
Republic of Fiji
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The Republic of Fiji; Fijian : Matanitu Tugalala o Viti), referred to as Fiji for short, is located in the center of the southwest Pacific Ocean, consisting of 332 islands Of which 106 are inhabited. The land area is 18333 square kilometers, and the area of the marine exclusive economic zone is 1.29 million square kilometers. Most are volcanic islands surrounded by coral reefs, mainly Viti and Vanua. genus Tropical marine climate , often hit by hurricanes. The annual average temperature is 22~30 ℃. There are 2 municipalities directly under the Central Government, 4 administrative regions and 14 provinces in China, Suva and Lautoka Is a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the capital is Suva Fiji has a population of about 890000.
Country name derived from Tonga "Island" and changed to "Viti" in Fijian. It was settled in 1500 BC. 1643 Netherlands Navigator Abel Jansson Tasman First came Fiji. [1] Europeans began to move in in the 19th century. 1874 British colonies From 1879 to 1916, Britain recruited a large number of people India Labor settled in Fiji. [1] Independent on October 10, 1970 Commonwealth Member States. In 1987, it was renamed the Republic and separated from the Commonwealth. In 1990, the new Constitution established the name of the country as the sovereign democratic republic of Fiji. Re joined in 1997 Commonwealth The name of the country was changed in 1998 Republic of Fiji Islands In 2009, it was renamed the Republic of Fiji. [1]
Fiji in 2022 gross domestic product US $4.84 billion, GDP per capita : $5320, economic growth rate :14.5%。
Chinese name
Republic of Fiji [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Fiji [1] (English)
Matanitu Tugalala o Viti (Fijian)
Suva ((Suva))
major city
Lautoka , Lamy, Nadi [1]
National Day
October 10th
National anthem
God Bless Fiji
Country code
official language
English Fijian Hindi [1]
Fiji dollar [1]
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Villiam Katonivere President Sitiveni Rabuka (Prime Minister)
population size
About 890000
Population density
49.1 people/km2 [8] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Fijian, Indian [1]
Major religions
Protestantism hinduism Islamism [1]
land area
18333 km² [1] (The land area is 18333 square kilometers, and the area of the marine exclusive economic zone is 1.29 million square kilometers.)
Total GDP
US $4.84 billion (2022)
GDP per capita
USD 5320 (2022)
International telephone area code
six hundred and seventy-nine
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the left
Jet lag
Time difference with Beijing:+4.00
Time of establishment of diplomatic relations
November 5, 1975

Historical evolution

Fiji lives on the island for generations.
In 1643, the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman first came to Fiji, and Europeans began to move in in the first half of the 19th century.
In 1874, Fiji became a British colony.
From 1879 to 1916, a large number of Indians came here to plant sugarcane as contract workers of the British "Colonial Sugar Company".
On October 10, 1970, Fiji became independent and became Commonwealth Members.
In 1987, Fiji was renamed the Republic after the coup and separated from the British Commonwealth.
In 1990, Fiji adopted a new constitution to establish the name of the country as "Fiji's sovereign democratic republic".
In July 1997, Fiji passed a constitutional amendment to change its name to“ Republic of Fiji Islands ”。
In 2009, Fiji was renamed the "Republic of Fiji".

geographical environment


Regional location

It is located in the center of the southwest Pacific Ocean and consists of 332 islands, 106 of which are inhabited. Most of them are volcanic islands surrounded by coral reefs, mainly including Viti Levu and Vanua Etc. The land area is 18333 square kilometers, and the area of the marine exclusive economic zone is 1.29 million square kilometers. [1] It has a tropical marine climate and is often hit by hurricanes. The annual average temperature is 22~30 ℃. Geography is important South Pacific Regional transportation hub.

Climatic characteristics

Fiji Climate Tropical marine climate The temperature is generally between 22 ℃ and 32 ℃. The cool southeast trade wind prevails from May to October every year, which is a relatively dry season of the year; The rainy season lasts from November to April of the next year, during which the wind direction is changeable, the maximum temperature can reach about 35 ℃, and the humidity is relatively high.
In terms of rainfall distribution, Fiji's main island is divided into two distinct dry areas and wet areas: the southeast has abundant rainfall, and Suva has an average annual rainfall of 3850 mm; The western region is relatively dry, and the annual rainfall of Lautoka, the second largest city, is only 1910 mm. [2]

natural resources

The forest covers 935000 hectares, accounting for about half of the country's land area. About 250000 hectares are worth exploiting, producing high-quality hardwood and pine. There are two gold mines and a small amount of copper and silver resources, Bauxite Oil resources are being explored. Rich fishery resources tunas

administrative division

Suva, the capital of Fiji
There are 2 municipalities directly under the Central Government, 4 administrative regions and 14 provinces in China, Suva and Lautoka It is a municipality directly under the Central Government. The administrative regions are the central region Western Region Northern Region and Eastern Region It is divided into 14 provinces: Namosi Lashkar Rewa Province Serua Province Talewoo Province Natasili Province Nadroganovosa Pakistan Province Bua Province Kakadrowe Kandavu Province Lao Province Lomaiveti Makuata [1]

National symbol


Country name

The Republic of Fiji.

national flag

Fiji flag It is a horizontal rectangle, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The flag ground is light blue, the upper left side is the red and white "meter" pattern on the dark blue background, and the right side of the flag is Fiji National Emblem The main body of. Light blue symbolizes the sea and sky, and also indicates that the country is rich in aquatic resources; The word "meter" is a British flag pattern, which is Commonwealth countries The symbol of Fiji indicates the traditional relationship between Fiji and Britain.
In 2013, Fiji will redesign its national flag. The new national flag will focus on national unity and no longer contain the British flag pattern, which will become the latest effort to distance Fiji from the colonial history. The new version of coins in official circulation in Fiji has removed the head of the Queen of England and focuses on Fiji's animals and plants. The formation mechanism of the new national flag will be similar to that of the new currency.

national emblem

Fiji National Emblem
The national emblem of Fiji is in the form of a shield. Above the shield is a yellow lion with a crown. The lion holds a Coconut The St. George's Red Cross under the lion divides the white shield into four squares, each with a different pattern. The dove with an olive branch in its mouth symbolizes peace, while sugar cane, coconut and banana symbolize the importance of crops in the national economy. One on each side Fijian The upper end is painted with a sailboat, symbolizing the country's location in the South Pacific and its ancient means of transportation. Lace upper use Fijian It says "Fear God and revere the king".


