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Cultural network

One of the elements of organizational culture
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Cultural network is one of the elements of organizational culture. It is an informal channel for enterprises to spread information in the form of anecdotes, stories, secrets, guesses, etc. Often associated with informal information. [1]
Chinese name
Cultural network
Foreign name
Cultural Web



First, artistic processing of news. As a result, the news spread tends to be storytelling, vivid and interesting. [2]
Second, the interpretation of message meaning is often different from that of formal channels, which can explain the problem from a deeper level of essence.
Third, the whole process of transmitting messages through cultural networks does not involve the participation of documents, audio tapes and the like, but relies on people's oral expression. Therefore, everyone plays a certain role in the cultural network of the enterprise, but this role is not appointed by anyone, nor can it be printed on the business card, but is formed secretly and spontaneously.


There are seven categories of important roles: [2]
1. Storyteller
They are formed in senior management positions with high status, large amount of information but no leadership role. They have imagination, insight and the ability to discern details. Because they do nothing but know a lot, they can make up stories to tell others according to their feelings about what happened in the company.
2. Pastor
They are formed in the third to fifth management levels below the top level. They hold positions in the formal organization system that have no staff below and do not need to report to the vice president frequently, such as "director of the economic research department" and "administrative assistant of the personnel department". They have stayed in the enterprise for a long time. They know everything and everyone inside the enterprise like the palm of their fingers. They are living encyclopedias of enterprise history. Employees are willing to go to them when they are in trouble, and they sometimes ask and listen to the employees' candid conversation. They always tell the historical story of the enterprise to find the basis for the current action.
3. Whisperers
They are often formed in a less attractive position, but have two key skills: first, they can quickly and accurately understand the intentions of their superiors based on few clues, so that they can influence the company's decisions through whispering. Their personality is extremely loyal to their boss. Second, based on hard work, it can establish a wide range of support relationships throughout the enterprise, so that messages can be spread throughout the network through whispering.
4. Chatters
They can be formed in any position and are not close to those in power. Their ability is to be good at chatting with a large group of people at the table or during coffee breaks, so as to spread the news to all levels of the company. People tolerate and even like gossips. Just for fun, they don't expect the information they get to be correct.
5. Secretariat staff
This may be the only person who has participated in the cultural network as an official organization. They understand the real face of the company, and know well what is going on in the company, who is having trouble with whom, and so on. They are often people who are unwilling to intervene in disputes and can fairly evaluate things, but they can spread the company's achievements through gossip networks.
6. Spy
This is called "spy". Not those who sneak into the conference room to spy on information, but those who never speak ill of anyone and do not change the atmosphere of the company in any way to affect the work of others. They can listen to all aspects of the views, and Senior management Narration, so senior managers use them as "spies". Obviously, newcomers in the company are most likely to become such "spies".
7. Members of informal groups
In order to improve their position in the organization, they often artistically tell the outstanding deeds of other people in the group in front of others. The cultural network is an informal channel for spreading information. Managers should not avoid involvement, but must grasp it flexibly and fully realize its importance. Strong cultural enterprises have successfully developed cultural networks. It strengthened the relationship between managers and employees, cultivated a large number of people who exposed the situation to all levels of the organization, vividly instilled the values of the enterprise, consolidated the basic beliefs of the organization, improved the symbolic value of heroes, expanded interpersonal communication, and enhanced friendship and internal cohesion.


One is composed of media directly controlled by enterprise organizations, such as radio, television, newspapers, picture albums, advertisements, documents, meetings, materials, information, briefings, enterprise political research meetings, cultural and sports associations, news communication networks, computer local area networks, etc; [3]
The other is composed of corporate cultural and sports activities, speech contests, recreational activities, get-together tea party , group worship, employee birthdays, birthdays, wedding ceremonies, and soft communication means that are not easy to control by enterprises such as libraries, clubs, stadiums, recreation halls.


Cultural networks exist widely in organizations and play a role as a channel in the organization. The influence of cultural networks on organizational psychology and behavior cannot be underestimated. In the strong organizational culture, the cultural network carries beliefs and values, and is shared by all departments at all levels and all employees. In the process of creating and maintaining the corporate culture, the cultural network is conducive to the consensus of all employees on values and the convergence of behavior patterns, and helps new employees complete the process of socialization. In the process of organizing M&A, a smooth cultural network will help eliminate misunderstanding, hostility and resistance of all parties involved in M&A, promote the smooth implementation of M&A and the integration after M&A, and form a positive synergy effect. [4]