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Data capacity

[shù jù róng liàng]
IT Management Terminology
Pinyin is sh ù j ù r ó ng li à ng. Gartner predicts that data growth will still be very rapid in the next few years. In the five years from 2007 to 2012, data capacity will grow by about 6.5 times. The proportion of storage investment in future IT investment will increase rapidly, and the senior level of IT management will also see that storage is eating up more and more IT budgets. Therefore, the cost pressure of storage will become more and more significant.
Chinese name
Data capacity
Foreign name
Data capacity
shù jù róng liàng
Explosive growth of data


The explosive growth of data has directly brought increased cost pressure to enterprises. Now more and more original high-end users are migrating data from high-end storage to midrange storage. For storage vendors, how to better serve the mid tier market is the key to their future success in the case of sluggish growth in the high-end storage market.
At the same time, today's small and medium-sized enterprises are no longer just doing business like before. They are also facing the problem of terabytes of data, and the storage capacity will more than double every year. In addition, how to effectively manage storage infrastructure to control cost and complexity is a big problem. Therefore, in terms of disk technology, the application of new technologies such as flash drives, low-power SATA disks, drive spin down technology, and adaptive cooling technology makes this midrange storage Storage tools With the performance of high-end products, the midrange market has huge growth potential.

Market status

For storage vendors, there are also problems behind the huge market space, such as complex management, reduced functions, single services, and even incomplete solutions, which have brought troubles to SMEs. Comprehensive solutions and good technical support will undoubtedly increase the cost, How to balance this problem is a problem that storage manufacturers need to face. For small and medium-sized enterprises as users, it is not only the functions of high-end storage products applied to midrange products, but also the application of high-end technology by enterprises is to improve the actual business of enterprises. This view is wrong. In fact, whether the development of technology can really help enterprises solve problems is important, not only because of the use of advanced technology, but also storage products. If the technology in actual application does not play a key role in business growth and development, SMEs cannot tolerate the waste of costs.
In addition, today's storage market has a large number of products, and major manufacturers are pushing high-end technology applications for low-end products. To open the market for SMEs, business development needs to create demand for storage products. While seeing huge profits, how can we really understand the needs of enterprises, This requires that storage vendors must clearly understand the current status and future development direction of storage applications in the SME market when exploring this market, so as to provide solutions that can meet the needs of enterprise applications.