zero Useful+1

Speaker system

Books published by National Defense Industry Press in 2010
Speaker System is 2010 National Defense Industry Press The book was published by Takeo Yamamoto (Japan). This book fully explains the structure, characteristics, positive functions and disadvantages of loudspeakers, so that everyone has a deep understanding of loudspeakers.
Speaker system
(Japan) Takeo Yamamoto
Wang Yizhen, Wu Guangwei, Zhang Shaogao
National Defense Industry Press
Publication time
January 1, 2010
42 yuan
16 ON
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion one hundred and eighteen million sixty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-five

System Introduction

Speaker system It is composed of one or several loudspeakers and corresponding accessories, such as baffle, loudspeaker, crossover network, etc., as the coupling equipment between the driving circuit and the surrounding air. The purpose is to obtain the required frequency characteristic , sound field distribution and special sound effects. Commonly used loudspeakers include direct electric loudspeakers, loudspeaker electric loudspeakers and various combination loudspeakers. Only direct loudspeaker is used to radiate sound power, and the sound pressure level in the service area is uneven. The use of horn type electric speakers with large sound power can basically make the sound intensity in the sound reinforcement area large enough and uniform sound field However, its narrow frequency range cannot meet the requirements of high-quality music sound reinforcement. Therefore, combination speakers are often used. This not only widens the frequency range but also increases the radiated sound power. The application of various speaker boxes and speakers can improve the low-frequency characteristics, directivity and efficiency of speakers; After various loudspeaker groups are adopted, its sound power and radiation characteristics can be further controlled. As for special sound effects, such as sound reinforcement in the case of long distance and strong noise, the sound power should be hundreds or even several kilowatts. At this time, air flow speakers can be used.

content validity

This book introduces the structure, working principle and characteristics of paper cone speakers, dome shaped speakers, horn speakers and various speaker boxes in detail, as well as acoustic knowledge related to speakers. The book is divided into 16 chapters, including the physical process of sound reproduction, auditory psychology, the nature of program sound, the performance of high fidelity speakers, paper cone speakers, dome shaped speakers, horn speakers, speaker boxes, speaker systems, monitor speakers, other types of speakers, amplifiers and speakers, the acoustic nature of sound reproduction and rooms, speaker systems for sound reinforcement, Methods of measurement of headphone and loudspeaker characteristics.
This book can be read and referenced by technicians and workers of speaker manufacturers, researchers of relevant scientific research institutions, and teachers and students of relevant majors in colleges and universities. It also has a certain reference value for the majority of speaker users.


Chapter 1 Physical Process of Sound Replay
1.1 Acoustic wave 1
1.1.1 Sound 1
1.1.2 Three elements of sound 2
1.2 Theory of sound field 3
1.2.1 Sound field equation 4
1.2.2 Velocity potential 6
1.2.3 Plane wave sound field 7
1.2.4 Standing wave 9
1.2.5 Spherical wave sound field 9
1.2.6 Refraction of sound wave 11
1.2.7 Diffraction of sound wave 12
1.3 Sound radiation system 13
1.3.1 Sound field generated by circular piston vibrating plate 13
1.3.2 Directionality of radiated sound 15
1.3.3 Radiation impedance 18
1.3.4 Radiated power of point sound source near barrier 21
1.4 Mechanical vibration system 23
1.4.1 Single degree of freedom vibration system 23
1.4.2 Membrane vibration 25
1.4.3 Plate vibration 25
1.5 Sound vibration system 26
1.5.1 Sound wave propagating in sound pipe 26
1.5.2 Acoustic elements 27
1.5.3 Acoustic transducer 29
1.6 Electrical force sound system analogy 29
1.6.1 Equivalent circuit of mechanical system 29
1.6.2 Equivalent circuit of sound system 30
1.6.3 Electrical mechanical acoustic analogy 32
1.7 Electroacoustic transducer 33
1.7.1 Electric transducer 34
1.7.2 Electrostatic transducer 36
References 39
Chapter 2 Hearing Psychology
2.1 Human ear and hearing 40
