Investment and Financing

Financial concept
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Investment and financing, investment and financing refers to the use of funds such as savings Bank financial products , bonds, funds, stocks, futures, commodity spot, foreign exchange, real estate Insurance , gold, P2P, culture and artworks enterprises and institutions Assets are managed and allocated to maintain and increase the value of assets, thus accelerating the growth of assets.
The term "investment and financing" first appeared in the newspapers in the early 1990s. With the development of China's stock market bond market 's expansion, commercial bank Retail business The concept of "financial management" has become popular with the increasing wealth of and the overall income of citizens.
In April 2023, according to the news on the website of the CBRC, some criminals use "routine" methods such as "agency surrender", "housing pension", "investment and financing" to defraud consumers, which makes the elderly "impossible to prevent" and seriously infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of elderly consumers. The Consumer Protection Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the first risk warning in 2023, reminding the majority of elderly consumers to improve their awareness of risk prevention and guard against three types of pension fraud traps. [6]
Chinese name
Investment and Financing
Foreign name
Finance and investment
Development period
Financial management coverage
Products and Insurance
Meet cash flow


1. Financial management is to manage the wealth of life, not to solve the urgent need Money issues It's just a process of sustainable circulation.
2. Financial management is Cash flow management Everyone needs to use money (cash outflow) and make money to generate cash inflow from birth, so everyone needs to manage money, whether rich or not.
3. Financial management also covers risk management Because more traffic in the future has Uncertainty , including Personal risk Property risk And market risk , will affect cash inflow (income interruption risk) or cash outflow (expense increase risk).


Since 2012, with the gradual implementation of a series of national financial policies, a broader development space has been opened for the investment and wealth management market, Personal investment and financing It can be said that there are many hot spots, which can be summarized in eleven aspects:


Trust financing It's a kind of property management system Its core content is "entrusted by others to finance on behalf of others". Specifically, the trustor, based on the trust of the trustee property When entrusted to the trustee, the trustee manages or disposes of it in its own name for the benefit of the beneficiary or for specific purposes according to the wishes of the trustor. 2010 Trust market The issuing scale is 3 trillion yuan, growth rate More than 30% per year.
Trust products Is created by Trust institutions The issued products are sold through banks, securities companies and professional independent wealth management companies. The income of trust financial products can be fixed or floating. The mainstream products in the market are still dominated by fixed rate of return, with annual returns of 9-13%, high returns and good stability Trust financial products The biggest selling point of. Trust plan The products are generally infrastructure trust plans with excellent qualifications and stable income, and most of them have third parties Bank guarantee , which is more secure than pure trust investment projects Slightly higher. At the same time, in the process of investment, the bank will constantly monitor and track the trend of loans, so as to avoid to the greatest extent Trust project Investment risk.

Internet fund sales

Fund sales agency If it cooperates with other institutions to sell funds and other financial products through the Internet, it shall earnestly fulfill the obligation of risk disclosure, and shall not attract customers by means of illegal promised returns; Fund managers should take effective measures to prevent Asset allocation In Maturity mismatch and Liquidity risk The fund sales agency and its cooperative institutions provide income for investors through other activities. [1]

Internet insurance

Carried out by insurance companies Internet insurance The business should comply with security Confidentiality And stability principle, strengthen risk management, improve internal control system, and ensure Transaction security information safety and Fund security Professional Internet insurance companies should adhere to service Internet economy Basic orientation of the activity, providing targeted Insurance services Insurance companies should establish a management system for their e-commerce companies and other non insurance subsidiaries, and establish necessary firewalls. Insurance companies sell through the Internet Insurance products It is not allowed to make misleading statements such as false statements, one-sided or exaggerated publicity of past performance, illegal promises of gains or losses. Internet insurance business is managed by CIRC Responsible for supervision. [2]

speculate in gold

Several channels for investment and financing
since Bank of China Launched in Shanghai specifically for Individual investors After the "golden treasure" business, speculation has always been a hot spot in the personal finance market, attracting the attention and favor of investors. Especially in the past two years, International gold price Continuous rise. It can be predicted that with the domestic Gold investment With the gradual opening of the field, the growth potential of gold demand in the future is huge. Especially after 2004 Gold jewelry The pricing method of gold jewelry will gradually change from price fee integration to price fee separation excise tax It is also expected to be cancelled, which will greatly promote the increase of gold investment, and the gold speculation business will also become a highlight in the field of personal finance, truly entering the golden age of investment and finance.