Fiji dollar (Fiji Dollar)。

national flower

Hibiscus rosa sinensis
Hibiscus rosa sinensis It is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Hibiscus of Malvaceae. It is also called Chinese rose because it is native to southern China. Because most of the designs are red, they are commonly known as Big red flower The big red flower is also the name of Malaysian Chinese for Malaysia's national flower, which is one of the red hibiscus.


Fiji Demography
Fiji has a population of about 890000. The official languages are English, Fijian and Hindi, and English is widely used. [1]
According to traditional ethnic classification, Fijians belong to Melanesian In fact, Fijians also have some characteristics of Polynesians. The Indian people in Fiji are descendants of contract labor. After the contract labor system ended in 1916, many Indian laborers chose to stay in Fiji as tenant farmers or free land developers, and gradually developed into one of the two major ethnic groups in Fiji. [3]




In December 2022, general elections will be held in Fiji. The political party coalition composed of the People's Alliance Party, the National Alliance Party and the Social Democratic Liberal Party defeated Mbenimalama, who had been in power for 16 years, and the Fiji Priority Party led by him, to win the general election. Rambuka, the leader of the People's Alliance Party, became the Prime Minister. [1]


The new Constitution came into force on July 25, 1990. In July 1997, Fiji passed the 1990 constitutional amendment to amend the provisions on discrimination against Indian political rights, which was officially implemented in July 1998. In May 1999, Fiji held its first national election in accordance with the 1997 Constitution.
During the 2000 coup, the 1997 Constitution was abolished. In 2001, the Fiji Court of Appeal ruled that the Constitution was still in force and was recognized by the Grand Chieftain Council, President Joseph Iloilo, etc. In April 2009, President Iloilo announced the abolition of the Constitution. In July, Prime Minister Mbenimalama of Fiji's interim government announced the "road map for national development and restoration of democracy". On September 6, 2013, the new Constitution of Fiji Neratiko Signed by the President and promulgated into force. [1]


According to the 2013 Constitution, the Fiji Parliament is a unicameral system with 51 seats. The current parliament will be elected in December 2022. The current speaker is Atonio Lalabalawu, and the deputy speaker is Leona Sarussaru Irietabua. [1]


The cabinet system is formed by the majority party of the parliament. The current government will be sworn in in December 2022. There are 19 members in the Cabinet, mainly including the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Climate Change and Environment, Civil Service Affairs, Information and Public Enterprise, Sitiveni Rabuka, Attorney General and Minister of Justice Siromi Turaga, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Strategic Planning Biman Chand Prasad, Minister of National Development and Statistics, Viliam Gavoka, Vice Premier and Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Manoa Kamikamica, Vice Premier and Minister of Foreign Trade Cooperation and Small and Medium sized Enterprises, Lynda Tabuya, Minister of Women, Children and Poverty Reduction Pio Tikoduadua, Minister of Immigration, Aseri Radrodro, Minister of Education, etc.


There are Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court and District Court. The Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice and no more than seven judges. The Chief Justice is Kamal Kumar. [1]


The registered legal political parties mainly include the Fiji Priority Party, the Social Democratic Freedom Party, the Fiji Labour Party, the National Alliance Party, the United Fiji Party, the Freedom Alliance, the United Fiji Party, the New Era Party and the People's Alliance Party. The basic information of the main political parties is as follows:
Major political parties in Fiji
Name of political party
Date of establishment
Party information
People's Alliance Party (People’s Alliance)
ruling party
October 2021
Rambuca was formed for the 2022 general election. It advocates governing the country in a fair and democratic way to create a good environment for all Fijians to live a decent life. Its supporters are mainly Fijians. In the 2022 general election, we will ally with the National League Party and the Social Democratic Liberal Party and win the general election.
National Alliance Party (National Federation Party)
ruling party
It was first known as the "Alliance Party" and changed its current name after merging with other political parties. It was once involved in fighting for independence in Fiji and is the earliest party in Fiji. Biman Prasad, the party leader. It is the first Indian political party established by Indian sugarcane farmers to fight for rights and interests, which mainly relies on the support of the Indian people.
Social Democratic Liberal Party (Social Democratic Liberal Party,SODELPA)
ruling party
May 2001
Formerly the United Fiji Party founded by former Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase in May 2001, it changed its name to the current one in May 2013, and the party leader was Viliam Gavoka. He advocated that the interests of Fijians and Rotumas should be more taken into account while promoting national reconciliation. The main supporters include traditional Fijian chiefs and some Fijian grassroots people.
Fiji Priority Party (Fiji First Party)
opposition party
June 2014
Party leader Mbanimalama It advocates ethnic equality, attaches importance to economic development and improving people's livelihood, and proposes to "build a better Fiji for all Fijians". Its main supporters include Indian people, Fijian grassroots people, business celebrities, intellectuals and young people.
Fiji Labor Party (Fiji Labour Party)
July 1985
Mahendra Chaudhry, the party leader. It is a political party with the Indian nationality as the main body under the support of major trade unions, mainly representing the interests of middle and lower level Indians, and has a certain influence among Indian sugarcane farmers, trade union members and some intellectuals.
reference material
On December 18, 2022, the results of Fiji's general election will be officially announced. None of the political parties has obtained the 28 parliamentary seats required for a separate cabinet, so all parties will negotiate to form a coalition government. [11]


