
[pái qiú]
Ball Games
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Volleyball is one of the ball games that use both hands to serve, cushion, pass, spike, block and other actions to organize attack and defense. [14]
Volleyball originated from U.S.A , 1895, USA Massachusetts Holeyok William G. Morgan invention; Around 1900, volleyball was introduced into Canada from the United States. In 1905, volleyball was introduced to Cuba, Brazil, China and other countries, becoming a fashionable sport in the Americas at that time. In 1949, the first World Men's Volleyball Championship was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In 1964, volleyball became an official Olympic event. [1]
The most advanced organization of volleyball is International Volleyball Federation , founded in April 1947. [16] Chinese Volleyball Association Founded in Beijing in 1953, it was officially accepted as a full member by the International Volleyball Federation in 1954. [1] The main volleyball events include the World Volleyball Championships, the Volleyball World Cup and the Olympic Volleyball Events [16] , gave birth to William G. Morgan Lang Ping Yuan Weimin And other representative figures. [11]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Volleyball [14]
ball game
representative figure
Wei Lianmu, G. Morgan, Lang Ping, Yuan Weimin [11]
Supreme body
International Volleyball Federation [15]
Place of origin
U.S.A [1]
William G. Morgan [1]
Time of origin
1895 [1]
Major Events
World Volleyball Championships, Volleyball World Cup, Olympic Volleyball Events [16]
Number of competitors
6 persons [14]
Time of first entering the Olympic Games
1964 [1]
Volleyball, net [1]
Main terms
Short flat fastball, close body fastball

Development history


be born

Volleyball originated in the United States in 1895. At first, it was a game in which a net was hung on the basketball court, and the two teams stood across the net. They used the basketball gall as the ball to play on the net without landing. Later, W.G. Morgan, director of the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts, created the volleyball match. In 1896, Morgan formulated the world's first volleyball competition rules and held the world's first volleyball match at Springfield College in the same year. Dr. Tehalsday of Springfield City College named it volleyball, which means "flying ball in the air". [1]


Around 1900, volleyball was introduced into Canada from the United States. In 1905, volleyball was introduced to Cuba, Brazil and other countries, becoming a fashionable sport in the Americas at that time. During the First World War from 1914 to 1918, volleyball was spread and widely developed in France, Italy, the Soviet Union, Poland and other countries, and volleyball rules were constantly improved in the development process. In 1912, the rules of volleyball match stipulated that the players on both sides must rotate their positions. In 1917, it was stipulated that each game was 15 points, with the best of five games. In 1918, the number of players on each team was 6. In 1922, it was stipulated that each party must hit the ball over the net within three times. In 1949, the first World Men's Volleyball Championship was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. In 1952, the first World Women's Volleyball Championship was held in Moscow, the former Soviet Union. In 1964, volleyball became an official event of the Olympic Games. [1]
Volleyball was introduced into China from Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other places in 1905, becoming the earliest record of the spread of volleyball in China. The China Volleyball Association was established in Beijing in 1953, and was officially admitted as a full member by the International Volleyball Federation in 1954. At the first National Games in 1959, the Shanghai men's volleyball team and the PLA women's volleyball team won the national championship. The Volleyball Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China was established in Beijing in November 1996. As of December 2006, 32 clubs participating in the National Volleyball League have completed their official registration with the China Volleyball Association and received financial support from all sectors of society. In 1953, the China Volleyball Association was established in Beijing, and in 1954, it was officially accepted as a full member by the International Volleyball Federation. [1]


With the demand of the market operation of volleyball, the International Volleyball Federation, after years of research, has carried out the reform of volleyball rules. Around 1998, in order to enhance its attractiveness, indoor volleyball began to make some rule improvements.
The first is to change the scoring system of service to the scoring system of each ball: this is to facilitate the control of TV broadcast time and the need for defense to score. In the past, only the party serving the ball can score, but now the party receiving the ball can also score if it wins. The time for televised matches has also been shortened accordingly, reducing the time for the server not to score and to change the serve.
The second is to change the score of each game accordingly. That is, the score of each of the first four games is 25 points, and the score of the last game is 15 points. If the score of the first four games reaches 24 and the score of the fifth game reaches 14, the team whose score must exceed the other team by 2 points will win. The score of each game is not capped, that is, it can continue indefinitely until a team wins by 2 points ahead.
The third is to set two technical pauses for each game, which is aimed at broadcasting TV advertisements, thus improving the advantages of commercial operation of volleyball matches and fully reflecting the interests of sponsors. This reform is conducive to the global promotion of volleyball events.
The fourth item is the establishment of "free man", which is to further improve the enjoyment of the volleyball match, increase the attack and defense rounds in the volleyball match, strengthen defense, change the tendency of attack and defense, and make the game more exciting. Each team has one "free defender in the back row" who wears a shirt of different color from his teammates. He can replace any player in the back row, but is not allowed to serve, spike or participate in the front court attack. [1]
 Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball

Site equipment



Site requirements
The volleyball field is a rectangle of 18 meters × 9 meters, with at least 2 meters of open space around it. There should be no obstacles within 7 meters above the field. Draw a line across the middle of the court to divide the court into two equal court areas. All lines are 5cm wide.