First batch since 1997 Closed end fund Since its successful issuance, the fund has been highly praised by domestic individual investors. As of 2012, the fund has obviously exceeded deposits in financial analysis and become the top priority among many focuses of investment and financial management.
According to relevant information Domestic funds The net worth has exceeded 200 billion yuan. According to the survey, in 2013, many investors were still very optimistic about the advantages and characteristics of the fund, such as stable returns and low risks, and hoped to obtain ideal returns through the investment of the fund.

Stock speculation

Some experts analyzed that the future situation of capital supply and demand is relatively optimistic, which is important for capital driven China Stock Market It's definitely a shot Cardiotonic needle In addition, the CSRC has put forward stricter requirements on the performance calculation and financing amount of listed companies, and strengthened the regulation of the stock market, which will bring profit opportunities to investors. However, the biggest feature of the stock market is uncertainty, and opportunities and risks coexist. Therefore, investors should continue to be cautious and invest at the right time.

national debt

Treasury bond market There are many varieties, and investors have many choices. yes Issuance mode of national debt New attempts and reforms have also been made to further improve National debt issuance To minimize the interference of non market factors. In addition secondary market It will also become the focus of development in 2013. It can be seen from this that this series of innovations in treasury bonds will surely bring investors more investment options and greater profit margins.


bond market Its popularity is unexpected. Various signs, 2013 bonds issued by an enterprise The issuance may be accelerated Convertible bonds Floating rate bonds, banks Subordinated bond Etc. will probably become a good investment product for people. Plus CBRC take Subordinated term debt Included Subsidiary capital To supplement the Capital composition , so that banks are ready to issue bonds, which will play a role in fuelling the boom of the bond market again.

foreign exchange

along with USD exchange rate The continuous decline of Individual foreign exchange trading The exchange market was once extremely hot because of the high income. Various kinds of foreign exchange financing products have also been launched, such as the foreign exchange market access of commercial banks Bank of China and agricultural bank Of Foreign Exchange Treasure bank for economic construction Of Speedlink For investors to choose. In 2013, our government will continue to adhere to RMB The principle of stability is to adopt RMB and foreign exchange a hook And increase the foreign exchange of enterprises Autonomy And other measures to promote the healthy development of the foreign exchange market. Therefore, according to the analysis of relevant experts, there will be more space and opportunities for investment profits in the foreign exchange market.
foreign exchange market Is global Trading volume maximal financial market , the average daily trading volume is up to 4 trillion dollars, and the market circulation Extremely high; Important information affecting foreign exchange movements (e.g economic data And central bank policies, etc.), which are uniformly issued by the National Central Bank, the Bureau of Statistics and other authoritative institutions, with fair, just and open transactions; 24 hours Two way transaction Foreign exchange, both Buying up , or Buy down There are profit opportunities for both rising and falling exchange rates.


And tepid insurance market In contrast, once the income insurance was launched, it was highly sought after. There are many types of income insurance, which not only has the most basic insurance Support function And it can bring investors a lot of benefits, which can be described as a win-win situation of security and investment. Therefore, the purchase of income insurance is expected to become a new investment and financing hot spot for individuals.


