.00 ‰; There were 48000 deaths, and the mortality rate was 7.81 ‰; The natural population reduction is 5000, and the natural population growth rate is -0.81 ‰. [116]
As of November 2020, the permanent population of Xinxiang City is 6.2519 million. [46] According to the data of the seventh census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Xinxiang City was 6251929. [47]
In 2021, there will be 6.171 million permanent residents in Xinxiang, including 3.603 million urban residents and 2.568 million rural residents; The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 58.39%, 0.81 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. The annual birth population was 48000, with a birth rate of 7.8 ‰; There were 45000 deaths, and the mortality rate was 7.3 ‰; The natural increase of population is 3000, with a natural growth rate of 0.5 ‰. [54]
Xinxiang City is a typical mixed and scattered area of ethnic minorities, with the characteristics of large dispersion and small settlement. In 2019, there were 44 ethnic groups in Xinxiang, with a population of 67255. The Hui nationality accounted for 88.21% of the total population. Other ethnic groups with a large population were Mongolian, Manchu, Korean, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Uygur, etc. [66]
By the end of 2022, the permanent population of Xinxiang City was 6.166 million, 5000 fewer than that by the end of 2021. There are 3.109 million male permanent residents, accounting for 50.42%; 3057000 women, accounting for 49.58%; The sex ratio is 101.68. [88]
Change of permanent population in Xinxiang City (2018~2022)
Reference source [46] [54] [101-103]


Main leaders
name list
Municipal Party Committee
Deputy Secretary
member of the standing committee
Standing Committee of Municipal People's Congress
Deputy Director
Secretary general
municipal government
Vice Mayor
Municipal CPPCC
vice president
Note: Data deadline: May 2024 month [65] [92] [97-98] [104-106] [109-115] [118-119] [122]




According to the preliminary calculation, the city's regional GDP in 2023 will be 334.765 billion yuan, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 29.625 billion yuan, up 1.9%; The added value of the secondary industry was 142.084 billion yuan, up 0.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 163.056 billion yuan, up 2.3%. The tertiary industrial structure is 8.9: 42.4: 48.7. The annual per capita GDP was 54473 yuan, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year. [108] [116]
In 2022, the city's GDP will reach 346.398 billion yuan, ranking sixth in the province, with a year-on-year growth of 5.3%, 2.2 percentage points higher than the provincial average, ranking first in the province. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 33.912 billion yuan, up 5.5% year on year; The added value of the secondary industry was 154.95 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 157.537 billion yuan, up 3.4% year on year. [85]
In 2021, the gross regional product of Xinxiang City will be 323.253 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year, and an average increase of 4.7% over the two years. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 29.248 billion yuan, up 2.9%; The added value of the secondary industry was 144.247 billion yuan, up 4.4%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 149.758 billion yuan, up 9.5%. The tertiary industrial structure is 9:44.6:46.4. The annual per capita GDP was 52028 yuan, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year. [54]
Change of regional GDP of Xinxiang City (2018~2022) [101]

primary industry

Xinxiang City is an important commodity grain base and high-quality wheat production base in China. The planting area of high-quality special wheat accounts for more than 80% of the wheat planting area. It is rated as the national advanced city in grain production, or the livestock production and processing base in Henan Province, Honeysuckle And other traditional Chinese medicine production bases.
In 2021, the grain planting area of Xinxiang City will be 7222700 hectares, an increase of 32900 hectares over the previous year, including 3877600 hectares of wheat planting area, an increase of 354000 hectares; The corn planting area was 3092700 hectares, an increase of 70700 hectares. The oil planting area was 777800 hectares, decreased by 26500 hectares, of which the peanut planting area was 738000 hectares, decreased by 30700 hectares. The vegetable planting area was 644000 hectares, down by 18900 hectares.
In 2021, the grain output of Xinxiang City will be 4311400 tons, a decrease of 547700 tons or 11.3% over the previous year. Among them, the yield of summer grain was 2.8073 million tons, increasing by 0.6%; The output of autumn grain was 1.5041 million tons, with a reduction of 27.3%. The wheat yield was 2.8073 million tons, increasing by 0.6%; The yield of corn was 1.4076 million tons, with a reduction of 25.5%.
In 2021, Xinxiang will produce 315800 tons of oil plants, 10.3% less than the previous year, including 307200 tons of peanut, 10.8% less. The vegetable output was 2.991 million tons, 7.3% lower. The output of edible fungi was 123200 tons, with a decrease of 11.6%. The output of melons and fruits was 195700 tons, with a reduction of 14%.
In 2021, the total output of pig, cattle, sheep and poultry meat in Xinxiang will be 358300 tons, an increase of 19.8% over the previous year. Among them, the output of pork was 252100 tons, up 33%; Beef output was 12500 tons, down 3.2%; The mutton output was 11200 tons, up 0.6%; Poultry meat output was 82500 tons, up 3.4%. The output of poultry eggs was 288700 tons, down 1.8%. The output of milk was 162900 tons, up 8.5%. At the end of the year, there were 2.2882 million pigs on hand, an increase of 2.2% over the end of the previous year; 3.4683 million pigs were sold throughout the year, an increase of 36.2% over the previous year. [54]

