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Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China

Former constituent departments of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China State Council of the PRC Formerly a constituent department, it was founded in September 1954. Its predecessor was Ministry of Culture of the Central People's Government [1]
In June 1970, the CPC Central Committee decided to revoke the Ministry of Culture [1] In January 1975, the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress decided to restore the Ministry of Culture [1] In March 2018, the first session of the 13th National People's Congress decided not to retain the Ministry of Culture [2]
Chinese name
Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China
Institutional attributes
Former constituent departments of the State Council
First establishment time
September 1954 [1]
First cancellation time
June 1970 [1]
Time of second establishment
January 1975 [1]
Time of the second revocation
March 2018 [2]

Historical evolution

  • First establishment
In September 1954, the First Session of the First National People's Congress decided to change the Ministry of Culture of the Central People's Government into the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, referred to as the "Ministry of Culture" [1]
In June 1970, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to abolish the Ministry of Culture and establish the Cultural Group of the State Council [1]
  • Resume establishment
In January 1975, the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress decided to restore the establishment of the Ministry of Culture [1]
In May 1982, the Ministry of Culture, the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee, the State Publishing Administration, the State Administration for Cultural Relics, and the Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration were merged to establish the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the Reform of Ministries and Commissions under the State Council, which was deliberated and adopted at the 23rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress [3]
In March 2018, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was established according to the Institutional Reform Plan of the State Council approved at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, and the Ministry of Culture will no longer be retained [2]

Institutional responsibilities

According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Provisions on the Main Responsibilities, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Culture (GBF [2008] No. 79), the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Culture are:
(1) To formulate policies and guidelines for culture and arts, and draft laws and regulations on culture and arts.
(2) To draw up and organize the implementation of the development plan of culture and art, and promote the reform of the system and mechanism in the field of culture and art.
(3) To guide and manage literary and artistic undertakings, guide artistic creation and production, promote the development of all kinds of arts, and manage major national cultural activities.
(4) Promote public cultural services in the field of culture and art, plan and guide the production of public cultural products, and guide the construction of national key cultural facilities and grass-roots cultural facilities.
(5) To draw up the development plan of the cultural and art industry, guide and coordinate the development of the cultural and art industry, and promote foreign cultural industry exchanges and cooperation.
(6) To draw up plans for the protection of intangible cultural heritage, draft relevant laws and regulations, and organize and implement the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the inheritance and popularization of excellent national culture.
(7) To guide and manage social and cultural undertakings, and guide the construction of libraries, cultural centers (stations) and grass-roots culture.
(8) Draw up the development plan of the cultural market, guide the comprehensive law enforcement of the cultural market, be responsible for the industrial supervision of cultural and art business activities, and guide the supervision of private institutions engaged in performing arts activities.
(9) Be responsible for the pre approval of online dissemination of literature and art products, the management of business licenses for Internet cafes and other online service business places, and the supervision of online game services (excluding the pre approval of online publishing of online games).
(10) To draw up and organize the implementation of development plans for animation and game industries, and guide and coordinate the development of animation and game industries.
(11) To draw up plans for the development of culture, science and technology, supervise their implementation, and promote the construction of culture, science and technology information.
(12) To guide and manage foreign cultural exchanges and foreign cultural publicity, organize the drafting of cultural exchange policies for foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, guide the work of embassies (consulates) stationed abroad and cultural institutions stationed in Hong Kong and Macao, sign Chinese foreign cultural cooperation agreements on behalf of the country, and organize and implement large-scale cultural exchanges with foreign countries.
(13) Undertake other tasks assigned by the State Council [4]

