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Ask modulation

Amplitude shift keying
synonym Amplitude keying (Amplitude keying) generally refers to ask modulation
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ASK is also known as "amplitude shift keying" or "amplitude keying", in which 2ASK is also known as "on-off keying" (on-off keying), so it is also recorded as OOK signal. ASK is a relatively simple modulation mode. Amplitude shift keying (ASK) is equivalent to amplitude modulation in analog signals, but it is only a binary number multiplied by the carrier frequency signal. Amplitude shift takes frequency and phase as constants and amplitude as variables. Information bits are transmitted through carrier amplitude.
Chinese name
Ask modulation
Foreign name
Ask modulation
”Amplitude shift keying "," Amplitude keying "
Modulation mode
Complement keying
modulation mode
FM, PM and AM


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11Mbps DSSS physical layer use Complement Keying (CCK) modulation mode. CCK has the same channel scheme as the existing IEEE802.11 DSSS, and the channel scheme is 2.4GHz ISM band There are three independent channels that do not interfere with each other, and each channel accounts for about 25MHz. Therefore, CCK has multi-channel operating characteristics.

brief introduction

In communication principle, communication signals can be divided into frequency modulation Phase modulation and amplitude modulation Three. Common modulation modes of digital transmission are mainly divided into:
Quadrature amplitude modulation QAM ): High modulation efficiency, requiring high signal-to-noise ratio of transmission path, suitable for cable TV transmission.
Keying Phase-shifting modulation( QPSK ): High modulation efficiency, requiring transmission path Signal-to-noise ratio Low, suitable for satellite broadcasting.
Vestigial sideband modulation (VSB): Anti multipath effect Good (i.e. eliminated Ghosting Good effect), suitable for terrestrial broadcasting.
Coded orthogonal frequency division modulation( COFDM ): Anti multipath propagation effect and Co frequency interference Good, suitable for terrestrial broadcasting and co channel network broadcasting.
TDM QPSK modulation system is adopted for the modulation technology of the downlink carrier of the World Wide Digital Satellite Broadcasting System. It is better than coding Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (COFDM) modulation technology is more suitable for large area coverage of satellites.
The ultimate purpose of communication is to transmit information within a certain distance. although baseband Digital signals can be transmitted directly when the transmission distance is relatively short, but if Long distance transmission Especially in wireless or Fibre Channel When uploading, the signal spectrum must be modulated to move to the high frequency before transmission in the channel. In order to transmit the digital signal in the high frequency channel with limited bandwidth, it is necessary to carry out carrier modulation on the digital signal. As with analog signals, there are three basic modulation modes for digital signals: amplitude shift keying (ASK) Frequency shift keying ( FSK )And Phase shift keying ( PSK )。 They correspond to the amplitude frequency And phase Digital baseband signal , which can be regarded as simulation Linear modulation and Angular modulation Special circumstances.
theoretically, digital modulation In essence, they are not different from analog modulation. They are all sine wave modulation. However, digital modulation is Modulated signal It is digital sine wave modulation, while analog modulation is continuous sine wave modulation.
In the three modulation modes of digital communication (ASK, FSK, PSK) bandwidth efficiency And anti noise performance (or power utilization). Generally speaking PSK The system is optimal. Therefore, PSK is widely used in high-speed data transmission.


The carrier amplitude varies with the modulation signal. The simplest form is that the carrier is Binary Modulated signal This mode can also be called on-off keying or switch keying (OOK).
L Modulation method: realized by multiplier Modulator
L Modulation type: 2ASK, MASK.
L Demodulation method: coherent method, non coherent method.
MASK, Also called multi base digital modulation Law. In binary digital modulation, each symbol can only represent 0 and 1 (+1 or - 1). But in many practical Digital transmission system However, M-ary digital modulation mode is often used in. Compared with binary digital modulation system, the M-ary digital modulation system has the following two characteristics: First, in the same channel code source modulation, each symbol can carry log2M bit information, so when the channel frequency band is limited, the information transmission rate can be increased bandwidth efficiency But the cost is increasing the signal power and complexity of implementation. Second, at the same information rate, due to the Channel transmission rate It can be lower than the binary one, so the duration of the M-ary signal code source is wider than the binary one. Widening the symbol width will increase the energy of signal symbols and reduce the impact of inter symbol interference caused by channel characteristics.
Binary 2ASK and Quaternary Comparison of MASK modulation performance:
At the same output power and Channel noise Under the condition, the demodulation performance of MASK Signal-to-noise ratio The rate of deterioration is much faster than OOK. This indicates that MASK application SNR The requirement of OOK is higher than that of ordinary OOK. In the same Channel transmission rate Lower M-level modulation and two-level modulation have the same Signal bandwidth That is, when the symbol rate is the same, they have the same Power spectrum
Although multi-level MASK modulation is an efficient transmission mode, it is generally suitable for constant parameter channels only because of its poor anti noise ability, especially its weak anti fading ability.


according to Digital baseband signal The two levels of carrier phase One that switches between two different values phase modulation method.
produce PSK Two methods of signal:
1)、 Phase modulation Law: baseband Digital signal (bipolar) and carrier signal Direct multiplication method:
2) . Selection method: use Digital baseband signal To select two carriers whose phase difference is 180 degrees.
The two carrier phases usually differ by 180 degrees, which is called reverse Keying (PSK)。
S PSK=AS DIG (T) COS (W 0 T+O 0), where S DIG (T)=1 or - 1
L Demodulation method: only Coherent demodulation
L Type: Binary Phase shift keying 2PSK ), M-ary phase-shift keying( MPSK )。


FSK is an earlier modulation mode used in information transmission. Its main advantages are that it is easy to implement and has good anti noise and anti attenuation performance. It has been widely used in medium and low speed data transmission. The so-called FSK is to modulate the carrier frequency with digital signals.
L Modulation method: 2FSK can be regarded as two different carrier frequency The sum of ASK modulated signals of.
L Demodulation methods: coherent method and non coherent method.
L Type: Binary Frequency shift keying (2FSK), M-ary frequency shift keying( MFSK )。
In addition to the above three basic modulation methods, with the development of high-capacity and long-distance digital communication technology, some new problems have emerged, mainly the bandwidth limitation of the channel and the impact of nonlinearity on the transmission signal. In this case, the traditional digital modulation method can no longer meet the needs of applications, and new digital modulation methods need to be adopted to reduce the impact of the channel on the transmitted signal, so as to obtain higher transmission rate under the condition of limited bandwidth resources. The research of these technologies is mainly around the full spectrum saving and efficient use of frequency bands. M-ary modulation is to improve Spectrum utilization Constant envelope technology can adapt to the nonlinearity of the channel and maintain a small spectrum occupancy.
From tradition digital modulation The technologies for technology expansion include Minimum frequency shift keying MSK )、 Gaussian filtering Minimum frequency shift keying( GMSK )、 Quadrature amplitude modulation QAM ), Orthogonal Frequency division multiplexing Modulation( OFDM )Wait.