
[chéng zhōu]
Capital of Western Zhou Dynasty
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Chengzhou, the Western Zhou Dynasty capital , located in Luoyang, Henan (ancient name Luoyang ), whose name was found in the fifth year of King Cheng of Zhou Dynasty“ He Zun Mingwen ”"Only when Wang first moved to his residence in Chengzhou". King Wu of Zhou set out to establish a new capital in the Central Plains after the destruction of Yin and Shang Dynasty. The purpose was to build Chengzhou City, which was built by the Duke of Zhou in the fifth year of King Cheng of Zhou. He Zun The five years of King Cheng of Zhou Dynasty recorded in detail in the inscription“ Aziz China ”That is the matter. [1-6]
The inscription of He Zun records that King Wen was ordered and King Wu destroyed the Shang Dynasty Cheng Wang Move the capital The major political events in the Western Zhou Dynasty coincided with the records in Luogao and Zhaogao of Shangshu, which confirmed the authenticity of historical documents and provided important material materials for the study of the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the dating of bronzes. [27-28]
During the Western Zhou Dynasty, Chengzhou City was stationed in the Eighth Division of the Zhou Dynasty under the direct control of the Zhou royal family. Each division had 2500 people, and a total of 20000 people were stationed in Chengzhou to deter the East. The nine tripods, which symbolize the royal power, are placed in the Ming Hall of Chengzhou City, implying that the Central Plains is settled and used to frighten the world.
From the site selection of King Wu of Zhou, the residence of Zhao Gong, the construction of Luoyang by Duke Zhou, to the settlement of the Central Plains by King Cheng of Zhou, Chengzhou City is the first capital in Chinese history that has been planned and constructed in detail at the national level.
Several important tombs, copper casting and sacrificial sites of the Western Zhou Dynasty were excavated near Chanhe River. The general location of Chengzhou City in the Western Zhou Dynasty is basically determined, which is consistent with the literature records. Because most of the sites of Chengzhou City are overlapped by modern cities The investigation and excavation work is mostly coordinated and the basic construction is carried out, which brings great inconvenience to the study of the layout and cultural connotation of Chengzhou City. [29]
In 770 BC (the first year of King Zhou Ping), Pingwang moved eastward , making the capital Zhou, and changing the name of the capital to Luoyang. Later, this period of the Zhou Dynasty was called Eastern Zhou Dynasty King Jing of Zhou moved his capital from Luoyang to Chengzhou to avoid the "chaos of the prince court".
Chinese name

Historical evolution

Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》There are records in other historical books about the camp of King Cheng of Zhou living in Chengzhou, [7-8] In this regard, Sima Qian wrote in "Records of the Historian · Zhou Benji": Tai Shi Gong said that all scholars said that Zhou conquered Zhou and lived in Luoyi, but in fact it was not the case. In the camp of King Wu, Zhao Gongbo, the envoy of King Cheng, lived in the nine tripods, while Zhou Fu had abundant capitals and pickaxes. When Canrong defeated You Wang, Zhou Naidong moved to Luoyang.
According to Sima Qian's records, most scholars in the Han Dynasty supported the settlement of Luoyang in the Western Zhou Dynasty [9] Later generations believed that Luoyang was the eastern capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty [10-11] There are still views supporting the view of Han scholars that King Cheng of Zhou moved his capital to Luoyang [5] [12] The inscription of He Zun begins with "Only Wang first moved to his residence in Chengzhou [2] ”According to the records, the new Yige unearthed in Qishan in 1981 and the new YiBuJia unearthed in Zhougong Temple in 2008 are all evidence of this historical event [13]
According to Shangshu Zhaogao, in the fifth year of King Cheng of Zhou, that is, in February of 1039 BC, King Cheng of Zhou sent Zhao Gong, the Taibao, to Luoyang to survey the city building base, which was called "Xiangzhai". On March 5, Zhou Zhaogong arrived at Zhouluoyi, and after the auspicious omen of "Buzhai", the foundation was officially laid. On March 12 of the same year, Zhou Gongdan came to Luoyang, the capital of Xindu; On March 21, a grand sacrificial ceremony was held and an order was issued to the descendants of the aristocrats of the Shang Dynasty and the leaders of the vassal states to build the camp into the Zhouluoyi. Since then, it has opened the prelude to the large-scale construction of new capital cities. In December of that year, the capital Luoyang was initially completed. After the completion of the new capital of Luoyang in Zhou Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty held a grand celebration ceremony. According to the Shangshu Luogao, after the completion of the new capital city of Luoyang, the Duke of Zhou said to King Cheng of Zhou, "Wang, who was called Yin Li, was worshipped in the new city, and his rank was devoid of literature (turbulence). He gave Qi all kinds of work, and he (envoy) followed the king in Zhou (new city)." In the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty, King Jing of Zhou died The Prince Dynasty The scramble for position. In 516 BC, King Jing of Zhou He ascended the throne and moved eastward to the place where the former capital of Xia and Shang dynasties was located due to the prosperity of the party of the prince dynasty in the royal city. In 510 BC, the Jin people led the princes to build the capital city of Zhou for King Jing of Zhou. Since then, Cheng Zhou refers to the new capital city of King Jing of Zhou. All kings below King Jing of Zhou lived in Zhouguo City, and it was not until the last King Nan of Zhou moved his capital again royal city (Chengzhou Palace City).