P2P ”That is, "individual to individual", which is an innovative technology and innovation with the Internet, microfinance and other innovative technologies Financial model Closely related Cenozoic private lending Form, which provides transparent, open, direct and safe small amount for familiar or unfamiliar individuals to the greatest extent Credit transaction It is young, innovative, cautious and low-key.
P2P financing The mode has just risen, and has been favored by many high-end people. P2P not only has the characteristics of both revenue and security, but also helps individuals achieve Social public welfare Value makes the innovation of financial management mode reach a new height.
What distinguishes it from other wealth management products is its inclusive effect. While realizing wealth management income, through the establishment of the platform, the wealth management party can directly help ordinary people live or work, and fill in the large Financing institutions Untouched civil life Every aspect of is blank.
With the development of various P2P financial platforms, the P2P industry itself is also evolving. For example, in the initial personal to personal (Peer 2 Peer) P2C (Personal to Company) Online loan Platform, while online finance The industry is also moving towards vertical segmentation.
P2I industry chain finance (personal to industry chain), which is also a new type of P2P development Internet financial model , is purchased through the agent of the funder or Agency sales The innovative trading mode of online finance Comprehensive services deeply integrated with the plastic industry chain, providing electronic and modular information, transaction, financing, settlement, warehousing, logistics, etc. for plastic upstream and downstream enterprises Comprehensive services , helping customers in the plastic industry achieve information flow commodity circulation Capital flow The four flows of logistics are integrated to speed up the flow of goods and funds and improve Transaction efficiency , lower transaction cost And transaction risk.
So far, many models have been derived from the concept of P2P. Chinese Online lending There are more than 2000 platforms with different modes, which can be summarized into the following four categories:
1、 Guarantee institution Secured transactions Mode, which is also the most secure P2P mode.
Such platforms, as intermediaries, do not absorb deposits or lend, but only provide financial information services, which are double guaranteed by cooperative small loan companies and guarantee institutions. The transaction mode of such platforms is mostly "one to many", that is, a loan demand is invested by multiple investors. The advantage of this model is that it can ensure the capital security of investors. Large domestic guarantee institutions Joint guarantee , if you encounter bad debt The guarantee institution will promptly transfer the principal and interest to the investor's account on the second day after the repayment is delayed.
2、 "Creditor's rights under P2P platform Assignment of contract Mode ".
It can be called“ Many to many ”Mode, loan demand and investment are both separated and combined, and even the person in charge, as the largest creditor, lends the funds to the borrower, and then obtains the creditor's rights to divide them, and transfers transfer of creditor's right Obtain loan funds from other investors.
3、 Large financial group Launched Internet Services Platform.
Business model It is more financial, more "specialized", and has industry-leading Risk control The ability and advanced and secure Internet platform, combined with decades of comprehensive financial, e-commerce and service experience, provide the most professional financial information services such as capital allocation consultation, capital matching, risk control, etc. for financial investors across the country through scientific, rigorous, safe and efficient business processes.
4、 Based on transaction parameters O2O Comprehensive transaction mode.
5、 P2P Online loan Innovative financial management represented by model
This kind of financing method has been widely concerned and recognized, and Traditional finance Compared with financial services, P2P borrowers are individuals Credit borrowings Mainly, the loan source is strictly limited to have good physical operation and can provide fixed assets Small and medium-sized mortgage with borrowing demand Microenterprise More offline buildings Financial guarantee The system completely solves the inherent contradiction in the P2P mode from the structure, making the security more practical and more powerful.
Since 2013, P2P financial management platform has developed rapidly Investment consulting company Small loan company , Credit Guarantee company Rapid capacity expansion. As of June 2014, the national P2P Online loan The number of platforms reached 1263 in the first half of the year Transaction amount Nearly 100 billion yuan, and it is estimated that the annual cumulative turnover will exceed 300 billion yuan; But because Industry supervision Not in place. The P2P industry frequently has "runaway events". As of July, more than 150 enterprises have "runaway" P2P online loan platforms. So how should Internet users investigate when choosing P2P financial platforms to reduce Capital risk What about?
1. Platform risk control , look P2P financial products Whether the platform is standardized, whether there is a complete set of risk control technology, whether there is mortgage, whether there is a strict credit audit process, whether there is a mature risk control team, whether there is repayment Risk fund Whether every claim is very transparent, and whether bills and claims lists are mailed to customers at a fixed time every month. In addition, risk management The power of the platform determines how far the platform can go!
2. Platform strength, Generally, the larger the platform is, the more strict its risk management and control will be. Because the platform is powerful, every claim will be transferred to the lender only after strict review; The strength and scale of a company are also important indicators to measure whether a company is standardized or not; And the company's Registered capital The scale of the sales department in the country can show whether the company is strong or not.
3. Fund security, Whether the platform is from investors Fund account , subject matter, credit audit, principal guarantee, etc management system In the event of risks on the platform, can you do a good job in risk control and protect the investors' funds.

