
The Protoss in Greek Mythology
open 46 homonymous entries
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synonym Titans Titans generally refer to the Titans
Titan, yes MYTHOS Zhongzeng reign on the earth They are the gods of the sky Ulanos And the Earth Goddess Gaia Children of. Titans once ruled the world, but they castrated their father Ulanos , and was cursed by Ulanos, and finally Zeus The Olympus Protoss led by the leader overthrew and replaced.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
Greece and Rome
Ancient Protoss
Gaia Ulanos
brothers and sisters
Monocular god , Hundred Arm God
Olympus Protoss

Related myths

stay MYTHOS Medium, Titan [1-5] They are the world masters before the rule of Olympus gods. They are Gaia and Ulanos Children.
basis Hesiod Divine Scripture 》, Twelve Titans [1] namely: Oshennas Coeus Cleos Sepperion Iapertos Theia Ruiya themis Monemosthene Phoebe Tethys Cronus
Origin of name
Original text:
“bὺς δὲ πατὴρ Τιτῆνας ἐπίκλησιν καλέεσκε
παῖδας νεικείων μέγας Οὐρανός, οὓς τέκεν αὐτός:
φάσκε δὲ τιταίνοντας ἀτασθαλίῃ μέγα ῥέξαι
ἔργον, τοῖο δ᾽ ἔπειτα τ ίσιν μετόπισθεν ἔσεσθαι” [6]
Three translations:
① "When the great Ulanos father scolded the children he had, he often called them Titans (tense people). He said that they had committed a terrible crime in tension and would be punished in the future." [2]
② "And their father, the powerful god Ulanos He called them "Titans" when they clashed with their children, and he concluded that they would be punished soon for their premeditated rebellion [3]
③ "So my father gave them the nickname Titan,
The vast gods hate all their children.
He said that these young people are dying to grow worse,
One day, they will be punished for this. " [1]
By comparing the original text with the three Chinese versions, it can be seen that Hesiod explained the origin of the name of Titan in his poem, starting from Uranus. But the meaning of "Titan" is not so simple as "nervous person". Because not only τιταίνοντας (Tension) is the homophone of ττ ≤ ν, and τίσιν (Cost, retribution) is also a homonym of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ [3] The etymology of English Titanic comes from gigantic [7] , i.e. from Γίγαντες Guigantes , troll clan), so don't confuse Titanic with Titans.

Twelve Titans

Chinese translation
Ancient Greek name
English Name
brief introduction
Circumfluent ocean
also called Okeanos He is one of the twelve Titans, the god of the Ocean River, and the elder brother of the Titans. Many times, we can see his wise side of being low-key and open-minded. He is the liquid belt that rotates around the universe, so his end is also the beginning: the river of the universe forms a circle and rotates itself. He's a fellow protoss Tethys He has 3000 sons who serve as river gods and 3000 daughters who serve as ocean gods. His etymology means "ancient", Homer It is called the ancestor of the gods.
Etymology means "ancient" [1] Homer called it the ancestor of the gods. [4]
Phoebe's husband, Leto and Asteria's father, represents the universe Rotation axis Coordinates. κ ο ῖ ο in Ancient Greek Middle is Interrogative words "What, what" Other meanings unknown. But from《 Divine Scripture 》From line 404 to line 452, we can see that the divinity and office of Koos should be related to the celestial bodies.
In ancient Greek, κ ο ῖ ο is the interrogative word "what, what" and other meanings are unknown. But from the "Divine Book" [1] From line 404 to line 452, the god of Koos should be related to the celestial body.
One of the Twelve Titans, Eurybia 's husband, Astraeus Palas and Perseus 's father. Its divinity and office are not explained in the myth, but from《 Divine Scripture 》From line 375 to line 403, his divinity should be related to celestial bodies and weather.
Literally“ Ram ”Or break through the city gate with a battered mallet [8] However, judging from the lines 375 to 403 in the "Divine Manual", his divine personality should be related to celestial bodies and meteorology.
One of the twelve Titans, who crosses the high altitude, Helios Helios (Sun) Selene (Moon) and Eos Father of Dawn.
He is not the original sun god, but the sun god Helios 's father; Homer thinks he is not Titan in Iliad [4] It is used to modify the god Helios in, so it is confused with the sun god [1]
One of the twelve Titans. Prometheus Epimetheus Menotius and Atlas The myth does not explain his divinity and office, but it is speculated from the myth of his son that he may be related to human beings. About his wife, some people say yes Clumene Some people say it is Asia, and others suspect it is Themis. In short, he and his wife gave birth to four second generation Titans: Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menotius and Atlas.
According to the myth of his son, he may be related to human beings.
One of the twelve Titans, the goddess of light; It is said that she got all kinds of knowledge from the gods of Olympus and gave birth to Helios (the sun), Selene (the moon) and Eos (light) by combining with him.
Prayer in Homer [6] Li, known as ε ὐὐὐ ≤ε σ σ αν, literally means "vast light", so she is considered to be the ancient goddess of light. However, as far as the word "θε ὐ" is concerned, it is the yin of "θε ὐ (God, God)", so it is impossible to get a specific divine personality.
Earth, Godmother (the second generation of Goddess Queen)
One of the twelve Titans, the God of Earth Mother. Cronus' wife was the second queen of the gods.
Evolved from 8165έ ω (meaning flow) or ἔ ρα (meaning ground) [8] In later myths, Demeter was confused with her and Caia.
Law, justice
One of the twelve Titans, the goddess of order and justice, the second wife of Zeus, and the mother of the three goddesses of time sequence.
The embodiment of order is sometimes confused with Gaia.
One of the Twelve Titans, Goddess of Memory Zeus' Fifth Wife Nine Muse Mother.
Mother of Muses.
One of the twelve Titans, the goddess of glory and divinity; Leto And Asteria Mother.
She is not the original moon god, and the etymology is derived from φ ο β ο [8] If Φ ο β ο is used for modification Apollo Similarly, Φ 0 and β η are sometimes used for modification Artemis [1] Her etymology, as the transformation of "light" Phobos, indicates that she is a goddess related to light.
One of the twelve Titans, the goddess of the sea; The wife of Othinas, the first mother of the gods, is as old as Okeanos. Among her daughters Styx Metis In addition, don't Achilles Mother Tethys (έέέ) confusion.
Homer thinks she is the primordial mother of the gods [4] (She is the wife of Oceanus). She is as old as Oceanus and was a creation goddess in her early days. In addition, it should not be confused with Thetis, the mother of Achilles.
Old, old (the second generation god king)
Gaia and Ulanos The youngest of the twelve sons and daughters of Titan. His divinity was unknown, and he overthrew the father god and became the second god king.
Do not confuse it with the time X ρ ν ο.
Note: (According to another list, Monemosthene and Themis were replaced by Clumene and Eurybia) [5]

