discus throw

[zhì tiě bǐng]
Track and field sports
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The discus throwing is the Olympic Games and World Track and Field Championships A game of project During the competition, the thrower holds the discus in his hand and throws the discus as far as possible in the throwing circle by rotating. In terms of technical structure, the complete discus throwing process can be divided into five parts: grip, preparatory posture, pre swing rotation, final force and body balance after discus throwing. When throwing discus in the competition, each athlete has the opportunity to try three times. The athletes who have obtained the top eight results in the first three attempts can also try three times.
Chinese name
discus throw
Track and field sports
Trial investment opportunity
Three times

brief introduction

In the process of throwing, the athlete's body can touch the inner edge of the throwing circle, but the upper edge of the discus circle or the outer surface of the circle shall not be touched, otherwise the trial throw will be considered as a failure.
When measuring the score, it should be measured from the line between the nearest point of the discus landing trace and the center of the throwing circle to the inner edge of the throwing circle. The minimum unit of measurement is 1cm [1]

historical background

The discus throwing was also the 18th in 708 BC Olympic Games It is officially listed as a competition event on the“ Pentathlon ”One of the projects.
According to literature records, discus throwing appeared in a very early period, and its earliest source was some activities of stone throwing. In ancient times, ancient people used stones to throw birds and animals in order to get means of living; When collecting the fruits of tall plants, stones are often thrown to hit the branches to make the fruits fall from the trees, which is convenient for people to collect.
discus throw
This is an activity that is inseparable from people's daily life. It is not only one of people's production activities, but also a natural and satisfying activity. Throwing flat stones in the air or sliding on the water may be the first step towards the discus throwing project.
As early as Greece Homer period Stone throwing and discus throwing had become a very common sport for Greeks at that time. This is in Homer's epic《 Iliad 》And Odyssey.
stay Ancient Olympic Games In the discus throwing competition of, the discus used was originally made of stone, its shape was slightly circular, and the thickness of the center was larger than that of the periphery. Later, it gradually evolved into discus made of various metals (such as iron, copper, aluminum, etc.). According to the historical data of archaeological excavation, the discus was mostly 6-9 inches in diameter and 3-9 pounds in weight at that time. In addition, there were also 11 inches in diameter and 15 pounds in weight, which were used for juvenile and adult athletes in training or competition. At that time, the surface of discus was usually engraved with words recording things, and some were decorated with certain shapes and portraits of competitors. In the 19th century Olympia Among the unearthed discus, people also found that some discus were packed in a leather bag. It can be seen that discus was a kind of precious sports equipment at that time.
During the competition, the competitors did not limit their positions. The discus was thrown from a field called "Barbis" by the ancient Greeks. "Barbis" covers a small area, which is only enough for one person's activities. Except for the following, there are markings around it. When throwing, competitors can walk forward from the rear of "Barbis" for several steps at will, but they cannot step on or surpass the front line and the boundary of the side. Then, the competitor stood with both feet at the place one step ahead of the marking line in front of "Barbis". At this time, his right hand held the discus and turned to the right side of his body at the same time. His head slightly leaned back. After several swings, his left foot took a step forward, and then he used the force of his legs and trunk to rotate his body to the left, at the same time, he opened his arms and released his hands, and finally threw the discus. This is what was later called "Greek style" discus throwing. At that time, the results of the competitors' throwing were marked by wood, while the distance of the farthest throw was marked by a benchmark. Only those who throw far and have beautiful posture can win the competition.
In addition to the competition in the arena, Throwing sport In the land of ancient Greece at that time, it was always a relatively extensive civic activity. According to historical records, there was a thrower named Feligi who threw discus across the Alfie River with a wave of his arm during a practice. Later, archaeologists measured the width of the river, which was about 50 meters. It can be seen that this achievement was considerable at that time. This shows the popularity of this activity at that time.
In order to celebrate the brave spirit of the athletes in the Olympic Games and their performances, the realistic sculptors of ancient Greece created the famous《 Discus thrower 》(The statue was originally a bronze statue, but the original work has been lost due to its age, and now it is only a reproduction of marble). This sculpture is a legendary treasure in the art world and sports world. This art treasure vividly shows how rhythmic and rhythmic the athletes are when they throw discus, What a big explosion it contains. How healthy the bronzed skin and plump muscles look! His movement reflects stillness. The combination of the two makes the statue seem to jump. He is full of power and full of life. People can see the whirlwind like figure of the athlete with their imagination, and see the scene of his discus flying in the air. Here, the artist not only created an image of a highly calm and youthful athlete, but also concentrated on the characteristics of ancient Greek sports. This work has been praised by people for thousands of years.
The discus sport carried out by the ancient Greeks has also deeply influenced the people engaged in this sport today. The posture and Milon The posture of the athletes in the sculpture is exactly the same. The shape of the discus is the same. The thickness of the center is greater than the thickness of the surrounding, and the shape is also round. The difference is that their perimeter and weight are very different. Another difference is that in ancient times, discus contests used the beauty of distance and posture to determine the winner, while today, the winner is simply measured by distance.