Real estate investment

Pending house Generally, it means not yet Completion acceptance The real estate of“ uncompleted building ". Because developers can sell their houses in advance as a means of financing, Early withdrawal Cash is conducive to capital flow and risk reduction, so it is often given a favorable discount when setting prices. Generally, the discount range is 10%, and some even reach 20% or more. At the same time, houses in the investment period may be the first to buy houses with good orientation and floors. However, the investment risk of forward housing is relatively high, which requires investors to have a correct judgment on the strength of developers and the prospects of the property.
With the introduction of various national policies (purchase restrictions, including the amount of bank loans), second-hand housing has basically lost its appreciation space, first-tier cities The price of second-hand houses will only fall but not rise. The target of national key development is small and medium-sized cities, so why don't we seize this opportunity to invest in those second-tier cities What about the new building? In addition, new buildings are basically leased by developers. By the time the economy of second tier cities develops, your capital will have returned and the price of your house will rise.


The beginning inventory refers to the physical quantity of goods accumulated in the previous year or quarter that can continue to be consumed by the society. According to inventory owner Different identities can be divided into production supplier inventory, operator inventory and government reserve. The first two inventories can be listed and supplied at any time according to the price change, and can be regarded as the actual component of the available quantity of goods in the market. The purpose of government reserve is to reserve for the overall interests of the whole society, and it will not be easily put on the market due to general price changes. But when Market supply When there is a serious shortage and prices rise sharply, the government may use it to Calm down prices Will have an important impact on market supply.
Investment and Financing
Current output
Current output refers to the commodities of the current year or quarter output It is a market commodity Supply The subject of the influence factor It is also very complicated. In the short term, it is mainly affected by throughput Constraints, resources and natural condition production costs And the impact of government policies. The influencing factors of different commodity production may vary greatly, so it is necessary to conduct specific analysis on the influencing factors of specific commodity production in order to accurately grasp its possible changes.
Current import volume
The import volume in this period is a supplement to the domestic production, which usually follows domestic market balance between supply and demand The situation changes. At the same time, the import volume will also be affected by the price difference between the international and domestic markets, exchange rates, national import and export policies and International politics Change due to the influence of factors.


Jingbei crowdfunding Luo Mingxiong Zeng said, "Investment is not just demand, return is just demand, and investment not for return is all hooliganism". The original intention of a wealth management company must allow investors to have good returns. Therefore, in terms of financial management, project selection and Risk Management Must be in place—— responsible investigation The purpose of due diligence is to verify information and investigate the project from three aspects of business, finance and legal affairs; The second is to find loopholes, eliminate the false and retain the true. The more unspoken the part, the more careful investigation is needed. Good projects can withstand 360 degree rotating close inspection without dead angle. It depends on the professional review of the professional platform, the depth and breadth of post investment services after the project is launched, and the vision of the lead investor. When the three are integrated, it is not bad.

Financial insurance


Participating insurance

seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function,
Par Whole Life It refers to the fact that the insurance company Operating results Surplus exceeding pricing assumptions is distributed to insurance holders in a certain proportion Life Insurance New products, similar to Stock dividends
however Dividend insurance The main function of Interest margin , interest margin and profit Cost difference Three aspects. Of course, if the dividend income matches the actual operating results of the insurance company No capping , but maybe not.

Linked insurance

It is Life Insurance In combination with investment, its insurance content should include at least one item Insurance liability
It has separate accounts for investment. Some accounts are risky, while others may be less risky. The policyholder can Risk tolerance Select the proportion of funds between accounts. however Linked insurance Of investment risk It is entirely borne by the applicant.

Universal Insurance

It is similar to investment linked insurance, but it has the lowest guaranteed return, and its investment risk is relatively stable for investment linked insurance. different Financial insurance Risks and income from investment Different, high-risk It also means high returns. Among them, Dividend insurance It is the type of insurance with the least risk, and the same benefit is less. Consumers can make choices based on their own actual and international needs, but don't forget that the first thing to buy insurance is to buy security. You can't just focus on financing and forget to protect yourself.

