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cultural history

Terminology in the field of literature
Cultural history, which is a branch of historical research with human culture as its research object, is a comprehensive discipline with the intersection of history and culturology. In its narrow sense, cultural history has been synonymous with the history of academic thought or the history of ancient books, such as Cai Shangsi's On the History of Chinese Culture. On the one hand, cultural history research or cultural research mostly focuses on the overall culture, such as the discussion of Chinese traditional culture, national identity, comparison between Chinese and Western cultures, traditional culture and modern culture; On the other hand, many people believe that cultural history should focus on the history of spiritual culture, focusing on the concept, fashion Religion Worship, dialect, custom, entertainment, etc.
Chinese name
cultural history
Foreign name
Cultural History
Essentials of Chinese Cultural History
Fashion, religious worship, dialect

brief introduction

Many people believe that cultural history should focus on the history of spiritual culture, focusing on the concepts, fashions, religious worship, dialects, customs, entertainment, etc. in a specific historical period, which regards culture as a narrow culture. Although such cultural history research has greatly expanded the scope of the history of academic thought, it still does not define the full scope of cultural history research, It is far from the requirements of cultural theory. The uncertainty of the research scope of cultural history is related to people's various definitions of culture and various schools of cultural theories. But generally speaking, the study of cultural history should include the study of material culture, conceptual culture, social relations culture (various organizations, systems) and even deep psychology. For example, primitive culture, mainly material culture, accounted for a large proportion of the history of primitive culture, from the manufacture of various tools, the use and invention of fire, the hunting life to the domestication of animals and plants (the cultivation of plants is the original meaning of "culture" in Western language); Among them, marriage, family, tribal organizations and so on belong to the culture of social relations. Without these, primitive culture cannot be talked about. In fact, in the civilized period, the ideology culture also only accounted for a small part, especially in the era when most of the lower class people had a low level of knowledge and had little left over ideology, this culture mostly represented the upper class culture or elite culture, while the lower class culture was mostly in material form, leaving behind the latter, there would be no cultural history.
However, as a unique branch of historiography, the research content of cultural history is in many aspects similar to anthropology, religion, ethnology, folklore Social History , history of thought, history of science and technology, linguistics, psychology, etc. The study of one kind of worship, one kind of family and one kind of marriage as a cultural phenomenon is quite different from the study of religion and sociology; As a cultural achievement, fire making and domestication of animals and plants are important manifestations of cultural progress. The study of their cultural history is different from that of other branches of history (in fact, the traditional historiography rarely involves such topics - the topic of material life history). That is to say, the study of cultural history regards the achievements of human culture in all aspects as the various aspects of a comprehensive cultural concept, and studying them serves the study of the whole culture. In this sense, cultural history should first study the cultural characteristics and influences of different nations and countries in different times, and then study the reasons for the spread, integration and obstruction of various cultures process Third, we should study the various functions of culture in history. These studies must rely on the exploration of various cultural factors, such as cultural communication. We must study production tools (such as bronze, iron), production technology (such as Four Great Inventions ), ideas (such as Buddhism), language (such as a certain dialect) Art (such as Western painting) and other aspects of the spread, its spread way, spread circle, spread effect, source, favorable factors and obstacles, etc., so that we can understand the similarities and differences of various cultural factors in cultural communication, and finally make a theoretical explanation of the overall culture in communication. The above examples show that the characteristics of cultural history lie in the fact that various cultural creations of human beings are studied as cultural phenomena rather than others, and the purpose of studying various cultural factors is to grasp the cultural whole macroscopically.

Historical origin

1. From Yellow Emperor "Shi Huang" who created characters at that time Cang Jie After Cangjie, the Cang, Shi, Hou, Hou Gang, Yimen, and Cangjie families were derived. Cangjie was a historiographer, who was called Shi Huang. Later, one branch took the official as its surname, Shi Shi.
2. It comes from the descendants of Zhou Taishi. In all previous dynasties, his surname was historiographer, and most of them took official as their surname. The earliest Shi surnamed figures in history should belong to Western Zhou Dynasty The loss of Tai Shi in the early years. In the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a great loss of the history of Taishi, who was strict and upright Duke Zhou Zhao Gong was also called the Four Saints. Since he was the chief historian of the Zhou Dynasty all his life, his descendants took his official name as a surname. During the Spring and Autumn Period, most historiographers of various countries took the official as their surname.
3. One of the "nine surnames of Zhaowu" in the Sui and Tang dynasties. The branch of the Kang State in the ancient Western Regions has a history country, which lives in the history city. It is one of the "Zhaowu States". Some people from the history country came to live in the Central Plains, so they took the name of the country as their surname.
4. It was changed by the Turkic Ashina family. In Ashinabu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, some people were affiliated with the Tang Dynasty and changed their surname to Shi.
5. Shi also mixed other nationalities ancestry If there is a history in the Tang Dynasty, it is of Turkic origin in Yizhou, Benin.