The 182nd discus throw in track and field competition

Discus contest

1. The order of trial throw of athletes shall be determined by drawing lots.
2. If there are more than 8 athletes, each player should be allowed to try to throw three times. The top 8 athletes with the best effective results can try to throw three times again. The order of the test throw is opposite to the ranking after the first three attempts. If the 8th place is equal after the third trial throw, it shall be dealt with according to Article 146.3 of the Rules. When there are only 8 players or less, each player can try to throw 6 times.
3. Before the start of the competition, the athletes can practice the trial throw in the competition field. The practice should be carried out in the order of drawing lots and always under the supervision of the referee.
4. Once the competition starts, athletes are not allowed to practice with equipment. No matter whether they hold equipment or not, they are not allowed to use the throwing circle or the ground within the falling area to practice trial throwing.
5. Throw discus from the throwing ring. The player must try to throw from a stationary position. Allow the athlete to touch the inside of the hoop.
6. (a) It is not allowed to use any device to help athletes during throwing. For example, two or more fingers are tied together with a belt. except Open injury Do not use bandages or adhesive tapes on your hands except for binding.
(b) Do not use gloves.
(C) In order to better hold the instrument, athletes can use certain substances, but only with both hands.
(d) To prevent spinal injury, athletes can wear a belt made of leather or other suitable materials.
(e) Athletes are not allowed to spray any substance into the circle or sole.
Throwing discus 2
7. If any part of the athlete's body touches the ground outside the circle or the upper edge of the iron circle after the athlete enters the circle and starts the trial throw, it is a trial throw failure.
8. If the above rules are violated in the trial throw, the athlete can stop the trial throw that has started, put the instrument inside or outside the circle, and under the premise of complying with paragraph 11 of this article, he can leave the throw circle, and then return to the circle to start the trial throw again from a static position.
Note: All actions allowed in this paragraph shall be included in the time limit for a trial throw specified in Rule 142, 4.
9. The discus must fall completely within the inner edge of the angle line of the falling area for trial production to be effective.
10. The score shall be measured immediately after each valid test throw. Take a straight line from the nearest point of the discus landing trace to the inner edge of the iron ring, and the measuring line shall pass through the center of the throwing ring.
11. The athlete can leave the throwing circle only after the equipment falls to the ground. When leaving the throwing ring, the upper edge of the iron ring or the ground outside the ring that is first touched must be completely behind the cycloid outside the ring, and the extension line of the rear edge of the white line should be able to pass through the center of the throwing ring.
12. The equipment shall be transported back to the throwing ring, and shall not be thrown back.
13. The best test throw result of each athlete, including the test throw result of the first prize contest due to equal results, shall be taken as the final result.