2.1.1 Structure of human ear 41
2.1.2 Hearing mechanism 42
2.2 Properties of sound 43
2.3 Hearing threshold 43
2.4 Tone (high and low voice) 44
2.4.1 Main factors affecting tone 44
2.4.2 Measurement of tone 45
2.5 Loudness and iso loudness curve of sound 45
2.5.1 Sound intensity and loudness 45
2.5.2 Isophonic curve 45
2.5.3 Song Dynasty Scale.................................... 46
2.5.4 Loudness and duration of sound 46
2.6 Noise pollution 47
2.6.1 Expression method of noise intensity 47
2.6.2 NRN curve 47
2.7 Masking 48
2.7.1 Masking effect 48
2.7.2 Mutual masking of pure tones 49
2.7.3 Voice color change caused by masking 50
2.7.4 Width of critical frequency band 50
2.8 Sense of sound change.................. 51
2.8.1 Discrimination threshold 51
2.8.2 Frequency discrimination threshold 51
2.8.3 Discrimination threshold of sound intensity 51
2.8.4 Frequency modulation discrimination threshold 52
2.8.5 Discrimination threshold of AM 52
2.8.6 Discrimination threshold of frequency characteristic change
2.8.7 Distortion discrimination threshold 53
2.8.8 Discrimination threshold of phase change 54
2.9 Sense of voice color 56
2.9.1 About Voice..................... 56
2.9.2 Factors determining timbre 56
2.9.3 Evaluation terms of sound quality
2.9.4 Relationship between sound quality evaluation terms and physical characteristics
2.10 Directional Positioning of Two Channel Replay.................................... 62
2.10.1 Direction positioning capability 62
2.10.2 Directional positioning of two channels 63
2.10.3 Two channel playback
2.10.4 Makita Theory on Stereo Sound Field 64
2.10.5 Nature of sound image 65
2.11 Orientation of multi-channel playback
2.11.1 Orientation of real sound source in horizontal plane 66
2.11.2 Orientation of synthetic sound source in horizontal plane 69
2.11.3 Arrangement of speakers for multi-channel stereo
2.11.4 Phase difference and sense of compression between sound channels 71
2.11.5 Breadth of sound field 71
References 73
Chapter 3 Nature of the sound
3.1 Nature of sound source 75
3.1.1 Method of representing sound source property 75
3.1.2 Band..................... 76
3.1.3 Dynamic range 76
3.1.4 Directivity 77
3.2 Nature of program sound 77
3.2.1 Expression method of sound property of broadcast program 77
3.2.2 Spectrum..................... 78
3.2.3 Level distribution 78
3.2.4 Spectrum level distribution 80
3.2.5 Two Channel Stereo and Four Channel Signals
References..................... 82
Chapter 4 Performance of High Fidelity Speakers
4.1 Composition of audio playback device and tasks of loudspeaker 83
4.1.1 Composition of audio playback device 83
4.1.2 Factors affecting playback sound quality 84
4.2 Output sound pressure level 84
4.2.1 Output sound pressure level and efficiency 84
4.2.2 Rated input power and maximum input power 86
4.2.3 Maximum output sound pressure level 86
4.3 Distortion.................. 87
4.3.1 Harmonic distortion..................... 87
4.3.2 Intermodulation distortion..................... 87
4.3.3 Abnormal sound 88
4.4 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure 88
4.4.1 Replay frequency band 88
4.4.2 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure 89
4.4.3 Power response 90
4.5 Directivity 90
4.5.1 Directionality of High Fidelity Speakers 90
4.5.2 Directivity of loudspeakers for sound reinforcement 91
4.6 Electrical impedance characteristics 92
4.7 Transient characteristics 92
4.8 Phase characteristics 93
4.9 Shape and design of loudspeaker system 95
4.10 Performance of loudspeaker for stereo playback
4.10.1 Frequency characteristics 95
4.10.2 Phase characteristics 96
4.10.3 Directivity 97
4.11 Sound quality of high fidelity speakers
4.12 Physical characteristics and comprehensive excellence of loudspeaker system
References.................................... 102
Chapter 5 Cone shaped loudspeaker
5.1 Structure and working principle of conical loudspeaker
5.1.1 Structure of conical loudspeaker 103
5.1.2 Operating principle of conical loudspeaker
5.2 Equivalent circuit of vibration system
5.2.1 Equivalent circuit of mechanical vibration system
5.2.2 Equivalent circuit of electrical system
5.3 Characteristics of Low Sound Band.................................... 108
5.3.1 Low frequency resonance.................................... 108
5.3.2 Characteristics of low-noise band
5.3.3 Electrical impedance characteristics in low sound frequency band
5.4 Characteristics of medium frequency band................................ 111