the secondary industry

Industrial Development of Xinxiang City
Xinxiang City is an important industrial base in the Central Plains, with 33 industries in 41 major categories. It is the capital of China's battery industry, the national pilot city for the regional agglomeration and development of new energy battery and battery material industries, the national new battery and material industry base, the city for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, the characteristic industrial base of biomedicine and the industrial base of hoisting machinery, with refrigeration Six strategic support industries, including biology and new medicine, batteries and new battery materials, special equipment manufacturing, coal chemical industry, automobile and parts, and five traditional competitive industries, namely, textile, food, paper making, building materials, and energy and electricity. [66]
In 2021, the total industrial added value of Xinxiang City will be 108.529 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8% over the previous year.
In 2021, the added value of industries above designated size in Xinxiang City will increase by 8.3% over the previous year. In terms of economic types, the added value of state-owned holding enterprises increased by 12.5%; Joint stock enterprises increased by 7.6%, and foreign-invested enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises increased by 21.8%; Private enterprises grew by 3.8%. By category, the added value of the mining industry decreased by 2.9%, the manufacturing industry increased by 9.5%, and the power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries increased by 3.6%. Among industries above designated size in the whole year, strategic emerging industries increased by 13.9%, accounting for 23% of industries above designated size; High energy consuming industries grew by 0.6%, accounting for 33.9% of industries above designated size, high-tech industries grew by 23.7%, accounting for 14.4% of industries above designated size, and high-tech industries grew by 10.9%, accounting for 57.6% of industries above designated size. The annual sales rate of industrial products above designated size in Xinxiang City was 97.51%.
In 2021, the installed power generation capacity of Xinxiang City will be 8.4948 million kilowatts, an increase of 10.3% over the end of the previous year. Among them, the installed capacity of thermal power was 4.989 million kilowatts, up 0.8%; The installed hydropower capacity was 1.2214 million kilowatts, down 0.4%; The installed capacity of grid connected wind power was 1226300kW, up 30.3%; The installed capacity of grid connected solar power generation was 1.0583 million kilowatts, up 81.9%. The annual industrial power generation above designated size was 18.59 billion kilowatt hours, down 1.1% over the previous year. Among them, clean and renewable power (hydropower, wind power, photoelectric) generated 4.495 billion kWh, up 76.4%, accounting for 24.2% of industrial power generation above designated size.
In 2021, industrial enterprises above designated size in Xinxiang City will achieve an operating income of 274.185 billion yuan, an increase of 14.5% over the previous year; The total profit was 13.166 billion yuan, up 6.3%. The cost per 100 yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 86.69 yuan, an increase of 1.36 yuan over the previous year; The operating income realized per 100 yuan of assets was 105.6 yuan, an increase of 4.5 yuan.
In 2021, construction enterprises with general contracting and professional contracting qualifications in Xinxiang City will achieve a total output value of 90.761 billion yuan, an increase of 7% over the previous year. The amount of new contracts signed by construction enterprises this year was 93.564 billion yuan, down 10.8%. [54]
Main economic zones and development zones in Xinxiang City
National development zone
Xindong Industrial Cluster
Sizhuangding Industrial Zone
Xinxiang County Industrial Park
Xinxiang Science and Technology Industrial Park
Gaowan Industrial Park
Fengquan Industrial Cluster

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Xinxiang City has been a commodity distribution center in Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan border area since ancient times. Modern logistics, warehousing and postal services, wholesale and retail, tourism, finance and real estate constitute the pillar industries of Xinxiang service industry.
In 2021, the added value of Xinxiang's wholesale and retail industry will be 21.799 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 23.544 billion yuan, up 19.3%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 4.263 billion yuan, up 6.6%; The added value of the financial industry was 11.937 billion yuan, up 4.7%; The added value of the real estate industry was 20.972 billion yuan, up 4%; The added value of information transmission, software and information technology services was 7.26 billion yuan, up 13.2%; The added value of other service industries was 66.296 billion yuan, up 10.6%. In the whole year, the operating income of service enterprises above designated size was 18.509 billion yuan, up 12.7% over the previous year; The total profit was 1.396 billion yuan, up 7.6%.
In 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Xinxiang City will be 105.663 billion yuan, up 9.3% over the previous year. In terms of urban and rural areas, the retail sales of urban consumer goods reached 94.421 billion yuan, up 8.2%; The retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 11.242 billion yuan, up 19.6%.
In 2021, among the retail sales of consumer goods per unit above the designated size in Xinxiang City, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 3.6% over the previous year, the retail sales of beverages increased by 20.9%, the retail sales of tobacco and alcohol increased by 10.3%, the retail sales of clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles increased by 11.5%, the retail sales of daily necessities increased by 12.4%, the retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 2.5%, the retail sales of Chinese and Western medicines increased by 6.8%, the retail sales of petroleum and products increased by 20.2%, and the retail sales of automobiles increased by, The sales of goods through public networks increased by 6.1% over the previous year.
In 2021, the total import and export value of goods in Xinxiang City will be 11.29 billion yuan, an increase of 11% over the previous year. Among them, export was 9.01 billion yuan, up 0.1%; Imports reached 2.28 billion yuan, up 93.8%.
In 2021, the balance of various RMB deposits of financial institutions in Xinxiang City will be 408.728 billion yuan, an increase of 11.7% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of domestic household deposits will be 306.551 billion yuan, an increase of 13.9%; The balance of various RMB loans was 268.049 billion yuan, up 14.4%, of which the balance of domestic household loans was 141.082 billion yuan, up 15%.
In 2021, there will be 7 listed companies in Xinxiang City (including one to be issued after the meeting). Six shares were issued, including four A shares and two overseas shares. The initial issuance and refinancing of this year raised 1.592 billion yuan, including 1.592 billion yuan of A-share issuance and refinancing. The total market value of A-share listed companies at the end of the year was 83.498 billion yuan; The total value of the circulating stock market was 61.392 billion yuan.
In 2021, the premium income of Xinxiang Insurance Company will be 12.822 billion yuan. Including 2.672 billion yuan for property insurance and 10.149 billion yuan for life insurance. Compensation expenditure and payment amount was 5.571 billion yuan. Including 3.201 billion yuan for property insurance, 1.826 billion yuan for life insurance, and 544 million yuan for life insurance.
In 2021, Xinxiang City will receive 38.7009 million tourists from inside and outside the province, with a total tourism revenue of 24.676 billion yuan. At the end of the year, there were 27 Grade A tourist attractions, including 11 above Grade 4A tourist attractions. There are 10 star hotels and 62 travel agencies. [54]