King Wu's site selection

King Wu of Zhou
The preliminary planning and construction of Chengzhou City came after King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty《 Yizhou Book ·Duyi, Records of the Historian · The Fourth Chronicle of the Zhou Dynasty and other documents have recorded in detail the scene of King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty when he chose the site: King Wu of Zhou After the extermination of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou could not sleep at night because of the fact that the pickaxe was located to the west and could not control the eastern region where the old families of the Yin and Shang dynasties were widely distributed. King Wu of Zhou said to the Duke of Zhou, "When the Shang Dynasty was founded, there were 360 famous people appointed to make the Yin Dynasty survive. Now that the political turmoil in the Yin and Shang dynasties has ended for more than 60 years, the Zhou talents have been able to settle down in the Central Plains, and I cannot make the national destiny that God gave to the Zhou Dynasty remain unchanged forever, where can I sleep?" [14] In order to consolidate the new regime, King Wu of Zhou finally decided that in order to ensure the prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty, the stubborn forces of the Shang Dynasty near the place where the Yan people used to live around the Tianshi Mountain must be eliminated, and the capital city of the Shang Dynasty must be established here, so as to ensure the stability of the West. Later, King Wu of Zhou looked south at Santu, north at Yuebei, observed the Yellow River, and carefully examined the areas of Luoshui and Yishui in Luoyang Basin. King Wu of Zhou believed that from Chengzhou Luoshui Bay in Luoyang Basin to Yishui Bay, the terrain was flat and there was no danger The Xia Dynasty established its capital It is a good place to settle down and not far from Tianshi Mountain. So King Wu of Zhou made a preliminary survey plan for building a new capital of Zhou Dynasty in Luoyang, and then left.
King Wu of Zhou It has solved the urban planning problem of Luoyi, the new capital of Chengdu and Zhouzhou Luo Yi Then ", we can finally be reassured:" Steep your horse in the sun of Huashan Mountain, and herd your cattle in the emptiness of the peach forest; stop fighting, shake up your troops and release your travel: it shows that the world does not reuse it. " [15-16]