The President of the Republic is the Head of State and has executive power.
full name
Villiam Katonivere (Wiliame Katonivere)
president Born in Fiji on April 20, 1964. After graduating from college, he enlisted in the army, and was appointed as a lieutenant colonel.
After his discharge from the army, he was mainly engaged in agricultural related business activities and served as a director of several agricultural companies such as Fiji Sugar Company.
In 2014 Fiji Priority Party chairman. Later, he faded out of politics. In October 2021, he was elected the sixth president of Fiji.
prime minister People's Alliance Party Leaders. Born in Fiji on September 13, 1948.
He has received military training in New Zealand, India, Australia and other countries.
He joined the Fiji Royal Army in 1968. In 1981, he served as the Chief of Staff of the Fiji Army.
In 1987, he served as commander of the Fiji Army. In May and September 1987, two military coups were launched.
He served as Prime Minister of the Government from 1992 to 1999. From 1999 to 2001, he served as the chairman of Fiji Grand Chiefs Committee.
In 2016, he was elected as the leader of the Social Democratic Liberal Party, and lost the 2018 general election, serving as the leader of the opposition party in parliament.
In October 2021, the People's Alliance Party was formed and served as the party leader. On December 24, 2022, the political party coalition composed of the People's Alliance Party, the National Alliance Party and the Social Democratic Liberal Party won the parliamentary vote, and Rambuka was elected Prime Minister of the Fijian Government.
reference material
On December 24, 2022, the Prime Minister of Fiji's coalition government, Sittweni Lambka, and his cabinet ministers were sworn in. [12]


Fiji is a country with strong economic strength and good economic development among Pacific island countries. There are rich fishery and forest resources, including gold, silver, copper, bauxite and other minerals. Sugar industry and tourism are the pillars of the national economy. Fiji attaches importance to the development of national economy, emphasizes the development of private enterprises, establishes a loose policy environment, promotes investment and exports, and gradually develops Fiji's economy into an export-oriented economy with "high growth, low tax and vitality". In recent years, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, economic development difficulties have increased. At present, the economy is gradually recovering.
Major economic data of Fiji in 2023 (source: World Bank)
gross domestic product
US $5.5 billion
GDP per capita
US $5990
economic growth rate
Currency name
Fiji Dollar
exchange rate
US $1 ≈ F $2.19
Source: International Monetary Fund [13]


Sugar extraction is the main method, followed by gold mining, fishery product processing, wood and coconut processing. [1]


The arable land area is about 288000 hectares, mainly producing sugarcane, coconut, banana, etc. All wheat is imported, and 20% rice is self-sufficient. In recent years, the Fiji government has made great efforts to develop diversified business and promote rice planting. [1]


Tourism is relatively developed, and tourism income is the largest source of foreign exchange income in Fiji. There are about 40000 people working in the tourism sector nationwide, accounting for 15% of the employment. In 2020, the tourism industry was severely impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, and only 147000 foreign tourists were received throughout the year, a year-on-year decrease of 83.6%. It will further decrease to 32000 person times in 2021. The border will be opened on December 1, 2021. The number of tourists received in 2023 will be nearly 930000, exceeding the pre epidemic level. [1] [13]

foreign trade

In 2022, the total foreign trade volume will be 4.06 billion US dollars, including 1.07 billion US dollars for exports and 2.99 billion US dollars for imports. This is a long-term trade deficit. The export destinations are the United States, Australia and New Zealand, and the main import sources are Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, etc. The main imports are fuel, transportation equipment, chemical products, food, etc., and the export of sucrose, fish, gold, wood, mineral water, etc. [1]

foreign capital

Foreign investment plays an important role in Fiji's national economy. Commercial outlets in the domestic market of Fiji are mainly controlled by two Australian multinational companies. Banks, insurance, shipping, telecommunications, gasoline supply, etc. are also controlled by foreign capital. [1]

Foreign aid

Foreign aid mainly comes from Australia, Japan, Singapore, Britain, France, the European Union, China and the United Nations Development Programme.




At the intersection of the Fiji Islands and the Pacific Ocean, various cultures have multiplied here: Fiji's native culture Indian Culture , Chinese culture, South China Sea island culture, European colonialist culture, etc. Different culture breeds different food, language, architecture and customs. Fiji has retained many British colonial buildings, including the Governor's Mansion, Suva City Library, Pacific Hotel, etc. As people from different regions settled here, the multicultural system and rural architecture were almost perfectly preserved.


Comparison between Chinese English and Fijian
Fiji's Constitution stipulates that three languages are the official languages, namely English Fijian and Hindustan (Hindustani)。 Among them, English was introduced by the British colonists, Hindustan is the main language of the Indian people living in Fiji, and Fijian is the language of Fiji's own people. According to the Constitution of Fiji, Fijian citizens have the right to use any of these languages to communicate with government agencies. If necessary, the government should provide translators in a timely manner. Since Fiji has been under British colonial rule for more than 100 years, English has become the most commonly used language of Fiji's own people and Indian people. Communication between different ethnic groups is generally in English, and government institutions, educational institutions, financial and legal institutions are also generally in English.
Fijian is the national language of Fiji, belonging to Austronesian language family It is close to the Melanesian language of the same South Island language family, but because of long-term contact with the Polynesian people, it is also Malay Polynesian In Tonga Impact.
Hindustan It is an Indian ethnic group and belief living in Fiji Islamism Of Muslim The main language they speak. And Indian subcontinent Speaking Hindi and Urdu There are some differences, but the differences do not hinder mutual communication. For the Hindu language used in Fiji, see the Hindu language in Fiji.
In addition to the above three official languages, Fiji has many other languages. Many dialects in the western part of the country are very different from the official Mandarin (Bau Standard), and can even be considered as another language. In addition, many Fiji an indian In addition to Hindustan Tamil A few speak Bihari Bengali And other languages. In this country Rotuma Island On the other hand, it mainly uses Rotuma (a Polynesian language).