Well known enterprises

Well known enterprises
Egret chemical fiber
Jinlong oxygen free copper
Weihua Lifting
Xinxiang Piao'an
Tianfeng steel structure
Mengdian Cement

social undertakings



Xinxiang City is the national pilot area for comprehensive evaluation reform of primary and secondary education quality and the cultivation base of high-quality human resources in Henan Province. At the end of the 13th Five Year Plan, Xinxiang City had 3662 schools and kindergartens, including 1946 kindergartens, 1269 primary schools, 335 junior high schools, 67 ordinary high schools, 27 secondary vocational schools, 10 ordinary colleges (including 2 independent colleges), and 8 special education schools. [76]
In 2021, there will be 3742 graduate students in Xinxiang City, 9645 graduate students in school and 1848 graduates. Ordinary higher education enrolled 63000 students, 194800 students and 48000 graduates. Adult higher education enrolled 37000 students, 92000 students and 31000 graduates. Secondary vocational and technical education enrolled 25000 students, 66000 students and 17000 graduates. Regular high schools enrolled 55000 students, 148600 students and 40000 graduates. There are 107000 junior high school students, 301400 students and 109000 graduates. The primary school enrolls 98000 students, 637500 students and 107000 graduates. There are 245900 preschool children in the kindergarten. Special education enrolls 752 disabled children and 4829 disabled children in school. A total of 1.07 billion yuan was allocated for "two exemptions and one subsidy" throughout the year, benefiting 952500 primary and secondary students. [54]

Science and technology

The comprehensive scientific and technological innovation ability of Xinxiang City ranks the third in Henan Province. By the end of 2020, the number of professional and technical talents and high skilled talents in Xinxiang City has reached 129000 and 93700 respectively, 26.01% and 21.68% more than the number of 1023710 and 77000 during the "12th Five Year Plan" period. [70]
By the end of 2023, there will be 204 enterprise technology centers at or above the provincial level, including 9 national level. There are 121 engineering research centers (engineering laboratories) at or above the provincial level, including 1 national level and 5 national and local level. 285 provincial engineering technology research centers. 3 major new type R&D institutions. 880 high-tech enterprises. 1392 technology-based SMEs. There are 5 provincial pilot bases and 2 provincial technological innovation centers. The number of patents granted in the year reached 10833. By the end of the year, there were 6248 valid invention patents. 2283 technical contracts were signed throughout the year, up 27.9% over the previous year; The turnover of technology contracts was 6.973 billion yuan, up 30% over the previous year.
By the end of 2023, there will be 37 Chinese well-known trademarks, 17 Chinese geographical indication certification trademarks, 9 legal measurement technology institutions, and 237 inspection and testing institutions that have passed the qualification certification. In the whole year, 38 new measurement standards were established, 183127 measuring instruments were compulsorily verified, and 11 local standards of Xinxiang City were formulated. At the end of the year, there were 2 national weather radar stations and 184 conventional weather stations. There are 30 seismic observation stations and early warning stations. [117]

Cultural undertakings

In 2021, Xinxiang City will have 8 state-owned art performance groups, 12 cultural centers and 11 public libraries. 13 museums. There are 22 national key cultural relics protection units and 71 provincial cultural relics protection units. There are 5 national intangible cultural heritage lists. The actual cable TV users are 437300. The comprehensive population coverage rate of radio is 99.99%, and that of television is 99.89%. Throughout the year, the postal service subscribed and sold 70.9062 million newspapers and magazines. At the end of the year, there were 13 comprehensive archives, with 358700 volumes (pieces) of various archives open. [54]
Museum in Xinxiang City
Xinxiang Museum
Plain Museum
Guanshan National Geopark Museum
Old Town Folk Museum
Xinxiang Museum

medical and health work

In 2021, Xinxiang City will have 5301 health institutions, including 154 hospitals, 59 public hospitals and 95 private hospitals; 5093 primary medical and health institutions, including 121 community health service centers (stations), 146 health centers, 4047 village clinics and 600 clinics; There are 49 professional public health institutions, including 13 disease prevention and control centers, 2 specialized disease prevention and control centers (stations), 13 maternal and child health centers (stations), and 13 health supervision centers (centers). Medical institutions actually have 41981 beds, including 31362 in hospitals and 8183 in health centers. At the end of the year, there were 45529 health technicians, including 18641 licensed (assistant) doctors and 19747 registered nurses. By institutions, there are 29508 medical technicians in hospitals, 5121 in health centers, 1800 in community health service centers (stations), 418 in disease prevention and control centers, and 1797 in maternal and child health centers (stations). A total of 37.6607 million people were diagnosed and treated, and a total of 1.005 million people were discharged. Among them, 14.188 million people were diagnosed and treated in hospitals, and 796800 people were discharged; 22.368 million people were diagnosed and treated by primary medical and health institutions, and 164600 people were discharged from hospital. Throughout the year, Xinxiang City reported 0 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 0 cured and discharged cases, and 0 died. A total of 36 medical and health institutions in Xinxiang City provide new coronavirus nucleic acid detection services, with a total detection capacity of 97806 copies/day. [54]
List of Xinxiang Third class Hospital
Hospital name
Grade III Grade A [89]
Jiankang Road, Weihui City
Grade III Grade A
Middle section of Jianshe Road
Level 3
Xinzhong Avenue, Hualan Avenue
Central Hospital Affiliated to Xinxiang Medical College (Xinxiang Central Hospital, Henan Third People's Hospital)
Grade III Grade A
Jiefang Avenue, Jinsui Avenue, Xinxiang
The 83rd Army Group Hospital (the former 371 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army) [94]
Grade III Grade A [95]
Wenhua Road Xiangyang Intersection
Xinxiang First People's Hospital
Grade III Grade A
Xinxiang Yiheng Street Crossing
Xinxiang Second People's Hospital
Grade III Grade B
Laodong Street, Hongli Avenue, Xinxiang [74]