Zhao Gong Xiang's Residence

Less than two years after the completion of the capital planning of Luoyang in the Zhou Dynasty, King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty died. After King Cheng of Zhou succeeded to the throne, the three prisons rebelled, Duke Zhou's eastward expedition Three years will bring peace. Zhou Gongdai King Cheng of Zhou So King Cheng implemented the plan of King Wu and made Zhou Zhaogong return to the capital Luoyang [12]
Zhao Gong When selecting the address of Luoyang Xindu, we fully considered King Wu of Zhou The last wishes of. History Book· Call 》According to the record, King Cheng of Zhou sent Zhao Gong, the imperial guard, to Luoyang to inspect the terrain and specify the address of the capital. After half a month's journey, Zhao Gong arrived at Xindu Luoyang on the fifth day of March. On the seventh day of the lunar month, Duke Zhao instructed Yin Min to plan the location of the city walls, palaces, temples, and imperial cities on the north bank of Luoshui, and the city construction plan was completed on the eleventh day of the week. [17] The next day, Duke Zhou arrived at Luoyang, made a comprehensive inspection of the new city, and conducted divination. He built the new capital of Luoyang on the east and west of Jianshui River and on the bank of Luoshui River on the east of Chanshui River. So the Duke of Zhou presented the map and the divinatory omen for the construction of Luoyang to King Cheng of Zhou. With the approval of King Cheng of Zhou, he killed cattle, sheep, pigs and other sacrifices on the 14th and 10th day of the same month, and set up a temple to sacrifice land in Luoyang, Xindu [18] Seven days later, the Duke of Zhou issued an order to the princes and the people of Yin, and then ordered the people to start construction on a large scale. After eight or nine months of construction, the new capital of Zhou City was completed at the end of the year. [19]

Camp completion week

After the Duke Zhao of Zhou assigned the new capital as the location of Zhouluoyi, the Duke of Zhou then inspected Jiuding It was placed in the city of Chengzhou, the new capital, which means that the capital of the Central Plains and China was settled, and the map and divination results were reported to King Cheng of Zhou, who said that this is the center of the world, and it is not far from here to pay tribute. So he ordered the adherents of the Yin and Shang Dynasties and the princes to jointly build the new capital. [20]
After the Duke of Zhou assisted in the administration, he began the large-scale construction of the new capital of Luoyang in Chengzhou. Luoyang, which was built under the leadership of Duke Zhou, is called "Chengzhou" or "Xinyi". It is a grand capital. According to《 Yizhou Book It is recorded in the book of Luo Xie that "the Horde is seven hundred and two zhang long, and the Fu is seven miles away. It thinks that the world is the largest", and "the mound is set up in the southern suburbs, and the big society is built in the middle of the country". The main buildings in Chengzhou City include the Imperial Ancestral Temple Ancestral Temple (Wenwang Temple), Kaogong (Wuwang Temple) Road bed Mingtang Wait for the Five Palaces.
Duke Zhou
The architectural structures of the palaces and ancestral temples in Chengzhou City are all in the form of "four Ah, anti goblin, heavy Kang, heavy Lang, Changlei, fuge, zaoshui, sheyi, lvying, painting lv". There are also different passages in the city, such as "inner steps, xuan steps, dike tang, yingmen, kutai, xuan pass" [12]
As for the process of establishing the capital city of Luoyang by the Zhou government《 Shangshu 》There is also a brief description in:
Shangshu· Call 》On the day of February in 1039 BC, King Cheng of Zhou sent Zhao Gong, the Taibao, to visit Luoyang Surveying and building the capital base, named "Xiangzhai". On March 5, when Shaogong arrived in Luoyang, he received a good omen from the "Buzhai", and then began to lay the foundation.
On March 12 of the same year, Duke Zhou came to Luoyang. On the 21st, after holding a grand sacrificial ceremony, he issued an order to build the capital city of Luoyang to the aristocrats of the Shang Dynasty and the leaders of the vassal states. Since then, the prelude to the large-scale construction of "Dayi Week" has been unveiled. [21]


Zhang Yachu Edited《 Yin Zhou Inscription Integration ·Quotations, among the bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there are nearly 100 pieces with the word "Chengzhou", and only 28 pieces with the word "Zongzhou". It can be seen that Cheng Zhou was the incomparable political center in the Western Zhou Dynasty. from King Cheng of Zhou reach King Li Zhou The collection of some inscriptions of the period is as follows:

King Cheng of Zhou Dynasty

The inscription of "He Zun" reads: "Only when Wang first moved to his residence in Chengzhou, he paid tribute to King Wu and was naked from the sky. In the third day of April, Wang Gaozong's son was in Beijing... More than his residence was in China, and more than his people were in China."
The inscriptions in Yu Yu and Yu You say, "Wang Yu was in Chengzhou, and Wang Yi (bestowed) took shells"
The "Gui" of the "Nine Cauldrons and Eight Gui" Ritual System of the Emperor Zhou
Yu Jue 》Inscription: "Only in March, the king was in Chengzhou, and the king ordered Yu Ning, Deng Bo, and Bin Bei to honor Yi as his father's family." The inscription of the Tripod of Germany: "Only in March, the king is in Chengzhou, and the king will bless Zihao, Xian, and the king will bestow twenty friends of virtue. It will be used as a treasure to honor Yi."
The inscription of "Uncle Fang Ding": "In April, the inscription of Uncle Wang Fang Ding is simple (naked), the inscription of Uncle Wang Fang Ding is simple (naked), and the inscription of Uncle Fu Fang Ding is simple, and (Fu) Cai is (in) Cheng Zhou. Xian (Fu), Wang Hu (Hu), Yin (Jue), and Uncle Yu (Yu) are (in) Shang (clothes), chariots and horses, and Bei Sanpeng Dare to use it against Wang Xiu The inscription on the square tripod of Bao Shuyi simply explains (respects) Yi. His ten thousand years were filled with Wang Guangxuan (Jue) scholars. " King Kang of Zhou
Jingfang Ding: "At the beginning of August, Ji Geng came to Chengzhou, and the moon looked at Ding Chou. Wang Cai (in the Great Room of Chengzhou) ordered Jing to say," The humble woman is a terrible person (the Baluchi priest is in Zengye). "Wang said," Jing, Yi Nu (Xiru), Qi, Shi (韍韍韍韍韍), Cai (in the Great Room of Chengzhou). "Jing (Yang), the Son of Heaven, Xiu, uses Zha's father Ding Bao (Zun), Yi."

King Zhao of Zhou

The inscription of Shi Tuan Fang Yi reads: "When the first month of the lunar calendar is good, you will become a tyrant of Ding You; when Wang Cai and Zhou Kang sleep, you will enjoy a feast; when Shi Tuan disdains the calendar, you will pay tribute to the king; when Wang Huzai and Li bestow Shi Tuan, you will receive Guiyi and Zhuan Zhangsi."
The inscription of Ling Yi: "Good (only) August, Chen Cai (in) Jiashen, Wang Ling (order) Duke Zhou Ziming (order) to protect Yin three things (four things), and accept the minister to do things October is auspicious and the Ming Dynasty is early Jiashen, a public animal in the Beijing Palace in the Ming Dynasty; Yiyou, using animals in Kanggong; Xianji uses livestock for the king. The Duke of the Ming Dynasty belongs to the king (city).

King Mu of Zhou

The inscription of "Thirteen Year (Xinghu) Pot" reads: "At the beginning of September in the 10th and 3rd year, Ji Wuyin, the king ascended the throne at Gedashi, the chief of Tubbiao Palace in Chengzhou, and his father Youxing. Wang called the book Yin Ce to bestow Xinghua Jin, Yabo, and Chixie."
The inscription of Wei Gui: "At the beginning of August, when it was auspicious and Dinghai, the king's guest was in the Kang Palace, Rong Bo blessed the guard and stood there immediately. The king added his life to the guard, □ Chi Xuan, Li Le."
The inscription of "Assistant Teacher Gui" reads: "After King Jia Yi was born in September, Wang Cai ascended the throne in Zhoukang Palace, and won the throne to help the assistant teacher. Wang Huzha's book Yin Ce's life was called" Zukao Si Fu ", which said:" What a gift to you for five days, namely, Xuan Yi, Ru Heng, Luan, and so on. "
The inscription of Yang Gui: "King Jia was born in September into a tyrant named Gengyin, Wang Cai was born in Zhoukang Palace, Dan, Wang's main rooms, ascended the throne, Situ Danbai entered Youyang, Wang Hu's internal history, Shi Ao Book, appointed Yang, Wang Ruo said," Yang, work as a foreman, measure farmland rent, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, get a position, give you a