Institutional setup

According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Provisions on the Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Main Responsibilities of the Ministry of Culture (GBF [2008] No. 79), the Ministry of Culture has 11 internal organizations:
(1) General Office
To comprehensively coordinate the business of organs and directly affiliated units; Supervise the implementation of major issues of the department; To formulate internal rules and regulations and annual work plan of the organ; To be responsible for the daily operation of documents and telegrams, conference affairs, confidential information, archives and other organs; To be responsible for information, confidentiality, petition and financial work of the organ; To administer the administrative affairs of the organ.
(2) Policy and Regulation Department
To formulate cultural and artistic guidelines and policies, and draft relevant laws and regulations; Coordinate the research on important cultural policies; Draw up medium and long-term development plans for culture and arts; To undertake the legal affairs of the organ; To guide the reform of the system and mechanism in the field of culture and art.
(3) Personnel Department
To be responsible for the personnel management, education and training, organization establishment, labor wages and other work of the organs, directly affiliated units and overseas cultural institutions; To draw up and organize the implementation of the talent construction plan for the culture and art industry, and to guide the management of professional qualifications of practitioners together with relevant competent departments.
(4) Finance Division
To manage the funds for cultural and administrative undertakings; To guide and supervise the financial work of cultural institutions and directly affiliated units stationed abroad; Be responsible for the statistical work of the cultural system; To be responsible for capital construction, state-owned assets, government procurement and internal audit of the organs and directly affiliated units; To guide the construction of national key cultural facilities and grass-roots cultural facilities; To be responsible for the construction of Chinese cultural centers stationed abroad.
(5) Art Department
Draw up the development plan of literature and art; Support representative, exemplary and experimental varieties of literature and art, support literature and art works embodying the socialist core value system and literature and art troupes representing national standards and national characteristics, and promote the development of all kinds of arts; To guide and coordinate national art performances, exhibitions and major literary and artistic activities.
(6) Department of Culture, Science and Technology
To draw up plans for the development of culture, science and technology; Coordinate national key cultural and artistic research projects and promote major achievements; Promote the construction of culture, science and technology informatization; To be responsible for the joint construction of art colleges and universities; To guide art vocational education in cultural industry; Organize the formulation of policies and standards for art grading and coordinate, supervise and implement them; Undertake the examination and approval of trans provincial art grading examination institutions.
(7) Cultural Market Department
To draw up plans and policies for the development of the cultural market and draft relevant laws and regulations; Guide the comprehensive law enforcement of the cultural market, and promote the integration of law enforcement forces of the sub provincial cities and the departments of culture, radio and television, press and publication below the prefecture level; Industry supervision of business activities in the cultural field; Supervise the market of artistic performances, cultural entertainment and cultural works of art; Undertake the pre approval of online music, art entertainment, online animation (excluding animation programs in online audio-visual), online performances (festivals), online performance business and mobile music; Coordinate animation and game industry planning, industrial bases, project construction, exhibition transactions and market supervision, and guide the work of industry associations; Review the content of imported Internet literature and art products in the use link; Be responsible for implementing business license management on Internet cafes and other online service business places, and supervise the content of electronic game machines in the production, import and operation links; Supervise online game services (excluding online publishing pre-approval of online games); To guide the supervision of private institutions engaged in performing arts activities.
(8) Department of Cultural Industry
To draw up plans and policies for the development of the cultural industry and draft relevant laws and regulations; Support and promote the construction and development of cultural industry; Promote the informatization construction of cultural industry; To guide the construction of cultural industry bases and regional characteristic cultural industry clusters; Urge the implementation of major cultural industry projects, and be responsible for promoting foreign cultural industry exchanges and cooperation.
(9) Department of Social Culture
To draw up plans and policies for the development of social and cultural undertakings, and draft relevant laws and regulations; To guide the work of mass culture, minority culture, juvenile culture and elderly culture; To guide the cause of libraries and cultural centers (stations); To guide the construction of cultural information resources sharing projects and the protection of ancient books; To guide grassroots cultural activities and the construction of village cultural activity rooms and community cultural activity centers.
(10) Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage
To formulate policies for the protection of intangible cultural heritage and draft relevant laws and regulations; To draw up protection plans for national intangible cultural heritage representative projects; Organize the protection of intangible cultural heritage, and undertake the application and review of national intangible cultural heritage representative projects; Organize and implement the inheritance and popularization of excellent national culture; Undertake the compilation of the history of the Qing Dynasty.
(11) Foreign Cultural Liaison Bureau (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office)
To guide and manage foreign cultural exchanges and foreign cultural publicity; Organize the drafting of cultural exchange policies with foreign countries and with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and draft relevant laws and regulations; To guide the work of embassies (consulates) stationed abroad and cultural institutions stationed in Hong Kong and Macao; To guide and manage the work of Chinese cultural centers stationed abroad, and manage the work of foreign cultural centers in China; Organize cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; To undertake the work related to the signing of Sino foreign cultural cooperation agreements; Organize large-scale foreign cultural exchange activities.
The Party Committee of the organ is responsible for the Party masses work of the organ, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the units directly under it.
The Bureau of Retired Cadres is responsible for the work of retired cadres and guides the work of retired cadres of directly affiliated units [4]

staff establishing

According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Provisions on the Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Main Responsibilities of the Ministry of Culture (GBF [2008] No. 79), the administrative staffing of the Ministry of Culture is 327 (including 10 staff members of the two committees, 2 flexible staff members for assistance and 39 retired cadres). Including: 1 minister, 4 deputy ministers, 44 department and bureau level leaders (including 1 assistant minister, 1 full-time deputy secretary of the Party committee, and 3 retired cadres) [4]

Successive leaders

better known as Mao Dun (September 1954 January 1965) [5]
a leading CCP propagandist (January 1965 May 1965) [6]
Xiao Wangdong (May 1965 January 1967) [7]
Yu Huiyong (January 1975 October 1976) [8]
Huangzhen (December 1977 December 1980) [9]
Zhou Weizhi (Acting Minister) (December 1980 April 1982) [8]
Zhu Muzhi (April 1982 March 1986) [10]
Wang Meng (March 1986 September 1989) [11]
He Jingzhi (Acting Minister) (September 1989 November 1992) [8]
Liu Zhongde (November 1992 March 1998) [12]
Sun Jiazheng (March 1998 March 2008) [8]
Cai Wu (March 2008 December 2014) [13]
Luo Shugang (February 2014 March 2018) [14]