Ball net

There is a net in the middle of the field. The net is 1m wide and 9.50m long, hanging on two columns outside the site. The women's net is 2.24m high and the men's net is 2.43m high. The two ends of the net are perpendicular to the junction of the sideline and the midline, each with a 5cm wide marker belt. A 1.80m long marker pole is connected to the outside of each. [2]

The Ball

The circumference of the ball is 65-67cm, and its weight is 260-280g, The air pressure is 0.40-0.45 kg/cm2. [13]



Player regulations

Field position
Players usually do not need to master all six kinds of technical service, first pass (receiving the service), second pass (lifting the ball, holding the ball), spike, block and save the ball, but usually take one or more of them as their expertise according to the team's tactics. The most common position allocation includes three positions: the attacker (divided into the main attacker and Secondary attacker )、 Setter and free man (Full time defensive player). In order to effectively block the other party's attack and bounce the ball back to the other party's court at a steep angle at a high speed before the other party has enough reaction time, generally speaking, players with high stature and good bounce ability will act as attackers.
Women's Volleyball in 2008 Olympic Games
Main attackers: The main attacker is the player who attacks near the marker. Since most of the balls passing to the main attack position are high balls, the main attacker often uses a very long run-up, sometimes even from outside the sideline. In attack, the main attackers usually rely on strong smash to score, but sometimes they also require diagonal run-up and fast attack to disrupt the defense of the other side. The main attackers also need to master the first pass technique, because they usually serve as the second first pass point other than the free man. The right-handed main attacker is most suitable for attacking at position 4 (left front row), while the left-handed main attacker is most suitable for attacking at position 2 (right front row).
Counterattack: The second attacker is a player who often plays fast attack near the setter. The secondary attackers are dedicated to blocking, because they must block the fast attack from the other side's secondary attackers, and they need to move quickly from the middle to both sides to organize the double blocking. Usually the second attacker is the highest player in the team, and requires good defensive skills.
Setter: The responsibility of the setter is to organize the attack of the whole team. They are responsible for sending the ball to the most suitable position for the attacker to spike the ball during the second pass. The setter must be able to combine various changes with the spiker to undermine the opponent's defense. Fast movement and accurate passing are the essential qualities of a setter. A good lift player can rally the attack of the whole team, and must have a good understanding of the characteristics and habits of each attacker in the team. In addition, the setter must also play the role of the attacker in certain times, so in addition to practicing the lift skill, the setter must also have some long ball attack ability, Therefore, the training and cultivation of an excellent setter is also very hard, so a good setter is the soul of the whole team.
free man: Freeman is a professional defensive player who is responsible for receiving and spiking (saving) the ball. Usually, free men have the fastest reaction rate And the best first pass technology. Since the free man does not need to attack or defend in front of the net (rules do not allow), he can be competent by short players with good first pass skills. A player who is designated as a free agent in the game may not hold other positions. There is no limit to the number of times a free person can be replaced, but there must be an interval between two replacements dead ball , and can only be replaced by the replaced player. The replacement time must be made before the referee whistles for service. In particular, free agents can replace different players twice in the same game. Before the start of each game, free men are not allowed to enter the field, and they can only enter the field after the second referee checks the starter.
Encyclopedia x ignorance: graphic volleyball
Replacement provisions
When the game becomes a dead ball, the coach and the captain can request the referee to suspend or replace.
Each pause shall not exceed 30 seconds.
Each team can request two suspensions in one round.
The maximum number of substitutions for each team in a game shall not exceed 6. [3]

Technical regulations

(1) Serve
The server must throw the ball or evacuate the ball holder within 5 seconds after the first referee whistles, and hit the ball with one hand or any part of the arm before the ball falls to the ground. If the ball lands without touching the server, it is considered as an attempt to serve. After the attempt to serve, the first referee should whistle in time to allow another serve, and the server must send the ball within 3 seconds after the second whistle. The server shall not step on the ground outside the court area (including the end line) or the service area when hitting or taking off. After hitting the ball, you can step on or land in the field or outside the service area. One service attempt is allowed for each service.
(2) Offline traversal
Under the condition of not interfering with the other side's game, players are allowed to cross into the other side's space under the net. One foot or both feet of the players are allowed to cross the midline and touch the opponent's field, while a part of the foot is also allowed to contact the midline or be placed above the midline. Except for feet, no other part of the player's body is allowed to touch the opponent's field. After the game is interrupted, the players can enter the opponent's court.
(3) Catenary
The new rules stipulate that it is a foul to touch the net, but it is not a foul if a player occasionally touches the net without attempting to hit the ball. The so-called no attempt hitting means that the hitting action and attempt have been completed. If you touch the net occasionally after finishing the spike or covering the spike, it will not be considered as a foul.
(4) Offensive hitting
Offensive shots refer to all shots directed at the other side, except for serving and blocking. When the whole ball passes through the vertical plane of the net or touches the other player, the offensive shot is completed. The front row players can finish the offensive hitting of the ball at any height, but they must be in the space of the court when touching the ball. The players in the back row are allowed to complete the offensive hitting of the ball at any height in the back court, but their feet shall not step on or cross the attack line when taking off, and they can land in the front court after hitting the ball. If the players in the back row finish the offensive stroke in the front court, part of the ball must be lower than the edge of the net when touching the ball.
(5) Blocking
Blocking refers to the action that a player approaches the net and reaches his hand higher than the net to block the opponent's coming ball.
The blocking action that touches the ball completes the blocking. Only the front row players are allowed to complete blocking, and the rear row players are not allowed to complete blocking. If the players in the back row block the ball back, it is a foul. If the ball is blocked to the local court, it will be the first shot of the team. The blocking touch of the front row players is not counted as one shot of the team, so the team can hit the ball three more times after blocking. When blocking, the players can extend their hands or arms over the net, but not affect the other team's hitting. When blocking the net, they should touch the ball after the other team's offensive hitting. In a blocking action, the ball is allowed to touch one or more blocking players quickly and continuously.
(6) Stroke in the game
The rules stipulate that any part of a player's body is allowed to touch the ball. However, the ball must be hit out and cannot be caught or thrown. The ball can bounce in any direction. If the player violates the above provisions, it will be deemed as holding the ball.
The rules stipulate that the ball must touch different parts of the body at the same time. If the ball touches different parts of the player's body successively, it is a consecutive foul. But in the blocking action, the same player or different players in the same block are allowed to touch the ball continuously in a single action. When the team hits the ball for the first time, different parts of the team members are allowed to touch the ball continuously in the same stroke. The first shot refers to receiving the service, receiving the offensive shot, receiving the ball blocked by our side and receiving the ball blocked by the other side. In the second and third shots of the team, the ball is not allowed to touch different parts of the body continuously. [4]