Xinxiang City has successively cultivated world table tennis champions Zhang Li Liu Guoliang , Yan Wei, Asian champion of middle and long distance race, Zhao Limin, Asian champion of judo, Wang Guangfu, national shot put champion and other athletes.
In 2021, Xinxiang City will hold one comprehensive sports meeting in Xinxiang City and 18 individual events above the county level with 12000 participants. Xinxiang City has held 158 sports and fitness activities at or above the municipal level, with a total of 352000 participants and 80 provincial awards. In 2021, Xinxiang athletes won one gold medal, one silver and one bronze medal and 12 4-8 places in the National Games. They won 88 first places, 75 second places and 108 third places in the competitions above the provincial level. [54]

social security

In 2023, the per capita disposable income of the city's residents will be 30329 yuan, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year. According to permanent residence, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 39165 yuan, up 3.8%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 21683 yuan, up 6.7%. The ratio of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 1.81, 0.05 less than that of the previous year.
In 2023, the city's per capita consumption expenditure will be 20113 yuan, an increase of 5.3% over the previous year. By permanent residence, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents was 24734 yuan, up 4.1%; The per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents was 15592 yuan, up 7.0%.
By the end of 2023, 1512600 urban employees will participate in basic endowment insurance. Among them, 1109400 insured in-service employees and 403200 insured retirees. At the end of the year, 829300 people in the city participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees. Among them, 522400 insured in-service employees and 286800 insured retirees. 580000 people participated in unemployment insurance. 625000 people participated in industrial injury insurance.
In 2023, the city will issue 46.328 million yuan of urban minimum living security fund, which will guarantee 11200 urban minimum living allowances at the end of the year; In the whole year, 332 million yuan of rural minimum living security fund was granted, and 124000 rural minimum living security people were guaranteed at the end of the year. At the end of the year, 19200 rural people with extreme poverty were guaranteed. [117]

Urban construction

At the end of the 13th Five Year Plan, the total length of urban roads in the urban area reached 618.28 kilometers, and the average road network density reached 4.89 kilometers/square kilometers. 45 kilometers of new and renovated water supply network, with the public water supply penetration rate reaching over 98.5%; 739.2km of high, medium and low pressure gas pipeline network has been newly built and reconstructed, and the cumulative gas pipeline network has reached more than 2000km, covering most of the urban planning areas, and the gas penetration rate has reached more than 98%; More than 98.8 km of municipal heat supply network has been built, and 228 residential areas, including 211 central heat exchange stations, have been completed. The newly increased heat supply area is more than 21.35 million square meters, and the heat supply penetration rate has increased from 36% to more than 98%; 57 new roads (sections), 8 parks and 37 pleasure parks will be built. An investment of 804 million yuan was completed, 426 hectares of green space were added and renovated, and the green coverage rate, green space rate and per capita park green space area in the central city reached 40.1%, 38.01% and 12.26 square meters respectively. [73]


In 2023, the city's general public budget revenue will be 24.15 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4% over the previous year, of which the tax revenue will be 16.005 billion yuan, an increase of 5.7%, accounting for 66.3% of the general public budget revenue. The general public budget expenditure was 48.988 billion yuan, up 2.6%.
By the end of 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in the city was 513.381 billion yuan, an increase of 41.247 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, of which the balance of RMB deposits was 51.2026 billion yuan, an increase of 41.481 billion yuan over the end of the previous year. The balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 336.94 billion yuan, an increase of 35.794 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, of which the balance of RMB loans was 336.88 billion yuan, an increase of 35.737 billion yuan over the end of the previous year [117]




Xinxiang City North Henan Is a national highway transportation hub city, with Beijing Guangzhou Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong high-speed railway Jingguang Railway Xinhe Railway Crescent Railway Four other railways, National Highway 107, Beijing Hong Kong Macao, Daguang, Jidong and five expressways under construction, including Xinjin and Hehui, cross the border. distance Xinzheng International Airport and Zhengzhou Airport It takes about one hour by car, and it takes about 2-3 hours by Beijing Guangzhou High speed Railway to reach Beijing and Wuhan; It can reach Guangzhou and Shenzhen in 7-8 hours. [53]
In 2023, the total volume of highway freight transportation in the city will be 140 million tons, down 2.3% over the previous year. The turnover of highway freight transportation was 41.637 billion ton kilometers, up 2.0%. The total number of passengers transported by road was 22.55 million, up 85.9%. The turnover of highway passenger transport reached 1.684 billion person kilometers, up 93.54%. At the end of the year, the expressway mileage was 488 kilometers.
By the end of 2023, the city's civil car ownership will be 1.4709 million, an increase of 3.2% over the end of the previous year, including 1.3639 million private cars, an increase of 3.1%. The number of civilian cars was 794300, up 4.9%, including 771200 private cars, up 4.9%. [117]
Built and planned river crossing bridge across the Yellow River from north to south
Bridge name
Zhengxin Yellow River Railway Bridge - Old Bridge Site
Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge on the original Pinghan Railway, the mother of the Yellow River Bridge, is a railway bridge.
No. 1 Bridge, the original Zhengzhou Yellow River Railway Bridge and Beijing Guangzhou Railway Bridge.
Bridge 2, Huayuankou Yellow River Highway Bridge.
Bridge 4, formerly Jingzhu Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway Zhengzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge, the original second bridge.
No. 5 Bridge, the former Zhengzhou Yellow River highway railway dual-use bridge, the original three bridges, the Beijing Guangzhou Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong high-speed railway bridge, and the 107 national highway double track.
No. 8 Bridge, the original Zhongmou Dongzhang Yellow River Bridge, and the original No. 4 Bridge.