Main misunderstandings


Myth 1

Investment and financing are New things
The term "investment and financing" is not a new term, which can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and gradually improved in the Western Han Dynasty.
Modern investment Financial management is generally believed to originate from the 20th century America Insurance In 1969 Chicago, USA In our hotel, a small group of investment and financing professionals from various financial industries are discussing a shortcoming they see: each professional field has its own investment and financing consultant, but there is a lack of investment and financing consultants who are fully familiar with various financial fields customer service Therefore, investment and financing services came into being.
Investment and financing can be said to have gone beyond the scope of investment and insurance, which is based on Life cycle theory , according to personal and family Financial position And non-financial conditions, using scientific methods and procedures to develop practical and operational investment and financial planning, and ultimately achieve personal and family Financial security and Financial freedom Generally speaking, investment and financing is to use investment and financing tools and investment and financing knowledge reasonably to make different investment and financing plans, complete the established investment and financing goals, and achieve the ultimate happiness of life.
Investment and financing tools mainly include savings, insurance, stocks, funds, foreign exchange, gold, collectibles and investment trust Etc. The knowledge of investment and financing mainly involves finance, accounting, economy, investment, finance, taxation and law. Investment and financing have two main goals, one is financial security, the other is financial freedom. Financial security is the basis, and financial freedom is the end. From another point of view, investment and financing have two directions, one is offensive, the other is defensive.

Misunderstanding 2

Investment and financing is to make money Buy stock Is to buy real estate.
Many people have a serious misunderstanding of the concept of investment and financing. Some people think that investment and financing is to make money, that is, to buy stocks, that is, to buy real estate. In fact, this is just one aspect of investment and financing. Another important aspect of investment and financing is that Difficult problems At the same time, we should spend less or no money. Specifically, we should use insurance, tax and legal tools to reasonably allocate assets.
Investment and financing means to use investment and financing knowledge and tools to carry out a comprehensive, comprehensive, integrated, personalized, professional, dynamic, long-term financial service The content of investment and financing includes Cash planning Consumption expenditure planning , education planning, risk management and Insurance planning Tax Planning , investment planning, retirement old-age pension plan, Property distribution planning Etc.

Mistake 3

It's no use investing and managing money when you don't have money.
about Personal investment For financial planning, some people think that the investment and financial services launched by banks are deposit time. The longer the deposit time is, the higher the return can be; Some people think that it is useless to invest and manage money no matter how much they have no money.


If investors want to invest and finance, they need to open corresponding Investment and wealth management account In order to prevent investors from falling into investment and wealth management errors and causing property and spiritual losses, investors should open savings, insurance, stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, futures, gold and other investment and wealth management accounts to Formal financial institutions Handling.
Financial institutions in China are mainly divided into three parts: banks, insurance and securities. However, from the perspective of investment and financing channels, securities companies can provide investors with more investment and financing channels and apply for more types of investment and financing accounts. And some Financial tools (such as bonds) can also open investment and wealth management accounts through various channels (banks or securities companies).
Generally speaking, banks can handle savings products and Bank financial products As well as fund products, large banks can also use the banking system Purchase of treasury bonds Due to the wide distribution of bank outlets Investment and wealth management account It can be handled at the bank counter. For insurance companies, life insurance and property insurance can be purchased through the investment and wealth management account opened by the insurance company Investment and wealth management products For securities companies, stocks (including A-share Class B H-share Bonds (including national debt Corporate bonds Corporate bonds Etc.), futures (including financial futures as Stock index futures Foreign exchange futures Etc, commodity futures as gold futures Agricultural products futures And a series of investment and financing tools. Securities account The opening of securities can be handled at the business department of each securities company and needs to be handled within the trading day. Some securities companies can make online reservation through provincial websites, and the account opening time through reservation is relatively flexible, which can support opening accounts on Saturday and Sunday.