Competition rules

1. The 25 point system is adopted for the first four games. Each team will win a game only when it wins at least 25 points and exceeds the other team by 2 points at the same time.
2. The official competition adopts the best of five games, and the final game adopts the 15 point system. After the first team gets eight points, the two teams change the playing area and continue the competition until the end according to the original position sequence.
3. In the final game (the fifth game), 15 points and 2 points ahead of the other team will be the winner. [5]


Service fouls
Service fouls include fouls at the time of service and after service.
Fouls in service:
(1) The service order is wrong;
(2) The server steps on the ground outside the court area (including the end line) or the service area when hitting or taking off;
(3) The server fails to hit the ball within 5 seconds after the first referee whistles for service;
(4) Hit the ball before it is thrown up or the ball holder does not clear the evacuation;
(5) Hit the ball with both hands or throw and push the ball with one hand;
(6) Throw the ball up for service but fail to hit it.
Fouls after service:
(1) The ball touches other members of the serving team or the vertical plane of the ball that does not pass through the net from the net area;
(2) Out of bounds ball;
(3) The ball passes over the individual or group under the service cover (when serving, a player or more than two players stand in a concentrated position or swing their arms to jump, move and block the receiver, and the served ball flies over him or them, it constitutes an individual or group service cover foul).
Location error
Volleyball rules stipulate that when the server hits the ball, if the player on the court is not in its correct position, it will constitute a wrong position foul. One of the following situations is a position error foul:
(1) When the server hits the ball, other players on the field are not completely standing in the field;
(2) When the server hits the ball, the player on the field does not stand according to the stipulation that "each front row player has at least one foot part closer to the midline than the two feet of the rear row player in the same row";
(3) When the server hits the ball, the player on the field does not stand according to the stipulation that "each left (right) player has at least one foot part closer to the left (right) sideline than the middle players in the same row".
Fouls in hitting
Consecutive attack foul: In a volleyball match, any part of the player's body can touch the ball, but a player (except the blocking player) can hit the ball twice in a row or the ball touches different parts of his body continuously, which is a continuous attack foul. However, in the first stroke, players are allowed to touch different parts of their bodies continuously in the same stroke.
Foul of holding the ball: A volleyball player can touch the ball with any part of his body during the match, but the ball must be hit out and cannot be caught or thrown, otherwise it is a foul of holding the ball.
Four hitting fouls: a team touches the ball four times in a row (excluding blocking) for four hitting fouls. Whether the player is active or passive, the player shall be counted as one shot.
Foul by hitting: A player who hits the ball with the support of his partner or any object in the playing field is fouled by hitting the ball.
A player's foul near the net
The team members' fouls near the net include the fouls of hitting the ball over the net, crossing the middle line, touching the net and crossing the net into the opponent's space to obstruct the opponent's game. It is a foul to cross the net when touching the ball in the other side's space before or during the offensive hitting. During the game, if a player's whole foot, hand or any other part of his body crosses the midline and touches the opponent's court area, it is a foul to cross the midline. During the game, it is not a foul for a player to touch the net or the marker post. However, it is a foul for a player to touch the net or the marker post when hitting the ball or interfering with the game. After hitting the ball, the players can touch the net post, the net rope or any other object other than the full length of the net, but it shall not affect the game. During the competition, players are allowed to cross into the other side's space under the net without interfering with the competition. If the player who crosses the net and enters the opponent's space obstructs the opponent's game, it will be a foul.
Hit the ball at the same time
Both players or players of the same team can touch the ball at the same time. If two or more players of the same team touch the ball at the same time, it will be counted as two or more shots (excluding blocking). After the players of both sides hit the ball on the net at the same time, if the ball falls into the field, they should continue to play. The party who gets the ball can still hit the ball three times.
blocking fault
Blocking fouls include blocking fouls across the net, blocking fouls by players in the back row, blocking service fouls, and blocking fouls from the outside of the marker pole into the opponent's space. Blocking and touching the ball in the other side's space before or during the other side's offensive hitting is a foul of blocking the net. The basis for judging the blocking is the time of contact between the attacking player and the blocking player. The players in the back row or the free defenders in the back row who have completed the blocking or participated in the group that has completed the blocking will be fouled for the players in the back row. Blocking the other party's serve is a foul. It is a blocking foul to reach into the opponent's space from the marker post and touch the ball.
Offensive hitting foul of players in the back row
If the players in the rear row step on the attack line (or its extension line) in the front court area, and hit the ball that is higher than the edge of the net as a whole, across the vertical plane of the net or touch the blocking players of the other side, it is an offensive stroke foul by the players in the rear row. [6]