railway transportation

Xinxiang Railway South North Artery Jingguang Railway and Shijiazhuang Taiyuan Railway At this intersection, Crescent Railway National Highway 107 Beijing Hong Kong Macao, Daguang and Jidong Expressway pass through the territory. Beijing Guangzhou Railway, New Jiao Railway, New Moon Railway, New Holland Railway, Shijiazhuang Taiyuan Railway, Beijing Guangzhou Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway Zhengzhou Xinjiang Intercity Railway (Planned under construction) Zhengzhou Jinan High speed Railway Crossroads, with XinXiang Railway Station Xinxiang East Station Xinxiang South Station Three major railway stations.
Xinxiang Station Located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province Weibin District No. 1 Pingyuan Road, built in 1905. distance Beijing West Railway Station 619 km, distance Guangzhou Railway Station 1685 km, subordinate to Zhengzhou Railway Bureau Jurisdiction, for First class station There are 5 sets of 11 lines in the station, with 152 daily arrivals and departures. It has direct access to all parts of the country except Fuzhou, Taipei, Xining and Lhasa provincial capital municipality directly under the Central Government city.
Xinxiang East Station , i.e Shijiazhuang Wuhan Railway Passenger Dedicated Line as well as Zhengzhou Jinan High speed Railway Xinxiang East Station was officially opened on December 26, 2012. Located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province Muye Rongxiao East Road, National Highway 107 to the east of, Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway Near the west, the station is positioned as the departure station. It is an important station in the north of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. The scale of the station yard has reached 6 sets and 15 lines. The total area of the station building is nearly 17000 square meters, with 1326 seats. The maximum capacity is 3000 passengers waiting at the same time. There are 8 bus lines (9, 19, 24, 29, 35, 56, 57, 66) leading to the urban area; There is one bus line (No. 58) leading to the Economic Development Zone; To Fengquan District There is one bus line (No. 69). [52]
By the end of the "13th Five Year Plan", the railway network of Xinxiang City has formed a layout of "two vertical lines (Beijing Guangzhou high-speed railway, Beijing Guangzhou railway) and one horizontal line (New Moon railway - Xinhe railway)", with a railway operating mileage of 354 kilometers, including 79 kilometers of high-speed railway. [72]

Highway passenger transport

According to the information of Xinxiang Transportation Bureau in 2022, National Highway 107 Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway , Jidong Expressway Daguang Expressway And the new (Xinxiang) Ling (Shanxi) under planning and construction Lingchuan )Wait for the expressway to cross the border.
By the end of 2020, the total mileage of ordinary trunk roads in Xinxiang City has reached 1590 kilometers, of which 87.1% are Class II and above roads, 19.3 percentage points higher than the provincial average. The MQI is 89.2, and the total mileage of rural roads has reached 11686 kilometers, of which 9.8% are Class II and above roads. There are 9 secondary and above passenger stations in Xinxiang City, including 5 primary stations. The total mileage of Xinxiang Expressway is 268km, forming a layout of "two vertical (Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, Daguang Expressway) and two horizontal (Hebao Expressway, Jinxin Expressway)". [72]
Main passenger stations in Xinxiang City
passenger station
Xinxiang Passenger Terminal
Intersection of Renmin Road and Ziyou Road
National first-class passenger station
Xinxiang South Passenger Station
South section of Xinfei Avenue (south of the intersection with National Highway 107)
National first-class passenger station
Xinxiang East Bus Station
Intersection of Xinfei Avenue and Jinsui Avenue
National first-class passenger station
Xinxiang North Passenger Station
West Section of Qufu Road, Fengquan District
National first-class passenger station
Xinxiang High speed Railway Passenger Station
North side of Xinxiang East High speed Railway Station Square
National first-class passenger station

Historical culture



Xinxiang City is one of the cradles of ancient Chinese civilization. Ancient name Yong State spring and autumn genus Wei the warring states genus Wei , Han Wei won the honor, to Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa Xinxiang County was established in the sixth year (586). There are Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites in the territory, and there are 800 feudal lords' associations led by King Wu of Zhou Makino Battle And other historic sites; Jiang Shang Weishui River [91] Fishing Bican Throw one's heart and voice relieve the state of zhao by besieging the state of wei Zhang Liang, the Assassin of Qin Dynasty Battle of Guandu The Chenqiao mutiny all originated here. [53]
Humanistic Map of Xinxiang