5.4.1 Ring break resonance
5.4.2 Split vibration of cone.................. 112
5.5 Characteristics of high frequency band.................................... 113
5.5.1 High audio playback upper limit
5.5.2 Characteristics of high sound band.................................... 114
5.5.3 Directivity of High Frequency Band and Its Improvement Methods.................................... 114
5.6 Efficiency.................................... 116
5.7 Distortion of conical loudspeaker.................................... 116
5.7.1 Distortion caused by driving force................................ 117
5.7.2 Distortion caused by nonlinearity of mounting system.................................... 119
5.7.3 Distortion caused by cone.................. 120
5.7.4 Doppler distortion and other distortions 120
5.8 Transient characteristics.................................... 122
5.8.1 Transient Characteristics of Burst..................... 122
5.8.2 Transient distortion characteristics.................................... 123
5.8.3 Measurement of transient characteristics by pulse.................. 124
5.9 Phase characteristics.................................... 125
5.10 General characteristics of conical loudspeaker
5.10.1 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure and directional frequency characteristics.................................... 127
5.10.2 Nominal impedance and impedance characteristics.................................... 127
5.10.3 Harmonic distortion characteristics 128
5.10.4 Output sound pressure level.................................... 129
5.11 Components of conical loudspeaker 130
5.11.1 Cone and mounting system 130
5.11.2 Voice coil
5.11.3 Magnetic circuit
5.11.4 Pot rack 139
References.................................... 139
Chapter 6 Dome Speaker
6.1 Structure and working principle of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.1.1 Structure of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.1.2 Working principle of dome shaped loudspeaker.................................... 142
6.1.3 Hard sphere top speakers and soft sphere top speakers.................................... 143
6.2 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.2.1 Low frequency band characteristics of dome shaped loudspeaker.................................... 144
6.2.2 Mid band characteristics of dome shaped loudspeaker.................................... 145
6.2.3 High band characteristics of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.3 General characteristics of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.3.1 Output sound pressure pointing frequency characteristics.................................... 148
6.3.2 Electrical impedance characteristics 148
6.3.3 Distortion characteristics of dome shaped loudspeaker
6.4 Components of dome shaped loudspeaker 150
6.4.1 Diaphragm and support materials 150
6.4.2 Voice coil 152
6.4.3 Magnetic circuit system 152
6.4.4 Throat plug
6.4.5 Rear cavity cover 154
References.................................... 155
Chapter 7 Horn Speaker
7.1 Structure and working principle of horn loudspeaker
7.1.1 Structure of horn loudspeaker
7.1.2 Force impedance matching
7.1.3 Type of horn loudspeaker
7.2 Horn.................................... 160
7.2.1 Acoustic wave equation in horn.................. 161
7.2.2 Exponential horn 161
7.2.3 Horn length
7.2.4 Hyperbolic horn.................. 164
7.3 Equivalent circuit and efficiency of vibration system
7.3.1 Equivalent circuit of vibration system
7.3.2 Electro acoustic conversion efficiency of horn loudspeaker
7.4 Characteristics of horn loudspeaker
7.4.1 Velocity frequency characteristics of diaphragm
7.4.2 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure
7.4.3 Directivity.................................... 172
7.4.4 Distortion due to air nonlinearity
7.4.5 Allowable input power
References.................................... 176
Chapter 8 Speaker Box
8.1 Type of loudspeaker box
8.2 Barrier
8.2.1 Plane baffle
8.2.2 Open speaker box
8.3 Enclosed loudspeaker box
8.3.1 Equivalent circuit of loudspeaker installed in enclosed sound box
8.3.2 Speaker Parameters Required for Speaker Box Design.................................... 182
8.3.3 Design of Closed Sound Box
8.3.4 Shelf type loudspeaker box
8.4 Inverted loudspeaker box
8.4.1 Equivalent circuit of loudspeaker installed in inverted loudspeaker box
8.4.2 Ideal conditions of inverted loudspeaker box