Game intermission

The normal game breaks are pauses and substitutions. When the game becomes a dead ball, before the referee whistles to serve, the coach or the captain on the field requests the interruption with corresponding gestures. One or two pauses can be continuous with each replacement of the two sides without going through the competition process. The same team shall not make requests for replacement in succession without going through the competition process, but two or more players can be replaced in the same replacement request. The time of a pause is 30 seconds, but in the world game, the method of technical pause is adopted, that is, when the score reaches 5 and 10 points in the game, it is a technical pause, and the time is 1 minute. In each game, the team has a chance to pause for 30 seconds. During the suspension, the players must leave the playing field to the barrier free area near the team seat. [7]

Delay the game

The behavior of delaying the game is: replacement delay time; After the referee whistles to resume the match, delay the suspension time; Request for illegal replacement, and make another request that does not meet the requirements in the same bureau; The players on the field delayed the continuation of the game. The delay of the game is a violation of the whole team. The first delay in the same game shall be given a delay warning, and the second delay shall be given a delay penalty. [7]

Eagle Eye Challenge

According to the rules, the basic number of challenges per game for each team is two. If the first challenge is successful, there is still one challenge opportunity left; But if the first challenge fails, the team will no longer have the opportunity to challenge in this game. Each team's challenge must be put forward by the captain to the first referee. [8]

Bad behavior

The bad behaviors of team members against referees, opposing team members, spectators or team members can be divided into four categories according to the degree of offense.
(1) Non moral behavior: the participants in the game argue about the referee's judgment and intimidate the other team members.
(2) Rude behavior: the behavior of the participants violates the moral principles and adopts uncivilized behavior, and insults the referee, the other team members and the audience.
(3) Offensive behavior: slander the referee, the opposing team member or the audience with insulting words and gestures.
(4) Infringement: an act of intent or personal aggression against the referee, the opposing team member or the audience. [7]



Concealed station

It is a change of tactics when receiving the serve. That is to say, within the scope allowed by the rules, the main attackers in the front row will be hidden in the back row by using the position relationship of the players in the same row. In order to confuse the other side to block, attack the other side unexpectedly and achieve the purpose of sudden attack.

Plug in the second pass

The players in the back row join in the front row to organize the attack.

Short flat fastball

The spiker levelled the fast ball about two meters away from the setter.

time difference

The fast ball player pretends to take off the fast ball, but does not jump off the ground. When the opposing blocker is tricked into jumping up and down, the spiker will take off quickly and buckle the half fast ball. This kind of play mainly uses the error of the other side's blocking time to achieve the goal of breaking through the other side's blocking.

Spatial difference

After the spiker takes off, his body moves in the air to avoid the blocking of the other side.

Position difference

The spiker pretended to take off, so that the opposing blocker jumped up to block the ball when he mistakenly thought he was going to hit a fast ball. Then he suddenly took a step to the side and jumped up to smash the ball in the empty space without blocking.

Forward flight

The spiker feigned a short, flat and fast ball, jumped up suddenly and charged the setter, and spiked the near body half lob.

Backward flight

The spiker feigned to smash the fast ball in front of and behind the body, suddenly jumped to the back of the setter's hand and hit a small arc ball.


Two spike players, one in front and one behind, spike the fast ball or half lob, forming two to one, causing difficulties for the other side to block.

Overlapping block

When blocking, two players take the position in an overlapping way, one in front and one behind. The front players are positioned, and the rear players step to the right front or left front to jump up the block accordingly. On the basis of correct judgment, try to form a pair of people to cooperate with the block.

Clip plug

The player who dunks the short flat fast ball makes a feint cover, and the other player cuts straight into the middle and jumps to dunk the half high ball; Two fast and one running. The two players in the front row cover the fast ball at the same time, and the other player runs and smashes the ball to position 2, 3 or 4. Create a situation of two against one (more against less) at the spike point, and break through the other side's block.


The action of the member of position 3 circling behind the member of position 2, or the member of position 2 circling in front of the member of position 3.

Near body fastball

Buckle the fast ball close to the second passer.

Cross attack

"Crossing" refers to the cross running of two front row players. "Cross attack" is the tactical change of fast ball cover, and the commonly used cover attack tactics are "front cross", "back cross" and so on.