Main platforms


Risk Management

Risk refers to the possibility that the decision cannot achieve the expected goal due to the uncertainty of the future situation. On a project investment decision or Funding decision-making If there is only one result, it does not exist Uncertainty , it can be considered that there is no risk in this decision; But if this decision has Multiple possibilities If the actual result is likely to deviate from the expected goal, it is considered that there is a risk. Moreover, the greater the deviation, the greater the risk of the decision. Corporate Financial decision They are often faced with various risks. Take risks from enterprise operation and financial management The angle classification of can be divided into business risk and financial risk Two types.
1. Operational risk
Also called operational risk. Because the enterprise Production and operation The reason for Operating income or Profit before tax The uncertainty caused by this risk can be divided into two sources: external causes and internal causes. External causes of enterprises refer to international and domestic reasons Macroeconomic situation And the location of the enterprise economic environment Changes, market supply and demand conditions and price changes, national finance tax policy financial policy and industrial policy And other external factors. The internal reasons of the enterprise refer to the quality of the enterprise managers and the comprehensive quality of all employees, product lines and Market share Change trend of, Leading technology Degree, technology and equipment level, Quality Assurance Level, cost control measures The response of enterprises to emergencies and Strain capacity Etc.
2. Financial risk
Also called Financing risk Due to financing reasons and liabilities Repayment at maturity Risk of principal and interest. When the enterprise conducts Debt financing In accordance with the provisions of the contract or agreement, the company should pay the principal and interest to the creditors on a regular basis, regardless of profit or loss Operating income If it is not enough to repay these principal and interest Financial crisis In serious cases, it will lead to insolvency and even bankruptcy. Corporate Capital profit rate The higher the interest rate of the debt, the lower the financial risk Smaller; On the contrary, when the debt interest rate is greater than the capital profit rate, the debt will not increase the shareholders' net profit Instead, it will become a heavy debt burden for enterprises. The total return on investment can be expressed by the following formula:

Financial management mode

First: Professional Financial analyst They all have a good attitude. Check it out financial market Is it very noisy in China? however analyst We can still analyze the market by ourselves quietly, so we won't be interfered by others. So if we want to be a financial analyst with superb technology, we should learn to control our mentality. In the future, there will not be many psychological changes when encountering big storms when making orders.
Second: Accurate analysis comes from our collection and judgment. Whether a market can be made, we have to analyze it before, so how to analyze it? Analysts will query according to the data on the message side. They can query the previous data and compare them with the estimated values. In addition, they need to find out the comments of some important people on the relevant news in the market, comprehensive analysis Then there will be a clearer boundary.
Moreover: the order is made neatly. After the analysis of a list, we also see that the point has reached the corresponding point. At this time, our Investment analyst We will not hesitate to enter the market and set the corresponding parameters according to different points, so the investment and financial analysts will not have great scruples about making orders, and will not have the same concerns as other investors about whether there will be losses when entering the market. As long as the list is seated at the corresponding point, it will not be nostalgic and will go straight out of the warehouse.
New financial investors should pay attention to the following points:
1. Make good use of financial budget, and never use the funds necessary for life as capital -- gambler psychological feature : Be mindful of gains and losses, have no control Overstrain People should never use your living capital as the capital for trading. Excessive financial pressure will mislead you investment strategy , increasing gradually Transaction risk , leading to bigger errors.
2. Wealth management transaction can not only rely on luck and intuition -- the psychological characteristics of gamblers who don't listen to advice if you don't have a fixed transaction mode , then your profit is likely to be very random, that is, by luck. This kind of profit can't last long. For those who do not know basic knowledge, they can go to Global Jinhui to learn.
3. Make good use of stop loss orders to reduce risks -- the courage and determination of military strategists: when the opportunity comes, you should take action.
4. Do according to one's ability - economist's theory: understand the management of funds and give full play to the maximum benefit of funds;


Seven Tips for Investment and Financing
Tip 1: Accounting
Tip 2: Live within your means
Tip 3: Accumulate your original funds as soon as possible
Tip 4: Don't use credit cards to pay for everything
Tip 5: Don't Blind investment
Tip 6: Please invest in yourself
Tip 7: Insure yourself to protect your parents