Fiji still has many traditional customs on the island, such as the magic singing ceremony of calling the fish in the deep sea to the shallow sea for catching, the traditional fire walking ceremony, etc., which are all mysterious traditions in Fiji today.
In Fiji tribe, Weidoudoudou girls hold a bar mitzvah and will suffer from ants. This means that the local people hope that they can bear the pain, and also be united like ants. The Tikuna girls cut all their hair at the coming of age ceremony, leaving only a small amount of hair on their head. This is to show that they are inheriting their ancestors, and that hair is a bridge to connect with their ancestors. At the same time, there are clansmen playing drums and singing. Then someone will take a needle through the girl's ear to leave a hole in the ear coming-of-age ceremony Therefore, parents can also pierce ear holes in advance, which is their hope for their children's happy life in the future.
Colorful sea is a paradise for fish
The ordinary sea is blue, but the sea in Fiji is colorful. Because countless strange and colorful sea fish swim in the water and make the sea colorful. Fiji has more than 300 islands of different sizes, which are ringed Coral reef Surrounded, so it becomes a paradise for fish. Although there are many islands, each of them is exquisite. The largest one is Midea Fog Island. At the dock not far from the Imperial Airport, there are many ships to each island every day. With a population of about 890000, Fiji is a multi-ethnic country, of which 51% are Fijians and 44% are Indians. Residents believe in Christianity, Hinduism and Islamism The official languages are English, Fijian and Hindi, and English is widely used. Due to the small population and beautiful scenery, European and American people have long regarded Fiji as one of the first choices for vacations, and even many big stars will choose to spend their honeymoons here. A small island, there are many golf driving ranges. When tourists are on holiday in Fiji, they often dress casually, carry a full box of beer and tents, and enjoy the sunset on the white beach. It is really a life like a fairy.
Men also wear skirts and flowers
Fiji has many flowers, and people wearing flowers are everywhere, men and women are no exception. national flower Hibiscus rosa sinensis )It is said that wearing flowers on the left means being unmarried, while wearing flowers on both sides means being married. In addition to men wearing flowers, what's more surprising here is that men also wear skirts. The skirt is called "SOLO" here. Not only do men usually wear SOLO, but even the traffic police also wear SOLO to perform official duties. It's really a street scene. A week-long safflower festival is held in the middle of August every year Hibiscus flowers Is the national flower of Fiji. During the festival, the islanders held a makeup parade to elect the Queen of Safflower. Wearing flowers, wearing skirts and other strange behaviors have made you fully feel the customs of this island country, while the high pitched singing of people around has completely brought out the leisurely and carefree atmosphere of the island country. There are still many traditional customs on the island, such as calling the fish in the deep sea to the shallow sea, the magic singing ceremony and the traditional fire walking ceremony, which are still mysterious traditions in Fiji. Fiji has two national essences, one is the flat teeth of whales, called "Tabua", and the other is a local local beverage "Yangna".
Fiji used to be an isolated island. With the increasingly close connection with the outside world, a variety of high calorie foods also swarmed in. In this South Pacific island country, there is a habit of giving food to pray for success and luck. Coupled with the low level of education, most people in Fiji are obese. Besides being fat, they are also very cheerful. Fijians regard fat as beauty, and believe that a thick waist is a symbol of health, wealth and fertility.


Fiji has been a country composed of tribes since ancient times, and its geographical location is in the middle, which makes it a crossroad of South Pacific culture. However, Fijians still retain their own culture and continue to live in small communities instead of traditional tribal huts. Each community has its own leader, usually the most respected chief, All disputes in the community can be decided by public parties.


In Fijian villages, there is a special rule that you cannot wear a hat or touch the head of a child. Only the village head has the privilege to wear a hat; Touching someone's head is the biggest humiliation to others. If it had been more than 100 years ago, it might have caused death. In 1867, an English missionary was hacked and cooked alive by angry natives because he took a comb from the head of a local chief. Fijians have completely entered modern civilization, but the custom of not touching others' heads has remained.


Fiji Map
Fiji is a country with perfect combination of tradition and modernity. The festivals here also take these two aspects into consideration. Moreover, due to the influence of various religious beliefs and different immigrant customs, the festivals here have different styles. When an important festival comes, Fijian people will dress up and hold various ceremonies.
new year
January 1st
National Youth Day
February 15th
Monday after Easter
March 29 April 1
Muhammad's Birthday
On May 24 every year (In order to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad, the true God of Islam, Fiji will hold a large-scale religious event.)
Queen's Birthday
June 15 every year (to commemorate the birth of the Queen of Fiji)
Constitution Day
July 22 every year
In the middle of August (The scientific name of safflower is hibiscus, and it is Fiji's national flower. The 7-day safflower festival is an important festival in Fiji, and the whole Suva city is decorated with colorful flowers.)
Fiji Day
October 7 every year
Independence Day
October 10 (1970)
Diwali Festival
October November
December 25th



national defense

The full name of the Fiji Army is the "Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF)", which was named in the 1990 Constitution of Fiji. The President concurrently serves as the Commander in Chief of the Army, and appoints the Commander in Chief according to the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, who shall be responsible to the President and the Minister of the Interior. The current military commander, Jone Kalouniwai, took office in September 2021.

military strength

The Fiji Army consists of an army and a navy, which are composed of regular troops and reserves. At present, there are about 3600 regular troops and 4000 reserves. The Navy has 330 people and is equipped with 5 ships and patrol boats. Fiji has sent soldiers and police to participate in peacekeeping missions in the Middle East, Kosovo, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Iraq, Sudan, etc. [1]

Military expenditure

In 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, the defense budget was F $165.95 million, F $176 million, F $180.7 million and F $181.5 million, respectively.




