
[zhēn xún]
Capital of Xia Dynasty
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Zhen'en x ú n, an ancient capital of the Xia Dynasty, is now Erlitou, Yanshi, east of Luoyang City [8]
According to《 Bamboo Chronicle 》According to records, from the third monarch of the Xia Dynasty Taikang Start, to cruel and oppressive person All of them take Zhenxi as their capital [1-3] The name of "Zhengui" should be derived from the surname of the Xia nationality [7]
According to the historical records, the place of Zhendang is located in Henan Luoyang Basin so Luozhou 58li in the southwest of Gongxian County [4] Summer 1959, famous in China archaeologist Xu Xusheng Sir led the team in Western Henan Proceed“ Xia Ruins ”During the investigation, I found that Erlitou Site , and is preliminarily confirmed as Xia Dynasty The site of the capital of the middle and late period of the Qing Dynasty.
The discovery of "the capital of Xia" in Erlitou, Yanshi, further proves that the ancestors of the Xia nationality and the Xia Dynasty took the Heluo area as the center of their activities. [6]
Chinese name
zhēn xún
Ancient Capital of Xia Dynasty
Age of existence
Between 2043 BC and 1500 BC
Relevant history books
Bamboo Annals, Kuo Di Zhi, etc
geographical position
Yanshi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province [4]
Existing area
About 3 square kilometers

There is a summer residence

Zhen E n x ú n, is Xia Dynasty ancient capital. Xia Yu founded his capital in Yangcheng , move backward Yangzhai Yangcheng is Dengfeng , Yang Zhai Yuzhou Are not far from Luoyang. The third emperor of the Xia Dynasty, Taikang Duzhen. According to many historical records, the location of the capital of Xia Dynasty, Zhengui, is roughly Yiluo Plain Region:
Restoration of Erlitou No.1 Palace
Ancient edition《 Bamboo Chronicle 》It is recorded that "Taikang lived in the village of Zhenzhu, Yi lived in it, and Jie lived in it." [5]
This edition of the Bamboo Chronicle also contains: "Zhong Kang is the emperor, according to the emperor."
According to the Yizhoushu Dunian, "Taikang lived in the village of Zan, Yi lived in it, and Jie lived in it."
Today's "Bamboo Chronicle" says: "Since the Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of Rui of
The Records of the Historian · Xia Benji · Justice said: "The Book of Commerce said: 'Taikang lost his country, and five brothers must live in Luorui'. This is where Taikang lives, Yi lives, and Jie lives."
The Historical Records Biographies of Wu Qi said: "The residence of Xia Jie, left Heji, right Taihua, Yique In the south, sheep intestines are in the north. "
According to the National Language · Zhou Yu, "Xiyiluo died in summer after exhaustion."
Include geographical records 》As the saying goes, "Therefore, the city is located Luozhou Fifty eight miles southwest of Gongxian County, where Gai Jie lives. "
According to the Records of the Historian, Xia Benji, "Taikang lives in the village of Zan Gui, Yi lives in it, and Jie lives in it". Yi namely Hou Yi , a leader of the Oriental Yi nationality, who took advantage of Taikang's immorality and the resentment of the Xia people, entered the house and took power, rejecting Taikang. Taikang died and helped Zhongkang to the throne. He still lived in the tomb.
Sima Qian In the Book of Historical Records, it is said that "the houses of the past three generations were all located between Heluo". Sima Qian's "three generations" really refers to the Heluo area, the capital of Xia, Shang and Zhou before the Qin Dynasty.
These documents show that Luoyang Basin, where Yi and Luo meet, is the center of Xia people's activities, and the site of Wang Yi is the current edition of the historical record of Zhen Zhi《 Bamboo Chronicle 》According to the record, "Zhong Kang lived in the capital of the Xia Dynasty." History of the Xia Dynasty Played an important role in.
The archaeological excavation of Erlitou Site in Luoyang also basically confirmed this point. According to C-14 measurement, the absolute age of the Erlitou site is about 1900 BC, which is equivalent to the Xia Dynasty. It has a history of more than 4000 years, with a total area of 3.75 square kilometers. There are large palace sites inside. Many archaeologists believe that the Erlitou Cultural Site is the capital site of the Xia Dynasty, that is, the location of Xiazhengui.