King of the Zhou Dynasty

The inscription of "Watching Gui" reads: "In the early June of the 10th and 3rd year of Hao Wang, the new palace of Zhoukang Palace was built by Wang Cai. On the first day, the main rooms of Wang were enthroned. Zai Gui's father looked forward to the entrance of the Lizhong Court, facing north. Wang called the annals of history to look forward to: 'Si Bi Wang's family, give you chijiu, luan, and use things.'"
The inscription of "Shishan Plate" reads: "In September of the 10th and 6th year of the reign of King Jiashen, Wang Caizhou was born in the new palace, and all the major rooms of the king were enthroned. Shishan was introduced, the central court was established, and the north was facing. Wang called to be the book Yin. He called Mingshan Mountain, saying: when entering the □ marquis, go out of the □, 蠚, Jing, □, and get big clothes, wear shoes, and wear six kinds of clothes. □ marquis, 蠚, □ bridesmaids, and gold."
The inscription of "Xiupan" reads: "When the first month of the 20th year saw Jia Xu, Wang Cai and Zhou Kang Palace, on the first day, all the rooms of Wang Cai, ascended the throne, Yi Gongyou walked Ma Xiu, entered the country, set up the central court, and headed north, Wang called the book Yin Lici Xiu: Xuan Yi Zhaichun, Chi Heng, Zhu Heng, Ge Gui □, Tong Su, Hou Gui, Luan Banner."
The inscription of Yi Gui: "In the first month of the 20th and 7th year of the reign of King Hao, when he was looking at Ding Hai, Wang Cai, Zhou Kang Palace, ascended the throne on the first day, and Wang Gemu Mansion, Shen Ji joined the throne in Iraq, set up the central court, and headed north. Wang called on Yin Feng to appoint Yi: □ Court officials and concubines of the Kanggong Palace, Baigong, and gave you chiju, Youheng, Luan Banner, and Guile to use."

King Yi of Zhou

The Tripod: "In June of the first year, when you were looking at Yihai, Wang Cai, King Mu of Zhou Dynasty, said," Wang Ruo ordered you to be the chief diviner of Zukao's divination, and to give you red wine, mouth and employment. Wang Cai and Uncle Jing gave you red gold. "

King Xiao of Zhou

The inscription of Shen Gui Gai reads: "At the beginning of the first lunar month, the auspicious Ding Mao, Wang Cai, Zhou Kang Palace, all the major rooms, ascended the throne, Yi Gong entered Youshen, [set up] the central court, and the king ordered Yin Ce to appoint Shen. It is also Zu Kao Xu who wishes the court to be rich in people and Jiu □ Zhu, and gives you Chichu, Yingheng, Luan Qi, and use things."
The inscription in the Gui of Chu: "At the beginning of the first lunar month, when the auspicious sea was in the middle of the month, the kings were all in the Kang Palace. Zhong Gui's father entered the right Chu State and set up the central court. The Yin family, the internal historian, ordered Chu Chi Ju and Luan Qi to take the five branches, Si Ju Hall and Nei Shizhou."
The inscription in "Songding, Pot and Gui" reads: "After three years and May, when you died in Jiaxu, the king was able to occupy the Kangzhao Palace in Zhou Dynasty. On the first day, the king's chambers were enthroned. Zhai Yinyou entered the country and set up the central court. The Yin family gave the king a life order, and the king called Shi Guosheng to write a life order. Wang said:" Songs, order your court to be stored in Zhou Dynasty, and the supervisor created a new palace for storage. Give you black clothes with pure clothes, red silk, Zhu Heng, Luan Banner, and Liu Le. Use things. Praise the chief inspector. The order book should be worn to get out and return to accept the emperor. "

King Yi of Zhou Dynasty

The inscription of the Bell for Meeting the Marquis at Work: "At the beginning of February, the good fortune of the first month of the year, the king returns from Chengzhou, and the marquis at work leaves the king at Zhou. Xin Wei, the king is in Kang, Rong Bo goes to you to meet the marquis at work, and gives Tonggongyi, Tongyabai, Ma..." The inscription of the Jigui: "At the beginning of March, Wang Caikang, the official, and all the big rooms are determined to be white. Wang called: 'Order you to be naked, Zhu Heng, Xuan Yi, Lianchun, Luan Banner'. Says: 'Si Xuan palace people, □ □, use things.' "
The inscription of Kang Ding reads: "Only in the beginning of March, when Ji Jiaxu arrived in Jijia, Wang Caikang Palace, Rongbo entered Youkang, and Wang ordered the Corpse Department to take charge of the king's family, and you were ordered to stand in seclusion."
The inscription of the Gui in October reads: "In October and January, the king lived in the Chengzhou Temple, and the Duke Wu went to Yougui and told him to arrest Yubai. The news was □, and Wang Meigui was appointed by the Yin family to teach Gui: Gui, Zan, Bei fifty friends, and granted the field to the fifty fields of technology, fifty fields earlier."