As of January 2020, the length of roads in Fiji is about 7500km, 1700km of which is asphalt pavement, connecting major cities and towns. There is no expressway. Only the main island (Viti Island) has completed island roads, and there are few inland roads. The asphalt road from the capital Suva to Nandi International Airport is about 200 kilometers long, and it takes about 3 and a half hours to drive at normal speed. The maximum speed of national roads in Fiji shall not exceed 80 kilometers per hour, most of which are two-way two lane roads, and some of the roads are seriously damaged.
Fiji can provide bus, taxi and car rental services for both intra city and inter city transportation, but buses are operated by private enterprises with few routes and unclear signs, so it is not recommended to take them. [10]


The total length of the railway is 820km (narrow gauge), which is used to transport sugar cane. At present, it has been partially abandoned. In the British colonial period, passenger service was provided, but no passenger service was provided after 1972. [10]

air transport

Fiji is the core of the air transport network in the South Pacific region and the gateway of surrounding island countries to the rest of the world. There are 28 airports in China. Nadi International Airport It is the largest and most advanced international airport in the region, known as the "crossroads of the South Pacific", capable of taking off and landing all kinds of large aircraft, with a large passenger flow and cargo throughput. There are more than ten air transport companies settled in Nadi, including Fiji Airlines and internationally renowned freight companies, which undertake freight business around the world. Nausuli Airport near Suva, the capital, is mainly engaged in domestic routes, with routes connecting major cities and islands. In addition, Fiji has a large number of small airports. Nauru, Kiribati and other small island countries mainly rely on Fiji for foreign air transport. Fiji Airlines (formerly Pacific Airlines) is an international airline, operating routes to Australia, Singapore, the United States, Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Hong Kong. Airlines from Australia, Singapore, Nauru and other countries have regular flights to and from Nadi International Airport. Nausuli Airport is mainly a domestic civil aviation airport. Fiji Airlines and Sunflower Airlines mainly operate domestic inter island routes. [10]

water transport

As the transportation hub of the archipelago and the South Pacific, Fiji's maritime industry is relatively developed. There are four cargo ports with relatively complete facilities in Suva, Lautoka, Levuka and Malau, with cargo throughput of 3.23 million tons/year and container throughput of 93800 TEU. Suva Port is the largest port in China, which can attach 42000 ton ships. There are container yards and six warehouses with a total area of 12000 square meters in the port area.
Shipping and port affairs are managed by Fiji Ports Corporation LTD. [10]
Rambasa Port Port nature: estuary seaport, longitude and latitude: 16 ° 26 ′ S, 179 ° 22 ′ E #, located at the Lambasa estuary on the north coast of Vanua Island in the northeast of Fiji (full name: The Republic of Fiji), in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean, is Fiji's bulk sugar export port. It is the location of the northern administrative region of Fiji, and also the sea and air transportation hub from North America to Australia and New Zealand.
The shoreline of the main dock berth in the port area is 150 meters long, and the water depth is 11 meters. The maximum reliable ship in the dock is 27000 deadweight tons. The loading and unloading equipment has a fixed sugar loader, and the loading and unloading efficiency: the bulk sugar can be loaded 400 tons per day. There are no tugboats and mooring boats in the port. The main export goods are sugar and coconut oil, while the import goods are mainly grain, fuel and industrial products. The main trade partners are Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Port of Lautoka, Located on the northwest coast of Viti Island in the west of Fiji (full name: The Republic of Fiji), in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean, it is one of the major ports in Fiji. The port is about 30km away from the airport.
The port has a tropical rainforest climate, with an annual average temperature of 24~30 ℃. It is often attacked by tropical hurricanes. The annual average rainfall is about 3000 ml. The average tidal range is 1.67m in flood season and 0.91m in small flood season.
There are three main wharf berths in the port area, with a shoreline of 395m and a maximum water depth of 10.9m. There are also four mooring buoys that can berth 18000~24000 dwt oil tankers, and underwater oil pipes with a diameter of 203.2 mm are used for loading and unloading crude oil. There is no tugboat in this port. If necessary, please contact Suva Port for arrangement. The maximum water depth of the ship anchorage is 29 meters. The main export goods are bulk sugar, bananas, manganese ore pineapple And syrup. The main imported goods are grain, fuel and industrial products.
Port Suva, Located on the southeast coast of Viti Island in Fiji (full name: the Republic of Fiji), at the entrance of the east bank of Suva Bay, east of Tonga (TONGA), west Vanuatu (VANUATU), the largest seaport in Fiji and the shipping center of the South Pacific, is known as the "crossroad" of the South Pacific. As early as 1874, Fiji British colonies In October 1970, it declared independence and became a member of the Commonwealth. Suva is now the capital and the political, economic and transportation center of the country. Sugar industry and tourism are two pillars of the national economy. The industry is dominated by sugar extraction, followed by coconut processing, wood processing and gold mining, among which sugar accounts for Total export value 70%. The port is about 28 kilometers away from the airport.
The port belongs to Tropical rainforest climate The annual average temperature is about 24~30 ℃. It is often hit by tropical hurricanes. The annual average rainfall is about 3000 mm. The average tidal range is 0.8m.
With coral reefs as a barrier outside the port of Fiji, it is a natural harbor with deep water and calm waves. There are three main wharf berths in the port area, with a coastline of 678m and a water depth of 12.1m. The loading and unloading equipment includes shore cranes, portable cranes, forklifts, roll on/roll off facilities, etc. There is also an oil pipeline with a diameter of 203.2 mm for oil loading and unloading. The largest reliable 50000 dwt ship in the terminal can be loaded and unloaded in bulk, ro ro and containers. The water depth of the ship anchorage is 36 meters. Every year, it receives nearly 1000 ocean going freighters from various countries. In 1992, the container throughput was 28000 TEU. The main export goods are sugar, coconut oil, wood and syrup, while the import goods are mainly grain, fuel oil, machinery and chemical products. Most of the shipping companies operating South Pacific shipping companies are attached to Suva Port, such as the shipping companies such as Bank/Columbus, ACTA, Pacific Plaza, Sovrana, Reef, etc., and do not operate on holidays.




