income distribution

Economic system of resource division
zero Useful+1
Income distribution is Enterprise capital Provider pair for Total income The division is mainly based on the enterprise's profit before tax and interest (i.e. interest income tax and Net profit )For objects in each Stakeholders Segmentation between. income distribution In a broad sense Enterprise income Distribution of; In a narrow sense Profit after tax Allocation of. Is a National economy Social system A fundamental and fundamental item in Institutional arrangements [2]
As of 19:00 on March 8, 2021 Xinhua In the 2021 National Two Sessions hot spot survey, 780000 netizens participated in the voting, of which "income distribution" ranked first with 94582 votes, again becoming the most concerned topic of netizens. [1]
Chinese name
income distribution
Profit before tax and interest
interest income tax and Net profit
In a broad sense
Enterprise income distribution
In a narrow sense
Profit after tax Allocation of

Theoretical basis


distribution according to work

The People's Republic of China was founded In the nearly three decades from then to the reform and opening up, the theoretical circle's understanding of the realization form of socialism was still in the early stage of exploration Social distribution In absolute equalitarianism Mainly formed“ The organization and distribution mode of "eating from a large pot" has hindered the social and economic sustained development Socialist transition period Public economy Gradually establish the main position of income distribution, and gradually shift from coexistence of multiple distribution methods to distribution according to work; until Three major transformations of socialism After that, China entered the socialist stage Public ownership of means of production Based on“ distribution according to work ”System. [2]

Fairness and efficiency

After the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth CPC Central Committee in 1984, income distribution Institutional reform Turning to cities, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued the Decision on Economic System Reform, which requires employees' wages and bonuses to be the same as those of enterprises Economic performance To improve the linkage between Increase staff salaries Gap, establish various forms of contract oriented Economic responsibility system At the same time, promote the development of state organs Reform of the wage system of public institutions. The urban-rural income gap has continued to expand due to a series of wage growth mechanisms, Gini coefficient After the mid-1980s, the gap was basically in the stage of continuous expansion. In this period, the discussion on the relationship between fairness and efficiency was the first to make theoretical progress. Zhou Weimin and Lu Zhongyuan Take the lead in proposing efficiency Give priority to fairness At the same time, more researchers also tend to give priority to efficiency and give consideration to fairness Distribution principle Subsequently, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China allowed other distribution methods for the first time. "Other distribution methods" gradually evolved from the supplementary distribution method of "distribution according to work" to coexist with the main body of "distribution according to work". After 2000, the focus of the distribution policy has been adjusted, and the distribution principle has gradually changed to give consideration to efficiency and fairness, and pay more attention to income on the basis of reasonable income gap Equitable distribution Question. Emphasis of the 17th CPC National Congress Initial distribution The relationship between efficiency and fairness should be handled well in both the distribution and the redistribution distribution system The important development of, is based on the actual situation of China's income distribution, and further deal with efficiency and Fair relations Major initiatives. [2]

System adjustment

China's economy has entered the new normal, gradually deepening the reform of the income distribution system, and paying more attention to Resident income stay national income To further improve the government redistributive policy Of Regulatory mechanism , proposed“ Two synchronizations ”The goal of "two improvements"; At the same time, it is required to improve labor, capital, technology, management and other elements according to their contributions Participation in distribution We will accelerate the improvement of the primary distribution mechanism based on taxation and social security transfer payment As the main means In the redistribution adjustment mechanism, both primary distribution and redistribution should take into account efficiency and fairness, and redistribution should pay more attention to fairness. The main social contradiction has been transformed into the people's growing needs for a better life and out-off-balance The contradiction between inadequate development and adherence to distribution according to work Principle, improvement Assign by Element To promote more reasonable and orderly income distribution. Pay more attention to fairness in income distribution, especially to ensure that all citizens share the fruits of economic development. In the initial distribution, constantly eliminate the various foundations of unfair distribution, while strengthening the function of fair distribution in the process of redistribution, constantly improve the income distribution system, and promote the formation of a fair and reasonable Income distribution pattern [2]

income disparity



From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in 1978, Public ownership of means of production The dominant position of "" is gradually established and ultimately forms a single public ownership. Income distribution follows the principle of "distribution according to work", based on the division of urban and rural areas equalitarianism The evolution trend is Means of production Public ownership and Means of subsistence Equalization of possession. In this case Institutional arrangements Next, the income gap between urban and rural areas has gradually narrowed, and even tends to average. After the reform and opening up , with economic transition Accelerating the pace of development, China's income distribution pattern has shown an obvious trend of widening income gap Nonlinear features. [2]


