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Strategic measures

Methods and means to achieve strategic objectives
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Strategic measures refer to the methods and means to achieve strategic objectives. Including strategic policy, strategic steps, strategic deployment, etc. The process of determining strategic measures includes: (1) linking up all strategic steps or main tasks during the whole development strategy period; (2) Determine the development policy of the strategic steps of each strategic stage; (3) Select the means or ways to realize each strategic stage and step according to the development policy. The strategic measures for China's economic development determined at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are divided into three steps. The first step is to double the GNP of 1980; The second step is to double the GNP by the end of this century, so that the people can live a moderately prosperous life; Third, by the middle of the next century, the per capita GNP will reach the level of moderately developed countries, people will live a relatively prosperous life, and modernization will be basically achieved. [1]
Chinese name
Strategic measures
Strategic means
Industry selection strategy
Indispensable part


The strategic purpose and strategic policy are the direction, goal, program and guideline of strategic action, but not the action itself. Only through strategic measures can they be put into practice and implemented. Therefore, strategic measures are an indispensable part of any specific strategy.

Classification of strategic measures

(1) Corporate governance strategy 1. Attract social investment and improve the corporate governance structure 2. Continue to enrich the mature experience of the company and improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise from the system 3. Attract talents in many ways and improve the corporate culture by taking advantage of cultural shock
(2) Industry selection strategy
1. With real estate development as the core, we should focus on expanding in the real estate industry. 2. Use the division of labor and outsourcing methods to change the industry's business model. 3. Adjust the industry distribution and peel off transactional and low value-added businesses
(3) Business development strategy 1. Implement brand management and take type development as the carrier of intangible assets 2. Implement brand priority strategy in land development and strive to achieve the unity of long-term and short-term effects of brand development 3. Adapt to the growth trend of stock housing transactions and actively develop stock housing transaction markets 4. Develop real estate leasing business and adjust business risks 5. Combine development and brand management to open up foreign markets
(4) Product development strategy 1. Focus on creating high-quality projects and changing the development model 2. Strengthen product features and improve brand recognition 3. Build an industrial extension platform with product development as the link
(5) Company financing strategy
(6) Asset management strategy 1. Cooperate with real estate development enterprises with integration value through brand management 2. Enter other qualified real estate enterprises through equity participation, equity purchase, share exchange, etc. 3. Use its own assets to invest in the real estate market 4. Use the company's business ability to become a real estate market resource integrator