Origin of geographical names

Xinxiang · City emblem
The name of Xinxiang comes from Xinzhong Township in Ji County in the Western Han Dynasty. Volume 56 of Taiping Huanyu Ji: Xinxiang County "takes Xinzhong Township as its name". In the fifth year of Taihe in the Western Jin Dynasty (370), Xinle City was built in today's Xinxiang City. "Historical Records, Annals and Doubts": "Music is the name of a village, and ancient characters are universal." New music means new hometown.
"Xinzhong" appeared in Chinese history, and was first seen in the Records of the Historian · Chu Family. In the second year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty (205 BC), Ji County was set up in Weihui, belonging to Hanoi County. Xinzhong is a township in Ji County, namely Xinzhong Township. In April of the summer of the fifth year of Yuanding (112BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to fight against Lv Jia in Nanyue (today's Guangzhou area). In the sixth year of Yuanding (111 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Xinzhong Township, and received the news that Lvjia had been beheaded and changed Xinzhong Township into Huojia County. After the Sui Dynasty unified the country, in the sixth year of Kaihuang's reign (586), Ji County and Huojia County were divided into a new county. The original "Xinzhong Township" was taken as the name of the county, and the "Xinxiang" was recorded in the history books. [66]

Cultural Relic

By the end of the "13th Five Year Plan", Xinxiang had 22 national cultural relics protection units, 52 provincial-level cultural relics protection units, more than 440 municipal and county-level cultural relics protection units, and 11 museums and memorial halls. [71] One provincial famous historical and cultural city and one famous historical and cultural town; There are 26 traditional villages, including 13 national traditional ancient villages. [78]

Intangible cultural heritage

By the end of the 13th Five Year Plan, Xinxiang had 4 national intangible cultural heritage projects, 31 provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, 115 municipal intangible cultural heritage projects, 4 national inheritors, 21 provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, and 101 municipal intangible cultural heritage projects. Twelve projects in Xinxiang City have applied for a total of 3.61 million yuan of national and provincial intangible cultural heritage protection fund support funds. One national intangible cultural heritage project, 20 provincial intangible cultural heritage projects, 48 municipal projects, 2 national level inheritors, 2 provincial level inheritors, and 21 municipal level inheritors have been added. [71]
National Intangible Cultural Heritage Project
Baiquan Medicine Club
Diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (Zhang's meridian therapy)
Xinxiang Drum

Local Customs

  • Back decoration and pavilion lifting
Xinxiang back dressing and pavilion lifting, which began in the early years of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, is a folk custom to celebrate the harvest and welcome the new year. It is more than the fifth day of the first lunar month and the sixteenth day of the first lunar month. The person with the lower garment on his back is called "Lift the Pavilion". There are many traditional stories in the topcoat, which are very lively with folk music. [55]
  • Zhongzhou Dagu
Zhongzhou Dagu Formed in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1606), it has a history of more than 400 years. It is a unique folk art form combining drums, cymbals and cymbals in northern Henan. Zhongzhou Dagu is typical and representative in drum art performances.. [56]
  • Changyuan Flower Stage
Changyuan Flower Stage It originated from the Liangbin Meeting of the 29th lunar calendar in Changyuan in ancient times. It is famous for its "flowers". A colorful door is built on the top of it with colorful silk. The horizontal face brocade is divided into three layers, all decorated with the main characters in traditional drama, surrounded by tassels and hydrangeas, which form bunches of flowers. Colorful lights, flowing water lights and colored silk set off each other.
Shanyetang Wood carving originated from Wenyou Yajiao wood and stone carving shop outside the front gate of Beijing, and the brand began in the 29th year of Daoguang's reign (1849). Lou Xinghua : The fifth generation inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Shanyetang wood carving. The sixth batch of "Henan time-honored brands" was selected and announced by the Department of Commerce of Henan Province. It has won the provincial cultural industry demonstration base and the provincial cultural industry special support project of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province. [8]
  • Horsehide dance
"Divine Horse Skin"“ Horsehide dance ”The "horse skin dance" was identified by experts as the only and unique folk dance form in China in 1983, with the characteristics of "horse nailing to heaven, leather whip making, and martial dance". "Divine horse skin" began in the Ming Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, and gradually fell into oblivion in the Republic of China. The "horse skin dance" was performed by one person in the middle, wielding a giant whip of about 30 kg and 7 meters long, and eight people dressed as horses and danced in circles. The horse impersonator carries a "general frame" on his back. The "general frame" is covered with red and green, and is decorated with several copper bells, which jingle, meaning that "the sound of the horse" has turned from evil to good. The "general shelf" depicts images of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Kong Ming, Huang Zhong and other generals. [61]

Special diet

  • fried crisp chicked
fried crisp chicked To make this dish, you need to select a chicken, remove hair, remove viscera, put it into a basin, add refined salt and MSG, mix it well, marinate it for two hours, add cinnamon, anise, onion and ginger, steam it in a cage, and then pick out the chicken and cool it. In addition, mix the egg white with the sauce to make a paste, dip the chicken in it, fry it until yellow, put it into a basin, and place fried shrimp slices around it. [9]
  • Xinxiang Roasted Chicken
Xinxiang Roasted Chicken was introduced from Daokou Town, Huaxian County. Red-Cooked Chicken, Daokou Style It is a famous flavor food in China. In 1966, it was officially renamed "Xinxiang Roasted Chicken" and became one of the specialties of Xinxiang City. [9]
  • Niuzhongxi Sesame
Niuzhongxi Sesame It is a food with unique flavor created by Niuzhong Xiji, a famous national master of baked cakes. The sesame seed cake, similar to pastry, was rated as a high-quality product by Henan Province in 1980, and was awarded the Golden Tripod Award for Systematic Quality Product by the Ministry of Commerce in 1989. [9-10]
Special diet
Yuanyang Stewed Mutton
Huixian chicken stewed rice
Huojia Hele Noodles
To seal the mound and cover the intestine
Wei Hui Shikui Beef
Stewed Pork in Luoguo Sauce [9]