The government implements the city Biased policy , leading to urban and rural areas income disparity One of the main reasons for the rapid expansion. The huge income gap between urban and rural areas is unfair Economic development strategy It brings about an unfair society economic system It brings many kinds of unfairness public service Policy, which is a serious income distribution Unfair phenomenon. suffer educational level It is also a basic and important factor that affects the income gap. Mainly due to education and wages relevance as well as Return on education The increase of Wage income The inequality in education has been reduced to a certain extent Wage income The difference is the main reason for the widening of the regional income gap, and the level of rural wage income is mainly related to the education level of farmers everywhere. competitiveness market mechanism The role of labour market Up, as shown in Enterprise and industry staff The income gap between the two countries has gradually widened, and has increasingly become a Urban residents The important reason for the widening income gap. [2]


In order to prevent the income gap from further widening, we should improve the overall Macroeconomic policy Impact on income distribution; Adjust the national, especially rural tax policy To enable urban and rural residents to enjoy the same rights and obligations in taxation; Give full play to the government's Income redistribution Functions, strengthening Tax adjustment income Distributive role , Enhanced social security system Inclusive; advance Reform of household registration system , eliminate the impact on rural areas Migrant workers Of employment discrimination Establish reasonable resource tax Monopoly profit Adjustment tax Dividends of state-owned enterprises Land circulation To regulate and adjust the financial power And the relationship between administrative power. [2]

Gini coefficient

Gini coefficient is used internationally Comprehensive investigation An important analytical indicator of the difference in income distribution among residents was proposed by Italian economists in 1922. Its economic meaning is: in the total income of residents Average distribution % of total income percentage The maximum Gini coefficient is "1" and the minimum is "0". The former means that the income distribution among residents is absolutely uneven, that is, 100% of the income is occupied by people in one unit; The latter means that the income distribution among residents is absolutely average, that is, the income among people is completely equal without any difference. However, these two situations are only theoretical absolutization forms and generally do not occur in real life. Therefore, the actual value of Gini coefficient can only be between 0 and 1.
according to International practice The Gini coefficient is below 0.2, which means that the income distribution among residents is "highly average", that between 0.2 and 0.3 is "relatively average", and that between 0.3 and 0.4 is "relatively reasonable". 0.4 is generally regarded as income distribution internationally poverty gap Of“ cordon ”It is considered that 0.4~0.6 is "large gap", and more than 0.6 is "uneven height". According to Chinese cities Household survey According to income grouping data, the calculated Gini coefficient was 0.18 in 1978 and 0.424 in 1996, breaking the warning line and 0.496 in 2004. Data shows that China city dweller personal income In 1978, the gap was small, too average; After 1978, the individual income gap of urban residents began to open; By 1996, the individual income gap of urban residents had gradually widened.
It is a common method to analyze the difference of residents' income with Gini coefficient. Its characteristics: First, the method itself is scientific. The calculation of Gini coefficient is a mathematical method of social and economic phenomena, which can reflect the degree of difference in income distribution within the collective residents as a whole. Second, the Gini coefficient reflects the degree of difference in income distribution accurately and sensitively, and can reflect subtle and continuous changes in the degree of difference. Thirdly, Gini coefficient can be regarded as a comprehensive factor in economic work Economic parameters , incorporated into national Plan management And macro-control. Fourthly, Gini coefficient is widely used internationally, which is convenient for strengthening in practical work Horizontal comparison , learn from others countries and regions Experience.