8.4.3 Characteristics under non ideal conditions
8.4.4 Advantages of inverted loudspeaker box
8.4.5 Design of inverted loudspeaker box
8.5 Special baffle plate
8.5.1 Deformation of inverted loudspeaker box
8.5.2 Front loading horn speaker box
8.5.3 Rear loading horn speaker box
8.5.4 Non directional speaker box
8.6 Appearance of loudspeaker box
8.6.1 Influence of sound box shape on low audio frequency characteristics
8.6.2 Dimension ratio of loudspeaker box
8.6.3 Mounting hole and installation method
8.7 Materials for loudspeaker box
8.7.1 Plate.................. 213
8.7.2 Plate vibration and reinforcement materials 214
8.7.3 Sound absorbing materials and their effects 215
8.7.4 Mesh cover 218
8.7.5 Box processing and impact of sound pressure leakage
References..................... 220
Chapter 9 Speaker System
9.1 Purpose of combined type.................. 221
9.1.1 Conditions for High Fidelity Speakers
9.1.2 Problems of Single Cone Speaker
9.1.3 Advantages of combined loudspeaker
9.2 Composition method of loudspeaker system 224
9.2.1 Division method of frequency band
9.2.2 Required performance of bass loudspeaker
9.2.3 Required Performance of Medium and High pitch Speakers..................... 228
9.2.4 Combination Method of Speakers in Each Frequency Band
9.2.5 Arrangement method of loudspeakers in each frequency band................................ 230
9.2.6 Types of combined loudspeaker system
9.3 Frequency division network..................... 232
9.3.1 Constant resistance type frequency division network.................................... 232
9.3.2 Correction of loudspeaker impedance 236
9.4 Components for Network..................... 237
9.4.1 Capacitor
9.4.2 Coil
9.4.3 Attenuator
9.5 Filter for Multi channel Amplifier
9.5.1 Basic unit of filter for multi-channel amplifier
9.5.2 Precautions for NF type RC filter composition
9.5.3 Composition method of various cut-off characteristics
9.6 General characteristics of loudspeaker system
9.6.1 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure and directional frequency characteristics
9.6.2 Harmonic distortion characteristics
9.6.3 Transient characteristics 250
9.6.4 Impedance characteristics 251
References.................................... 252
Chapter 10 Monitor Speaker
10.1 Performance required for monitoring loudspeaker
10.2 Voice color required for monitoring loudspeaker.................................... 256
10.3 Composition of monitoring loudspeaker
10.3.1 Composition
10.3.2 Box.................................... 257
10.3.3 Requirements for driving amplifier
10.4 Example of Monitoring Speakers 258
10.4.1 Monitoring loudspeaker for sound recording room
10.4.2 Monitoring loudspeaker for radio station
10.5 Differences between Monitor Speakers and Hi Fi Speakers.................................... 263
References.................................... 263
Chapter 11 Other Types of Speakers
11.1 Type of loudspeaker
11.2 Haier Speakers
11.3 Electromagnetic loudspeaker
11.4 Electrostatic loudspeaker
11.4.1 Single ended electrostatic loudspeaker
11.4.2 Push pull electrostatic loudspeaker 268
11.4.3 Electret electrostatic loudspeaker
11.5 Piezoelectric loudspeaker 270
11.5.1 Longitudinal Vibrator Speaker
11.5.2 Dual piezoelectric chip loudspeaker
11.5.3 Polymer Piezoelectric Speakers
11.6 Discharge type loudspeaker
11.7 Band loudspeaker 275
11.8 Flat Panel Speakers 276
11.9 Loudspeakers for Musical Instruments..................... 278
11.9.1 Required performance of loudspeaker for musical instrument..................... 278
11.9.2 Structure of instrument speakers 278
References..................... 279
Chapter 12 Amplifiers and Speakers
12.1 Relationship between main amplifier and loudspeaker
12.1.1 The maximum output power of the main amplifier and the input power that the loudspeaker can withstand.................................... 280
12.1.2 Output impedance of main amplifier and characteristics of loudspeaker
12.1.3 Special Phenomena Caused by Main Amplifier and Loudspeaker
12.2 Speaker connection method 284
12.2.1 Connecting Methods of Several Speakers 284
12.2.2 Volume adjustment method 285
12.3 Dynamic feedback loudspeaker
12.3.1 Principle of MFB.................................... 287
12.3.2 Mode of dynamic feedback
References.................................... 290
Chapter 13 Replay Sound and Room Acoustic Characteristics
13.1 Transient sound field
