technical management

Management in the technology industry
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For planning, development and implementation Technical capability , complete Organizational strategy and operate Objectives. Technology management usually refers to the management work done in the technology industry. Managers generally have a high level of technology and lead their own teams to complete a technical task. In the actual operation of technology management, the emphasis is on the technology of the manager to the team he leads distribution , technology point and Technical supervision Managers use what they know technical knowledge And ability to improve the efficiency of the entire team, and then complete technical tasks. Technology management is the integration of technology and management, and is an advanced industry with high knowledge capacity.
Chinese name
technical management
Used to plan, develop, and implement technical capabilities
Key points
emphasize Organizational objectives
Improve product design and trial produce new products
Organization contacts
Development of technical capabilities
Applied Treasure
business management

Key points

Three important points:
two Technical capability Development of
3. Contact between activities and organizations


Technology usually refers to various process operation methods and skills summarized and developed based on practical production experience and natural science principles. Modern enterprise technology management is the management of planning, coordination, control and incentive of scientific research and all technical activities of enterprises according to the laws of scientific and technological work.
Enterprise technology management is the whole Enterprise management system A subsystem of technological development product development , technical transformation technical cooperation As well as technology transfer and other management activities such as planning, organization, command, coordination and control. The purpose of enterprise technology management is to work in accordance with science and technology Regularity , establish scientific work program , use enterprise technology and resources in a planned and reasonable way Scientific and technological achievements As soon as possible, to promote technical progress of an enterprise And the realization of economic benefits.
Enterprise technology management system The establishment of is based on technical management fundamental theory For the purpose of promoting the technological progress of enterprises, analyze and evaluate the technological development, product development, technological transformation, technical cooperation and technology transfer of enterprises, and propose improvement plans and guide the implementation Intellectual services Activities.
The establishment of the technology management system can evaluate the effectiveness of technology management, help enterprises analyze the reasons for poor technology management, formulate improvement measures, improve the level of enterprise technology management, promote enterprise progress, and enhance the enterprise's competitive power


The content of enterprise technology management mainly includes:
(1) Make scientific and technological predictions, formulate plans and organize their implementation;
(2) Improvements product design , trial production of new products;
(3) Formulation and implementation technical standard , proceed product quality Of Supervision and inspection
(4) Organization Information exchange
(5) Establish and improve technical operation procedures;
(6) Technical transformation technology import and Device update
(7) Do a good job Production technology preparation And daily technical management;
(8) Do a good job of technical and economic demonstration.

Several concepts

1. Process procedure
The process procedure is based on the quality of raw materials and product quality standards, under the guidance of national technical policies technical conditions Prepared Workmanship Technical documents The enterprise process procedures mainly include:
(1) Process flow is the production of combining a series of machines, equipment and processes to process and treat raw and auxiliary materials according to certain product quality standards Process
(2) The production technical data of various operating machines refer to the production technical parameters specified by various operating machines with different performance to meet the predetermined product quality standards when processing different raw and auxiliary materials.
2. Technical determination
The technical measurement of the enterprise is to Product production process The processing (processing) quantity and quality of each operating machine as well as their interrelationship are systematically checked, detected and analyzed.
The measurement mainly includes material flow measurement, quality measurement of finished and semi-finished products mechanical equipment The working parameters are measured in three aspects.
3. Scientific research
Scientific research generally refers to the use of scientific means and equipment to natural phenomena To explore the mysteries of natural phenomena scientific knowledge And reveal the internal relationship between them, so as to provide a theoretical basis for creating new technologies. Scientific research is generally divided into fundamental research , applied research and Development research Three types.
4. Technological innovation
Technical innovation usually refers to the partial improvement of production technology, such as the improvement of equipment structure, Production process And the improvement of operation methods, and the saving of raw materials. Technical innovation is generally only the improvement of local processes and individual equipment.
5. Technology introduction
In order to develop its own economic, scientific and technological level, a country acquires advanced technology from abroad by various means technological achievements , including various processes and equipment manufacturing technical information Key equipment or complete set of equipment
6. Technical transformation
Technical transformation means adhering to technical progress On the premise, apply scientific and technological achievements to all fields of enterprise production (products, equipment, processes), transform backward technologies with advanced technologies, and replace backward processes and equipment with advanced technologies and equipment, so as to improve product quality, save energy consumption, and comprehensively improve Economic benefits of enterprises The purpose of.
7. Technology file management
Technical archives It is the drawings (product drawings, process drawings, infrastructure drawings), various instructions, experimental records and topics, research papers, relevant photos, videos audio cassette And other technical documents. Technical archives management refers to the management process of a series of activities such as collection, sorting, classification, storage, identification, statistics and service of technical archives.


Enterprise technology management The main task of Scientific and technological progress , constantly improve the labor of the enterprise productivity and economic performance
(1) Correctly implement the national technology policy
The technical policy is formulated by the state according to the development and objective needs of modern enterprise production and the principles of science and technology, and is the guideline and policy to guide various technical work of enterprises. Many technical problems and economic problem The solution to the problem is inseparable from the relevant national technology policies. There are many technological policies for modern enterprises in China, mainly including Product quality standard Process procedure , Technology Operating Procedures , inspection system, etc., of which quality standard Is the most important.
(2) Establish good production Technical order To ensure the smooth production of the enterprise
Good Production technology Order is a necessary prerequisite to ensure the smooth production of enterprises. Through technology management, enterprises should machinery equipment And tools always keep good Technical status , provide advanced and reasonable process procedures for production, and strictly implement production technology responsibility system And quality inspection system to solve the technical problems in production in time, so as to ensure the smooth production of the enterprise.
(3) Improve the technical level of enterprises
Modern enterprises should improve the quality of workers and technicians Technical quality , Yes Production equipment technological process , operation methods, etc., and promote effective production technology experience; Work hard to learn and adopt new processes and technologies, give full play to the role of technicians and workers, and comprehensively improve the scientific culture To speed up the modernization process of the enterprise.
(4) Guarantee Safe production
The safety of operating workers and machinery and equipment is the basic guarantee for the smooth production of modern enterprises socialist system A basic requirement of. If the enterprise cannot ensure the safety of production Personal safety And health will not be guaranteed, and national property will suffer losses Production and operation activities It will also be greatly affected, so safety is benefit. The production safety of the enterprise should rely on the joint efforts of all aspects of the enterprise, take strong technical measures, formulate and implement Security technology Operation procedures to ensure production safety.
(5) Extensive scientific research activities and efforts to develop new products
In the market economy, modern enterprises must Timely production Out of compliance Social needs Only by using these products can we achieve corresponding economic benefits. This requires enterprises to mobilize technicians and workers to carry out extensive scientific research Activities, strive to specialize in technology, actively develop new products, constantly meet needs, and expand New markets [1]