King Li of Zhou

The inscription of "Shi Dui Gui in the first year" reads: "Ji Jiayin, Wang Caizhou, all Kang temples, ascended the throne at the beginning of May in the first year, and joined Zhong Youshi to establish the central court. Wang Huneishi, Yin Ce, appointed Shi Dui: Xu Shihe, the father of Xu Shihe, left and right, and Wu Yi, five horses, and gave you a scarf, five weights, and red shoes."
The inscription in the Gui of the [half nose]: "At the beginning of the first month of the second year, when it was auspicious, the king was in Zhouzhao Palace, Ding Hai, and the king was in Xuanxie, Maobai was introduced, and the central court was set up to bless the [half nose]. The king called the internal history books for the [half nose], and the king said: [half nose]. In the past, the king had ordered you to make the city, □ Wuyi Zhu, and now only Shen □ was destined to give you the red jade, Jiu Heng, Luan flag, and use things."
The inscription of "Shi Dui Gui in the first year" reads:
The inscription of the [Zouma] Ding reads: "In Xinmao in April of ten or nine years ago, Wang Cai and Zhou Kangzhao Palace, each in the big room, ascended the throne, and Zai Xunyou [Zouma] entered the palace, established the central court, and headed north. Shi Zhou gave Wang Ming shu, and Wang Hu, the internal historian, gave □ Xuan Yi, Chunlin, Chi Xuan, Zhu Heng, Luan Qi, and Li Le to use things."
The inscription of the "Guipan" reads: "In May of the 20th and 8th year, the king looked at Gengyin, and the king was in the Zhoukangmu Palace. On the first day, the king's main rooms were enthroned. Zai Jueyou entered the gate, established the central court, and headed north. Shi Ye granted Wang Mingshu. Wang called on Shi Ju to bestow: Xuan Yi with pure clothes, Chi Ju, Zhu Heng, Luan Qi, Liu Le. Ge Ju □, Hou Ju, Tong Su."
The inscription of Laiding in the second year of the reign of Lai: "Lai Yi Mao was born in May of the second year, and Wang Cai was born in Zhoukang Palace, Mu Palace. Dan, the main rooms of Wang, ascended the throne, and the chief engineer was free to protect Wu Lai. He entered the country, established the central court, and headed north. Yin's family gave the king a book. Wang called the history book Lai, and Wang Ruo said, 'Lai,...... Ru Chang Yi You, Tian Yu 30 Tian, and Tian Yu 20 Tian.
The inscription of "Three Year Fast Tripod" reads: "It was born in June of the third year, and Wang Cai was born in Dinghai. Wang Cai was in Zhoukang Palace and Mu Palace. Once, Wang Gezhou Temple ascended the throne, Sima Shouyou Wu Lai, entered the gate, established the central court, headed north, and Shi Xuan gave the king a letter of destiny. Wang called Yin's family and Wang Ruo said, 'Lai,... I ordered you to exchange your goods with Yu Lin in the four directions, and use the palace as the royal. Today, the only thing I can do is to pass the imperial examination of the ancestors. There was a man in the state of Zhou who claimed his life... 'The king said,' Lai, I will give you a gift of Yi You, Xuan Gun Yi, Xi Xi, Ju Che, Ben Jiao, Zhu Guo, Hu Fu Xun Li, Hua Hua, Jin Yong, Ma Si, Liu Le, and respect Su Xi Fu and abolish my life. ' Lai pays homage to the chief inspector, receives books, wears them to show off, and opposes Jin Gui. "
The inscription of the Southern Palace Liu Ding reads: "Only at the beginning of May, when Ji Jiayin, Wang Zaikang Temple, Wu Gongyou, the Southern Palace Liu, set up the central court and headed north. Wang Huzuo, the book Yin, ordered Liu: a big friend of the Si Liushi ranch, a tenant of the Si Xiyi ranch, and granted you chijiu, Youheng, Youhu."
The inscription of "Li You Congding Ding" reads: "At the beginning of March of the 30th and the second year, Wang Cai (in the Grand Room) of the Kanggong Palace of Zhou Dynasty) reported to the king that she (you) would find my field, and the shepherd could promise."