Discus circle

14. Structure
The throwing ring shall be made of strip steel, iron or other suitable materials, and the top of the throwing ring shall be flush with the ground outside the ring. The ground inside the circle shall be constructed with concrete, asphalt or other hard and non slippery materials. The inner surface of the ring shall be kept horizontal, 14~26mm lower than the upper edge of the iron ring.
15. Specifications
The diameter of the inner edge of the throwing circle should be 2.50 meters (plus or minus 5 mm). The rim of the iron ring shall be at least 6mm thick and painted white.
16. Draw a white line 5 cm wide and at least 75 cm long from both sides of the top of the metal ring. This line can be drawn or made of wood or other suitable materials. The extension line at the rear edge of the white line shall pass through the center of the throwing circle and be perpendicular to the center line of the landing area.
17. Structure
The discus body can be a solid or hollow structure, which shall be made of wood or other suitable materials, surrounded by a metal ring, and the edge of the metal ring shall be circular. The outer edge cross section shall be a standard prototype with a radius of approximately 6 mm. The center of both sides of the discus can be inlaid with a disc that is flush with the discus body. It is also possible not to install metal discs, but the corresponding parts are flat. The size and total weight of discus shall meet the requirements.
The two sides of the discus must be the same, and it must not have concave, convex or sharp edges during manufacturing. From the bend of the metal ring edge to the edge of the cake core, the surface of the discus should be inclined in a straight line, and the radius of the cake core is 25-28.5mm.
The discus section shall be designed according to the following specifications:
From the bend of the iron ring to the maximum thickness D of the discus, the thickness of the discus shall be increased evenly, and the maximum thickness of the discus shall be reached at 25~28.5mm away from the Y point of the central axis of the discus. The thickness from this point to Y point should be the same. Both sides of the discus must be consistent, and the discus must be symmetrical when rotating around the Y point axis.
The discus, including the whole iron ring and nodes, shall be smooth inside, and the discus shall be uniform everywhere.
18. The discus shall meet the following specifications:
19. In the competition specified in 1 (a) of Article 12 of the Rules, only the equipment provided by the Organizing Committee is allowed to be used, and no change is allowed in the competition. Athletes are not allowed to bring any equipment into the venue.
In all other competitions, athletes can use their own equipment, but it should be approved by the organizing committee before the competition. All athletes can use the self owned equipment that has passed the inspection and been marked.

Fallen area

20. The downward inclination of the falling area in the throwing direction shall not exceed 1:1000.
The falling area shall be paved with cinder or grass and other suitable materials, and the discus shall leave a trace when it falls to the ground.
21. A white line with a width of 5 cm shall be used to mark the falling area, and its extension line shall be able to pass through the center of the throwing circle with a center angle of 40 degrees.
Note: The following method can be used to accurately set the sector falling area to 40 degrees. At 20 meters away from the center of the throwing circle, the distance between the two falling area angle lines is 13.68 meters, that is, for every 1 meter away from the center, the transverse distance of the falling area angle lines will increase by 68.4 cm.
22. The best test throw result of each athlete can be marked with eye-catching flags or markers. When placing markers, they should be placed outside the angle line along the direction of the angle line of the landing area.
The latest world records can be marked with eye-catching flags or symbols, and the latest intercontinental or national records can also be marked on appropriate occasions.

Technical essentials



In the official competition, the discus weighs two kilograms for men and one kilogram for women. The diameter of the inner ring is 2.50 meters, and the angle of the effective area is 40 degrees.
The technical movements of discus throwing are divided into four technical links: grip, preparatory posture and pre swing, rotation, final force and maintaining body balance.

Grip method

The five fingers are naturally separated, the thumb and palm are flat against the discus, the last knuckles of the other four fingers clasp the edge of the discus, the center of gravity of the discus is between the index finger and the middle finger, the wrist is slightly bent, the upper edge of the discus rests on the forearm, and the cake holding arm naturally hangs down on the side of the body.

Closed Stance

Stand on both sides of the throw center line at the rear edge of the circle with your back to the throw direction and your feet about one and a half shoulders apart. The two feet are opened in parallel or the left foot is later, the cake holding arm naturally hangs down on the side of the body, and the eye is level.

Pre pendulum

Pre swing is to obtain pre speed and create favorable conditions for rotation. At present, there are two kinds of pre pendulum.
The method of placing cake from left to top and right to back: at the beginning, the cake holding arm naturally swings back and forth at the side of the body. When the discus is placed behind the body, the weight is close to the right leg, and then the torso drives the cake holding arm to swing to the top left. When the discus is placed to the top left, the left hand holds the cake from the bottom, the weight is close to the left leg, and the upper body turns slightly to the left. When swinging back, the torso drives the cake holding arm to swing the discus to the right rear of the body, the body is tightened to the right, the weight is on the right leg, the upper body is slightly forward, the left arm naturally bends slightly in front of the chest, the eyes are level, and the head rotates with the rotation of the upper body.
The method of putting the cake forward and backward: at the beginning, the cake holding arm naturally swings back and forth on the side of the body. When the discus is placed in front of the body to the left, the palm gradually turns upward, the right shoulder leans forward slightly, and the weight is close to the left leg. When the discus is swung back to the back of the body, the palm gradually turns down, the weight moves from left to right, and the upper body fully rotates to the right and back, so that the body twists and tightens. This method is relaxed and wide range. At present, most excellent players use it.


