zero Useful+1

Instruction format

Principles of Computer Composition
The instruction format of a computer is closely related to the word length, memory capacity and instruction function of the computer. In order to improve the function of instructions and increase the parallelism of basic operations, more information should be included in the instructions; On the other hand, too long instructions will increase the cost of storage space and affect the execution speed of machine instructions. Therefore, how to design the instruction format reasonably and scientifically is crucial to the design of the whole computer.
Chinese name
Instruction format
Foreign name
instruction format
Applied discipline
Principles of Computer Composition
Applicable fields
computer system
The instruction format is the combination of high and low levels that describe the operation of the computer's internal circuit. These combinations are described on the paper with 0 and 1. Different combinations have certain meanings. The source of these high and low levels is the fields of the instruction format of machine language.
Instruction format includes operation code and address code, address of operand, storage address of operation result and address of next instruction.