Capital structure

According to《 Yizhou Book ·According to Luo Xie, the city of Luoyang in Chengzhou was "seven hundred and twenty zhang long, and the Fu (Outer City) was seventy li long. It was located in Luoshui to the south and Jiashan (North Mangshan) to the north, so it thought the world was great". It can be seen that the range of circumference is not small. After many archaeological excavations, a larger scale site of Dongzhou City was found outside the above-mentioned Seoul. In the south of the city, there is a heavily rammed earth platform of the enclosing wall. A large number of plate tiles, tube tiles and ceramic water pipes, as well as various forms of taotie pattern and cloud thunder pattern tiles, have been unearthed, which is the location of the King Zhou's Palace and the King Zhou's Temple. In the north of Chengzhoudu, there are large kilns and workshops for bone and stone tools.
According to textual research, Chengzhou Palace City covers an area of about 1.56 square kilometers, and Guocheng City covers an area of about 12.45 square kilometers. It crosses both banks of Chanhe River, and the southwest corner is under the old city of Luoyang.
According to Zhou Li· Work Examination Record 》The City of King Cheng Zhou contained: "The craftsmen run the country for nine miles, with three gates beside it. The middle of the country is nine longitude and nine latitude, with nine tracks painted. ZuZuYouShe faces the back of the city." It shows that the plane of the city is a square with symmetrical layout, and the city is divided into nine equal districts by the vertical and horizontal roads that can accommodate nine cars in parallel through the city gates. The palace is in the middle, with the ancestral temple on the left and the country on the right in front of it. The king of Zhou faces the south and faces the north. The above layout reflects the monarchical ideology of "the king in the middle", "the number of nine" and other strict and symmetrical planning principles, which have a great impact on the construction of the imperial capital of later feudal dynasties [10]

Patriarchal temple system

It was built during the reign of King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty and in the fifth year of King Cheng the ancestral shrine There are also "Kang Palace", "Jing Palace", "Hua Palace" and other palaces. Yizhou Book ·The Luo said: "It is located in the five palaces, the imperial palace, the imperial palace, the imperial examination palace, the road bed, and the Ming Hall." Kong Chao Note: "The five palaces are the official temples. The Tai Temple, the Houji Temple. The two palaces are the Zukao Temple and the Kao Temple."
The words "Chengzhou" and "China" in He Zunming's text
It can be seen from the unearthed inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty that there are "Jinggong" and“ Kanggong ”Two Zhou King's ancestral temple systems, "Jinggong" sacrifice King Tai of Zhou Since then, all kings before King Kang, "Kang Palace" offered sacrifices to all kings below King Kang. During the reign of King Xuan, the "Kang Palace" included the temples of five kings, namely Kang, Zhao (with the inscription of Shao), Mu, Yi (with the inscription of or), and Li (with the inscription of thorn). [22]
The inscription of the enemy's Gui in the era of the King of Yi said: "Only the king was ten and one months old, and the king's personality was in the Imperial Temple of Chengzhou, and the Duke of Wu was right to tell the birds that they were going to be captured."
The inscriptions on Gui prove that the imperial temple of the Western Zhou Dynasty was built in Chengzhou.
The inscription of He Zun in the reign of King Cheng said: "Only when the king first moved to his residence in Chengzhou, Wang Feng (Wu), Fumubin (Wu), and Wang Feng (Li), blessed the day. In the third day of April, Wang Bian (Gao) was smaller than the imperial family."
The inscription of Ling Yi in the reign of King Kang said: "Only in August, when Jiashen was in, the king ordered the Duke of Zhou Mingbao Yin to do three things and be investigated by the ministers. Ding Hai ordered the Duke of Zhou to make a report to the Duke of Zhou's Palace. The Duke ordered the same thing. Only in early October, when the auspicious day came to the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the Ming Dynasty came to the end of the week, he ordered the three things to be investigated by the ministers, the Yin, the Li Jun, the Bai Gong, and the Marquis of the dukes. Both Xianming and Jiashen ordered public animals to live in Beijing Palace. Yiyou is used as livestock in Kanggong. Xianji uses livestock for the king. The Duke of the Ming Dynasty belongs to the king. "
Er Ya · Shi Gong says: "The palace is the room, and the room is the palace." The "Jing Shi" of He Zun's inscription is the "Jing Gong" of Yi's inscription. Erya · Shigong says: "There are temples in the east and west of the room, and rooms in the east and west of the room." Tao · Daya · Xiawu says: "In Xiawu and Weizhou, there is a philosopher king. The three queens are in the sky, and the king is in Beijing." Xiawu is a work in the era of King Cheng, and the three queens who were in the "Beijing Palace" in the era of King Cheng are Tai Wang, Wang Ji, and Wen Wang. Since "Jinggong" is an imperial temple, "Kanggong" should also be a temple. The "Chengzhou Temple" in the Gui inscription should refer to "Jinggong". [23]