Related information

Because our country Third party financing The development is not yet mature, and China's supervision of third-party financial institutions is still Near blank There is no clear regulatory authority, no targeted regulatory system, and no regulatory rules.
Third party financing is a legal vacuum in terms of definition and regulation. Nowadays, most third-party financial institutions in the market“ Financial advisor Company "“ Investment consulting company ”Or the nominal operation of "wealth management center" can be divided into two modes: one is to provide financial advice only, and the other is to provide both advice and Agency financing Because there is no corresponding Legal department Or laws and regulations regulate the third-party financial institutions, School of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Professor Huo Wenwen said in an interview with the media that many are illegal legal status Of Private Offering Fund They will conduct agency financing in the name of a third-party financial institution.
Many third-party wealth management companies are not recognized by the regulatory authorities, which makes many formal companies in an awkward position. It is not surprising that formal companies are eager to be supervised, as the saying goes, "being upright is also afraid of being crooked".
moral risk : Information asymmetry is difficult to "neutral" disclosure mechanism needs to be improved
The advantage of the third party is independence, but this independence may only "look beautiful". The entrusted party may not know all the information due to limited professional knowledge, that is, there is a relationship between the entrusted party and the entrusted party Information Asymmetry China Economic Network The reporter looked up the definition given by Baidu: information asymmetry means that based on the information asymmetry between the two sides economic activity One side of the company takes actions against others while maximizing its own effectiveness. [3]
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics teacher He Ren Zeng said: "The trustee, that is, a third-party financial institution, is likely to use the advantages of professional technology and information to infringe the interests of investors." If only Financial planning The proposed institution is likely to transcend the "neutrality" it advocates because of its interest involvement. For helping customers asset management Third party financial institutions are more likely to Investment capacity Poor and investors suffer losses. In addition, many financial institutions operate irregularly and lack the necessary periodicity information disclosure The interests of investors are also difficult to secure.
Investment risk: uneven level of financial advisers is a stumbling block to high interest rates
Financial management is like seeking gold in the sand, which requires a pair of eyes. For investors, a professional financial adviser is a sharp tool for their gold rush.
However, in fact, the level of existing third-party financial institutions is uneven, and the professional ability of financial advisers is not satisfactory. Due to the low threshold and lagging supervision of financial institutions, many fund manager And sales staff are also joining, which has resulted in the uneven level of financial advisers of third-party financial institutions, and the quality of practitioners is far from the same. Many people do not even have a financial adviser certificate. And those who can truly provide customers with global focus, long-term planning, details and professional and accurate investment and financing services are even more rare. [3]
Paying high interest rates for investors requires professional personnel and smart teams, and the level of investment ability depends on the actual Return on investment Financial advisers who lack professional ability are lacking in risk control and product screening ability, which makes them unable to repay investors Expected rate of return The stumbling block of.
although Third party financing There are certain risks, but for New rich stratum As far as wealth management is concerned, it has become a trend to ask special "housekeepers" to take care of wealth. The author just wants to remind investors that they must polish their eyes on the way of financing and minimize the risk in the process of easy financing. [4]
(1) Executive member Admittance system Website registration Membership management , if you want to Corporate investment First of all, you must register as a member of the site with your real name and provide Online Banking Service account number.

Extended Reading

We often financial products It can be divided into three categories: fixed income Class financial products Principal guaranteed floating income financial products Non breakeven floating income financial products.
The first category is fixed income financial products.
Bank financial products Trust financial products Capital of capital guaranteed fixed income products of banks will generally be invested in those with higher security level treasury bill money market Products, etc, Yield Relatively low, and the safety is guaranteed. Trust financial products generally have clear Investment direction And funding Safeguard measures However, the starting point of investment is high, and ordinary people cannot afford to invest.
The second category is principal guaranteed floating income financial products.
It is mainly issued by banks. Although the principal is guaranteed, the income cannot be effectively guaranteed, and the income is generally higher than that of capital guaranteed fixed income products.
Third, right and wrong Break even Floating income financial products.
It is mainly divided into bank financial products and securities investment financial products. bank Non breakeven floating income financial products There are different types of capital investment. Securities investment and wealth management products mainly include funds and Private placement Financial products.
1. Learn to throttle.
Wages are limited. You should save money unnecessarily. As long as you save money, you can still save a considerable amount of income in a year. This is the first step of financial management;
2. Do a good job of open source.
If you have surplus money, you should use it reasonably to maintain and increase its value, so that it can generate greater income;
3. Be good at planning.
The purpose of financial management is not to make a lot of money, but to make the future life more secure or better (so financial management is not just for the rich, Salaried class It is also important to be good at planning your future needs;
4. Reasonable arrangement Fund structure , seeking a balance between actual consumption and future income;
5. Consider according to your own needs and risk tolerance Yield A high-yield financial management plan is not necessarily a good plan, but a plan suitable for oneself is a good plan, because the higher the yield, the greater the risk. The scheme that suits you is the one that can achieve the expected purpose and has the least risk. Don't choose the scheme with the highest yield blindly.