Cultural and educational undertakings are more developed than those of other Pacific island countries. Free education will be provided at the junior and primary levels. The enrollment rate of school-age children reached over 98%. The annual education expenditure accounts for about 15% of the total government budget expenditure. In 2013, the education budget was F $268 million, a year-on-year increase of F $12 million. University of the South Pacific The main campus is located in Suva, the capital city. [1]
In the fiscal year 2019-2020, Fiji's education budget is about 470 million Fiji dollars, accounting for 12.2% of the total government budget expenditure. [10]

medical care

Fiji's public hospitals provide free medical treatment for domestic citizens and foreigners with Fiji work visas, but the medical conditions are general. Private hospitals have good conditions, but their charges are high. The public hospital in Suva is Colonial War Memorial Hospital, and the private hospital is Suva Private Hospital. Nandi Public Hospital is Nandi Hospital, and there are also some private clinics. [4]
In the fiscal year 2019-2020, Fiji's medical and health budget is 350 million Fiji dollars, accounting for 9.1% of the total government budget expenditure. [10]

Press and Publications

The main newspapers are: the English version of the Fiji Times, affiliated to the Fiji Times Company established in 1869; The Daily Post, founded in 1974; Fiji Sun, founded in 2000. Chinese newspapers include Fiji Daily and Fiji Mandarin News. In June 2009, the Ministry of Public Information of Fiji officially launched the official newspaper New Dawn, a fortnightly issue, to help the people of Fiji understand the government's policies, economic and social construction plans and projects.
The main magazines are Island Country Business and Pacific Islands, which are distributed in the Pacific island countries.
fiji broadcasting corporation limited (Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Limited), founded in 1985, is a national radio network in Fiji. It consists of six radio stations, two of which are broadcast in Fijian, Hindi and English.
Fiji TV (Fiji TV) was established by New Zealand Television Company, Fiji Development Bank and private shareholders at the end of 1993. In 2005, the Pacific Sky Satellite Television Program Service Department was established for the Pacific island countries.


Fiji has participated in the Olympic Games since the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. During this period, they missed the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.
In August 2016 Rio Olympic Games In the men's seven-year rugby match, Fiji beat the British team to win the championship, which is the first time in the history of this country to win an Olympic medal and gold medal. After this historic breakthrough, the whole country is boiling. [5]

International Relations


foreign policy

Fiji is a country with more active diplomacy among the Pacific island countries. It attaches importance to the relationship with Australia, New Zealand and other western developed countries, while maintaining the traditional relationship with the Pacific island countries. In recent years, Fiji has actively developed relations with Asian countries as well as African and American countries. It has established diplomatic relations with more than 130 countries. The United Nations, the Commonwealth, the World Trade Organization, the Pacific Islands Forum Pacific Community melanesian spearhead group As a member of the ACP Group and the Group of 77, Fiji has actively participated in international and regional affairs Pacific Island Countries Forum (PIF) Location of the Secretariat. In 2013, Fiji initiated the establishment of the Pacific Island Countries Development Forum (PIDF). In June 2016, Fiji's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Thomson was elected President of the 71st session of the General Assembly. In November 2016, Fiji was elected United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change President of the 23rd Conference of the Parties. [1]

