zero Useful+1


application system
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WYSIWYG is a system. It enables the user to see file It has the same style as the final product of the document, and also allows users to edit text, graphics, or other elements in the document directly in the view.
WYSIWYG is often easier to use than tag language because tag language does not provide immediate visual feedback on changes. Users can easily simulate the real light scene. You can control the scene of the simulated light through the Ethernet/DMX light console or offline controller, and users can see the precise effect of the light scene in real time.
Chinese name
Foreign name
What You See Is What You Get
Foreign language abbreviations
adopt Ethernet /DMX lighting console simulation

System advantages

It can simulate the real scene. We can generate the performance scene according to the actual size of the performance venue, and install various equipment to simulate a complete lighting scene.
Through the control system, control the effect of simulated lighting scene. We can use control equipment or offline software to configure the light channel for light control, and see the performance light effect on the screen in real time.
All the lighting information you need can be obtained by arranging the field equipment configuration. After you set up a simulated scene, the system will automatically generate all the data for on-site control and maintenance, such as lamp bitmap, channel table, connection table, lamp statistics table, simulation renderings, etc., to provide reference for on-site operation.
The design is not limited by space. Used WYSIWYG Perform, Designers can complete all lighting design at home without directing at the performance site, including lamp layout, scene layout, lighting design, lighting control, etc.
During on-site real-time control, the control effect and equipment operation can be displayed in real time.
Support the import and export of multiple file formats. We can apply ready-made files to import the original design into WYSIWYG Performance for light design and export it to the required file format.
With the help of CSP Realize animation design.

system function

WYSIWYG Performance provides users with powerful design functions, mainly including CAD 、DATA、 DESIGN PRES LIVE In the following five parts, we will introduce the powerful functions of WYSIWYG Performance:


Simulate the real performance place according to the actual size of the theater or performance place. When setting the performance place, you can enter the actual size of the performance place at will.
According to the actual layout of the theater or performance place, light poles (all kinds of light hangers), lamps, stage settings, performers, sound and other equipment shall be arranged.
It provides a window interface in all directions to make drawing and layout easier. It provides a window interface: top view, left view, right view, front view, back view, and 3D window.
Four small windows can be displayed in one window at the same time, and the windows you need can be set at will, and the windows you need can be enlarged separately.
With a shadow window, you can see the layout of the performance place in time.


Display various properties of all equipment, such as the controlled channel, matching channel, installation position, color, lens, weight, bulb type, bulb power, etc. of a lamp
Various wrong feedback information, such as circuit number, control channel, matching channel, etc
Matching table, comparison table of control channel matching with actual circuit


Brightness control
Color selection
Filter selection
Focus control
Flare control
Prism selection, etc
DESIGN also has a large window, four selection windows displayed at the same time, individually enlarged selection window and shadow window for designers to choose from.


Statistical table of lamps, showing the type, lens (such as 19 degree lens), quantity and status of lamps.
Make a design book, and select several projects (such as lamps) according to the lighting scheme you have designed bitmap , rendering renderings, statistical tables, etc.).
Render the picture set, and each rendered picture will be placed here for easy call at any time.
Work situation table, showing your work situation


Display the effect of light control after you are in DESIGN. LIVE also has a large window, four selection windows that can be displayed at the same time, and a single enlarged selection window and shadow window for designers to choose from.


Automatic positioning of layout points (midpoint, start point, end point, center point, height, etc.). When drawing, the system helps you find the location you need and more accurately layout equipment. At the same time, you can set the distance between two objects, and automatically find the distance point you need.
Set the automatic focus. You can set the automatic focus on an object and select the lamp projected on the object. When the object moves, the lamp you select will automatically focus with the movement of the object.
distance measuring tools It can easily measure the distance between any two positions you need
Shortcut tool: quickly select the color, filter and other accessories you need, set the focus position and other attributes of the lamp, and connect the light control channel.
The view viewing tool can zoom in and out of the view you select.
Layer function, you can set different layers according to the type of equipment. When drawing, you can lock, turn off and turn on the required layers
Large library, including all kinds of lamps, lamp poles, props, etc
Shortcut window: place the lamps and other devices you select in the class library into various shortcut windows by category, so that they can be called next time, and set the frequently used windows for switching at any time.
Rendering tool, which can translate your designed lights Scene rendering It is a real light effect, and various setting options (such as smoke and fog density) can be set during rendering to get better results.
Printing tools, rendered pictures, equipment layout of performance places, various worksheets, various error feedback forms, etc. can be printed, and various printing options can be set.
With the import and export function of other files, you can import files prepared in other software into WYSIWYG Performance, and export files prepared in WYSIWYG Performance to files in other formats. Support importing file formats: DWG, DWG, DXF, BMP, Lightwright2, Excel Support exporting file formats: DWG, DXF, BMP, Excel

Minimum configuration

Pentium 3 Processor above 550M main frequency
Memory above 128M
Hard disk space above 300M
Display resolution above 1024 × 768
  1. one
16M or more video memory, display card with OpenGL function
One WYG-it 2 control connection device or one software capable of offline connection control
With MIDI output port
The WINNT system must have an ECP parallel port, and the WIN98/2000/XP system must have an ECP parallel port or USB port

Other instructions

WYSIWYG Performance is the latest and most comprehensive version of WYSIWYG. It supports all previous versions and has all the functions of all previous versions. You can also select the version of several functions, such as WYSIWYG DESIGN
WYG-it 2 is the latest control connection equipment. It is recommended to use this equipment to connect control equipment
ETC The company has integrated WYSIWYG Performance into some consoles. The supported controls are: Emphasis console, and the OBSENSION II console will also launch a version integrated with WYSIWYG Performance in the near future.
Almost all software supporting offline control can control WYSIWYG Performance scenarios, such as Horizon and HOG PC Etc. 9、 WYG-it 2 introduces that WYG-it 2 is a connecting device to realize WYSIWYG Perform lighting effect control. He provides two DMX input controls
1024 DMX channels. WYG-it 2 is directly connected to the USB port of the computer without additional power supply. In order to make the system use more than two DMX, we can directly connect more than two WYG-it 2 to the computer USB port. Using the AutoFocusTM protocol, we can directly
Color, focus, and other light attributes are transferred to the light console. WYG-it 2 uses MIDI ports and Serial port Allows you to directly AutoFocusTM to different consoles. We can set them through the control interface of WYG-it 2 in the computer.
Standard WYSIWYG Word Process
TX Text Control . NET provides developers with perfect word processing functions to add to your programs Provide customers with complete WYSIWYG features to create invoices, letters, lists or other office documents.
Features: standard WYSIWYG interface, complete word processing features, drag and drop function.