Three-dimensional attack

It refers to the use of the entire space of the court to organize the front and rear row players to jointly attack. It can not only be spiked by the players in the back row who take off from the outside of the limit line, but also can organize the deep tactical attack of close net cover, so that the front and back row attacks can be flexibly used alternately. [12]

Project Skills


Ready position

The left and right feet are naturally separated slightly wider than the shoulder, one foot is slightly forward, the toes of both feet are buckled in, and the heels are lifted. The knee joint is bent, and its projection is in front of the toe. The upper body leans forward and the weight falls on the forefoot. The arms are naturally bent at the sides of the body. Keep your eyes on the ball, and make sure there is movement in the stillness.
(1) Defensive readiness
On the basis of the general preparation posture, lower the body's center of gravity, lean forward to the position where the body is about to lose its center of gravity, the projection point of the knee joint is beyond the foot point, and the hand can touch the ground in front of the body at any time, making the most favorable posture that can move at any time and fall to the ground at any time.
(2) Preparation for service receiving
Lower the body weight slightly on the basis of the general preparation posture. The ready position for receiving the ball may not meet the requirements of falling down to save the ball at any time, but must be prepared to move quickly and deal with the incoming ball in time.
(3) Preparations for blocking
The block preparation posture has a slightly higher body weight than the general preparation posture, a smaller forward tilt of the body, the curvature of the knee joint at the angle most conducive to rapid movement and rapid takeoff, and the hands at the chest, face or higher position. This is mainly determined by blocking fast attacks or general lobs: for example, blocking lobs, the knee joint curvature should be smaller; If the attacker is ready to block the fast ball, the position of the hand should be raised higher. [17 ]


In order to occupy a favorable position on the field, strive for time and space, maintain the positional relationship between good people and the ball, so as to hit the ball, the body displacement action made by the players is called movement. Whether the team members can move in place in time directly affects the quality of technology and tactics. The moving footwork shall flexibly adopt various moving footwork according to the needs of on-site techniques and tactics.
(1) Gliding step
On the basis of the prepared posture, for example, when moving to the right, the right foot first takes a step to the right, and the left foot quickly moves up and lands on the left side of the right foot. If you do this continuously, it is called sliding step. When sliding forward, take a step with the front foot first, and the rear foot quickly catches up with it. After falling behind the front foot, continue to do the same. The sliding step can be one step or multiple steps. The speed is slightly slow when moving, but it is easy to maintain the balance of the body.
(2) Cross step
When the incoming ball is about two meters from the side of the body, cross step movement can be used. When moving to the right, turn the upper body slightly to the right, take a step with the left foot in front of the right foot, and then take a big step with the right foot to the right, and land on the right side of the left foot. At the same time, turn the body to the direction of the ball, and maintain the posture before hitting the ball. The cross step moves with large steps, fast action and easy braking. It is mainly used for defense, first pass, blocking, etc.
(3) Stride
When the incoming ball is low, step is often used to pad the low ball. That is, take a big step in the direction of movement, bend your knees, lean your upper body forward, and move your weight onto your front legs. Step forward and step sideways. In the process of striding, if there is a jump in the air, it is called striding step.
(4) Running
This is a basic moving gait that everyone is familiar with. According to the direction of the ball, run while turning to the ball.
(5) Comprehensive gait
Comprehensive application of the above steps. No matter what kind of moving gait is adopted, it is required to move quickly, maintain the center of gravity and face the moving direction in time under the premise of correct preparation posture. Start and brake quickly, stand steadily before hitting the ball, and keep a good hitting position when facing the coming ball. [18 ]

service techniques

(1) Frontal downhand
1. Get ready. Facing the net, open your feet forward and backward, put your left foot in front, bend your knees slightly, place your weight on the back foot, and hold the ball with your left hand in front of your abdomen.
2. Throw the ball. The left hand gently throws the ball to the right in front of the body, about one ball high from the hand.
3. Force and hit the ball. At the same time of throwing the ball, the right arm should be straightened, with the shoulder as the axis, swing backward, use the right leg to push the ground, and the body center of gravity should move to the front foot with the right hand swinging forward to hit the ball, and hit the middle and lower parts of the ball with the heel of the palm or the mouth of the tiger in front of the abdomen. The center of gravity moves forward with the stroke and the ball is sent into the opponent's court.
(2) Sidekick
1. Get ready. Side to the net, feet apart, slightly wider than the shoulder, knees slightly bent, weight on the right leg, left hand holding the ball in front of the abdomen.
2. Throw the ball. Throw the ball with your left hand in front of your belly about one arm. The height of throwing the ball should not exceed your head. It should not be too high. Generally, just throw the ball away from your hand.
3. Force and hit the ball. At the same time of throwing the ball, the right hand is stretched back with the right side of the body turning. When the ball falls in front of the abdomen, use the body to turn to the left to drive the arm, hit the lower middle part of the back of the ball with a half clencher, and force through the center of the ball. Immediately enter the game after serving.
(3) Frontal overhand floater
1. Get ready. Facing the net, open your feet naturally from front to back, with your left foot in front, your left hand in front of the ball, and your center of gravity on your back foot.
2. Throw the ball. Use your left hand to hold the ball flat and throw it from bottom to top on the right front. The throw must be steady and accurate.
3. Force and hit the ball. When throwing the ball with the left hand, the right arm starts to lift up, bend the elbow and draw it back, with the elbow slightly higher than the shoulder. Use the abdomen to accelerate the swing of the arm, and hit the lower middle part of the back of the ball with the heel of the palm of the hand. The palm root of the ball should be tight and fixed, and the force should be sudden and short. The ball should pass through the center of the ball so that the ball does not rotate. When encountering air resistance in flight, the ball will float. After hitting the ball, the center of gravity of the body should move forward with the ball and enter the field.
(4) Jump serve
1. Get ready. The service area is about 4 meters from the ground line. The feet are separated from each other, the right foot is in front, the center of gravity is on the back foot, and the right hand holds the ball on the right rear side.
2. Throw the ball. The right hand throws the ball from the back to the top, and the height varies from person to person, usually 3 to 4 meters or more. The distance between the ball and the person should be considered to enable the person to fully run up and take off.
3. Run up and take off. When throwing the ball, the left foot should take a step. After the ball is thrown, push the left foot forward fully and land on both feet. When the left foot lands, it should fall in front of the right foot, and the front foot should land, braking the forward center of gravity of the body, so that it can jump up. Take off by making full use of the large swing of both hands from the back to the top, pull back the right elbow joint (the elbow joint should be higher than the shoulder), turn sideways to the right, bow the body, and keep the ball at the top of the right front to facilitate power delivery.
4. Hand type. Hit the ball with a full palm batter.
5. Apply force. Use abdominal contraction and turn left to drive the arms, forearms and wrists, so that the whole body force acts on the ball. Wrap the ball in the palm of your hand, and push the palm to make the ball rotate forward, so as to increase the ball's flight speed and control ability. Note: When exerting force, the shoulder, elbow and wrist should be relaxed. Otherwise, the action will be stiff and it is not easy to exert force. [19 ]