external relations

Relations with Australia and New Zealand
Fiji has traditionally close relations with Australia and Singapore. Australia and New Zealand are the most important trade partners and aid countries of Fiji. Australia, Singapore and Fiji set up special high-level offices for each other. According to the South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement, except for a few commodities such as sugar and clothing, Fiji's exports to Australia and New Zealand enjoy unilateral duty-free or unrestricted market access.
After the coup in Fiji in December 2006, Australia and Singapore announced the implementation of sanctions against Fiji. After Fiji's general election in September 2014, relations between Australia, New Zealand and Fiji have gradually improved. In October 2014 and February 2016, Australian Foreign Minister Bishop visited Fiji. In June 2016, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key paid an official visit to Fiji. In October 2016, Fiji Prime Minister Mbainimarama paid an official visit to New Zealand and Australia. In 2017, Muhammad went to Australia for three times to attend activities and met with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull twice. In September 2018, Mu met with Prime Minister Adene of New Zealand during his attendance at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. In January 2019, Australian Prime Minister Morrison visited Fiji. In September 2019, Fijian Prime Minister Mbanimalama visited Australia. In February 2020, New Zealand Prime Minister Adene visited Fiji. In March 2022, New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta visited Fiji. In April 2022, Australian Governor Hurley visited Fiji. In May 2022 and February 2023, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian visited Fiji. In March 2023, Australian Prime Minister Albanese and New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta visited Fiji respectively. In June 2023, Fiji Prime Minister Rambuka visited New Zealand. In October 2023, Fiji Prime Minister Rambuka will visit Australia. In December 2023, New Zealand Maori King Paki visited Fiji. [13]
Relations with the EU
The EU and the United States are the main export markets of Fiji's raw sugar and agricultural products, and the important sources of tourists and investment in Fiji. According to the Lom é Agreement and the Cotonou Agreement, the EU purchases Fijian sugar at a price three times that of the international market (expiring in September 2017), and 70% of Fijian sugar is sold to the EU every year. Fiji has an embassy in Britain, and France, Britain and the European Union have embassies in Fiji. [13]
Relations with the United States
In October 1970, the United States recognized Fiji's independence. Fiji and the United States set up embassies for each other. Fiji attaches great importance to its relations with the United States, believes that the assistance of the United States is of great significance to Fiji's market access and regional competition, and actively promotes the activities of the United States South Pacific Joint Commercial Committee. Fiji is one of the main supply points of the US military in the Pacific Ocean. In February 2022, U.S. Secretary of State William Blinken visited Fiji. In April 2022, Campbell, coordinator of India Pacific affairs of the National Security Council of the White House, visited Fiji. In September 2022, Fijian Prime Minister Mbenimalama went to the United States to attend the first US Pacific Island Leaders' Summit. In January 2023, American Indian Pacific commander Aguilino visited Fiji. In March 2023, Campbell, coordinator of India Pacific affairs of the National Security Council of the White House, visited Fiji. In September 2023, Fiji's Prime Minister Rambuka went to the United States to attend the second US Pacific Island Countries Forum Summit.
Relations with Japan
In August 2000, Japan was the first Western country to recognize the provisional government established after the coup in Fiji. Fiji and Japan set up embassies with each other. In May 2015 and May 2018, Prime Minister Mbenimalama went to Japan for two consecutive times to attend the seventh and eighth Japan Pacific island leaders' meetings. In August 2019, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono visited Fiji. In May 2022, Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng visited Fiji. In February 2024, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Ukawa visited Fiji and presided over the fifth interim ministerial meeting of the Japan Pacific Island Summit. [13]
Relations with other Pacific island countries
Fiji attaches great importance to its traditional relations with other Pacific island countries. As a founding member of the Pacific Island Countries Forum, Fiji has frequent exchanges of visits with leaders of other Pacific island countries. After the coup in Fiji in 2006, the Pacific Islands Forum suspended Fiji's qualification to participate in the forum activities. After the general election in 2014, Fiji resumed its participation in the Pacific Island Countries Forum. Since 2011, the Philippine government has held the "Pacific Contact" conference in Fiji, and since 2013, it has held the Pacific Island Countries Development Forum Summit (PIDF) to focus on the economic construction and sustainable development of island countries. The first three Pacific Island Countries Development Forum were held in Fiji. In July 2016, the fourth Pacific Island Countries Development Forum was held in Solomon Islands. In July 2019, the 2019 meeting of the Pacific Island Countries Development Forum was held in Fiji. On August 6, 2021, the Pacific Island Countries Forum held the Forum Leaders' Summit in a video format. Prime Minister Mbainimarama of Fiji presided over the meeting, and Fiji took over the rotating presidency of the Forum. On July 11-14, 2022, the 51st Pacific Island Countries Forum Leaders' Meeting was held in Fiji. In February 2023, the special informal meeting of Pacific Island Forum leaders was held in Fiji.
Relations with China
China and Fiji established diplomatic relations on November 5, 1975. In 1976, China set up an embassy in Fiji and sent a permanent ambassador. June 1990, then President Yang Shangkun He once visited Fiji in transit. In April 2006, the then Premier of the State Council Wen Jiabao During the visit to Fiji and the opening ceremony of the first ministerial meeting of the "China Pacific Island Countries Economic Development Cooperation Forum" held in Fiji, the two countries announced the establishment and development of "China Fiji important cooperative partnership".
In November 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Fiji, and the two sides established a strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development. In November 2018, President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the Government of Fiji and Minister of National Defense and National Security Inokai Kumbuambola in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The two sides agreed to elevate bilateral relations to mutual respect and common development Comprehensive strategic partnership
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral trade has grown steadily. In 2023, the trade volume between China and Fiji will be 530 million US dollars, down 1.25% year on year. Among them, China's export was 506 million US dollars, up 3.4% year on year, and its import was 20.31 million US dollars, down 53.1% year on year. China mainly exports machinery and equipment, aquatic products, electrical and electronic products, computer and communication technology, automobiles and ships, and imports bauxite, frozen fish, logs and sawn timber, and beverages. [14]
In October 2004, China and Fiji signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation Plan of Chinese Tourism Teams to Fiji, making Fiji a destination for Chinese citizens to travel abroad. In May 2005, the Chinese citizens' group tour to Fiji was officially implemented. Since September 10, 2007, Fiji has granted Chinese citizens no visa Treatment. In March 2015, the Memorandum of Understanding on Mutual Visa Exemption between China and Fiji came into effect.
In September 2010, Xinhua News Agency set up a branch office in Suva, the capital of Fiji, and sent a permanent reporter, which is the first branch of Xinhua News Agency in the Pacific island country region.
August 2014 and August 2018, China“ Peace Ark ”No. 2 hospital ship paid two visits to Fiji. [6]
At 5:30 p.m. local time on November 16, 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold a meeting with leaders of seven Pacific island countries that have established diplomatic relations, namely, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Tonga and Niue, in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea. [7]
On August 9, 2024, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning announced that at the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji, Sidivini Rambuka, would pay an official visit to China from August 12 to 21. [15]
On the afternoon of August 18, 2024, Premier Li Qiang held talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Prime Minister Rambuka of Fiji, who was paying an official visit to China. [16] On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Prime Minister Rambuka of Fiji, who was paying an official visit to China. [17]
Relations with India
A large part of Fiji's population is of Indian origin, and the two sides have close ties in history. India established diplomatic relations with Fiji after its independence. In November 2014, Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Fiji. In August 2015, Fijian Prime Minister Mbanimalama went to India to attend the India Pacific Island Leaders' Meeting. In March 2018, Muhammad went to India to attend the International Solar Energy Union meeting and meet with Indian Prime Minister Modi. In February 2023, Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng visited Fiji. In May 2023, Indian Prime Minister Modi met with Prime Minister Rambuka of Fiji during the Third Cooperation Summit between India and Pacific Island Countries in Papua New Guinea. In February 2024, Fiji's Deputy Prime Minister Prasad visited India. [1] [13]
"Indo Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity"
On May 23, 2022 local time, US President Biden just announced the launch of the "Indo Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity" (IPEF) composed of 13 initial member countries. [9]


Fiji is one of the most popular tourist resorts in the world. Fiji's enthusiastic people and colorful culture attract vacationers and tourists from all over the world to visit beautiful beaches, romantic islands, dense tropical rainforests, and colorful coral reefs.
Fiji also has the world's second largest ever expanding coral reef (after Australia Queensland Of Great Barrier Reef ), which is very attractive to tourists who like swimming and diving. [4]

Tourism content

Fiji's tourism activities include natural and cultural attractions, inland drifting, sailing, deep-sea fishing, windsurfing, surfing, snorkeling, deep diving and other water sports, wedding and honeymoon trips. [4]

