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Quotation system

Organize all securities markets and securities dealers across the country through computer network to provide various information systems for securities trading inside and outside the market at any time
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The quotation system is an information system that organizes all securities markets and securities dealers across the country through computer networks to provide various markets for securities trading both inside and outside the market at any time. As long as the traders open the computer of the system terminal, they can display the prices offered by different securities dealers, select the appropriate price, and then they can contact to clinch a deal. The quotation system was first established in the United States in 1971, with more than 6000 securities firms' securities shops keeping in touch with it, and can report the market of thousands of stocks. [1]
Chinese name
Quotation system
Supplier online quotation system
Save paper consumption, benefit environmental protection and improve efficiency
Simple, transparent and efficient
The quotation system is the supplier online quotation system.
It refers to the use of the information platform, and the company's purchasers uniformly publish the quotation to the website of the supplier branch. The supplier logs in to the branch's website through the account number and password, downloads the quotation, fills in the quotation, encrypts the quotation and uploads it to the company's website within the specified date. The company's procurement department, enterprise management and other user departments jointly participate in the electronic bid evaluation, Bid opening After that, the system will compare prices automatically, operate according to the principle of "compare quality and price", and save the final bid evaluation results and related data. Timely correct the problems found, and the whole system is simple, transparent and efficient.
Advantages: save paper consumption, benefit environmental protection, improve efficiency, and avoid the delay in quotation of suppliers from other places due to long journey. The data is easy to save and search.