Gauss theorem

Theorem law
zero Useful+1
synonym Divergence theorem (Physical theorem) generally refers to Gauss theorem
Gauss' law is also called Gauss' flux theory, or called divergence theorem, Gauss divergence theorem, Gauss Ostrogradsky formula, Ostrogorski theorem or Gauss Austrian formula. stay Electrostatics Gauss theorem indicates that charge Sum and generated electric field On the closed surface flux The relationship between integrals.
Gauss' law shows the relationship between the charge distribution in the closed surface and the generated electric field. Gauss theorem in electrostatic field Analogous to those applied in magnetics Ampere's law , and both are concentrated in Maxwell's equations Medium. Because of the math Similarity Gauss law can also be applied to other physical quantities determined by the inverse square law, such as gravitation perhaps irradiance
Chinese name
Gauss theorem
Foreign name
Gauss' law
Applicable to
mathematical physics

Theorem content

Let a bounded closed region in space
, its boundary
It is a piecewise smooth closed surface. function
And its first partial derivative in
Upper continuous, then: [1]
Or recorded as:
The front side of is the outside,
Of the outer normal vector of Direction cosine
Gauss projection
That is, the flux of the vector passing through any closed surface is equal to vector Of divergence The integral of the volume enclosed by a closed surface. It gives the integral transformation relationship between the closed surface integral and the corresponding volume integral. It is an important identity in vector analysis and one of the important formulas for studying fields.

Physical applications


vector analysis

Gauss theorem is one of the important theorems in vector analysis. It can be expressed as: [2]
This formula is independent of the choice of coordinate system.
Symmetric vector field
Of divergence (divergence)。


The theorem points out that: flux It is proportional to the amount of charge surrounded by the closed surface: [3]
To put it another way: electric field intensity The area integral on a closed surface and the Charge quantity Is proportional.
(When the charge in the volume is continuously distributed, the summation strain at the right end of the above equation is integral.)
It means that the flux of electric field intensity to any closed surface only depends on the algebraic sum of charges in the closed surface and charge The position distribution of is independent of the electric charge outside the closed surface. Under vacuum, Σq Is enclosed in a closed surface Free charge The algebraic sum of. When media is present, Σq It should be understood as the sum of free charges and polarized charges enclosed in a closed surface.
Gauss theorem reflects electrostatic field yes Active field This feature.
Gauss theorem is derived directly from Coulomb's law, which completely depends on the inverse square law of the force between charges. Apply Gauss theorem to Electrostatic balance The conclusion that there is no net charge inside the conductor is obtained for the metal conductor under the condition of Coulomb's law Important methods.
When there is dielectric in the space, the above formula can also be recorded as [3]
Is the total amount of free charge in the surface.
It shows that the flux of electric displacement to any closed surface only depends on the Algebra and
It has nothing to do with the distribution of free charge and polarization charge. The energy of electric displacement to any area is electric flux, so electric displacement is also called electric flux density. For isotropic linear dielectric, if the entire closed surface S At a uniform relative dielectric constant of
In linear medium, the electric displacement is proportional to the electric field strength,
, where
Called media Relative permittivity , this is a Dimensionless Amount of.
More often, we encounter the inverse problem. The quantity of charge distribution in a given area is the electric field at a certain position. This problem is difficult to resolve. Although the electric flux passing through a closed surface is known, this information is not enough to determine the electric field distribution at each point on the surface, and the electric field at any position on the closed surface may be very complex. Only when the system has strong symmetry, such as the electric field of a uniformly charged sphere, the electric field of an infinitely large uniformly charged surface, and the electric field of an infinitely long uniformly charged cylinder, can the use of the Gauss theorem be better than the use of the superposition principle Easier [4]

magnetic field

Gauss theorem of magnetic field points out that no matter for stable magnetic field or time-varying magnetic field, there are always: [3]
because Magnetic line of force The curve is always closed, so any magnetic line of force entering a closed surface must come out from the inside of the surface, otherwise the magnetic line of force will not be closed. If for a closed surface, the outward direction is defined as the direction of the positive normal Magnetic flux Is negative, the magnetic flux is positive, then the total magnetic flux passing through a closed surface is 0. This law is similar to the Gauss theorem in electric field, so it is also called the Gauss theorem.

Electrostatic field and magnetic field

There are essential differences between the two. stay electrostatic field In, because there are independent charges in nature, the electric field line has a starting point and an end point. As long as there is a net positive (or negative) charge in the closed surface, the electric flux passing through the closed surface is not equal to zero, that is, the electrostatic field is an active field; In the magnetic field, there is no Magnetic monopole Yes, N-pole and S-pole cannot be separated, Magnetic induction line They are closed lines without head and tail, so the magnetic flux passing through any closed surface must be equal to zero.

In mathematics


Gauss Theorem 2

(Basic Theorem of Algebra)
Theorem: All rational integral equations
There is at least one root.
Inference: unary n-degree equation
There are only n roots (including imaginary root And multiple roots).

Gauss Theorem 3

(Number Theory)
A necessary and sufficient condition for positive integer n to be expressed as the sum of squares of two integers [1] All forms of n are like 4k+3 shape The power of prime factors of is even.