Five not equal to

(1) The distribution mode in the primary stage of socialism is not equal to Socialist distribution mode
What kind of distribution mode a society adopts is not determined by people's subjective wishes, but by the society's Ownership of means of production Determined by form. Public ownership It's socialist economic base The corresponding socialist distribution mode is distribution according to work. At the present stage, China is still in the primary stage of socialism. The overall level of productive forces is relatively backward, and the development is uneven and multi-level. This determines that it is impossible for China to achieve a pure and pure form of socialist distribution at this stage, but only to implement Distribution according to work as the main body and multiple distribution modes coexist The system of distribution according to work and Distribution by production factors Combine. Therefore, the current distribution mode in China is not equal to the socialist distribution mode.
(2) Distribution according to work does not mean that every worker can get equal pay through equal work
Distribution according to work refers to Public economy In accordance with the quantity and quality of labor provided by workers Labor remuneration However, at this stage, China's productivity Development level Overall, it is relatively low, Multiple economic sectors Coexistence commodity production and commodity exchange Law of value It still works. Thus, the realization form of distribution according to work has the following characteristics at this stage:
First, personal labor is not direct Social labor Only through market exchange can it be transformed into social labor, and only individual labor transformed into social labor can obtain labor remuneration. many Enterprise products The overstock and layoff of workers is not that the workers in these enterprises did not provide labor, but that individual labor could not be transformed into social labor, thus becoming a kind of Invalid labour Ineffective labor is not remunerated.
Second, equal pay for equal work is achieved through circuitous roads. Individual labor must be transformed into social labor through the market and governed by the law of value. Under the effect of the law of value, individual labor is just equal to social labor, so equal labor can get equal pay; Individual labor can not be completely or even transformed into social labor, so equal labor can not get equal pay; The social labor realized is greater than the individual labor, and then the laborer can obtain an excess reward.
Third, while distribution according to work is obvious in the same enterprise, it is ambiguous in the whole society. stay commodity economy Under the conditions, each enterprise has its own Material interests The employees do not directly provide labor to the society, but provide labor to the enterprise and obtain labor remuneration from the enterprise economic performance Direct hook. As the economic benefits of each enterprise are different, distribution according to work is ambiguous from the perspective of the whole society.
(III) Labor income Not equal to income according to work
At the present stage of our country, the labor income of workers is diverse. It mainly includes the income distributed according to work of the staff of state organs and the staff and workers of public economic enterprises and institutions, Individual workers Of labor income, operation risk premium By virtue of Complex labor And the labor income obtained. Since the premise of distribution according to labor is Socialist public ownership The labor income obtained on the basis of non-public ownership does not belong to the income distributed according to labor.
(IV) Non labor income Not equal to income from exploitation
Income from exploitation refers to the income obtained by private entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen by virtue of capital ownership surplus value There is no doubt that the income from exploitation is a kind of non labor income. At present, the non labor income of Chinese residents is mainly based on Fund allocation Income. This part of the fund is the accumulation of residents' past labor income, which cannot be regarded as income from exploitation; At the same time, under the condition of commodity economy, there are huge risks in stock trading, and this part of income is actually a reward for managers to seize opportunities, make decisive decisions and pay a huge intellectual price.

Initial distribution and redistribution

Initial distribution means gross national income Gross National Product )Directly with production factors Associated assignments. whatever Production activities They are inseparable from such factors as labor, capital, land and technology. stay market economy Under certain conditions, certain remuneration must be paid to obtain these elements, such as wages and salary It refers to the remuneration for labor, and the rent and rent refer to the provision of real estate or the transfer of others within a period of time Physical capital The first distribution income of each factor provider will be formed by such remuneration.
Redistribution, also known as social transfer distribution, refers to the realization of cash or Physical transfer It is also a redistribution process for the government to Factor income The process of readjusting. Mainly including income tax property tax social contributions social welfare Others Transfer income and expenditure

Hot spot survey

As of 19:00 on March 8, 2021, a total of 780000 netizens had voted in the survey on the hot spots of the 2021 National Two Sessions launched by Xinhuanet, of which "income distribution" ranked first with 94582 votes, again becoming the most concerned topic of netizens. Revenue growth People's wellbeing Income distribution concerns thousands of families. The year 2021 is the 20th consecutive year that Xinhuanet has launched a survey of the hot spots of the NPC and CPPCC. A detailed count of the hot spots of concern over the years shows that income distribution has ranked first for 16 times. In the comment area, the "income distribution" attracted nearly 90000 netizens to leave messages and interact, among which, the wages increased and decreased reasonably income disparity , improve Low income group Income and other topics Participation At the front, netizens are also the most active. [1]