archaeological discovery

The model of the Zhenzhu Palace
For more than half a century, China's archaeologist He is committed to finding the remains of the lost Xia Dynasty, which is concentrated in western Henan. According to ancient documents, Western Henan The region is China's first unified and centralized Slavery Dynasty -- the central activity area of the Xia Dynasty, and the "Sun of Xialuo" is the important capital of the Xia Dynasty.
In 1959, ancient historian Xu Xusheng stay Western Henan Proceed“ Xia Ruins ”During the investigation, I was in Zhai Town, Yanshi City, Luoyang Erlitou Village A large site was found. Since then, three generations of archaeologists in New China have excavated this site for more than 40 times.
Archaeological excavation and research show that this is the first half of the second millennium BC in China and even East Asia The largest settlement in the region, which has the earliest known palace buildings in China Bronze ritual vessels Qun and the bronze smelting workshop are the earliest confirmed ruins of the capital city of the kingdom in China. This site is the site of the capital of Xia.

Wudu Huiluo

Erlitou Site Located in the east of Luoyang Basin, west The Old City of Luoyang in the Han and Wei Dynasties About 5km, east Yanshi Shopping Mall 6 km. Back to Erlitou Site Mang Mountain , facing Ilo( Sui and Tang Dynasties The Luohe River changes its course and is now in the north of the site), connecting Zhongyue to the southeast Songshan Mountain , connected to the southwest Yique Longmen is surrounded by mountains, with a narrow and long basin in the middle and Yi, Luo and Er rivers nearby. The ditches are crisscross, suitable for agricultural cultivation. The site faces the Yellow River in the north, Ruying in the south and Heishiguan in the east Tiger Prison Pass , directly to Zhengzhou, connecting the Great Plains of North China; Westbound strategic Qin-dynasty pass in Henan and Tongguan It connects eight hundred miles of Qinchuan and becomes the throat of east-west transportation. The Iluo Plain where the site is located has fertile land, controlled by mountains and rivers, and is extremely dangerous. It is not only suitable for human beings to recuperate, but also an ideal place for emperors to build their capital.
The nobility unearthed in Zhendang
After more than 40 years of archaeological excavation and research, the scale and layout of the site have been basically mastered. Erlitou Site The scope includes Erlitou, Gedangtou and Sijiaolou Natural Village The site area is located in the highland, covering an area of about 3 square kilometers, which is about 2-3 meters higher than the east, south and north sides. There are two miles underground Cultural layer , i.e. summer Business culture Accumulation, after archaeological excavation and Carbon14 It is measured that the age of its remains is between 2043 BC and 1500 BC Xia Culture Within a calendar year. According to the record in the Ancient Bamboo Chronicle, "Taikang lives in Zin, Yi lives in it, and Jie lives in it" Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 40 years of scientific exploration and our country“ Xia Shang Zhou Chronology Project ”Through interdisciplinary research, Erlitou Site is identified as Xia Dynasty Capital, and from summer Yu The capital from Taikang, the grandson of Xia Dynasty, to Xia Jie, the last king of Xia Dynasty Cultural sites Only the Erlitou Site has the nature of the capital of kings.
More than 30 large-scale sites are distributed in Erlitou Site rammed earth Palace site There are the earliest bronze casting workshops in China, and the sites of bone making, pottery making, and jade making workshops. There are three types of buildings in the sites, large palaces Floor area They are all about 10000 square meters, which should be Xia Dynasty highest Authority Location; A kind of building built on flat ground with wooden bones as walls and grass mud as skins Slave owner The residence of the nobility; There is also a kind of semi cave building. The house with pit wall as wall and grass roof covered by columns is small, dark and humid, and may be the residence of the lowest level people at that time, that is, slaves. The three different forms of architecture reflected the differences of the class at that time. The tombs in Erlitou are also divided into three types: large, medium and small. Large tombs include Slave burial , medium-sized tombs with bronze and jade wares, small tombs without Funerary goods Some of the dead seem to have been buried alive, and some of the dead seem to have been killed. In short, we can also see from the shape of the tomb Class differentiation The obvious traces of the Erlitou site, which proves that Primitive society to change into class society , entering from the era of flood and famine The Age of Civilization Typical representative of.