13.1.1 Establishment and attenuation of indoor sound
13.1.2 Mixed sound
13.1.3 Relationship between reverberation time and room
13.1.4 Optimal reverberation time
13.1.5 Direct Sound and Reverberation (Scatter Sound)
13.2 Steady state sound field
13.2.1 Distribution of room sound pressure
13.2.2 Effect of directivity..................... 298
13.3 Room fluctuation phenomenon
13.3.1 Natural vibration of room 300
13.3.2 Degeneration of natural vibration 300
13.3.3 Room size and natural vibration density 301
13.3.4 Prevention method of standing wave 302
13.4 Place and Characteristics of Speakers
13.4.1 Mirror Image.................................... 303
13.4.2 Place and characteristics of loudspeakers 304
13.5 Sound absorption and insulation
13.5.1 Sound absorption and sound absorption materials 306
13.5.2 Sound insulation and sound insulation materials 308
13.6 Enlargement of Stereo Listening Range
13.6.1 Stereo Listening Position and Sound Pressure Level Difference
13.6.2 Using directivity to expand the hearing range
13.6.3 Method of using reflected sound
13.6.4 Methods of using directivity and reflected sound
References.................................... 315
Chapter 14 Loudspeaker System for Sound Reinforcement
14.1 Layout design of loudspeakers for sound reinforcement
14.1.1 Room shape and layout of loudspeakers for sound reinforcement
14.1.2 Research on sound pressure level
14.1.3 Research on sound pressure distribution.................. 320
14.2 Loudspeakers for Sound Reinforcement 321
14.2.1 Required performance of loudspeakers for sound reinforcement
14.2.2 Directional design
14.2.3 Types and examples of theater speakers
14.3 Screaming Suppression Speakers 329
14.3.1 Whistling of sound reinforcement device 329
14.3.2 Screaming suppression loudspeaker
14.3.3 Practical Application in the Hall
14.4 Construction Method of Loudspeaker for Sound Reinforcement
References.................................... 338
Chapter 15 Earphones
15.1 Structure and working principle of earphone
15.2 Performance required for earphones
15.2.1 Characteristics of human ear and artificial ear
15.2.2 Performance required for earphones
15.3 Equivalent circuit of vibration system
15.4 Research on low audio frequency characteristics
15.4.1 Equivalent circuit in low sound frequency band
15.4.2 Acoustic equivalent circuit for improving low-noise band characteristics
15.4.3 Low sound frequency characteristic decline and diaphragm caused by ear pad leakage
15.5 Research on Characteristics of High Sound Band
15.5.1 Acoustic equivalent circuit for reducing the characteristics of high sound frequency band
15.5.2 Design of comprehensive characteristics 348
15.5.3 Main reasons for affecting the upper limit of playback in the high audio band.................................... 349
15.6 General characteristics of earphones 349
15.7 Ear pad 351
15.7.1 Type of ear pad
15.7.2 Characteristics during actual wearing.................................... 352
15.8 All kinds of earphones 352
15.8.1 Types of earphones 352
15.8.2 Open Headphones 353
15.8.3 Electrostatic earphones 354
15.8.4 Electret earphones
15.8.5 Piezoelectric earphones
15.8.6 Electric full drive earphone
15.9 Earplug machine 358
15.10 Audio recording of simulation head 359
References.................................... 361
Chapter 16 Measurement Methods of Speaker Characteristics
16.1 Measuring equipment 362
16.1.1 Anechoic chamber 362
16.1.2 Reverberation Room 363
16.1.3 Standard baffle plate 364
16.1.4 Microphone 367
16.1.5 Other measuring equipment 367
16.2 Measurement of loudspeaker characteristics 368
16.2.1 Frequency characteristics of output sound pressure 368
16.2.2 Sound power frequency characteristics 369
16.2.3 Phase characteristics
16.2.4 Group delay time frequency characteristics
16.2.5 Transient characteristics
16.2.6 Harmonic distortion characteristics
16.2.7 Amplitude intermodulation distortion (AIM distortion) characteristics
16.2.8 Differential frequency distortion (DF distortion) characteristics
16.2.9 Dynamic distortion characteristics
16.2.10 Directivity
16.2.11 Impedance characteristics 379
16.3 Method of measuring loudspeaker characteristics by pulse.................. 380
16.3.1 Equipment for pulse response measurement................................ 380
16.3.2 Characteristics obtained from impulse response.................. 382
References.................................... 386
Symbol Table.................................... 387 [1]