Featured products

Agricultural products with main geographical indications in Xinxiang City
Amount of Weihui Saffron
Huojia Chinese Cabbage
Hawthorn in Huixian County
Huixian persimmon vinegar
Yanjin Tomatoes
Fengquan Mint
Fengqiu celery [69]
Yanjin carrot

famous scenery



As of September 2022, Xinxiang City has 26 scenic spots (including one 5A level scenic spot, 10 4A level scenic spots, and 15 3A level scenic spots), 25 rural tourism characteristic villages in Henan Province, and 8 characteristic ecotourism demonstration towns. Huixian City has successfully created the second batch of provincial-level tourism demonstration areas, and has been listed as the founding unit of national tourism demonstration areas. [71]
Name of scenic spot
AAAAA Tourist Attraction
AAAA Tourist Attraction
Huixian County, Xinxiang Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area
Xinxiang Bigan Temple Garden Scenic Spot
Jiaoding Mountain Scenic Area
Huixian County, Xinxiang Huilong Scenic Spot
AAA Tourist Attraction
Longwoyan Scenic Spot
Huixian County, Xinxiang Baiquan Scenic Spot
Longquanyuan, Xinxiang County, Xinxiang
Yellow River Old Course Forest Park
AA Tourist Attraction
Weihui Paomaling Leisure Ecological Park
Xinxiang Century Qingqing Resort [13-14]
Provincial Tourist Resort
South Taihang Resort
Baoquan Xigou Resort [71]

Main attractions

  • Xinxiang Fenghuang Mountain
Xinxiang Fengquan Mountain, located in Fengquan District in the north of Xinxiang, is 15 kilometers away from the city center. It is the transition zone from Taihang Mountain to the plain. Fengquan District, with an area of 8.2 square kilometers, is the core area of Fengquan Mountain. In December 2005, the Provincial Forestry Department approved the establishment of Xinxiang Fenghuang Mountain Provincial Forest Park, and in May 2010, the Ministry of Land and Resources approved the establishment of Xinxiang Fenghuang Mountain National Mine Park. In 2011, the Fenghuang Mountain Provincial Forest Park was awarded the title of "National Ecological Civilization Education Base" by the State Forestry Administration, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the China Cultural and Ecological Association. [59-60]
Xinxiang Fenghuang Mountain
  • Tomb of Lu King
Tomb of King Lu Located at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain in the north of Xinxiang, Henan Province, it is the largest and most complete tomb of vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty in China, and also the fourth batch of national key cultural relics protection units announced by the State Council in 1996. On December 15, 2006, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage officially announced that the Tomb of King Lu would be included in the Preparatory List of World Cultural Heritage in China.
The Tomb of King Lu was built in the 43rd year of Wanli (1615). The whole cemetery is composed of three parts: Shinto Stone Carving Honor Guard Group, Lu Jian King's Tomb (East Tomb Area), and the Empress Zhao's Niangniang Temple (West Tomb Area). It covers an area of 400 mu in total, four times the regulation of the Tomb of Prince Ming Huidian. [58]
Tomb of Lu King
  • Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area
Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area Located in Henan Province huixian The hinterland of Taihang Mountain in the northwest is 150 kilometers away from Zhengzhou City and 70 kilometers away from Xinxiang, with a total area of 64 square kilometers. The highest altitude is 1672 meters, and the annual average temperature is 6 degrees lower than that at the foot of the mountain. The scenic spot consists of four sub scenic spots: Guoliang Village, Nanping, Luojie Village and Three Lakes.
Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area is a national AAAA tourist attraction, a national geological park, a national rock climbing park, a famous film and television base, a sketching base, an expansion base, and a summer resort. [57]
Wanxian Mountain Scenic Area
  • Baligou Scenic Area
Baligou Scenic Area , located in Xinxiang Huixian County The deep mountain area of Shangbali Town, 50 kilometers northwest of Xinxiang, Henan Province, the southern foot of Taihang Mountain, the junction of Henan and Shanxi provinces, with an altitude of 300 meters to 1700 meters and a total area of 42 square kilometers, is a typical southern Taihang scenery and a national 5A scenic spot The National Geological Park , natural macaque The reserve, famous scenic spots in Henan Province, and the top ten scenic spots loved by tourists in Henan Province in 2005. In 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that it was determined to be a national 5A Tourist Attraction [12]
Baligou Scenic Area