Recent drilling and excavation results show that the site is along the ancient Ilo River The north bank is distributed from northwest to southeast, with the longest from east to west of about 2400 meters and the widest from south to north of about 1900 meters. The northern part is destroyed by the present Luohe River, with an existing area of about 3 square kilometers. Its central area is located in the micro highland in the southeast of the site, with palace base sites Cast copper Important remains such as workshop sites and medium-sized tombs; The west is slightly lower generality live Activity area At the eastern edge of the site, discontinuous and extended trench like accumulations were found, with a proven length of more than 500 meters. It may be a borrow trench for building soil or pottery soil, and it also plays a zoning role, forming the eastern boundary of the site.
Proved roads in the palace area of Erlitou Ruins Network system It is composed of three main roads, which are consistent with the foundation sites of No. 1 and No. 2 palaces excavated in the past. The north-south main road on the east side has been proved to be nearly 700 meters long, and the north main road and the south main road have been proved to be more than 300 meters long. The distance between the two roads is about 400 meters. In the palace area, several small roads were also drilled out; A large area of road soil remains and hundreds of square meters of pebbles are found between the foundation sites of No. 1 and No. 2 palaces Active surface And several rammed earth foundation sites. Archaeological team first Erlitou Palace Three roads that intersect vertically were discovered outside the district, and it was confirmed that the palace area enclosed by it was about 120000 square meters Miyagi The clue of the city wall is exploring the capital city of Erlitou site overall structure And layout.
Excavation site
The earliest known large-scale palace site in China -- Yanshi, Henan Erlitou Site Under the No. 2 Palace, a large-scale building site with an earlier age, larger scale and more complex structure has been excavated, which brings forward the age of the earliest palace complex in China that can be confirmed up to now by about 100 years. The foundation site of this building now numbered 3 belongs to erlitou culture In its early stage, it was the earliest large-scale rammed earth foundation site of Erlitou culture that can be confirmed so far due to its complex structure and large scale. It is narrow and long from north to south, with a proven length of more than 150 meters. The main part is at least composed of triple courtyards. In the past, due to material limitations, the academic community's understanding of the early Chinese palace buildings in the initial period came from the No. 1 and No. 2 palaces in the Erlitou site excavated in the past. They believed that their shape was simple and their courtyard was unique. Later in the Yanshi Shangcheng period, the structure of the palace buildings became complex. The disclosure of the No. 3 site changed this view.
The archaeological team also found rows of medium-sized tombs in the middle courtyard and the south courtyard of the No. 3 base site, and five have been cleared. All tombs are Soil pit In the vertical cave, more vermilion sand was laid and there were coffin marks, and bronze, jade, lacquer, white pottery, printed glaze pottery (or Primitive celadon )Inlay Turquoise Crafts, clam crafts Seashells And so on The funerary objects Many of them are like hat shaped white pottery and bird heads Jade ornament , large turquoise inlaid tools, ornaments composed of hundreds of gear shaped perforated clam pieces, etc. Group noble The tomb was found in the palace area, which is rare in the past archaeological excavations. It was first found at the Erlitou site, which can help to determine the nature of the No. 3 site and the Erlitou culture Burial custom It is of great significance.
Erlitou Site is the capital of Xia Dynasty. Luoyang It was the ruling center and capital of the Xia Dynasty. The Yizhoushu Duyi says: "Since Rui It extends to Erie, where there is no stability, and it has a summer residence. " The Records of the Historian · Xia Benji · Justice says:“《 Commercial book 》Cloud:‘ Taikang When the country is lost, the five brothers must live in Luorui. This is where Taikang lives and Yi lives, Jie And live there again. " Redords of the Grand History of China · Biography of Wu Qi 》Said: "The residence of Xia Jie, Zuoheji, Youtaihua, Yique in the south, and Yangchang in the north." The Guoyu · Zhouyu said: "The former Yiluo was exhausted and the summer perished." These documents show that Luoyang Basin, where Yiluo intersected, is the activity center of Xia people, and looks toward Luoyang City Yanshi District Erlitou Ruins just coincide. The site of Wangyi is the one recorded in historical records, Ancient edition Bamboo Chronicle 》According to the present edition of Bamboo Chronicle, "Tai Kang lived in the village of Zhen Zhu, Yi lived in it, and Jie lived in it."“ Zhongkang Ju Chen. ".