After the pre swing, the bent right leg pushes on the ground, the upper body rotates to the left, and the left knee abducts, and the weight moves from the right foot to the left leg that bends and turns. Then the two legs are actively rotated, and the left forefoot is used as the axial throwing direction to rotate, the body is inclined to the throwing direction, and the throwing arm is behind to relax the traction discus. When the left knee, left shoulder and head are about to turn to the throwing direction, the right knee naturally bends, and the thigh sends force to drive the whole leg to rotate around the left leg in the throwing direction (the right foot cannot be too high off the ground). At this time, the left hip is lower than the right hip, and the body rotates as a left leg support (Figure 1-9). Then the left foot pushes the body to move towards the center of the throwing circle, and the right leg and right hip continue to rotate and buckle.
When the left foot is off the ground, the right leg drives the right hip to turn inward and press down quickly, the left leg bends the knee and the right leg quickly closes together, the left shoulder buckles inward, and the upper body closes the abdomen slightly forward (10-12 of Figure 1). Then, the left foot actively swings back, landing on the inside of the sole of the foot, falling on the left side of the center line of the throwing circle, where the front of the circle is later, the body is in a state of maximum torsion and tension, the discus is far behind the right, and the left arm naturally bends slightly in front of the chest (Figure 1-14), preparing for the final force [2]

Final force

When the left foot touches the ground, the right foot continues to push and turn, so that the right hip actively turns and moves forward in the throwing direction. Then, turn the head in the throwing direction, bend the left arm slightly in front of the chest, and the chest starts to protrude forward, and the weight gradually moves to the left leg. When the weight moves to the left leg, the right leg continues to push and stretch hard, with explosive fast force to lift the chest forward and wave the cake. At the same time, the left leg should be pushed and extended quickly, the left shoulder should be braked, and the left side should be supported to make the right side of the body rotate forward rapidly, and the whole body's strength should be concentrated on the discus. When the discus is waved to the same height as the right shoulder and slightly forward, the small finger to the index finger should be used to pull the discus in order to make the discus rotate clockwise and fly forward (Figure 2).

Maintain balance

After the discus is released, the two legs should be exchanged in time, the body should turn left along the inertia, and at the same time, the center of gravity of the body should be lowered to maintain body balance.

Development trend

Discus throwing is an ancient Greek sport national tradition According to the literature, the sports events of Homer era The ancient Greeks threw stone flakes. In 708 BC, the "throwing plate" in the pentathlon in ancient Greece refers to throwing discus. In the 5th century BC, the famous sculptor Miron of ancient Greece carved a beautiful and resolute statue of "discus thrower", vividly showing the heroic demeanor of ancient discus throwers.
This statue is still used as a symbol of sports and is often copied or quoted today. Among the cultural relics excavated in Olympia in the 19th century, there are various ancient discus made of stone, wood, iron and bronze, which are different in size and weight. On the surface of the discus, some are engraved with notes, some are engraved with portraits of competitors, and some are installed in leather sheaths. It can be seen that the ancient discus throwing movement had its golden age.
First session in 1896 Modern Olympic Games The discus throw was listed as an official event. American athlete Legat won the championship with a time of 29.15 meters. In the second Olympic Games, Czech athletes used the technology of rotating discus throwing for the first time, and the technology of throwing discus in situ, known as "freestyle" and "ancient Greek style", was eliminated. 1912 International Amateur Athletic Federation The diameter of the discus throw ring is 2.50 meters and the discus weight is 2 kilograms. In May of the same year, American athlete Jen Duncan set the first world record by 47.58 meters.
In May 1930, American athlete Ezra Kerenz broke the 50 meter mark for the first time with a result of 51.03 meters. At the 14th Olympic Games, Italian athlete A Consorini was the first to use the back rotation throwing technique to win the championship with 52.78 meters. He has broken the world record three times, with the best result of 55.33m. Since then, the technology of throwing discus with backward rotation has been popularized worldwide. American famous athlete A · Urte won the discus champion of the 16th to 19th Olympic Games for four consecutive times, and broke the world record four times, known as the "god of discus". In August 1961, American athlete Jay Sylvester broke 60 meters for the first time with a result of 60.56 meters. In May 1976, American athlete Wilkins It broke through the 70m mark first with a score of 70.24m. The current world record of 74.08m was set by German athlete Schulte in 1986.
The women's discus throw was only included in the official event of the 9th Olympic Games in 1928, when the result was 39.62 meters. International Athletic Federation The first recognized world record for women's discus was 48.31 meters set by German athlete Ji Mauermeier in 1936. In 1948, the former Soviet Union athlete Ni Dumba broke 50 meters for the first time with 53.25 meters. In 1952, she set a world record of 57.04 meters, which shocked the international field.
In 1967, the first one to break 60 meters was the former Federal Germany Li Westman, female player, scored 61.26m. Fa Melnik, a famous athlete of the former Soviet Union, broke the world record for 11 times, and broke the 70m mark for the first time in August 1975 with a result of 70.20m. The current world record is the former democratic Germany Rhine Shi created 76.80 meters in 1988.