Cushion technique

(1) Frontal two handed cushion technique
This action varies according to the performance, characteristics and weight of various incoming balls. The front two hands cushion is the basis of all cushion, so beginners must learn from the light cushion, so take the light cushion as an example to analyze.
1. Get ready. After the movement is aimed at the ball, the feet are separated from the front and back or left and right, wider than the shoulder, and the center of gravity is slightly tilted forward to form a slightly or half pedal preparation position. The arms are naturally bent and placed in front of the abdomen.
2. Hitter type (hitting point and contact position). When the ball is close to the front of the abdomen, the hands should overlap, the palms should be closed, the thumbs should be extended in parallel, the arms should be extended, the wrists should be pressed down, and the plane formed by the forearm external rotation and the part above the wrists should be used to hit the ball behind and below. The hitting point should be kept in front of the abdomen, so as to control the force and adjust the angle of the arm according to the direction of the cushion.
3. Stroke and force. Reach forward with both arms close together and insert them under the ball. Increase the rebound force of the ball by lifting the arms up. At the same time, push the ground and waist together to move the body's center of gravity forward and upward. In the process of hitting the ball, the arms should be leveled, and the shoulders should be properly relaxed to avoid stiff movements that affect the accuracy and control of the ball.
(2) Side cushion technology
The action of using both arms to cushion the ball on both sides of the body is called side cushion. When the incoming ball is on the side or cannot be placed on the front by moving, the side cushion technology shall be adopted. In this way, the control range can be expanded, but it is recommended that everyone try to use the front cushion. Because the side cushion technology is not easy to control the direction of the cushion, the stability is poor, so this is a remedy to be used when there is no time to move. When the ball is on the side, the outside foot should step forward to the side, and the center of gravity should be on the front foot. The hand type and the position of the ball pad should be the same as the front ball pad. The outside hand should be higher than the plane of the inside hand's shoulders and hands, and turn to the ball pad direction. Use the forearm to pad the lower back of the ball, and use the kicking leg and the inner waist to coordinate with the arms. [20 ]

Passing technique

(1) Frontal two handed pass
1. Preparation
After seeing the ball clearly, move quickly to the ball's landing point, aim at the ball, stand firmly, adopt a slightly squatting posture, raise your hands naturally to the front of your head, and look at the ball.
2. Hitting point and batsman type
The hitting point of the pass should be kept about one ball above the forehead. The arms should be bent, the elbows should be properly separated, the hands should be naturally separated, the fingers should be relatively hemispherical, the thumbs should be relatively "one" shaped, the wrists should be slightly raised, and there should be a certain distance between the hands to expand the area of the fingers controlling the ball and prevent leakage. When passing the ball, the wrist joint should be kept properly tense to bear the pressure of the ball; On the inside of all fingers, try to touch the ball from the fingertip to the root of the finger, and control the direction of the ball with two little thumbs on both sides of the ball, so that the outgoing ball does not shake from left to right.
3. Stroke and force
When the ball comes close to the forehead, the whole body's movements should be coordinated in order to focus on the ball. But it mainly relies on stretching the arm and passing the ball through the elastic force of fingers and wrists. Keep your hands straight with the ball, then relax and fall down to prepare for the next move. [21 ]
(2) Back transmission
1. Preparation
It is the same as the preparation position when passing the ball from the front, but the body is upright, and the stomach is not closed. The center of gravity is between the feet, and the hands are naturally raised and placed in front of the body.
2. Hitting point and batsman type
The hitting point should be kept slightly higher above the head. When hitting the ball, the palm of the hand is upward, the thumb holds the lower part of the ball, the fingers and wrists are properly relaxed, and the hand shape is the same as that of the front two handed pass.
3. Pass hard
When the ball touches the hand, the fingers and wrists should be obviously tilted back, and the elasticity of kicking legs, abdominals, arms, fingers and wrists should be used to pass the ball back and up. [22 ]