Battle of Titan

Battle of Titan (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Titan Protoss A war with the Olympus Protoss. with Zeus Olympus, led by Cronus To lead the Titans (some Titans stand on Zeus's side, or remain neutral) Olympus And Mt. The two sides fought against each other and did not win or lose for ten years until Zeus was released and imprisoned Tartaros The one eyed god and the one armed god. With their help, the Olympus Protoss won the final victory, and the defeated Titan was put into Tartaros.
According to the later myth, Cronus and others later reconciled with Zeus, so Titan was released from Tartaros and lived in the blessed land (Ἠ Ἠ Ἠ Ἠ Ἠ 丨丨丨 丨丨). [5]
Character description
Their children called him Titan, so Zeus and The Olympian Gods They are generally descendants of Titan.
So is Titan Helios One of the nicknames of [5]


'As for Titans, some mythologists believe that they represent the gods of pre Greek times. The word "Titan" itself cannot be used Greek It is well explained (some people think it comes from the noun τ τ α ν ο, "clay"; some people think it comes from the verb τ τ τ α, "stretch"). These scholars believe that the war between Titan and Olympus was an invasion of Greek speaking groups balkan A vague recollection of the ancient facts. Other scholars believe that the myth of the God Titan War was not independently developed by the Greeks, but largely borrowed from Near East Some myths of Canonical transfer [9]
stay Classical period In Greece, the era when Titans ruled the world is considered as the "golden age".


Basis《 Divine Scripture [1] , Book Collection [10] , Battle of Titan [11] In the early days of the world, Gaia and his son Ulanos The union gave birth to twelve Titans and three Titans Monocular god And three hundred armed gods. They were hated by their father from the very beginning, and were hidden in the secret place of Gaia. Gaia was very painful, so he instigated the children to rebel against their father. Then Cronus castrated his father and became the master. Uranus cursed Cronus, and you would be overthrown by your own children like me. In order to avoid this, Cronus and Ruiya Each child born of the union is eaten. Rhea listened to Gaia's suggestion and replaced it with a stone Zeus , making him the only child who survived. When Zeus grew up, he forced Cronus to spit out the swallowed child again. The Olympus Protoss headed by Zeus and Cronus Titan Protoss Finally, the Olympus Protoss won the final victory, and the defeated Titan was put into Tartaros. The ruling power of the Olympus Protoss. In short The succession of monarchy
In addition, from Mythology and Religion From the perspective of Religious worship Results brought in.

Other Titans

Other Titans
Chinese translation
Ancient Greek
English translation
These four Titans are all from Stefanus of Byzantium [12] Only Olymbros can be judged as the mountain god of Olympus, and others cannot be known.
From the etymology, Δ ώ νη is the yin of Δ ώ (Zeus), and other meanings are unknown [10] He Xujinus thought that she was Titan, but in Hesiod's Divine Manual, she was the daughter of Othinas and Tesis. Therefore, it is the Ocean Goddess (Ὠ κε ανε).