Tourist Location

The main tourist destinations are the capital Suva City Nadi Nadi Town Outer Island, Coral Coast, North Island, etc. The outer islands of the Mamanuca Group and Asawa Islands Yasawa Islands are two major islands in Fiji. Mamanuka is close to Nadi, with about 20 small islands. The more famous ones are Likuliku Lagoon, Castaway Island, Plantation Island, Beachcomber Island, Treasure Island, while the Chinese often go to Mana Island The island has Chinese service staff and Chinese menus. Asawa is further away from the main island with better scenery. Tom Hanks Films taken The Remaining Life of a Desert Island Brooke Shields "Youth Coral Island" and "Blue Coral Reef" are both shot here and famous. [4]
Royal Hotel The Royal Hotel is the oldest hotel in the South Pacific. In the 1860s, there were many hotels on the busiest beach road in Lefka. The Royal Hotel is one of them. It is still open for business. Captain David Robbie, who built the hotel, built a small observation platform on the roof, just like a ship, so that passengers can enjoy watching the sea.
Owalau Island It is an island in the Lomaiviti Islands, located in the east of the big island, the port in the east Levuka (Levuka) is the old capital of Fiji. Levuka is a city developed from a port. Since its development in 1830, the town has many Fiji firsts, the first public school, the first hotel, the first newspaper in the South Pacific, the Fiji Time, etc. Many Australians, Europeans and New Zealanders come here to develop trade, making the long Beach Street full of PUBs, hotels In 1881, it was still in Suva because of the small hinterland behind the mountain and facing the sea. You can take part in the urban hiking trip to Lewuka. Led by a guide who has been growing in Lewuka for 70 years, you can visit every historical house, museum and British prince one stop at a time charles Once on the beach, listening to the tour guide tell the story of the old times, the glory of the history of Levuka appears. In addition to the tour in the urban area of Levuka, it is a rare experience to visit the traditional villages of Devukula. The wonderful Mick performances are very enjoyable, and they can also accept the lavish reception of Lofo dinner. The village also provides a cabin for tourists to live in, so that tourists can live a complete life in Fiji.
Taweuni Island (Taveuni Levu) In Fijian, it means "Garden Island" and "Prosperity Island". It only takes 15 minutes to get there by plane from the Big Island. Due to the abundant resources on the island and the fact that most residents live on agriculture and fishery, a large number of rainforest landscapes are reserved. The Hollywood business card "Back to the Blue Coral Reef" takes Bouma Fall in the island mountain as an important scene to capture the beauty of pure and pure Taoyuan fairyland.
Buma Forest Park Bouma Forest Park is a pure place. The waterfall in it is a very beautiful scene in the sequel of the movie Blue Coral Reef. Tourists can walk into the forest hiking trails to explore the mystery of this star waterfall.
Thurston Garden Built in 1820, it belonged to a chief named Tabukaukoro. He has nearly a thousand warriors and dominates Suva. In 1843, the village of Tabokoro was attacked by the Rewa tribe, the garden was destroyed, and many people were eaten alive. Since then, the garden has been repaired several times. In 1879, Sir John Thurston, the then governor of Fiji, suggested that the garden be changed into Suva Botanical Garden. In 1976, Suva Botanical Garden was renamed 'Thurston Garden'.
Vanua (Vanua Levu) is the second largest island in Fiji, with an area of about half of the large island. It is located on the sea surface in the northeast of Dadong Island. Together with Tavenmi, the third largest island, it is called "North Area". Black volcanic rock, white sand beach, alpine rainforest and rich underwater landscape, the natural resources of Wannulai fog constitute the best tourism conditions, and it is the second largest city on the island Savu Savu (Savusavu) is one of the best diving sites in Fiji. In addition, island sightseeing, hiking, canoeing, sailing, etc. are all popular activities for tourists. From Big Island, you can take domestic flights or ferries.
The First Village in Fiji: Former President Joseph Iloilo came from Visesse Village, which is known as "the first village in Fiji".

delicious food

Fiji mainly focuses on western food, and there are many Chinese restaurants and Indian restaurants in Suva and Nadi. The local people's coconut chicken, coconut fish, cassava, taro, etc. are also unique, and tourists can experience a variety of catering flavors. [4]
Fijian people pay attention to eating seafood and the richness of dishes in their eating habits. Generally, it has a heavy taste, likes oil, and likes sweet taste. The staple food is rice, and they are also willing to taste noodles. I like non-staple food very much sea turtle Meat, fish and other seafood, but also like pork, chicken and other meat; Vegetables like Taro , cassava, yam Tomatoes , onion, etc; Spices like coconut oil, pepper, ginger, onion, etc. The cooking method prefers dishes made by roasting, frying, frying and other cooking methods. Chinese food likes Chinese Beijing food, Shandong food and Fujian food. The menu is very appreciative of the dishes such as big platter, Beijing roast duck, three color shrimp, fried oyster yolk, dry baked chicken, barbecued meat, fried Jinhua ham, white delicious conch, litchi meat, dry braised fish, etc. Shuijiu is the favorite drink“ Cava ”They also like juice, cocoa, coffee and other drinks. Fruit likes bananas, coconuts, pineapples and other fruits, and dried fruits like dried apricots.


Fiji souvenir shopping is mainly concentrated in Jack's, Prouds, Tappoo and other chain stores, with relatively uniform prices. Large supermarkets mainly include MH and New World. Large malls accept UnionPay cards, but charge a certain handling fee. The five-star hotels and wharves in Nadi Airport, Suva City, Nadi City and Dananu Island all have stores, and the business hours are generally 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. [4]

Best season

Fiji has a tropical marine climate, and the best travel time is from May to October every year. It's cold Southeast trade wind The average temperature is 22 ℃, which is also the driest period of the year. From November to April of the next year, the temperature is relatively high, the average temperature is 32 ℃, the wind direction is variable, and there is much rainfall. Because Fiji is located in tropical storm Fiji will be hit by tropical storms from November to April of the next year. Nandi is located in the relatively arid west, with an average annual rainfall of 1931mm.


Fiji Surfing
In Fiji, you can enjoy adventure, jet boats, bamboo rafting, hiking in tropical rainforests, mountain biking, fishing, swimming with manta ray, and so on.
Not to be missed: cycling, motorcycling, visiting villages, watching barefoot flame and Meke dance performances, walking through mountains and forests, island hopping, parasailing, surfing, river exploration.