Famous people

full name
military administration
The prime minister of the two dynasties, the first loyal minister in Chinese history to remonstrate with the monarch with death
Politicians, militarists, "seeking saints".
The doctor of the State of Wei, a close friend of Confucius, was awarded the title of "Sage" and worshipped by East side of Confucius Temple first place.
In ancient times, it was a famous admonishing minister.
Ren Qiguo was one of the assistants of Princess Qihuan. with Ning Qi
A folk wise man who has a good reputation for thousands of years.
Chen Ping
Prime Minister of the Western Han Dynasty.
He was a famous general in the early Han Dynasty and prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty.
Famous general of Western Han Dynasty.
Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty.
Tang Wu and the Empress of the Tang Dynasty were in the same position and paid homage to the Prime Minister( Fengge Waiter )。
Shang Shu of Tang Dynasty.
In the Tang Dynasty, the minister of the Ministry of Household was granted the title of Duke Xiao.
Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty.
Weizhou Ji (now Henan Weihui City )People. After the Five Dynasties, Zhou was the prime minister to the early Northern Song Dynasty.
Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty Kejun Gong, a famous politician and calligrapher.
Minister of the Ministry of Work of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, from Weicheng Village, Doumen Township, Yuanyang County.
Founder of Jintaiyidao.
Minister of Work of the Ming Dynasty.
East Han Dynasty water conservancy expert, Nanyang Taishou.
Weizhou road Ji County (Now Henan Weihui City )People. Yuan Dynasty scholar, poet and politician.
Poets in Song Dynasty.
Modern times
military administration
The fifth president of the Republic of China.
Chief Designer of the Red Flag Canal, Minister of Public Security.
Kuomintang Army General II, representative of the National Congress.
Wei Hui from Henan Province, Vice Commander of the Army Special Operations Command of the National Revolutionary Army
First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.
Deputy Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress.
Deputy President (Director) of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in charge of daily work
Director of the State owned Assets Administration, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Finance, Chief Engineer of China Development Bank.
Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Former commander of the Northern Xinjiang Military Region, film《 Plain guerrillas Li Xiangyang Prototype of.
He is an example of the secretary of the township party committee and a member of the CPPCC National Committee.
In 2002, CCTV "touched China".
Chinese cement magnate and industrialist.
President of Jiankangyuan Pharmaceutical Group.
People from Yuanyang, Henan, red flag canal Designer, who has made great contributions to the cause of channel construction in China. [93]
Materials scientist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the German Academy of Sciences, academician of the American Academy of Sciences.
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first Chinese scientist elected as an academician of the American Academy of Sciences.
Famous control theory expert, scientist, educator, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Henan Wei Hui People, regional geology and structural geologist, Chinese Academy of Sciences Member (academician) of the Department of Geology.
Historian, the first president of Zhengzhou University, Chinese Academy of Sciences Member of the academic department (academician).
Economist, from Weihui, Henan. Member of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Petroleum geologist and geological educator.
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Research on Computational Mathematics and Scientific Engineering Computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute researcher [86]
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, metal material expert [87]
Contemporary writer《 Outline of Chinese History 》《 The Ugly Chinaman 》。
Famous contemporary writers.
Writer《 Railway guerrillas 》。
Painter and educator.
Scholars, educators and book collectors. Zhongzhou is a famous Confucian.
Painter, one of the four masters of Qi School.
World champion of table tennis.
World table tennis champion, head coach of Chinese table tennis.
Chinese professional basketball player, won on behalf of Chinese men's basketball team 2018 Jakarta Asian Games champion.
National singer.
CCTV host.
CCTV host.
Director, actor. New China Twenty two major movie stars

Honorary title

Top 100 cities with comprehensive competitiveness in China [15]
National Transit Metropolis Demonstration Cities (the second batch) [16]
Capital of China's Battery Industry [17]
2011 Top 50 prefecture level cities in China
The best ecological livable city in China (selected by the United Nations)
Special Award for Green Car Demonstration Cities in 2012
The Best Safe City in China
China Excellent Tourism City
National Health City of China [18]
China National Forest City [19]
China National Garden City
2007 Forbes China's Best Commercial City in Mainland China
Small and medium-sized charming cities in China
The Best Investment City in Central China [21]
The Best Leisure Tourism City in China
The Best Ecological and Livable City in China
National Youth Campus Football Reform Pilot Area [22]
In 2019, the 83rd of China's top 100 prefecture level cities [23]
"China Urban Science and Technology Innovation Development Index 2019" No. 135 [24]
National "Model City with Strong Quality" [25]
National Model City (County) of Double Support in 2020 [26]
2020 China's livable city [27]
Advanced province (city) award for unpaid blood donation [28]
two thousand and twenty National Civilized City Honorary title [45]
2021 Top 100 Cities in Digital Transformation [48]
A new batch of innovative cities will be built in 2022 [49]
National renewable energy demonstration city [29]
National Intellectual Property Demonstration City [30]
The first batch of state-level entrepreneurial cities [31]
The fourth best investment city in 88 cities of 6 provinces in central China [32]
Top Ten Cities in China Quality Brand Product Quality Prosperity
One of the four cities in Henan Province designated by the Ministry of Commerce as the gradient transfer place of processing trade in the central and western regions [33]
Top Ten Medium and Small Cities in China's Enterprise Growth Environment [34]
One of the 39 key textile industrial bases in China
The most dynamic city with private economy in China [35]
National Excellent City for Comprehensive Administration of Social Security Won the National "Quality Prosperity" Award for Three Consecutive Times
The National Model City of Double Support won the seventh consecutive championship
National Advanced City of Quality Revitalization [36]
National Advanced City of Factory Affairs Publicity [37]
"China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities" in 2016 [38]
The Best Safe City in China
2017 Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics [39]
2019 Advanced City of Rural Toilet Revolution in Henan Province [40]
2019 National Health City [41]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities in 2019
"2022 China's Top 100 Dynamic Cities", ranking 90th [50]
Demonstration area for inclusive financial development supported by central finance [51]
National Top 100 Digital Cities [63]
National pilot cities for industrial and financial cooperation in 2020 [2]
February 16, 2023, selected in 2022 Information consumption demonstration city List (characteristic information consumption demonstration cities )。 [90]
In December 2023, it was selected as one of the first pilot cities/parks for carbon peak. [107]

Foreign exchange

International Sister Cities
City name
Country of affiliation
City name
Country of affiliation
Bowon City, Osaka Prefecture
Japan [42]
Itayayi City
Brazil [43]