History examination

Scholars of all dynasties have also discussed the origin of the name of Cheng Zhou. Such as《 Spring and Autumn Annals Commentary by Gongyang Gao ·Introduction to the Sixteenth Year of Xuangong Zheng Xuan Said: "After seven years of being photographed, the world was at peace and this city was built. It was called Chengzhou." Also, it was related to the "success" of Cheng Wang and that of Chengzhou, such as《 Call 》Zhongyun: "The end of the king (eventually) has a destiny, and Wang Yixian"; "The reason why Chengzhou was called 'Cheng' is that it completed 'Cheng Ming' and achieved 'success', and became the unified capital of the Zhou Dynasty." (Yang Kuan: History of the Western Zhou Dynasty) In fact, the name of Chengzhou is relative to the name of Zongzhou, and Chengzhou is the synonym of Luoyang; Zongzhou is the name of the Western Capital, Haojing. The successful Zhou Dynasty is the beginning of the great cause of Zhou's unification; Zhou Clan is the source of Zhou Clan. [24]
The name of Cheng Zhou was first seen in the inscription of He Zun, which was unearthed in 1965. [4] The inscription consists of 12 lines and 122 words, recording King Wu of Zhou Keshanghe King Cheng of Zhou Respect King Wu's will Duke Zhou The historical facts of the construction of the capital city Chengzhou include: "Wang Haochu moved to his residence in Chengzhou and reported to Wang Fengfu from heaven. In the third day of April, Wang Gaozong's son was in the imperial family, saying: King Siwen was ordered by this order to conquer the merchants of Dayi, so the court took the lead Aziz China Since then, I have been ruling the people... and living in the Five Sacrifices of the King. " [25-26] The main idea of this passage is that King Cheng offered a blessing sacrifice to King Wu in order to build the new capital of Chengzhou. On the day of Bingxu in April, King Cheng called Zong Xiaozi to admonish him:... Zong Xiaozi's father Gongshi followed King Wen, who was given a great mandate by heaven to rule the world. After wiping out Dayi Shang, King Wu told Yu Tian: "I will take this place as the center ---" China "as the capital, and rule the people here.

archaeological excavation

Since the 1950s, archaeologists have found that Site of the King City of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , and find the three corners of the rammed earth wall. The well preserved north city wall of Chengzhou, 2890 meters long, has moat ruins. According to expert analysis, the city wall was built about Zhou Dynasty Before the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, there were many repairs from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties. The building site was found in the south central part of the city. In addition, pottery kilns, bone ware workshops, roads, water pipes and other relics were also found in the city. Eastern Zhou tombs are distributed in the central part of the city and other places. In the area of Chengzhou City during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Jincun Village in the central city of Luoyang today, large tombs were found, and precious artifacts were unearthed, which proved that the city of Luoyang in Chengzhou was across Channeling water The capital of Zhou Dynasty built on both sides of the river.