Wrong method

1. Start the double leg support and enter the single leg support rotation stage
Loss of balance
When entering the rotation, the upper body falls to the center too early; The left shoulder and upper body fall to the center prematurely when the body has not formed the left support rotation axis.
Correction Method
(1) Enter the imitation exercise of single support with bare hands and double supports, and experience the route of body rotation from right to left to the center of the circle and the feeling of body balance when single support is used.
(2) Do the exercise of rotating to the ground with both feet in a forced posture with bare hands or holding auxiliary equipment, and focus on the combination of the steady rotation and forward movement of the body with double support entering into single support.
2. Double leg support enters into single leg support rotation stage
Unreasonable movement structure of upper and lower limbs
The left shoulder and left arm opened prematurely and swung to the center of the circle prematurely, which accelerated the upper body suddenly and destroyed the reasonable movement structure of the upper and lower limbs.
Correction Method
(1) Start the spin exercise with bare hands, emphasizing the active rotation of the lower limbs, especially the knee flexion of the left leg.
(2) Rotate with bare hands to the position before the strength of the legs, and focus on understanding the arc swing route of the left shoulder and left arm to the center of the circle, so that the left shoulder and left arm and the left knee of the left leg form an integrated rotation.
3. The landing position of two feet after rotation is too left or right
When starting the rotation, the left foot rotation direction is not in place, and the right foot arc swing hip rotation direction control is not accurate.
Correction Method
Do more exercises to start the rotation, focusing on the degree of rotation of the two legs and the cooperation between the right leg arc swing and the left leg support pedal, and use signs in the circle to check.
4. Before applying force after rotation
Lift the upper body too early to move the weight forward
(1) The concept of final exertion technology is unclear, and the upper body exertion time is too early.
Throwing discus 3
(2) Poor physical quality, especially the strength of leg and back abdominal muscles.
Correction Method
(1) Clarify the technical concept, do more rotation with bare hands or with auxiliary equipment to the position before exerting force, and emphasize to always keep squatting, contracting and twisting in the process of rotation.
(2) Develop leg and back abdominal strength.
5. Before applying force after rotation
The hip axis and shoulder axis did not form the final position of twisting and tightening, Surpassing apparatus Not obvious
After rotation, the continuous rotation of the upper body was not well controlled and the cake holding arm was consciously retained, which made the cake swing forward prematurely; Lower limb rotation is not active.
Correction Method
With the help of the teacher, do the free hand rotation exercise. Ask the students to properly control their upper body, so that they can experience the initiative of their lower limbs in the process of rotation. In particular, the rotation of the single leg support requires the rotation of the front foot support, instead of landing on the ground with the whole foot. It also requires the upper body to be passively relaxed, the muscle feeling of the throwing arm left behind, and points out the position of the discus before the force is applied after rotation.
6. Rotation
Rotate to the right foot landing and form a single support stage, and stop or cannot rotate
(1) When the right leg swings and the right hip turns, the left leg is not strong enough to push the ground, so that the center of gravity does not move above the support point of the right foot.
(2) The arc swing of the right leg and the turn pedal of the left leg are too upward, resulting in a high jump and a large fluctuation of the center of gravity, which is easy to cause braking on the ground, resulting in a standstill of the rotation.
(3) The right foot lands on the ground with the sole of the foot.
Correction Method
(1) Do more rotation exercises of connecting single support after starting to take off. It is required to swing low and flat to prevent high jump.
(2) Do more special exercises of single support rotation, and ask students to do a good job in the reasonable body structure of the single support rotation stage, especially the center of gravity, the rotation axis and the positive back swing of the left leg, and experience the muscle feeling of single support rotation.
7. Finally apply force, and the upper body will exert force too early
Failing to exert the ability of lower limbs to rotate
The right leg and right hip rotation force technology is not skilled, and the timing of upper body and arm force is not good.
Correction Method
(1) Two person confrontation exercise enables students to experience the muscle feeling of active force on the right hip and right leg.
(2) Cast in situ, emphasizing the order of force from bottom to top. (Figure 12-16)
(3) Throwing auxiliary equipment, emphasizing the positive force of the front half of the lower limbs and the explosive force of the rear half of the upper body.
8. The final force is not enough forward
(1) Finally, the distance between two feet is too small.
(2) The right leg and right hip didn't turn enough to push forward and didn't form good left support force.
Correction Method
Practice beating leaves with bare hands or sticks. requirement:
(1) The feet are wider than the shoulders.
(2) Push the body weight close to the supported left leg during the right hip rotation of the right leg.
(3) The point where the hand or stick touches the leaves is the point of action.
(4) Hit the chest belt arm horizontally forward without lifting the shoulder.
9. Finally, lean to the left
Poor sense of left support force, no braking action on left shoulder.
Correction Method
(1) Carry out the final forced imitation exercise with bare hands or with auxiliary equipment, with emphasis on the supporting force action of the left leg and the braking action of the left shoulder.
(2) Beginners are required to give priority to the action type of "support throwing", emphasizing the role of supporting and turning force.
The above is just a common error prone action, and there are many kinds of error actions derived from it. When teachers correct, they should first analyze the cause of the error. According to the specific conditions of students and teaching conditions, the means of correction should generally let students understand the concept of the link technology, and use specialized exercises of single and local actions to experience muscle feelings, Again, it is required to be able to make correct actions in the complete technology and practice repeatedly to achieve the purpose of improving actions.