Spiking technique

Normal lob from the front
This is the most basic spiking technique, and other spiking techniques are developed and extended on this basis. Facing the net, it is easy to observe the incoming ball and the other party's defensive layout, so the hitting accuracy is high. It can also change the spiking route and strength at any time according to the other party's blocking situation, and can control the hitting point, so the attack effect is good.
1. Get ready. Before the spike run-up, adopt a slightly squatting posture, with arms naturally drooping, stand about 3 meters away from the net, observe and judge the ball from the second pass, and get ready to run up and jump in all directions.
2. Run up. The function of run-up is to approach the ball, select the takeoff point, and make full use of the run-up to give play to the bounce height. However, the run-up time, rhythm, speed, direction, etc. should be determined according to the situation of different balls. Therefore, one step, two steps, three steps (one foot takeoff) and multi step approach should be fully mastered in spiking.
3. Take off. The purpose of taking off is not only to obtain the best height, but also to choose the hitting point and timing of the spike. At the same time of the last step in the run-up, both arms are pulled back sideways around the body, and both arms swing forward actively from behind when the left foot steps on the ground together. Take off with your feet pushing up, and swing your arms up quickly to match the takeoff. From the lowest point of the bending brake, step on the ground and take off.
4. Hit the ball in the air. After taking off, raise your chest and abdomen, turn your upper body slightly to the right, lift your right arm upward, and form an inverted bow. When swinging the arm, use the quick rotation and abdominal contraction to drive the shoulder, elbow and wrist parts into a whipping action to swing forward and upward. When hitting the ball, the five fingers are slightly stretched, in the shape of a spoon, and remain tense. The ball is filled with the palm of the hand, the palm is the center of the ball, and the middle of the back of the ball is hit. At the same time, take the initiative to force, bend your wrist and push forward to speed up the spin of the buckled ball. [23 ]

Blocking technology

Single person blocking technology
1. Get ready. Its purpose is to facilitate takeoff and rapid movement to both sides. When facing the net, the players should open their feet in parallel, about shoulder width, 30~40cm away from the net. Bend your knees into a squat, raise your hands above your head, and be ready to take off and move at any time.
2. Move. According to different situations, you can flexibly use various moving steps such as parallel step, stride, sliding step, cross step, and running to move your body's center of gravity to the blocking position and prepare for takeoff. Pay attention to the braking after moving to avoid hitting the net and colliding with the team members.
3. Take off. When you take off from the ground, lower your weight, bend your knees and push the ground hard to make your body take off vertically. At the same time, raise your arms vertically from the front of your body close to the net. The depth of kneeling squat varies from person to person, and the principle is to give play to the highest jumping force. In order to aim at the attack point of the other party, it is often to move and position in parallel facing the net and then take off from the ground. If the run-up and takeoff are used, the run-up and takeoff should be closely linked. During the run-up braking, the toes of both feet should be turned to the net as far as possible, so as to facilitate the turning and facing the net to take off and block the net. At the same time, you can use arm swing to help take off. The timing of block take-off must be well controlled. When blocking the high ball to make a strong attack, it should generally take off later than the spiker; When blocking the fast ball, take off in advance or at the same time with the spiker.
4. Aerial action. When taking off, extend your hands from the front of your forehead close to the opening of the net to the opponent's court, straighten your arms, tuck your chest in, and lift your shoulders as much as possible to improve the blocking net. The forearm is close to the net, and the arms are parallel, keeping a certain distance to prevent the ball from leaking between the hand and the net or between the arms. Close the ball with both hands in order to block the smash angle and expand the blocking surface. When blocking, it is generally better to extend the arm at the moment when the other side hits the ball, making it difficult for the spiker to change the hitting route to avoid blocking. When blocking, open your hands naturally and bend your fingers and wrists into a spoon shape. When touching the ball, both hands should be tense suddenly, and the wrist should press down hard to cover the front and top of the ball, so that the rebound angle of the ball is small, the falling speed is fast, and the other side is not easy to protect. When the distance blocking net is spiked or the blocking height is not enough, do not press the wrist. Try to straighten the arm and wrist upward to improve the blocking net point; When intercepting the oblique line spike, the outside hand can extend its arm to the side, and rotate its wrist to encircle the ball, blocking the ball's passing point, so as to improve the success rate.
5. Landing. If the ball has been stopped, face the other party, bend your knees to buffer, and land your feet; If you do not stop the ball, you should turn your head and turn with the ball when you fall, and land first with the foot opposite to the direction of turning your head, and then turn the other foot to step out of the back field, ready to catch or do the next action. [24 ]