Olympic legend

The discus contest is the oldest event and advantage of the Olympic Games, and it is also the landmark of the ancient Olympic Games. In 1896, at the first Olympic Games held in Athens, track and field athletes from the United States Robert ·Garrett won the discus throw and shot put. He is Modern Olympic Games The winner of the first discus champion. This is a miracle in itself. However, there is something even more strange. Garrett didn't know what the discus was like before he took part in the Olympic Games. However, the man who has never seen discus has won the discus throw championship, which is really amazing.
Garrett is Princeton University Before the first Olympic Games, he only saw Ancient Greek sculpture The picture of the sculpture "Discus Thrower" by Jia Milong. When he learned that the first Olympic Games would be held in Athens, and there was a discus event, he became very interested in it. He once inquired about where the discus was and how to throw it, but all this was in vain. He had to ask someone to imitate a discus according to the shape of the discus in the sculpture "The discus thrower", and simulate the pose of the statue for training. But when he found that the imitation discus was very heavy and difficult to throw, he gave up the idea of participating in the discus contest.
After the first Olympic Games, Garrett, as a member of the American delegation, prepared to participate in the shot put competition. The day before the shot put competition was the discus throw competition. On that day, a Greek player, Palasvapos, threw the discus at a place 29 meters away, and the audience celebrated the victory. However, Robert Garrett, who was watching the battle, was also eager to try. He signed up to join the battle on the spot. As the rules allowed, the American who had never seen what the standard discus was like came on the stage. He imitated the throwing action of the Greeks, threw it twice, and found the feeling. In the third trial shot, he stretched his right arm back, and then waved hard. The discus flew 29.15 meters away, 15 cm farther than the best result of the Greek player. He just snatched the champion from the Greek. The audience and the referee were stunned by his amazing performance. The audience cheered and applauded the American player who was just beginning to practice. Later, Garrett also won the championship in the shot put competition, and won the runner up in the long jump and high jump, becoming the track and field player who won the most medals in the first Olympic Games.
Later, Garrett won shot put and standing in the second Olympic Games in 1900 Triple jump A bronze medal in the distance. However, the most unforgettable thing is his final throw in the discus competition of the first Olympic Games.