matters needing attention

Second set
In volleyball matches, the role of the second set is becoming more and more important. It can be said that an excellent team must have an excellent setter. The setter is the core of the whole team's tactical organization and the soul of a team. Therefore, training excellent setters is the key consideration and research of each team. To cultivate an excellent setter, you need to have the following conditions:
1. It requires good leadership, flexible mind, quick thinking, and the ability to command, mobilize, and organize the attack of the whole team. During the competition, we should be able to understand, convey and implement the coach's intention and command everyone to fight together.
2. They should have a high sense of responsibility, a strong will and a spirit of hard work. They should be conscientious and meticulous in both normal training and competition to avoid affecting the passing level due to thoughts and emotions.
3. They should have good physical quality, strong ability of foot movement, flexibility, good coordination of body, fingers and wrists.
4. You need to have a good passer type, master various passing techniques and skills, and master the organization and application ability of various offensive tactics.
5. Be modest and eager to learn, learn the technical advantages of other excellent setters, observe the development of world volleyball, the development trend of setter skills and tactics, and apply them in a timely manner. [22 ]
Judgment of blocking technology
Judgment is the key link of blocking, which should run through the whole process from the preparation posture to the air blocking action. In general, it is necessary to analyze and judge the true and false running and jumping of key attackers and spikers (direction, time, body posture), and the spiker's smashing action in the air, according to the opponent's overall offensive tactics and the characteristics of the second set distribution. Among them, the most important thing is to see the direction and crossing point of the smashing arm swing at the moment of the other side's smashing arm swing, so as to determine the position and hand shape of the blocking arm extension. [24 ]

Important events

The three major world volleyball events are the World Championships, the World Cup and the Olympic Games. Among them, the first two are special events in volleyball.
The World Volleyball Championships is the highest event in the volleyball industry and also the oldest volleyball event. It has the most teams, the longest competition schedule, and the most rigorous and demanding competition system. Because of the high gold content, many traditional teams in the world care about the World Championships.
The Volleyball World Cup is the youngest of the three official competitions. It has gradually become the Olympic trials since 1991 when the competition year was changed. At the same time, it also affects the formation of the following rhythms of international volleyball competitions: the year of the gap, the year of the World Championships, the World Cup periphery, and the year of the Olympic Games.
The Olympic Games is the most famous sports event in the world besides the football World Cup. The significance of any Olympic project is different, because the Olympic Games has become the national task of many countries. [9]


International Volleyball Federation In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was founded by gathering in the volleyball associations of 14 countries, including France and Belgium, with its headquarters in Paris. Paul Liber, a Frenchman, served as the first president. By his retirement in 1985, Liber was elected as the honorary president for life of FIVB. Liber's successor is Mexicans Akosta and moved the headquarters to Lausanne, Switzerland. The highest decision-making body of the FIVB is the Congress, which consists of the FIVB Management Committee, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat, the World League Committee, the Beach Volleyball Committee, the Law Committee, the Finance Committee, the Information Committee, the Competition Committee, the Rules Committee Technical Committee, African Volleyball Federation, Asian Volleyball Federation, South American Volleyball Federation, North American, Central American and Caribbean Volleyball Federation and other institutions. [16]
Asian Volleyball Federation In 1964, the Asian Volleyball Federation was founded in Tokyo, Japan, and its first chairman was Yasuhiro Matsumaki of Japan. The highest authority of the Asian Volleyball Federation is the Congress, which is held once every two years.
Chinese Volleyball Association The China Volleyball Association, founded in 1953, is a special association under the leadership of the All China Sports Federation and a member of the International Volleyball Federation and the Asian Volleyball Federation. [10]

representative figure

William G. Morgan , was born on January 23, 1870, and invented volleyball in Holyoke in 1895. [11]
Yuan Weimin , born in July 1939, director of the General Administration of Sport of China, joined the Jiangsu Men's Volleyball Team in 1958. In 1962, he was selected into the National Men's Volleyball Team and served as the head coach of the National Women's Volleyball Team after retirement. He led the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the 3rd World Cup Women's Volleyball Match, the 9th World Women's Volleyball Championship, and the 23rd Los Angeles Olympic Women's Volleyball Match. On October 13, 2007, Yuan Weimin was awarded the Outstanding Coach Award by the Volleyball Hall of Fame in the United States, becoming the second Chinese to be elected to the Volleyball Hall of Fame. [11]
Lang Ping , born in Tianjin, China on December 10, 1960, was selected into the national training team in 1978. From 1981 to 1984, she won the 3rd World Cup champion ("Excellent Athlete Award"), the 9th World Women's Volleyball Championship champion ("MVP"), and the gold medal of women's volleyball in Los Angeles Olympic Games with the Chinese women's volleyball team. After retirement, he served as the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and coached the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the championship of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. In October 2002, Lang Ping was officially inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame, becoming the first Asian volleyball player to win this honor. [11]

Project impact

May 30, 2024, Volleyball Foundation of International Volleyball Federation The International Volleyball Federation headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland was officially established. The organization will support all kinds of volleyball events that are beneficial to the society around the world. The President of the International Volleyball Federation and the President of the Volleyball Foundation, A Grasa, said in an interview that the Volleyball Foundation will deeply contact the grassroots, strive to realize the vision of doubling the volleyball population of 800 million, and use the power of volleyball to create a better world. In promoting the development of global youth volleyball, the Foundation will provide them with many opportunities to learn and grow through volleyball. On the day of its establishment, the Foundation announced that it had raised 559000 Swiss francs (about 4.56 million yuan) through multiple donations and charity auctions to support volleyball projects that are beneficial to the society. [25]